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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.86 MB, 2592x1329, abusefetish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6967226 No.6967226 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel on artists who "abuse" their characters? Is it a fetish? Some kind of subconscious drive to make cute things feel "justice" due to your perceived slights in life?

I've been accused of treating a character of mine similar to the picrel artists and now I'm worried about the perception of me whenever I put her in the occasional unfortunate situation, my own reasoning is that I feel like those situations are much more interesting to see a character in than just a happy pinup where nothing happens.

>> No.6967227

And for clarification, I mean strictly in a SFW setting, abuse of OCs is pretty obvious when it's in porn.

>> No.6967232

It makes the cute character or victim more sympathetic. A woobie in TV tropes terms. And yes, it tends to be more interesting.

>> No.6967233

I realize I didn't answer your question on how I feel about the artists that make it. If it's frequently it comes off as weird and obsessive about a serious subject matter. It's like a fetish artist except what they're drawing isn't a fetish seemingly.
If it's the only thing you're making, you're definitely going to come off as weird to say the least.

>> No.6967238

Just makes me think of emo art from 2005 or tumblr girls who draw hello kitty gore. I'm too old for this kind of thing, I'm indifferent at best. Would never befriend someone who draws this stuff exclusively, because they're guaranteed to have unresolved issues that are not my problem.

>> No.6967241

Just an uneducated guess, but it could be related to the feeling you get when something's too cute and you get the urge to squeeze it till it's dead, i.e. cute aggression.
I don't really think of it as something fetishistic, just something that encompasses/accompanies that character, their shtick.
I wouldn't really worry about being perceived as a fanatic for what you're doing, as there'll always be people that will call you a goatfucker if you were to draw a sheep.

>> No.6967249
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There are many factors but the single biggest factor is simply the fact that it gathers attention.
That's it

The blind girl artist holds her hostage saying he will never make a happy scene unless commissioned. Not sure if he backed away from those words but whatever. I don't really care.

Drama is fun for a moment or two but you can only tug the heartstrings for so long before it gets tiring.

>> No.6967264

It's just as you said: it's interesting to draw and stirs up empathy and emotions

That's the beauty of art and stories, you don't necessarily need to depict positive stuff to elicit catharsis

As for people reacting negatively to that type of stuff, it's inevitable to some extent, I don't know what to tell you

>> No.6967316

you found the gem and conflict for people to keep waiting and wondering on your next iteration of the character. that's what I'd call passive marketing in the form of gossip, which is good and keeping yourself relevant. just stay consistent and keep it subtle.

>> No.6967370

Didn't we have this thread already multiple times?

It's engagement bait.
>retards are going to like-share-engage because they feel bad for the girl
>other retards are going to engage to condemn this
>other retards are going to engage to circlejerk about how they jerk off to it
>dramawhores engage for drama
It's kitsch, slop, garbage devoid of any actual meaning besides conjured to the consumeristic pleasures of the average cattle.

Ah, wait, shit, i replied on a board about the discussion of art, so i fucked up, too.
Well, OP, i am seething and jealous now, so i won't reply your next thread you will make next week.

>> No.6967461

The picture on the right makes me want to smash in all 3 cunts heads in.

>> No.6967472

there's a pretty common trope of "break the cutie" wherein you subject a cheery character to hardships to test their resolve and to showcase their tenacity in getting out of a rough spot.
it only really becomes an "issue" if it's nothing but non-stop misery and emotional abuse, because at that point it's either just bleak or depressing, which could well be what you're going for.
i don't think it necessarily has to reveal anything nasty or suspicious about the author, it just makes for good storytelling, but if it's consistently young, cute girls getting abused, it's probably from a bitter incel.

>> No.6967517

They show how it is for many people, privileged individuals with no empathy will say it's emotion-bait, but I would bet the artists experienced or witnessed something similar themselves. Some of them do just do it for the views tho

>> No.6967543
File: 1.78 MB, 4096x2328, 20231120_183424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute

>> No.6967545
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x2328, popopoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6967563

It immediately invokes empathy and you begin to connect with the characters depending if you were the abuser or abused.

