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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6950357 No.6950357 [Reply] [Original]

Why are /ic/ and weeb artists like this?

>> No.6950360

Why are you like this?

>> No.6950362

That's it.

>> No.6950365

shut up

>> No.6950371

because cartoons are ugly as sin next question

>> No.6950372

>mostly flops cartoons vs most hits anime
Success dramatically changes one perception of things.

>> No.6950375

both are shit
winsor mccay is better than any of those
retvrn to tradition

>> No.6950380

Gumball, TTG, Kiki, Slayers, and the fox are peak design.
NuThomas, Shinchan and Yotsuba are fine.
Everything else is trash.

>> No.6950381

I enjoy cartoons of both varieties because I like animation in general.
Many weebs, based on how they behave, don't enjoy animation or art, they enjoy voluptuous women and cute girls in fantastic situations. Animation just happens to be the medium that allows them to enjoy that.

>> No.6950382

>shin-chan is fine
shin-chan is the peak of a recognizable and iconic art style, no other cartoon or anime comes close

>> No.6950431

Sometimes I visit /co/ and I see them creaming themselves over those ugly animations that often are clearly marketed to children.

>> No.6950445

only good posts thus far
it should be obvious but whenever threads like this are posted everyone's first instinct should be "is OP's statement true? did this really happen in the real world or only in his mind?"
when you apply this smart line of thought to EVERY thread you see on 4chan you immediately start to detect garbage threads and the midwits who respond to them
sage, btw

>> No.6950622
File: 463 KB, 1200x1100, I hate calarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, post this Image and they will go mad, is not even the og one but I think it absolutely applies no matter what /co/ example you use.

>> No.6950631

yoh yoshinari, arguably japan's best animator, loves ruby gloom and it's designs but doesn't give a shit about pedomaid.
what does that tell you? :^) west is superior

>> No.6950635

Me on the bottom left

>> No.6950646


Cause they are weebs. You answered your own question.

>> No.6950687

shounen fans make up the majority of anime watchers and shounen's usually all about build ups to dramatic animated fight scenes. There's a reason jujutsu kaisen is the most popular anime right now, it's constant high quality animated fight scenes.

>> No.6950689

at least post yoshinari's glorious artwork instead of linking to tumblr you mega fagget

>> No.6950701
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1920, Unique Anime Designs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the western cartoons, a lot of those had no complaints about them artistically. For the first image, The second on the Bottom Row, The TMNTs, Starr (despite being a prime example of bean mouth), that particular iteration of sonic (people disliked the bandages, but didn't particularly care about the changes), and Gumball all range from being liked to people being nebulous about it.

Meanwhile Teen Titans Go is a noticeable downgrade, Red reeks of bean mouth when people are sick to death of it, Steven was a fairly hideous show and also beanmouth, Thomas the Tank Engine had a beloved stop motion style before going to that vector looking dreck, High Guardian Spice is wannabe weeb dreck (not "cartoony", so why is it there?), and finally Battle Toads had a fairly liked art style before being simplified into that more comedic style (it takes away from the "cool" nature of the characters).

So your list of hated western cartoons are pretty weak when half the list is actually liked visually, and the other half was disliked more so because of despised visual trends or changes from the established.
Also your Anime list shows a good amount of diversity for the art style, more than what the average person usually sees just perusing manga or anime - my biggest criticism against anime is how cookie cutter it often looks (picrel), and yet you've made that argument look silly.

And if a pale cyclopes girl with one eye was drawn in anime style, you'd probably cream your jeans - it's Pavlovian at this point. If you stopped jerking off to hentai for a while, you'd probably realise there's more to the art world than anime.

>> No.6950741
File: 350 KB, 842x1200, 5888f174e7464cfd035c4076d5a75feecdf3ad84c02e68630e4ef069a71c2c97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a "both are shit" to a degree camp but, i'm going to slightly side with West because usually in these tribal threads the Cartoonfags aren't as disingenous with their comparisons

>> No.6950778

That's not the original picture though.

