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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6915363 No.6915363 [Reply] [Original]

Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Medium (12-16"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S8/S9 Ultra, used iPad Pro 12.9"
Large (22"+): Cintiq 22HD, Cintiq Pro 27 - Make sure they have VESA standard mounting holes.

XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand making Wacom imitations.
Poor build quality, pens with wavy lines, wobbly nibs, broken tilt, issues registering light pressure, terrible customer support, uncalibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Do not be fooled by myths like "Chink companies are just as good as Wacom now" - they've been saying this for over 8 years, nothing has really changed. Consider reading the amazon reviews, particularly the negative spectrum and you will find some very common themes.
Chinese companies have also been proven to shill on 4chan. Someone in the /csg/ general on /g/ once got an email from Gearbest asking him to post positively about them on the "csg chinkshit general thread". You will very likely see dozens upon dozens of aggressive, insult-laden posts in this thread, especially whining about the OP. They are from the shill department.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
More optimized for palm rejection than good quality drawing. Wobbly lines when drawing slow and straight.

>Cintiq 13-16"
Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

Worse than Samsung in every way.

Previous: >>6885220

>> No.6915380

you okay?

>> No.6915383
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>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.

>> No.6915530

I've been saving to get a car so I dont have to walk 2 hours to work everyday but now I want to get the new cintiq instead. should I buy a car now or save a couple more months for the cintiq?

>> No.6916118

is this fucking retard seriously bumping two threads at the same time now? god I feel sorry for the janitors here having to deal with this.

>> No.6916280 [DELETED] 


>> No.6916304

skip rent/food and buy the wacom

>> No.6916818


>> No.6917579
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Scratches on my tablet on the second day of using it (One by Wacom M size). Is this normal or should I be doing something??

>> No.6917582

A cheap drawing tablet is fine for 99% of /ic/, you don't need a Wacom.

>> No.6917584

should have bought the 50 year old intuos 3 retard

>> No.6917631


>> No.6917640

You shouldn't be scratching it like that (I have the exact same tablet, but small... it's so fucking small...). Either you're exerting way too much force onto it, or it's defective and you should do as >>6917631 said. Check and see if your pen nib is sharpened or something.

>> No.6917646

if it isn't older than your grandparents you're ngmi

>> No.6917668

/dtg/ is the way to do digital art right?
I wanna know what kind of tablet I should get before getting deeper.

Currently thinking of getting this: a wacom cintiq 16 drawing tablet.


>> No.6917856

read the op, retard.

>> No.6917865

Huion is the best value brand on the market btw, even aaron agrees

>> No.6917871

so does this confirm op isn't aaron and just an obsessed fanboy?

>> No.6917875

Is that for all of their products or is it specific models?

>> No.6917951

regardless of if you want a specific size tablet or a tablet in a specific price bracket, you get much much better value for your dollar buying huion or xp pen than wacom.
>I have $1300, what tablets can I get?
Huion - 4k 24" etched glass display with 98% ntsc color gamut, an adjustable stand, and a macro pad (and have $50 left over to buy csp or something)
Wacom - 1080p 22" display with a plastic screen protector and 72% ntsc.

>I want a 22" display with etched glass and a stand
Huion - $550, $400 refurbished
Wacom- $3000 + $500 for the stand

You have to literally be brain damaged to buy their shit at this point. As has been said, not even studios are shelling out for their shit anymore.

>> No.6918026

Nah, Huion is garbage.

>> No.6918027

>replying to a literal chinese salesman
Huion is genuine rubbish bro. They all have the same problems and you will be fucked when trying to RMA.
The sperg here is always desperately trying to shill this garbage. Stop falling for it. There is a good reason why professional studios never fill their offices with stuff like Huion or XP Pen.

>> No.6918028


>> No.6918033

>even aaron agrees

source on that?

>> No.6918039

>There is a good reason why professional studios never fill their offices with stuff like Huion or XP Pen.
who's gonna tell him?

>> No.6918053

>There is a good reason why professional studios never fill their offices with stuff like Huion or XP Pen.
But that's not true. You can see a MADHOUSE animator using the new 16-inch XP-Pen tablet.

>> No.6918057

isn't it a bit late there guzzler?

>> No.6918190

>Old drivers Old software Old tech
try harder shill

>> No.6918206

And guess which brand is the second most buyed on Japan?

>> No.6918265

I find drawing on a pen tablet more comfy than drawing in a sketchbook

>> No.6918401

>I guarantee they are subsidised by the chinese gvt since they take a loss on every sale
They're so good value that the Chinese government is literally paying for your tablet

>> No.6918440

Thoughts on Infinite Painter?

>> No.6918595

what's the best size for a screen tablet and what specific version of ipad pro (im not familiar with apple products these days) should i buy? (or any other cheaper alternatives) want to draw on something when i'm traveling, dont want it to be bulky

>> No.6918911

back to bumping your thread for no reason, Aaron?

>> No.6919309

From the apps I tried is the one I like the most, but is buggy and it crashed a few times

>> No.6919315

Can you record yourself doing the things in the webm with new drivers?

>> No.6919382
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that's already been done multiple times.

>> No.6919386
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do you really think that these massive glaring flaws would exist and it wouldn't be more talked about? do you think op would be the only one who knows about it, and he's just a good samaritan spreading the word of how evil chinese tablets are?
do you think one of the absolute biggest animation studios in japan would use xp pen if these problems were widespread?

>> No.6919403

oh no no no... guzzlers, our response?

>> No.6919576

thanks, buying a huion now

>> No.6919848

What is the best place to buy an Intuos 3? What is a good price for one? Does the size matter?

>> No.6919861

Amazon works for most people since it's Wacom and the price anywhere is going to be the about the same. The bigger you can afford the better but at a certain price range you might as well go for a screen tablet even if another brand because drawing on the Intuos and looking up at a screen is very different from drawing on the screen. Screenless Wacoms go from cheap (the little starter ones) to expensive very quickly for just a bit more. Drawing on the screen is better even if it isn't a Wacom brand. I've never used anything other than Wacom so I dunno just saying if I were starting with a graphics tablet for the first time today.

>> No.6919872

>avoid: huion
alright but anyway does anyone have experience with the new "giano" model? thinking about upgrading from my old h1060p since its a little larger and supposedly has better tooth.

>> No.6920057

Huion is garbage. Always will be.

>> No.6920186

I... It must be AI manipulated!

>> No.6920198
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PSA: Don't be unlucky like me.

My One by Wacom tablet was scratched up after 1 day of use. I tought my environment is too dusty or some shit, but turns out, the nib included in my pen was cylinder shaped like this on both ends. I replaced it with the other nibs that are round, but fuck man, I would have returned this.

Other brands seem much better value, I mean, I just want some buttons, working on keyboard is ok but buttons would be preferable. And sure you can tell me other brands might not be as good, but for a total beg, I really dont mind.

>> No.6920203



>> No.6920222

This, but unironicly. The webms scared me off before

>> No.6920246

The samsung galaxy tab has some as cheap as 100 dollars to some in the 1000+ range.

How much should I be paying for this? How good does the tablet need to be to make 2d animation and paint shit.

