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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.04 MB, 3826x4096, 20231130_182302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6959521 No.6959521 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not exactly a full blown beginner, how much time would you give me now before I eventually reach an higher enough level (average mangaka/skilled and popular social media artist) judging from my current artwork?
What I want to improve for now is manga-style inked character drawings and NSFW art, with enough detail and draftmanship behind (one thing I dislike about my art is that it's too simplistic and even symbol-like at times), and I've been slowing working toward it those days despite being able to only draw around 1 hour or less due to attending a job course. Note that I'm not referring to how to study fundamentals and the likes since I know I'll need to start studying them religiously, I'm just looking for tips, thoughts and harsh critique.

My long term plan is first making a name for myself online as an artist, then release the first chapter of my first actual attempt at a comic (as in serialized and in chapters, not funny single pages with 4 panels) between 2025 and 2027. I value both good illustrations and good storytelling, but I'm lacking too much for my standard with the former and just started studying the latter very recently.

For now, the artists I've referenced for my style enough to actually call them influences are Hiroyuki Takei, Philippe Druillet and Kazuki Takahashi.
In regards to furry shit, I especially like Gaku (@quququl_) and Kokimantarou for lineart and form reasons.
I was also a fan of CaptAnaugi some years ago, but now I'm better off aiming for higher (not to say the dude's bad btw).
I'd say I'm only starting to get an idea of what I want to draw like pretty recently, and even then my technical skills don't match to even what I perceive as decently but still averagely skilled by art standards (as in, outside the standards of this board)

>> No.6959527
File: 670 KB, 1200x1106, 1664221367830868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6959528
File: 1.29 MB, 3584x4096, 20231201_092241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, posting more of my work so you can get a general idea. I've pretty much only drawn on and off for the last 3 years (despite telling myself to "I'll take it seriously now I swear" and then stopping after a week and getting back to old habits) and feel like I've built plenty of bad habits that are stuck within me.
In fact, I'd say disciple is the thing I lacked the most, especially back then when I was even more immature than I am now.

>> No.6959531
File: 1.01 MB, 2836x3310, 20231201_092246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than that, I also realized that composition and energy is something I'm legitimately poor at as well.
I do know that my art could get pretty unique and interesting as soon as I keep evolving it and start study technical aspects often and everyday, but the amount of technical aspects I'll have to grind before getting a satisfying result to my eyes is not small at all.
Any other drawers sharing my pain?

>> No.6959532


>> No.6959534

Yeah, I want to actually have a serious discourse this time without ending up in memes and crabbing though.
Especially considering thst a few pros and advanced artists do lurk here and there.

>> No.6960138

let’s wait and see

>> No.6960149

>I'm not exactly a full blown beginner
Yes, you are and until you learn humility you are not going to improve.

>> No.6960151

I like you Gabe

>> No.6960156

Fuck off, Gabe. It's not a meme. We really want you gone forever.

>> No.6960164

Gabe stop being an attention-whore, it's not a good thing!

>> No.6960216

bitch ass Gabe the schlub

>> No.6960324


>> No.6960339

fuck off gabe

>> No.6960381
File: 28 KB, 303x340, Screenshot_20231119_000929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will grow as an artist when you stop admiring soulless inbred Japanese artists! Observe reality, observe yourself. That's all you need.

Replicating 'parodic' traditions only delays your self-understanding. The true expression is holistic, there are no 'styles'...

>> No.6960384

scrotal mentality

>> No.6960521


>> No.6960625

if something like peppa pig and dora the explorer could become popular, your current art skill is beyond overqualified to make a comic with. If the artist of whomp! could have some success with his art skill so can you if you can craft some funny stories, your skills looks a bit above his.

>> No.6960702


>> No.6960727

go and take a look at his comic yourself, can you say with a straight face that this looks professional?

if this was enough for him to gain an audience, then your art is more then enough.

>> No.6960772

and muh NGMI????

>> No.6960934

Try you luck, make a Web comic and see how it goes.

>> No.6961026

>I want to actually have a serious discourse this time
>Especially considering thst a few pros and advanced artists do lurk here and there.
You ignore my advice every single time I give it. I'm not reading your fucking wall of tears yet again just because THIS time you want to have a "serious discourse". Maybe if you were making those threads just to ignore them and waste the time of the people genuinely trying to help you you should have said so in the OPs.
My advice remains the same. Go make your comic. Stop wasting your time here, stop scrolling twitter. Stop the desperate attention-seeking. Just make your fucking thing instead of whining about it.

