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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 565 KB, 864x1004, Screenshot_20231205-182301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6965896 No.6965896 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to look for appeal in popular drawings, and here's an example. Personally, do you think this is an appealing drawing, and if so, what is it specifically that appealed to you ?

>> No.6965908

This is somewhat appealing in my opinion, nice colors, shapes and the faces are nice...
...although it admittedly gets worse the closer you look at it, because there are some details here and there that dont look that good once you take a closer look, which also takes away some of the appeal you see at first glance.

>what is it specifically that appealed to you ?
Honestly, gesture, hands and faces are the first elements I review when I find something appealing, because they are the ones where appeal has the most impact in, we as humans are psychological drawn to them.

>> No.6965926

dogwhistle to avoid admitting you're selling porn

>> No.6965944

Yeah it's blatantly porn oriented, but I can still learn home security from a burglar

>> No.6966043

exagerated thighs are appealing, the characters themselves are well known and liked and its playing of an official promo campaign (Street Fugter, SpyxFamily crossover)

>> No.6966054

Now think in lens of a consumer/non-artist. Artist are more draw in those aspects, I feel the same way you do as well, but your goal is to appeal to non-artist, not artist

>> No.6966063

You're looking in the wrong places.

>> No.6966255

what the hell

>> No.6967290

it's a word that has a general meaning but has taken on a new meaning among anime twitter artists to mean entertaining to their anime-addled brain.

>> No.6967294

I used to know "appeal", but then they changed what "appeal" was. Now what was appealing isn’t "appealing" anymore and what’s "appealing" seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!

>> No.6967301

>outfit swap
>two popular female characters, the day after official material showing them together dropped
>you can tell their expression and body language easily
>readable and appealing shapes
>happy and friendly atmosphere

anatomy issues aside, the only thing that actively detracts is yor's vacant crazy eyes. also chun li's mouth, but that's not as big a deal

>> No.6967400

>Draw 2 FoTM waifus together
>Have them swap outfit
Why don't you start doing the same anon?

>> No.6967403

chun li is not fotm

>> No.6967408


>> No.6967433


>> No.6967524
File: 565 KB, 750x735, 1674039694745576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To really understand appeal, you have to think like an average person or to look at what's popular and emulate that. People like familiarity or parodies of stuff they like. OP's lies in familiarity. Mind you none of this appeal stuff is really skill dependent, it helps but it doesn't guarantee immediate success. Think of it like this. Look at Bill Gates. That man was a genius because he managed to get billions of retards to buy his foolproof hardware.
Look at One Piece, Oda has had that running for 2+ decades and mouthbreathers still eat up that repetitive drivel to this day.
A successful creator knows how to exploit the masses.
People like simplicity and familiarity so find some way to play into that.

>> No.6967526

This board is fucking lost, man. You had to explain this basic thing to the op but he won't get it. People here have no concept of being human. They're asking questions an alien trying to pass as a human would ask. DURR HOW DO I APPEAL?

They think that people drawing boobs are asexual grey blobs faking it purely for twitter clout, they can't fathom why someone would like a cute innocent picture of two characters standing beside each other right after a huge promotion crossing the two IPs together. This is what happens when you give up all emotion as a cope for being a shutin on 4chan. You think you can logic your way out of everything, that you can learn to draw if you just grind 10,000 boxes like its a video game.

They forgot the point of art was to create emotions in others using your own emotions. That's what appeal is. They don't put any emotion into their art but want people to feel something anyways.

>> No.6967531

Appeal is something inherent to the artist, something they're born with which imparts all of their drawings with something which pulls in viewers. Note that appeal is independent from skill -- an unskilled artist can have huge appeal ability, and a highly skilled artist can have very little appeal. If you're lucky enough to have been born with an inclination to make appealing art, studying fundamentals is really optional (though yes, studying them will probably boost your art to greater heights), but if you were cursed with a lack of appeal, then you're really going to have to bust your ass to have a hope of making it. No amount of study can overcome an innate lack of appeal, but you can at least reach a level where people might acknowledge your technical proficiency, even if they don't really enjoy looking at your art in a personal sense.

>> No.6967536

Tbh most of the time I want people to feel utterly confused when they look at my drawings

>> No.6967539

That's appeal. You can draw horrifying and scary things, that's appeal too. The worst is drawing something that elicits no feeling at all.

>> No.6967554
File: 79 KB, 600x681, merry_pipe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now think in lens of a consumer/non-artist.
>Artist are more draw in those aspects
I see where your idea comes from, but you're incorrect on this one.
I reiterate, hands and eyes are the first thing we, as humans, are drawn towards by instinct, it's where we identify humanity and gesture, it's psychological and it's present in all of us as many other reptilian behaviors.

