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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 190 KB, 1587x2048, mogs ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6955963 No.6955963 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people here have never attempted to actually make a drawing.
They endlessly scribble and study and sketch but they never actually tried to go from a concept/prompt to a finished drawing they can publish.
Over the years a lot of times I've seen hate threads for various artists and when I ask people if they really think they're better they say:
>No but it's just simple x y an z
They think that since they can get 70% of the way there copying that drawing then they're almost there. Truth is, they're so, so far away. Bridging that 30% takes years, and actually making a drawing from scratch, and doing it consistently? They're light years away.
/ic/ is delusional and has no humility because they don't draw, they don't MAKE DRAWINGS. They "draw", not draw with a capital "D".

>> No.6955970

Only experienced artists will understand and agree with you. The problem is that there's very few of them on this board.
The rest will either not understand what you mean or willingly refuse to listen to you, because it hurts their egos.
You are wasting your time.

>> No.6955971


>> No.6955973

Case in point.

>> No.6955974

is pic rel a drawing?

>> No.6955977

"It takes a lifetime to learn how to draw and an hour to learn how to paint."

>> No.6955979

this is true, it's just that you realize how bad your drawing is only when you try to paint over it, it takes a lifetime to get to the painting part and not go
>ah shit my drawing sucks

>> No.6955989

>but they never actually tried to go from a concept/prompt to a finished drawing they can publish.
You try to explain this shit and they call you a schizo and a beg.
Majority here really doesn't draw; they only parrot the act of drawing.

>> No.6955990

So is that your art in the OP or..........OR...???

>> No.6955997

I'd learn both at the same time but I am a complete beg
I am not even so far into the learning to do shading proficiently, when I do my next step is inking, after that watercolor and after that doing anime in oil paintings on canvas
I am not skipping painting but there is a clear process and progression to go from my current point to that one and I don't give a shit what anyone else claims
Can't run while I'm still crawling, things take time
Rushing leads to ruin

>> No.6956039
File: 238 KB, 1200x1029, 1689351775123046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but I need to grind 10k boxes before I can finish an illustration

>> No.6956044
File: 31 KB, 327x318, wheelchair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find "girl in void" hard, never have. What's hard is going beyond that. I have this theory that artists have a "creative cycle," a length of time per work in which creativity incubates and peaks and then plummets. During the plummet you lose motivation to continue with the piece.

Serial comics artists and hardcore painters/renderfags have some of the longest cycles. The dedication to keep working on something you may not even like is really something.
Permabegs and eternal sketchers have some of the shortest cycles.
Twitter-friendly artists who can do a million separate polished characters in a void are in between.

I can do a polished illustration of a single character with a few embellishments, but I just get bored after that. Now, I do want to believe this isn't set in stone, but if you want any hope of breaking your habits, you have to challenge yourself and most people don't like to do that.

>> No.6956061

>I don't find "girl in void" hard
pyw? not in a rude way but in a curious way

>> No.6956071

I don't want to attach my work to my neurotic schizo theories. Just picture your typical "le sexy/cool girl drawing" twitter artist level of skill.

>> No.6956078

>my neurotic schizo theories
it's gotten pretty fucking bad when someone pours out some basic af feelings and thoughts and considers them neurotic schizo theories

>> No.6956081

post dismissed

>> No.6956082

just draw a hand for this thread.

>> No.6956087

>Spew out bullshit
>I don't want to attach my work to the bullshit I spew out
Great way to know whether or not to take somebody serious, posting work should be mandatory.

>> No.6956091

whats the point of an anonymous site if you want to identify every fucking post with an artist?
I know nobody wants you on any other social network because you're an autistic loser but don't try to make ic what you could never have

>> No.6956093

/nodraw/ spotted

>> No.6956094

I don't care if you believe me. It's been my experience, and I've observed the pattern in other artists for years. If you don't challenge yourself to move outside your comfort zone (most don't), it simply won't happen. Why's that controversial?

