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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6893746 No.6893746 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so angry and miserable?
>inb4: it's the newfags
Even the anons who actually draw all sound so fucking depressing

>> No.6893751

stupid nodraw
if you actually drew you would know

>> No.6893757

Drawing is a miserable activity

>> No.6893758

Imagine you just wanted to have drawfriends and instead had to nanny a bunch of retarded pretenders who hate any form of creation but despirately want to "be artists".

>> No.6893760

I couldn't imagine being so entitled, self centered, and bitter

>> No.6893769
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I see thousands upon thousands of artists on the internet, each of whom is genuinely dozens of times better than myself, and in spite of how much effort I put into my own work, it does not seem that I'll ever reach a level even faintly comparable to even their laziest sketch, nor one where I can even look upon my work without being reminded of my failures and inferiority, alongside the overarching fear that I am somehow innately incapable of creating anything of beauty or real aesthetic value, and my efforts to even get to this pitiful point and achieve one of my lifetime goals were hilariously pointless. Every line I draw is a spit in the face, a constant reminder of my limitations and the Sisyphian futility of trying to improve it, of trying to carve something that even slightly resembles what's in my mind to paper.
So yeah.

>> No.6893771
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lol all the happy fun people usually get driven away by the odd person/crabby saying faggot and ngmi but I find it to be entertaining banter. I don't think it's that serious. I feel like going on an anonymous image board is the best place to get honest feedback since no one feels the need to be "nice" or fake on here

That aside, I feel like there are some people who are chill and happy but the bitter people kinda seethe when they see people happy lol so they usually don't draw attention to themselves. but I've only been here for like a week so not too sure. Maybe the longterm users have a different opinion?

>> No.6893772

No one is forcing you to interact with them

>> No.6893775

Kek. the whole "4chan is insightful" meme died years ago. It's schizos and retards all the way down now

>> No.6893776

drawing's hard. what better way to vent than take it out on others? and to top it off it's fucking anonymous. fuck a repercussion am i right fellaroonis

>> No.6893778

Now this I can understand. I hope you can realize your dreams anon. And if you gotta crab a little to make life bearable, it's okay

>> No.6893779

If it makes you feel better, it won't be long until the top 1 percent on Patreon get fucked. That site is on borrowed time, they're now starting to unironically fudge the numbers of subscribers to artists.

>> No.6893782

idk some people give okay feedback sometimes, and yeah there's a lot of spergs and ai arguments and retardation but good posts aren't SO few and far in between. For me the 10 or 20 posts I scroll past to find a good one is worth it so far. Sometimes it's fun to draw and share things on here but I get what you mean

>> No.6893784

>That site is on borrowed time
Why so?

>> No.6893785

I'm too angry and miserable to explain why I'm angry and miserable.

>> No.6893787

Even the Reddit equivalent of /ic/ is like that. Perhaps less angry because it’s leddit but just as much miserable

>> No.6893808

Nobody gives feedback on this board and when they do it's less than 6 words

>> No.6893809

They've been in financial trouble for quite some time. Also if you check a lot of popular artists pages, you may notice that they have a LOT of members now, this is fudged by the website because since their retarded update, they now count free follows for public posts as members as well as people who used to be subbed but are no longer. Many people there don't even have half as many subscribers as the page wants to show you. The site is doing this to impress investors.
Patreon has also had to move their payment processor to overseas for tax reasons.

>> No.6893823

it goes beyond bants. The sheer vitriol some people have here is pretty off-putting. Even /pol/ is nicer.

>> No.6893846

artists are famously thin-skinned and vindictive. couple that with the usual 4chan mindset of being unwilling to question your world view for even the briefest of moments, and /ic/ is what you get.
i'm just here for the pirated courses

>> No.6893861

that's cause they're weak so they put down the strong

>> No.6893894

Some people here deserve it honestly. Blood goes back a generation and if the wounded with their baby scratches run to the board whining that the so called weak managed to incise through their ego then the weak should not let up on them until they get their full debt of karma. Imagine the fear you can put in them by being better than them.

>> No.6893905

Are you on drugs?

>> No.6893928


>> No.6893940

If you people put as much energy into artistic self-improvement as you did into pathetic screeds like this you'd come a whole lot closer to being like them.
Why are you people like this?

>> No.6893943

4chan's approach to learning is dogshit
4chan's approach to almost everything is dogshit. it's a constant stream of "you need to grind this shit, this is not supposed to be fun, you're fucking garbage kill yourself" as if this actually was conducive to improving and becoming better

there's a reason almost 0 actual good artists have come from this place while kids on tumblr or deviantart go on to become pros
it's supposed to be fun and "tough love" is a retarded thing boomers invented to abuse their children

>> No.6893947

4chan told you to "just draw", but you didn't do it. How is just drawing whatever winded diatribe you just spewed? The grind mentality was old /ic/ back when the whole board wanted to be concept artists for Blizzard.

>> No.6893950

This board is infested by the absolute worse parasites on the internet
>emotional vampires
>chinaware peddlers
Why wouldn't we be mad? It's like ad bombardment but the ads are subhumans barely distinguishable from bots.

>> No.6893987

Imagine defending /ic/ against observable facts by pretending you know the life of an anonymous poster given no information whatsoever

>> No.6893998

I don’t need to imagine that you lead a gay lifestyle—I can tell already.

>> No.6893999

>you need to grind this shit, this is not supposed to be fun
They're right though

>> No.6894007

You do have to grind, but you should enjoy grinding. I think the internet gives people an embarrassment of resources and it breaks people's minds. You hear a lot of stories of boomer artists who had one book from their library that they studied forever and they were happy to have it. I'm not "old good new bad" but there are so many tools and resources that any fucking moron should theoretically be able to get to low int. on they own. Maybe the fact that there's so much to learn from now draws in people who have no real passion for it and it makes them miserable because they can never reach an idealized concept of an "artist" that they've invented.

>> No.6894075

i've never met a professional artist that didn't enjoy drawing. plus for the overwhelming majority of people here being a pro isn't the end goal

>> No.6894086

The idiots are desperate for money and somehow missed the starving artist trope. They thought they could make money from being porn artists or social media artists.

