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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6924957 No.6924957 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most controversial art opinion you have?

>> No.6924961

talent is an excuse

>> No.6924963 [DELETED] 

What's the most controversial art opinion you have?
Loli/Shota is not CP because it's fiction.

>> No.6924965

That's controversial only on Reddit.

>> No.6924968

porn isn't art, no I will not elaborate

>> No.6924969

the more you improve, the less soul your works have

>> No.6924974

"soul" doesn't real.

>> No.6924986

You can draw anything.
That is sadly controversial.

>> No.6924992
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Lines and color do not have an age

>> No.6925000

>That's controversial only on Reddit.
Surely, only on Reddit >>6913304

>> No.6925005 [DELETED] 

I love it when disgusting pedophiles try to make themselves out as victims and some kind of oppressed minority.

The reason is that lolicon is just digusting, it's consumed by disgusting incels like you. The supposed submissive party is a signficantly vulnerable group and the people consuming lolicon are inserting themselves either as someone literally molesting a fucking little girl or just jacking off to a pinup of a little girl, again a much more vulnerable party than a boy. None of which is true for SS. In SS people are always inserting as the boy (inherently not pedophilic, since the attraction is towards the woman) or they arent self inserting at all.

Also literally EVERY 12 year old boy has at some point fantasized about banging the hot teacher or something, and literally ZERO 12 year old girls have ever fantasized about being near a disgusting crusty pedo incel like you. Yet you insist that a hot girl banging a boy is the same as a little girl being molested by a subhuman like you.

I could go on and on about why you are subhuman but understanding why lolicon is infintely worse is reliant on being an actual functional human being and not an antisocial friendless incel porn addict.

>> No.6925009 [DELETED] 

>lolicon is disgusting and you're a subhuman pedophile
>I love drawings of little boys having sex with women!!
so as long as there's boobs it's okay? even though little boys are also considered children?

>> No.6925021

Van Gogh was a shitty artist, made famous because of "muh style"

>> No.6925051

Modernist art is not degenerate after all.

>> No.6925070

Lolikon artist don’t actually like kids, they just draw it because it gets them shock attention and the thrill of it being taboo makes them feel underground.

>> No.6925078
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becoming skilled just to sit in a studio doing nothing but following modern trends and keeping in line with everyone else in the industry is just as heartwrenching to see as permabegs who are making art to cope with the fact that they have no skills anywhere else

>> No.6925084

Wrong, he got famous because his life was so miserable it was entertaining to watch

>> No.6925087

I stumbled across this thread on /v/.
Do people actually not like bauhaus or is /v/ just being retarded?

>> No.6925092

bauhaus is corporate adjacent i guess but people are mainly trying to figure out why they don't like the look of that game
i think the game looks kinda eh honestly

>> No.6925093

Just looked it up. Looks corporate and jewish. I hate it.

>> No.6925096

thicc trend is a result of growing obesity rates in america, it's changing western beauty standards and I think it looks awful

>> No.6925110

>Yaoi is not gay because it's fiction.

>> No.6925120 [DELETED] 

I don't think anyone considers loli and shota to be cp. We just think that loli and shota consumers are pedophiles (either open or in denial).

>> No.6925122

Are illustrations, no matter the subject they depict, art?
If that's so, then porn illustrations are art.

>> No.6925125

"Soul" is just a meme word used by morons that can't explain eloquently enough why they like a certain thing.
It boils down to subjective personal preference, which can be dismissed without further analysis.

>> No.6925129

Art as a commercial product is a lost cause. Executives will cut any corners they can and the average viewer wouldn't know quality if it hit them over the head. The irony is that the kinda art that is impassioned and experimental is the kind of art that is unappealing to investors. The best art is the art that is probably never gonna make you any money, outside of a handful of flukes. If art is your only source of income you're gonna start putting out some pandering dogshit.

>> No.6925140

The Japanese suck at art.

>> No.6925147

no rules just tools
that includes tracing, copying, photobashing, 3d models
even AI, tho personally I wouldn't use that last one

>> No.6925152
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I refuse to practice/do excercises.

>> No.6925181

Tools improve short term performance but ruin long term learning, leading to stagnant begs/ints

>> No.6925182

that's incorrect, not unpopular
I think most people who complain or even talk about lolis haven't seen a child in like a decade. Lolis are an extremely idealized form, real children are ugly af in comparison

>> No.6925184

Yaoi is not two real gay man having sex. Sorry to inform you.

>> No.6925188

You really can’t counter this statement without looking like a predator yourself and you know it.

>> No.6925190

Coom is the only subject matter that places one in direct contact with the source of the cosmic impulse that animated us all, and it is through the creation and sharing of coom that one achieves self-actualization. It require a complete dissolution of all externally imposed frameworks of social order and the egoic delusions of "pride" that social order has brought upon modern man. A coom artist must relinquish their dignity, pride, and sense of self, and repeatedly transgress the boundaries of the domesticated world of false egoic consciousness. Casting this bondage aside is a necessary prerequisite to obtaining enlightenment and authentic freedom to explore the full extent of one's true nature as a human being, and all that humanity entails. Through coom, one recognizes that all phenomena -- experienced through one's supposedly 'higher consciousness' -- is nothing more than a projection of the fundamental eros, a flimsy holographic screen overlaid atop the overwhelming, all powerful source of existence and all that existence entails: the pure light of sexual lust, the original, unblemished desire of "subject" to recognize "object," of "one" to become "two," of "duality's birth by inference of the sexual Other," and the Deity's co-dependent union with time and space. Artists who actively disrespect and attempt to demonize coom are entangled in their fragile egos and overly identified with their "higher self" which they, in their narcissism, have assigned an externally derived arbitrary value to elevate themselves above the rest of humanity. They are at war with the reality of the primal body that bore them into the universe, and utterly dependent on external validation to maintain their sense of worth in the socially constructed world of rigid hierarchical thinking.

Coomers don't give a shit. Their continued existence is impelled by a force as timeless, innate and enlivening as sex itself: the desire to exist. The coom artist holds together the cosmic lattice.

>> No.6925192
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Piracy is not only morally correct, it should be the standard.

Access to culture/knowledge should have no barriers, if you want to sell something, then crowdsource your shit before releasing it, I won't pay for something that can be copypasted infinitely.

>> No.6925197

Ascended and inspired.

>> No.6925209
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The pure light of lust is subdivided into infinity, producing “consciousness” and “phenomena” to witness and experience in time and space, which are themselves joined together by the same cosmic sexual impulse to unify. Desire is the zero: all things that arise within it are mere expressions of it. Thus, all things that man experiences -- joy, terror, triumph, loss, pain, pleasure. the sublime -- are only expressions of the impulse to coom. Reality is lust subdivided within itself. The great illusion egoic man has sold himself is that he is somehow “apart” from creation’s original impetus. That he is “complexified” and thus “above or beyond” the enlivening power of eros. How foolish he must be, to walk and talk and philosophize in a body and mind whose very constituents are themselves perpetually engaged in ecstatic sexual union with their dualistic other.