>> No.6961364
File: 78 KB, 512x512, 698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait Gabe Newell is posting on IC!?!

>> No.6961416

Your linework is better than mine and I have 110k on twitter so far, you're gonna make it if you post almost everyday.

>> No.6961444

There are people who are really, really good and still very insecure about their work. I think if you ever, truly, get to place where you aren't insecure about your work, even in the slightest, then you are at risk for stagnating.

>> No.6961957

Fuck off Gabe

>> No.6963539


>> No.6963548


>> No.6963565


>> No.6963621

he’s a real schlub

>> No.6963625


>> No.6963624
File: 571 KB, 600x580, 1500664877446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you rip the face style off that faggot who only draws one blond girl?

>> No.6963628

He smile in your face, always trying to take your place. The backstabbers

>> No.6963633

No he didn’t, oh my god.

>> No.6963635

Gabe The Lame.

>> No.6963721
File: 3.74 MB, 2792x3761, 1701173679379433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you even rendered yet

>> No.6963936

the schlub

>> No.6963969
File: 39 KB, 499x499, 163677380261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may say it as a joke, but putting a lot of effort on getting the face of a character as faithful to the source material is a good thing to do when it comes to fanarts because it allows you to get closer to the character's original vibe. And his attempt at it was quite solid here, not a full recreation, but quite faithful.
>that faggot who only draws one blond girl?
As if that was a bad thing.

>> No.6964511


>> No.6964570


>> No.6964572

God I want to bury my face in that muscular horsepussy

>> No.6964573


>> No.6966509
File: 1.23 MB, 2807x4090, Juzytradecomplete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really interested in mastering rendering. My first very long term goal is specifically getting significantly better at core drawing fundamentals like figures, motion and character designs and mostly producing B&W drawings with screentoned shadows.
One thing I particularly hate about my average piece is how simplistic and symbol like it is even if the lineart is competent. I'm craving form alongside a significantly added amount of line detailing and better shapes. Pic related.
I mean, it's a fan art of it's character so.

>> No.6966512
File: 1.75 MB, 1983x3574, 20231205_102948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting doodles and sketches now, all from the last few days

>> No.6966517
File: 3.40 MB, 4624x3468, 20231201_105606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick doodling

>> No.6966519
File: 596 KB, 1828x1844, 20231201_220244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also draw stuff like this in a few minutes on a small scale before going to sleep to keep my hand trained.

>> No.6966756
File: 198 KB, 376x302, 1644493135203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to give it to Gabe.
For as much as he is told to fuck off (which is quite a lot), he doesnt, he simply continues to be, that is a sign of high mental strength... or autism, one of the two.
I do agree you have to spend less time around here, it would be good for you, but by all means, continue to come by, dont give this faggots what they want, dont let them win over you.


>> No.6968501

Fuck off Gabe

>> No.6968511

>OP comes back to the thread just to blatantly ignore the actual advice given already
Classic fucking Gabe.

>> No.6968512 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 550x528, Screenshot_20231121_170415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(sage) Let this thread die with dignity. Reviving your own threads is pathetic...

>> No.6968782

Gabe I'm gonna give you some advice that's gonna improve your skills like mad.

Life drawing. Do it. Learn how to draw regular looking humans. I know you wanna draw anime girls, but get this: Anime is just a style! Eastern style, western style...these are all styles based off of realism!

If you can master realistic humans, you'll be infinitely better at anime girls!

>> No.6968977

fuck off gabe

>> No.6969213


>> No.6969216


>> No.6969614


>> No.6969694

there was a thread where he showed his room, if anyone has it saved please post it

>> No.6969708

how long

>> No.6969711

Who? Gabe or the other guy mentioned?

>> No.6969713

>lineart is competent
it's not

>> No.6969719

the other guy, his room was very... interesting

>> No.6969721


>> No.6969729

>he showed his room
What was it like

>> No.6969739
File: 117 KB, 298x390, 1586617792099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys talking about that Mexican schizo that has a blonde cat eyed OC which he made a cardboard cut out of placed in the middle of his room with a bunch of other drawings taped onto the walls? He legit scares me.