>Now that I have a Twitter account I'm sure people will contact me to offer money any day now! Despite the massive overwhelming competition with insanely better talent, established contacts and reputation, and artists that use a team of 5 hired artists to spit out their art
>Any day now

If you want to not be a depressed sack of crap, do not throw yourself in a sea of competition. Get a unique art job. Actually get a job in the industry, illustrator, cover artist for books, graphic designer for businesses or websites. Something other than fucking social media or porn. Even webcomic artists have a rare talent of having a fucking imagination and story writing skill on top of artistic talent.

>> No.6894091

The silence speaks louder. If no one responds it's because they're jealous little assholes. You have to go to specific threads where they respond a lot to ask for criticism. If you REALLY want to see if you made it, post your work anytime someone has a "inspiration" thread that is supposed to be strictly professional gorgeous work. I've always wondered if any anons actually did that because a few are talented enough.

>> No.6894101

This is basically it. You never know when you're gonna make it, if ever. Hell, not just "making it", even "being good" is a nebulous point to aim for but one that everyone wants to reach. You could be bottom of the barrel for years, and shoot up to the top tomorrow. And constantly being reminded of the legions of high school teens who already made it can't help. All that can be found in just about any field, but the arts is a lot more fickle and unpredictable, being entirely subjective and all.

>> No.6894134

You didn't make it if you don't have a padded resume of >industry< experience. And only 1% of artists live off of residual income from fanart/comics/Patreon. Until then, you've deluded yourself and won no game but the one you set up mentally.

>> No.6894156

Fuck off guzzler, you also ruined the board

>> No.6894164

I don't know, I feel pretty fulfilled by my art and it's been exciting watching myself grow into the artist I knew I could be, but sure, I didn't "make it" because I never caved in to trendy twitter coomer taste, or drew coca cola ads.

>> No.6894176 [DELETED] 

There is nothing wrong with being a hobbyist and taking Fiverr comissions. But if you want to be pro you need to turn it into a PROfession where you are recognized on a corporate level.

>> No.6894177

There is nothing wrong with being a hobbyist and taking Fiverr commissions. But if you want to be a pro you need to turn it into a profession where you are recognized on a corporate level.

>> No.6894192

>Fiverr commissions
I just think you're shallow. It's more than a hobby for me, and I have considered monetizing my skills, but ultimately it's not where I derive artistic worth.
That's something I could never get used to with /ic/, the shallowness. AI threads and social media threads max out in 24 hours, and draw threads languish. Strangely, no one makes a possibly relevant connection between this and the concentrated misery here.

>> No.6894207

For how long have you been drawing and what made you pursue art in the first place?

>> No.6894225

Ever since feta general died, I've been without purpose.

>> No.6894257

Most people here want the validation and success that popular artists have and they know deep down it will never happen. This includes the anons here who pretend they are above validation and call themselves "real artists"
It's all a cope
Add in the fact that most here are in their fucking 20s starting out amd they're feeling the pressure tenfold

>> No.6894300

This sounds like me and I'm sure a lot of other anons on here. One day we will make it bros...

>> No.6894304

Holy based and honest

>> No.6894402

Conceptart.org was tough love and it worked just fine. Tons of industry vets spawned there. First time I posted five people gangraped me, tore up my drawings in front of the class and used me as an example of how to do virtually everything wrong. They told me to go back to the most basic fundamentals like how to draw a line and actually helped me through each stage with useful feedback I could integrate. My subject matter is still cringe weeb trash but at least it's technically solid enough to sell online now. Tough love is useful. My 'peers' on deviantart did nothing but lick my balls and trap me in a hug box that caused stagnation.

/ic/ however isn't tough love at all. /ic/ is 90% self-defeat, cynicism, projection, barely managed schizophrenia, chronic depression, self-hate, sobbing, crabbing, compulsive larping and pathetic faggotry, topped off with whining about "genetic fate" and the occasional neo-nazi rant about how Hitler was the ideal artist. There's nuggets of wisdom scattered around the board, but it's mostly just a dumping ground for misery. And fair enough. That shit's gotta go somewhere.

>> No.6894421

I'm guessing you were bullied as a child for sucking at something you thought you were great at and swore vengeance through skill ascension. Like an anime character, you probably felt the hot sting of humiliation on your face and shouted "I WILL BECOME THE BEST SOMEDAY AND SHOW ALL THOSE FAGGOTS" and now you're here, realizing that the game was rigged from the start and the real problem is that your IQ is just low enough to prevent you from achieving greatness, and just high enough for you to want what you can't have.

>> No.6894423


>> No.6894426
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>> No.6894453

happiness is ignorance. I'm not miserable, I'm simply more informed.

>> No.6894458
File: 55 KB, 602x644, bffbd8ca-b25d-4527-94e7-912fd2efaf0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self defeatist attiude causes people to become spiteful, which causes them to want to lash out on others. Its both funny and sad.

>I-I am le smarty, therefore i must be sad

Bad mentallity fren.
I suggest taking out casually.

>> No.6894461

Odd seeing you outside of oc redraw

>> No.6894473

please please PLEASE give me your blog anon
how long have you been drawing?

>> No.6894474
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>> No.6894499

>technically solid enough to sell online now.
Not really a high bar to reach these days.

>> No.6894515

>Even the anons who actually draw all sound so fucking depressing
Art is a purgatory in which you burn away your weakness to attain higher purity of the soul. This is an agonizing process.

>> No.6894539

It's simple: you pursue a stupid dream, you get a stupid life.

Art is an extremely lonely and miserable pursuit filled with pain, poverty, direct confrontation with one's deepest insecurities and inadequacies, and 99% of even its most committed zealots statistically won't make it. The rare percentage that do make it, they discover that the rest of the world doesn't care at all about them or what they've made. They realize they're only respected by the handful of fans they've acquired, which consist almost entirely of lesser artists who are all doomed, and that everything they believed in was a lie.

While normal people are out fucking and partying and making children and supporting the economy and actually experiencing life, artists stay at home like parasites and draw fake people doing fake things because they mentally stopped maturing at 15 and cocooned themselves in fantasies instead of facing reality.

It's funny to me just how real of a picture /ic/ actually paints of the 'artistic temperament.' In normal settings, artists put on insufferable, ingratiating masks. They act like happy children when they get compliments from the normies, they fake being upbeat and cheerful and stoked about everything. Meanwhile, they're constantly seething. They hide their true thoughts, pretend not to hold extremist positions about virtually everything, and are carrying around decades of resentment and disgust for a world they can't help but experience as a degenerated wasteland, filled to the brim with the gayest, ugliest shit they can't even begin to relate to. They watch as traditions are swept away by their own peers who produce endless mountains of disposable trend chasing garbage to feed algorithms. They gave away all of their work for free or for pennies on the deluded gamble that the "people will appreciate them," counting on them to not throw them away like the garbage they know themselves to be.