>> No.6920440

I've been using my huion for like 4 years and it works great for me, you might just be unlucky.

>> No.6920499

he's having a meltdown over the huge number of people switching over because wacom went full retard. he doesn't even draw.

>> No.6920522

is there anywhere to find an actual legitimate review of these products? it seems to me that most places are compromised by either shilling, schizophrenia, or lack of knowledge

>> No.6920525

Besides the screen size, is there a difference in how it feels to draw on a Samsung S9 Ultra vs a Samsung S7 Plus?

>> No.6920540

they're all the same now. seriously. biggest difference between them is size, etched glass vs screen protector, and resolution.
the xp pen I tried also had too high contrast, but that was it. it was still perfectly usable. just buy one and fucking draw.

>> No.6920546

I'm looking at getting a non-screened one actually, and I guess maybe the same goes for them but it would be nice to have a bit of testimony regarding build quality and long term reliability

>> No.6920559

>long term reliability
gonna be hard to find since most chinktabs that are worth using are only like 3 or 4 years old at the most. but for what it's worth, some guy tried the newest xppen whatever the fuck v2 with 16k levels of pressure sensitivity and his wacom pen worked on it still. said it felt exactly like his old intuos pro but much bigger.

>> No.6920574

Maybe I'll just pick that up then. It's a pretty nice size and its on sale so it's actually cheaper than the huion equivalent. Thanks anon.

>> No.6920636 [DELETED] 


>> No.6920638

Then buy an Intuos 3, it's the most reliable by far.

Stop letting yourself get conned by the literal salesman. Chinese Tablets are notoriously garbage and unreliable.

>> No.6920643

I've been using chinese tablets for as long as I've been drawing and they work fine. The most problems I've had with a tablet was a cintiq which has a connector that fizzles the screen at the slightest touch.

>> No.6920645

pyw made on a intuos 3

>> No.6920649

Ok ching chong.

>> No.6920650

Have you even used a tablet before? Post your work.

>> No.6920654
File: 571 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely look at this thread for weeks
>zhang still desperately gaslighting, shilling and replying to himself
>still endlessly seething about Aaron rutten
>still accusing everyone of samefagging while he replies to himself
lol, what a loser.

>> No.6920655

awwww he is having a meltdown

>> No.6920659

It looks like some particle go under the nib and it scratched the overlay, it happened to me when I was using a fan close to the tablet.

>> No.6920662

samest of faggots
t. huion shill division employee #37.

>> No.6920668
File: 283 KB, 1984x1244, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Intuos 3 has its own problems, to me it's the worse overlay in terms of longevity, I've been using an Intuos 4 for more than a decade and it's nice and polished.

>> No.6920671

everyone knows the intuos 3 is literally indestructible

>> No.6920758

>Wacom went full retard
Guy with the Pro 17 here, I thought about why this shit and all the other ones releasing is priced so high and it kinda makes sense. Kinda. There's still the Wacom tax, but a 4k 120hz monitor that you can touch and use a pen on is a premium. There isn't anything comparable to this, which makes them ahead of the curve. Thing is, no one actually needs this shit. That's why you go with the other options. They all basically do the same thing now. Reviews suck because they don't go back to review the most important thing which is longevity.
tldr what >>6920540 said

>> No.6920809

You have to be some kind of gorilla grip nigga to do that. I've been drawing on mine for several years now and it's spotless. The 4 is the first gen that had the textured nib grinding surface so this shit makes no sense, it's a literal contradiction with reality. The people that damage Intuos 3s have to be colossal retards and there's no way someone who'd leave a 3's surface like that could possibly go on to use any of the models that followed it unless they drastically changed what they were doing.

>> No.6920833

-Go on to use any of the models that followed it without damaging them worse, I mean.

>> No.6920837
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>> No.6920878

There were tons of complaints about the Intuos 3 overlay back in the day, conceptart.org is no long but they had a Wacom sub-forum and people complained about it all the time. Why do you think Wacom changed it? Intuos 4 is rough when new, then it gets smooth and polished with use, except it doesn't get pits, deep scratches or holes like the Intuos 3 overlay.

>> No.6920940


>> No.6921001

I doubt any anons here own both tablets, but which one is better? The Kamvas 22 Plus or the Artist 16 Pro (Gen2)?

>> No.6921006
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based screenless posturechad

>> No.6921281


>> No.6921298

and again, can't let my thread be below the other one

>> No.6921340

anyone have one of those fancy shmancy e-ink tablets?

>> No.6921346

>ran out of arguments
c'mon guzzler, post your work
it's the only way to bail yourself out of this

>> No.6921430

I'm not arguing against XP-Pen you retarded schizoid, I'm making fun of your ESL moment you just had. If you weren't such a braindead mouthbreather you'd be able to guess I'm interested in an XP-Pen tablet if I'm bringing up the MADHOUSE example.

>> No.6921513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6921521

Should I buy an S9+?

>> No.6921545

They both suck

>> No.6921655 [DELETED] 


>> No.6921774

the guzzler also points grammar mistakes
not the anon btw, but holy seethe

>> No.6921945

do you want a 22 inch or 16 inch display? that's the biggest difference. everything else is extremely minor.

>> No.6922097

not sure if this a good thread for it but I have a 2 in 1 touchscreen laptop that I've been doing a bit of drawing on, pen input is surprisingly good enough for me
but it's annoying having to disable touchscreen every time I wanna draw and rest my palm on the screen
does anyone know which of the two finger drawing gloves will ACTUALLY stop your palm being detected as input?
I know most of them don't really do it and they're just so you don't gunk up your screen

>> No.6922249

>not sure if this a good thread
it's not
>does anyone know which of the two finger drawing gloves will ACTUALLY stop your palm being detected as input?
yeah but I'm not telling.

>> No.6922260

Just get a used iPad Pro. It has the best palm rejection algorithm.

>> No.6922262

>bro just go buy a brand new device instead of a $15 glove

>> No.6922270

I've considered it since they're so easy on the eyes and I could use it for other stuff too. I hear their drawing options are really limited but slowly improving. Definitely something you want to use for more than just drawing atm.

>> No.6922408

Only the kindle paper white thing but nothing for drawing. Like it more than any other type of screen

>> No.6922624

Anyone here rockin' the new Deco Pro? How does it compare to the old model?

>> No.6923121


>> No.6923184

seconding this shit
Deciding if i should go back to xp pen or jump to xencelabs just because my old ass intuos pro 2015 is running out of nibs and i cant fucking find any for sale that fits the grip pen

>> No.6923437
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i just want a screenless tablet in case my huion 1080 goes bananas why the fuck do i need to participate in autistic war over a piece of hardware that noone who posts on /ic/ ever uses ?
why tf is huion bad ? who tf is aron is that guy that was shoot over a matress ?

>> No.6923667


>> No.6924409


>> No.6925164


>> No.6925167
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>ching chong monitors the /ic/ catalog all day and night, eagerly awaiting deleted bump posts, so he can post his own sage bump posts pretending to be the OP
Only just realized he was doing this. What a sad, miserable life this loser lives.

>> No.6925198

I just got an intuos5. What are best practices to avoid this issue. It was only $100, so I'm not too worried, but if I can do something to make it last, I will.

>> No.6925207

>deleted bump posts
so your problem is that there are people making the same posts as you but just not deleting them?
you say this like it's a normal thing to do on a slow board and even slower general

>> No.6925217

>deleted bump posts

>> No.6925872 [DELETED] 


>> No.6925875

The mod here is literally a massive fucking loser. He gets furious if you call him a tranny.
I once posted art in an art posting thread that he didn't like even though other people did. It wasnt anything offensive, he went on a spree deleting it and all of my replies including other people who saw that he was nuking all my art and posts because he didn't like them. I called him out and got banned for "rule 6: criticizing mods" (its real look it up)

>> No.6925955

Anything with "palm rejection" in its listing. I bought a huion PR glove for the android tablet I bought and it works reasonably well. Could also check settings for PR when using pen.

>> No.6926181

you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.6926190

Excellent counterarguments, I never knew the error of my ways.

>> No.6926231

they don't offer palm rejection at all. 99% of them are just a single layer of neoprene that does jack shit. Dokiwear is the only brand I've seen that actually has real palm rejection.

>> No.6926375

>yeah I'm bumping my thread 4 times a day, but I didn't want anybody to know about it!
holy kek

>> No.6926388

Well I don't know what to tell you. I have two drawing gloves. One definitely doesn't have any PR at all (I didn't have an android tablet and this didn't need PR at the time), as I can easily use touchscreen devices with it. Those are designed for "drawing" tablets which already don't accept touch input. But then I also recently bought an S6 Lite tablet for sketching away from my computer, and I bought another glove with palm rejection. It's a lot thicker at the bottom, and works well for preventing my canvas from moving around when I lift the stylus a little too high off the canvas.
Obviously I would encourage any anon looking for the second type of glove to do their due diligence in ensuring a particular listing actually has that feature, and that it's implemented effectively. Checking ratings and reviews that specifically mention palm rejection tend to be good indicators. But I thoroughly reject the assertion that they're nonexistent.

>> No.6926582

seems alright and it's not that expensive but these retards don't ship to like half the EU including my country

>> No.6926751

I'm moving overseas for medium to long term and want to continue drawing. I currently own a cintiq 16 and I feel like it is difficult to find a new laptop for it because of the 3-in-1 cable. Am I just computer illiterate, or would it be easier for me to buy a screenless tablet and a new laptop instead?

>> No.6926874

?? All you would need is a USB port and a HDMI port

>> No.6926879

why not just get something like an ipad/samsung tab/mobile studio/kamvas studio

>> No.6927454

But is it really worth losing a finger over these features?

>> No.6927910
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my screen is 16:9 but my tablet is 16:10. I'm on linux so I can set up the mapping basically however I want. Should I cut off some of the top of the useful part of the tablet area, or should I cut off part of the screen?

> learn to draw with the distortion

no can do

>> No.6927927

The tablet, the difference will be negligible.
One of the downsides of the Intuos 3 for example is that it came out when CRT monitors were still the norm so it has a lot of waste-but using the "force proportions" setting or mapping it properly on Linux is a must. Losing a solid two inches on the bottom of the active area sucks but it's still very nearly as accurate as a current generation Large tablet, just a less convenient footprint.

>> No.6927981

I found 3 interesting listings, I want sincere opinions on which is the best.
1. Both an Intuos 3 and 4, with some noticeable marks of use, for what is equivalent to $74

2. An intuos 3 in seemingly good condition with the mouse and everything, only some mild marks of use, for around $50

3. A Cth-470 for 20$. It doesn't look like it comes with the box, but it looks pretty good from the pictures.

>> No.6927995

>I want sincere opinions on which is the best.
you're asking in the wrong thread then

>> No.6927997

That's fine. Give me insincere opinions too if you want.

>> No.6928005

buy wacom intuos 3 it is best tablet ever made it will literally make you a professional artist the microsecond it's plugged in really
buy an intuos 3 on ebay (mine)

>> No.6928021

Interesting I really figured resizing krita to 16:10 and losing some space would be the move.

Also, is it possible to improve the touch functionality in Krita so it's more like the typical pinch/zoom/rotate experience in procreate? Right now it just zooms in/out 20%, it's very jarring.

>> No.6928027


>> No.6928073


Besides, I'm pretty hardcore /trad/. All I need & want is a paintwheel and hard rounds.

And pinch zoom/rotate.

>> No.6928275

Do XP Pen and Huion offer greater make quality on their screenless tablets for the increased price? Or are you paying 100 extra for the design and button gimmicks?
I wonder if I should get an inexpensive one or pay more. Don't want to play more for pointless things.

>> No.6928378
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KEK me too bro

>> No.6928387

I own a Kamvas16 2021 version, never used a bigger tablet so can't say anything about the comparison. But the 16 in standard HD res was really surprising how much the UI took up on the screen. If I had more cash I would have gone for the QHD but instead I just use shortcuts to toggle the panels

>> No.6928420

I got an old ass ipad and apple pencil (1) what kinds of aftermarket nibs do you guys like? theres so many on ali

>> No.6928516

Thanks to this place I ended up going for an Intuos Pro 5 Large for €150. I'm still a bit paranoid about wear though, so I've taped a sheet of A4 paper over the drawing surface, so any scrapes will be on the paper not the surface.
Silly? Good idea? Messing with my pressure? Took me a while to learn that I wasn't damaging anything no matter how much it felt like I was scraping things. It does feel like using a pencil in paper, but my instincts tell me it shouldn't.
t. beg

>> No.6929493

>Cintiq 13-16"
>Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

Can someone tell me why I should choose iPad over a cintiq 16? On the fence on this and I don't know which to get.

>> No.6929509

get the xp pen artist 16 pro (gen 2)
op was written by someone that doesn't draw. Ipads suck absolute dick compared to any actual drawing tablet, with the only saving grace being portability.

>> No.6929570

Because the Cintiqs have the same vertical dimensions as the iPad Pro 12.9 and the Galaxy Tab Ultra.
Extra horizontal space isn't actually that useful without more vertical space. You're not going to be able to use your shoulder's range of motion any more than the 12.9" iPad Pro.
16" helps you see a bit more for landscape drawings, but it still doesn't help much.

As usual, ignore the chinese shill moron here: >>6929509

>> No.6929581

iPads are too small and >applel
I would say get the cintiq 16 but in the year 2023 it is so outclassed, AG film and 1080p resolution for over $500 is a scam. You may as well get something like a chink tablet. You're not paying top dollar for it anyway.
That's all assuming you don't need it to be portable

>> No.6929605 [DELETED] 

Trying desperately hard to make that sale, aren't you chinky moron?

>> No.6929609

Trying desperately hard to make that sale, aren't you chinese moron?

>> No.6929624

>Extra horizontal space isn't actually that useful without more vertical space.
This should tell you everything you need to know and is irrefutable proof he doesn't draw lmfao

>> No.6929876


>> No.6929897

No it's okay to do that. When I was using the 5 I opted for a very expensive third party plastic cover from Amazon I had to buy three or so times but paper will work fine. While, it will eat your nibs the tablet itself will be spared

>> No.6930196


>> No.6930374

I’m gonna buy a Chinese tablet cause it makes the retarded Wacom shills mad.