>> No.6969804
File: 831 KB, 1653x2048, 20231208_071425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Competent lineart alone doesn't equal to amount of detailing or looking competent im general though.
Just compare literally anything I've posted in this thread to this random piece from my twitter timeline to understand what I mean by "my art is too simplistic".

>> No.6969852

fuck off gabe

>> No.6970004

yup, tried to find the thread but I couldn't

>> No.6970068

What year did this happen?

>> No.6970194


>> No.6970212

I remember that thread, I think I may have saved the pictures he posted of his room somewhere. If it helps I may have posted a comment saying "God I wish that were me" or I wish that were my room, I wish I had that same devotion or mental illness or something along those lines.

>> No.6970266

is this it? >>/ic/thread/6134499#p6157970
someone else post the image I’m not saving it

>> No.6970277
File: 74 KB, 220x220, 1547510961305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah same guy but I remember seeing that cardboard cutout in the middle of another room. He may have posted that other picture on a different board. Now where the hell did I see him?

>> No.6970293
File: 1.62 MB, 2225x755, 1669566339012297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup same picture, I saw it here though

>> No.6970294

Gabe my fren here is a /ic/ discord that'll accept your qrt my fren


>> No.6970297


>> No.6970298

Is this how /ic/ picks up bussy?

>> No.6970302

You only draw in three values(Black, white, gray). Try bump it up to five values and add shadow. This may help

>> No.6970492
File: 208 KB, 474x301, 156021032553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker made a real-size cardboard cutout of her blondie, not only that, he carried it outside, placed it in the walkway and took a picture of it in the most photographically amateurish way possible.

This guy is an absolute madlad and I will never be able to articulate how much respect, pride and admiration I have for this man. One can only dream to be this BASED.

>> No.6970494
File: 325 KB, 710x575, 1657636782138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pic in question

>> No.6970530

so he either repainted the face or he has multiple cardboard cutouts

>> No.6970544

Not the guy I meant. I meant the graphic designer guy who digitally only draws one blonde character. Her name is peach or soemthing.

>> No.6970577

ngl this pic could be a piece of art

>> No.6970603

You mean this guy >>6952397 right? I do believe he's a different dude from the scary room one unless i'm mistaken. They do both have a blonde girl for an OC I suppose.

>> No.6970630

There are at least three different guys who autistically draw their blonde OC so I understand the confusion

>> No.6970634

There's a third one?

>> No.6970643

Yeah the third guy’s blonde OC has blunt bangs and a ponytail. He also draws digitally.

>> No.6970750
File: 114 KB, 779x452, Dood342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there's at least three (3) blondie schizos posting on the very same board
What a time to be part of this cesspit of a board keeeeek

>> No.6970755

"Schizo" does not mean "recognizable poster", anon.

>> No.6970766

And who said it did? kek
If you want to be picky with words, I guess "autists" is more appropriate, all things considered.

>> No.6970768

Because I see nothing schizophrenic or autistic about any of these people. They post their drawings, that's pretty much it. One guy has a funny room setup. So what?

>> No.6970804

fuck off gabe

>> No.6970904

How is the ground so orange and the sky so grey, assuming it's not edited

>> No.6970908

>assuming it's not edited
my man look at the shadow

>> No.6970915


>> No.6972546


>> No.6972838

And a fourth one

>> No.6973101

fuck off gabe

>> No.6973255

bitch ass gabe

>> No.6973259

The schlub

>> No.6973278

this shit is so much fucking work. It takes me hours to figure out how to shade a cylinder, I can't immediately see where the shadows are supposed to go. I need to brute force it and keep trying and erasing over and over until it looks alright.

>> No.6973289

Standard colors for sodium street lighting and a cloudy day near dusk. When was the last time you touched grass, holy shit.

>> No.6973306

he’s a fucking schlub for real

>> No.6973668

Georgia? the scary room anon named their OC after a state?

>> No.6973811
File: 633 KB, 2308x2652, Untitled44_20231210195516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got nothing to be insecure about imo. I love your art!

>> No.6973820
File: 406 KB, 1057x831, Screenshot_20231211-035859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it's rare that a piece of art gets 200+ likes if it isn't good. (Yeah it happens sometimes I really don't believe your art falls into that category)

>> No.6973824

>42 posters
>103 posts
Somebody's samefagging.