Artists are angry and miserable because artists are shitty people.

>> No.6894544

I do all of that while also partying, fucking and making children.
It's almost like life itself isn't all that grand and we try to make it grand in made up worlds

>> No.6894548

Congratulations. May you die fulfilled and free of regrets.

>> No.6894551

Because it's full of fucking weebs.

>> No.6894553
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Since i was 1

This lol

>spending this much time on drawing

Lmao even

You make it sound hard, just draw boxes and copy anatomy.

>> No.6894556

nice chatgpt post

>> No.6894564
File: 419 KB, 400x300, 6A9A9395-A535-4131-94B6-D12F7F5DB0B8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Therefore, we continue to improve AI and then when it's good enough, put all the artists in camps. That way, they'll be dead.

>> No.6894570

honestly my mental state improves so much when i get off this website for a month or two, i think the general negative feelings really rub off on you

>> No.6894572

Artists are little Hitlers in waiting. It's best we get rid as many of them as possible.

>> No.6894574

ever since I quit my 12 hour job, I've had time and motivation to sit and draw and have been happier than ever :D

>> No.6894582

What do you do for money?

>> No.6894584

>They hide their true thoughts, pretend not to hold extremist positions about virtually everything, and are carrying around decades of resentment and disgust for a world they can't help but experience as a degenerated wasteland, filled to the brim with the gayest, ugliest shit they can't even begin to relate to. They watch as traditions are swept away by their own peers who produce endless mountains of disposable trend chasing garbage to feed algorithms.
This is the only part that's kinda accurate, and even then it's not nearly all that bad. I enjoy a bit of algo-slop from time to time myself. You sound severely depressed. Life is shit, yeah, but there's a few tasty corny nuggets here and there.

>> No.6894589
File: 45 KB, 476x461, eyez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't really true is it?

>> No.6894627

toxic positive drawfag
>constant need of narcissistic supply
>energy vampire
>feels everyone was put on earth to make him feel better
>determines the worth of people by how much they feed his ego
>genuinely thinks celebrities are superior to him just for being famous, or having bigger number
>forces everyone around him to walk on eggshells for fear of total meltdown
>manipulative, thinks "If I sulk hard enough people will do what I want"
>catty, will gossip about the latest person who mildly inconvenienced him in vc with his peers
>will utterly btfo someone verbally if they feel it wins them brownie points with the group
>can only draw vent art which all looks the exact same, palette, composition, no variety at all

toxic negative drawfag
>refers to everyone above his skill level as soulless
>refers to everyone below his skill level as /beg/
>exclusively follows artists "around his skill level" in order to crab them into never improving
>abandons them the minute he improves slightly for "group 2" which has better artists
>friends include "guy who gave up 2d to do 3d", "guy who thinks using reference is cheating", "guy who thinks playing videogames is studying"
>Only wants drawfriends so they can do literally anything besides draw, like watching movies, or exchange hentai recommendations
>uses people who are actually gonna make it, as a badge of honor: "they did it, so I'll do it in two more weeks"
>doesn't draw due to manic-depressive episodes rife with emotional turblence and procrastination

neutral hermit autist drawfag
>actually draws unique things with a lot of care and variety thrown in
>refuses to have even the slightest of social skills
>people can only talk about him, can never talk to him
>"sorry I can't hang out I'm drawing" "I'll hang out after I'm done drawing"
>Has a job, girlfriend/wife/kid, stable income; draws because it's fun
>occasional anecdote "This reminds me of that one time I got trapped in the saharan desert"
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.6894643


Die in the crusher and become as boxes, you obsolete swine.

>> No.6894664

Do you support Ukraine anon...

>> No.6894668

Ah, right. I forgot about the corny nuggets. Those tasty, delicious, fulfilling bits of sustenance, handed down from the lords on high. Discoverable only through the algo-slop! How convenient for the platforms that your sniveling gratitude for the crumbs they let trickle down are enough to keep you satiated and passive while they continue to fine tune the feed's addictive potential.

>I enjoy a bit of algo-slop from time to time myself

And soon it's all you'll enjoy. Hope you hit the bottom soon.

>> No.6894673

Honestly just kill if life's that bad. Seriously think about it.

>> No.6894675
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>> No.6894677

kill yourself*, my bad.
want to be clear, you should kill yourself

>> No.6894678


>> No.6894679
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>even then it's not nearly all that bad. I enjoy a bit of algo-slop from time to time myself. You sound severely depressed. Life is shit, yeah, but there's a few tasty corny nuggets here and there
NPCs like you make me want to commit violent crimes.

>> No.6894683

You don't use youtube, twitter netflix, didney+, nothing? You don't buy [latest video game console], you don't buy fast food? Living the clean life, in a cabin in the woods next to a pristine pond? Maybe meditating and abstaining? Oh but wait, you're on 4chan, talking to me right now. Oops!

>> No.6894686
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I speak as someone that has been board on and off since like 2010 - everyone that makes it leaves.

I work full time as an artist in Australia now, and I only rarely come on here to see if there's people seeking direction for the specific industry I work in, so I can help them break into that industry.

Most of the erotic artists make it big on patreon, instagram and twitter, and get sick of being told they're shit by a dude who will post merc.wip when asked to show some work.

Entertainment/ visdev artists dont want to be associated with 4chan once they break through into the industry.

What is left is either art students who arent as good as they think they are, intermediate artists who havent broken through (or dont know how), who are getting gifted child syndrome, or beginners who critique when they cant even draw a cube from any angle.

Draw what you like drawing, it's all about mileage, and eventually you'll get a following who's in love with whatever you post.

reddit spacing

>> No.6894687
File: 85 KB, 1200x675, mmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well anon do you know about the meatcube

>> No.6894688

Hey, hey, everybody look! An addicted and useless piece of shit arguing with another addicted and useless piece of shit about which one of them smells worse! Damn, what a thrilling debate. I wonder who will win this critical clash of wills and go on to change the world.

>> No.6894689

And you're also here. You see how there are no winners here, except you're crying about it?

