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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 276 KB, 828x1440, 7870B767-CFB9-459D-809A-686B83CAD54F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6948794 No.6948794 [Reply] [Original]

imagine thinking you could learn to draw like this without studying realistic anatomy

>> No.6948800

What the fuck is she even looking at the corner like that for it's like an socially awkward autist who does not want to make direct eye contact trying to attack somebody kek

>> No.6948801

because it makes for a cute expression, you appeallet

>> No.6948803

This looks fucking retarded though

>> No.6948838

>muh realism
you will never be an illustrator

>> No.6948840

draw your version

>> No.6948841

>muh appeal
You know what's appealing? A face you can look at.

>> No.6948843

very surface level of you

>> No.6948845

What the fuck are you takking about? Ugly faces are not appealing but you have to look at them at them in real life

>> No.6948848


>> No.6948872


No way AI can create something like this without fucking up some part of her anatomy.

>> No.6949096

i'm tired of seeing this gay retard artist

>> No.6949154

>render the fuck out of the leather jacket
>face is moe blob tier garbage
jarring and disgusting

>> No.6949188

ngmi take

>> No.6949229


>> No.6949245
File: 562 KB, 864x668, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6949253

did you draw the shit in OP's post?
then why are you getting so defensive?
fucking lmao

>> No.6949258
File: 75 KB, 543x626, 1699279592589727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, every artist should draw faces like this instead.

>> No.6949276

why would I do that?

>> No.6949288
File: 463 KB, 625x757, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but

>> No.6949296

the face isn't the problem really. it's not good, but the entire pose is just completely fucking retarded and makes absolutely no sense. it's just one of those poses intended to be dynamic without putting any more thought into it than that.

>> No.6949299

are you FAGGOTS serious? crabbing on a legendary artist just because you're jealous?
behaviour like this should seriously be a bannable offense

>> No.6949301
File: 249 KB, 387x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody is immune to criticism. Bruce timm is one of my favorite artists but I admit the nigga can't draw feet

>> No.6949314

you've never thrown a punch before in your fucking life if you think her pose is logical.

>> No.6949321

do you think the point is to be logical?

>> No.6949325


>> No.6949329

>legendary artist
if he was i would have heard of him

>> No.6949341

the face is fine, the pose is stupid but saying the face is bad with this garbage redline showing no understanding of skull shape >>6949245 is just crab cope

>> No.6949344
File: 158 KB, 627x455, XV_angel_66c_ima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to figure out which move this is suppose to be? I guess her Finish-Straight? the anatomy makes it hard to tell

>> No.6949349

never redline again

>> No.6949350

it should be, yes. making the pose logical would convey the same feeling while not looking fucking stupid.

>> No.6949357

when the art director says to have the character wear pants but you want to draw underwear

>> No.6949361

anon they're chaps...

>> No.6949368

I don't wanna be a D1 dick rider for BT but
People are immune if the critique is wrong, how can you it here and be a fan of bruce timm and pretend that he can't draw feet, have you googled? heard of bing? yandex it my nigga

>> No.6949370
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1080, brucetimmcandrawfeetIDKwhatyouretalkingabout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah image didn't get linked my bad

>> No.6949374
File: 549 KB, 875x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe my redline would be better if the structure of the head wasn't so retarded. I have to make shit up that's no there to make it make any kind of sense.
You could argue it's just stylized cheating, still looks retarded regardless. The head has no real structure

>> No.6949376

nice flippers

>> No.6949380

I'm with this anon, okay pose doesn't make sense, So?

who gives a fuck? there's tons of things in art that aren't realistic but the skill of the artist isn't diminished just because they aren't producing photography.

>> No.6949382

pyw or never use the color red again

>> No.6949385

nice cope your nodraw fag, how do (YOU) draw feet?

>> No.6949386

I could but I'd be essentially doxxing myself so rather not homie.

>> No.6949388

Okay fair, privacy is important but
Just draw something new then?

>> No.6949391

the guys feet on the top right show that it's just stylization, he can draw feet fine

>> No.6949393

the feet are easily the weakest part of all of his artwork. He's obviously not a foot guy and doesn't focus on them much or care to draw them very well or detailed.

>> No.6949419
File: 645 KB, 627x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not going to draw shit because you'll say it's bad no matter what i post. But i'll finish this >>6949288 real quick.