Attached is the mandelbrot, the math of the universe. Witness its glory, its multifaceted splendor. Witness also that it is a void, a contradiction of form and nothingness. Take note of its inferred qualities: it has both feminine and masculine qualities. It has a butt, a penetrating rod, and its tendrils are flow networks like blood vessels, roots, galactic clusters, neurons. For all of these things to exist, the erotic impulse must first fuck itself. It is the divine hermaphrodite, the first dick girl.

>> No.6925215

>bug thinks everyone is part of a hivemind of some sort

>> No.6925219

drawing an appealing face from above is much harder than from below

>> No.6925233

The best art comes from extremely flawed or down right terrible people. There are many exceptions of course but they are only valued by the sterile modern media and will fall into mediocrity or simply be forgotten.

>> No.6925253
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Comics are the ultimate form of art and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.6925260

I agree with this take and I think there's a lot of evidence to suggest that it's true. If they aren't openly terrible or flawed, there's often something lurking in the background. But why does this seem to be the case?

>> No.6925265

Being terrible is about actions, not the thought of action.
You can be a morally disgusting with evil desires and a lust for the unnatural. But that doesn't mean you're terrible until you actually act on it.

I'm tired of people calling people bad just because they have the wrong thoughts, thinking wrong doesn't make you bad. If anything it makes you a better person for resisting the temptation to act out your terrible fantasies.

>> No.6925275

Wrong, its animation, but comics often hit the perfect balance between quality and feasibility to create. Comics can be done by a single guy, but animation much less so. Telling a complete story with animation is basically impossible without a team, but a comic artist can do it.

>> No.6925283
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The issue with animation are a few things, one as you said it manpower. With more people having to work on it, you naturally lose vision with each extra person in the loop. But in addition to that, the extra workload and requirements for animation to look smooth impose limitations on what you can do or portray, because you absolutely require visual consistency.

Comics are superior because, one as you said it's an individual's vision as accurate as they can portray it. But it's also the perfect mix of sequential story telling with illustration, you're allowed to do wilder things and make beautiful illustrative works within the framework of a comic. It's a combination of everything good about animation with all the great things of illustration. And since you don't need consistency of animation, you're allowed to portray things in more symbolic or expressive ways that would look out of place in animation.

>> No.6925302

/ic/ is a good art forum

>> No.6925304
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>> No.6925306

it makes you literally jesus because you can resist satan's temptation

>> No.6925316
File: 524 KB, 1200x685, bauhaus haters happily jack off to this fembot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people actually not like bauhaus or is /v/ just being retarded?
It's mostly artistically illiterate retards with half-baked opinions fed off of other half-baked SEO algorithmcore opinion pieces screeching at cube-shaped clouds. No polite way to put it. Really press a modern art hater, and you find an individual uninterested in art generally, but with strong opinions.
You've almost certainly enjoyed a product of Bauhaus and modernism without even realizing it. It's been profoundly influential in product design, animation, graphic design, comics, etc. etc.
What people dislike is sanitized corporate-aligned art a la "Corporate Memphis" (Alegria), and even that is inevitably deemed sovfvl with enough time. There's nothing inherently wrong with bright colors and simple geometric shapes, like come on, quit being retarded and use your head, what's wrong with that?
It's bad when it's bad, and it's good when it's good. Almost all the Hanna-Barbera shit and Cartoon Network of the 90s were heavily influenced by Bauhaus and other modernist arts movements.

>> No.6925319
File: 3.08 MB, 498x320, bocchi-bocchi-the-rock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And since you don't need consistency of animation, you're allowed to portray things in more symbolic or expressive ways that would look out of place in animation.
wrong, animation and comics each have methods of expression that wouldn't fit or wouldn't be possible in the other.
That's not the best Bocchi gif out there, but its the best under 4mb that I could find. You get the point, that show is a goldmine of expressive animation.
There's also simple stuff like eyelid twitch. Practically impossible in comics, but in animation its the easiest thing ever, while still having a strong effect.

>> No.6925320

Actually, I'm just really fucking high.

>> No.6925334
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>> No.6925335

None od this implies comics are "better" so much as it implies comics are more feasible. A comic isn't better than an animation because it's a comic. A comic is better because the requirements to make a good one are so much lower. A perfect animation is better than a perfect comic but a perfect comic is more feasible. It's like saying a wood house is superior to a brick house.

>> No.6925365

Hey. Hey. It's entirely possible that animation and comics are actually equally valuable to different people for different reasons. Maybe comic book artists want to have total control over their story and the visual impression and don't value animation as worth the loss of those things. Maybe animators want to work with others to bring a collective vision to life and don't value total ownership of the end result. Maybe arguing which is objectively superior is objectively retarded, and you should objectively kill yourselves to purify the memetic discourse pool.

>> No.6925389

Drawing figures in a void is like playing video games. You learn almost nothing doing it and it gaslights you into thinking you've accomplished something.

>> No.6925510

>Really press a modern art hater, and you find an individual uninterested in art generally, but with strong opinions.
found the jew apologist. Go suck their cocks elsewhere, their art is just money laundering and wasting time and attention of the public.

>> No.6925517
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this guy gets it
>the "objectivity doesn't exist" faggot showed up
find the nearest tree to hang yourself on it.

>> No.6925522

I agree despite thinking lolifags are obnoxious mouthbreathers.

>> No.6925555

Japan is a shithole and nobody should think of moving there to become an artist. If it was Japanese Pop Culture or whatever Japanese animated franchise that inspired you to draw that's fine but don't fetishize the rest of the country because of it.

>> No.6925564

Dude. Tokyo, late night, driving alone in the highway. Rain, purple lights and the occasional anime drawings on the wall. I pull up and meet her, a cute and playful Japanese girl, we play some super mario and eat, and she sings randomly until she starts to become a little quieter. I take her hand and gently pull her along with no resistance. you know the rest.

>> No.6925574

Dude. Tokyo, 1982. Late night, driving alone on the highway, having recently entered the mortal realm through a portal opened by my worshippers via blood sacrifice. Rain, purple lights, the occasional glimpse of one of my tentacles, tucked into my oversized overcoat. I pull up and meet her, a cute and playful Japanese business woman. She plays hard to get, I pull her into the car and shove my eight headed demon penis into her mouth. I unfold my tentacles and shed my human skin. I lift her up into the air and strip her. I violate each of her holes, over and over. At first she cries in protest but her terrified screams soon turn to moans of pleasure. Then the hot demon hunter lady shows up to stop me. You know the rest.

>> No.6925576

One beautiful April morning, on a narrow side street in Tokyo’s fashionable Harajuku neighborhood, I walked past the 100% perfect girl.

Tell you the truth, she’s not that good-looking. She doesn’t stand out in any way. Her clothes are nothing special. The back of her hair is still bent out of shape from sleep. She isn’t young, either - must be near thirty, not even close to a “girl,” properly speaking. But still, I know from fifty yards away: She’s the 100% perfect girl for me. The moment I see her, there’s a rumbling in my chest, and my mouth is as dry as a desert.

Maybe you have your own particular favorite type of girl - one with slim ankles, say, or big eyes, or graceful fingers, or you’re drawn for no good reason to girls who take their time with every meal. I have my own preferences, of course. Sometimes in a restaurant I’ll catch myself staring at the girl at the next table to mine because I like the shape of her nose.

>> No.6925578

But no one can insist that his 100% perfect girl correspond to some preconceived type. Much as I like noses, I can’t recall the shape of hers - or even if she had one. All I can remember for sure is that she was no great beauty. It’s weird.

“Yesterday on the street I passed the 100% girl,” I tell someone.

“Yeah?” he says. “Good-looking?”

“Not really.”

“Your favorite type, then?”

“I don’t know. I can’t seem to remember anything about her - the shape of her eyes or the size of her breasts.”


“Yeah. Strange.”

“So anyhow,” he says, already bored, “what did you do? Talk to her? Follow her?”

“Nah. Just passed her on the street.”

She’s walking east to west, and I west to east. It’s a really nice April morning.

>> No.6925579
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I kek'd...

>> No.6925580

Wish I could talk to her. Half an hour would be plenty: just ask her about herself, tell her about myself, and - what I’d really like to do - explain to her the complexities of fate that have led to our passing each other on a side street in Harajuku on a beautiful April morning in 1981. This was something sure to be crammed full of warm secrets, like an antique clock build when peace filled the world.

After talking, we’d have lunch somewhere, maybe see a Woody Allen movie, stop by a hotel bar for cocktails. With any kind of luck, we might end up in bed.

Potentiality knocks on the door of my heart.

Now the distance between us has narrowed to fifteen yards.

How can I approach her? What should I say?

>> No.6925582

“Good morning, miss. Do you think you could spare half an hour for a little conversation?”

Ridiculous. I’d sound like an insurance salesman.

“Pardon me, but would you happen to know if there is an all-night cleaners in the neighborhood?”

No, this is just as ridiculous. I’m not carrying any laundry, for one thing. Who’s going to buy a line like that?

Maybe the simple truth would do. “Good morning. You are the 100% perfect girl for me.”

No, she wouldn’t believe it. Or even if she did, she might not want to talk to me. Sorry, she could say, I might be the 100% perfect girl for you, but you’re not the 100% boy for me. It could happen. And if I found myself in that situation, I’d probably go to pieces. I’d never recover from the shock. I’m thirty-two, and that’s what growing older is all about.

>> No.6925590

We pass in front of a flower shop. A small, warm air mass touches my skin. The asphalt is damp, and I catch the scent of roses. I can’t bring myself to speak to her. She wears a white sweater, and in her right hand she holds a crisp white envelope lacking only a stamp. So: She’s written somebody a letter, maybe spent the whole night writing, to judge from the sleepy look in her eyes. The envelope could contain every secret she’s ever had.

I take a few more strides and turn: She’s lost in the crowd.

Now, of course, I know exactly what I should have said to her. It would have been a long speech, though, far too long for me to have delivered it properly. The ideas I come up with are never very practical.

Oh, well. It would have started “Once upon a time” and ended “A sad story, don’t you think?”

>> No.6925591

Once upon a time, there lived a boy and a girl. The boy was eighteen and the girl sixteen. He was not unusually handsome, and she was not especially beautiful. They were just an ordinary lonely boy and an ordinary lonely girl, like all the others. But they believed with their whole hearts that somewhere in the world there lived the 100% perfect boy and the 100% perfect girl for them. Yes, they believed in a miracle. And that miracle actually happened.

One day the two came upon each other on the corner of a street.

“This is amazing,” he said. “I’ve been looking for you all my life. You may not believe this, but you’re the 100% perfect girl for me.”

“And you,” she said to him, “are the 100% perfect boy for me, exactly as I’d pictured you in every detail. It’s like a dream.”

>> No.6925592

They sat on a park bench, held hands, and told each other their stories hour after hour. They were not lonely anymore. They had found and been found by their 100% perfect other. What a wonderful thing it is to find and be found by your 100% perfect other. It’s a miracle, a cosmic miracle.

As they sat and talked, however, a tiny, tiny sliver of doubt took root in their hearts: Was it really all right for one’s dreams to come true so easily?

And so, when there came a momentary lull in their conversation, the boy said to the girl, “Let’s test ourselves - just once. If we really are each other’s 100% perfect lovers, then sometime, somewhere, we will meet again without fail. And when that happens, and we know that we are the 100% perfect ones, we’ll marry then and there. What do you think?”

“Yes,” she said, “that is exactly what we should do.”

>> No.6925595

And so they parted, she to the east, and he to the west.

The test they had agreed upon, however, was utterly unnecessary. They should never have undertaken it, because they really and truly were each other’s 100% perfect lovers, and it was a miracle that they had ever met. But it was impossible for them to know this, young as they were. The cold, indifferent waves of fate proceeded to toss them unmercifully.

One winter, both the boy and the girl came down with the season’s terrible inluenza, and after drifting for weeks between life and death they lost all memory of their earlier years. When they awoke, their heads were as empty as the young D. H. Lawrence’s piggy bank.

>> No.6925596
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W-what's going on? D-did I just trigger some long ass shittypasta?I didn't mean to...

>> No.6925597

They were two bright, determined young people, however, and through their unremitting efforts they were able to acquire once again the knowledge and feeling that qualified them to return as full-fledged members of society. Heaven be praised, they became truly upstanding citizens who knew how to transfer from one subway line to another, who were fully capable of sending a special-delivery letter at the post office. Indeed, they even experienced love again, sometimes as much as 75% or even 85% love.

Time passed with shocking swiftness, and soon the boy was thirty-two, the girl thirty.

>> No.6925600

One beautiful April morning, in search of a cup of coffee to start the day, the boy was walking from west to east, while the girl, intending to send a special-delivery letter, was walking from east to west, but along the same narrow street in the Harajuku neighborhood of Tokyo. They passed each other in the very center of the street. The faintest gleam of their lost memories glimmered for the briefest moment in their hearts. Each felt a rumbling in their chest. And they knew:

She is the 100% perfect girl for me.

He is the 100% perfect boy for me.

But the glow of their memories was far too weak, and their thoughts no longer had the clarity of fouteen years earlier. Without a word, they passed each other, disappearing into the crowd. Forever.

A sad story, don’t you think?

Yes, that’s it, that is what I should have said to her.

>> No.6925606

Oh god it's still going make it stop

>> No.6925609
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>> No.6925615

If you unironically call your character an "OC" there's a 98% chance it will be a shit design.

>> No.6925620

Construction is not actually necessary to draw anything, merely helpful, and people over focus on it to their own detriment.

>> No.6925624
File: 243 KB, 1500x784, 1607524847786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-m-money laundry
This one, officer. This is the one taking his art history /pol/ talking points, a fine proud dullard.

>> No.6925628

Japan is pretty nice if you have realistic expectations and make an effort to learn the language
Getting paid in a foreign currency is also a nice bonus

>> No.6925629

2/10 not believable at all and shitty twist

>> No.6925710

Unsolicited critique is okay.
A person not being able to draw doesn't discredit their critique.
This will never be a convincing argument (?) to me, because fantiasies and even being over coomed will make you jack off to weird shit that you don't want irl. In my most coombrained hours, I've spilled seed to photos of horse and dolphin pussy. I'm never gonna actually put my dick in one even if I got the chance. Pretty sure a guy who jacked off to yaoi might be the same.
(I still wouldn't do it though.)