>> No.6894693

But I'm keeping you entertained! At least this serves a purpose and provokes an emotional reaction. Unlike my "art." Keep responding nigger, let's sink to the bottom together and kill ourselves.

>> No.6894695
File: 71 KB, 456x683, 165654654654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6894696

>Following in love with whatever you post.

Yeah, that'll totally be worth the struggle. Artists fucking love their followers, each and every one is special to them.

>> No.6894697

I'm wasting time between drawings, I'm bored. My life isn't perfect, but it's not as bleak as the picture you paint. I like drawing, I make work I'm proud of, and I have my family and a small community job. You seem in a bad way. Not gonna give you the muh therapy/seek help spiel, but I do hope things get brighter for you, even though you're being a little cunty right now.

>> No.6894702

Fuck your drawings, fuck your pride, fuck your family, and fuck your worthless job in your worthless bumpkin community.
You'll be where I'm at before you know it. I hope when you get here you at least have the balls to take your own life swiftly instead of lingering around fighting for nothing that matters. I hope somebody you love dies of cancer soon.

>> No.6894703

So uh, why haven't you offed yourself yet?

>> No.6894706

That's how it begins fool. You get bored, avoid drawing, click on /ic/ for a dopamine hit, next thing you know you're unironically telling people to kill themselves and sacrificing animals in rituals to summon demons to crab other permabegs. Get out now while you still have a chance.

>> No.6894707

Got a cat. Though I've honestly considered killing her so I don't have anymore excuses.

>> No.6894709

i like shitting on crabs here, otherwise i try my best to be nice but not too nice so it doesn’t look like some random beg is selfposting.

>> No.6894710

>muh cat, such a pure soul
God you're like a movie character. You sure you don't just have histrionic personality disorder?

>> No.6894712

BPD, AVPD and CPTSD, too. I'm also a tranny!

>> No.6894713


First one to opt out of this "conversation" and go draw wins the game of life.

>> No.6894718

but they are right with the grind
i was at my peak when i was grinding for entry exams to my uni
i drew for hours everyday, for few weeks
by the end i was so sick of drawing i didnt want to pick up a pencil ever again
but i passed my exams with decent grades on the first try, which many people that drew for longer couldnt say

sure having fun is important too
but if you want to see significant growth in a reasonable period of time, you have to grind with no fun involved

>> No.6894727

I'd rather draw shitty doodles for the rest of my life than to spend 1 goddamn minute drawing a bridgman body. I took the /i/ pill

>> No.6894752


Your /i/ doodles won't land you a job at Amazon studios or Netflix.

>> No.6894758


>> No.6894761

Drawing is literally the worst hobby ever, if you play an instrument badly, people will still like it, if you speak a foreign language badly, people will still understand you

if you draw like shit, you draw like shit, there's not middle ground
I hate drawing
fun with a pencil my ass, fuck you loomis, fuck you

>> No.6894765

What's wrong with /i/ exactly? I've seen a couple people on /ic/ shit on it and I have no idea why. Like bro you guys are brothers lmao

>> No.6894774

Did they just objectively look at the artwork and took it apart piece by piece
Or did they also insult you along with it?

>> No.6894777

why do people think you have to be god tier to get an industry job? even if your style is “unappealing” and your anatomy isn’t great as long as you have other/desired technical skills you can get an industry job (e.g. you can draw consistently, you know how to use certain software, etc). if you have that, anyone who is past low int and can reasonably market themselves can find work. obviously being better helps a lot and you might not be the one directing the show, but you’ll be able to get an art job

>> No.6894782

Is this guy telling the truth or being a silly salmon?

>> No.6894784

NTA but like most jobs, it's about who you know and not what you know

>> No.6894823

i’m telling the truth, at least for americans. for example, just look at the thesis projects of recent art school grads, specially animation. all the halfway decent ones are snatched up by disney or other big networks. there are also lots of grads who have fuck ugly styles and or bad anatomy, but they have decent fundies and can draw the same character from multiple views (so no floating heads, and you have to draw the hands) and keep it consistent. they also always have multiple finished portfolio pieces. that’s what gets them work.

is also right. if you are easy to work with and talk to, you will find more opportunities as long as your work passes a certain threshold.

>> No.6894856


>> No.6894859 [DELETED] 
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Artists have been a parasite / casteless class since the start of human history. They're not special, nothing they do is MaGiCaL or difficult (a bunch of 20 year old programmers with no art experience out did them at their own game) they're just entitled, hyper sensitive meatbags crying for muh "acceptance and respect" that they don't deserve and can never earn. All they ever did was make disposable pictures to entertain people who actually grew up and worked for a living. And those people have AI now. Nobody needs these pathetic faggots anymore. Kill yourselves. No one will mourn you. So long, and thanks for all the training data!

>> No.6894864

>Proomptnigger calling others parasitic

>> No.6894866

Parasocial relationships are underrated and I'm not joking. No one loves me in real life but at least senpai likes my replies to his work

>> No.6894870 [DELETED] 

I don't actually prompt, I just take shit from deviantart and post it here. I larp until I get banned. I like hurting people and artists are easy marks.

>> No.6894879

Holy copium. You'll be dead before you hit your late 30s. You know that artist doesn't give a fuck about you, right? You're just another data point, it's part of the social media grind I do it all the time. I put on the "I'm a sociable kind person who really cares about my fans" hat and write a bunch of bullshit responses to the comments I get. "Oh, thank you so much, glad you liked it," or "I really appreciate you taking the time to comment, it keeps me going!" It's all lies. The only thing that matters is that you believe it so that gullible shiteaters like you keep coming back to lick my balls.

Amazing the lies people have to sell to themselves to stay sane. Imagine being so deceived.

>> No.6894882

I want what you have. To be loved..and for my fans to love what I make. For you to take it for granted is so irritating.

>> No.6894883

do you know what board your posting on? trust me ur not hurting anyone here, take it over to reddit

>> No.6894885

When you get there, you'll realize you were sold a lie. Being loved by a bunch of text and numbers on a screen won't fill the void in your heart. Go get laid and contribute something of value to the world if you want to feel loved, otherwise kill yourself.