>> No.6967628

I tend to separate the art from the artist and generally feel nothing about them.

>> No.6967646

I really don't understand people who complain about emotional manipulation. The purpose of ANY story or artpiece is to manipulate the viewer's emotions, the main difference being what type of emotion you're trying to elicit

Abuse stuff can steer into dull misery porn if it's not done well but it's only a matter of being a good storyteller

>> No.6967659

It'sa different story when you are doing it for attention. Comedy is fine. Horny is fine

But empathy is a serious emotion not meant to be played with. Empathy is the emotion that creates a mutual bond. Treat it like a toy and it breaks instantly. Forever.

>> No.6967666

Easy engagement farm. Lol IQ niggers can't separate fiction from reality even though they themselves are evil in real life

>> No.6967667

They are just drawings, fucking retards

>> No.6967685
File: 50 KB, 897x947, 20230812_111227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread again...?
I dont see why people would treat their own creations like that so consistently, but I believe they are in their right to do so. It's all fiction, so who cares.

What do you know, a case in which this blondie bias of mine doesnt apply. If I had to put her on a tier of my list she would be F tier... and the list only goes until D tier lol

>> No.6967793

This doesn't make any sense most work of fiction are also made for money and attention, most popular stories have bad shit happening to their characters, all stories are meant to evoke empathy for the characters

This double standard is stupid and the people who preach it don't even uphold it consistently

>> No.6967800
File: 82 KB, 323x326, 1692584808112238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laugh and the world laughs with you
Cry and you cry alone
Is that really such a difficult concept?

Everyone wanted to be with the funny guy
No one wants to be with the downer

>> No.6967801

The blonde really make you hate her, until you learn thst she was abused as well

>> No.6967811


>> No.6967815
File: 2.75 MB, 498x280, redlettermedia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this kind of shit, because it's not fun or interesting to watch a character be abused for no reason other than to be abused, it's just torture bait with no substance or goal.

It's why I stopped reading Prequel, cause I got sick and tired of nothing good happening to Katia

>> No.6967839
File: 34 KB, 717x437, 158715356972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decides to perpetuate the cycle of abuse she faced rather than breaking it
That only makes me hate her even more.

>> No.6968695

I think HamsterFragment is a good model for this sort of thing. He posts infrequently enough that it's not tiring and his style and setting are more compelling than just the straight up suffering kind. Might help that it's more self-inflicted and circumstancial too than the bullying angle. Then you have the opposite end of deliberate attention grabbing meme machines like that khyle guy. I think it can be done effectively as your schtick but it has to have a flow (start/stop/break) and even at least some points of coolness or intrigue or a message than just "oh god that's horrible". But people will inject meaning into things anyway so who knows in the end.

>> No.6968709
File: 31 KB, 744x513, Goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 100% some sort of fetish by the artists themselves. These characters and the horrible things that happen to them are devoid of any meaning. There is no progression or change. There is no development. There is no hope. They only exist to suffer and to satisfy the sick sadism of their creators.
Depicting suffering without purpose or change is on the same level as guro, ryona and other twisted and perverted "art" for me.

I always wonder what type of people these artists are in real life. A part of me pities them.

>> No.6968720
File: 499 KB, 500x333, shimon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys know what's up
>nothing bad happens to character = boring
>only bad things happen to character = sad
>bad things happen to character but they're overcome = kino
character bullying is just emotional porn, the people who like it enjoy the sympathetic feeling that comes from seeing bad things happen to good people
putting a character through a variety of positive and negative situations is just good writing, anyone who confuses the former and the later isn't thinking and just giving their knee-jerk reaction to seeing the same stimulus (good person - bad situation) without the broader context of that character's story

>> No.6968731

i mean, this idea has like a thousand variations on it. One of the most culturally influential books in my country is about a loser middle-aged man that gets tortured by the author with no way out.
Blind girl? I like it. It's just so edgy that it becomes good

>> No.6970227
File: 209 KB, 700x700, 1696679661150124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the book that you're referring to?
I was wondering who you were talking about but upon looking him up I've actually seen a few pieces of his before! I quite like it. Especially the one with the girl shooting at a setup of pots and pans designed to ricochet the bullet back at her.
I stopped reading Prequel due to the lack of updates and the WORDSWORDSWORDS that had approximately two actual things happen in several pages worth of text.
You sound like you have unresolved issues.