>> No.6925720

Part of me would absolutely love to live in Japan and work on anime or as a manga artist but another part of me knows that kind of lifestyle is fucking janitorial in terms of pay, treatment and health care.

>> No.6925721

This but apply it to all fundies. Most of /ic/ crabs that breaking fundies is a bad thing but never realize all artists that ever existed have broken the fundies to produce the art they want to make.

>> No.6925722

Well that depends on how graphic they are i guess

>> No.6925745
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After a certain point good taste is more important than practice.
Good taste can only be accomplished by deliberate and discerning refusal of lower drives. At most they should be alluded to.
An "anything goes" attitude is a surefire way to produce nauseating, predictable, self-indulgent shit.
You only get to create so many art pieces in your lifetime. Each one is an opportunity 99.99% of artists will waste on some frivolous bullcrap.

>> No.6925749

How many pieces did good taste complete today?

>> No.6925752

Back to /beg/. Only big boys get to reply to me.

>> No.6925761

Would Pingu work as a novel?

>> No.6925783

>pay, treatment and health care.
Gave up on the healthcare part long ago. But yeah, low pay cultural and language barrier, it all feels like going through too many hoops for just wanting to "draw anime"... Good thing is Canadian US and France based studios pay a lot more and we already speak English (and I guess French wouldn't be that hard to learn) plus some western franchises that draw similar crowds tend to just be lumped together with the "anime crowd" heck sometimes it feels like every animated series from Disney+ and Nick have fandoms bigger than any given popular Japanese anime series.

>> No.6925796


Oh no not frivolity and self-indulgence and raw unpretentious expressions of the human experience oh no! Quick, everybody, stop choosing to have fun and gaze at this guy's navel, there's insight into the true nature of God in there.

Go back to your ivory tower and meditate some more, square. Be sure to ask your Master for permission first, you wouldn't want to upset him by thinking for yourself.

>> No.6925838

People who don't realize that their personal issues with other people's ideas are what leads to everyone getting fucked over are selfish assholes.

People who preach intolerance of these ideas need to get called out being as such, too. They are the first step to everyone getting screwed over.

>> No.6925839

This is a stupid take.

>> No.6925842

Sometimes comics require more imagination from the reader than something moving like a movie or animation.

>> No.6925845

Yeah at least in western/european studios you get paid a wage. Getting paid per cel sounds like fucking hell unless you're doing really simple moe shit or work on the Seven Deadly Sins anime.

>> No.6925884

Hey, dif anon here. I like movies and tv and such, as an illustrator I love comics as a media because you can essentially do a movie or tv show by yourself on relatively short time on basically no budget. Animation is great, I love it too, but it takes a lot longer to make and it often requires a lot of people and a lot of money.

>> No.6925898
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And this.

There's a million ways to use smoke and mirrors to look better than you actually are.

For my opinion, I think you're a faggot if you go everywhere promoting your art or if your primary motivation for making art is money. You're a lazy nigger who is avoiding real work for minimal reward.

>> No.6925930

>tho personally I wouldn't use that last one
>no rules just tools

>> No.6925937

All the best artists in any area, like painting, comics, sculpting, etc, are all men and people should seek out only men as instructors.

>> No.6925941

What's your take on Santa?

>> No.6925951

>For my opinion
At least you acknowledge that. It's a start.

>> No.6926023

But there are people who self-insert as the younger character and not the old one

>> No.6926048

I've fapped to lolicon plenty of times, and I've also worked in an elementary school environment as a part-time caretaker.
There is an overlap between lolicon consumers and pedophiles, but it's certainly not 100%.

>> No.6926065

That's why we say shota content consumed by heterosexual males is less controversial than when the same demographic consumes loli.

>> No.6926068 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 2484x1749, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The feeling I get from anti-lolicon normalfag posts on the internet is that they at least subconsciously think loli art is created and consumed as a legal substitute for CP, but that's completely wrong. Loli art is attractive to lolicons for the same reason that anime style porn in general is attractive to otaku: because they're attracted to the anime aesthetic. The defining features of anime aesthetic are ambiguity, minimalism and most importantly idealism. Storytelling and characterization in anime famously aren't particularly concerned with realism either. What you get with anime is a completely different world from reality with its own rules and logic that you internalize over time as you watch anime and you realize that direct comparisons to real world are futile nonsense most of the time. I sure as hell didn't develop a lolibaba fetish because of anything in real life, it's purely a result of the anime-poisoning of my brains. Equating a 1X-year old anime girl to a 1X-year old girl in real life is literally just NPC logic, you're only processing the numbers and ignoring all context and nuance. The only reason any longtime anime fan claims otherwise is because they don't want to deal with the bad optics of this stance.

>> No.6926069

This is not a true opinion at all for normal people.

>> No.6926084


>> No.6926089 [DELETED] 

>haha you dont understand, if i use a lot of words i can actually explain why its okay to be a pedophile! What a silly misunderstanding!

get the rope

>> No.6926093

t. ADHD-riddled zoomer
TikTok might be more up your alley

>> No.6926106

He's right you know

>> No.6926114

He’s right you know

>> No.6926116

trends are good actually

>> No.6926120

please call your parents and say you love them

>> No.6926121

He didn't say anything of substance and neither did you, your posts are absolutely worthless.
Fuck off, pleb.

>> No.6926192

Yes, good for weeding out the shitters.

>> No.6926196 [DELETED] 

The pedo is triggered

>> No.6926222 [DELETED] 
File: 1.05 MB, 2404x3465, remilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who said "get the rope" sounds a bit more triggered than me I think, I'm just shitting on your cancerous zero effort comebacks. If you have no arguments, at least get some better banter.

>> No.6926258

spending more effort than bare minimum requires emotional investment, which i don't have, because i'm not a pedo

>> No.6926276

The earlier you start drawing porn the faster you stagnate.
>Verification not required.

>> No.6926287

What if someone pays me to draw their figure in a void, smartass?
t. someone who earns money with comfy pinups

>> No.6926311

Not always improving the technical skill is the better option.

>> No.6926337

No normal person buys even decent art for 5% of what """modern art""" goes at auctions. But we're supposed to believe its all legit and there's nothing behind the scenes. And art is basically the only situation like that. With all other things you can at least know someone who buys that stuff. Don't even get me started on tax evasion.
You have a rotten brain, and can only reply with "m-m-muh pol opinions" when see something you disagree with.

look here how much it costs to commission an actual art piece. And stop being a retard.

>> No.6926338

Yes. There's no rules, just tools, but I have a preference for which tools I'd like to use and which I wouldn't.

>> No.6926371

Man you are one stupid bastard. You people always do this in a discussion of modern art, start up about jews, taxes, and money. Nobody was talking about art world corruption. Everyone knows the art world is corrupt and run by rich elites, this isn't even restricted to modern art, but you ignore that because it doesn't fit your agenda. You're literally incapable of staying on subject. And confirming my point - press a modern art hater, find a huge fucking pleb.
The topic if you need reminding, was about Bauhaus and modern art's aesthetic legitimacy and legacy. Go into accounting or something.

>> No.6926519

To your point if you only have so much art you can create in your lifetime, why wouldn't you spend it indulging yourself? Fuck what other people wanna see.

>> No.6926600
File: 3.39 MB, 5472x3452, behold, bunch of colored bullshit on a canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brought up modern art
>other anon said its bullshit and said why
>"b-b-b-but we weren't talking about that, you can't bring it up!!1! PLEB! /POL/! DULLARD!"
>and still no arguments
and you call other plebs too for good measure. It's plebeian to explain reasoning, real elites just say the magic word "/pol/" and win automatically. Modern art is below beg levels of /ic/, and you're just an indoctrinated child for defending it.

>> No.6926614
File: 265 KB, 1000x895, 1000_F_420094900_jsvwSghgriB5jdchR9HtTOk0V9xfPGnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this generic slop? This is why I can't take you antis seriously, you lack discernment, taste, and basic knowledge of history. Pic related is the state of commercial illustration in 2023!! Look, I can be retarded too.
That dummy is a /pol/fag, why do you cretins always deny this when called out? Who else is screaming into the wind about jews all the time?
If he'd addressed my actual argument - that modern art has been hugely influential in pop culture and you probably enjoy a lot of stuff influenced by modern art - I'd have engaged him in good faith. But no, he brought up some irrelevant trash, because like you, he doesn't know the subject he's criticizing.

>> No.6926642
File: 404 KB, 1018x1455, behold, bullshit but done by a '''recognized''' artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you lack taste
>said the defender of modern art
the ugly af caveman you posted is still better than anything hanging in a museum of modern art
also, lmao
>you lack (...) basic knowledge of history
again, only """modern art""" has the prerequisite of "knowing its history". You can appreciate good cartoons or realism just based on what they try to represent, history is a bonus, and you can shit on /beg/ trash without knowing anything about the artist's biography, history, etc, etc. BUT NOT WITH MODERN ART! Only the ivory tower elite get to appraise it, and you're a pleb for disagreeing! Only our version of history applies, don't you dare bring up any facts we don't like. Fundamentals, logic, nothing matters, stop thinking, accept the narrative pleb.

>> No.6926645
File: 274 KB, 640x466, you are not immune to propaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"modern art isn't bad, only /pol/acks/nazis hate it"

>> No.6926659
File: 203 KB, 640x640, 1580702-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>again, only """modern art""" has the prerequisite of "knowing its history".
You're still not getting, you shit-eating monkey. I'm not saying you need a history primer to appreciate modern art, I'm saying you literally haven't even SEEN enough modern art behind the normalfaggiest, boomer-aunt-on-Facebook cuts. So how can you criticize what you haven't even seen?
You're taking your whole idea of the thing from stereotypes and easy soundbites, and yet are abundantly certain in your beliefs. This makes you a pleb, yes, this makes you ignorant.
Like, you clearly typed "modern art" or "abstract painting" for your first hot take. And now, with herculean effort, you managed to dredge up a Rothko, the modern art equivalent of Elvis in rock music. Yes, Rothko is boring and gay. No, this does not excuse you from being artistically illiterate. *You are making my point for me*.

Why don't you actually look at some of this stuff, and consider what it's influenced? You know Dali is considered modern art, right? It isn't all baby poop and period blood smeared on canvas.

You could do this right now, later tonight, any time, but you won't. You'd prefer comforting ignorance.

>> No.6926687

Is Stonetoss a modern art?

>> No.6926689
File: 53 KB, 791x715, 1621758507281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows the thread will be full of controversial opinions
>gets mad anyway

>> No.6926692
File: 329 KB, 640x335, de chirico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insofar that comics are a modern form, I guess. The whole thing is pretty crude and artless ideological pandering, though.

>> No.6926712
File: 1.39 MB, 1337x1400, 1607814425910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll leave this here
yep, he gives no artistic feels. Art is more enjoyable when you pay attention to what it makes you feel

>> No.6926730

Hardcore pornographic art is mind poison and has no merit

>> No.6926995

I like stonetoss art

>> No.6927006


>> No.6927011

I agree, but rule34 and the such are art, especially furry porn :3

>> No.6927020

Art can't be taught. Books and courses are a waste of time and money.

>> No.6927123


>> No.6927136

talent is not an excuse

>> No.6927148
File: 369 KB, 1869x1868, 1661633728455461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not an opinion, that's just you being lazy.

Return to dust ye woeful spirit

>> No.6927215

On some level, I think Schopenhaur was right about visual art being the nigger of the creative pursuits. It's innately inferior compared to writing (storytelling) and music at least in regards to its immediate effect on most people. Not in terms of difficulty, I'd argue music is easier to earn a living off and it takes fewer years on average to develop competence with an instrument. But art is a high effort low reward pursuit precisely because it's lacking in something, even the greatest art has comparatively small reach compared to the greatest music and stories. The value of art-in-itself in general is not as accessible to audiences as music and stories are, but why is this? Why do people not value purely visual works in the same way they value say, a decades old song, when both art and music are hugely complicated endeavors?

>> No.6927218

"You should really just draw"

>> No.6927222

Eastern Roman/Byzantine era art is beautiful in it's own unique way and I am tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.6927226

People need to learn there's a difference between Art the noun and "Art" the adjective.

>> No.6927235

>Schopenhaur was right about visual art being the nigger of the creative pursuits
Where'd he say that?
>Why do people not value purely visual works in the same way they value say, a decades old song, when both art and music are hugely complicated endeavors?
Music cuts deep to something primitive and bodily in us, we feel it in our heart beat, in our bones. It can quite literally radically alter our mental state. Visual art, even great visual art, is ultimately an ocular and intellectual experience. I get intensely inspired by great visual art, but music is just on another level. A powerful makes me want to get up and run, seize the day. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's like PB&J, both are necessary to make a sandwich. Try selling your album or book without some kickass cover art.
Every art has its lane and its own strengths and that's fine. Visual culture for example, can be used for propaganda and social control in a way music can't (not saying this is good or bad, it's just a fact).

>> No.6927237

a powerful song*

>> No.6927253

Check out The World as Will and Representation.

>> No.6927281

>the ugly af caveman you posted is still better than anything hanging in a museum of modern art
You have to be 18 to post on this board.

>> No.6928189 [DELETED] 

I'm not a pedophile. I don't draw adults having sex with children. I draw children having sex with children.

>> No.6928224

The value of art is not subjective

>> No.6928240
File: 173 KB, 909x568, AF56EE77-B1C3-43F0-BF1E-C76D870AF281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there’s actually a lot of really good animated films and tv series coming out, but that people shouldn’t expect every single new show or movie to be a banger. Also, I don’t think we’re in such an animation drought that we have to celebrate every single release like it’s a big win, there’s enough shit out there that we’re allowed to be critical and pick and choose.

>> No.6928257
File: 497 KB, 720x1391, 801E20DA-1F62-40D5-83C1-3119872A6941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m like 75% in agreement but I also think some of you lot have ridiculous ideas of what a “fat” person looks like.
I go off of how much lean muscle mass will show under the skin at different body fat percentages.
A male at 10-15% bodyfat is ideal and a female around 17-20% bodyfat is ideal: men have more wiggle room for hormonal reasons. Anything less than these and you’re pushing your luck health-wise and anything more and I just think you could shape up.
If you’re a man that’s at 20% body fat or above you’re just not trying. If you’re a woman that’s more than 25% body fat you could either be sculpted to perfection or a tubby. More than 25% is in the fat category.
I think what’s upsetting is how many would-be attractive girls are groomed into thinking that being fat is okay by the fat acceptance crowd. Misery loving company, that.

>> No.6928632

>a female around 17-20% bodyfat is ideal
20-25% is ideal imo.
You like fitness ideals, not beauty ones.

>> No.6928653

Talent beats hard work

>> No.6928655

>I've fapped to lolicon plenty of times, and I've also worked in an elementary school environment as a part-time caretaker.
FBI, open up

>> No.6928663

There's been a shift in the industry to freelance work and also just going into illustration. You get to set your own pace and bankroll your own creative pursuits with a better paying job if needed. For this you don't even need to be in Japan anymore. Some of the bigger names aren't even Japanese.

>> No.6928777

Knowledge is a luxury and has an intrinsic value. It is morally correct to profit off of a method of achieving results others can't using your own know-how, and withholding such knowledge will put you ahead of the rest.
If somebody wants to know, they should be willing to learn and to sacrifice (money and time).

>> No.6928797

If there were a method to materialize food that anyone could do by simply saying a few secret words, withholding those words from the public would be categorically evil.

Knowledge might be not as immediately useful, but an educated and skilled person has improved quality of life.
A world where everyone is more educated means a world where less people have to live miserable lives and, because everyone is learning those skills by having free access to them, the field will advance more quickly.

Cope and mald all you want, but access to information gets us closer to interplanetary exploration and further away from eternal slavery from corporations trying to stall things to milk it for as long as possible.

>> No.6928811

While all of this is correct, I'm not talking about collective usefullness of knowledge, only personal. When we figured out better ways to share information, it propelled us into the future at speed unimaginable before. But it doesn't mean that coming up with new knowledge should not be compensated. If you figure out something that will make everyone's life better (or worse), you'd better get something out of it. There's no shortage of people who will jump onto the opportunity to profit off this themselves.

>> No.6928827

In that case we are in agreement.
I just believe, as I said in my original post, that creators should adapt to the advancements in technology, not the consumers. Charging beforehand with crowdfunding (if you have a history of good work, people will support you), offering personal tutoring, simply accepting donations to keep producing - similar to Patreon, with rewards if you want.

The middle man has got to disappear, though, and I don't think they're going without a fight.

>> No.6928828

if youre doing this for money youre wrong

>> No.6928899

>Piracy is not only morally correct, it should be the standard.
Okay I kinda agree with this

>Access to culture/knowledge should have no barriers
So far so good, public museums exist for this purpose. Not all of them are "free" but usually very cheap and accessible.
>if you want to sell something, then crowdsource your shit before releasing it, I won't pay for something that can be copypasted infinitely.
Here's the hot take; artists should be paid for their time, technical skill, and cultural demand.

>> No.6928915

>Access to knowledge should have no barriers
I agree, we should have a public online database that records citizens' all information, including their web browsing history, and is easily accessible to everyone.

>> No.6928925

While not public, it does exists and is available to the right people for the right price.

>In that case we are in agreement.
I'm in for piracy, but I don't consider it should be a standard. It's okay if minority uses it, but not every computer illiterate person should have access to it. God forbid companies will start adapting around this (already do).

>> No.6928989 [DELETED] 

You mean to say LOLI/SHOTA isn't CSAM (child sexual abuse material) because no real children are being abused. But it is definetly CP.

>> No.6929109

generally speaking anyone who just takes a super emotionally invested stance on decrying one style or movement as the root of all art evil is just some guy from twitter or /pol/ who gets all his opinions regurgitated to him by video essayists and shitposters, its fine to dislike or be heavily critical of any art movement but its weird people only seem to only be able to go "i hate bauhaus because jews" "i hate calarts because sjws" without any idea what the terms even represent and all of the other stuff that came before and after those movements

>> No.6929115

please mister, show us your "good taste derived artwork"

>> No.6929122

wasnt that the guy who failed at seducing a 14 year old girl who then immediately went and decided women were evil because a girl the age of his granddaughter didnt want to eat the grapes he gave her

>> No.6929136 [DELETED] 

Loli = childlike female character
Artificially flavored juice isn't apple juice if 0% of it is made of apples, loli art isn't CP for the same reason.

>> No.6929147
File: 150 KB, 359x414, everyone's so stupidbut me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pretty much

>> No.6929152 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 275x274, hanma doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean to say LOLI/SHOTA isn't CSAM (child sexual abuse material) because no real children are being abused
yes unironically its the same way how those schlocky gore movies aren't actual snuff films
no real kid looks/acts like a loli/shota
it all an exaggerated charade for entertainment's sake

its like blaming "le graphic video games violence" for some gay shit like gangwar/rapes/school-shootings
like sure man i did decide to shoot the hooker in gta but that doesn't mean i'll go schizo school shooter irl

>> No.6929185 [DELETED] 

Pornogrpahy is described as a depiction, drawing, recording, written, piece of sexuality for the purpose of sexual pleasure or arousal.

If you draw a character that looks like a child for the purposes of arousal and sexual pleasure youre making child pornography.

No children are actually being abused its still child porn, drawn.

>> No.6929352
File: 28 KB, 702x478, 0e6f6a9bb9782e50e97a410fd5739336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blackpill incoming

95% of people that practice drawing are stupid.
It isn't worth it. With that time and energy you can do a lot of different activities that would benefit you a LOT more.
Go lift, study, socialize, learn to play an instrument (it will give you social gibs), go read useful books, play a sport, learn to dance, join a club, etc.

Practicing art doesn't damages you like mindless scrolling, porn, overeating goyslope or doing drugs, but for most people that is mostly it.

Art is just for the retard or the few actually gifted.

>> No.6929355

>I would be successful and social if it weren't for art
This is not a pill. You're just coping for being a friendless loser by blaming drawing. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.6929357

All of the activities you listed are, too, entirely useless if art is considered useless by you

>> No.6929358


Of course it mostly depends of the genetic luck of the woman. Some of them are pretty fat but most of the fat ends up on the thighs, ass and tits and becomes hotter.

>> No.6929367
File: 85 KB, 800x800, they-hated-jesus-because-he-told-them-the-truth-meme-template-u8oqp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm successful and social. Stop proyecting you autistic nigger.

A retard would:
>Spend a year practicing to reach high beg
>Ends up alone in a room posting for other autistic retards

A smart man would:
>Spend a year going to the gym
>Ends up being attractive, strong, confident and better in most ways.

And that is just one activity. I could do the same for all the rest and a lot more but I don't have the time.

>> No.6929374

People don't realize how omnipresent visual art is. Imagine that all types of visual art vanished over night. Everything that had any cosmetic traits was stripped from them. Icons are replaced with words. Statues and film no longer exist. Cars are just their hardware and a seat. Pretty grim.

>> No.6929383

>triple dogshit steaks stucked in between two miserable slices of bread

>> No.6929384

>Spend a year practicing to reach high beg
>Ends up alone in a room posting for other autistic retards
You doing it wrong doesn't means others are too. Drawing exercises your brain. Improoving gives you confidence. Studying artists is as intellectual as consuming 'useful books'.
But yeah art is pretty bad if your meaning of life is being able to readily appease normies and getting "social gibs".

>> No.6929651

This image ruined my NNN thanks

>> No.6929939
File: 36 KB, 500x500, fgrtrrtdrtregtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) Hyperrealistic art is overrated & pretentious.
2.) Complex shading & lighting =/= S-tier art.
3.) Cyberpunk 2077's art style is mid.
4.) Artists who take NO requests are boring.
5.) Lolicons who refuse to draw scat are weird.
6.) Cum tributes should legally be a Fair Use.

>> No.6929941

>5.) Lolicons who refuse to draw scat are weird.
What a weird thing to say.
Have you considered that you can have a degenerate fetish without having another degenerate fetish?

>> No.6929942

I meant Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. 2077 is fine.

>> No.6929945

Have you ever considered that lolicons love to preach about how they support kink positivity and detach fiction from reality but don't apply that standard consistently when it comes to scat porn or that people don't masturbate to EVERYTHING they draw?

>> No.6929947

I have never heard of, not just a lolicon, but a normal person, morally condemn scat.
People don't like scat because it's disgusting, not because it's morally wrong, you donut.

>> No.6929949

These are more retarded than controversial.

>> No.6929950

I saw some overly-realistic 3DCG shit on Baraag and it gave me hot flashes of anxiety. I'm starting to think lolicon is an extension of the 90s transgressive art movement meeting internet porn. It feels more like a Skinny Puppy music video than a legal loophole. However, many lolis say they're "anti-c" or "pro-para", and that implies MAP or MAP allegiance.

>> No.6929953

By "lolicon", I meant "2D or unrealistic 3DCG loli". Realistic 3DCG barely feels like real art and is more likely to be ruled obscene by a court of law.

>> No.6929958
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, trdtgdtgdrtgrdtrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true bestie

>> No.6929959

You scream insecurity lmao.

>> No.6929961

Unironically a great example.

>> No.6929962

>5.) Lolicons who refuse to draw scat are weird.
>6.) Cum tributes should legally be a Fair Use.
Do you unironically have a mental impediment or are you so ESL that you can't express yourself properly?

>> No.6929963

Depends on the artist.
On the other side, you have blatant pedophiles like the author of MiA creating a non-lolicon manga.
Japanese people are much more unashamed about their sexual preferences.

>I saw some overly-realistic 3DCG shit on Baraag and it gave me hot flashes of anxiety.
They're using DAZ 3D, it usually looks very uncanny, unless the person using it is skilled.
If 2D pornography and photography can be art, I don't see why DAZ 3D images can't be art.

You're not owed a drawing just because someone is sex-positive.
It's their time, their rules, their business. Also, most lolicon are generally disgusted by scat, so you forcing them to draw your shit is the opposite of sex-positivity.

>> No.6929964
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, drugs_by_mlg_d0rit0s_d8ce0yb-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been practicing FL Studio for years and after learning some music theory, I low-key got worse. Making music fucking blows. I'm almost at a semi-professional level, yet DeviantArt shit like this looks better than my music sounds and reached a larger audience.

>> No.6929966

Retarded take. It depends on the amount of talent and or hard work involved.

>> No.6929968

why are lolicon disgusted by scat but not obvious child-like proportions hmm
they look at child bodies, replicate them, and say shit like, "pedos and zoos DNI", and they're totally not closet non-contact pedos who are attracted to real kids in whole or part, but they're comfortable with loli and view it as a 100% fictional thing while not viewing fictional scat as a 100% fictional thing and are uncomfortable with it presumably due to how it reminds them of the real thing? If they drew artistic nude lolis, that's one thing, but most draw straight-up sex with lolis. It feels like a double standard. Lolis feel less like ballsy alternative artists and more like closet pedos if scat (something you see in the toilet everyday and in fart jokes made by 5 year olds) is too far, but naked children (something you rarely see unless you're a parent, a medical professional, or someone like an FBI agent or content moderator who must handle reports) are not? I guess you could make the argument eroticism drives art, but why take SFW commissions and loli but not scat? Not even loli farts when farting is a kiddish prank thing? OK, pal.

>> No.6929971

if lolis want to admit they're non-contact pedos directly or indirectly (saying "pedos and zoos DNI" isn't that) and say scat isn't their thing, I'd get that. But when they preach how it's alternative art and desperately scream that it has no connection to reality only to hypocritically reject scat, it feels dishonest.

>> No.6929972

Why are you trying to equate what's basically seen as a different body type by the overwhelming majority of lolicons to such a sick fetish? keep it short, I'm not gonna read a wall of text.

>> No.6929973

>why are lolicon disgusted by scat but not obvious child-like proportions hmm
Because there is no fucking connection between finding children attractive and finding human feces attractive.

>they look at child bodies, replicate them, and say shit like, "pedos and zoos DNI", and they're totally not closet non-contact pedos who are attracted to real kids in whole or part,
If you don't want people to be closeted, you should tell that to every major corporation, social circle and government that will fuck you over for even being close to admitting you are a pedophile.
You still see gays in the closet in the most liberal places, what chances do pedos have?

>but why take SFW commissions and loli but not scat?
If we accept your example that they're drawing even though they're not pedos, it's just because they're desensitized to one but not the other.
As to why that is, is ultimately irrelevant, because you can't change someone's disgust for a topic by berating them on the Internet.

>> No.6929982

I argued about this on /trash/ before, and of these two threads, this is probably the best argument I've received. You can't really liberate yourself and be honest about your struggles in this society. If lolicons are closeted pedos who can't confess for their own safety, I won't be mad if they refuse to draw scat, as that's an entirely different thing. I guess I viewed lolicon more as something attached to the transgressive art movement than a catharsis, and saying, "They're desensitized to one but not the other", is a fair point. I saw loli at a younger age and was desensitized to it years before scat. Though tbf, I was a minor, and it took me a while to get back into loli as an adult. One counterargument, though, is that I associate children with the smell of spaghetti-o's, baby powder, and barf; adults: fragrances, better hygiene habits, and well-kept clothing. So why imagine toon children as not stinking like real kids but not the same logic with poop?

>> No.6929985

>So why imagine toon children as not stinking like real kids but not the same logic with poop?
Not everyone has a vivid imagination that makes these associations. I can like loli because I find the power dynamic between an adult and a child hot, for example.

>> No.6930008

>I find the power dynamic between an adult and a child hot
Anyway you put it, this is mental illness.

>> No.6930009

everyone knows him and his art when you think about it

>> No.6930010

"Mental illness" requires an element of impairment or distress. You are using it as a political term, right now.

>> No.6930069

Weirdos are pretty socially impaired.

>> No.6930152
File: 31 KB, 340x416, rene descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re either born GMI or born NGMI. never in the history of existence has “effort” or “hardwork” mattered in the slightest.

would hardwork and effort have saved the dinosaurs from going extinct? would it have saved the people who were and are being killed, sacked, and raped in wars? would it save you from illness or disease in the future? the answer to all of this is of course not. nature dictated all of these outcomes. nature will continue to do so for as long as life exists.

EVERYTHING in this world is genetic, in-built, pre-determined. its either there or it isnt. telling NGMIs they can make it if they “just draw bro lul” isn’t just foolish, it’s downright harmful. likewise, praising GMIs for their work only inflates their ego.

agency by and large is a cope. the world is binary: yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0, GMI or NGMI. there, you are welcome.

>> No.6930162

>I'd argue music is easier to earn a living off
What parallel universe are you living in? It's the opposite. There is plenty of moderately skilled artists making decent money off patron and stuff, and an entire freaking discourse even by professional musicians on how difficult it is to make money off of your own music. Streaming services won't pay you shit. Music making gear in a considerable investment. In most scenarios you will lose money making music.

>> No.6930250

It depends on your life goals. Being independent is easier as a musician than a visual artist, but there are more visual artists making a decent amount of money as employees.
do a concert, small band, 200 people, 18 d entry, divide into 5 members of the group, you paid the room (?)
expose physically your print and no one cares if you don't have boobs, expose your products on the internet, pay the promotion and absolutely no one cares. I will not elaborate more, touch grass, talk with your peers and work hard.

>> No.6930788

Not in my experience. I play bass, guitar and piano, and I can find regular work in meatspace playing other people's songs, band hopping etc. The moderately skilled artists you refer to are likely making coom (which is okay, but it's the equivalent of having to resort to prostitution) or trying to make it as a teacher on the youtube edutainment scene, and to get to that level it still takes a number of years of practice and a huge, huge investment of time. I'm not including composing in my comparison, that's a different game, but in terms of just "getting in and surviving" it only takes an instrument, a year and a half of sustained conscious practice to develop basic competence, and you can float. Tell a visual artist that 1. doesn't draw coom and 2. only has a year and a half of practice in the craft to survive off their art alone.

Art making doesn't have the equivalent financial safety net of gig work that music does, some musicians survive off simply playing other people's music and performing live, doing studio sessions for other groups, etc. I suppose the closest equivalent for an artist would be join a studio and slave away for big companies, but we're still talking years of time invested. Artists are also highly independent, at least with a band you can pool resources and if you're not a huge dick, your mates will step up when it counts.

Individual highly successful visual artists almost never earn as much as individual highly successful musicians. A viral musician can ride a single song or album for *decades,* there are no rockstars in art, just heroic figures. A viral visual artist barely registers in cultural consciousness as a whole. Try talking to a rando about musicians, authors, directors etc. Ask them how songs make them feel, the lyrics, the arcs of a story, the style of an auteur director. Then talk to them about individual artists. If you're lucky, they might say "I saw a Rembrandt at a museum once. Pretty neat stuff. Ultra realistic!"

>> No.6931194

How do I cope with ngmi status?

>> No.6931198

Spirituality. Acceptance. Humbleness. Gratitude. Once you have accepted that Hitler was right about everything, the only thing left to do is carry on doing the best you can because the alternative is to become another cringe wannabe edgy self-sabotaging shit eating crab on /ic/ that capable only of hurting others and in turn hurting himself.

>> No.6931248

>style can be brute forced
>as an art, music is more impactful then any visual art
>it's more important to have fun FEELING the drawing ala Vilppu then caring about the meaning behind a piece
every time i say this to my irl art frens they call me crazy.

>> No.6931253
File: 1.51 MB, 3811x2141, DT1550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who says GMI status is solely up to genes are actual NGMI who'd rather blame the genetic lottery on their shortcomings rather than owning up to the fact they gave up because they have no desire

>> No.6931256

hyperrealism has no appeal , sure has skill but is boring as surrealism
surrealism don't need any skill
manga is in fact better than comics since the 80's
the really talented morden michelangelo is probably drawing furry porn on twitter because he is too horny to realize that the world needs him

>> No.6931257

i hate how art is more broadly appreciated than STEM
i usually hate artists themselves for various reasons
i hate art fans because theyre usually half retarded

>> No.6931533

Doing coomissions and band hopping are equal in a sense that you are doing work oriented at pleasing you employee rather than working on your own projects. Plus, bass, guitar and piano are three different skillsets. What would be the odds of you making the same income playing just one instrument? And yeah, composing is a different game, but I've yet to see a composer or an edm producer making the same amount of bucks from patreon and such as someone who has gone independent drawing
> it only takes an instrument, a year and a half of sustained conscious practice to develop basic competence, and you can float.
Depends on the individual, on what is understood as basic competence and basically on where the person lives. On the internet, drawing is a free for all game in that regard.
> Art making doesn't have the equivalent financial safety net of gig work that music does
Gigs come and go, same as the commissions. The financial stability is just as much of a lottery in both mediums.
> Individual highly successful visual artists almost never earn as much as individual highly successful musicians
Popularity doesn't necessarily translate into income. I mean, sure, there is a
handful of millionaire rockstars, but at the same time you'll hear a lot of stories of high selling musicians being screwed over by the record companies.

>> No.6931535

other way around, buddy
the prospect of going to art school is laughable for most people while STEM is well regarded

>> No.6932196

That's nuts, first one should basically be common sense, how the fuck do they think cartoons have hundreds of people drawing on-model then switching to another style entirely for the next project?

>> No.6932204

People drawing exclusively FOTM are creativetly bankrupt and attention whores.

>> No.6932226

It'd be worse but not that horrible, we'd still have nature for visual appreciation

>> No.6932235

What about people drawing FOTY? (Flavour of the year)

>> No.6932245
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depends how mainstream is the subject matter.

>> No.6932254

sauce? this does something to me.

>> No.6932607
File: 578 KB, 1920x1200, 185181-2949915566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only coom to Giger.

>> No.6932848

well there are exceptions to every rule, so yes, there are certainly some great looking Bauhaus Modernist works but its still generally disliked by Most people who like art, even without some Influencers having to tell them, but MLAATR also has very prominent Art deco elements, its simplification and streamlining done right, usually Bauhaus just boils down to removing details and simplification purely because of simplifications sake, not because it supposedly looks better.

>> No.6932960

>it only takes 1 year/20
Question, where do you find the energy to write and think all of these bullshits? Pls tell me you're schyzo cause i can't imagine two pieces of shit at the same place having a discussion.

>> No.6932986

There are no tools in art, only meth

>> No.6933078

The decline of the quality of humanity has been masked by technological advancement. Art is the canary in the coal mine. If you knew how bad things really are...

>> No.6933089

this shit moves too fast for me.

>> No.6933585

I trust you, intermeth.

>> No.6933589

The "animation industry" shouldn't exist whatsoever.

>> No.6933667
File: 427 KB, 1920x1080, mass destruction weapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this controversial?

>> No.6933683

No, it's just retarded.

>> No.6933912

So yo think it's impossible to pick up a new habit, or kick an old one? Because the difference between NGMI and GMI is often as simple as that.
But I can tell you for sure you won't make it as a defeatist retard.

>> No.6933956

Sir, it could be an ic allegory if that buss could be self-sufficient.