>> No.6956095

mmmhmm okay white background anime girl drawer

>> No.6956102

/ic/ is very different from other boards because unlike other boards you have to possess some merit if you are to post an input about arts and craft since it requires a level of skill and nobody wants to listen to someone who doesn't practice or believe what they claim.

>> No.6956106

>nobody wants to listen to someone who doesn't practice or believe what they claim.
No one has to impress you. They get absolutely nothing out of it.

>> No.6956110

You're trying to make an impression to other minds and if you are to be mindful you have to have a good impression otherwise you are a waste of time.

>> No.6956112

Another reason why /ic/ needs IDs

>> No.6956116

No. Your ID is your work. IDs are cancer and do not stop VPN/phone users.

>> No.6956120

Yeah, any time you share your thoughts, you're trying to leave an impression. If you think I'm a waste of time then just stop replying.
I'd just stop posting then, and you'd siphon away the last few semi-competent artists who've learned a thing or two and have some reputation to uphold, however minor. I don't come here to be identified.

>> No.6956122

tunnel vision, you probably think drawing is THE MOST DIFFICULT THING EVER and you're like suuuper unique and talented because you draw, not like the other normies...
There's no boards about any other hobbies, just you on ic

>> No.6956125

I don't believe you are a waste of time, that's why we're trying to get you to post your work dumbass.

>> No.6956132

>we won't bite promise :)
>ARF ARF RUFF WOOF WOOF ggrrrrrrr motherfuckyou
You don't see how hostile niggas are towards a somewhat eccentric opinion + decline to pyw? Why would I want to attach my work to this trash fire?
People don't like ideas that suggest art ability may come down to factors outside their control, they get mad and make you into an enemy. When I walk out of this thread I want that to be it. No vendettafagging.

>> No.6956134
File: 30 KB, 192x287, 1664375497910579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you probably think drawing is THE MOST DIFFICULT THING EVER and you're like suuuper unique and talented because you draw, not like the other normies...
>There's no boards about any other hobbies, just you on ic
Back to /po/ with you.

>> No.6956137

what the fuck are you talking about fag

>> No.6956138

Fuck off /po/tard

>> No.6956143

Just draw

>> No.6956180
File: 180 KB, 1439x1888, 1555015561138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP. I agree with you for the most part. Storytelling and composition are hard, but why it's hard for most of ic is that you don't mess with those fundies while you're still grappling with other fundies as a beginning artist. Even aspiring artists and people working on their portfolios are learning and grappling with those skills. It's natural for a beginner to overestimate themselves - no need to get mad, they'll learn in time regardless of your getting mad or not.

But also, you made this topic with that pic as the OP? A squat pose, white void, comic character? Which you yourself probably didn't draw? There's no storytelling, no real composition. It's just a character study.

Don't crab on the people who are still learning OP. For that, you are a big faggot.

>> No.6956184

> I'd just stop posting then,

>> No.6956210

100% true

>> No.6956231

If you weren't retarded shitposters trying to get a few laughs from that anon, you'd actually pyw first.

What is it with you niggers constantly going after anyone barely saying anything?
Go draw.

>> No.6956238

do you know what crab means you condescending faggot? I'm literally telling people to fucking draw, this is the most anti-crab thing one can do
>A squat pose, white void, comic character? Which you yourself probably didn't draw? There's no storytelling, no real composition. It's just a character study.
CASE IN POINT, this is exactly what I described in OP
>No but it's just simple x y an z

>> No.6956245

post your work though

>> No.6956253
File: 23 KB, 162x207, de cok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme a prompt
im all out of cum

>> No.6956266

90% of /ic/ can't draw something on the level of OP's pic, let alone anything that conveys story or personality.

>> No.6956274

chunli clapping for someone nameless competitor who just defeated her, he's standing next to her and raising his arms, she's badly beat up

>> No.6956276

You must be part of the 10%. But I won’t ask you to post your work to avoid my precious eyes adjusting to a profusion of mistakes.

