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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6940403 No.6940403 [Reply] [Original]

The Sticky link goes to a dead 404 page, how long has it been like this?

Also, the w/ic/i table of contents links don't work https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/ic-support-page

>> No.6940407
File: 4 KB, 523x64, Screenshot 2023-11-18 111409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Visit the w/ic/i
>Notice this
How to completely discredit the sticky with one single post.

>> No.6940408

Good, now we can make a proper sticky and stop memeing about it having any worth.

>> No.6940410

>how long has it been like this?
for the record, it's usually answerable via archive.org. but it's been a while

>> No.6940411

Why's that?

>> No.6940412
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Also the new sticky should begin with this comic.

>> No.6940417

/sci/ got a new sticky I don't why we souldn't get one

first, take out loomis.

>> No.6940419


>> No.6940421

Unrealistic weeb fantasy, you may as well include a topic underneath for how to become that father who works for Nintendo.

>> No.6940422

the day the sticky gets updated is the day niggas stop shilling a 2001 wacom tablet as the only good one


>> No.6940425

It's literal slave work. You're probably more likely to work on an anime than get into concept art for games honestly. Their industry is in the shitter and they're constantly hiring foreigners which include westerners off twitter sometimes. It's not unrealistic at all lol

>> No.6940427

I was going to call you retarded but someone else did it first. Any random shitter can get an animation job nowadays.

I support this motion

>> No.6940429
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Well then, if that's the case by all means go become a Japanese animator with the pen name Permabeg living the Ramen Noodle dream. Do us proud faggot.

>> No.6940430

Speaking of permabeg when are you going to get out of it mikufag?

>> No.6940431

Good afternoon, mikusama.

>> No.6940433
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I'm not retarded enough to want to be an animator. I often wonder why these animators don't just make porn on twitter and actually earn money without being treated like a peasant

>> No.6940577

Months, this board is dead and the jannies don't care.

>> No.6940579
File: 73 KB, 650x873, 1608486986526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been in this shithole long enough to see the sticky go 404
>I'm still nowhere near to making it

>> No.6940594

What are some good beginner guides for art?
I wanna draw anime characters in poses.

I'm decent at shading but I have no idea how to draw cartoons and I suck at sketching.

>> No.6940659

yes indeed goes to a dead page, i dont for how much. We need to make a new one i think is time, the problem is that is gonna be a lot of trouble so i guess the best option is just to let anons to write all the thing and present those documents, then let anons discuss them and make another based on that, then i dont know, maybe let a mod to decide wich one or whatever. The principal aspect is that at least there are some minimal concepts that we all can agree, so at least should be a minimal core information.

that's one important point, because "beginner" is a, kind of wide concept, some people can actually dont even know how to think in a creative way, or dont even have any muscle develop to hold the pencil and make a single line. So yeah.
If it were my decision, i would definitely make the separation as proposed by some guys like Piaget, defining that there are certain degrees of cognitive development that are consistent with the development of art in people, to a certain degree like children with scribbling and moving on to the symbolic language, but anyway, maybe one day i'll propose something myself to put in the sticky.

For poses start with basic shit like loomis, the part of the books that teach the basic body in boxes but in particular the pages that teach how to place multiple characters in a composition, and the composition pages, later, some of the few pages of vippu, this one:
Thats pretty much all. Later is just refine shit according to your taste, like, more in depth anatomy teaching like Hampton:

>> No.6940671

isn't the animation director of the second season of jjk, the one that started the controversy on twitter, Italian? And in general I've been seeing a lot more westerners work on in anime, so it doesn't seem all that unrealistic to me.

>> No.6940700

he's dumb, I can list a dozen french ones

>> No.6940710

One of the funniest things about this board is that the sticky has been dead for months but anons kept saying "read the sticky"
I've said it time and time again, hardly anyone here has ever read the damn thing and that includes anons who shill it

>> No.6940722
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What would a new sticky entail? Recommended books, courses, FAQs? Useful links? This board often gets repeated threads with the same questions over and over, would be nice to have a place for those other than the SQTDDTOT thread which always gets buried.

>> No.6940779

>first, take out loomis.
This. Remove all book recs from the sticky and replace them with proko videos. Aint nobody got the attention span for that 200 page ye olde english rambling

>> No.6940793

Every young skilled artist I have talked to has never read a fucking art book and just watches proko or other art teachers on YouTube.
I feel that a big reason for stagnation here is because anons insist on using outdated resources.

