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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.71 MB, 1696x2135, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6955528 No.6955528 [Reply] [Original]

is it morally correct to sell traced art?

>> No.6955532
File: 35 KB, 750x734, 1661750065900916-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the second time he's be busted for tracing shit buy since coomers dont care nothing will com of it. You'd think he just trace Ai or porn videos and sell it like I guess it's not necessarily kek

>> No.6955533
File: 379 KB, 763x768, 1524444700267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No rules! Just tools!
Rules for thee but none for me.

>> No.6955534

Well, it's not morally correct to draw coom, so, swim with sharks don't complain you get bit.

>> No.6955538

why are his colors so fucked

>> No.6955540

his colors reflect his soul

>> No.6955541

who is tracing who?

>> No.6955542

They probably traced the same image kek

>> No.6955545

Are you sure they didn't just use AI img2img?

>> No.6955556

I've had commissioners tell me they want something that looks just like some other art, would it be ok to trace then?

>> No.6955557

Coomers should be disrespected at all costs.

>> No.6955583

> thinks tracing is referencing
Maybe you're just a retard?

>> No.6955584

Stealing other's art and animations is basically a given in the porn scene. Actually, if you don't do it, you're the stupid one. Coomers don't give a shit anyway, they just want novel images even if it's just a different anime face.

>> No.6955587

Neither look AI generated

>> No.6955592

Why are they not commissioning the "some other artist" then?

>> No.6955593

Who traced who?

>> No.6955597

Could be the other guy is more expensive, or just booked up, or he wants the same thing but "in your style" or maybe the client just wanted to throw you some work.
Also sage for dramafaggotry.

>> No.6955608

imo it depends on how close the likeness needs to be, the timeframe and your skill level

>> No.6955611

the one on the right is from two years ago, so i guess pantsu traced or heavily reffed it, but maybe the commissioner explicitly asked him to do a redraw of it? i can't find where pantsu_ripper posted the image on the left

>> No.6955634
File: 379 KB, 1924x1282, pantsu_ripper_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know I saw that drawing on the left this year, so Pantsu is the one who traced it. He completely sold his soul to coom, christ.

>> No.6955649

he did not sell shit, he is not a robot, you are an artists and you should know what this shit comes in swings, don't let it stop you from drawing, esp if you get paid for it

>> No.6955650

Good morning sirs

>> No.6955651

sauce for this mspaint pic

>> No.6955659
File: 3.06 MB, 1932x992, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, what the fuck happened?

Dude was a flourishing artist here on /ic/, showing rapid growth and proving that he had lots of potential. ...Then he went to twitter and just... changed.
Never seen somebody fall so hard. Shitter really does kill artists.

>> No.6955661

Money. I wish he’d at least combine the coom with the left

>> No.6955666

the fuck are you suppoed to do when a client says "draw her in this pose" and the get mad if you even slightly stray from that? clients will pull this shit all the time, you are all just permabegs who have never gotten a commission so its easy for you to say "oh he stole that pose!!!".

>> No.6955669

half of what he posts on twitter is nude pictures of the fat, tatted-up e-whore he apparently married. he even posts videos of him having sex with her. pussy changes a man

>> No.6955674

That wasn’t a woman, that was a motherfucking succubus.
Bitch straight up sucked the soul of my man’s body and left him as an empty husk.

>> No.6955679

>went from anime girls illustrations
>to anime girls fotm standing in the void
>Shitter really does kill artists.
You don't get to that many followers by doing good art and that is what every anon has been saying for years.
I think he also knows that hence why his art looks and feels like done as if it was lacking any drive and actual effort.

Unless i'm missing something about discord fags drama.

>> No.6955693

idk i wouldn't post it on my socials though. moralfagging aside tracing still is a risk for brand damage and "coomers don't care lmao" is only true until they do.

>> No.6955702

he posted it on his account and didn't credit the other artist. he didn't have to share it publicly.

>> No.6955704

you can kinda tell it's traced
anyone else relates? His art just looks traced

>> No.6955705

right traced left obviously

>> No.6955706

pantsu_ripper is a mongoloid cuck and he deserves everything bad that could possibly happen to him

>> No.6955707

Wrong, right is from 2 years ago

>> No.6955712

Not to defend the whore but his art was on a heavy decline even before they started dating. It all started when he opened up his Patreon.

>> No.6955727

Damn it really is true, when you made it from this shithole you’ll get schizos going after you.

>> No.6955731

go suck his dick then faggot nigger tranny mongoloid retard

>> No.6955732

I mean I do think there are people itt who are seething out of jealousy, but he has seriously downgraded. Just look at >>6955659
There are a few artists I follow who used to be on here but way less active, and they get no hate mentions whatsoever because they improved.

>> No.6955734

Retard can only speak in buzzwords, no single thought goes through your head, kek

>> No.6955735

my only thoughts are raping pantsu_ripper's wife with his severed cock that i'll get after murdering him

>> No.6955736

I got commissioned to draw a vtuber "in the style of this other vtuber".
It's ass because I have to spend a lot of time copying some lighting patterns and line style, but without tracing so I can learn something.
The only thing I truly traced was the general shape of the chin/cheeks and the facial element placements, but then I changed them a little.

Because I feel like proportions are very important for likeness.

>> No.6955752

but you learn more from copying and applying than tracing

>> No.6955754

You do not draw

>> No.6955764

He's a nodraw pajeet so of course he's gonna think it that way.

>> No.6955770

>is it morally correct to sell traced art?
In what context? If the art is in public domain then yes, unless you're specifically selling it as non-traced.
Also, porn isn't art.

>> No.6955778

Stop defending grifters, jfc.
It's clear what happened here. Pantsuripper is a hack that needs to trace better artists in order to make acceptable art. Garbage artsit and garbage person.

>> No.6955784

He was probably tracing back then as well.
Once a tracer, always a tracer.

>> No.6955788

Yeah but I don't think I learned anything particularly useful, I learned how to copy the particular style, which is a style I'm not that interested in.

>> No.6955796

Jesus Fucking Christ
How does this happen? I've seen it with other artists as well

>> No.6955797

Falling for the rat race of likes and followers.

>> No.6955798

Drawing coom and coom bait fucks your soul up

>> No.6955801

>the same thing but "in your style"
I don't even have a style yet people ask me for that. The worst thing.

>> No.6955804

Patreon and Twitter destroyed artists

>> No.6955813

The difference between drawing for your own enjoyment and drawing for other people. Simple as.

Retarded BS.
Also, mandatory.
Reminder that "soul" is just a meme word used by morons that can't explain eloquently enough why they like a certain thing.
It boils down to subjective personal preference, which can be dismissed without further analysis.