>> No.6956286

Like clockwork.

>> No.6956291


>> No.6956300
File: 709 KB, 809x768, cum li.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go draw it yourself, fag

>> No.6956303

I can't believe how retarded you are

>> No.6956305

i can hear your voice shaking and your eyes trying not to swell up with tears

>> No.6956307

*sips warm coffee on a winter morning*
why do I still come to this hellhole

>> No.6956313

holy cringe

>> No.6956316


>> No.6956322

this whole thread is cringe des u

>> No.6956374


>> No.6956427

I do a few a year. Usually just for discord events and fun competitions. It’s just hard to keep motivated and sketching figures is just a nice way to keep myself doing something when I’m dead and empty inside

>> No.6956428

a fag drew this picture.
i knew they were a fag before i clicked their twitter because they gave starfires body the shape of fucking fridge.

>> No.6956430

I take it you've never properly drawn a human body before?

>> No.6956441
File: 543 KB, 986x1106, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you define a proper human body. An hourglass figure is just as proper as drawing a woman with the body of a fridge. Their choice to draw them like a man shows their taste.

>> No.6956446

Shit taste, faggot

>> No.6956495
File: 274 KB, 2048x2048, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

porn has rotten your brain
every day on this shithole makes me think feminists are right and we need to impose over-desexualised media to detox scum like you

>> No.6956555
File: 4 KB, 219x250, 1610149710383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a proper human body shape
>posts AI

>> No.6956705

cry more.
youre an idiot.

>> No.6956709

I want to share my drawings but I see no point when I will just get banned while fedposters are celebrated as local celebrities.

>> No.6956712
File: 672 KB, 800x800, 2023.10.16 00.30 Sacrificed Cat crop small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this and making full drawings has always been my main goal. I don't see much value in studies and sketches if they weren't made with a specific final drawing in mind.

>> No.6956857
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, AAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you are not getting from OP is, a beginner will never come across several problems to solve, if he doesn't do a finished drawing. It's not a matter of making a complete well rounded piece (i'm avoid to say making a "materpiece"), it's just a finished drawing.

Of course there are several fundamentals to go through, and it's almost impossible to "master" one, let alone one for an experienced artist. BUT A BEGINNER NEEDS TO GO OVER THAT PROCESS, so he can see where he is lacking and where he needs to improves.

Either that, or study fundamentals forever without drawing anything he wants, because he isn't good enough in all key elements necessary for it.

Imagine a musician praticing progressions for years, and not writing and playing a single song

>> No.6956861

Anything thats not HR approved corpospeak is "crazy" now. And we don't even need to be in the payroll, we do this to ourselves for free.

>> No.6956862

does this board just exist as a demoralization propaganda shitpost heap? Where are the jannies? Its supposedly a blue board yet half the threads are NSFW.

>> No.6956870

>Its supposedly a blue board

>> No.6956874
File: 797 KB, 1280x720, Breaking_Bad_S04E01__Box_Cutter__-_Denny's_Scene_0-25_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6956877

>Its supposedly a blue board
are you color blind?

>> No.6956880

Is not AI, but cosplayers and OF thots snoop their photos so much they don’t even resemble themselves. AI of real people looks very similar to that because the majority of photos it’s trained on are already highly edited, whether they are shopped model photos, or social media shoops. Applies for both genders btw.

>> No.6956884

Shoop not snoop

>> No.6956895

I perfected the formula mr white.

>> No.6957009

puritan amerimutts like you need to be run over and flayed alive

>> No.6957012

pedos like you need to be dismembered and eaten by wild dogs

>> No.6957016

The musician thing makes a lot of sense, being a musician too. Drawing Loomis heads & endless boxes is like a guitarist saying "I can't play War Pigs or Iron Man yet, I have to keep practicing until I can play all the major scales perfectly."

