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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6913129 No.6913129 [Reply] [Original]

>Don't draw for other people, draw for yourself
Why does this advice not feel genuine? It's especially hilarous when popular twitter artists say this and in the next moment freak out when their follower count stalls.
If I was doing art only for self fuffilment I wouldn't even be on this board let alone posting on socials. No one irl likes me so I grind art so I am respected and admired.

>> No.6913132
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keep drawing

>> No.6913137

Post examples of artists saying this and freaking out.

>> No.6913139

Everybody secretly wants public validation. You have to realize if you only draw the things you think will get you attention you may get stuck only drawing things you have no real interest in and forever pandering to people you don't respect.

>> No.6913140

I don't see the problem.. Why can't someone draw for themselves, but still feel bad when number goes down or isn't going up.

>> No.6913141

why did this thread even need to be made?

>> No.6913142

If you want to draw for yourself, do it.

>> No.6913143

Because this board is dead

>> No.6913145
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What numbers?

>> No.6913150

Real easy for someone getting good numbers to say

>> No.6913160

just draw

>> No.6913166

Kids have ipads these days. They are practically raised on one. What a dishonest drawing this is.

>> No.6913168
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>"rich people telling you you don't need money" syndrome

truthpill here:
you do not draw for "yourself".
an artist has no meaning without an audience. let's take it to the extreme and just go "do not post anything. why would you, are you not drawing for yourself?"
you won't do that? why? weird huh? it's because you put effort and time into something and you want recognition for it. you want to be respected by your peers, and gain followers.
just like singers posting their songs on youtube.
just like fanfic authors post their shit on sites.
just like cooks want to cook for others.
nobody does things for "themselves".

>> No.6913171

it's disingenuous advice. it's like those assholes who post on here sometimes and say they intentionally give out bad advice to small artists so they won't go anywhere.
the plan is, you give out bad advice, therefore you get rid of competition.
anyone who denies this or says schizo or anything else is just mad that im exposing their BS.
at the end of the day NEVER trust what others say, instead copy them. see what they do and do it. no big artist will intentionally fuck themselves over, because if they did, they wouldn't be a big artist. their following would drop.
the only exception to the rule is robaato. do not copy robaato and turn into an arrogant yet still self-loathing mental case who rages at everyone who tries to hold a mirror up to his BS.
only reason he's still getting work is because he got famous before the huge freakout and shitshow on twitter

>> No.6913172
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>> No.6913173

Based growing hat guy

>> No.6913194

yeah. I know some people who have gone of the deep end making incredible stuff. deep schizos who just churn out amazing shit constantly yet only show me and a handful of people a fraction of what they make and hardly ever post anything on social media.
They're poor, they have no recognition, they have no popularity. In their own schizo brain they are doing the ideal thing for them so I'm not going to waste time trying to convince them to do something they don't want to, but JFC if I was at the point they're at I could be raking in the dough.

Also on a more personal note everyone hates me so maybe if I was skilled I could get approval from others. I don't really see how being a lonely old schizo hiding away on a mountain with their pile of art would make me feel better.

>> No.6913219

I like mr bug. he looks like he'd serve me greasy slop food

Most people draw for someone. To show things to people they love, to express a memory shared, or what ever else. Getting obsessed with the opinions of strangers online is rightly demonized to a degree, because of how damaging it can become. It's a hard road learning how to temper our expectations. You should learn to draw for yourself first, but I think just enjoying the thought that you are putting it out there is mostly enough.

With a caveat. If you're trying to grow a business off of your art, you're forced to listen to those opinions, and that's where things become much more tricky.
Personally it does kind of annoy me when people sort of boast about abstaining from SM, which is great when you're not trying to gather an audience of some kind.

It speaks to a bit of ignorance towards the absolute state of things, when unfortunately most of whatever success you have in the real world (especially with publishers) depends entirely on your online popularity.