>> No.6970309
File: 193 KB, 494x457, 1694952420436063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f cute aggression
>1 result
Anon >>6967241 is right, but I'll elaborate on how I see it.

OP, why is it funny to dress animals in human clothes, or put them in boxes and other funny situations?

Personally, I see cute girls as cats. They have an elegance to them that goes well with all sorts of clashing combos, such as being victims of slapstick comedy, being sad, being hyped up, being ridiculous.
It's very easy to forget they're not simply mascots in real life, I had to tone down the playfulness not to push a girlfriend too far sometimes, despite the urge to soft-bully being always there.

Here's a character of mine. She's extremely confident and happy-go-lucky, and by giving her very short front bangs, I make her forehead huge and funny. But it's not funny in a merely ridiculous way, it's in an endearing way; you look at her serious, earnest face and how unfazed she is by the childish haircut, wearing it unapologetically, and it wraps around and makes the haircut very emphatic of her personality.

(To be continued.)

>> No.6970321
File: 568 KB, 1258x654, 1691264333738791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point, for story purposes, I had to give her a baby form and came up with this.
Needless to say, her forehead doubled in real state value and she looks even more serious.

What is the result? The potential contrast of putting her through unfortunate situations doubles as well, thus my urge to draw her on the cat costume just for how ridiculous it looks.
People love dressing their pets AND babies in ridiculous clothing, don't they?
To me it's some degree of cute aggression, but very mild.

Having said all that, I do think artists like the one OP posted are overdoing it.
It's harmless, it raises a lot of sympathy (and thus popularity), but it feels off that someone would constantly bully her characters without ever getting a break.
Such artists seem to enjoy not just the contrast, but the vicarious feeling of being humiliated in a controlled environment.

I'm no psychologist so I wouldn't dare giving a diagnosis, but too much cute aggression is not a good look.
And albeit I don't think this is a fetish, it is an "extreme" version of a taste in character/storytelling, just like people drawing monstertits are the extreme version of people who simply like tits. I believe everyone enjoys cute aggression to a mild degree. And why everyone sympathizes with a pug, as ugly as it is.

>> No.6970338
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, 1632766849210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sound like you have unresolved issues.
wow anon literally in my mind right now
are you feeling heckin and valid, witty even? u so smart and i am mad because i engaged

wow ur such a good argumentator and epic troll
fuck i engaged, that means i am seething anon
everyone should post more witty one liners like you
frick mang i gots epic owned on the 4chan agen
i am epic seething bros

can you believe it? One epic anon wrote one line of text and fucking btfo me to epic infinity and beyond
i mean, fuck bros, look how much i'm writing, he gonna btfo me again by saying "too much texto"
he btfo me again

btw i am trans and i like loli

>> No.6971454
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 1588420401417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self report

>> No.6971546

>not to push a girlfriend too far
lol this ugly autistic mentally ill involuntary celibate retard thinks we are going to believe he has ever had a girlfriend (other than the tulpa from his imagination) with the autistic way he types
>inb4 he starts frantically defending himself

>> No.6971558

ew your art is so fucking ugly its like those fuck ugly american cartoons that are maximally fucking ugly on purpose

>> No.6971570
File: 2.17 MB, 4000x3000, 20230725_083709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This started as a pencil grinding sketch, made to relearn drawing in pencil again, and at the Design Magical Stuff stage,a story insinuated itself around the portrait. The dynamic between the two characters would be hysterical to those who were familiar with them through reading the Snowglobe story, all 180 pages of it so far. If what you subject your characters to disturbs you,give them a happy ending to compensate. Ahyh8k