>> No.6894888

honestly anon it's good your retarded religion allows for "reincarnation" perhaps you could finally reroll into something that could eat steak after
I would say maybe you'll be a cow but more than likely it means you were already someone dinner already
>Veal is pretty good

>> No.6894909

>Amazing the lies people have to sell to themselves to stay sane. Imagine being so deceived.
I never said I was sane

>> No.6894916

are you offering?

>> No.6894974




>> No.6894984

They hate fun

>> No.6895003

/i/ laterally just draws. They don't have any standards, illusions, or ambitions, and don't give a fuck about any of that pedantic try-hard nerd shit that /ic/ is into.

>> No.6895012

>0 actual good artists have come from this place
I went from art shitter nobody to a hired professional and this board had a lot to do with it
Also >inb4 no I am not a 3rd worlder

>> No.6895022

those kids on tumblr most certainly have practiced way more than you have. They just hide it because it's "uncool" to work hard

>> No.6895059

Its unironically because of AI
Anybody active on a drawing forum is going to be nasty and bitter because their hobby/"career" is being blown the fuck out by people entering a few words into a website. Imagine you've spent countless hours and years of your life trying to learn how to make good art only to have a free to use tool come along that almost instantly generates better shit than you could ever hope to make on your own even if you were a good artist. Wouldn't you be snappy and bitter?

>> No.6895061

This. Turns out you can sit around smoking weed all day jerking it while wearing women's clothes, doodling for a couple minutes per day, and still become a master artist. The whole "work hard" thing is a capitalist/American myth meant to enslave you

>> No.6895069

>dead board
>98% beg anon
>bigger attention starved dramafags than most of the autistic /ic/ shitters
/i/ sucks nigger, there's a reason everyone stays here.

>> No.6895075

Get over yourself, this board is mostly spam at this point

>> No.6895088

/i/isn't any better with most of the shit in the catalog art 1-2yrs old dead threads or personal threads for schizos. At least there are people who can draw on /ic/ you doodlefags are just bad and mentally ill.

>> No.6895139

Really? Last time I checked nobody stopped making art supplies, and that's all you want if your goal is to draw.

>> No.6895142

I don't post any major work on here because it's bad rep. But I do help people out if they have questions that I can answer. Sadly, people with less experience like to question things because they're bitter and unwilling to listen.
>t. pro

>> No.6895148

Literally nothing wrong with taking the doodlepill

>> No.6895167
File: 91 KB, 488x516, no_fun_allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, i prefer to mostly avoid this board and not to learn from locals
i'd rather listen to a redditor or a meme youtuber than to /ic/rabs

t. beg

>> No.6895435

I been around enough doodlefags to know how deeply insecure many of you fags get the moment you're surrounded by artist who draw better than you, people who are seriously about improving their art or both.

>> No.6895496

Nobody here draws so that's not an issue

>> No.6895563

I don't care how many anons deny it, I do not believe a single anon here actually enjoys "the process" They view it as a chore

>> No.6895619

Go to the generals sometime doodlebeg

>> No.6895627

They just don't shitpost to keep the art threads alive as long as possible.

>> No.6895903

10 min beg scribbles are shitposting

>> No.6896158

/i/ is essentially 4chan's version of Nintendo DS Pictochat, it's an entirely different thing than what you are comparing it to. Calling it doodling is not accurate because most posts are being drawn deliberately with focus and intent - as opposed to being absentminded or secondary. Artists there are also limited by the applet they use to create their artwork, it has certain flaws and a raw quality that is uniquely challenging to work in. There is also a different mindset about art that is being posted there because it's exclusively done as a hobby, standards for technical/creative ability are low and criticism isn't generally welcomed.

A good /i/ thread has an extremely high image to post ratio, almost no discourse between posters, and will last well over a year.

>> No.6896373

This, there's one ESL retard that gives the most unhelpful critiques that Ive noticed multiple times, it's like a sewer rat screeching about change, just nonsense

>> No.6896387

Fucking this

>> No.6896615

only those who failed stay

>> No.6896985

Why do you think that effort should automatically translate into mastery? You probably think to yourself that you deserve to become a great artist just because you put an X amount of hours into drawing. What exactly do you mean by "putting effort"? What do you do every day to improve?

>> No.6897005

That's only a problem if you dedicate yourself to following the 'rules' and 'styles' that others have invented; you will always be 'a copy'. A person who expresses himself sincerely is 'his beginning and his end', it cannot be compared.

>> No.6897010

It’s just so miserable.
Drawing is my main hobby outside vidya.
Sometimes I try to make friends with it and I’m realized I’m surrounded by idiots and insane people

>join 4chan group
>it’s all autisms and faggots who throw a giant sperg out over every minor slight against someone who wasn’t even there

>join /ic/ group
>it’s just a bunch of tumblr tier fujos spamming gay porn and freaking out over anyone who they perceive as a pedo (unless it’s underage boys being gay then it’s fine!)

>join different /ic/ group
>banned because I drew an anime girl that the owner thought looked “too young” despite it being completely sfw anyways

>post on /ic/
>banned because I said the wrong words and triggered a tumblr mod

>join RL group
>okay everyone first action of this meeting. Let’s go around and say our pronouns so nobody gets offended!

I genuinely
Hate everyone and everything

>> No.6897046

>unable to integrate into 9000 social groups
Nah that's just you being an massive insufferable faggot. Noone has problems like this beside only the biggest of fucking losers.

>> No.6897089

>can't mingle with anons or irl
You are the problem anon sorry to tell you this.

>> No.6897094

Just stop being a lolicon

>> No.6897101

It's hard to find normal anons

>> No.6897108

ordinary normal people are boring

>> No.6897114
File: 525 KB, 875x618, 1587366766374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you said this irl i would instantly become your friend.
You are not the problem, Anon, most normies are insane.

loli is kinda cringe but
i still would accept you tho

>> No.6897116

>loli is cringe but shota is okay
No thanks faggot

>> No.6897123
File: 127 KB, 733x960, 1579889304070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone is willing to accept him cringe and all
>refuses based on the cringe of others
just say you want to find other lolifags then, retard

>> No.6897138

>join /ic/ group
>it’s just a bunch of tumblr tier fujos spamming gay porn and freaking out over anyone who they perceive as a pedo (unless it’s underage boys being gay then it’s fine!)
>loli is cringe but shota is okay
Funny considering the fujos split their general to kick all the shotafags out recently, makes sense they clowned you for being a pedo.