Extendo hat is right to be angered in a way, about how things are. But he also loses the right to be angry when he refuses to let go of his ego and learn what it means to have aesthetically pleasing art.

tl;dr it's not genuine because it's not the full story and reality is complicated

>> No.6913231

You pretty much nailed it
Mr bug should have taken his frustration as an oppurtunity to
1. Improve his art
2. Market research

>> No.6913235

fuck off attention whore

>> No.6913255
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He somehow managed to get WORSE after 20 years of drawing
It's kinda sad

>> No.6913261
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/ic/ is the only place I know that loses it's shit over something as braindead simple as "draw because you find personal enjoyment from it, not because of others' personal enjoyment", thinking it's some sort of malicious trap or some hipocrite lie.

Why are you even here if you dont enjoy drawing for yourself? Just to find a way to validate your inability to find enjoyment on drawing?

>> No.6913267

You should draw what you want, but try to make it so your self-expressions and ideas are strongly impacting other people in a positive way.
You don't just draw le popular viral topic for views and you don't just isolate and only care about your own opinion of your work. That's like sharing thoughts with no one else which leads to insanity over time. We are social creatures

>> No.6913272


>> No.6913312

yes fair points, i personally think it's more about not letting other's expectations dictate what you should or shouldn't draw and not watering it down for an audience. Basically draw as if no one is going to see it and share it on whatever scale you are comfortable with.

>> No.6913348

What would that accomplish? What would me posting my work do to anything to do with what I just said?
If this is an attempt to make a bad argument in bad faith, you can forget about it.

>> No.6913522

If you're drawing for ANY reason at all other than you love drawing, you're wrong and you deserve all the misery that comes from that.

Draw for youself is genuine advice for genuine artists. Whores and peddlers will never know peace in art.

>> No.6913523

>Why does this advice not feel genuine?
Because the only people that say that are clout-chasing whores who say whatever's in.

Let's say those that speak the truth about talent mattering are finally accepted in the art community as AI iterates and improves. What then? The same people who post about talent not mattering will act smug as a coping mechanism over AI, declaring that they're talented enough to not need a machine to render a prompt.

>> No.6913533

Everybody hates you because you're a selfish cunt.
And that's never gonna change because you'll never do the one thing you need to do for people to like you.
You could be rich, you could be famous, you'll still be a cunt and people will still hate you.

>> No.6913542

Only /i/fags actually draw for themselves. Nearly every anon here has an active twitter account.

>> No.6913544

>AItard has no soul and can't accept people doing things without transactional intentions
What a surprise.

>> No.6913561

I think the proper message to take away is, make sure you draw what you want to draw. It's fine to want good exposure and engagement, but you'll get burnt out if you're just drawing subject matter that appeals to other people, but not yourself.

If something appeals to you, draw it. You WILL find an audience, and you'll be appreciated even more if you're one of the few who caters to it (this doesn't only apply to porn, but it does apply especially to porn.)

>> No.6913659

You can be upset at loss of numbers for at least 2 good reasons. 1 you need the money to make more art. 2 you want to improve others lives through your art and want to reach as many people as possible.

>> No.6913664

bet that artist was pleased to get 5k retweets

>> No.6913670

>Nearly 200k followers
At this point it really feels like they're taunting small artists just like that "thanks for the 70 followers (in reality it's 70k)" meme

>> No.6913676

Ooh, I fucking hate that shit. I'm over here honestly thankful for ten followers, and then someone comes along like, "Thanks for helping a struggling artist with 10(000000000) followers!" It's so thoughtless.

>> No.6913678

I feel like you're going to get a lot of shit in this thread but I just wanted you to know that I agree with you anon. Some people really have unhealthy mindsets about themselves and their art. Hope they get better about this but IDK how to help them.

>> No.6913683

My primary reason for drawing at all is to keep the rope at bay. Without my art I'm nothing. Only issue is that I still suck despite grinding which also depresses me.
Regardless, drawing IS my help

>> No.6913685

So, are you going to talk about what I posted or stick to seething about AI? If it makes you feel any better, substitute it for a revolution in genetic testing that conclusively proves there is an "art gene"

>> No.6913687

I doubt you suck as much as you think, anon. We're all our own worst critics.
Keep on trucking.