>> No.6949422

no we aren't crab, you're clearly not a /beg/ at the minimum but I don't understand why at your skill level, you think the facial construction/stylization is incorrect. It's clearly a choice and not a deficiency in the artist from ops post

>> No.6949423

you fucking ruined the face.

>> No.6949429
File: 1.09 MB, 960x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6949443

what is with you people and big fucking ugly noses and fat lips with square manly jaws?

>> No.6949445

I prefer OP because it's in the style of 90s Capcom. Simple as.

>> No.6949446

nice backpedal,

a far cry from ''he can't draw feet'
now it's 'he doesn't focus on them'

most people don't have foot fetishes either, and?

BT clearly doesn't shy away or try to hide/avoid drawing feet, you can critique him but not on these nothing nit picks

>> No.6949450

>okay pose doesn't make sense, So?
>who gives a fuck?
why are you dickriding a random guy so hard?

>> No.6949451

>a far cry from ''he can't draw feet'
>now it's 'he doesn't focus on them'
same thing

>> No.6949458

>It's clearly a choice and not a deficiency in the artist from ops post
even if that's the case, it still looks retarded and ugly

>> No.6949459

why are you crabbing someone whos actually good? at least be correct/accurate when you shit on someone, dumbass

>> No.6949460


I prefer your edited face but then again I don't have anime tunnelvision. It's more cohesive with the detail of her figure.

>> No.6949464

ok well damn nigga just say it's not to your tastes, shiiieet

>> No.6949465

he transitioned

>> No.6949466

anime should have stayed in the east

>> No.6949471

It's not a matter of taste. If you're going to use stylization like that it should look good. If it was good stylization this entire discussion would have never happened, because it would've just looked good objectively.

>> No.6949482

do you think the edit "looks good objectively"?

>> No.6949483

your stuff didn't look that great to me but I'm gonna play retard and pretend there was no skill behind it, pretty sure if you ask 7/10 they will prefer the anime stylization. It might not look good to you but you can't in good faith deny their skill in producing good art

>> No.6949484

I think the detail of the head fits better with the rest of the drawing

>> No.6949487

do you think it "looks good objectively" though?

>> No.6949490

who takes cute characters and slaps on lips like that?

>> No.6949492

Nothing does. I was talking more in an ideal world situation. Still the blob head on the detailed body in the op looks dumb.

>> No.6949497

That's your taste, and it's not all that great.

>> No.6949498

I think you just have anime brain rot nigger

>> No.6949500

How clueless are you? Where do you think we are?

>> No.6949514
File: 724 KB, 488x710, hunchback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for notre dame?

>> No.6949516

Are inspired by Tokyo revenger? Your style reminds me of it a bit

>> No.6949521
File: 267 KB, 500x913, 1672283765820889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6949525

Can someone redline the ear in relation to her nose/eyes, thats the only thing that kinda seems off to me but im /beg/tier

>> No.6949527

Never heard of it. I don't watch/read anime.

>> No.6949528

idiot, its the jacket lifting off because of the position of her arms

>> No.6949530

the spine and neck are busted. pose is wack.

>> No.6949558

Anti western fundamentals is why I hate this site. If you speak English stop worshipping easterners.

This looks objectively better. You cannot have a tone woman and not have a notable jawline.

>> No.6949560

If you want to fuck men so bad then go right ahead.

>> No.6949561

If you think men have skeletal features exclusive to them you need to take medication pronto.

>> No.6949562

Says who?

>> No.6949565

pointing out glaring flaws isn't crabbing you absolute fucking retard.
>at least be correct/accurate
what are you even talking about? the pose is dogshit and makes no sense, fucking pussy that's never thrown a punch before

>> No.6949569

It's not a flaw, it's a deliberate decision
You are always wrong

>> No.6949570
File: 18 KB, 414x414, b72b934958a0ca358ba525f82de5a3d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being racist. Japs like white people, so should you.

>> No.6949571

This can't be real lmao

>> No.6949572

I just don't feel the power in this pose or punch and the lax facial expression doesn't make me feel threatened at all

>> No.6949574
File: 25 KB, 736x414, 0f0cb42c40ba352a1489456e5de875a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now tell me why this pepe looks far more dangerous than the animeslop

>> No.6949576

why is this board
this ONE board
so fucking garbage
I'd struggle to find posters who are so genuinely shitty and awful at everything even in fucking /trash/
you guys should seriously fucking sort yourselves

>> No.6949578

Line of action and focus on hitting his target. OP is too focus on the entire subject, too straight on composition and shitty FoV

>> No.6949579

This should go down in 4chan history as the greatest self-own on /ic/

>> No.6949580

is this the 4chan version of tumblr/twitter retards turning characters black?