>> No.6897190
File: 56 KB, 720x715, 1535312895589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad reality is that most people are thoughtless NPCs.
I mean, look at some of the replies here.
You are better off finding one or two close friends or just straight up being alone.
Groups have little to no value, never seen one with useful critique either, they only exist for the attention starved.

>> No.6897508
File: 92 KB, 1103x837, 20220109_182210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to give a proper response to this with some actual advice on how to socialize and Be Happy but instead I have one question since my good will would probably be wasted on you anyways:
What is with you pedophiles and always trying to blame shit on others that you, and only you, do? Most (if not all) of what you've written here is just fanfiction you've created about multiple groups (badly written btw) in order to justify your current behavior (being an antagonistic, anti-social faggot pretty much everywhere you go) but that all aside, what exactly is the infatuation? Is it a political thing? A personal vendetta? Or is it some type of cope you guys come up with so you don't feel like a bunch of freaks for drawing CP lite? Genuine question btw

Look in a mirror dude, you're obviously the problem if you're being kicked out everywhere you go, on 4chan of all places. This website is like grounds zero for socializing, maybe try being nicer to people if you don't like being kicked out of group after group. You don't get to be an asshole unwarranted and then try to throw a pity party once people RIGHTFULLY decide that they don't want to be around your miserable ass. Retard.
And also also!
>join RL group
This one is how I KNOW your ass does not go outside lmao

>> No.6897551

He has half of a point though. I joined a community hub for a specific fetish and ever so often they get into the dumb argument of "the fictional age of this drawing is not allowed" while at the same time making an huge exception to Pokemon because "we really can't do anything about that, it's an unspoken rule." It's dumb and not worth engaging in, but you get thrown into arguments unprovoked.

If they're getting kicked out of 4chan chats then that's on them but then again all of you are already insufferable.

>> No.6897600

>all of you are already insufferable.
Sorry. Everyone is so mean here and I just want to fit in.

>> No.6897604

I'm not even kidding when I say that many anons here, deep down, know AI is going to fuck them over and I think they're taking it out on others.
Very soon "making it" will lose meaning

>> No.6897636

>I joined a community hub for a specific fetish
If you're joining a coom server then it's already over. No shade to you but those attract the bottom of the barrel when it comes to user base.
>all of you are already insufferable.
maybe I'm just lucky but I seem to have some pretty good luck outside of a few schizos here and there. But 4chan in general is is kinda lame, agreed. Just look at the pajeet bots back at it again >>6897604

>> No.6897707

It sucks because it's not really even a fetish but it's assumed if you like to draw this particular thing, then you must love this fetish. And that just leaves me to not engage.

>> No.6897734

What's the fetish?

>> No.6897755

This board is comprised of people who spent their whole life drawing and never “made it,” beginners, and coomers who draw weird porn.

The advanced artists on here are bitter because they realized after copying Bridgman and Loomis 20 times and filling sketchbooks with boring studies, they never actually took time to enjoy their art.

The beginners are bitter because they are told their art is garbage and they have to do 1000000 studies before it will ever be worthwhile to draw. It seems like a Sisyphean effort to even draw for fun.

And then the coomers are just weird as fuck honestly and bring nothing of value to any discussion. This should be a blue board.

>> No.6897757

Asphyxiation, to be very precise drowning

>> No.6897779

Well I'm not a pedophile.
I just like anime girls, and to normies and fat ass whales of fujos, any attractive girl is underage.

I don't draw porn or anything even suggestive, the one drawing I got banned for was a girl in a bikini, because I was gesture drawing and didn't feel like drawing outfits. So I made it sfw and moved on.

>> No.6897797
File: 1.74 MB, 498x496, o1hmxwejh3p71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a real winner anon

>> No.6897800

Never met a single person who proudly declared that they hated everyone and everything who wasn't a colossal bitch faggot. Not one.

>> No.6897829 [DELETED] 

Hi Emwi :)

>> No.6897846

Anyone anti-loli is inherently anti-artistic values.

>> No.6897871

Just come out of the closet already you unironic tranny.
You can draw children without making it your entire identity pedophile.

>> No.6897876

I'm going to draw some kids just for you.

>> No.6897883
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 8f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6897888

>Is that someone who wants artistic freedom and to be able to convey their thoughts and emotions using a creative medium?

>> No.6897935
File: 677 KB, 1061x1500, dab77c5da93cb85d2dc7b4e02c3343f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not anti-loli
i just like older fertile women

while i self-insert as a young boy
i probably was molested by an older woman but unfortunately i don't remember

>> No.6897939

This, but uniroically

>> No.6897951

Making fun of you isn't oppression nigger.

>> No.6897976


You'll literally go through any mental hoops and ladders and any sort of level of cognitive dissonance to convince yourself you're not a nonce.

>> No.6897982

It is oppression when you're banned for it and your life is threatened just because you want to draw things that aren't even pornographic.

>> No.6897993

I worked at the shitter job for years and saved for the day I would move on to the next job, which would be where I would settle for a long career.

savings, fortunate circumstances, and budgeting.

>> No.6897999
File: 178 KB, 631x474, 1633643372983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inspired to draw specifically from Japanese cartoons/comics designed specifically with Japanese tastes in mind
>Drawn by and for Japanese people only, that these are sold in the west is kind of accidental
>Go on to fetishize every other aspect of Japanese culture
Have you consider that maybe Otaku people are Transracial? Troons are angry and misserable, Otaku/Weebs are just another breed of Troon.

>> No.6898334
File: 80 KB, 849x875, 20221026_233525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, if you're drawing a girl and everybody and their mother thinks it's a loli, then you're either drawing a loli or you're just that bad at drawing. Work on your proportions instead of acting like a victim. But seeing how you type you probably won't and just continue being a seething faggot.
And what's with the fanfiction again? Is this how you lash out or something? You do realise you're entering schizo territory with that type of behavior?

>> No.6898825

just post the fucking loli

>> No.6899282
File: 536 KB, 692x577, 1587078915055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we spend most of our lives thinking about escapism, fantasy and perfection that we can never have and cope by putting it to paper.
what about that isnt depressing.