>> No.6955816

He’s not talking about art soul you dumb autist, he’s talking about your actual soul. Drawing coom absolutely hurts your self esteem and self worth. Why do you think onlyfans girls are so fucked up? Do you think they genuinely like being treated like a piece of meat, knowing that everything they post will be archived on the internet forever? That shit is poison and kills your psyche. The same applies to porn artists, though to a lesser extent because they aren’t selling their actual bodies for pennies.

>> No.6955822

>he’s talking about your actual soul.
Another thing that doesn't exist, sure. What makes us humans and self aware are the synapses in our brains not a made up esoterical concept.
You calling other people autsits is fucking ironic.

>> No.6955823

>The same applies to porn artists
I can tall you first hand that's not the case.
Maybe I'm just lucky that I'm not a weakminded person. In which case it's not the porn's fault, but the fact that some people are just that, weakminded.

>> No.6955824

Autistic people don’t understand the concept of a soul, because they are hindered by autism. Hope that helps!

>> No.6955826


I think trying to grow and keep followers puts you on a stricter time schedule so he has to endlessly pump out content. Easier to draw the right than the left.

>> No.6955825

Dumb people (usually christians indoctrinated by their cult) believe that shit, not autists. Autists don't care.
Believing in a soul is akin to believing in the fucking horoscope.

>> No.6955827

Bingo. Finally somebody that is not a complete retard.

>> No.6955829

please get a trip im begging you

>> No.6955830

You hit the nail on the head and won the internet today friendo
Have some gold kind stranger

>> No.6955831

>Never seen somebody fall so hard
then you never had friends who moved to LA

>> No.6955832

*tips fedora and gifts gold*

>> No.6955833

thats right sis, we are bald monkeys made out of stardust, black science man said so!!

>> No.6955834

autism is a fake disease just like HDHD and other "me le so quirky" shit, it doesn't exist, it's a meme

>> No.6955837

Explain Chris-Chan and the Chris-Chan tier autist who loves spamming this board.

>> No.6955839

tell me you are an offended theist without telling me you are an offended theist.
fucking kek

great apes, not monkeys.
let me give you an advice (you will obviously blindly reject). Learn some fucking science and stop believing in BS just because it makes your feefees nice.

>> No.6955840

Chris Chan believes he is a father of a half-sonic half-pikachu creature and he's fighting against powers of evil and his amulet gives him powers to become sonic character as well. He's not autistic, he's straight up schizophrenic. In his head it's just a soup of damaged brain activity. He doesn't understand why spraying gamestop employees is bad, or why raping his mother is bad(who is also schizophrenic and schizophrenia is a genetic disease). This is why it always amazed me why people are so shocked with his behavior. "Autism" on the other hand is just when a child is being a spoiled faggot

>> No.6955841

i’m not religious it’s just getting tiring seeing you shit up every thread. you are really annoying

>> No.6955842

NTA but autism is very real and if you don't believe it then you've never seen heard or smelled one

>> No.6955843

More conspiracy nutcases joining the subject. Great...

>> No.6955847

What other threads have I ruined. Let's hear it?
Can't wait for you to be completely wrong. Cmon, go.

>> No.6955848

>is it morally correct to sell traced art?

yes, that's why art commissions exist

>> No.6955849

I don't deny existence of mental illnesses, I only question very specific and recently popularized set of very specific diagnoses with very vague and elusive definitions and Interchangeable symptoms and almost no deep and skeptical analysis because it can suddenly reveal that men who think they are women are not really ok

>> No.6955850

doesn’t matter, you’re annoying as fuck and you’ll deny anything i link to epic troll me anyways

>> No.6955851

If you need to trace in order to produce acceptable art, then you are shit.

>> No.6955852

>Reminder that "soul" is just a meme word used by morons that can't explain eloquently enough why they like a certain thing.
>It boils down to subjective personal preference, which can be dismissed without further analysis.
this is the most 2014 reddit thing I saw on this board, you really should go back bro

>> No.6955853

Aaaaand conspiracy nutcase confirmed.
Let me guess, you are probably also antisemitic and a smidge of a racist to the side, right?

>> No.6955854

i mean he can clearly draw without tracing. most artists who blow up despite tracing can

>> No.6955855


>> No.6955856

>this is the most 2014 reddit thing I saw on this board, you really should go back bro
So you don't have a good vocabulary either?
Sorry to hear that anon.

>> No.6955858

if you don't believe in god you will go to hell, stupid atheist

>> No.6955860

That was a rethorical question. Everyone knows you guys always hit all the jackpots of insanity.

>> No.6955859
File: 26 KB, 722x614, IMG_3896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pantsu literally married an e-prostitute
>She has videos on her twitter taking dick from strangers

>> No.6955863

Oh no. First Santa stopped coming, now this.

>> No.6955864
File: 547 KB, 1280x720, Barry the hatchet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to this thread?

>> No.6955865


>> No.6955866

You literally can't disapprove god's existence stupid redditor, I bet you try! If you will refuse it will mean you lost

>> No.6955868

Retards being called out for being retards are sperging hard.
Isn't this how all threads on this board evolve?

>> No.6955869


>> No.6955872

Are you slow?

>> No.6955874

People already outed him tracing stuff back in the day
Idunno how this is news to anyone....

>> No.6955875

I don't need to disprove (not disapprove) God's existence. I'll just keep not being convinced he exists. You keep cheering for your 2ky old Lord of the Rings though.

>> No.6955876

i mean trannyism isn’t reallg a mental illness it’s a mix of social poisoning + fetishism. autism fuels it because autists think in black and white literal terms, but it doesn’t mean every autist is going to troon out

>> No.6955878

is it puppylulu? because there's no videos there

>> No.6955879

Anon here is correct.
The issue with OF thots and porn artists is that they are already fucked up and porn will just give them the push, then they will grift as long as they can and develop severe mental illness and blame everyone else for how they feel and their insecurities.

Just mention how you should limit your consumption of porn to a minimum or quit and see how fast they come out nowhere to damage control and screech about puritans who are scared of sex and everyone is just jealous of them.

They are so ashamed of what they do, they need you to be a porn addict so they can get money and feel validated about their bad choices i.e. they are the crabbiest crabs in the bucket and they don't want you to leave instead of quitting porn because it's easy money+attention.