>> No.6949582
File: 238 KB, 1198x488, 51-Figure3-2-1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a flaw, it's a deliberate decision
that's like saying the bad examples here aren't flaws, the artist just wanted their poses to look fucking terrible. It's okay to admit that the pose is bad. he's not going to nut in you.

>> No.6949583
File: 816 KB, 764x718, 1623635442025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you faggots replying to >>6949419 need to shut the fuck up, you wouldn't have the balls to post outside of your hugbox generals/social media thread go suck a dick.

>> No.6949587

You are always wrong
Stop embarrasing yourself

>> No.6949589
File: 5 KB, 492x428, 1695680761550973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons now crabbing over hungryclicker

>> No.6949591

jealousy of this level has got to be a mental illness at this point

>> No.6949593

get up right now and try to throw a punch in that position. tell me how much power you have. tell me how strong your punch is with literally zero possible hip rotation because you're leading with the wrong leg.

>> No.6949596

Stop trying to prove an objectively wrong fact, man
It's sad, just go draw

>> No.6949598
File: 2.13 MB, 3196x1713, 1698753355285530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you on the right?

>> No.6949599

You do realize the left is the structure of a nigroid, yes?

>> No.6949601

I don't care about the left. I care about the right drawing. I thought it was a joke improvement but if it's the same artist, I guess not

>> No.6949613

Are you addressing the redliner or the people replying to him?
>inb4 both

>> No.6949617

Just go fucking draw man

>> No.6949633
File: 41 KB, 512x288, 451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disagree on the anime slop bit but KEK this pose is awesome

>> No.6949695

What do you think I'm here for? I draw my ass off, only drop by to make threads or post in them asking questions. Usually when my burning question gets ignored I check what all the posters on this board are paying attention to and lo and fucking behold, this dumpster fire of a thread is what gets the most replies. I should really really make some artist friends or something

>> No.6949709

>just draw dude!
kek this fucking thread

>> No.6949726

shut the fuck up and draw

>> No.6949728

There has never been a situation more appropriate to post this picture in than this one

>> No.6949732

This is why the comics industry is dead

>> No.6949733
File: 57 KB, 460x800, begtry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im probably a mid beg but how about this?

>> No.6949734

Good, more dynamic and recognizable gesture

>> No.6949741

>"it's fine when the fotm slopper with a gajillion followers does it. If you say otherwise you're crabbing"
Crabbing really has just become a dismissal to whiteknight the big accounts and to troll
>post a work with flaws
>some anon points it out

Work is shit because it panders to normies. It's the epitome of Kitsch made wow your average retard.
Anything i would shit out is better to what Hungryclicker ever did.
Dare me to pmw.

>> No.6949746

Sure pyw. Better yet sketch out your improved version

>> No.6949750
File: 333 KB, 761x783, arent u amazewowed by the epic girl from fighting game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw you can't say anything bad about this or you're crabbing and jealous of my skillz

>> No.6949763

if this is work you're proud of, good for you.

>> No.6949764

Shut up, crab

>> No.6949766
File: 515 KB, 1242x2094, skeletonposedrawover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face looks fine, the spine might be a bit wonky? but it's not the worst thing I've ever seen, this is a move from a vidya char so makes sense that the I frame it's based off is a bit weird itself, the artist is super skilled imo

>> No.6949787

A broken record, are we?

>> No.6949800

right looks better

>> No.6949802

you literally can't be implying that ear placement is ok and that the angle of the face in relation to the head makes sense. I'm not gonna except it.

>> No.6949805

it's funny too because it's not even an offensive change to the drawing. It's still got an anime look just a different style. I guarantee all these posters replying to it have garbage toddler scribble-tier art or don't even draw.

>> No.6949808

editing someone else's work because you think you can do better only to end up just doing a style change with zero actual improvement because you simply hate anime is crabby as fuck

>> No.6949809

the face in the OP is a shittily drawn blob

>> No.6949810

why though

>> No.6949811

Which book is that tom drawing from?