>> No.6973881

Nice. I feel like it'd really pop with some line weight.

>> No.6973912
File: 148 KB, 1280x1080, Eu1XejXXcAUAKV7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know what that is supposed to mean, or who you are talking to, but Im going to take it as a compliment kek.
Seems logical, these replies started feeling unnatural a while ago. It wouldnt be surprising that Gabe had a dedicated schizo (or several) hating on him for reasons beyond our comprehension (as in, retarded).
"Georgia" is a common name for women, it comes from greek, it's not exclusive to murica.
Also funny you're asking for the most common name of the three, not the one that is named over a dessert, or the one named over an art movement kek.

>> No.6973953

that is his art so yes id say it is a compliment

>> No.6973994

Something about this guys character, art, and how he talks just drives me up an absolute fucking wall. It has this bizarre infantile air to it that gives me the creeps on a physical visceral level.
At least other weirdos here that spam there shit everywhere I can sort of understand even if I don't like what they draw.

>> No.6974266

>Also funny you're asking for the most common name of the three, not the one that is named over a dessert, or the one named over an art movement kek.
I thought people gave their OC funny sounding names to make them stand out and be memorable. Not giving them name that is bland or generic, like naming your OC tom, bob, car, pot or bavaria.

>> No.6974299

What do you mean, "how long"? You just keep doing it! Consider it regular exercise for your art muscles! Work on your realism, and then draw some anime girls while applying what you've learned! Continue this cycle until the end of time and watch your skills skyrocket!

>> No.6974500

Not the only one for me. Theres been a lot of bad art getting posted thats almost purposefully the most infuriating shit youve ever seen. Beg thread too.

>> No.6976986

bitch ass

>> No.6976990


>> No.6977155

He’s a fucking bitch ass nigga.

>> No.6977156

just dont be a bitch

>> No.6977157


>> No.6977537


>> No.6977575
File: 365 KB, 1271x774, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face got repainted.
I dont really draw her anymore desu, shes just now part of a game.

The original is different.

>> No.6977579
File: 492 KB, 2080x1560, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6978683


>> No.6979857

Fucking bitch ass still had to make another thread

>> No.6979875

your too busy sucking your own dick to ever get better

>> No.6979879

square binary brush?

>> No.6979942

>I thought people gave their OC funny sounding names to make them stand out and be memorable.
You know what, fair lmao.
If I understand right, the Bal one is the original? Cause I remember this blondie and the one iteration with the big ass bow, I honestly adore her. Are you at least drawing Bal often? I'd hate to not see her around anymore desu.
If it annoys you that much, you can report it for not posting their own work. I already did.

This whole hate towards Gabe is very organic lmao.

>> No.6982207

fucking bitch ass gabe

>> No.6982218 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 593x767, 1557561162464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gabe has an obsessed schizo namecalling him periodically
Holy shit, did he fucked and stole your girlfriend or something?

>> No.6982230

>Gabe has an obsessed schizo namecalling him periodically
Holy shit, did he fuck and steal your girlfriend or something? Imagine being this obsessed.

>> No.6982234


>> No.6982335


>> No.6982374


>> No.6982551

what did he do

>> No.6982573

He smiles in your face, always trying to take your place the backstabbers.

>> No.6982665

yea!!! I draw her for her own project, but its not public yet.

>> No.6983040

not yet

>> No.6983192


>> No.6983225


I like this. You are skilled, but the problem is that your art style doesn't have much appeal

>> No.6983337

The world is not enough

>> No.6983429

I like this guy's art and the VN he made was cool
wish he wasn't a pedo but c'est la vie

>> No.6983590

bitch ass Gabe the fucking schlub

>> No.6983689
File: 742 KB, 1959x1590, ROCOCO 2023-02-19 game interface doodle rococo vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> release the first chapter of my attempt at a comic ...between 2025 and 2027
don't wait that long, you should start something now, even if its short simple, between 3-10 page of self contained stories.

There is a world of skills that you need to developed to draw comic and you don't actually know what you lack until you start.

>attention-whore, it's not a good thing!
I disagree, it is an survival instinct of an artist. While it is true that there are appropriate and inappropriate circumstances to try to self promote, it is a necessity to be able to proactively do it because artist trade in attention economy.