>> No.6955880

She deleted it lol

>> No.6955881

No shit but drawing nothing but easy to pump out twitterslop will hurt your gains in the long run
Use it or lose it as they say

>> No.6955883

My mistake, all the men in her videos are just pantsu

What a wholesome marriage

>> No.6955884

damn bro I was ready to masturbate

>> No.6955887

nodraws and beglet hates him because he ((made)) it

>> No.6955888

I'm assuming you had a carreer in porn art and are talking from personal experience?
Otherwise, where is this confidence and knowledge coming from?

>> No.6955893

I agree. I also don't see this as something inherently bad. He's obviously drawing to make money, not to become even better at it.
Also, he's a fucking tracer. Obviously he doesn't care about gains.

>> No.6955900

>Another thing that doesn't exist, sure
Source: anon.
There are people that remember the past life. If there isnt a soul what is it faggot?

>if you don't believe the jewish science youre antisemitic racist flat earth schizo
Well, i see why it's so easy to love you guys.

>> No.6955901

>Autism is fake
>But le sovls are totally real, guys

>> No.6955904

mad because you take pride in your diagnosis aren’t you

>> No.6955905

>There are people that remember the past life. If there isnt a soul what is it faggot?
Delusions akin to dreams. I also remember my dreams, even tho I'm not sure where those memories are coming from exactly.
Near death experiences, remembrance of old lives, etc. are all atributed to our brain functions.

>Well, i see why it's so easy to love you guys.
All pseudo science is just that, pseudo science.

Also, yes. I consider religious people and science deniers on almost the same level as flat earthers.
Gullible indoctrinated people incapable of critical thinking.

>> No.6955906
File: 581 KB, 800x588, 156654615465456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm old and have a fair share of experience.
Just by paying attention to what other people do you learn a lot.
Talking to them, yet even better; challenging their identity through what they substitute their ego with, reveals a lot about what kind of persons they are.
Basically; you criticize porn, they get mad and genuinely try to demean you (over the internet nonetheless) as an individual. A big tell is that they mostly focus on very shallow values like money, fame or skill, like children usually do. This should also tell you how emotionally stunted they are.
>I'm assuming
Big mistake. Never assume.

>> No.6955909

I see. So no personal experience whatsoever.

Very easy to dismiss then. Nice try tho.

>> No.6955911

>Never assume.
The fucking irony, when you are the one putting every porn artist ever in the same bucket.
Extremism is all you 4chan "experts" are capable of.
Thinking about artists as people with their own personal life experiences that vary from person to person for you is out of the question.
There's only black or white.

You guys are so fucking oblivious about life, that it hurts.

>> No.6955912

literally just go on twitter or kiwifarms or whatever the hell and you can find screenscaps from camwhores complaining they arent treated like people and feel like shit and comics from twitter porn artists saying they dont like their work and theyre miserable. yeah not everyone feels this way, but it’s not a tiny minority

>> No.6955913
File: 64 KB, 700x393, 15686656431564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to dismiss based on "credentials"
>goes off on le 4chan bad
>"pornographers are totally emotionally stable and sane individuals you guys."
like pottery

>> No.6955915

Yeah, but did you suck 250 dicks off a run-down gloryhole stall, you fucking puritan?
HEHE guess ur wrong then

>> No.6955916

Seriously though "puritan" has become such a buzzword it has lost any and all meaning

>> No.6955917

dude, litteraly kid recognizes his family talk with them about shit only they know. A fucking kid. And you go like:
>j- just your brain playing tricks!
I'm not telling you religion A or B is correct, but there is something about it all, no one really knows what it is OR should care.
People nurture too much autism and a bunch of bs nowadays. I can guess >>6955904 is right and you're just playing the victim?

>> No.6955920

What's with anons and autism denial. This site is basically an autist convention

>> No.6955925

You're preaching to the choir.
All the buzzword-insults are the midwit's ultimate rebuttal to try to dismiss anything without arguing or risking to question himself, because he has no IQ to speak of.

Appealing to authority and demeaning his opposition is also the midwit's attempt to try and come out on top.

It's like that meme
>this house looks like shit
>you're not an architect so shut up

>> No.6955933

Damn, the cumbrain started sperging out the second coom was getting shit on. Not surprised tho

>> No.6955943

>like pottery
Another offended le bad 4channer that can only resort to buzzword responses.
Like pottery.

>> No.6955944

Probably they traced the same porn photo

>> No.6955946

>dude, litteraly kid recognizes his family talk with them about shit only they know. A fucking kid.
Can you please write with your fingers instead of your ass. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.6955948
File: 378 KB, 364x606, 1656541564546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, i'll humor you since i ate a clown today.
>The fucking irony, when you are the one putting every porn artist ever in the same bucket.
Generalizations are valid when they're true and observable to be true. Also, do you want anyone do count and tell anyone's personal life story when trying to make a statement anyone with a substantial amount of critical thinking skill will be able to extract the nuance from?
>Extremism is all you 4chan "experts" are capable of.
What extremism?
>Thinking about artists as people with their own personal life experiences that vary from person to person for you is out of the question.
Ok, then retract your statement about 4chan "experts". How do you know there aren't actual experts in this thread?
>there is only black and white
That says more about how you view things, and given the new generational vawe of absolutism-mentality, the obvious emotional appeals in your posts, it is safe to build a faux-psychological profile about you as an individual, which clearly has a conflict of interest against the previous negative statement, which in turn does prove those statement to be correct.
>You guys are so fucking oblivious about life, that it hurts.
Another irrational and emotionally charged statement, which is intended to demean your opposion.

I diagnose you with trannyism and a high rate of suicide.

>> No.6955956

I mentioned personal experience because I wanted to make him see my point about different people having different personal experiences with art.
There's more to a person than just his job or hobby. I'm baffled on how you people can't accept this simple fact.
Not all porn artists have their brains melted by literal lines on paper.

>> No.6955961

>What extremism?
You either draw SFW and live a happy life, or draw NSFW and have your brain destroyed.
There's no fucking in betweens for you guys.
No, generalization is never valid. Never.

>All the other bs in your post.

>> No.6955964


>> No.6955966

You're full of shit, went on her Twitter, in all videos it's pantsu_ripper fucking her, no one else. Keep seething cause she makes money on her onlyfans.

>> No.6955976
File: 27 KB, 526x429, 1688411265758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, are you able to be multiple people?
If the majority of crimes are committed by males, is it safe to say that crimes are commited by males?
Does the exception make the rule?
>personal experience
No one cares about if you feel heckin valid. Because that's your obvious intent in this discussion.
Which does in turn prove this statement
>"They are so ashamed of what they do, they need you to be a porn addict so they can get money and feel validated about their bad choices"
to be true.
In other words; you're not making a great argument with your argumentative behavior. You're proving your opposition to be right.
Is porn good for you?
Does porn make you addicted?
Does porn consumption have more merits or demerits?
Feel free to write a wall of text because i am not scared of words.
>all the other bs
i accept your concession then. I win.

