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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 117 KB, 512x512, 1694468430829407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6943109 No.6943109 [Reply] [Original]

Let's play a game /ic/
An anon posts a simple doodle, next anon improves the doodle slightly, anon after that does the same
I want to see how good a badly drawn thing can get

>> No.6943118
File: 124 KB, 668x805, wipwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6943171
File: 94 KB, 776x1119, daskldjasklfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6943178

it's over

>> No.6943201

Damn that's a big improvement for a small part

>> No.6943210


>> No.6943227

Complete the merc, /ic/.

>> No.6943238

I would put my head in the ring myself but unfortunately as it's tradition, I'm a cum guzzling faggot
Ohh I also have no pc...

>> No.6943263

How is this board making the same jokes 3-4 years ago?

>> No.6943274

3-4? mercwip has been around since time immemorial. at least 8 years.

>> No.6943370
File: 136 KB, 776x1119, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6943425


>> No.6943433

Alright I'm claiming dibs on the hands. I'll do it when I'm back home.

>> No.6943595
File: 268 KB, 802x1142, merc_wip2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6943610

where’s the cock?

>> No.6943612

up your ass faggot

>> No.6943613

this other anon >>6943433
already claimed the hands, you fucking BLIND RETARDED MONGOLOID GO FUCK YOURSELF

>> No.6943617

I'm that anon no worries. I'll leave the other hand for other anons.

>> No.6943649

you're thinking of /i/. /ic/ doesn't draw.

>> No.6943772
File: 311 KB, 802x1136, gun guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll draw the gun

>> No.6943793

Why do I feeling like this is the miguel ohara guy

>> No.6944031

I see that now

>> No.6944666
File: 378 KB, 802x1136, Joocy cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6944988
File: 361 KB, 776x1119, IMG_0287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6945167
File: 510 KB, 512x768, 1697126852578222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6945184

yeah boi

>> No.6945313

Very based guys
Good job from you and everyone else who contributed so far

>> No.6945386

You forgot the cock

>> No.6945543


>> No.6945737


>> No.6946479


>> No.6946785
File: 376 KB, 776x1119, chestpiecemoaigangrepresent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew the chest and shoulder piece, started the belt but didn't wanna go too far so the next person can continue

>> No.6946812

You guys are so good wtf
I'd jump in but I don't wanna ruin it lol

>> No.6946851

maybe design some decals for his armor or something.
(military operation advanced interceptor) idk

>> No.6946861


>> No.6946869

draw him standing doing that thing chicks do

>> No.6946879


>> No.6946887

Kill yourself zoomer

>> No.6948844


>> No.6949684

Honestly give it a try anon, if you don't like the result just don't post it? or post it anonymously, someone already drew a dick over him you can't be worse than the miguel poster I promise

>> No.6949706

I hope this gets finished and then shown to the original merc_wip artist

>> No.6949832
File: 439 KB, 776x1440, Merc-Next.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recall the entire outfit, unfortunately.

>> No.6949849
File: 510 KB, 776x1119, moaitry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a go. posture feels funny, maybe the straps are chaffing his thighs.

>> No.6949851

ah shit! we both been busy...

>> No.6949855

The more, the merrier!

>> No.6949856

I kneel /ic/

>> No.6949876

No way you guys actually drew. I thought this thread was dead

>> No.6949907

Nice cock holster.
Where the fuck is the cock?

>> No.6949933

shriveled and attached via a string on his hip, resembling a carrot.

>> No.6949973

We need to morph these two together.

>> No.6949974

evil and sick

>> No.6949976

wtf you all draw exactly the same, I was expecting some crazy style frankenstein kino

>> No.6949986

It’s traced

>> No.6949993

you can make something look unique while still following the general shape

>> No.6949998

Not here to entertain nodraws.

>> No.6949999

It's not traced anyway, 2nd post it was tho I guess.

>> No.6950000

*wasted quads..
I meant first post, that kick-started the mercwip redraw.

>> No.6950002

wasted quads

>> No.6950005

I've wasted quints before. I never recovered.

>> No.6950009

It's a carrot, he just likes to tell tales to scare the children of Moai-prime.