>> No.6899718

Having too much fun creating to be sad about the reason why sorry

>> No.6899840

idk I draw for myself and I'm quite happy when I do it. the rest is probably just unsuccessful wannabe ecelebs and art school faggots with delusions about life.
also this. I used to hang out here a lot before I realized almost all of you are insufferable faggots and trannie. I hang out on tumblr now, trannies there at least don't try to hide themselves I can just block them right away

>> No.6899844

If you post art online you aren't "drawing for yourself"

>> No.6899845


>> No.6900123
File: 129 KB, 910x682, 1539573450105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because drawing is one of the worst hobbies one can pick up. And to add salt to the wound, most anons here, whether they admit it or not, dream of "making it". But at the same time, most anons know deep down it will never happen. Not only will most here never make a career out of it but most won't even reach a passable level. Again though, they know this but they've sunk far too much time, energy, and money to quit.
Imagine wanting to enter such a highly competitive, over saturated field. Even if your goal isn't an art job you still have to deal with constant self doubt thanks to the thousands of artists around you, probably producing better work despite being the same age if not younger. Also add the fact that most anons on this site have little going on in their actual lives.
And going back to age, I strongly feel that anons starting in their 20s is another factor in their anger. Majority of pros have been drawing under mentors since childhood. Even with all the resources we have now, an adult in their 20s will have to deal with their more critical mind. A kid is more likely to look past their bad art, an adult will not be so lucky.

>> No.6901470

normality is subjective. also abnormal people are insufferable.

>> No.6901504

This can't be stated enough

>> No.6901526

>there's a reason almost 0 actual good artists have come from this place
firez would like a word with you.

>> No.6901545

I’d say the problem is that nobody on 4chan is mentally developed and artists are far from normal as well.

>> No.6902664

Hi Delta

>> No.6902675

How to discover Delta on /ic/ keywords:
>Fujos. Fujoshi.

>> No.6902717

delta wouldn't deny being a pedophile. that's some other loser

>> No.6902737

Don't you see that the post has recurring theme anon?
Fujos. Mention of "minor" or "pedo" or "too young"

>> No.6902769

>join /ic/ group
>it’s just a bunch of tumblr tier fujos spamming gay porn and freaking out over anyone who they perceive as a pedo (unless it’s underage boys being gay then it’s fine!)
I feel like l know the guy who this happened to, which is how I know it's not him. Besides constantly name-dropping people you don't like all of the time only makes you fujos look like a gang of rabid-ass dramawhores and schizos to the onlookers and it makes people really not want to associate with you guys. Learn to let things go and stop giving him guaranteed attention all of the time. you're only giving him and other more reasons to want to fuck with you.

>> No.6902791

literally don't even know who that is
but your attempts to name drop and drama whore about random people is exactly the type shit i hate everyone here for.

every single 4chan group is made up of a bunch of immature retards who never socialized in middle school so they think 4chan is the place to live out their clique bullshit.

people don't avoid you guys because you're some epic trolls, they avoid you because nobody worth a damn enjoys being around people mentally stuck at a middle school level

>> No.6902815

>every single 4chan group is made up of a bunch of immature retards who never socialized in middle school so they think 4chan is the place to live out their clique bullshit.
>people don't avoid you guys because you're some epic trolls, they avoid you because nobody worth a damn enjoys being around people mentally stuck at a middle school level
It's like this anon is speaking out of my soul.

i honestly wish these discord trannies killed themselves already

>> No.6902827

>discipline is bad

have fun being an adult dipshit

>> No.6902840

you first tranny

>> No.6902865

Very few here are having fun

>> No.6902867

Speak for yourself

>> No.6902877

What I was saying is that if you are not disciplined, it's not just art that you will struggle with. You're going to be a dependent, pathetic, adult child for the rest of your life. No one else can be disciplined for you. No one else can do the work you need to do. Take ownership of your fucking life or die.

>> No.6902886

I never wanted to be born. Honestly wish my parents would have euthanized me so I'm making their lives a living hell until they do

>> No.6903235 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1080x1008, 1691506415286264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but if this friend of yours was in Delta's little circle of fags or with whoever owned that Discord, I can assure you they weren't banned because of some "fujotranny" conspiracy. Based on my own personal experience with maro, and what others have shared with me about some of the others? They came into the servers and stirred a bunch of shit with randos for no real reason, got spanked, and searched for any excuse they could find to cover for their own schizo bullshit. Which it seems you more than happily ate up without question. It's bad enough even his own friends begged Delta to back off. If it was someone else, then I don't know.

>> No.6903300

btw none of this applies if you have a vagina between your legs teehee

>> No.6903483 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking of a different discord altogether from the delta shit and don't get me wrong he's a colossal faggot nigger in the highest order and so is the guy im thinking of (everyone dunked on him for being a fag too not just the fujos). Problem is that constantly bringing attention to this schizodom just makes everyone envolved look like whiny little bitches the more you see it. Like if 4chan has made you this mad then it's time get the fuck off of it. You don't need to go full Paul Reviere every single time something reminds you of some schizo, anon. It just gives the schizo more reason to do schizo shit and this board is gay enough as it is.

>> No.6903485

>Even the anons who actually draw all sound so fucking depressing
emotional vampire situation
people that aren't depressed aren't going to stick around long enough to deal with the depressed if the depressed in question has no intent to change.
the depressed usually make large statements like "i am quitting art!!" "i am quitting ic!!!" "i hate art!!" "i am leaving discord!!!" but nobody cares (or good riddance), but they never really do even if it could be good for them mentally to take a break for a month or even 6+.
The other people (non-depressed) just silently quit and ghost communication. It's why new cliques are formed; it's to avoid your depressed ass.
Case in point: the past 4 IC discords, Redlineguy, Crimson Daggers once it opened the floodgates

there's also something I like to call validation-porn where people consume content that validates them regardless of the subject. Usually it's politics, but some people "hate" politics and just want "art" but they simply replace one vice with another to drag down with them and offer no meaningful insight or addition to the subject.
They are merely here to
1. gather tutorials, reference, artbooks, "planning material" or pdfs with no actual plans or intent to use them right away, but more for collection purposes. The saving of a tutorial = easy validationpoint. "I have done something! I have saved this tutorial about anime eyes that consists of 3 panels and I haven't even actually looked at it!"
2. consume discussions and often derail them into debate; they do not look to improve themselves or further their understanding or logic but instead wish for the validation of being right so they post extremely biased opinions not in the hopes of furthering the discussion but "winning the argument". Another key takeaway to spot one is when they refer to "the people" or the majority instead of their own personal experiences. Often also because they have no personal experiences to base their arguments.