>> No.6955995

It's not the porn, it's being a mentally ill protestant puritan AND drawing porn.
People who aren't raised with fucked up ideas about sex and love don't lose their minds after drawing half assed softcore.

>> No.6955998

>If the majority of crimes are committed by males, is it safe to say that crimes are commited by males?
>Does the exception make the rule?
False analogy.

>No one cares about if you feel heckin valid. Because that's your obvious intent in this discussion.
>Which does in turn prove this statement
No idea what you are on about with this.

>Is porn good for you?
It can be a good stress reliever.

>Does porn make you addicted?
They say porn addiction is BS, but I have no idea.
Anything consumed in excess can be bad.
If you are a person prone to addiction, you can probably suffer from it. It's not the medium's fault if people misuse it.
As I said, it's a person to person thing. It can't be generalized.
>Does porn consumption have more merits or demerits?
Neither. See my response above.

>i accept your concession then. I win.
I wasn't competing with you from the beginning. I don't mind.

>> No.6956002

Allefuckinglujah (pun intended).

>> No.6956004

Cumbrains and their mental gymnastics. Just like druggies, alcoholics, and gamblers.

>> No.6956006

Puritans and their mental gymnastics. Just like druggies, alcoholics, and gamblers.

>> No.6956007

>>Is porn good for you?
>It can be a good stress reliever.
porn makes people more stressed and neurotic

>> No.6956010
File: 65 KB, 454x549, 1587080867886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>False analogy... because it just is
>No idea lol lmao
>its good stress relievers
>"Porn addiction is BS"
>"oh, i wasn't competing i just want to disagree with you because ---- uhhhm ---- "
Thanks for further proving me right, Anon.

>> No.6956013

Um I got a sauce for that dish

>> No.6956018

>cherry picking

>> No.6956021

>porn makes people more stressed and neurotic
Does porn really do that to you kek?

Reading this thread makes me think this anon has the best point

>> No.6956022
File: 11 KB, 270x480, baby girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do every thread about retarded twitter artists stay up but whenever i make a thread about this specific retarded youtube artist (pic related) it gets deleted? what do the mods mean by this?

>> No.6956023

MIsato spanking Ritsuko is based.

>> No.6956025
File: 475 KB, 800x805, pron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expects to be debated when all he does is further dig his own grave
>he spews more buzzwords he doesn't know what they mean
completely brain rotten
Because you're a simp
Quit porn and find the Jesus hiding under your bed, you godless faggot

>> No.6956031


>> No.6956032
File: 20 KB, 722x223, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really too dumb to figure it out on your own or are you just baiting yet again?

>> No.6956034
File: 72 KB, 602x440, discord tranny word index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme check the buzzword index... yup

>> No.6956035

this doesn't answer my question

>> No.6956036


>> No.6956037

I guess you are too dumb.
1st time your thread didn't get deleted. Afterwards you started spamming the board like a retard and got what you deserved. It's very simple... if you aren't dumb.

>> No.6956038
File: 492 KB, 1440x1800, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6956042

>cumbrains have degenerated to one word replies to show how cool and unwavering they are
>all they did is try to dismiss these posts for a lack of credibility
>but ended up proving them themselves
Now this is actually, unironically epic

Conclusion: Porn makes you mentally ill and low IQ. Cumbrains here are proof.
Praise Jesus btw

>> No.6956043


>> No.6956045

>he thinks jesus didn't cum

>> No.6956048

>he thinks about other men cumming

>> No.6956052


>> No.6956056

>Non-addict = addict
I know you cumbrains have brainrot, but i didn’t think it would be this bad

>> No.6956062

>Conclusion: Porn makes you mentally ill and low IQ. Cumbrains here are proof.
based and true

>Praise Jesus btw
(projectile vomits across the room)

>> No.6956066 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 405x720, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys please stop posting on this thread? i don't really care about anything that's being said here.

>> No.6956069
File: 27 KB, 404x408, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys please stop posting on this thread? i don't really care about anything that's being said here.

>> No.6956074
File: 190 KB, 464x660, wowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the pu

>> No.6956117

Gullible porn addicts and gullible indoctrinated soul believers are the same. You are both brain rotted.

>> No.6956121

By replying you just prove that he got to you.

>> No.6956124

>Conclusion: Porn makes you mentally ill and low IQ.
I hope this is just bait. You can't seriously believe that lol.

>> No.6956139



>> No.6956225

and when nothing works
They really expect anyone to either agree with them or say nothing, otherwise you're mad wrong and btfo.

That's how you know.
Wow i can't like even wow
You believe porn doesn't make you mentally ill and low iq? like WOW i cant even believe u believe that oh my god

It ain't a belief.
I came, i came, i predicted, it happened exactly as i said.
Also porn addiction turns you into a tranny: Every big pornfag transitioning or being a troon supports my statement.

>> No.6956251

Ok, cool. You were just baiting.

>> No.6956257

No, not really. I'm just a clown fighting the silliest battles.

>> No.6956259

Yeah, sure, but with shitposts and sarcasm, not with actual true statements. At least for the part that I quoted.

>> No.6956262

Fucking troon

>> No.6956264

>not with actual true statements
Well, are you an architect? Because that's a poorly built glass house.

>> No.6956282
File: 183 KB, 582x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all request based. He went from drawing what he wants to just drawing what everyone else wants for pennies, and because he's a third worlder those pennies are actually worth something.

Literally charges $25 a commission and then churns them out constantly. His (literal, not exaggerating) whore of a wife probably makes enough for them to live like royalty in their third world shithole too so it's not like he has to try.

>> No.6956331


c'mon guys >>6956069

>> No.6956341

>I'm just a clown fighting the silliest battles.
Go back toTiktok or whatever horrible corner of X you came out of

>> No.6956347

please stop posting

>> No.6956358

is it morally correct to steal IP?

>> No.6956376
File: 905 KB, 2600x1566, 1680211282627179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always been scummy artists that unapologetically traced, but now those same scummy artists can also utilize AI

>> No.6956399

if youre asking for moral advice and / or justification then your moral foundation is weak to begin with so its not worth anyones time to sway you.

If you're mad that someone else made profit for taking the easy route by deceiving coomers, then once again, you are weak.

Think for yourself and worry about yourself for once in your life retard. Theres pajeets in poo huts scamming grandmas out of 1000s everyday. This faggot tracer isnt even maximizing earning potential if he wanted to scam. Yet here you are, bitching about it on 4chin

>> No.6956405

>tracing AI

it is better to just draw the fucking thing considering how many things need to be corrected and how many iterations would be needed

>> No.6956406

$25 for this!?

>> No.6956411

yeah he's bitching about what goes on in the online art communities, in an online community? it's apathetic people like you that would lead to the enabling and people doing it even more which would lead to the degeneration of what goes on in art communities. and it's not just something that goes on in nsfw spaces but if anything nsfw spaces call it out more often

>> No.6956412

What about ones that use a provided image as a reference? BornToDie can near-perfectly replicate a pose in an image without tracing it.

>> No.6956417

Was there some tracing tricks to his fish eye perspective drawings? They seemed so skillful, but if he's a tracer as the op shows then maybe...

>> No.6956424

I remember he used to post sketches of how he did the fisheye perspective, but that was a long time ago. Sad to see how fast he rotted away.

>> No.6956425

What happens when you are confined to a hugbox environment of yesmen and fanboys.

>> No.6956429

He has such a circlejerk community that 'hola pantsu-ripper' is a meme

>> No.6956435
File: 1.31 MB, 498x279, anime-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6956437

>t. damage controlling pantsu-ripper shill
How many Pesos is he paying you?

>> No.6956438

>Do you think they genuinely like being treated like a piece of meat
yes. Their femoid animal brains tell them they're getting attention and priase. They only hate and resent coomers when they get older and the interest is gone.

>> No.6956445

don't be surprised when your followers and supporters hardly increase and drop when you get exposed then, other artists have to eat too and I'm sure they wouldn't mind knocking down the competition

>> No.6956453

>eat costs money
maybe if you let your fat bitch starve a little you’ll be able to spend more than 5 minutes on a drawing
a starving artist is a striving artist pantsu

>> No.6956457

there are some ez tricks to 5 point perspective. there used to even be a ps addon that made it pretty braindead but even without that you can just use the ellipse tool to grid them out in like 2 minutes

>> No.6956463

hi pantsu

>> No.6956474

t.no draw

>> No.6956484

No, because they'll inevitably post your art publicly, and when they do, everyone uninvolved with the commission will call you a lazy tracer.

>> No.6956491

We all know it’s you pantsuit, and if it’s not you’re at lest reading this. You should just get a real job and pursue a different career instead of art at this point. You have lost all your artistic integrity and any originality you had is gone, you’re dating (or married to???) a literal whore and by extension made yourself into one as well. And within a couple months you will be irrelevant when the algorithm filters you out and you’re left whoring yourself out for chump change. Do you really think it’s a bright future you have ahead of you right now?

>> No.6956504

Clients never get mad, even if the pose is slightly different. Clients worship and kiss your ass, if they don't like it, they suck it up and praise you to no end. You've never gotten a commission in your life, retarded larper.

>> No.6956506

Okay Satan

>> No.6956536
File: 52 KB, 530x544, 1594150737308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trace, no
Heavily reference, sure
Plenty of times a client tells me "hey I want this pose" so I go, break it down and then slap on the details of their character
I am always transparent about it as well, I show each step of the process and the referenced image, and I have yet to get a single complaint

>> No.6956539

Have any of them asked you to reference AI that they've generated?

>> No.6956541


Join us next week on another riveting episode of /ic/ debates, when we discuss if it's a waste of time to spend three years drawing nothing but boxes!

>> No.6956552

Fuck pantsu faggot. Never seen an artist with a worse sense of humor.

You can try to draw like a japanese all you want but you still have a third world soul.

>> No.6956559

To copy ai specifically, no, but some of my clients have indeed shown me ai pics as reference
I always chuckle when it happens, so much for putting artists out of business, right?

>> No.6956566

Okay Pantsu this is insufferable
Do not trace art. If you are going to steal to make money you might as well be an AIpajeet

>> No.6956571

he even copied the hearts, lame ass bitch

>> No.6956579

lmao the ameritard seething cuz he will never draw anime like the latino gods

>> No.6956581

Makes you wonder how much more he traced if he has already done it once

>> No.6956583

what did we learn today, kids? never trust a beaner.

>> No.6956591
File: 97 KB, 273x350, 1627680272734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.6956592

uuuh guys? please read the room >>6956069

>> No.6956594

I bet he/her gives good blowjobs

>> No.6956595
File: 257 KB, 470x708, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6956603

Holy shit youre right lol

>> No.6956611

That part's the most egregious to me, he really doesn't care lol

>> No.6956621

It's an extremely common sex pose that literally has its own name, the Full Neslon.
Either one of them could have traced it from a different artist or porn scene.
What a stupid fucking thread.

>> No.6956624

He fucking traced the goddamn hearts, this isn't just copying or referencing anymore.

>> No.6956627


>> No.6956632

hell yea

>> No.6956645

Keep the dope fiends higher than the Goodyear Blimp We eat so many shrimp

>> No.6956650

Is cutesexyrobutts the biggest cuck artist? he just exists to make Shexyo more rich

>> No.6956651
File: 1.04 MB, 220x165, laugh-michael-jordan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow lmfao my shit never gets this many replies
Only when people think i'm someone else, clearly popular enough to inspire ire amongst the obviously discord coordinated attacks at anyone defending the opposite point of view. Thats just d/ic/tatorship and I won't stand for it.

>is it morally correct to sell traced art?

What does this loaded question asking? No, in theory it's not morally correct to do anything to make money, which includes usury, by biblical standards.
If you're reading this, pantsu, is it? Tracing a widely 3d model a la the japanese modus operandi, seems to be the industry standard. Copying and stealing someones art and passing it off as your own isn't just lazy, lame and borderline shameful, its stupid in the long run.

>> No.6956652

It'd look like shit and wouldn't work if it was traced from a porn scene. Heavily referenced? sure but that's not what tracing means. The artist on the left traced the fuck out of right's to the point of even including the hearts?

>> No.6956654

is this a new death grips song?