>> No.6930938

I too, like to make retarded decisions because it's a GOTCHA! moment to random shitposters on an anonymous imageboard. Well played Good Sir! Thank you for Doing The NEedful!

>> No.6930946

I bought chinese tablets because they work well and are affordable

>> No.6930949
File: 963 KB, 3120x4160, 20231111_191752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had this Wacom Intuos Medium for more than 5 years, and i've noticed its pretty scratched up in the center. Should I look into buying a new one?

>> No.6930952

does it work still?

>> No.6930969

those sheets are replaceable anon

>> No.6930973

it works, but it feels like in that smudged area the friction is noticably different. it has some ridges in it too that i can feel when i move my pen across the tablet.

>> No.6930978

replace it or buy a cover for it.

>> No.6930982

I... I had no idea. Idk if its worth replacing im pretty /beg/ unless its going to affect my learning.

>> No.6930986

wait i dont think i have a sheet... i didnt buy any sheets. this is just the base tablet.

>> No.6930988

I have no clue what the fuck he's talking about. nothing there is replaceable. you can cover it with something else or just replace the entire tablet.

>> No.6930990

no matter your level those wacom pro are build to last, its worth it

>> No.6930992

>built to last
>massive worn out spot in the middle
what did he mean by this?

>> No.6930997

So its worn out badly... can I just buy a wacom sheet and put that over it and it will be fine?

>> No.6931001
File: 803 KB, 3024x4032, 74cg7ojey7t61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a wacom sheet
get something like that, or just put a piece of paper over it.

>> No.6931003


How naive of me people would now how to service properly their stuff, is just average maintenance, just like nibs.

Do whatever makes you comfortable anon.

>> No.6931005

This is a good trick, but paper end up all crumble and the tape glue softens over time due to shear forces. Now If you want to give the finger to wacom the best option is to lathe your own wood nibs, cheap and better.

>> No.6931006

guess I'm wrong, sorry anon-kun. I genuinely had no idea it was a replaceable sheet and thought you were just a faggot
$35 sounds like highway robbery though when it's literally just a sheet of plastic. buy a ream of paper and have an endless supply

>> No.6931028

>$35 sounds like highway robbery though when it's literally just a sheet of plastic.
fair, I don't find it that expensive (I'm outside US, so shipping and double taxes fuck me over horribly) is plastic but I think most of the money comes from the textured surface. Now one thing that may work is to look for sticky back paper and plaster it over the top of the main sheet.

aren't those made mainly for osu! gamers? If so I think they like smoother surfaces than rougher ones.

>> No.6931043

>aren't those made mainly for osu! gamers?
I think that's their intended market, but people use them for drawing too.

>> No.6931044

i just grabbed a sheet of standard A4 sized printer paper... its about all i got lol

>> No.6931048
File: 1.04 MB, 4160x3120, thishere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update the texture feels pretty rough, but it may be too soon to say whether this will be an improvement or not.

>> No.6931897

I'm being a total shill right now but I love my Xencelabs tablet and it comes with spare nibs that have a rough grainy texture that mimic the feeling of paper without having to tape shit to your tablet.

>> No.6932040

>recommending a good product is shilling

>> No.6932360


>> No.6933123


>> No.6933148

Do you need to get protectors for screenless tablets?

>> No.6933249

wacom pretty good

>> No.6933270
File: 392 KB, 800x800, df5646d3-ed26-48b5-8120-478d791b9704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on aliexpress.

>> No.6933337

I use the Intuos Pro large ROUGH texture and It smooths out after a while
now it takes like 40-60 hours of work to change Pennib
as someone who scratched several tablets, I find it hard to believe someone can scratch deep enough to be noticeable while drawing since the surface of the tablet is made from solf plastic not hard and if the thick surface is somehow dmg you can change it
notice bendable the material is

>> No.6933753


>> No.6933810

my thread HAS to be first.

>> No.6933961

please talk to me about wacom I'm lonely

>> No.6933966

It's literally crickets in here why are you bumping

>> No.6934166

very stupid question but is there an ios emulator for windows?
I want to use the upcoming procreate

>> No.6934221

Particles can get under the nib and scratch it, specially if you have cooling fans in the room, or the nib itself, I switched to the ones made of silicone or whatever the material is, not the plastic nibs or felt nibs.

>> No.6934555

because I'm so lonely :(

>> No.6934948


>> No.6935683

>but a 4k 120hz monitor that you can touch and use a pen on is a premium
you forgot that it's a Reference Monitor as well
a typical Asus ProArt 4K reference monitor goes for around $500USD alone
and they're not even 120hz, so there's that
Wacom just decided to put EVERYTHING into a single piece of hardware, it's literally how they market it: An all-in-one studio replacement where you can also draw on

>> No.6935690

>guzzler tries very hard to justify wacom's full retardation

>> No.6935726

no need to take it personal bucko, i'm sharing info here, never asked anyone to buy any product
if u're mad bc u can't pay for this stuff i understand i can't pay for it either, yet why the animosity?

>> No.6936345


>> No.6936429


>> No.6936437

sorry I forgot to reply to

>> No.6936571


>> No.6936584

jesus christ
this is a very slow board, what the fuck is wrong with you? threads can last like 3 days without a post before falling off.

>> No.6936674

>chinese retard still desperately gaslighting

>> No.6936675

Does Samsung have good palm rejection yet?

>> No.6936682

nigger you have literally bumped your thread like 30+ times. Shut the fuck up. What kind of severe mental illness is this?

>> No.6936752

I'm choosing between the Huion Kamvas Pro 16 (2.5K) and the XP-Pen Artist Pro 16 (Gen 2). It appears that wobble is an issue more with XP-Pen models so I'd like your feedback on that.
The Cintiq Pro 16 is 3 times the price of these two and while I could buy it, it doesn't feel worth it.

>> No.6936763

personally I would buy the xp pen from a place with easy returns in case it had any issues, then return it and buy the kamvas if it did. I think of the two, the xp pen is better on paper. it's too new to have any long term testing done with it yet

>> No.6936781

Good point, I was going to buy directly but I can go through amazon instead. Can you comment on pen wobble?

>> No.6936798

the singular xp pen product I tried (artist 24 pro over a year ago) had a super fucking long nib and wouldn't properly calibrate. I'm pretty sure their newest stuff has a new stylus to go along with it all, so I have no clue if the issue I experienced is still present.

>> No.6936815

That sucks. The 2nd Gen does have a new stylus so hopefully it's not as terrible.

>> No.6937186
File: 48 KB, 570x750, 1596904687485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger you have literally bumped your thread like 30+ times. Shut the fuck up. What kind of severe mental illness is this?

>> No.6937247

The palm rejection in my tab S7 Fe is not great, but when you hover or touch the pen in the screen, it stops registering touch inputs, so it's not that big of a deal, at least for me

>> No.6937629 [DELETED] 


>> No.6937776


>> No.6938132

how much wa would a wacom com if a wacom could wa com?