>> No.6903505 [DELETED] 

man, and i thought i had no life when there are individuals like this who spend their time staying in discords to play middle school drama

Unironically, the internet has been screwed over because kids are allowed to partake.
You can't be safe from them here, neither on other sites.

Can't wait for internet licenses to become a thing.

>> No.6903522


>> No.6903529

This is why I just draw for fun and my own enjoyment. I don't really compare myself to others because some of the art I consider to be dogshit is sometimes better than my own. And the ones that aren't I actually 100% see them making the same mistakes I do or did. Some have been doing it for years. The better artists I just copy their stuff for a bit and see if I like what they do.

>> No.6903540

/i/ draws for the fun of it
/ic/ draws like it's a job

>> No.6903546
File: 898 KB, 1668x912, 5749FB4B-B68B-47C7-8F2F-981319903268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The happy artists are busy drawing instead, many of them doing it on stream or voice chat with their other happy artist friends
Like people who have a regular, as in daily, group gaming session with their mates instead of the sad bastard who’s addicted to LoL and plays solo
t. not particularly happy but friends with some of those types

>> No.6903552

man I never understand you people
if you were to channel even 3% of that cringe "I am 13 and life sucks I want to kill myself I am such a loser + absent father figure" energy and just fucking got over yourself and realize you are not god, the people you look out to aren't god and you never will be god you would've been the next Kim Jung Gi already.

People draw 3-5 hours a day after a heavy workday and you can't even fucking bring yourself to stop complaining about a single fucking line without having an existential crisis jesus fucking christ what is wrong with you get help unironically and do some soul searching and I don't mean that in a Whiplash-movie kinda of way but more that what you're saying is not only antagonizing and destructive to yourself but those around you as well, those who you look up to and those that look up to you.
Go out and travel, experience life, release these self-set tensions.

If anything if you are going to quote sophisitcated cringe, read up on Moloch and entropy. And if you're too smart for that or not smart enough or have the attentionspan of a 24-38 year old white american; watch Little Miss Sunshine

>> No.6903556

Everyone in art acts like a 16 year old girl or flaming homosexual. All they do is gossip and bitch. You have to filter through the sludge.

>> No.6903629

>fucking and partying and making children and supporting the economy
That sounds awful.

>> No.6903905

How you doing SuspendedPain?

>> No.6903962

Not them either, but clearly since the thread thinks I'm at least 4 different people, you guys know exactly the type bullshit I'm talking about.

>> No.6903972


>> No.6903977

5 now.

>> No.6903989
File: 456 KB, 640x525, 1688715676430719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care that much? Just focus on yourself. It's not a competition. If you feel you have to keep comparing yourself to others, you are never going be happy. It's like going to the gym and comparing your skinny/fat ass to bodybuilders. Yeah, there's no competition, but that's not what you're here for. You're trying to improve yourself. If you focus on your own stuff, you might be able to go places and and do things you never thought possible, but that requires you to focus on your own stuff.

inb4: muh cope, muh genes, muh ai, muh not starting earlier, muh ___________
Crybabies like you are the reason why I stopped coming here. You're all attention whores who want to live a perfect life, but never want to lift a finger. You make excuses for why you can't do anything by setting yourself for failure though impossible goals. You want to ignore any good advice? You want to curl up into a ball and never do anything? Fine. I don't want to hear any of you faggots wondering how you wasted your life. Learn to just fucking enjoy things.

>> No.6904000

drawing? fun? what low iq beglets.

>> No.6904012

The fact that people are taking guesses to who spilled their spaghetti off of ic just solifies that you were a sperg to being with. Not like you would admit was you though, I can a say name (spar torpedo, listener) but that just means you stood out to me as a person who didn't leave a good impression.

>> No.6904041

idk about the rest of these fools but i am just here to have fun
i also wanna anonymously share and discuss my hobby because making a social media acc looks like drama

>> No.6904115
File: 19 KB, 474x429, 1678584433825791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though I don't like name-dropping local autists I have to agree they are in fact massive spergs, what retards let pronoun shit keep them from touching grass? like no wonder you're so unhappy, you can't leave /r9k/ /pol/shit on 4chan long enough to just be a normalfag when it counts.

>> No.6904239

>board that exists solely for people having trouble with art to seek advice
>people go there only to seek advice
>they don't get any good advice because good artists simply don't have a reason to visit

>> No.6904246

i don't accept the premise, did you expect a cheerleading hugbox where anyone that posts art gets showered in compliments and "you go girl! you rock this! awesome!" type feedback?

>> No.6904392
File: 996 KB, 1275x1650, werewolf_akio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can each and every one of you stfu and actually draw?

Even I, a person who has publicly flogged a schizo, am tired of seeing this faggotry in every goddamn thread. Idc about your gay 4chan holy wars and as much as I have 0 respect for some of these retards, I simply stay the fuck away from them instead of going on some lame ass witch hunt chasing randos into thread after thread and crying about x groups because that all that behavior does is make you a bunch of nodraw dramawhores and insecure losers that make this board so shit to begin with.
If you feel so confident to namedrop people then you should at least feel confident enough to post your own damn work with it otherwise you're just another PUSSY trying to stir up shit while hiding behind le anonymity.
Idc how hurt your feefees are or how justified you might feel because at the end of the day you're all just a bunch of losers trying to play turf war and crying foul the second it backfires on you all while dragging down random unsuspecting people who have nothing to do with this shit.

I don't expect any of you to ever own up to your bullshit, but at the very least look in a mirror and cut the crap otherwise you're all gonna die miserable.

>> No.6904397
File: 174 KB, 1000x1200, 20231021_100147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And btw, none of you fags are as clever or as sneaky as you think you are. Just go draw in your own threads and be happy. Or if you share threads then just ignore eachother. It's that fucking easy but instead you'd all rather act like a bunch of bitches. It's embarrassing.

>> No.6904438

>dramafags try to pretend they're not the dramafags while also blatantly trying to start drama
every time

>> No.6904446

>no work attached

>> No.6904481

You know there's a middle ground right?

>> No.6904485

>post work so we can schizo name drop you in every thread on the board

>> No.6904492

You're retarded but I expected as much.

>> No.6904497

You should stop drawing and become a writer instead.

>> No.6904504

>/i/ is essentially 4chan's version of Nintendo DS Pictochat
It's called oekaki. