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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6930696 No.6930696 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6930697

all of them look like total shit and will require an artist to unfuck

>> No.6930702

Consumers don't care lil bro.

>> No.6930725

>this thing is beautiful
>it looks like shit.
>lol who cares?
go back to tiktok

>> No.6930730

I'm getting eye cancer and epileptic seizures from looking at that.

>> No.6930750

yep looks toy story 1 tier, but more intense than ling cage, so yeah the future will be amazing.

>> No.6930789
File: 1.93 MB, 1789x953, whylie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks toy story 1 tier
why do you dipshits insist on lying when anyone with eyes can point out you're wrong? I don't get it.

>> No.6930804

Incredible. I love the part where the dog / goat / cat sprouts a human head and the guy / child / woman running merges into it and their head increases in scale exponentially for a moment, then their hands and arms face the wrong way and their clothes rapidly changes. Real beautiful, good salvia trip.

It's like these people don't actually look at the things they're watching, they just look for broad color and lighting cues jesus fuck

>> No.6930805

Are we getting raided why were there like 10 ai threads today

>> No.6930806
File: 370 KB, 765x405, fuckingincrediblejizzingmypants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so beautiful, it looks just like hand drawn animation from my childhood

>> No.6930815

Do you think the story is about a transgender tomb raider trying to save his centaur lover from terrorists in the middle east? That's pretty beautiful actually. Everything deserves love.

>> No.6930822

bro im dying theres a frame the dog turns into a guy LMAO

>> No.6930980

yeah because there arent horrible frames in toy story 1, sid and the dog (its fur) are generally bashed. But whatever makes you sleep at night

>> No.6930998
File: 180 KB, 1833x830, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI bros:
>"Yeah, this is beautiful."
What went wrong with them? Is it brainrot?

>> No.6931004

The goat turns into a little gross human looking thing...
Anyway, I think you're pitching this incorrectly and the anons in this thread are taking this the wrong way. I just see this as another means of rendering - but instead of having to model every asset perfectly, you just need a few model sheets for the AI to read from and some basic bitch models for the AI to paint on.
This method also doesn't replace animators.

All this assumes it will get better though, and I will admit I've always been dubious on the peak of AI's capabilities.

>> No.6931007

literally every single frame is horrible.
ironically sid still looks better than this though.

>> No.6931037

they're the same crowd as the cryptofags
aka outsiders looking to strike it rich in a now "le democratized medium" in this case animation
they rquire constant injections of cope to stay devout to their ponzi scheme

>> No.6931050

Zoomer mentality. Distill everything down to sludge and semblances. Glance based surface level gazing patterns, no true assimilation of sense information, cars without engines, machines wearing mantels of flesh.

>> No.6931064

The future is endless poo in the streets

>> No.6931334

>in french indian accent

I hate ai fags

>> No.6931337


>> No.6931505

It has to be a bunch of outsiders grifting art, because there is no fucking way someone who has any experience with the field thinks this is anywhere near acceptable.

>> No.6931523

Hey why dont you AIfags just create the tools to make the artists' jobs easier instead of thinking you, some random nobody who dont care about art but just wants the recognition, would take those artists jobs. Because all of these shows like always, AI is good at automating tasks but completely horrible at producing products. The same goes for ChatGPT, Claude, SD, DALLE. In the end, you always needs someone to unfuck the final result and if that's the case you're better off just generating an unfinished, easy to touch up animation cuts consisting of uncolored and rough lines.

>> No.6931530

Fuck AI fags, where the fuck is automatic retopology and UV mapping you shortsighted fucks?

Fuckers are automating the shit nobody asked to be automated, and not automating the shot that desperately needs to.

>> No.6931603

Imagine how many people you would kill showing this on a huge cinema screen

>> No.6931639
File: 247 KB, 913x451, zelenskycuckening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6931640

RunwayML looks okay, AnimateDiff(2) turned the cat into some weird centaur thing lmao 0:03

I wouldn't mind fixing the errors if it did say you time but I wonder if the 3D animator in Original and a few people on cleanup are fast than just doing it from scratch.