>> No.6949812

lots of anime styles draw the ears kind of low. yoh does this a lot too. it's one of the first things realistfags have to get over when learning to draw something that breaks away from loomis-man proportions. treating loomis as the bible is one of the biggest barriers in general between westerners and appeal ime

>> No.6949813

the structure of it is non-nonsensical

>> No.6949816

>has a nose
>has a mouth
>has eyes
>has brows
>has a chin

>> No.6949818

Draw a box

>> No.6949819

crabs go first

>> No.6949822
File: 104 KB, 843x696, Screenshot_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6949838

It's a cartoon, you absolute fucking mong. Are you going to complain about Mr. Crocker from Fairly OddParents because his ear's attached to the side of his neck?

>> No.6949867

Define realistic anatomy, please.
For cartoony renders like these you don't need to study realism.

>> No.6949882
File: 1.10 MB, 675x681, 876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having a butthurt meltdown cause someone on twitter drew in a style you dont like. now i remember why i dont bother going here much.

>> No.6949883

>anatomically incorrect chicken scratch red line
the audacity

>> No.6949890
File: 970 KB, 828x1440, f76f7i6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.6949892

Why is /ic/ such a crab bucket? It's clear that the artist knows far more about drawing than everyone criticising him. Intent matters greatly.

>> No.6949902

Because he didn't put a mannish jaw and big fat dick sucking lips and a big fucking nose like all the Westerners do.

>> No.6949905

This place is riddled with dunning krugers.

>> No.6949906

motivated by jealousy, insecurity, or malice, or all of those at once.

>> No.6949920


>> No.6949924

Peter Gray sama...

>> No.6949930
File: 99 KB, 292x257, 1600814426987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, that's an improvement

>> No.6949946

hope your not implying that the redraw is supposed to be bad in any sort of way. Its a different, much more western style, sure. But you autistic mongrels that prefer near featureless, almost beak/snout like anime faces are incredibly obnoxious.

>> No.6949949

They are both bad for different reasons. The left is chicken scratching crap from somebody that doesn't understand anime stylization, the right is uncanny flat crap that doesn't understand western more realistic styles require a different kind of rendering.

>> No.6949953

>the right is uncanny flat crap that doesn't understand western more realistic styles require a different kind of rendering.
>A clearly unfinished piece, probably a redline, has uncanny flat rendering
Yea your a inbred retard. I don't know why I even bother with this board with the amount of stupid fucks that don't even draw.

>> No.6949963
File: 244 KB, 840x1000, Eppc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts made me laugh really hard i almost shit myself, discord sisters

>> No.6949965

there's probably a spongebob screencap for everything at this point but it was the first thing to come to mind when i saw the pic

>> No.6949970

Look at that giant disgusting nose! Westerners are aren’t human.

>> No.6949977

You just know a swarthy, smelly /pol/ spic drew this one. Tell me, am I a troon for not supporting AI slop too?

>> No.6949981

It’s unfair to judge westoid artworks based on the bad perspective. All we learn is figure drawing based off of reference so you cant judge an artist based on something nobody is teaching. He got pretty good likeness to the reference character and pose which is what matters.

>> No.6949987
File: 257 KB, 840x1000, kat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hermana, no

>> No.6950077

ban everyone who posted in this thread

>> No.6950091

If the artist can't avoid uncanny shit, then they shouldn't have colored it the way they did. An actual redLINE would have been a better choice.

>> No.6950169

Because it's traced from animeslop

>> No.6950276

>western more realistic styles require a different kind of rendering
no you can get by with just flat coloring.

>> No.6950280

>tfw this thread
On one hand, I realize I will fuck up no matter how professional I manage to go, but on other, someone is bound to like it anyway.

>> No.6950295

someone is bound to crab on you, you mean

>> No.6950305

shit taste, never going to make it

>> No.6950310

Anatomical accuracy is overrated. If it doesn't add to the aesthetic value of a piece, it should be ignored. But then again, to make such changes you need to have apt knowledge of anatomy in the first place.

>> No.6950319


>> No.6950320


>> No.6950322

Is her wrist broken

>> No.6950332

creative problems. creative solutions. anatomy cucks out here doing studies of individual muscle fibers LMAO

>> No.6950343

ngl angel look weird
>only critics
>no drawing fix posted

>> No.6950468

that too

>> No.6950489

>you need to study anatomy
>but also trace models, no rules just tools

which is it? do you have proof hungry clicker constructed this post out of thin air with no refs using only his anatomy knowledge?

>> No.6950492

all the people who don't even know the character criticizing the pose when she literally does this in-game.

>> No.6950497

are the two mutually exclusive?

>> No.6950501
File: 616 KB, 1240x1753, image_2023-11-25_145925281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to know what you're looking at to even use ref properly and we've all seen art from /beg/s hardstuck tracing stuff they don't understand.
but hankuri also streamed this whole painting. he'll probably put up the timelapse in a few days

>> No.6950503

you don't need to learn any of this shit. artists aren't doctors. unless you're doing extremely realistic anatomical drawings this shit is a waste of time.
At the most you should just learn how everything looks and learn the basic 3D shapes of the body.

>> No.6950525

seething and sneeding

>> No.6950556

anatomy is for stiff chicken scratch white void nodraw permabegs
see: /beg/ thread
some 15 year old on twitter or pixiv draws circles around all the adults here and they probably never spent more than 30 minutes looking at anatomy textbook, just youtube and tutorial

>> No.6950563
File: 650 KB, 828x1552, IMG_3203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right you retarded /asg/ shitter

>> No.6950564
File: 545 KB, 828x1023, IMG_3204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6950704

he's probably not ethnic japanese. make of that what you will.

>> No.6950705

This thread's a fucking disaster but it provides you an insight of what you may expect from /ic/ - armchair generals who talk madshit yet never finished a fucking drawing in their lives.

>> No.6950731

That guy is practicing drawing figures from ref, not reading books like a shitter.

>> No.6950752

Aminay makes my peepee hard

>> No.6950757

also the original looks fine. if you think it looks "wrong", you're /beg/

>> No.6950764

voice of reason over here

>> No.6950807
File: 32 KB, 630x722, 1692531383898198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please draw a moai on this.

>> No.6951011

Muere mierda

>> No.6951111
File: 884 KB, 735x1093, moaifaceaskandyeshallrecieve click_burgundy art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope you like it

>> No.6951165

>training muscles alters your bone structure

>> No.6951744

HOLY FUCK these replies. this board may have just outed itself to me as an anime-obsessed permabeg troon pit

>> No.6951759

Much better than >>6949419

>> No.6951772

>anime-obsessed permabeg troon pit
is this news to you?

>> No.6951774
File: 146 KB, 1018x1427, 1675279831596734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quads in moai

>> No.6951775

You faggots can't be serious right now. This board has nothing left but nodraw autistic retards with zero vision.

>> No.6951780

Maybe your redline would be better if you actually knew what you were doing. You have zero taste, just stop embarassing yourself please

>> No.6952003

>make of that what you will.
That you are a fucking retard.

>> No.6952216

You haven't been on this board long if you've just realized this. There's a reason why anyone with a grain of talent doesn't step foot on this board anymore.

>> No.6952219


>> No.6952232

Why are people so furious about you fixing this obvious mistake? Original face (and not just that, but we do focus on a face here) looked like garbage.
I really must stop visiting this board. I'm a beg but those people's brains have been brain-roted by anime to far below that level. The same people think they should be giving advice to anybody.
>stylistic choice
I don't care, it looked very deformed and disgusting, it got fixed, dumbasses scream for no reason.

>> No.6952253

He gave her the mad magazine kid bone structure

>> No.6952258

This is the pinnacle of their livelihood

>> No.6952265

>He gave her the human skull shape everyone has on earth

>> No.6952271

I can't tell if people are baiting or not anymore

>> No.6952283
File: 1.04 MB, 577x1023, hungryclicker1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno but hungryclicker can draw noses, dunno why people are calling him bad it's just stylization.

>> No.6952286
File: 1.01 MB, 570x906, hungryclicker2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952289

Weebs will call this bad because the nose and lips

>> No.6952291
File: 949 KB, 596x912, hungryclicker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952296
File: 9 KB, 474x429, 1688166434983277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aint no weeb, but Im calling this >>6952283 bad because it's Nu-Ashley and Nu-Ashley sucks.

>> No.6952298
File: 930 KB, 578x910, hungryclicker3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a weeb and I think they're great. I actually like a lot of capeshit too. >>6949419 is pretty ugly though, like it's technically ok, but her features are really hideous and you can tell it's not on purpose. And hungryclicker still mogs him.

Lmao fair.