Hands and eyes are not elements that only artists are drawn towards because we are already drawn towards them as viewers. There's nothing that our "artistic eye" can scope that our "human eye" hasnt scoped already; because before being artists, we are viewers, never the other way round.

>> No.6967557

i really really don't like the implication of how freakishly long chun's legs must be in this

>> No.6967559

>hands and eyes are the first thing we, as humans, are drawn towards by instinct
for me, it’s the tits

>> No.6967561
File: 2.87 MB, 2887x2876, 91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one that's been languishing at the sketch stage because I can't decide on the colors

>> No.6967689
File: 286 KB, 609x794, lois___family_guy_by_necronocimon_d2q4ky6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where's the appeal
I don't know man.

>> No.6967691
File: 1.15 MB, 2406x2958, 1503896291600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't know.

>> No.6967694
File: 519 KB, 2016x3988, Lady Dimitrescu by Bamboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mystery.

>> No.6967697

What the fuck are you talking about ?

>> No.6967705

>I'm trying to look for appeal
You'll never find it because what's "appealing" depends on the target audience tastes. A piece of furry art that appeals to furries is unappealing to general audiences and vice-versa is also true.

>> No.6967710

Do you think it's really something people are born with, or something that artists refine over time based on the target audience's reception

>> No.6967711

>6 fingers

>> No.6967713

Hexadactyly appeals to the reptilian brain

>> No.6967745
File: 119 KB, 1122x1220, dragon lady 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me. What am I talking about, Anon?

>> No.6967772

Appealing points
>using proven high appeal characters
>stylized artstyle with simplified anatomy and detail
>strong poses with good silhouettes, easy to read
>colors that are faded enough to go with the white background, but colorful enough to draw the eye
>sexually alluring outfits and body types (sex appeal is appeal)

>> No.6967774

>how do you quantify appeal?
with likes, follows, comments

>> No.6967789

So basically it boils down to drawing punchy, stylized, sexualized fotm

>> No.6967808

I don't think appeal is actually an internal thing. Even its non-verb definition states it as something that requires another person. Appeal requires that you know what your audience desires/enjoys. It's not something that will formulate itself in your mind on it's own, you'll likely have to do some people watching to truly understand it.

>> No.6967812

it's not appealing it's just a half decent drawing two popular IPs
there's no science to it

>> No.6967836

The guy has 40k followers, clearly his art is appealing enough to get that many followers. Get better taste, fag

>> No.6967838

>Do you think it's really something people are born with, or something that artists refine over time based on the target audience's reception
It's actually both, just think about it.
Pretend you're born a giga normie that likes Minions, TikTok and all that garbage and you see it all the time, then suddenly you decide to become an artist and create content for other normies, guess what? You'll be appealing to them because your tastes overlap with theirs.
On the other hand you could be a massive schizo autismo like me that have no idea what is trending or what normies like right now therefore I'll never be able to create mainstream, appealing content, it's not something natural to me just like faggots and feminists don't really understand how a straight man mind works so they can't be that good at creating sexy content aimed at them.
My only hope is to cater to niche audiences with similar tastes to me since "researching" normie tastes is a pointless endeavor and I'll never be as good as a turbo normie that was born a normie and like slop like Demon Slayer or Rick and Morty.

>> No.6967845

you mean "qualify" right? because quantify just means the engagement it is getting right now.

>> No.6967851

I think good character design+strong posing+stylized art is a winning formula for appeal. Not the only winning formula, and sex appeal or fotm definitely doesn't hurt either. But I wouldn't call this particular piece fotm, Spy x Family has been around for a while now and Chun-Li has been around for decades.

>> No.6967856

Cardi B has 30+ million
your point?

I'm not shitting on that strategy, it's a good way to grow your account. But let's not pretend that's good artwork, it's mediocre at best.

>> No.6967879

>Get better taste
>Align your tastes with the lowest common denominator tastes!
Are you guys twitter tourists? reddit? tumblr? go back.

>> No.6967891

Red board faggot, if you don’t like it then get the fuck out my board.
People say the same thing too when others complained why drinking piss or eating shit isn’t popular enough

>> No.6967907

apparently, the board has had an influx of newfags given the recent posts or it's the usual trannies just shitposting

>> No.6967926

there's more than 40K people on the planet that love to eat shit and piss, you know

something having numbers doesn't equate with it being good, it equates with there being a market for it
there's a market for mediocre drawings of popular characters in sexy outfits/stylized anatomy, and I'm sorry to tell you but that doesn't make the drawing objectively good

>> No.6967937

max appeal

>> No.6968294

these are fuicking trash

>> No.6968339

>Align your tastes with the lowest common denominator tastes!
I don't disagree with the core of your argument, but I do disagree with the dismissal of the watch/engagement count of so-and-so artists because they draw sexual images. For every one such artist who has 75k+ followers, gets 2k minimum likes per submission, and have commission waiting lists which fill up in minutes, there's hundreds (thousands) of other artists who draw similar content with similar or maybe even better technical skill, but who struggle to break 1k followers, get maybe a hundred or so likes per submission, and embarrass themselves by begging to sell dirt cheap commissions. The difference is appeal, and no, I don't mean just the raw content of the drawing or the technical skill, but the unique, in-born artistic energy which an artist brings to all of their work by default. People see something and can't help themselves but follow, while they see a similar content, similar quality piece by another artist, and at best think "oh that's nice" and then give no like, give no follow, because the artist's wasn't born with natural appeal.