>> No.6938134

could com wa*

>> No.6938142

I don't quite know how to articulate it, is there a tablet or stylus that would allow me to hover much further away? I use a small intuos and do 99% of my drawing digitally, but I can't ghost the lines the same way and I can't hold my stylus in a way that lets me use my shoulder like I can with paper because it needs to be extremely close to the tablet to pick up movements.

>> No.6938156

>small Intuos
there's your problem moreso than anything, unless you're using like a 10-inch monitor that thing is useless.

>> No.6938160

It's not really a size issue but just how Id ideally hold the pen. I don't know if there's a device that has more technology in the pen itself so that it tracks from far away but that would be ideal

>> No.6938177

He was just trying to shill you chinese crap.

>> No.6938181

I'm thinking of getting an iPad air 5 256 gb.

People always say go for the pro.
>What do

>> No.6938186

Nah I'm an Intuos 3 proselyte. Small tablets of any brand are literal garbage.

>> No.6938203

wacom is chinese. you said it yourself.

>> No.6938529

I don't know what kind of schizophrenia is going on in that tiny little head of yours, Chingchong.

>> No.6938536

People only say go for pro over air because of the size. Not that you can't work on a 11 inch but 12.9 just feels better to work on. There are plenty of used ipad pros for cheap online. Even the ones from 2018 are still plenty capable.

>> No.6938707


>> No.6938780
File: 53 KB, 731x1000, IMG_4015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a drawing tablet, but i exclusively draw on my iPhone 11 with Procreate, which doesn't have 3D Touch that was seen in models before it, therefore making pressure options like blending impossible. Anyone else on the same boat with devices iPhone 11+?

>> No.6939498
File: 146 KB, 1018x1427, 1692567654839343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the graphic tablet brand that was founded by ex wacom workers?

>> No.6939723


>> No.6940128


>> No.6940277

I took the bait last year and bought a large Intuos 3.

Used it maybe 3 times, it's too large for my desk. You'd need a pretty deep table to fit the monitor, keyboard and a large tablet like that.

Other than that the upper third of the screen gives me woobly lines and there's no driver that can fix that. I cba selling it even it's just dusting away.

Don't buy used tablets.

>> No.6940336

>Have been using a display tablet for years now
>Used to it but always hated the glass texture, also the reason why I never got adapted to my Ipad
>Last week decided to put a sheet of paper on top of it and use it like a normal tablet
>My work is 30% faster, shapes are more interesting, lines are more confident
Are display tablets a meme? I've had mine for at least 7 years, but the glass texture has always been a bad point for me, are any other display tablets better for that? I know a screenless tablet is better for ergonomy, but the only experience I had with them were with a small bamboo and a small intuos creative(I think? It was a bamboo with touch and some buttons, same size) and they always felt incredibly claustrophobic because of the size compared to my 16" display tablet(which feels small nowadays normally, but as a screenless tablet it feels big and luxurious while using it on a bigger screen)
Should I just say fuck it and hunt for a big ass Intuos 4-5?

>> No.6940363

sounds like utter bullshit but okay

>> No.6940438

dead serious, the slick glass and the parallax are a pain to deal with, even if I got myself used to it.
My main screen is 27' too, while my tablet is 16', it's nice to draw on it now

>> No.6940439

Teal Guy what do you use?

>> No.6940441

>slick glass and the parallax
maybe use something made in the last 4 years?

>> No.6940464 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 799x815, loomisdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own over a dozen Intuos 3s I plan on giving away to people I believe will reap the most benefit out of them, typically the only issues I've encountered thus far are purely cosmetic (they are extremely durable compared to every subsequent model, not entirely invincible), but if a tablet gets dropped or gets spilled on or something like that it could certainly cause unpredictable behavior like that. I've run afoul of one or two that had a short in the wire or something and refused to work entirely but it it's been pretty rare. I wouldn't discourage people from buying used in general from a reputable seller, just make sure they look to be in good cosmetic condition and the internal condition is usually . These devices generate zero heat and have no moving parts, apart from the stylus they will last a very long time if taken care of properly.

What you need to do is make sure you have "Force Proportions" active in the Wacom driver, this will cut off about an inch and a half/two inches from the tablet's vertical active area. Take a screenshot of the icon that shows the active area relative to the computer monitor. After that, select "custom area" or something like that and try and match the red bouncing box in that icon-but with the active area being the bottom of the tablet (closer to you) rather than the top.

If you put something to raise your keyboard up a bit you can then nestle the inactive portion of the tablet underneath the keyboard and It'll save you a couple inches of depth on your desk.

I have a lot of experience both with screen tablets (Cintiq 12WX and Cintiq 27QHD) and those tablets without (Intuos 3, 4, 5 and Pro) and for what it's worth, this is the truth as I feel it myself. A screen tablet is preferable to a small or perhaps even a medium intuos because of the discrepancy between the size of the display and the tablet's surface area, but a large intuos bridges this gap well enough to be the best of both worlds.

>> No.6940477
File: 150 KB, 799x815, loomisdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own over a dozen Intuos 3s, typically the only issues I've encountered thus far are purely cosmetic (they are extremely durable compared to every subsequent model, not "invincible"), but if a tablet gets dropped or gets spilled on or something like that it could certainly cause unpredictable behavior. I've run afoul of one or two that had a short in the wire or something and refused to work entirely but it it's been pretty rare. I wouldn't discourage people from buying used in general, just make sure they look to be in good cosmetic condition and the internal condition will almost certainly be good as well. These devices generate zero heat and have no moving parts, apart from the stylus they are already 20 years old but will last a very long time to come if taken care of properly.

Make sure you have "Force Proportions" active in the Wacom Driver, this will cut off about an inch and a half/two inches from the tablet's vertical active area. Take a screenshot of the icon that shows the active area relative to the computer monitor. After that, select "custom area" in the driver and try and match the red bouncing box in that screenshot-but with the active area being the bottom of the tablet (closer to you) rather than the top.

If you put something to raise your keyboard up a bit you can then nestle the inactive portion of the tablet underneath the keyboard and It'll save you a couple inches of depth on your desk.

I have a lot of experience both with screen tablets (Cintiq 12WX and Cintiq 27QHD) and those tablets without (Intuos 3, 4, 5 and Pro) and for what it's worth, this is the truth as I feel it myself. A screen tablet is preferable to a small or perhaps even a medium intuos because of the discrepancy between the size of the display and the tablet's surface area, but a large intuos bridges this gap well enough to be the best of both worlds.


>> No.6940481

>I have a lot of experience on 10-20 year old tech so I know what I'm talking about
>me and my army of 12 intuos 3s are serious business

>> No.6940502
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As I said in the post, I've had a Cintiq 27QHD as well as much more recent models of Intuos, in either case, I have more experience with both the tools of the trade and of drawing in general than you do.

A nearly 20 year old Intuos 3 is far more durable and very nearly as accurate as a $600 [Current Year] Pro. The only downside is the overall footprint being a little larger because it was made at the time when CRT monitors were still common.

>> No.6940511
File: 574 KB, 1963x1500, tablettestwip (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cooking something up, I need to get a few of the non-Wacom models as well though [again] (I gave away my Huion WH1409 and H610)

>> No.6940524

>A screen tablet is preferable to a small or perhaps even a medium intuos because of the discrepancy between the size of the display and the tablet's surface area, but a large intuos bridges this gap well enough to be the best of both worlds.
So I'm looking to get a new tablet, as I've been using an intuos pro medium for about 7 years or so. I'm looking to upgrade and I can't figure which would be the ideal one for me with my budget. Is it a good idea to upgrade to a large intuos pro, or would an ipad pro or a cintiq 16/22 be better?
I don't travel so I feel like having the portability for the ipad would be lost on me, but I do like that you can draw horizontally on that, where has the cintiqs have more vertical space, which is mostly lost on me. Also the color accuracy and resolution on the wacom are abysmal. I don't trust any other companies in terms of quality/longevity. I want this thing to last me a minimum of 5 years.

>> No.6940537

>Cintiq 27QHD
which is almost 10 years old.
>in either case, I have more experience with both the tools of the trade and of drawing in general than you do.
I've had a bamboo, intuos 3, 4, and 5, 3 different generations of ipad, a surface pro, cintiq 24hd, huion 22 plus, and a kamvas studio 16. I've also used a wacom one, cintiq 24 pro, and artist 24 pro. No, you do not have more experience than I do.
The durability of my drawing tablet isn't a factor I give the slightest of shits about because I'm not a toddler that bangs my toys around.
Sit down, child.

>> No.6940548

The ipad/apple pencil is okay but I do find it funny when homebody NEETs buy them thinking they're going to start bringing these expensive devices around with them everywhere they go, it just doesn't happen and it's often not advisable in either case unless you live somewhere street crime is all but unheard of.

Some of the strongest artists I'm in personal contact with have or even currently use Medium tablets-but I'm always pushing them to consider investing in a Large one and with those who I'd been successful in convincing have always been very appreciative. Because you already have the stylus, you can often find a tablet without the stylus for A LOT cheaper than if it does have one and I truly think it represents a considerable upgrade from what you're using now. Check ebay, facebook marketplace and craigslist or whatever your local equivalent to sites like that may be for a large Intuos Pro tablet without a stylus and give it a try.

I've been alternating between an Intuos 3 PTZ-930 and Intuos 3 PTZ-631W for the past few years and both of them are essentially blemish-free. However, I believe that any Intuos model will last a very long time if taken care of, I would just encourage you to get some kind of a surface cover for it, whether one of Wacom's or a third party.

>> No.6940554
File: 548 KB, 801x905, robot fella.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I say durability I'm referring to the active area of the tablet and things like the stylus nibs. With the Intuos 4 and up Wacom applied a gritty surface texture they claimed to offer some sort of authentic feeling to drawing but really it was just a planned obsolescence scheme which makes your tablet look and feel like shit to draw on before too long. This makes the user feel like they're due to purchase another, apart from that, the nibs wear away within days.

>> No.6940571

Yeah ahah, that makes sense. For me, the only reason I'd get the ipad is because it hits the most notes for me and what I would use it for in terms of quality/functionality.

This is interesting about the intuos large though, this certainly sounds like a good compromise. My workflow heavily relies on line work, so that's quite important to me. Having something I can upgrade to from this without having to break the bank is always a win(even though I was kind of hoping you would still recommend the ipad lol).

>> No.6940593

I have an ipad with the Apple Pencil, but despite the significant parallax on the Cintiq 12WX in comparison I greatly prefer drawing on it. For one, not having touch functionality is actually a plus in my mind because it seems to get triggered inadvertently in Procreate A LOT. Not sure if more recent models are better about that or if I'm really supposed to wear some shitty glove to prevent it but I honestly don't care much: At the end of the day with an ipad I've found I'm just drawing on a way smaller screen than my laptop's with zero net benefit.

I think we have a tendency to feel that [next product] will be the thing that pushes our work over the edge and that's probably why this other gentleman and myself have gone through many disparate devices to begin with. That line of thinking isn't always completely in error, though. My first drawing tablet was the Graphire 3 which would have been nigh unusable even with my now many years' experience, however because I didn't know any better/have any context I thought I was the problem. I thought that I just wasn't capable of using a tablet without a screen-and I think a lot of beginner artists that get stuck with small and even medium tablets get caught up in that line of thinking.

>> No.6940625

Are they official texture sheets? Do you have an example of the listings?
I have a pack of 3d printed nibs that are pretty wear resistant, and my surface is doing alright for the time I've had it. Honestly, it's the pen that might give out before anything else.
Doesn't seem Intuos sheets are still being manufactures so I'm looking for ways to replace them still (other than paper).

>> No.6940631

When I was using my Intuos 5 I would buy these clear plastic sheets made by a company called "POSRUS" which are basically a cut-to-size fitted piece of acetate plastic or whatever, with some kind of two-way tape applied to the edges of it. They are a colossal ripoff at $20+ considering you can put basically anything over your tablet and it will still activate properly. I feel like marker paper as opposed to drawing paper (which is slick rather than gritty because it's made to accept wet media) would make a good tablet cover with the right adhesive.

>> No.6940638

-Good I mean in the sense that it would both protect your tablet's actual surface and also not wear your nibs down as bad as its actual surface or any comparable cover would do. I know you said specifically other than paper but it's really a much different feel and might be something worth looking into.

>> No.6940647

I see a used wacom ctl-4100wl for $35, should I buy it? I just want something small to do small details occasionally. You can quickly undo with these tablets right?

>> No.6940687

Did you seriously believe that xppen/huion tablets were really that bad, and somehow the only person that talked about it was a schizo on 4chan?

>> No.6940697

A smaller tablet is-perhaps ironically-worse for small details. See my earlier post, basically some of the smallest strokes you can make will cross damn near the entire length of your monitor. The test I'd done was with a 17-inch laptop monitor, but the disconnect will be proportionally worse the larger your monitor is relative to your drawing surface. Just get a tablet most fit to draw on in general, which is for Wacom ANY Large model Intuos model 3 or up, and for Huion the WH1409 v2.

I don't know shit about XP Pen but I will be purchasing a few different ones soon.

>> No.6940707

>I think we have a tendency to feel that [next product] will be the thing that pushes our work over the edge and that's probably why this other gentleman and myself have gone through many disparate devices to begin with
I think I'm finally happy with my current setup desu
Kamvas 22 plus and kamvas studio 16 fill all of my tablet needs. Unless one breaks, I don't see a need to upgrade like I did before. Every tablet prior had some flaws that annoyed me enough to want an upgrade

>> No.6941258


>> No.6941306
File: 2.14 MB, 2612x3412, 5455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon i have mz intous 3 a4 and i like it, the onlz thing is the pen, it es very shaky and the nib feels very loose.
I have an ipad, but dont like it at all. I want a new screenless tablet, with a good, tight pen.
It should have a good build quality and should be not smaller than my old wacom (28cm width). And it should have a smooth surface
Are the chinese ones good?
I could by the intous pro large, but its bz far the most expensive one with 350 euros and you have to by the smooth serface extra, for another 60 euros and then reskin your brand new tablet. 410 euros, for a diy product? Is there really nothing better than this?

>> No.6942137


>> No.6942355

bump? but why?

>> No.6942660
File: 147 KB, 1329x1112, 71Jxpqs9XJL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on artisul screen tablets? Are they shit?
This brand was shlled to me while browsing amazon. I have never heard of this brand before.

>> No.6943114

my thought? all I think is wabump.

>> No.6943383

bro same, so much wabump

>> No.6943809

I had a posrus myself and at some point the center got scratched and made drawing so irritating I had to take it off. I don't really have problems drawing "raw" on it, but I might see about finding some good paper for it.

>> No.6943886

Yeah, I went through quite a few of them when I was using the Intuos 5. I really wish I could have found the right material so I could share that with others because it does work well and last a while-it's just that the material and adhesive combined would probably be <$5 instead of $20+, I might start looking into it again.

Ultimately though the need to replace those over and over again was one of the reasons I ultimately started gravitating to the Intuos 3, the surface durability is no joke. I've been alternating between a PTZ-930 (9x12 model) and PTZ-631W (6x11 model,I use it at my parents' house and at work because it fits really well in a backpack), drawing for hours almost every night and neither of them have any kind of visible wear.

>> No.6943892
File: 128 KB, 1280x892, IMG_2225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peep this, paisan. I'm at work now and have had this thing in front of me all day. Granted, I don't get to draw a ton while I'm at work but I do a lot on this thing at least 3-4 nights a week

>> No.6943894

Not sure why you would willingly use a 12wx when Wacom's newer stuff is so much better and so cheaply available.

You're just fucking retarded I suppose.

>> No.6943901
File: 190 KB, 782x793, bumpkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it exclusively as a prop for a project and for nostalgia's sake, it was extremely inexpensive and I'm happy to have it as a reminder of some of those early days. Other than that, I will never willingly use a screen tablet long term again.

>> No.6944034

99% sure that is a huion gt 191 ''rebrand'' ( don't know how is called in US when a company make a similar product that another company already did but put they name on and change some parts to make it cheaper )

>> No.6944433

I think it's a wabump

>> No.6944441

The intuos pro has a replaceable surface, it's supposed to be a consumable item. That's why it's got a much rougher and honestly nicer texture than most other screenless tablets. And I don't even use an intuos pro anymore, but don't go around bleating about how that proves it's bad or something. It's overpriced, but very good if you can get one used.

Definitely get a screened chinese tablet rather than buying one new tho.

>> No.6944444

I have a kamvas 22 plus and it kicks ass. The only issue I've had with it is that it didn't play nice with CSP out of the box thanks to some fuckery with wintab. But disabling wintab in the settings fixed it completely. The color gamut isn't nearly as nice as a wacom either but hey, it was $400 on sale so don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

it's literally one autist who apparently wants to fuck his wacom tablets anon, ignore him.

just buy a new texture sheet anon, for god's sake they're replaceable.
yes, you pull the old sheet off with the adhesive stickers the new one comes with and then seat a new one. It's very easy and I've done it twice. You can get smooth, medium, and rough surfaces too. I really like the rough sheets, but thy chew through pen nibs super fast, it reminds me of charcoal on newsprint.

>> No.6944472

nice digits
did you calibrate your kamvas?

>> No.6944478

There is absolutely no defending how fragile nibs are on intuos pro. It's an instant shill alarm

>> No.6944577

calibrate the pen? Yeah I did but that wasn't what was causing the issue. It was some driver fuckery, but my computer is like 8 years old and I didn't uninstall the wacom drivers prior to dropping in the huion ones, so that probably didn't help. I have wintab on now and it's not causing any issues.

I was talking about the surface anon, not the nibs. But even then I can't be too mad about the nibs tbdesu, the reason they get demolished on the pro is because the surface is much rougher, which translates to a nicer drawing feel. The intuos pro and cintiq lines both use the same pen, it's the surface that wears them, not the nibs. If you really hate it then you can replace the surface with a smooth one, but that kinda defeats the point of the intuos pro for me.

>> No.6944619 [DELETED] 


>> No.6944715

I have UGEE 16 and I got it for $150 off of Amazon and it's actually good. I also have had a Cintiq 20wsx which I would still be using if the screen didn't die on it. I had a Huion 20 inch which would be good if the pressure response wasn't weird. I went through two huion stylus because I thought maybe I had a faulty pen but it was just their pens are shit. I also have a few other things ipads, windows tablets, samsung tablets. I also had a Cintiq 24hd with touch which I sold off. The damn thing really isn't worth the $2 grand I paid for it.

In fact I won't recommend wacom anymore unless you can get them at a cheap price. Their pricing structure is based on industry studios buying them or photographers that want that color accuracy.

I really think that one of the big samsung tablets is the way to go combined with the SuperDisplay app is just as good a cintiq for way less money and then being able to take it anywhere for sketching is a big bonus.

>> No.6944759

poorfag here. is the samsung s6 lite any good? or should i look for something refurbished?

>> No.6944861

It's a perfectly good budget tablet.

>> No.6944889
File: 556 KB, 1191x743, skul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing so perfect as the Intuos 3 will ever be made (by Wacom) again, it's too pure, too perfect for [current year + 8], and unless you're one of those "Pass Me the Controller Bro" Cheetos Dust-lookin'-head-ass-nibbas who punch a hole in your drywall every time you drop a round in Third Strike it could easily accompany you through a decade or more of regular drawing even as old as it is now.

The more recent Intuos Pro model does have a compromise to its previous iterations in the form of the easily replaceable surface. In the end it's yet another costly planned obsolescence scheme (these sheets are $40 on Wacom's website and their nib-destructive design is going to cost you a lot over time as well) but it's one that I think is ultimately preferable to the idea of the tablet itself becoming so decrepit within months of intermittent use that the temptation to discard the whole thing sets in, as was the case with many of the previous models.

Is it worth the investment? Maybe. I'm a big advocate that no expense should be spared in pursuit of the ideal, it's just that through experimentation I've found that what I believe to be the ideal is actually much less expensive than we might otherwise think-especially over time. What shortcomings the Intuos 3 has compared to present day models are offset by its strengths.

With regards to Huion, the Huion WH1409 on its face had the best design of any tablet I'd ever used at that point. It had a significantly smaller overall footprint than the large wacom models while retaining a larger active area. The Huion stylus sucks though-or did (not sure if the V2 model had corrected this), not only because it needed to be charged regularly and would eventually fail entirely because of it, but also because the nib was enormous and was designed to depress into the body of the stylus slightly which felt weird-to say nothing of the unappealing "plastic on plastic" surface feel.

>> No.6945504

>15 year old technology is the best because… le epic memes!!! Don’t ask me why it’s so good or just HEXKING is

you’ve literally never touched any computer hardware that you didn’t acquire second hand please never post again you fucking /beg/

>> No.6945511

uhoh shilly melty

>> No.6945553

The intous 3 cad version is different size apart?

