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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6920515 No.6920515 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to commisions

>> No.6920529

it it really worth it?

>> No.6920535
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>Faceless offscreen dark fat bastard going apeshit
Hetshit is so fucking stupid.

>> No.6920536

I want money but I'm scared of doing taxes and getting doxxed

>> No.6920554

I need to make money, but I feel bad charging people so much for such weak beginner art

>> No.6920557

You'd be surprised to see what people pay good money for, there's people who will pay hundreds just to listen to a streamer brush her hair and make scalp noises or simply breathe heavily into a microphone.

>> No.6920566

Just because I can doesn't mean I should though. Knowingly fostering a parasocial relationship for personal gain is a great example

>> No.6920575

post your porn

>> No.6920579

Eh, it's not a heterosexual issue as much as a heterosexual male issue. It sucks how the vast majority of us men who are into smut feel threatened by the mere suggestion of attractive guys. I fund the stuff in the /h/ yumejoshi threads far more tasteful.

>> No.6920584

>doing taxes
do you need to do it? im not american so i don't know really bur aren't all blacks and latinos never ever doing taxes and they are just fine

>> No.6920591

depends on what you do and what you get paid, i would never do gay shit( man on man) but i someone paid me 10 times more than the usual i would do it.

>> No.6920602

Ofc black people do taxes. The only people who don't are certain rich people and illegal immigrants

>> No.6920606 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6920607

>brown fat retard
mods you know what to do to this thread

>> No.6920647

read your contry laws, thats the honest answer.
Some have more, flexible regulations about taxes, in some you need a minimal amount of income to pay, or non contract jobs dont pay or aren't regulated, in others they are and you need to pay for every shit, other just have grey areas specially in online shit.
In most of them the minimal income rule is common, so you need to check that first, usually is very easy to find in your government websites.
What usually happens is that the country has zero regulations about non contract jobs, so those people dont pay taxes but they also dont get any state help like health shit or pensions, and they have a general minimal amount for everyone and most of the drawfags are below that amount (because is a very high amount so most of the population dont need to pay and that stimulate the consume and all that shit), and some of them are just starting to regulate outside incomes from other countries, and some are just starting to regulate non contract jobs but most of them dont really check what are you doing if you just register correctly the amounts and you have ways to check the deposits and all that.

But yeah, in most countries you dont pay below "x" amount, drawfags dont gain more than that amount, and the government is not interested in how the money was earned other than how you can prove it like with receipts.

The real question should be if the drawfags that earn the minimal income for taxes in their countries pay them, the answer should be yes in places where they already made laws for that, and no in countries where they have no regulations and are in a gray space

>> No.6920675


Stop fucking talking like this you insufferable faggots

>> No.6920677

What's with these fucking grifters who try to draw lewds of pokemon characters but they are so deformed that they aren't the same characters anymore? This is just a generic fat boob character with a pokemon hat on.

>> No.6920682

As much as I hate yuritroons, I have to admit they have a point when they refer to porn in which the artists pair the woman with a fat faceless brown creatura as "hetshit"

>> No.6920689
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based lawfag

>> No.6920710

As someone who has done its fair amount comsider this:
-it's a nice way of earning side money
-it will increase your portfolio, having more pieces is always good for an artist
-it will work as a way to test your skills
-you gotta learn about how your country manages side income and best ways to remain anonymous (if you care)musing payment methods like PayPal , wich to be honest is a mayor pain sometimes
-not everytime you are gonna be commissioned a piece you love to do, sometimes it's just gonna be a ''Ok idea that you don't dig that much''

Good luck soldier!

>> No.6920722

Are you a Yumejoshi, Fujoshi or Yuritroon?

>> No.6921122
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>they don't comm you again

it's so fucking over

>> No.6921637

why would they? They already have one of your pieces

>> No.6921953

but they didn't liked enough to comm again

>> No.6921957

>get comm'd again
>I ignored them
i like comms but im not looking for a sugar daddy thanks.

>> No.6921966

You will unironically never make it with that mindset. Almost every transaction is rooted in social relationships. Ever heard of brand loyalty, fandoms, "buying local," being a regular, etc etc? People buy your art because they like your art, but by extension it makes them like you, which makes them like your art more.

>> No.6921977

>trying to understand commissioners
Don't bother. Just draw the thing they want, get their final approval, post it if public, and move on. Some people are commission collectors who like to commission one or two pieces from lots of different artists, some will latch on to you and commission you multiple times, some will commission from you and vanish then return months later.

>> No.6921980

Imagine being threatened by lines on paper lmao

>> No.6921982

Yeah, it's not true at all, I don't care about attractive men.

>> No.6922009

There's nothing wrong with being social and friendly with your audience, that's a great thing.
I'm talking about whores who take advantage of lonely and often naive young men by knowingly creating a completely dishonest relationship in order to exploit them. Only because you brought it up.
Also "making it" has nothing to do with how much money I bring in, personally. How much I could bring in if I really wanted to is another story, but all that matters to me is that my art has a very strong positive effect on as many people as I can reach. I want people to understand what goes on in my head and feel how I feel

>> No.6922047
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is paypal still the main payment method?

>> No.6922121

i been running comms since 2015
a simple formula is open them, if you get less than 6 comms reduce the price, if you get more than 10 charge more, you will find a perfect balance like this.

your first mistake is assume that people have "artist eye" they are unable to see flaws specialy if they see tits and ass

this is your fault, you probably advertise your best works and didnt meet that standard for the work you did for them or they are collectors, people that only care about having something from many artists as possible and thats it.

you will regret this, having 3-5 money whales that every month support you and you get close to it is better than having 10 randoms every month and risking people that scam, report your paypal account or are trying to get something else from you (clout for their shitty ocs)

this. people that pay for art are mental, i totally get getting commissions 400 years ago for a protrait of your or someone you love, because there was no photography, but putting your sick fantasies into a canvas just because you can shows a mental problem to me. is easy money so i just complain on chinese cartoon vietnamese forums desu

>> No.6924373

How do I get my nsfw art in front of people who are willing to pay for it?