>> No.6968341

haha wow almost took that retard seriously for a second, makes it harder to tell when he doesn't start off with his autistic drivel in the first sentence of the post ngl

>> No.6968368

yeah, agreed. I'd say it is middling appeal. Ok first read but as soon as you start exploring the drawing a little bit, the forms are pretty raw

>> No.6968401

You guys like to talk about inborn appeal but you forget that charisma (of the artist, not just the art) is also a thing. In your example you mention that a similar artist have less engagement, so let's pretend the more popular artist isn't cheating by using bots, buying followers and other bullshit like that, and they're 100% legit.
Let's say they're Shadman, this guy is terrible artist but he still have hundreds of thousands of followers, his copycats have 1/100 of his fans.
Shad art, tho garbage, is still appealing to his fans regardless of technical skill, and why is that? It's a mix of his charisma (edgelords are appealing to male teens) and his subject matters are controversial, so it's basically his Ideas that are popular, not really his art.
An older but similar case would be Robert Crumb, his art is dogshit, and it's bad even in the 60s yet he's an icon, not because of art prowess, but because of his ideas and how controversial they're.
It's not just art appeal or even art skill that gets you popular, but also your ideas and charisma.

>> No.6968407

>it's basically his Ideas that are popular, not really his art.
His copycats can copy his art but not his ideas.

>> No.6968410

This really isn't disproving anything, if anything you're still attributing popularity to inborn aspects of the artists which present in the way the artist draws, which are removed from raw technical skill.
Also, Robert Crumb's art is far from dogshit, even in a technical sense. You may not care for the style, sure, but as far as cartooning goes it's quite good.

>> No.6968413

>It's not just art appeal or even art skill that gets you popular, but also your ideas and charisma
I almost forgot to say it but business and marketing skills are far more important.
>Be Walt Disney
>Terrible Comic Strip Artist
>Terrible Animator
>Great Entrepreneur
>Becomes Zillionaire

>> No.6968419

>you're still attributing popularity to inborn aspects of the artists
Charisma is not just something that you're born with not matter how much people say otherwise, you can learn to be more charismatic aka put on a persona that people like, Stan Lee have charisma but the Stan Lee we all know and love is a character not really who he really is.
It's the same for Walt Disney, just a character.
They're basically actors.
>Robert Crumb's art is far from dogshit
See? It's obvious that you don't get appeal at all.

>> No.6968433

The problem is you are (again) conflating appeal with drawing skill. He was blessed with artistic appeal, plus his technical drawing ability is good. But I'm sure you're somebody who thinks that Japanese cartoons are the epitome of technical skill when it comes to cartooning.

>> No.6968444

>that mid tier image has 15k likes
Twitter is a fucking joke.

>> No.6968454

This is so fucking garbage it hurts to look at it. Westerners just can't art for shit

>> No.6968466

Funny you say that, when your favorite moonrune artist actually like western art, but your retarded /beg/ self wouldn’t know that.

>> No.6968479

>WIP sketch
>cross over of big thing right now
>has 40k followers

you guys are so dumb sometimes

>> No.6968561
File: 164 KB, 463x453, 1615067937037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sketch that took 20 minutes gets 15k likes
>Garbage line art, flat colors with no shading
I hate this clown world

>> No.6968568
File: 87 KB, 615x343, 1693718173921609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quantifying the quality of art by the number of likes
The clown is you.

>> No.6968569
File: 587 KB, 680x671, 77631187363667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westerners can't draw anything appealing to save their lives. I bet your permabeg westoid style looks like pic related.

>> No.6968573

>the faces are nice...
This board is doomed to stay in the shitter for life

>> No.6968587

Cope you faggot weeb
Can’t draw anything appealing, yet this guy is followed by many of the anime artist you love so much, so cope you perma/beg/ weeb shitter

>> No.6968609
File: 24 KB, 442x415, IMG_5413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pwy westcuck, show us how appealing you are.

>> No.6968616

Kek, shit skin mad that his favorite anime artist like western art and not your scribbles. If western art isn’t appealing, lead by example on what is, now pyw you retarded weeb.