>> No.6957017
File: 883 KB, 876x900, ecf766787be580b0da9182607b9a4e9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will draw cute loli
I will draw cute shota
I will draw sexy women
I will draw fat old balding men
The western trannoids and roasties will seethe
And you can never stop me.

>> No.6957021

>"I will draw"
>posts ai slop

>> No.6957023

That's from Dohna Dohna's artist retard

>> No.6957026

Aren’t most trannies into lolis and shotas though? They’re also mostly coomers. You have a lot in common.

>> No.6957028

Takes one to know one, friend.

>> No.6957030

I’m a coomer but not into loli/shota and keep getting weird trannies in my follows, so yeah.

>> No.6957034
File: 229 KB, 850x1174, sample_e4dc7d126fc2db918e91c885415bdc85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cannot identify AI from true artists

I wont know for I'm not a tranny nor follow any tranny.

>> No.6957038

How do you know they're trannies?

>> No.6957042

I look at my followers from time to time and see pronouns and trans flags. I’ve gotten in the habit of checking new followers from time to time because some people are really, really schizo and it’s amusing to gawk at them. My bigger artist friends also get the same phenomenon. There’s also a small overlap between the trannies and the weirdos who erp on random nsfw twitter drawings.

>> No.6957046

Oh also, trannies and regular weirdos being psychotic and demanding your attention after you respond to them ONCE are why a lot of nsfw artists don’t reply to comments/DM. Some do though, and I salute them for that.

>> No.6957055

>Imagine a musician praticing progressions for years, and not writing and playing a single song
I do this unironically

>> No.6957058

>wants to draw artworks with lots of figures, dynamic poses, angles

now what, do i have to compromise? finish works that don't excite me??? i'd still rather do the studies

>> No.6957089


>I’ve gotten in the habit of checking new followers from time to time because some people are really, really schizo

aha ahh...man, you really need to pick a new habit.

>> No.6957091

I need to get off this website too but it is what it is.

>> No.6957111

I'm tired of Drawing finished pieces. I spend 2 minutes sketching out the idea, ten minutes sketching the body, then 3 hours fixing tiny details and adding line width and stuff like that. You call that drawing? Other people just shit out lines and it looks good, I have to constantly refine and crop and resize and morph things for hours to save a shitty drawing.

>> No.6957143


>> No.6957147

Ai slop has been stealing off of him, that’s the og artist, retard.

>> No.6957176

>source: my ass
lmao the only retard here is you for posting Ai slop.

>> No.6957198

the relevance of that distinction is lost on me. how do you know people whom you are arguing with is one of those scribblers and not someone who doesn't draw at all?

>> No.6957355

OP, you are a huge faggot. Post examples of what you consider "finished drawings"

>> No.6957363

No, I perfectly understood. But I disagree that most people will stay there. Most people learn to draw because there are ideas they want to get down and express. The ones who are like that will eventually use their practice to start implementing. The others will just stop, they're just dabblers.

So in essence, op is wasting his breath. You can't force someone to want something. And he also didn't provide any examples of what he considers a finished drawing. He also called me condescending, but I think the most condescending thing is to get your panties in a bunch because beginners are having fun and exploring art. The ones who will get there will get there. No one needs this bullshit.

>> No.6957365

go back to the oc general karen-chan with your fellow fujos and groomers

>> No.6957387
File: 48 KB, 808x960, 1511328946564564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, the future does look bleak af
zoomers are now addicted to porn they will kill anyone not making them feel valid about consuming porn 24/7, addicted to social media, censor their own thoughts and censor anyone who doesn't submit to the corporations while calling themselves revolutionaries and demonizing capitalism, which also reflects in the art they make and consume, being mostly eye candy or porn.

And these non-people outnumber sane people 1.000.000 to 1.

My instincts tell me i have been born in the wrong era.