>> No.6940795

if you cant read loomis you are retarded, its a fucking picture book.

>> No.6940800

Young people don't read books.
Like I said, you can learn the same stuff from free proko videos

>> No.6940802

>The Sticky link goes to a dead 404 page, how long has it been like this?
i remember opening the link this year and still worked.

>> No.6940803

stupid young people dont read books, you do not learn the same stuff which you would know if you read loomis

>> No.6940804

It's November.
That's a long range depended on what you mean by "this year"

>> No.6940809

Name 1 thing covered in his books that you can't find on youtube

>> No.6940812

how about read loomis and find out faggot. Im gonna gatekeep that knowledge because you're too busy watching subway surfers family guy compilation 226 to pick up a book

>> No.6940819
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>No answer
I accept your concession

>> No.6940823

you got me, im owned. enjoy proko (hahaha)

>> No.6940878

>Young people don't read books.
If someone doesn't have the patience to read a book they sure as hell won't have enough patience to draw.

>> No.6940887

Most people don't have the patience to learn or do anything. Retarded begs today put everything on 2x speed so they can "absorb more information" then cycle through 500 open tabs of porn hoping to passively internalize the teachings in the background. I fucking hate young people I unironically FUCKING HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE this rotten pos species.

>> No.6940957

The reason why loomis is a turn off is because the drawings on it are ugly as fuck. It is like taking fitness advice from an obese person, even if said obese person is right

>> No.6940959

Looms is a talking breadstick. Art teachers can't get any whiter than Loomis.

>> No.6940960

is loomis good for drawing anime?

>> No.6940963

>is loomis good for drawing anime?
Yes, loomis is good but see >>6940957
The doodles on it are ugly as fuck, no one likes drawing those potato old men

>> No.6941397

>that's one important point, because "beginner" is a, kind of wide concept, some people can actually dont even know how to think in a creative way, or dont even have any muscle develop to hold the pencil and make a single line. So yeah.
>If it were my decision, i would definitely make the separation as proposed by some guys like Piaget, defining that there are certain degrees of cognitive development that are consistent with the development of art in people, to a certain degree like children with scribbling and moving on to the symbolic language, but anyway, maybe one day i'll propose something myself to put in the sticky.
To toot my own horn, I think I have a good understanding of graphic design and artistic composition.
It's the drawing part I'm bad at. I can draw smoothly, its that they aren't proportional. My shapes feel a bit lopsided at least to me.

>> No.6941866

More proof that /ic is a dead art community at this point. Take what little resources it has to offer and leave.

>> No.6942057

this should be not be a sticky for kids that are playing funny with drawings because haha show it to friends likes in twitter or discord, is for people that actually want to learn how to draw properly without going in circles in their comfort zone. My take is that first should be "how to draw with the left side of the brain" because of the minimal first steps to get into the exercise of drawing, with Vilppu or Peter Han's Dynamic Bible because both of them are in the zone of the "organic forms" that are much natural for begginers with more flow in their brains, should put Loomis anyway because the boxes are no brain require to work, ideal for more "mathematical minds" as well.

yeah, the proportion and composition shit are basic in the drawing teaching methods, but in the better scenario you take that, and then start to work in design of shapes, the "stiff poses" of loomis are more to learn to build the body you know, proportions, make the human in place in core angles. That's why the method is used in every place like manga where the guys are drawing nonstop is almost automatic drawing until you learn every pose and proportions.

proportions then, you could say "measurements" too, is the same thing. Proportions are more than 8 heads or shit to draw, is the ratios in the body related to the other parts of the body, like dick/vagina in the middle, hands fit inside the head, hands similar size to the forearm, shit that you look on those diagrams.

>> No.6942741

which loomis book should a beginner pick up? Fun with a pencil?

>> No.6943047

Loomis likes to give you a handful of examples then expects you to draw the rest of the owl. Read morpho instead.

>> No.6943266

You can go to an art class or get 1 on 1 teaching, that's what people have been doing for the majority of history. If you want to read Loomis go ahead but if you don't want to then don't.

>> No.6943582

What isn't

>> No.6945551


>> No.6947395
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Why is ugly bastard such a popular tag, then?