>> No.6924412

Pixiv works. It still relies on an algorithm to display your art to people like most every website, which means growth can have peaks and vallies (especially if you dont already have a following elsewhere), but it does have a tagging system so if you tag properly it can help people find you. They do require censorship though, so you might want to make a secondary account on another site to upload uncensored versions.
They seem to have an automated detector, because one time I forgot to censored a large weenus and it was immediately removed.

>> No.6924437

You're supposed to focus on the woman, retard. The non-hets are so brain dead.

>feel threatened by the mere suggestion of attractive guys.
Do you really think that's the reason for the glut of faceless, bland dudes in smut? Of course not. It's because the focus is on the woman, so they can get away with a product that makes the dude less than a character. It takes work to make an appealing male character, so they just skip doing it.

And I'm not advocating for it by any means, porn with characters (both female AND male) that you find endearing is a lot more fun, and they're halving the appeal of their product by taking the men off the table, even if they're not what we're reading for.

>> No.6924444

Lmao, imagine being this loser.

>> No.6924455

Thanks anon

>> No.6924531

>do a 75-100$ commission
>client is happy to have me do art for them, makes sure that I have tips enabled when I send them an invoice
>reads tos
>responds with full sentences, answers all questions I have for them

>do 15$ commission
>client responds with short, 1 sentence messages,
>asks about things I've already specified in my terms of service
>expects me to put in work and start drawing for him, so "we can decide if he's going to pay"

Yikes. Anyone else had experiences like this?
I'm broke, so I'll have to just deal with this bullshit, but man, I can't wait to get more followers again so I don't have to deal with poorfags.

>> No.6924542


People who are cheap or request free art are always a pain to deal with.

I botched a drawing for a client and effectively scammed them in hindsight, they were ultra nice and never spoke up despite that. For the record I eventually went back to redo their drawing for free because I felt it was unfair to them, but they were so nice despite getting actually sub par work for their money initially.

Meanwhile I had a person make a free request. When I said I'm busy with comms and life stuff he had the gall to say "thats what they all say" with a clown emoji. But it was an idea I found cool so I drew a sketch after some time and they were like "oh my god i am traumatized xD" because of some minute detail they didn't even mention. Fuck these people for real.

I didn't mind doing free/cheap sketches here and there in the past but the treatment you get from people who don't pay is actually horrible, they treat you like a subhuman slave. Meanwhile people who literally pay with their own hard earned money are nice and respectful as all hell.

>> No.6924624

I've noticed that if people like me, they're more likely to pay well, hire me again and speak about me to their friends. That's great. Problem is they also expect me to engage in small talk or to care about them. Pretending to be their friend is doable, but it's also time consuming and annoying.

Is there a way to have a cake and eat it?
How do I politely tell my client that I'm not interested in befriending them and that I only care about their money, without them getting overly emotional about it and dropping their support?
I'm autistic, pls help. I just want to be honest with people without hurting my business.

>> No.6924629

Pretty much. Russia has it's own alternative, but I'm not sure about details. Paypall didn't screw me over yet so I'm not switching.

>> No.6924692

Who can I comm for feral horse on female?

>> No.6924695

What's your budget?

>> No.6924700

50 bucks.

>> No.6924743

Hmm. I'm more into ponies, but I think I could do it. Of course a lot depends on details.
Check out my art on e621 under the artists name 'bristlebunnyart' and if you like my style send me an message through furaffinity or inkbunny. I'd post my e-mail address, but 4chan thinks it's spam.

On a completely unrelated note: did anyone here got scammed while doing commissions for complete strangers? Any tips on avoiding that?

>> No.6924751

The main one is requesting upfront payment, either half or full price. If you choose half, you will get the rest when the commission is done.

>> No.6924777

I plan to start commission next year but stil have so many question.
For starter, how exactly do i make a "contract" and how will customer "sign" it if it all online ? Is verbal contract ok ? Thanks.

>> No.6924779

NTA but how do you prevent scammer from request chargeback even after finish the commission ? i heard that paypal always side with the buyer.

>> No.6924785

Be clear and straightfoward with your prices, description and timeframe, deliver the commission to the client PayPal email adress and don't accept gift payments

>> No.6924824

Assume that I did all of that and someone still charged back, just because they thought they could get away with it. What now?

>> No.6924870

Well, the best way of avoiding this is sending the commission to their PayPal email, prints from DMs can help you

>> No.6925027

saying "het" instead of "normal" makes you severely mentally ill

>> No.6925033

none of you are normal

>> No.6925035 [DELETED] 

cool story faggot go back to crying about being born with a cock

>> No.6925040 [DELETED] 
File: 414 KB, 706x500, 1640293141578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hetcuck cope ITT
Imagine having several images saved onto your hard drive of Women having intercourse with faceless Moids and masturbating to it. You are by definition a cuck.

>> No.6925044 [DELETED] 

>he made fun of me? it's a tranny for sure

>> No.6925097

why do they always make the guy much darker than the woman

>> No.6925186

Being tanned is associated with virility (working hard under the sun) while being pale suggest the opposite (a cozy life inside) so people like the contrast

>> No.6925863

guys i need help
how do i charge for comics? i do full illustrations for 70-100$ but it seems unreasonable to charge that much per panel

>> No.6926146

>per panel
Well, usually people charge per page and usually panels aren't as polished or as detailed as full illustrations. Moreover since you'll be selling your services in bulk (so you won't have to worry about finding a new commissioner for a while) and you'll be drawing the same characters again and again (which speeds things up) it's reasonable to drop your prices a little. 40-60$ per page is reasonable, but as always it's a matter of how good you are and your reputation.