>> No.6913708

Just kill yourself already.
You're defective, you don't have the gene, you don't have soul, you don't have talent. You're trash, just end it already instead of wasting other people's time.

>> No.6913712

If you had 10K followers like them you'd know 9600 are bots trying to scrape your info and ad profile you.

So yes, when they should out those 10 genuine fans and 300 or so fairweathers, they mean it.

>> No.6913739

Nah. I got you to admit talent is real, you gave me the strength to keep going.

>> No.6913760
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Small artists are such entitled idiots, you're small for a reason
Because you're shit at art

>> No.6913764
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, 1667543031447957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6913792

If talent is real, you're human waste.
If deterministic genetics are real, you're human waste.
Even in our current reality where all you need to succeed is effort and socialization, you're still human waste.

I can't fathom a world were people like you succeed. Your only purpose seems to be trying to drag others down to your level, which you also consistently fail at.

>> No.6913802

Last year I made some youtube videos. Most of them got 0 attention, but one blew up and got a ton of views. I would constantly check my phone and get hundreds of new views since last time. This felt great so I tried making more. I soon realized I didn't actually like making videos, and was only doing it because I wanted that same high of seeing my video blow up again. I was only making vids for "the fame"

Well I finally put out new videos and they all sucked. Some didn't get past 100-200 views. I wanted that cheap burst of pleasure that comes from people complimenting what you make, but lacked passion for what I was actually making so it failed. Some people are clever enough to give the gallery what they want, enough to pay the bills, but idk man. If we just stuck to creating what we loved the whole art world would be much healthier and so much cooler

>> No.6913831

Can't backpedal, anon!
Looks like writing ain't your talent.

>> No.6913868

Your personal enjoyment is getting your dick sucked, that's what's disingenuous about "draw for fun"

>> No.6913885

There are certain artists where it just looks like they have fun producing their work. I aspire to be like that.

>> No.6913901

A motivational phrase is not advice.
Enough of fooling yourself that you will be able to improve your drawing with a phrase or by reading something that activates a hidden part of your beg brain.
Do you want genuine advice? Start drawing, only doing that you will improve.

>> No.6913919

>posting your art to social media
this is where you all went wrong.

>> No.6913952

Geez, projection much? I do nice things for people all the time, and here you are calling people gendered slurs on the internet.

>> No.6913978

this shit is so gay lol

>> No.6913985

Transactional niceness doesn't count and you clearly don't do it selflessly because you wouldn't try to use it as a token to buy approval otherwise.

>> No.6913989

people from /co/ are also like this

>> No.6914071

Stfu lol

>> No.6914090

I don't know what you're worked up about. We're social animals, there's a performer in all of us, someone cares less than others, etc. You should do both. I reward my friends/followers sometime but also do my own slop.

>> No.6914099

Just bot your account if all you care about is number go up.

>> No.6914117

>Still believing skill = followers

>> No.6914235

but you've been drawing since 2016 with little to no improvement

>> No.6914690
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>> No.6914715
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on some zen
We back, ramped up, we on ten
It's a marathon and look, we coming for the win
Just like Puff told Christopher, we gon' win big
Put the whole family on, look at what my Kim did
Just like Puff told Christopher, we gon' win big
We gon' win big

>> No.6914909

They are not mutually exclusive OP
I'll explain with my example
I like drawing dinos, but only thing I get to draw is mechas for commissions
So my social is all mechas
And my feed is all mechas
And when I post a dino drawing nobody cares and get 0.5% of the likes and rt
But here's the catch:
The dino fanbase is there. You could be one! It doesn't matter.
Because how the algorythm works, you'll never get your personal work land on the fanbase it belongs once you climb into a bubble.
So your money and your personal work will be detached
If you are this artist
And his dinos is "the most safe and bland plain kawaii drawings" is really, really easy to draw for yourself, and get followrs.
Their comments of
>Don't draw for other people, draw for yourself
Is genuine to them, because what they draw for themselves, it's marketeable pop trash. And it worked for them.
So they think "I just draw for myself and got 200k followers, if anyone does that they'll climb too!"
They are not being dishonest, OP. They are being ignorant.