>> No.6952305

nice try we know you replied to yourself

>> No.6952306
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20231126_17_38_16_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire-breathing dragons in fantasy fiction have become a stereotype, therefore, numerous dragons with alternate means of attack have been depicted. This includes various forms of elemental breath, noxious poison, and even laser beams

>> No.6952334

>He gave a cartoon character a human skull shape
Retarded decision. Why don't you also redline this character >>6952296 while we're at it since this shape doesn't correlate to any human or animal.
It's impressive how you fags have been in this "durr why do cartoon characters look deformed" time loop since 2010 kek

>> No.6952381
File: 688 KB, 680x677, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painting is not drawing, the op clearly says "draw'

>> No.6952467

In what way does OP look like a toon to you?

>> No.6952488

holy fucking dunning kreuger you completely killed the appeal, not even crabbing holy shit you are a retard bro. take this one on the chin and don't post for a while sport

>> No.6952493

Post your work, sport.

>> No.6952501



>> No.6952505

fuck off that's not me

>> No.6952536
File: 29 KB, 332x426, 8781c676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be more like this, if im doing my own studies correct.

>> No.6952585

>muh appeal
>the appeal
>omg the appeal
>the appeal is so good
>bro the appeal
>the appeal bro
>the appeal is bad
>the appeal
>you made good appeal
>you made bad appeal
>THE appeal bro
This is how you know someone doesn't know what the fuck they're saying

>> No.6952597

>newfag found out for the first time there is subjectivity in art

>> No.6952602

"I cant do loomis on this anime head. This is wrong."
constructoids everybody

>> No.6952617

anime website
go back

>> No.6952666

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.6952671

i unironically love the way this looks.

>> No.6952681

no, that's why it's bad. It's follow the red spine line dynamism 101 shit. It doesn't convey any of the off-beat swagger of the orignal.

The og artist is good enough to bend the rules, while most people here have their eyes overtrained on how-to poses and hence can't appreciate it.

>> No.6952702

appeal is the ONLY thing that matters. All fundamentals are meant to help you get closer to your vision, so you're appealing to yourself.

>> No.6952725

>it appeals to me = good
>it does not appeal to me = bad
Then stop talking. The world is not your personal blog. No one cares.

>> No.6952730

Inability to understand others point of view is a sign of autism.

>> No.6952753

Inability to fathom, conceptualize and talk about anything beyond and detached from the ego is the mark of the normie.

Appeal isn't objective, retard, it's just a shitty buzzword you fags use to make up for a lack of IQ.

>> No.6952765

IQ really isn't the artist's domain, now is it?

>> No.6952766

Please, do enlighten me about how appeal is an objective concept that can be artistically pursued and performed, even trained, since you're so epically intellegents.

>> No.6952767
File: 158 KB, 625x900, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952768

wow so appealing!!!!

>> No.6952769

you wouldn't understand

>> No.6952772

No, appealsister, i do.

>> No.6952775
File: 311 KB, 509x617, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an appealing?

>> No.6952877

He MADE the appeal. The original's face was disgusting.

>> No.6953043

t. He

>> No.6953046

I don't care about pronouns. It's 4chan. Everybody is anonymous and most of the internet is male. Nobody (normal) is gonna get offended for assuming I'm talking about a man.

>> No.6953077

hey newfag, "t." means somebody suspects you are samefagging to prop your shitty fix up. hope this helps.

>> No.6953439

This thread is just crabbing at its purist. Hungryclicker over here enjoying himself drawing, and then you have crabs getting upset it isn't what they like with retards like >>6949471 conflating stylization with objectivity

>> No.6955000

>Hungry normie
>Generic hentai anime girl
Coomer retard detected

>> No.6956371

i feel like the issue isn't the style or the muh loomis aspects of the head/face, but it just does look a bit out of place with the whole body being rendered in much more detail than the anime face

maybe if more lighting was hitting the face or something it would look better or if the expression matched the tenseness of the body? like the body is being stretched in this dynamic motion pose, but you could put that head/face in most situations and it would look fine. idk im beg

>> No.6956449


>> No.6956813

i think it looks cool

>> No.6956847

Whether this is better or worse is subjective but objectively it would not have gotten 4.6k retweets.

>> No.6956854


>> No.6958316
File: 173 KB, 850x1094, __uzumaki_naruto_naruto_and_1_more_drawn_by_hydaria__sample-eeb7795660bd6fbc143df38db9607d28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerimutt, go and draw for your 500 followers. Pathetic nigger