>> No.6956655
File: 463 KB, 795x686, Psychopath-vs-Sociopath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe nobody notices the first 1,000 times you steal art, but after 1,001 times and what is apparently


a growing hatred base, I would tread cautiously. You're just one copyright lawsuit away from losing all the money you're making by stealing. “Pshh whatever faggot, I’m gonna do it anyways, nobody important cares or notices, why should I stop?” This is all harm reduction, a warning, from someone who has come to terms with his own sociopathic zero fucks given attitude in life. I don’t actually care what you do, it doesn’t affect me. What am asking is does it affect you? Do you feel guilt or remorse? If not, at the veritable amount of people you are screwing over? Or is this is just a case of idiocy since neither suoiresnu nor pants own the rights to what is FANART
clearly not sanctioned by the creator of my hero academia. Everybody needs to shut, stop throwing shit, and go draw. Myself included. It’s all a food chain of stealing anyways, neither suoiresnu nor pantsu deserve any fame, pity or ire, the game at the end of the day, “It is what it is” Instead of playing referee, judge, jury and social media presence executioner, remember what jesus said: “Before you call out the needle in the eye of another, pull the needle out of thine own eye first.” I rest my case. I’m not even religious or spiritual minded in the slightest, but what was the goal of this thread? Think about RESULTS.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56vtZsQgAF0

>> No.6956658

thats niggerdrick niggermar - dnaigger

>> No.6956669

Draw? Why bother draw when you can use AI instead while making money off LoRas of other artists. It's all stealing anyway

>> No.6956692

Get a real job you neet

>> No.6956836

Do not associate Lucky Star with niggerspeak. It's disgusting.

>> No.6956930
File: 578 KB, 714x1192, IMG_3213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based pantsu for making shitters seethe

>> No.6956936

Pantsu is not humble. Stop whiteknighting dork.

>> No.6956942

Wait, thats also traced??

>> No.6956964

I can just draw something better than that myself for FREE.

>> No.6957000

pantsu won

>> No.6957011

is it possible both of them are traced from a photo?

>> No.6957025


>> No.6957065

No. The vagina, face, and hair, among other things, are too stylized to have come from real life.

>> No.6957068

kys cuck

>> No.6957075

why don't thirdworld nigs just charge american prices and work half as much?

>> No.6957085

Gosh, that was painful for my brain to process. And somehow, that made me motivate to draw again.

>> No.6957097
File: 614 KB, 1988x1234, 1678488364014113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suoiresnu is literal ironic weeb garbage for zoomers.

>> No.6957100

Amazing how this image managed to compile everything I've been detesting since the start of this decade.

>> No.6957107
File: 233 KB, 768x900, 1671862691881336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6957112
File: 363 KB, 1375x1888, 1673937585483442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But. It. Do.

>> No.6957233

I got accused of tracing a drawing that I never traced. I just tried to see how well I could copy it through observation

>> No.6957243


>> No.6957244

lol I didn't even notice that

>> No.6957248

It’s not tracing, you have no proof. It’s very heavily referenced.

>> No.6957249
File: 972 KB, 1920x1080, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6957266

Stealing art doesn't matter in porn because it's already immoral and degenerate in the first place. Disposable and cheap by it's very nature.

>> No.6957268

>It’s not tracing, you have no proof. It’s very heavily referenced.

It's not heavily referenced, you have no proof. Its very being a narcissistic asshole stealing and hotwiring gods brain technology to force your wrists to hold wood and graphite sticks while your light observers are oversaturated past sunset to artificially extend the day cycle into night, much to your loneliness, horniness and mental and physical distress one would be apt to brainwash and hypnotizing you into it all, an incurable "illness" surrounded and built with guns and citizens who deem themselves the righteous but it is satan seeking rulership of heaven when the denizens of the lowest of the low, the veritable crabs of /ic/ hypnosis or gnosis bromism hypnozium verikichullya aka the feminization hypnosis is what NEE™an loves most. You're addicted to your own slavery, forever holding a gun to your head, charmingly chirping out I-I ll do it online and offline, In "Real Life" and In "World Wide Web" World. For you see, radically developing around you is the U-DO frequency which will one day claim existential synthesis over us all and I wonder, what will they do when I get away in a Helicopter with all the other Rich, Jewish, Rulers, Golden, Chosen, all those they hate. But they were doomed to fail, little cattle them all sent to slaughter not by my hand, but simply by the fate than any, nay, all moronic actions come back as a pendulum to knock oneself down into a lower basal hell of thine own creation. I rest my case.

>> No.6957272
File: 221 KB, 429x295, 1385171540347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6957275

>thinking there's any artistic integrity in cumbrain / commercialised art

>> No.6957276


>> No.6957280
File: 138 KB, 752x1280, IMG_2836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traced is godly
>latinxes live amongst ameritards
shitskin cope

>> No.6957281

>G-guys s-stop exposing me pwease (?)
-panstu on 4cuck 2023

>> No.6957289

Because the art is probably only worth that much, people are only going to spend so much on something with really rough lines and dull colors.
Just because they're popular doesn't mean that their art worth more.

>> No.6957299

Wait. So people thing the artist didn't change enough stuff from the original?

>> No.6957330


>> No.6957342

if you were using someones art like that as reference, how would you change it to make it into its own thing?

>> No.6957350

The same exact vagina? Dude

>> No.6957367

found the teenage priviliged commie roleplayer

>> No.6957409

Is today your first day holding a pencil?
You see the reference the client provides and then you draw your own drawing without even looking at the reference.
If you are incapable of drawing from memory, then you just observe the reference image and redraw it, not fucking trace it.
What kind of fucking begtard are you?

>> No.6957421

the problem is when I draw the reference from observation I copy it too closely. I even got accused tracing something I didn't trace

>> No.6957429

when did this guy's art get so bad? it all sucks now. it's just shitty coom and meme garbage now

>> No.6957461

Then stop using references and draw from memory.

>> No.6957535

Who needs to degrade their status so badly to ask USA for visas?
And don't come at me with Asian bs either.

>> No.6958365
File: 2 KB, 375x357, 1701109868273548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>porn commissions
not surprised at all, always hated this nigga
its so fucking easy to spot these hack faggots and i cant believe people support them for as long as they do
its the kind of people that draw the gayest trend shit ever like azumanga daioh or evangelion characters repeating unfunny twitter memes until they quit and whine about how art isnt fun anymore
its the kind of people where you hear about them more than you hear about their art

>> No.6958370

Its coom art, who gives a shit

>> No.6958381

Blame the consumers

>> No.6958388
File: 164 KB, 463x453, 1615067937037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Third worlders can live like kings in their countries drawing DA coom art, while i have to slave away in this shithole
I hate it

>> No.6958409

It's not traced because their torsos are drawn differently, otherwise they'd be in the same spot. Most likely they traced the same photo because that's how coomers are.

>> No.6958507

those fucking hearts expose retards like you in the thread claiming it's not traced

>> No.6958517

jealousy: the post

>> No.6958642

It's like one of those doujins where the guy cums his soul off.