>> No.6926164

>suggesting he charge less for a full comic page commissions than he does for a single illustration
Maybe if you're talking commercial use commissions, but given that he's charging 70-100, it's safe to assume he's dealing in online, personal enjoyment commissions, in which case you absolutely would charge more per page than for a single image.

>> No.6926312

Is 4 dollars too much for a sketch like this? No one wants to commission me

>> No.6926315

>no file
Yeah, I wouldn't buy it. I'm not into anti-art, sorry.

>> No.6926331

I'm ip blocked, I'll post an example when I get home

>> No.6926850
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>> No.6926859

price is decided by supply and demand, if no one is buying the price is too high or the economy is doing poorly so people can't spend on things that aren't food/shelter etc

>> No.6926866

I'd pay 10 if it was digital. No one will buy blurry photos of messy pencil sketches.

>> No.6926908

>be me
>want to make money from my art
>want my parents to be proud
>my art is shit

Why bother living

>> No.6926924

>have so many ideas of characters and poses, can't decide what to commission.

>> No.6926931

Same, Also getting traffic is giga hard.

>> No.6926955

how do I get nsfw commissions as fast as possible? need money quick for the holidays

>> No.6926963
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How do I convince my asshole "''''"friends""""" on Twitter who have 100k followers but never interact with my shit to promote my comms ?
No, don't gimme any cope, we all know that we all here do it for money, so talk about business technique and how to convince these bastards

>> No.6926964

Draw their characters as a show of goodwill, or stop being a resentful fuck, it shows

They don't owe you anything

>> No.6927208

be more firm with the way you talk, keep it professional but not so much that you come across as robotic. Don't ask or engage in topics not related to your comm. Also, if they divert the conversation to non related topics, simply acknowledge their comment (ie. thats nice! sounds awesome! nice to hear!) and ask or comment about their comm.

>> No.6927216

verbal contracts are bs, if you were to get into a lawsuit and say they signed a verbal contract, they're gonna point and laugh at you. Make your contract in a doc file, make a short intro (ie. who you are, what its for, date, etc etc the basic shit), then state your rules for comms, and a closing statement (ie. "name" agrees to pay up front, comply to rules, etc etc) then have them sign their initials. Try to keep all this short since no one wants to sit there and read three pages of a contract just for a drawing

>> No.6927220

get your shit together and and improve your art, spend as much time as possible practicing and getting out of your comfort zone. There's tons of guides and tutorials on youtube and all over the internet on how to get better. Do your research and use that info to improve (be patient, it wont happen overnight)

>> No.6927223

advertise yourself up the ass. Insta, 4chan, reddit, fb, twitter, discord. Get your name out there

>> No.6927224

find better "''''"friends"""""

>> No.6927347

I'd scan it of course

>> No.6927619
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>faggots getting antsy again at the based bastards.

I will keep on improving my art skills by drawing beautiful females and cute men.
And I will never, and I mean NEVER stop drawing large fat old balding virile men to pair them with the cutest and most frailest of women.

>> No.6927759

>just advertise your filthy porn on facebook :)

>> No.6927937

Dude, I had been trying to improve. But over the last couple of years I had been only receiving "Study anatomy", "Go back to studying fundamentals", "Learn how to market yourself", "Its a skill that you can improve"

No jack shit, I worked and I yet to see any improvement

>> No.6927941

>getting traffic
You can help this with better art, reasonable promotion, and consistent uploads. But at the end of the day, a lot of it is just patience and a bit of luck.

>> No.6927955
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>Tell one of my clients that I would let him know when I had commissions open as soon as I finished my pending commissions.
>that was exactly two months ago
>with my last two pending commission being done one month after the interaction
>ever since, I messaged three of the other four clients waiting, two of which took a commission (currently working on one of them)
>tempted to take two more commissions before this one guy
I feel like Im going to hell for this

>> No.6928126

do people just pretend to be blind and not look at names or does nobody care?

>> No.6928138

normal people don't care, but artists have been doxxed over commissions due to deranged schizos before.

>> No.6928175

What subreddit are good for trying to get comms? Also how can you promote on Twitter without a following?

In fact, can you just say how you'd promote yourself on each?

>> No.6928262

deadass do it. There's some strange people that are into it on fb

>> No.6928266

then that's where your issue is. While you're drawing, try to make notes on what exactly it is you're bad at. Then focus on that until you get it right (ie. personally i was shit at line art, i couldn't get confident one stoke lines for my life, i mainly focused on this for about half a year until i was finally where i wanted to be)

>> No.6928282
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I really need to take commissions, are there any ways of getting paid without the service revealing my real name to the commissioner? Back in the day I used paypal but one of my clients turned out to be a schizo that eventually doxxxxxxed and stalked me.

>> No.6928288

insta: Make reels and engage with your followers through posts and stories
4chan: personally i wouldn't advertise here just cuz im paranoid, but there's boards for advertising socials and comms.
reddit: r/artcommissions and r/HungryArtists
fb: fb groups can be pretty good advertising ground
twitter: through comments and redirecting from other socials
discord: tons of art servers that let you advertise

my most recommended ones would be insta and discord

>> No.6928310

paypal business account
might take some legwork to get them to approve it depending on where you live

>> No.6928329


Cryptocurrency. If need to avoid being traced, Monero is best. There is no invoice, if need for crypto there is gilded and bitpay.

would check if need to pay taxes for crytpo. But IRS can't trace xmr transactions.

>> No.6928360
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People get too worried about doxxing as if they had anything to be doxxed for or were worth a dox at all.
I was doxxed from people of my own country that got a lot of compromising information and thought it would be funny to screw me over... and yet nothing came out of it because, lo and behold, people who dox literal nobodies on the internet are socially inept idiots with the sense of malice of an middle schooler.
gt or didnt happen.

>> No.6928364

Fuck off retard, you have not experienced real life ruination doxxxxing. One thing is generic haters saying they le backtraced your IP and are going to hack you, another is dedicated stalkers that buy fake commissions to get your real name and use paid census databases to track down your family members/co-workers facebooks and harass them just for kicks.