I have been a 4channer for a long time, and I understand that this is against the ethos of the prevailing culture, however, for the purpose of /ic/ and its focus on making it in the trade, most are being too shy about sharing their work. Nevertheless it is understandable that they have trouble doing so because its difficult to assess the credibility of often abrasive comments made towards an individual. Being identifiable really make you become the focal points for all sorts of vitriol sometimes and not everybody have an easy time navigating that, I know I don't.

this is really cute, I like it a lot.

>> No.6984106

He made VN about his OC? Did he post on itch.io?

>> No.6984129


>> No.6984148
File: 1.64 MB, 636x1163, 1694418503381385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuinely feels like it's trying too hard to match the stereotypical schizo aesthetic
oh yeah tortured paintings on the walls, how original

>> No.6984795


>> No.6985277

bitch ass gabe

>> No.6986626

Fucking gabe

>> No.6986634
File: 3.74 MB, 498x480, 1612663703059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep bumping this fucking thread? Wtf is the wrong with you?

>> No.6986888

why is starting to draw so damn hard? When I get into it, I'm having fun but the setup and buildup is just torture. The dread is unbearable

>> No.6987148

t. Gabe apologist

>> No.6987297

Must be the bitter reality that Gabe now draws better than them. That anon lives a very empty life.

>> No.6987456

Yes anon, I love gabe soooooo much, that's why I am asking you why you keep bumping his thread and keeping this attentionwhoring garbage in the catalog. Die in a fire.

>> No.6987687

yeah that’s why you’re defending him right now

>> No.6987857

bitch ass

>> No.6988577

which is it

>> No.6988855

I'm asking you why you're bumping it. Seriously, it's a question that you can answer.

>> No.6989135

if you’re permabeg

>> No.6989137

how much fucking work

>> No.6989156

bitch ass Gabe apologist

>> No.6989841

what he do

>> No.6989918


>> No.6989964

I don’t understand why do people hate Gabe so much? It’s like you guys either like him or hate him idk what to believe

>> No.6990044

This is my biggest gripe, why are interesting artists always pedophiles? Is it being touched as a child that makes them more creative with their outlest?

>> No.6990169


>> No.6990222

there is a strong positive correlation between mental illness and artistic ability

>> No.6990391

quit bumping the thread

>> No.6990403 [DELETED] 

Why? Are you friends with bitch ass Gabe?

>> No.6990404 [DELETED] 

bitch ass Gabe the Schlub

>> No.6990407

i still don’t understand the hate for gabe

>> No.6990570

why on earth are you accusing anybody who doesn't want this shitty attentionwhore thread on the board of actually liking this retard? why are you giving this faggot publicity for FREE? and why do you ignore the questions every time?

>> No.6991895

because I want him to succeed.

>> No.6991938


>> No.6992276

Cris makes Gabe look sane and the autistic ADHD nigga makes Cris look sane

>> No.6992314

>autistic ADHD nigga

>> No.6993000

A few people are obsessed with him, while a lot are simply crabs. Then it's just the same stuff you see irl, the pack mentality, in which many group to attack the same same person. Pathetic

>> No.6993010


>> No.6993259

I respect this.

>> No.6993276


>> No.6993374


>> No.6993461

let him cook

>> No.6994781

For a few dollars more

>> No.6995944

just let Gabe cook

>> No.6996015

Fuck off gabe

>> No.6996881


>> No.6997408


>> No.6998464

I can’t believe it

>> No.6998478
File: 41 KB, 539x600, IMG_7974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georgia is also a country in Europe in the Caucasus mountain region. But yes, it also happens to be a common name. There was a well known painter from early 20th century named Georgia O’Keeffe. She was mostly known for painting close ups of flowers, southwestern landscapes and/or cow skulls.

>> No.6999546

which is it

>> No.6999570


>> No.6999576

Well Gabe the Schlub it's already been a month and a new year since you made this thread. Have you made anything new during this whole time of people and haters bumping your thread?

>> No.7000425
File: 3.04 MB, 3512x3351, last 2023 drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I did since the holidays started

>> No.7000432
File: 622 KB, 329x232, 1620426788659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god nigga gabe is going places drawing muscly girls