>> No.6950034
File: 867 KB, 1080x1608, Screenshot_2023-11-25-15-07-44-766-edit_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rules, only tools.
This is what this board used to say before Skynet. What changed?

>> No.6950039

weak bait

>> No.6950040

The thing is that tools keep being just that, tools. The problem starts when an uneducated swarthy person starts trying to equate a generator with a tool.

>> No.6950048

Maybe if rendering had been involved.

>> No.6950052

Oldfards were saying same shit about photoshop and CG art like 30 years ago. And where are they now? Probably dead, nobody cares.

>> No.6950058

This is a false equivalance, there's is a world of difference between the liquify tool and an image generator. No amount of disengenous arguments could ever change this fact.

>> No.6950068

Nah they were not. Fuck you, you fucking liar. Really fuck you hard and raw. Why lie about that shit? Craig Mullins jumped right in, the inventor of Photoshop was like hey, try paint with this and he was like, ok. Not making that up.

>> No.6950101
File: 126 KB, 997x1400, 1690975944240009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her armor design looks actually very cool. I bet jeets at bethesa used ai for concept art for starfield. its over.

>> No.6950107

>Spandex, Duct-tape and gold sprayed Tupperware containers are good
You feeling ok bro?

>> No.6950109

stop taking the retard's bait

>> No.6950110

I heard you should report ai derailing as trolling.

>> No.6950117

you should stop taking aijeet bait because when you challenge their braindead arguments, they win

>> No.6950218

I mean, it looks fantastic considering the rendering took ai literally 40 seconds.
Post good looking armor so we can compare.

>> No.6950328
File: 591 KB, 1080x725, Screenshot_2023-11-25-20-16-56-660-edit_com.miui.gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so wierd. Every time I try to generate a painting based on this sketch it gives me a person of color. Why is that? isn't original character white?

>> No.6950351

First no one draws now it's all ai
I start to regret making this thread (not ment for the bros who actually participated)

>> No.6950361

Just ignore ai bait and continue from >>6949849

>> No.6950376

>turns into a black woman

>> No.6950383

It's probably because one of the prompt tags was "videogame character concept art".
I guess it says a lot of about current state of vidya industry lmfao.

>> No.6951129

Extremely based Moai Soldier, excellent work

Alright background bros, color/renderbros you're up

>> No.6951134
File: 560 KB, 1158x1595, moai merc dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to bash them together

>> No.6951937


>> No.6951942

>cock in tact

>> No.6952855


>> No.6953331
File: 798 KB, 1135x1595, mercator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's he going?

>> No.6953507

>This is what this board used to say before Skynet. What changed?
Hack bullshit then, hack bullshit now. The faggots who were saying that shit has now turned into AI ghouls

>> No.6953935
File: 774 KB, 1135x1595, 1701108725049683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried rendering the head as a quick warm up

>> No.6954260

Is he riding a wheeled wurstel?

>> No.6954709


>> No.6956187

Pretty good values lol although I wish we didn't include the cock armor or whateverthefuck this is lol

>> No.6957947

So, this is it? Is this the end?

>> No.6957963

I kind of feel the cock stuff killed momentum... it's funny I guess, and it did need some spice. but, who actually wants to finish up that version?

>> No.6957990

The cock absolutely saved it and lent it some much needed humor IMO

>> No.6957997

>saved it
well, we'll see I guess. he's starting to wither...

>> No.6958071

well nothing else interesting was added. very uncreative, /ic/

>> No.6958098

wheeled wurstels are not creative? Come on now.

>> No.6958109

Mid 2000s video game protagonist is the least creative thing on this board

>> No.6958116

We can fix him. But also, I disagree, least creative? There is atleast thought put into designing his gear. Can't say the same for barely dressed anime girls in voids.

>> No.6958168

you get what you get from /ic/

>> No.6958655

I wanted to add Vilppu standing beside merc_wip guy holding a huge rifle and a katana, but couldn't be arsed.

>> No.6958736
File: 172 KB, 1404x1200, quackers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu bros

>> No.6958742

A horse sized duck Vs 100 duck sized horses. Let's make it epic lads! Updoot if you agree!

(Cute pic tho)

>> No.6959327

hey that's not a bad idea. a merc company group photo. all it takes is for you to add a half-assed doodle of vilppu, and the next anon will iterate upon it