>> No.6931652

do you enjoy things only because others enjoy it? do you not have your own agency, your own mind? you might be a literal NPC

>> No.6931656

what a terrible day to have eyes

>> No.6931658

most of the tards shilling this shit on Twitter seem to be millenials though.

t. millenial

>> No.6931833

it's not going to mean anything to us anymore when it comes so easy

>> No.6931856

are you retarded? he only impressive thing about this is that a machine made it, the product itself is fucking dog shit. It couldn't even make a fucking dog nor can it stop trying to cause epilepsy

>> No.6931859

why don't you AI fags stick to the horror genre since it's the only thing you can produce? at least there you can pretend this slop is intentionally like this and not because it can't be any better

>> No.6932029
File: 78 KB, 899x451, process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>sludge fest
>>goopy nonsense
>>demonic inversion

AI is Wicked and shall be destroyed at once.

>> No.6932041

Too scawy

>> No.6932048

Funny how the final pass fucked the very last part up so hard that the creator had to cut it short lmao

>> No.6932624

how is this /ic/ related?

>> No.6932673

>Hey why dont you AIfags just create the tools to make the artists' jobs easier
Because they're the artosts now. Part of the whole fantasy is pwning da artists.

>> No.6932686

AI fags have severe cataracts

>> No.6932690

Why's this giant fishing an amputated baby with a broken neck and tiny adult head?

>> No.6932692

AI won't replace artists because all art jobs are taken by family members of the Jews who own the corporation making it.

>> No.6932695

Visit r/gangstalking right now it's really important

>> No.6932697

I don't do requests

>> No.6932702

Your life is at risk brother you gotta be on top of these things the jews are trying to get you bro

>> No.6932720

/ic/ is for ARTS in general, not just painting: music, dance, theatrics, cinema, etc.

>> No.6932734

We have already separated boards for alot of those. retard go back to /v/ or /b/ if you want near anything to be allowed

>> No.6933256

Sad how AI fags dont know how this is going to be blown right into their faces. no one is going to win expect for the people on top.

>> No.6933297

They should since this is thread was posted in /v/ for a replacement for typical rendering pipelines, despite this clearly not being acceptable for real time rendering.

>> No.6933302

Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5?
China: Is this a Joke?
Japan: Impossible!
America: The question's wrong!!
UK: Rubbish !!
India: F(IV)E This is the reason you find Indians everywhere in the world in finance, business, medicine, engineering & arts... anything to do with optimising your brain!!
British: Can u Swim?

Indian: No

British: Then a Dog is Better den u because It Swims. Indian: Can u Swim?

British: Yes!

Indian: Then What's the Difference between u & Dog… British Shocked,Faints!! Indian Rocks!
European : Y do U indians come in all colors, look at us,we R all white..?
Abdul Kalam: Horses too come in different colors but donkeys R all the same..!!!
Einstein & a Indian sitting next to each other on a long flight...
Einstein says:

"Let's play a game...

I will ask you a question,

if you don't know the answer,

you pay me only $5


if I don't know the answer,

I will pay you $500..."
Einstein asks the first question:

What's the distance from the Earth to the Moon...?
Indian doesn't say a word,

Reaches his pocket,

Pulls out a $5...

It's the indian turn...
He asks Einstein:

What goes up a hill with 3 legs


comes down on 4 legs..?
Einstein searches the net and asks all his smart friends...

After an hour he gives Indian $500...
Einstein going nuts and asks:


so what goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four..?
Indian reaches his pocket and gives Einstein $5...
Einstein fainted.....
Send to all Indians all over the globe! Magic Missing Indian flag in this? Don't worry send this message to only 2 groups u will shock to see all these flags will become Indian flags Created by: engineering students Of CIT

>> No.6933309

Is the 3D animation original work? If so, wouldn't this just be a form of rendering, but with less control?

>> No.6933313

consumers are gonna care when it literally looks like shit and you can't even tell whats happening.

>> No.6933331
File: 400 KB, 700x592, Screenshot from 2023-11-12 23-40-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a bunch of grifters trying to convince normies their obviously shit art is somehow not that.

>> No.6933496

This dude has done more to help artists fight against AI than anything else