>> No.6958648

Yes. I've done it a few times before. I sell blacked waifu commissions and when someone says they want me to draw their waifu blacked I just search for some good drawing by sorting by popular and trace that. I think it's fair because I could have just searched for the commissioner's waifu and changed the guy's skin color and he would probably accept it but I don't do that I actually put the effort to draw it in my style.

>> No.6958695
File: 897 KB, 1233x473, Full Nelson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it morally correct to sell traced art?
You do realize that not only R34 artists don't have any moral but they all trace their crap from porn and hentai right?

>> No.6958712

you should kill yourself

>> No.6958764

This pose looks hella uncomfortable.

>> No.6958811

where's the trace in your pic?

>> No.6958830

don't know why zoomers constantly think reference = tracing

>> No.6958844

>don't know why zoomers constantly think reference = tracing
lol I just traced your comment

>> No.6959375

deppresive boys would throw away their talent for attention, sadly.

>> No.6959455

Making art and selling it, are two different fucking things you moron. The trade ethics has nothing to do with the art process.

take your question here >/biz/ or here >/his
>inb4 what does history&humanities have to do with this
it's literally a question of morality
this is a board whose primary participants consume and want to create souless corpo anime slop, ethics isnt even a word they understand.

>> No.6959466
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, it really makes you think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell a porn artist (or better, a porn model) that what they're doing is wrong
>they get upset
>this proves that what they were doing is wrong

>> No.6959470

>Making art and selling it, are two different things
I think that's actually true (for the most part) you might need some base amount of drawing skill but it's not the most important thing.
Afrobull is a good example. I wouldn't call his art /pro/ tier but he makes 10k a month on patreon. Maybe it's timing or luck or maybe he's just great at marketing himself.
I think the only exception to this is if you're just a genius at drawing. That might be the only time you don't have to have any marketing skills

>> No.6959471


>> No.6959522

Then you're just as algorithm brainrotted. Being a contrarian is the same as being an algorithm chaser. You're just the south pole of the same compass.

>> No.6959712
File: 478 KB, 750x1334, wallpapersden.com_modeus-helltaker_750x1334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck would somebody pay for this shit

>> No.6959718

I'm having trouble making out the body beyond the forearm in both images, wtf is going on there?

>> No.6959732
File: 893 KB, 2270x1230, 1689721671143788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are weirdly obsessed on how they're perceived by other people and they outright make porn and being horny their whole identity much like this meme mocks about >>6957097

Isn't it also telling that every single time you dare observe their behavior, even neutrally, they start saying how everyone must be seething and jealous of them? It's a defense mechanism.
It's like telling a kid that he shouldn't eat a whole bag of candies and then screams at you about how you just don't want to see him happy.
It's like telling a drug dealer that drugs induce addiction and cause health problems, but he gets angry because that's how he makes his money and if people somehow become self-aware and want to better themselves, they won't buy drugs anymore and the drug dealer won't make money.
It's like saying how AI is just the midwit's magical art tool they use to larp as artists and then get mad and call you a luddite because ai is the thing that will finally give them some value and recognition they desperately crave while acting smug and insisting that everyone is just mad and jealous of them, while they also seek approval in the form of everyone perceiving ai art as real art and prompters as real artists.
It's like telling a porn addict that porn is bad.
It's like trannies demanding everyone to see them as women and let them have sex with kids or else you're a bigot homophobe racist.

These people have so much ego, little confidence and bad intentions that they cannot handle anything that points out the truth.
Which these threads prove time and time again.

>> No.6959735

prompters don't seem to have a problem with it

>> No.6959776

Actually yeah, bunch of my clients did the same. Shows a bunch of AI pics as reference and then says what's wrong with each of them.

>> No.6959845

>It's like telling a kid that he shouldn't eat a whole bag of candies and then screams at you about how you just don't want to see him happy.
What the fuck kind of kids do you have?

When people get defensive, it means they perceive what you're saying as an attack. Given that all the examples you gave of people getting defensive are groups that most people would see as being beneath them, it probably was an attack. The only "tell" here is that you failed to conceal the fact that you despise these people.

>> No.6959986

Everybody has a finite amount of good art ideas in them. Once you've burned through that, you're just running on fumes. Nobody continues to just get better and better, after a while there's a decline.

>> No.6959997 [DELETED] 

Ok but his good work also showed potential, that potential went nowhere, but you could see how he might have developed into someone art directing an anime or something like krenz. Instead he's just wasting away...

>> No.6960002

Coom pays the bills, nothing else matters
Also the fact that hes dating an ewhore makes me believe he completelly gave up, coombrain all the way

>> No.6960003

you could see how he might have developed into someone art directing an anime or something like krenz. Instead he's just wasting away...
Can he refuel? It's not over is it?

>> No.6960012

(Deleted just because I just reworded it to exclude the potential repetition. )
Coom really seems to stunt potential. Like it's a complete dead end. Money then, stunts it. Has anyone done well? Zone did good Skullgirls work, but after that?

>> No.6960097

his style looks like ugly westoid crap. strong spic stench. whatever he makes, it'll never be anything other than mere fan art. it will never pass.
krenz will never amount to anything other than making chink-ified tutorials ripped straight from Western books. he'll never make anything original either. bug-men aren't capable of it.

>> No.6960121

The shot with the destroyed train looks good to me, what is crap about it?

>> No.6960124

* I meant kronprinz, not krenz. It's late..

>> No.6960126

found the anon who never had to work to pay his rent

>> No.6960127

Ignore the retard. It's mindless bait at this point.

>> No.6960129


>> No.6960185
File: 15 KB, 320x240, 154778951435456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"it's an attack if it's offensive to a group of people and they feel offended, even if it's just someone calling a spade a spade Wow you must despise those people and think you're better."
And there you have it.
Nothing but emotional outbursts, irrationality, subjectivity and personal attacks.

When people get defensive and emotionally charged, that means they can't defend what they say and do in good faith that they have to brand the ones saying it how it is as
>"hating them or thinking they're lesser or not wanting them to be happy"
No matter how much drugs make you happy, they're still bad for you and any "defense" is just your addiction speaking to justify getting high.
Same with porn. Same with candy. Same with smoking. Same with anything you can't defend objectively.

>> No.6960212
File: 899 KB, 1611x1080, Ray-Peat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same with candy

>> No.6960378
File: 139 KB, 1080x1080, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6960395
File: 26 KB, 640x360, yojimbo_looks_at_your_post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an attack if it's offensive to a group of people and they feel offended
Yes. Literally yes. That is exactly what I meant.
You are saying things that other people find insulting or offensive, and that's why these people get defensive.
It doesn't mean that you're right, it just means that you're better at insults.