>> No.6957394

I thought you had to use line weight to make good drawings? Why was this drawn with a single width brush?

>> No.6957444

you don't "have to use" anything you only have to draw your vision
this is what not fucking drawing leads to

>> No.6957463

Do everyone a favor and get a rope.

>> No.6957464

Fucking kill yourself you retarded mongrel

>> No.6957507

to do what exactly?
the species is doomed anyway so i might as well just watch the cattle burn itself alive in the prisons of their own makings

>> No.6957510

you can always watch as a spirit
don’t rely, start today

>> No.6957517

No, but as a spirit i can't make you seethe about being a filthy cattle.

>> No.6957567
File: 235 KB, 601x768, 9d849106-2349-4853-a39e-ef7d4f16db08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw something
>it's shit
>learn to see your mistakes
>grind the fundamentals and fix mistakes
>draw something again
>spot more mistakes
>grind the fundamentals, etc, etc
If you take into a account that we're mostly self-taught artists, isn't this natural? We don't have mentors who can address our mistakes from the beginning so it takes YEARS just to get to the point where we can see them. OP is right but what other way is there for us. Not work on anatomy/perspective/color after you've realized your weaknesses in those areas? I'd genuinely love to know. If there's a better way then I'll try it.

>They endlessly scribble and study and sketch

>never actually tried to go from a concept/prompt to a finished drawing they can publish.
This happens when you don't apply the fundies to your style - which is about *the hardest thing you can do* as an artist. Look at the scores of people who leave the art schools and ateliers and are unable to apply what they've learned to anything outside in-house styles.

>> No.6957655
File: 2.38 MB, 4320x5600, parallels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely sure what you mean by "creativity cycle". For me, the start and end of my creative process happens mostly within the mind. By the time I put pencil to paper, I already have a general idea of what I want the finished product to look like, from characters to poses to backgrounds, composition, lighting, any effects I want to add, etc. and the process of drawing is translating the fuzzy brain concept into something tangible. Not to say that I won't make impromptu changes during the drawing, but largely, my vision generally does not "evolve" as I draw, but rather is solidified fairly early on in the process. My workflow makes it rather difficult to make changes once I've committed to the linework/solid color blocks, actually. So there's a surprisingly large amount of planning, rough drafts, etc that go into many pieces.

>> No.6957737
File: 45 KB, 817x599, EgPCBltU8AAhs1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6957747

It's a shame that your art is probably beg tier crap and in reality nobody will ever care about you or your art.
Sorry for the redpil anon, but your smug ass deserves a reality check.

>> No.6957749

It's funny how all delusional retards think all other normal people are cattle kek.

>> No.6957755
File: 802 KB, 914x1243, 1694118568071928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wont answer you since this is a crab thread from the start.

>> No.6957974
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 1643232699795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal people
>the average people
>the "median normal" who dictates how everyone must behave
>the average IQ falling below 90
>not cattle
come on now, goy.

>> No.6957980

Reminder that if you wanna fuck that slutitan you're a furfag:
>Tamaraneans or Tamaranians are a race of golden-skinned humanoids from the planet Tamaran.
>Tamaraneans are descended from a feline race

>> No.6957987

Somebody had to say it. Most people are just impatient with art, it took me awhile to learn that you have to take your time with each piece, work out everything you need such as the concept and then get reference before starting to execute the final version. Art is not a race nor is a grind, it takes deliberate effort to make a single piece of art.

>> No.6957996

>This happens when you don't apply the fundies to your style - which is about *the hardest thing you can do* as an artist.

Yeah because this part actually requires creativity and thought, its easy to get caught up in the endless studies phase.

>> No.6958019

the groomer is op. i'm saying that he shouldn't give a fuck and it's cringe

>> No.6958026

It's not complicated. OP is waxing eloquent about the most basic shit. Shitters will quit because they were always going to quit. The ones who aren't going to quit, and improve, were always going to. Their mindset is completely different.