>> No.6928380

>doxxing fanfiction
you're transparent when you buy my comms

>> No.6928391

i dunno man, the type of people who commission niche internet artists are definitely bonkers, i've seen my fair share of weird people out there. i can believe actual doxxing has happened at some point

>> No.6928404

>you have not experienced real life ruination doxxxxing.
>another is dedicated stalkers that buy fake commissions to get your real name and use paid census databases to track down your family members/co-workers facebooks and harass them just for kicks.
You're right I havent, I was merely closed to it, cause I was indeed dealing with one retard that tracked my personal info (through the dumbest means possible), ""exposed"" me among people that disliked me, tried to break into my account at least once and had the potential to harass me and my family both online and irl, yet he didnt because it was just an internet retard.

To an extent, I understand your dread, but what is an internet retard going to do to you or your peers? aside from acting like an idiot and get themselves jailed (or killed) for being a retard to people's lives? People irl arent very fond of being harassed and could escalate things very quickly in order to make it stop, specially if it's one guy.

Besides, Im not even trying undermine your story (assuming it happened, which could have), Im telling you all that you worry too much over people having your personal info when you may not even be in danger over it. Who do you think you are to be worth doxxing and what have you done to deserve a dox?

>> No.6928481

BBC rulez

>> No.6928483

>paypal business account
nope, the govt database are free access to all and your registered business is tied to your name.

>> No.6928485

Cuckto is fake money and good luck finding commissioners that use it.

>> No.6928488

>you're transparent when you buy my comms

Are you implying that you would go to war against a commissioner that doxxxxes you by doxxxing him back? lmao way to scare away legit commissioners by showing them you're not afraid to expose their private data, retard.

>> No.6928491

> lmao way to scare away legit commissioners by showing them you're not afraid to expose their private data, retard.
Cool theory, maldraw/nodraw. Maybe you should find a real job instead of retarded theorycrafting? You get audience you deserve.

>> No.6928496

It's called MAD.
Mutually Assured Doxxing, the best and only way to ensure peace.

>> No.6928509

Not really, it's very one sided. Nightmare commissioner gets doxxed: he can just make another paypal account with a different handle.

Artist gets reputation ruined: years and years of hard work gone down the drain.

>> No.6928515

>he can just make another paypal account with a different handle.
That's not as easy as you imagine. Paypal accounts are tied to your bank account and those obviously have your real name attached.

>> No.6928545

>Artist gets reputation ruined: years and years of hard work gone down the drain.
I thought we were talking about doxxing? How would someone posting my real name ruin my artistic reputation?
I mean, sure, it would be awful if my family knew what disgusting porn I'm drawing, but that hardly counts as "years and years of hard work gone down the drain".

Scenario you're describing would happen only if artist actually deserved it, like for painting over AI or tracing someones work. And even then I'd bet half, maybe 1/3rd of his followers wouldn't care.

>> No.6928830

A little late to the party but, if it's relatively cheaper to commission a comic, what prevents your customers from asking only for comics?
>t. fag who is tired of drawing comics

>> No.6929000

>Be commissioned by guy to draw their furry nose porn (even if my work has nothing to do with it) constantly for 3 years at cheap price
>Recebtly start getting increasing amounts of comms from people paying for more expensive, fun things to do at a similar rate.
Expansion feels good bros

>> No.6929009
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>after 4 months since i opened my comms
>im chargind the double from what i started
>im way faster and i getting x3 times more cmms than what i sued to get in the beginning

being a gmi feels so fucking good bros

>> No.6929033

congrats bro

>> No.6929075

Spic here. I make like 300 bucks a month with my current job while working around 50 hrs/week (LOL). Should I bother trying to git gud with the end goal of getting comms? I need to learn art for my personal projects anyway but for the time being, I have to prioritize whatever will allow me to leave this shitty job.
No, I won't learn coding.

>> No.6929079

if you can make finished pieces fairly easy and they can be sold for 70+ it would be better.
is your work at that level tho? otherwise you will have to do really obsucre/degenerate shit

>> No.6929108

>Should I bother trying to git gud with the end goal of getting comms?
With your work and other commitments how many hours a day can you spare on art? It could take you years to git gud.
By the time that happens AI will probably get developed enough to replace majority of digital artists.

By all means, learn art since it's fun, and if you want to, then try doing some commissions straight away, but I wouldn't bet my future on it.

>> No.6929175

this is agony /ic/, I don't even like drawing anymore because of these fucking commissions

>> No.6929193

take breaks, i almost quit comms after 2 months of non stop comms, now i do cooms 2 weeks on off

>> No.6929218

good idea

>> No.6929234

It shouldn't be cheaper to do a comic page, unless, again, you're doing a commercial-use illustration vs a personal enjoyment comic page. I have no idea what that guy's talking about, because anybody with two brain cells would take advantage of the cheaper comic page rate to get what he wanted for the illustration plus more images. The only time I could see charging less for a page would be a flat color page of simple one/two character panels vs a multicharacter rendermaxxed illustration. For your general anime and cartoon art, don't charge less for a comic page.

>> No.6929266

>got asked for the first time in my life if I take requests/comms
Hell yeah, but ahhh fuck
I'll do it as a request of course since they're the first person to ask
But can you figure out prices and payment method overnight? Is the Pixiv currency thing good, does it doxx your name?
And by the looks of it, they'll most likely want me to draw their gay twink oc, not really my realm but I guess my posts indicated that it's for me I guess

>> No.6929343

As long as you're not drawing him taking it up the ass or some other shit, you should be fine.

>> No.6929366

why though

>> No.6929462

>why though
This guy the last few months has been quite persistent on talking about commissioning me but being broke, to the point it seemed like he wanted a free draw from me.
He also lashed out at me in the middle of a commission because I asked him to stop working on his commission to finish another quicker one (I ended up finishing it before his anyway and he didnt even notice).
...He also lashed out at me because I kept forgetting to reply to his messages of small talk and telling him I was fucking busy with work and my studies, telling me I was putting up excuses and shit... then came back to me a month ago like it was nothing without even apologizing.

I have nothing against the guy, honestly, but I wanted to retaliate somehow for all those previous experiences.

>> No.6929810

I only do transactions in real life at specific locations that are 20 minutes away from my actual house but 1 hour drives from the commissioner's house. Only cash allowed because I hate banks and I won't let le bankers to dictate my own cash usage.

>> No.6929823
File: 124 KB, 826x871, 1634816499686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be (economically) third worlder
>charge commission as in the target (economically) first worlder consumer base
>they love my drawings
>completes their request always earlier than scheduled but only release it on agreed due dates
>gives details on payment
>commissioner found out that le thirdy.jpg
>they tries to haggle the price and talks in depth about taxes, location factors and why I shouldn't charge that particular price
>gets my payment and block them because it's always the similar, repetitive cycle of discrimination with no end of moralgagging bullshit chat that are better spent on drawings instead
Do they think I don't have a life to live and I don't have any wants and needs? Maybe don't charge me extra for the imported tablets and electronics and especially on shipping from your country!!! Don't even get me started on discriminatory visa. Sorry it's just a rant that I need to get out of my chest.

>> No.6929863

comms just started taking off and sure enough paypal blocked my account

has anyone here been through this? what am i in for, is it over? they want a front and back pic of my ID

>> No.6929868

thats completely normal, after x amount of money going through sellers account you will need to get it verified.

>> No.6929869

ah i see. i just dont know what to do in the meantime and im not comfortable with having my money sent to an account that might be compromised.
i fortunately foresaw fuckery like this from them so i always withdraw every last penny the second i can but still

>> No.6929874

Eh, they should commission some indian off of fiverr to trace AI art for them instead then.

Also, why is it fair for them to jew you by paying pennies, but not okay for you to jew them by asking for a price that is closer to their economic standard? There is no way for this to be "fair", he's just malding and seething because he can't get art for 10$ and looking for a justification.

>> No.6929886

>>they tries to haggle the price
Huh. That never really happened to me.

>> No.6929906

Based commissioner for calling out thirdworld shitskin.
Based thirdworld shitskin for not being a scab and charging peanuts and undercutting firstworld artists.
Not sure what to feel on this one. I think I'll ask ChatGPT

>> No.6930044

It happens when you receive too much money too fast. Fuck paypal.

>> No.6930070

>platform designed for giving and receiving money
>blocks you under the pretense of 'questionable behavior' if you give or receive money

also its kino how they beg for a front and back picture of my ID under the pretense of protecting me as if it isn't them desperately trying to get their hands on my personal info. fucking hate them so much

>> No.6930076

I'm preparing a new YCH auction. Usually I'd go for a regular pinup, but thanksgiving is coming - should I do one in that theme? Do thematic YCH auctions sell better than regular ones?

>> No.6930108

Realistically speaking, why the fuck should you care if they have your id or not? I wouldn't. Could be because I'm just some poor goat farmer from a dusty third world country but I don't see you being any more important than that.

>> No.6930110

>Want to use paypal to recieve payment
"You need to give me your full name and address so anyone you buy from will know who you are and where you are."
>Create seller account, have to add burner twitter to get it
>Get too much money
"Sorry, we're shutting down your account for a while because you're finding success. fuck you."
>Get reported once
"We found you used paypal for porn. we're taking all the money in your account and closing it down permanently."
>all other payment processors are either shit or region exclusive
>Accepting money with a card outside of paypal is borderline impossible
>Most of the others will gun down your account if it so much as MIGHT have porn on it
How the actual fuck did shit get this bad?

>> No.6930111

>"We found you used paypal for porn. we're taking all the money in your account and closing it down permanently."

please tell me there's an alternative that doesn't give a fuck about silly drawings

>> No.6930113

mostly local alternatives like cashapp and pixiv requests. subscribestar is a great option but good luck getting approved.
There's no good option if you want to have payments for nsfw from outside of your country that isn't jank as fuck for your average smoothbrain commissioning rat. that or you could pretend to be something you're not to the payment processor, which works until someone decides to press the nuclear option and they take five second to review your account.

>> No.6930118


>> No.6930133

>I wouldn't
that's probably because you are too stupid to realize that if they use ID for verification they can literally permanently prevent you from ever getting another dime if they so please, for whatever reason.

>> No.6930139

data breaches

>> No.6930188

Shit, I always post my country of residence when I create a new account for my drawings. Maybe I should stop doing that.

>> No.6930263

Sounds overtly paranoid.

>> No.6930302

>How the actual fuck did shit get this bad?
The US's IRS and handwringing old roasties who got the world spun up in a moral panic over muh child pornographers buying CP on the interwebs.

>> No.6930308

>Bu-bu-bu but the money can be used for BAD!
they do know doing that only encouraged people to share it for free? they effectively erased an easy way for people to track child predators via looking through payments, and killed a god knows how many amount of actual genuine sex workers
God the USA is so fucking dumb sometimes, oh my god

>> No.6930309

But yes it really boils down to CP. They're terrified of bad publicity that would come from CP sales being tied to PayPal, so they just take a hardline stance of if they get any whiff of you using PayPal for porn, they SHUT UT DOWN.

>> No.6930456

Anyone using STRIPE?
Would you commission an artist if they used STRIPE instead of PAYPAL?

>> No.6930460


>> No.6930468
File: 1.42 MB, 840x1264, 00300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made ~13k USD this year selling AI art.

>> No.6930478

>selling AI art
How exactly? How could you make an illustration match someone's OC, if AI had almost no illustrations of that OC to train on?

>> No.6930494
File: 1.70 MB, 1319x927, Screenshot 2023-11-11 131101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy, do it all the time. A lot of bad AI artist don't know how to make OC's.

>> No.6930497
File: 1.36 MB, 1166x948, Screenshot 2023-11-11 131052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got to know just enough art / editing skills and you can make anything.

>> No.6930498

Not him but some people have no clue about AI images so they will donate to people patreons without knowing. 99% of the images are generic coom shit that take a couple seconds to make. The high earners dont really make alot of money and will most likely fall off in income once people figure out about it and start making it themselves(since its incredibly easy to). The real money is the people that develop the software which people like the guy you responded to actually spend money on.

>> No.6930506

why are you pretending to be 3 different people?

>> No.6930514
File: 1.28 MB, 1401x918, Screenshot 2023-11-11 132100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm, explain? Not sure what you mean.

>> No.6930542
File: 2.05 MB, 960x1440, 00125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made all mine on personal commissions.

>> No.6930640

>someone really likes my work
>they're chatty and answering quickly
>they ask if I do commissions and at what prices
>tell them
>they ghost me

>> No.6930661
File: 89 KB, 675x1024, 1666238752267863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it safer to make a personal or business paypal account to receive payment if you don't wanna get doxxed? business sounds better at first but if someone could just search the tax ID or EIN or whatever from your paypal address they could learn everything about you, right?
I don't wanna get doxxed if someone asks me to draw porn for them, bros...

>> No.6930698

I don't draw nsfw but I would also wanna know just for privacy reasons, how do you get paid for commission work without revealing your real name/location? I don't mind giving it to the government for tax or whatever but I'de rather remain anonymous or at least pseudo-anonymous as much as possible from clients and randos on the net

>> No.6930713

Doesn't DeviantArt work as middleman with commission stuff?
Technically it's DA selling the art whike you're being a subcontractor, so tge commissioner shouldn't learn your identity. At least that's how I understood it, but I don't have an account there.
Shame they went full retard with AI.

>> No.6930714

Fiverr is anonymous, but they take a 20% cut.

>> No.6930757

You can't post porn on DA.

>> No.6931088

Who does that? Not worth having as a client. I have clients that tip me 20% of their several hundred dollar commissions and they don’t ask stupid shit.

>> No.6931233

Yeah, that is why I'm curioous about STRIPE. It let you use a "store name" to receive money and it charges less than Paypal, I think. Also a middle man is a good idea like PIXIV, KO-FI, PATREON, ITCH.IO etc

>> No.6931235

>continue to post
>they contact me again later
>quote them a higher price than before
Feels good man.

>> No.6931238

In lower price brackets is where you get the bullshit, the buyers who want endless revisions, seem to have at best a vague idea of what they want (but which quickly becomes clear when they have the chance to have you make revisions), and bitch and moan about every possible way to reduce the price of their $50 commission

>> No.6931303

I made more by painting over AIbros work

>> No.6932881
File: 110 KB, 715x387, vex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cooming back to this shit, it's been some years now, how are prices these times, I'm lost on that, this is an example of a sketch of mine, how many would be reasonable, also finished work prices? like lineart and such (honestly don't want to make big bucks, just a side thing, but also don't want to be too cheap to the point of degrading my own stuff)

>> No.6933317

Why do people still refuse to accept crypto solves most problems that rise from using payment processors

>> No.6933410

how the fuck do slots work??? do i write 2/2 or 0/2 if im supposed to have 2 open slots?

>> No.6933418

>why people dislike currencies that can become worthless overnight, are hard to set up and exchange, is famous for scams and is still unpopular among potential customers???
Gee, that's a real mystery

>> No.6933425

i personally would say start with something like 10-20$ for that level of finish, at least until you get a feel for what people are willing to pay. if you get spammed with comms then consider raising, if you get none then consider lowering (if you find it worth drawing for the new, lower price). it's always a gamble at the end of the day and near impossible to answer. just start with a lowish price you are comfortable with and go from there.

personally i enjoy league content as do many others so that gives you a major boost, plus it's a nice fanbase to make art for honestly.

>> No.6933426

>get doxxed once from a spiteful fuck
>instantly delete all my social media without bringing attention to the doxxing
>i make search engine takedown requests and GDPR complaints to every site I see listing my name
>everyone complies
>i have now 0 presence on the internet
>make new porn account, reach old clients, still taking in commissions with my real name but now I don't give 2 shits
>feels good man

>> No.6933432

>>i make search engine takedown requests and GDPR complaints to every site I see listing my name
hate to ask for spoonfeeding but how?

>> No.6933434

>dislike currencies that can become worthless overnight
Stable coins exist and don't be a retard and forever hold it instead of withdrawing which is a mistake people make with paypal anyway. I suppose people are too retarded to have more control over their money.

>> No.6933447


First remove all your stuff that you want deleted from different sites.
Delete accounts completely if you can, or private your stuff if you can't completely delete your account content.
Now a lot of search engines still have that data on their systems.

Make accounts and file takedown requests through each search engine's systems:
> Google
> Bing
> Yandex

If I remember right DuckDuckGo also grabs results from Bing, so if you remove it from Bing, it'll be removed in DuckDuckGo as well.
It might take a few days for some results to disappear but they will do it.

>> No.6933448


If you can't remove a page because say someone scraped your LinkedIn, send them a copy of this template adding the page link you want removed:

EMAIL SUBJECT: Erasure Request, Article 17 of the GDPR


To whom it may concern:

I am writing to request that you erase all my personal information from all your information systems pursuant to Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To the extent that you rely on consent to process my personal data, I withdraw that consent. To the extent that you rely on your 'legitimate interest' to process my personal data, I object to the processing as there are no overriding legitimate grounds.

Please confirm that you have erased my personal information from your systems, and that you have followed up with any controller with whom my information has been shared to ensure that they erase their copy of the data. If you need any further information from me in order to identify me or locate my records in your systems, please let me know as soon as possible. My preferred method of contact is email.

Please note that I do not consent to any personal information which is part of this request, including my email address and name, to be used for any purpose other than fulfilling this request.

If you do not normally deal with data protection requests, please forward this email to your Data Protection Officer, or relevant member of staff. Please note that you have 30 days to comply with this request.

Please use the following information to identify me in your systems:

reason: privacy concerns, did not consent to data collection


Kind regards,



They HAVE to comply and you'll get a reply from them soon, check if they removed all your stuff indeed.

>> No.6933455

fucking hell thank you so much anon

>> No.6933587

Much obliged, my fren

>> No.6933787
File: 22 KB, 574x295, firefox_sDXprlIfJs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i do now
i sent them all the info they wanted, a bank statement, my ID, and literally 1 minute later i get permabanned from paypal. why?

>> No.6933836

>1 minute
Retarded AI didnt catch your ID, call support.

>> No.6933852
File: 35 KB, 985x198, Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 09-55-36 You can't use PayPal anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6934057

i spoke to support and they said i am permanently banned and refused to elaborate.
dont know what to do anymore. i can make a stripe account but after this incident im guessing that its only a matter of time before they permaban me as well.

>> No.6934068

Sure would be nice to have an international virtual currency free from the clutches of random bullshit regulations and rules subject to change and randomly fuck you in the ass.

I think you're trolling anyway, or maybe you're russian?

>> No.6934076

man how many comissioners would bother with crypto? i am all for not relying on some soulless company that can destroy you on a whim for this but 99% of commissioners use paypal. maybe some use stripe but guess what- sooner or later you'll get banned off there as well. it literally takes one person deciding they dislike you or just bad luck to get banned from the service for life.

>> No.6934084

People are just stockholmed into paypal the same way they are twitter.
You could always try and use pixiv requests as a middleman and use wise

>> No.6934116

can people transfer from paypal to wise directly? also can it hide your name?

>> No.6934122

It's all done through pixiv so yes to both

>> No.6934132

Do you have to use your real name for these requests?

>> No.6934231

Average "dude so what if they have all your personal info? you're literally nobody dude" enjoyer

>> No.6934254

>Stable coins exist and don't be a retard
Yeah, that's the point! It's easy to fuck up if you're retarded with crypto, while paypal JUST. WORKS. There's no need for researching what coins are stable, there's no need to keep monitoring the market in case your coins suddenly combust, there are no shady sites and scams to look out for.

I just want to do art and get paid for it. I understand that crypto can be better in some ways, but you can't expect an average bread eater to go through all those loops. Just like you can't expect an average Windows enjoyer, who knows nothing about computers, to switch to a Linux.

>I suppose people are too retarded to have more control over their money.
Don't hunch over your marker drawings so much, you sound like you're sniffing fumes from them.
Having your assets in a more stable environment (aka regular currencies and regular banks) => less sudden changes outside of your control => more control over your money.

Cryptofags brainwashed you into gambling with your savings, dude. Wake up. Digital world isn't real, buy gold.

>> No.6934268

Say closed if they're closed/full, anon. Most people use a counter going up, so use that.method.

>> No.6934277
File: 60 KB, 383x581, nayuta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, so I'll just set 20 for a sketch, sounds about right, I'm so mad that /aco/'s commissions thread is dead, and the /trash/'s one too, I heard it was crypto shit that tilted the mods, fuck that, gotta grow from 0 once agane

>> No.6934323
File: 119 KB, 1920x1280, commitment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other anon with fear of commitment? I stress out every time a client comes to me with an idea for a long ass comic, especially if it's one of those fetish stories that tries to be romantic or thoughtful.

>> No.6935413

Both me and artists I know feel more comprehensive about big and expensive commissions.

Fucking up one 10$ commission is pretty insignificant.
Fucking up one 250$ commission is extremely stressful.
I vaguely remember reading somewhere, that there's this phenomenon in psychology, where the more you can earn with a job, the more demotivated you actually are. Weird stuff.

>> No.6935419

I'm not touching PayPal, ever. I'm sure it was shit for many years. There are alternative payment processors.

>> No.6935918
File: 32 KB, 720x718, 1675292956131542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its the #31856155 time somone want's me to use discord to do/talk about comms

Am im getting baited for a dox or something? last time i used discord you didn0't need to confirm a e-mail so i dunno how could i get traced to my personal info.
not sure if im a szchizo but am getting lots persons wanting me to use discord to discuss comm shit instead of twatter which was my default to discus studff

>> No.6935920

Those are unironically trannies trying to groom you.

>> No.6935922

Lay off the grass, man. Lots of people use discord to discuss coms. Some clients feel more comfortable talking in real time and bouncing ideas back and forth that way. Make a new e-mail and discord account if you're that worried.

>> No.6935937
File: 743 KB, 2896x4096, 186a432c7f7d46c9ce89e6870e6da285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im charging 15 bux for something like this, same quality, takes me like 3/6 hours depending one the details/clothes.

is it fine? i don't get a lot of comms( like 5 a month) but i only have 600 followers.

>> No.6935939

Ai can do it for free.

>> No.6935944

but why do i keep getting comms when ai does it for free! like a janny?

>> No.6935949

You are getting paid 5 dollars per hour, you might as well flip burgers at this point.
Charge by the hour you spend on the work.
Usually if it takes you 3 hours then you should charge at least 30 dollars, that’s like minimum wage.

>> No.6935981

The issue is that literally every payment processor has a large chance to just kill your business the moment you start making money. And you get precisely 2 dicerolls (paypal and stripe). Like they will legitimately permaban you for no reason. AI picks up your account, decides "this guy is a scammer", then some lazy minimum wage person from paypal will look at it and say "eh just do what the bot says".

Fucking hate the state of things so much. I started off drawing pinups of overwatch girls and paypal and stripe literally forced my hand and made me draw loli and beastiality to pay my bills because the only clients willing to pay with crypto or obscure findom paysites are pedos and zoophiles.

On the bright side, I earn more money and work less instead of having to compete with the 100000 people who draw/prompt/render pinups of girls staring into space. I still made close to a livable wage from that but of course the big corporations had to try and kill me for having the gall to not want to be a wageslave.

>> No.6935986

>The issue is that literally every payment processor has a large chance to just kill your business the moment you start making money. And you get precisely 2 dicerolls (paypal and stripe).
Forgot to add, the deciding factor as to whether or not you "survive" this is having a big enough audience to make a livable wage off subscribestar since they don't work with either of these freaks. If you are a very big artist this will work, you will earn less but you will earn and it will be stress free.

If you fail to make it in time then yeah, you will have to flip burgers or join me in drawing for pedos and weird furfags.

>> No.6935999

what general rules should i have for commissions? and where should i put these rules?

>> No.6936011

It's not just paypal and stripe but also visa and mastercard themselves could decide to randomly decide to stop working with sites like pixiv and patreon because of porn.

>> No.6936025

non-artist here. does quality differ if I was to commission from /ic/ directly, versus searching for artists elsewhere?

>> No.6936027

At that price you're gonna deal with some people who think you're their bitch anon.

>> No.6936040

quality differs on a person to person basis, but searching on social media is better because you can see a gallery of their work to get a feel for what they can make for you

>> No.6936045

Most kino part about paypal is that people who generate ai tits for patreon or sell pictures of their feet or even sell drugs always get away with it. It's the small fry artists that get obliterated

>> No.6936050

I was thinking that I would ask to see that before going ahead with it in either case. My reservations have more to do with the fact that I see a lot of people her unsatisfied with their technical skill and are looking to learn, whereas elsewhere I might not have to worry about baseline quality.

Not to diss anyone here though, self-improvement is commendable

>> No.6936055

well i definitely would recommend against working with people from here. but you can also find unreasonable people on social media too, but at least you'll know what kind of art you'll get.

>> No.6936066

It’s frustrating because I seemingly found the perfect candidate both in terms of technical skill and compatibility with my vision, but they ended up getting hired at a webtoon job at the same time and have since been taking a month between replies

>> No.6936072
File: 255 KB, 680x976, 161761872381983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your creative vision involves women with dicks then im right here

>> No.6936073

Afraid not lol but yeah it’s nsfw. You sound like a Bible Black enjoyer

>> No.6936090

quite literally create a paypal business account you illiterate retards

>> No.6936157
File: 1014 KB, 2304x3404, Без названия100 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking of trying to get commissions again, but unsure if I really have it yet.

>> No.6936459

get better until you can raise prices or you will be wasting a lot of time, take my hones advice.

>> No.6936469

what do russians use for commissions now?

>> No.6936551

WAY too cheap

>> No.6936557

when I first started posting on pixiv I had people asking me if I did requests and since I was new I assumed that request = free art and declined them. I didn't know that requests are what pixiv calls commissions so I missed out on getting paid

I haven't gotten any requests or commissions since I started posting on social media. I don't know if my art is just shit or I'm bad at marketing myself

>> No.6936578

No. When people (mainly westerners) ask for requests. They do mean free requests. Pixiv is filled with leeches spamming their automated questions to every artist in hopes of getting free art.

>> No.6936631

why is it always begs that sign their work

>> No.6936645
File: 2.01 MB, 3004x2168, By_Nueler_Deviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don´t rlly feel confident to get paid for my art, like I'm not see my work go up enough for other people make to commision me.

I don´t mind draw woman with dicks or dd either, but maybe my works isn´t enough good ; ;

>> No.6936691

I mean Im trying to get better, but the portrait, anatomy and gesture drawings doesn't seem to bring the needed results.

Granted, it does look better now. At least to me.

>> No.6937004

you have a cool style fwiw

>> No.6937008

You should always sign your work, at least until you have a sizable web presence.

>> No.6937010

If people are directly messaging you for requests, chances are they indeed meant free requests. Everybody gets this shit, even if the artist is clearly doing paid commissions.

>> No.6937060

But WHY make the male fucking ugly as hell.

Making disembodied cocks or a litteral (you) faced blank slate would be better.

>> No.6937165

its kino when somebody spams you with requests and even tries to micromanage your time when you say that you dont have time for free work.
also like the alterations between spamming you with good morning/good night DMs and then getting angry at you.

>> No.6937173

Probably an autism thing. Or they're like those Pajeet scammers who think that you're still going to do what they ask, even after they call you a bloody stupid bastard.

>> No.6937251

>gets doxxed
>purges internet accounts
>starts from zero and makes new accounts with real name again
how can i attain such chad behavior

>> No.6937252

i assume youre some middleschooler who lives with their parents right...15 dollars working for several hours..

>> No.6937256

Nah, he's probably just in Central America or SEA, or he's overstating his ability.

>> No.6937322

>15 dollar
This is way too good for 15 dollar only. A lot of people below your skill level can charge 30 for sketches. I think you are way too humble, and this >>6936027 scenario can occur.

>> No.6937406

Gud shize

>> No.6937465
File: 274 KB, 1080x1350, A609BC2A-06A5-44B5-90D1-4F67B98311E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sketching this one up for a client. Let me know what you think.

>> No.6937681
File: 37 KB, 750x739, 1695142077266965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at commissions and freelancing, I suck at making money in general honestly. I hope all of you are doing great.

>> No.6938414

you're good, and a bitch, a good bitch

>> No.6938421

Charge more, ur worth it.

>> No.6938552

Can I see your other work?

>> No.6938567

Same here, do you have a portfolio

>> No.6938944

All the retards itt misreading the post and thinking this is his art. The picture comes from a Japanese artist.
>something like this, same quality
>same quality
PYW because I don't believe you.