>> No.6945565

I have a ye ancient H1161. I wouldn't know the difference between it and one that were high quality, but it's the only one I've used. It's good enough for me, but I don't do digital artwork as a profession.

>> No.6945583

what should i get for a budget of ~300 bong bucks? ($380)
ideally something that can be used as a general purpose tablet too

>> No.6945598
File: 387 KB, 1729x845, IMG_1874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't ask me why it's good
Oh, you can ask my why it's good. Here's why it's good:

It's 94% as accurate as a $500 current generation model and has zero planned obsolescence features like a sandpaper texture surface or weak nibs.

Here, then is what's bad about it:
It is somewhat bulkier
Its hotkeys are clumsy
On paper it has less pressure sensitivity levels (never noticed a serious difference in output though)

>15 years old

It's a bit older than that lol-but see this table and look where it says "digitizer resolution". Notice anything interesting? I'll help you out: this shows that the tech inside the tablets has been essentially unchanged this entire time and it's just the arrangement of the hotkeys and the addition of wireless connectivity and spyware hard baked into the driver that's changed. This table was on Wacom's official wikipedia page and was removed like a week after I screenshot it and started posting it in these threads-maybe it was less. Was an interesting coincidence but nonetheless I think people should be aware of it.

>> No.6945599

what's a good screen protector brand for wacom stuff that still let's me use touch controls? I got a wacom cintiq pro 17, but because I can't find any protectors on the market for it I bought a Healingshield for a 16 and now it doesn't read touch controls

>> No.6945600

>Pay $2000 for a fancy paper-feel etched glass screen
>put a shitty piece of plastic over it because you're too lazy to keep it clean
lol, lmao even

>> No.6945604

Should I bite the bullet and get the new Huion Kamvas Pro 13 2.5K or just the older Pro 13?

>> No.6945606

>pay $2000 for a drawing tablet
>let it get scratched up
I don't care at all for the etched glass or whatever i bought it because it's the only 120hz desktop tablet on the market

>> No.6945608

thanks anons

>> No.6945623

Chinese garbage

>> No.6945630

why are you shooting for such a small tablet anon? I'd say getting a larger 1080p one is probably a better call if they come up to the same price. I love my 22 plus to death, it's served me admirably for the last 2 years. even though the color accuracy isn't perfect it's much more tablet for the same price as a pro 13. Get a PS4 controller or something to use for shortcut keys and you're golden. I'd only say you should go for a 13 inch tablet if you really absolutely have no desk space for anything bigger.

>> No.6945744

>not putting 2mm glass over trad or monitor tablet to never ever get any scratches

>> No.6945752

just keep it clean and you won't scratch it. I wipe my tablet down with 50% isopropyl alcohol every day before I start drawing just to get any grease and dust off and I haven't scratched it in over a year of almost daily use with no screen protector. Get a palm rejection glove too, and wash that shit regularly, have a bit of self respect.

>> No.6945792


>> No.6945799

>calibrate the pen?
the colors.

>> No.6945831


>> No.6945859

please stop posting in the other thread mine has to be first.

>> No.6945868

XP Pen/Huion Art Pen when?

>> No.6945880


>> No.6945882
File: 6 KB, 197x197, 1700336314759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are non display tablets good or should you save for a display one?

>> No.6945899

Do you draw more or paint more?

>> No.6945984

Ol mcwacom had a farm

>> No.6945991 [DELETED] 


>> No.6946090

and on that farm he had a wabump

>> No.6946930


>> No.6946958

Which one is for which

>> No.6946966

And how Induos 3 holds up for you through decade+ of use? Ane repairs/replacements you had to do? Also post your best shareable work from it

>> No.6948182

I've been using huion for years, ok product but poor customer service. 15 days of stupid questions, videos to proves shits, using the "sunlogin" chinese tool (security vulnerability), and at the end they can't solve a problem. Imagine you can't work during 15 days for shits and finally it's because they don't want to replace a tablet they paid 1.50$ for.

Retarded, slow, ungenerous, not serious.

>> No.6948185

what was the problem you were trying to resolve?
>$1.50 to make
I think your perception of manufacturing costs is off

>> No.6948203

>I think your perception of manufacturing costs is off
Plastic, printed pcb... Definitely not wizardry. Mind your business.

>> No.6948211

Let's say less than 6$ for the picky tard you are.

>> No.6948216

Jesus you're retarded

>> No.6948248

Kek taiwanese people assfucking you!

>> No.6948733

you have the mental capacity of a mexican teenager

>> No.6948916

>Someone in the /csg/ general on /g/ once got an email from Gearbest asking him to post positively about them on the "csg chinkshit general thread". You will very likely see dozens upon dozens of aggressive, insult-laden posts in this thread, especially whining about the OP. They are from the shill department.

If you think samefagging and larping on US people will be helpful to your brand notoriety, then please don't stop.

>> No.6949025

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.6949080

Shit bro, everyone would cringe but i pity you, actually i could imagine how isolated you are and how retarded people are in your chinese town to wake up with 4chan trying your miserable mind trick. Pls find a goal.

>> No.6949226

I just bought a 4000 sqft house in Colorado. I'm whiter than you.

>> No.6949304

Do Cintiqs ever fucking go on sale?

Should I get something other than a Pro 16? I'm a semi-new beg but im tired of my intuos

>> No.6949320

They do, but it's not common.

There are a lot of Intuos users who have had the exact same thought as you, but when they ultimately switch to a display tablet, they quickly regret it.

>> No.6949346

I've never heard of someone regretting switching to a display tablet. no one's buying your intuos 3 collection.

>> No.6949426
File: 57 KB, 716x759, munk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know several I correspond with directly, but it's not that they regret switching, it's that they'd entertained the idea of becoming a screencel and instead ultimately saw the truth and remained Large Trad Tablet Chads.

For one specific individual I don't know at all, David Revoy (a Krita Representative and contributor) at least he has a youtube video that's easy to reference:


>it's a Wacom Intuos [4] XL
>I'm really rarely using the Cintiq, In fact, this is probably less than 10 percent of my artwork that I just connect this little Cintiq and start a sketch with it

Also Soejinori Soejima like in the OP image and Feng Zhu use Intuos 3s, and it would be seriously naive to believe that they'd simply never tried a screen tablet before with their several decades of industry experience, so I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.6949511
File: 67 KB, 620x452, 1700795062874678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can solve that with just putting an acetate sheet over the working area.

>> No.6949637

>They do, but it's not common.
well you'd think fucking black friday would be a good opportunity but i guess not
do you think a refurb from wacom's site for an $800 22" is ok? or should i go with the pro 16 once it goes on sale eventually?

>> No.6949782

>Also Soejinori Soejima like in the OP image and Feng Zhu use Intuos 3s,

I think Soejima transitioned to Display tablets anon. We live in a dark timeline now.

>> No.6949961


>> No.6950026


>> No.6950069

1)I'm not drawing professionally, just getting back at drawing after almost 10 years of stopping
2)Because of space, I only have a small area I can work with right now. I have can't just move around the keyboard
3)Price, because well, bigger tablets mean higher price.
what I care most is that the tablet is good so that I won't regret it