Trust me. You CANNOT get shitters to give a fuck about finishing art and genuinely improving if they never cared about it to begin with.

>> No.6958111

nope this is a very good approach, here's the /ic/ approach though
>draw something
>it's shit
>don't bother to see your mistakes and ask on /ic/ instead
>get a cookie cutter response about anatomy/form
>spend a few months scribbling shit from a 100 year old book
>spend a few years scribbling shit from other 100 year old books with your eternal/beg/ bros, compliment each other's studies
how do you know your iq is not below 100? No, seriously, did you actually get tested? You can't even learn to draw + use this site you're probably really stupid, I mean it's already apparent you're dumb by your word salad post

>> No.6958160

>Bridging that 30% takes years, and actually making a drawing from scratch, and doing it consistently? They're light years away.
this is a bullshit timeframe youre pulling out of your ass.

>> No.6958173

What causes idiots to come on /ic/ and preach their subjective experience as law? It's the only board where every other post is a hubris fueled sermon where the poster claims to know the secrets to art, life, and happiness

>> No.6958175

and they never post their work

>> No.6958182

Trannies are sex-negative because they couldn't get laid as failed men, and still can't get laid as mutant "women".

>> No.6958184

Millenials are the largest generation.
They're also fucking faggots, but zoomies don't outnumber shit. Alphans won't outnumber Millenials either because Millenials are not having kids.
Soon Alphas will outnumber the Boomers.

>> No.6958194
File: 43 KB, 540x402, 1673216543956513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you know your iq is not below 100? No, seriously, did you actually get tested? You can't even learn to draw + use this site you're probably really stupid, I mean it's already apparent you're dumb by your word salad post
Because i'm already 10 posts ahead of you and your post only shows you are unable to read and contextualize, despite having a schizophrenic episode about some random anon on the internet in an obvious attempt to provoke a response, merely to provoke a response so you can keep provoking for the sake of provoking a response to ultimately get attention because you're a low IQ cattle.
Now these are going to be you next replies
>i didn't read that because it makes no sense wow
>omg schizo
>various insults that you believe to be provocative because someone replied to you
You would have no reason to post what you did except with the intent of being a stupid nigger.

>> No.6958371

>if you reply to this post your gay!
wow.. amazing rhetorical skills, don't bother getting a test, you're almost definitely sub 100iq

>> No.6958380

I want Blackfire to beat me up and force me to be her sex slave.

>> No.6958433


>> No.6958566

epic troll anon

>> No.6958717

You ever hear a phrase like 'it takes 20 percent of the effort to get 80 percent of it done'?
Essentially that's the issue with completing drawings, it takes a lot more effort to take the piece over the finish line than it did when you were doing all the fun creatively fulfilling parts.

>> No.6958780

You said it backwards

>> No.6961055

Imaging needing to ask /ic/ for every little thing
>believes in IQ tests

>> No.6961064

I have. I just never post them here.

>> No.6961071

There's truth to this. A lot of that bridging the gap is really psychological, that willingness to accept that your drawing isn't perfect, but that it's good enough for where you are now, then finally putting a bow on it, giving it to the world, and moving the fuck on. The unwillingness to do this is, no matter the result, is what holds many artists back, where there brain is a clutter of incomplete things, never fully internalizing and learning from the mistakes of their previous drawing, because their brain never categorized it as a finished piece to be scrutinized, but instead "just a plan bro" to be returned to at a later date which will never come.
Sometimes finishing a piece can be as simple as cleaning up the sketch lines a bit, throwing on some flat colors, adding a pleasing background design, and calling it finished.

I'd also argue that part of the ritual should include publishing the drawing in some way, even if all that is is posting it anonymously or showing it to an online acquaintance.

>> No.6961072

>He doesn't know the artist

>> No.6961265

Sketches are still art you pretentious doofus
I actually like seeing others sketches, even of pros