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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 989 KB, 720x720, deer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6937687 No.6937687 [Reply] [Original]

Why text prompting wouldn't be considered a valid art form? It's pretty much the perfect mixture of literature and visual arts.
Art is always evolving, it's silly to get stucked forever in the old-fashioned ways

>> No.6937689
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x1024, 1696587267882962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me Miku Ai art, simple as.

>> No.6937691

Because there's no human expression. Learn what definitions are.

>> No.6937692

>Why text prompting wouldn't be considered a valid art form?
maybe it is? but it's not /ic/. you have /g/. go post your "art" there. just like /3/ users don't fill /ic/ with threads about 3d modelling, which is also an art form, neither shall AI users. simple as.

>> No.6937693

A can of artist's shit is human expression, what's your point?

>> No.6937694

Youre just typing in prompts so an ai can do a mediocre job at making a shit image for you.

Theres no talent or effort put into it. Its like using an ai to write an essay for you. You did no work, and you have gained no real experience.

>> No.6937695

Ai provides instantaneous results, nobody cares about talent, effort put into it or whether you did "work" or not. Go paint a fucking cave wall.

>> No.6937701

>/g/: tech support
>/ic/: visual artwork

>> No.6937703

I won't deny that AI is getting better and better but in its current form, what the fuck is Miku even looking at? She's just standing next to those creatures like that? How can you love something that has literally no soul in it knowing that it wasn't made by a sentient being who was actually trying its best and enjoying the process?

>> No.6937704

nah. go to /sdg/. stay there.

>> No.6937707

That's a completely incorrect statement. One of the reasons people love art is knowing how much time and effort was put unto a piece, and the talents different artists can show through their works. As for the cave paintings, people appreciate even those because its a sign of how even our ancient ancestors would spend the time and effort into creating art and stories, even with the most basic of tools and materials.

You cant appreciate ai art in the same way because no effort was put into making it. You just took an easy shortcut to "make" a piece of art. Only people with no concept of effort and drive would appreciate ai generated art (either that or people who are trying to earn easy money from it)

>> No.6937708
File: 1.09 MB, 904x1200, 1696587292584525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image successfully invokes the idea of what you just described, you were able to read and it communicated with you on a visual level and that's more than enough for anyone to use Ai as a tool as a form of communication with an audience. Have a product nobody cares about? Add an Ai generate pop culture figure next to it which resembles the figure but not necessarily plagiarizing it.
If you are more concerned about the person behind the art, just think about the effort that was put into developing the tool and the person who prompted the Ai to create art and there's your so called soul.

>> No.6937716

the board is called artwork AND critique, it's not supposed to be an image dump
so why would someone waste their time giving feedback to someone who posted an image they got by copypasting a few lines of text and has fundamentally 0 control over it?

>> No.6937718

A tool people use to make soulless images that they parade around as works of genius, even though they themselves put in no work at all.

>> No.6937719

exactly. if you didn't bother to make the art why should I bother to critique it?

>> No.6937722

>it's not supposed to be an image dump
>meanwhile on completely unrelated threads on /ic/...
etc, etc, etc.

>> No.6937723
File: 139 KB, 400x400, 1636132157300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6937725

More like somebody experiencing an emotional high from their creativity just like what you felt when mommy put that one drawing on the fridge, there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6937727

Let's help make this thread more /ic/ related starting with you then. You are in the process of drawing something right now, right? Post your work.

>> No.6937728

Thank you for confirming you're a falseflagging /g/tard looking to stir shit for fun because you have nothing better to do.

>> No.6937729

No one cares about your results either when children can now get the same as you

>> No.6937730

Another AI thread started by an ESL

>> No.6937732

Йec энд?

>> No.6937733

You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.6937735
File: 101 KB, 500x504, 1699187719063542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report and ignore fellas, shitposters thrive on engagement. So don't fall for the bait. Go draw something instead.

>> No.6937736
File: 227 KB, 776x1119, 1469823061768[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your work

>> No.6937739

weird selection. some of these are pretty expected.

>> No.6937740
File: 1.06 MB, 3492x4656, 9rlkjc1wb3p81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just think about the effort that was put into developing the tool
NTA but I can't focus on the effort put into developing the tool without thinking about how they scraped an incredible amount of existing art for profit and not just research, it's disgusting and it sounds like the plot from a dystopian book.
>and the person who prompted the Ai to create art and there's your so called soul
That person couldn't even bother trying their best though, the only way I could respect that would be if they were disabled. I'd rather spend my time looking at art like picrel.

>> No.6937741

>when you ask the wrong anon to post his work
damn! looks good. reminds me of andrew sonea's style.

>> No.6937742
File: 421 KB, 512x512, 1665155017621912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wah! Nobody will care about how many scales I carved on this dragon tail because some kid next to me used a 3d printer to sculpt with!
That's more of a (you) problem.

>> No.6937744

How many more bait threads is OP going to make?

>> No.6937746

3d printers do not sculpt, nor do 3d print enthusiasts call themselves sculptors (unless they're the ones actually creating the models in z brush)

>> No.6937749


>> No.6937751

This board is unable to not reply to bait.
OP makes at least 3 bait threads a day and retards on this board keep replying.

>> No.6937753
File: 194 KB, 401x364, 1a2b6077b6cea9fade25dbd0eb787dd46cf047cf1b7d8462e3a164b3f4e9e05c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no...

>> No.6937755

We all want (you)s, here is yours ya little scamp.

>> No.6937757

>person who prompted the Ai to create art and there's your so called soul.
You can literally make bots to pump out soulless AIslop, humans aren't even needed for it. It's soulless

>> No.6937759
File: 462 KB, 680x1024, 1678566762565936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end result is a figure regardless of the medium it was made from or whether or not you used a fucking box cutter to carve it with. Hell you could place a random rock behind a glass cabinet and people will start invoking more thought behind the rock but at the end of the day it's just a rock.
>But it's soulless!
Yeah you just keep telling that to yourself.

>> No.6937761

He didn't make dear newfriend. That is an old /ic/ meme. Now please never engage with shitposters on this board ever again.

>> No.6937763

You missed the point. Machines are soulless. You wouldn't even be shitposting here if we were all bots would you?

>> No.6937764

Let retards simmer in their own thread soup. Not the first time there's controversial shit being shitposted and falseflagged. And if you can't stand looking at it, hide it.

>> No.6937765

Actually I'm a believer in the empty internet theory and as far as I'm concerned I'm the only one here screaming into the void. Your point is Moot.

>> No.6937766

an ai died for this

>> No.6937767

Very solipsistic of you. It can really feel like that with other social media but not 4chan

>> No.6937770

hey new-newfriend, who do you think andrew sonea is?

>> No.6937772
File: 72 KB, 483x524, 1699873191629993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can a void do this?

>> No.6937778

This rebukes my post how? Did I ever say that wasn't him?

>> No.6937782

An anon complimented mercwip, namedropping the artist who painted it, who is not known in the slightest outside of mercwip, and your first thought was "heh newfag". so the logical conclusion is that you were unaware of the original artist, making you the newfag, not him.

>> No.6937785


>> No.6937787

I admit I'm a new fag, yeah.

>> No.6937788

aight cool. lets go draw.

>> No.6937793

You will never have a general thread, you will never be accepted and you will never be happy.

>> No.6937795

90% of the people who know the meme probably don;t even know who that is

>> No.6937802

What are you drawing then? No one ever posts their work outside their own bubble or hugbox generals.

>> No.6937811

yeah. it was kind of unintentionally a newfag bait post.

>> No.6937815

I'm just doing studies, not much reason to post

>> No.6937817

What incredibly dangerous shitposting power...

>> No.6937859

These threads are worthless because noone ever discusses HOW to utilize AI as a learning tool to improve one's own art skill and built reference library of generated in any particular artstyle your would be interested in learning, just low IQ shitflinging about the meaning of art and replacement doom posting. A Draw Your Prompt General showing how to make AI work for you instead of against you would make for some damn good threads but those can only work in good art communities.

>> No.6937864

pick one
>inb4 banana on wall hurr durr

>> No.6937872
File: 1.11 MB, 3270x2289, 5ace82ebce949a24ecd5303b5967b31f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6937875

Right, now fuck off to those "good art communities" and leave ic AI free.

>> No.6937885

>as a learning tool to improve one's own art skill and built reference library of generated in any particular artstyle your would be interested in learning
You're just a retarded muppet

>> No.6937900

Neither of you are serious about drawing which is why you're insecure over the notion of using it as learning tool.

>> No.6937901

Improve skill? What? The reference one just works to save you some googling and thinking time. Anatomy isn't there yet with a bunch of random muscles and creases it makes. Same with shading and composition. A "draw this prompt" would be cool, but 1 - lets not pretend we forgot how it was trained 2 - extra steps where you could just have a simple written drawing prompt 3 - it'd just be a "draw this in your style" at that point. it'd limit how much input you can make because the idea has already been made. 3. cont. every other faggot is going to make a prompt thread and that's all we'd have on the board.

>> No.6937916 [DELETED] 


>> No.6937930

i have ideas for what could be done in these thrads, maybe others have too.
things like making something according to a theme. or trying to draw something specific with AI assistance. if it's shit then the usual haters can even come and laugh at the results.

>> No.6938017

heh. sometime's kelly is unnironically right

>> No.6938020

>Why text prompting wouldn't be considered a valid art form?
>Art is always evolving, it's silly to get stucked forever in the old-fashioned ways
ESL detected

>> No.6938021

>laptop stickers

>> No.6938025

>still up
behead all jannies.

>> No.6938028

Idk if you noticed but they rarely delete ai threads anymore.

>> No.6938029

at some point new people will inevitably start discussing tools, workflows, and tips
for now, it seems like most posters are still getting over the trauma of the ever changing technology

>> No.6938034

By definition AI art isn't art, it's slop and it's not even your slop. Go to >>>/g/

>> No.6938039

this. op should have translated it using chatGPT: humans will never be as good as computers

>> No.6938042

based. /ic/ is now 100% buck broken

>> No.6938051

Yes, ai can "draw" better than me but has less soul than coomer "art". Without human soul it's a piece of shit.
>but the code and the algorithm was created by humans
Mathematics are art. Engineering is art. Algorithms and data structure is art. Logic is art. Proompts on a statistical model that is so tangled up with nodes and weights that cannot be explained is a piece of shit.

>> No.6938052

Technically impressive but a technological monstrosity.

>> No.6938054

ah yes here's my AI workflow with only 5% actual drawing (a little more than a stick figure and some inpainting)

>> No.6938056

>Mathematics are art
I love fractals in maths and nature

>> No.6938071 [DELETED] 


>> No.6938077 [DELETED] 


>> No.6938080 [DELETED] 


>> No.6938083 [DELETED] 


>> No.6938087


>> No.6938130
File: 1.98 MB, 480x320, 1689282760419279.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example of AI assistance.
though these are really things SD could already do, so it's not really anything new. the implementation is new tough.
being able to do it in real time is new too, it's due to LCM as far as i understand.

>> No.6938133

>AI assistance

>> No.6938140

Can we make AI general threads a containment zone of AI discussion and ban all other discussions of AI on /ic/? I'm tired of half the threads on /ic/ just being people arguing over AI art instead of actually drawing.

>> No.6938145
File: 1014 KB, 480x320, 1674079892543205.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6938147

You have a whole board for that
AI can be on ic only in context of shitting on it and it's drones

>> No.6938148


>> No.6938149

This is the biggest cope I've ever seen.
Art is about expression, originality and your enjoyment and passion when creating it.
This is a mass produced bad burger.

>> No.6938153

You vil generate ze frog and you vil be happy

>> No.6938162

those examples could really use lower noise, to follow much closer the source picture. at certain point is almost like it only cared about the prompt
the sketches on the left are actually pretty cool

>> No.6938172
File: 750 KB, 3206x2111, 1697817959801854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only seeing a fraction of what it can really do.
you can make it follow your input much more closely if you want to. there are tons of knobs to tweak or inputs to add.

i've said it before and i'll say it again. people are really only starting to figure out how they want to use AI. it'll take easy access for artists to truly accept this. for now it'll only be enthusiasts who bother with it, and most of them aren't conventional artists.

i mean if the input will be that sloppy, then you kinda have to keep the denoise high.
but i can imagine adjusting it dynamically.
a lot of AI workflows could end up being iterative imo. as in you make stuff and loop it into the AI over and over again, taking away, adding things and recombining all the time.

it's hard to envision how it'll really work in the future.

>> No.6938175

ur mom is a technological monstrosity lmao

>> No.6938187

Such great artistic workflows friend! Very inspirational for those of us that want to learn to draw!

Are you fucking stupid? Fuck off to /g/
is right

>> No.6938190

Kek this is fucking pathetic.

>> No.6938193

as soon as this comes with photoshop (~6 months) is game over for drawing monkeys

>> No.6938194
File: 2.24 MB, 724x720, 1696158420283629.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even disagree.
but you have to be blind to not see the potential in AI.

just look at this shit. you can make a rectangle and it becomes a wall. a few strokes and it turns into a window, a desk, a plant, a tree.
and you can stop using the AI right there and just keep painting normally.

details and textures?
random objects?
color palettes? the low effort it takes just means you can really play around with it until you settle on something final.

>> No.6938199

>for now it'll only be enthusiasts who bother with it, and most of them aren't conventional artists.

It'll continue to be that way. Artists aren't going to commit creative suicide by taking up AI. Nobody wants it. The "industry" is just going to start filling up with tech bros that don't actually give a fuck about artistic integrity. Vast majority of the good artists are gonna go trad or go in a completely different direction with their lives. No artist wants it. Also you forgot your tripcode, idiot.

>> No.6938211

This is for people that couldn't draw the fucking owl lol

>> No.6938217
File: 2.23 MB, 776x720, 1697723365589274.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good chunk of artists are trying to force it, but this isn't something you can force in the long term.
you can't bully people away from using an obviously useful thing.

>The "industry" is just going to start filling up with tech bros that don't actually give a fuck about artistic integrity.
this is just extremely unlikely. you can see what a non skilled artist like shad does with AI. not much, that is.
pure prompters can take simple comission jobs, but they will always lack consistency and control.
you say it so easily,
>just let the tech bros take the jobs!
but it's just not realistic. before that happens, artists are going to fold and use it themselves.

i'm still waiting for the day for somebody to actually do that meme using one of these.

>> No.6938218

I like AI, but this thread is shit, if there isn't a real desire in getting better and is just prompting (and even then people aren't providing the prompts) doesn't belong here, this isn't just an image gallery, and yes there are many threads that act like one those shouldnt exist either.

It would be more interesting seeing how it integrates in a final work or workflow.

Now this is something worth watching, for example can you achieve an interesting composition? can you guide the viewers sight through your scene?

Art isn't something ethereal, it can be a hobby, a expression medium, or guess what a job. You sound prudish like those who where against 3d or computers or sampling or photography or litography or yada yada.

I can see this being used at marketing or mock up meetings.

>> No.6938223

effort is irrelevant: if your final piece is crap i don't care if you spent a year making your own pigments
art should only be judged by itself, no free participation points for effort

>> No.6938227

still, the noise is TOO high
pretty much like having photoshop's stroke stabilizer cranked up to 100% all the time
which is a shame, cause the technology itself looks very interesting

>> No.6938229

Go to /g/ please. You'll find people similarly into the idea of destroying the online art scene.

>> No.6938232
File: 837 KB, 1200x675, 1692914516331166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for example can you achieve an interesting composition?
what do you mean?
the way it works is it uses
1. the prompt
2. the image input, if there is one
3. further inputs (like pic related for example)
and you can adjust how tightly the AI should be guided by each of these.
so if there is any visual input, like in the videos posted, the composition is mostly what the user gives it.
of course you can loosen the setting too, which will give the AI more freedom.

>can you guide the viewers sight through your scene?

>> No.6938233

I think fan art more damaging to the art scene that this and no i wont leave :)

>> No.6938238

Human expression has nothing to do with art. Get your definitions right and resd a book or two about art, people like you are the reason why art is in danger.

>> No.6938239
File: 6 KB, 221x237, 1672381854836022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ wants to censor this
Give one good reason why this tool should be banned. Your feelings don't count as an argument.

>> No.6938240

You vil generate eight billion frogs and you vil be happy doing minor clean up work on each one of them for sub minimum wage in an oversaturated market every day until you die of cancer from ze butt. Ze conzoomer will be happy and distracted from ze looting. You vil be like Christ on ze cross for ze company.

>> No.6938242

yeah you have a gap in knowledge, you should learn basic artsy lingo, as for now you are just doing computer vision analysis with extra steps not seeking anything meaningful or at least workable.

Learn about composition and compositing, it will be really helpful if you want to create something nice with the tools you already have.

>> No.6938243 [DELETED] 


>> No.6938244


Put this on while you read this thread, it's funnier.

>> No.6938246 [DELETED] 


>> No.6938248

NTA but my brother in christ do you not know the first thing about composition or are you a genuine ESL? It’s one of the most critical aspect of a well-executed illustration.

>Before that happens, artists are going to fold

Just because you gave up and cucked yourself for «higher efficiency» doesn’t mean other should be interested or forced into it. Most artists that naturally grew up as such draw because they enjoy the process, and AI directly strips away from the enjoyable steps- if your excuse to use AI is to «speed up the annoying part» then give up on drawing, it’s not for you and you’ll have better opportunities elsewhere. Art is a meditative process, trying to automate it is killing your own passion and flair. Ultimately, it’s your choice, but don’t cry like a baby when people tell you to righteously fuck off with your 24/7 religious proselytising when they’ve told you many times- They’re not interested. You’re about as socially inept as an autistic Jehovah’s witness.

>> No.6938251

A drawing board where people don't want to draw!
And a drawing thread for people who CAN'T draw!

Everyone who participated in this thread MUST kill themselves. I'll start. You better not leave me hanging, now.

>> No.6938252


>> No.6938253

Joke's on you, I'm drawing right now.

>> No.6938259


>> No.6938260

No you're not, you're reading the word "CUNT."

>> No.6938261

She's just a lazy faggot that keeps trying to push AI discussion on /ic/ in an effort to eventually change peoples perception so she can freely use it without criticism. She has admitted to as much.

>> No.6938262

Only reason AI threads don't get cleaned up anymore is that they generate traffic and activity.

>> No.6938263


>> No.6938266

>Hey guys what do you think of this amazing new tool that anybody may use to create amazing visual art? Pretty neat huh check out this illustration I just made, artistic implications?
>Frog screeching intensifies

>> No.6938269


>> No.6938270

>hey guys check this digital satan that lets me pretend im as talented as you, I am totally an artist and valid

>> No.6938272


>> No.6938273

Imagine having your choices in life that tied to other people's opinions. What a fucking nightmare of a life. SJW mindset in a nutshell, go enjoy the retarded shit you enjoy for whatever retarded reason you enjoy it. Nobody owes you respect, nobody owes you love, nobody owes you acceptance, nobody is even obligated to understand you or care about your motives, you're meat like everyone else and nothing you do will make you special. Like AI? Use AI, but don't expect the art world to pat your ass for it. Same shit with digital, just more screeching from autistic outliers who can't accept that opinions other than their own exist.

>> No.6938275