>> No.6950817

That's not the point

>> No.6950820

In the Western one the Thomas one is the cutest one. The proportions are really good and there is really good balance.

For the one with the girl with the pink bangs and the blue haired girl with the witch hat I was trying to figure out what about it is throwing me off so much despite how much it's trying to look like the Japanese designs on the bottom and then I figured it out:

It's TRYING to look like it, but it's off and the characters are looking a bit weird despite sharing so many similarities to the character designs on the bottom. I think it's because their heads are not big enough and their eyes are TOO far apart so it makes them look scary af. The new Teen Titan designs are more successful in that regard even if the show was hard to watch.

If Star, the blond in the blue had more highlights in her eyes and less teeth I think it could work.

I always disliked Steve's Universe's revised designs and preferred the original before it was changed.

The irony about the bottom is that anime character designs in the 2010s up until now has bent more to a certain aesthetic. I do feel that now, it's starting to shift in a bit of a different direction. Then again that is true for like every decade. I am very happy that American cartoons are finally abandoning the Ren&Stimpy era. The sheer ugliness of Nick cartoons in the 90s and its impact on American animation for a long time was one of the main the reasons I ended up moving towards Japanese anime.

>> No.6950833

Go draw.

>> No.6950886

lucky star is the peak of aesthetics and you lumped in some good western art with californian art eat this armbar kid

>> No.6950971

Gonna second the Thomas one. It's genuinely pretty pleasant and balanced.
The blue and pink witch girls look weird because their shapes are rigid and the forms in their design are amateurish and flat. A lot of details look like afterthoughts slapped onto a body instead of being a part of them with varied weight and wrapping.

>> No.6951046

Cuteness sells in japan and everything from paper companies to train stations has a cute mascot. These guys have studied cute characters in labs for decades and always tried to come up with way to make them cuter.
When a japanese artist is tasked with making a cute character that shit just kinda comes to them naturally because everywhere they go they see cute characters, not made to just appeal to kids but to people of all ages as well including adults as well.

In the west, cute stuff is generally separated from everything regarding the adult world. So when an out-of-touch adult western artist has to make something cute, they just ask themselves "hmm what do kids like?".

>> No.6951787

Either they are weebs or the infamy that surrounds western cartoons have left a bad image in their mind.
Steven universe is famous for their toxic fanbase, the Sonic fandom have some rather infamous fans to say the least(Chris-chan and SammyClassicSonicFan) , Star vs the forces evil is supposedly written by an very unhinge woman.

>> No.6951790

the story of the Imperishable Sammy Zenith is autism kino

>> No.6951800
File: 452 KB, 660x470, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like three of the western ones
i dont like three of the animes, maybe four

i'm pretty balanced on things i guess but you seriously can't expect me to take thundercats roar seriously as an artistic endeavor when the producer looks like this

>> No.6951808

>arguably japan's best animator
even yoh yoshinari himself wouldn't say that

>> No.6951908
File: 104 KB, 1024x683, 1684582206392131m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Jews, niggers, tranny and westoids. Total Babylon Death

Simple as

>> No.6952146

people of abominable character and those who have done even worse to their physical selves relish in things like western cartoons because it helps them see that they are not the most horrid creatures in existence. they have contenders, and in competition they find comfort.

>> No.6952190


>> No.6952214

I'm so glad someone else feels the same way I do about Crayon Shin-chan. I cannot think of a single other artist that can create something as rudimentary on the surface, yet deceptively sophisticated as Shin-chan.

>> No.6954255
File: 886 KB, 1443x887, IMG_20231128_031344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same energy

>> No.6954261

all of them are shit

>> No.6954272

1. Yoh is humble and self-effacing, like a lot of Japanese people. This may just be a face they put on, however, although in Yoshinari's case he
2. has high standards and also has one of Japan's most talented animators for an older brother. It's quite possible these two facts are very much related