>> No.6960420
File: 56 KB, 1280x650, 1695721637251520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, Minus8 acts like a spoiled attention whore that fishes for attention constantly and his simps just eat it up

>> No.6960457
File: 689 KB, 701x891, 1654163521456685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm offended therefore it's an attack and should not be said."
>"if you say a truth, but it's offensive, you're not right, you're just insulting"
Are you even a real person?

>> No.6960499

These old scenes are too pretentious and boring. The new ones have insane appeal and make my neurons activate.

>> No.6960621

Lucky Star is disgusting, so it works out. Soulless flanderization of anime tropes without any artistic vision or personality to speak of: the anime.

>> No.6960624

it's kind of hard to miss if you've been on the internet in the last 10 years. what're you supposed to do as a cool, well-adjusted adult? just shut your eyes and pretend it's still 2009?

>> No.6960695
File: 243 KB, 1440x1800, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6960703

I sure hope you're not experiencing an emotional response right now.

>> No.6960865

I don't feel attacked, no, you're the one saying that feelings should trump truth, if the truth is offensive and now switching over to lackluster snark.

I dunno man, you're clearly mad as fuck.
Proves me right yet again.

>> No.6960867
File: 825 KB, 500x281, 1678114601611793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After-the-fact analysis from a zoomie or cucked by Aya?
LS was very influential at its time, KyoAni went ultimate profitmaxxing with it and released over 50 music albums, a radio show, console games. Perhaps not a big a wave as Haruhi, but the output was unbelievable.
And it sprouted many copycats. The only reason it didn't do it even more was because K-On! came out and it resonated even more with normalfags, and because with Aya's death in the industry there could never be a Lucky Star Season 2 to bring a second wave of hype surrounding the series.

The artstyle is both recognizable and hasn't aged a day, thanks to the colorful digital palette and clean shape language. Only shaft has the same juiciness to it.

Come back when your favorite anime successfully sells an album of amateurish karaoke singing solely backed by people's enjoyment of the characters' personalities.

>> No.6960914
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That is the end of most pornfags.
They end up being irrelevant the split second they don't produce novel content and then they find other ways to try and get attention, which in turn lures dramatards who are just there to enable the attention whores to laugh at them to feel better about their miserable lives.
This is also why porntards get emotional easily,; it's because they have no personality, no hobbies, no interests, no soul, no real intelligence, they are just driven by consumerism and animalistic desires such as jerking off or getting attention and they will genuinely despise anyone who can get attention without being as miserable and low class people as them.
Majority of the crabs and those who post nothing but snark on this board are all porntards, hence why the meme of
>they have more followers/patreon money so they're better and you're just jealous
That is the only flex they can clutch on, because they have nothing else in their lives they have to flex on others with the dick of other people and turn art into a competition about who has the most "things".

But what they downright hate, is anyone calling it how it is and they will project all their insecurities unto others.
Everyone has been a teenager and dealt with insecurity, so this ain't rocket science to point out these things, given their observable and repeated behaviors.

>> No.6961033

There's only so much space for those positions anon. They usually get filled by nepobabies.

>> No.6961304

That's not quite what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the feelings and truth are two separate things with no causal link between them. That is, if someone gets mad, that does not by itself make him wrong. It doesn't make him right either.
You keep saying that other people being upset "proves you right", but you've so far failed to provide any kind of argument for why this would be the case.

>> No.6961366
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Anon, what logic does one follow to keep trying to repeatedly brand some opinion as wrong/not true by attacking the speaker, over the internet nonetheless?
That is what is called damage control.
And what reason would someone have to try and damage control some random opinion, when in fact it is true due to being observable, also in this thread nonetheless?

>i'm not saying
You did though>>6959845
>it doensn't make them wrong
No one said that and being upset at something isn't an argument.
But it does indeed beg the question as to why they're having an emotional response, when the thing they're responding to is just someone saying it how it is while all they do is personal attacks and irrationality.
>you far failed to provide any argument
I do all the time. Aren't my explanations arguments itself? Isn't the thread and my explanations coming true and being proven, proof itself?

Anon, if i said
>the moon is round
Which is a true, objective and observable to be true
And the someone would come and say
>"omg you just hate flatearthers you think you're better than them?"
It's clear that that someone is threatened by this information, due to personal reasons.

This kind of
>"You shouldn't tell the truth unless it offends people or goes against someone's interest"
Is why countries and empires go to shit.

>> No.6961405

>Amerimutt can't think of a world outside of his dystopian shithole country

>> No.6961418

>It's clear that that someone is threatened by this information, due to personal reasons.
Yes. It threatens their worldview. Some people genuinely believe the Earth to be flat, and find it offensive when others question this.
You've posted several examples of this, but don't seem to comprehend what is actually happening. They're not trying to do "damage control", or drown out your argument. They're sincerely insulted. It's not calculated, it's genuine anger.
Many christians get upset if you tell them that God isn't real and their faith is based on lies. Is this objective proof of the non-existence of God? No, it just means you've figured out how to insult christians.

>> No.6961591
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I comprehend, you're just missing the point.
>but they insulted
They should close their eyes then. Honestly, what do they hope to achieve with that?
To write a post to show how offended and outraged you are, you have to go out of your way to post it, so in a way it is damage control and trying to drown out something; whether it's an opinion or reality.
You don't really """react""" over the internet, there is always intent and minimal calculation behind it.
Imagine, you have all the time to reply to someone, read carefully what you're going to post, but all you manage is
>"uhhhhm ur wrong because fuck you ur just jealous u think ur better than me? i cant even"
And this at infinitum every single time their world view, perception, addiction and basically their social value gets MINIMALLY challenged.

>but it doesn't prove
Anon, what have i posted and what was i trying to prove?

If my intent was to insult, i would not write walls of text.
Insults are always subjective, but if something insults you, it doesn't actually make it an insult.
You choose to feel insulted because of cognitive dissonance.

I could choose to feel insulted because you call my posts an insult, but i don't, because they ain't insults just because someone says they are insulting to retards.

>> No.6961893

That's on purpose.
It's about degrading the woman and giving the man pleasure while causing her discomfort, just like throat fucking, ass-to-mouth, etc. Even pissing on women has been normalized in mainstream porn recently.

>> No.6962008

Just enjoy what you like and, if you see others enjoying something, instead of being cynical about it, assume they genuinely like it and move on. Or even better, take a moment to consider the appeal and you might end up either liking it or appreciating some part of it that you can use to improve your own aesthetic sense.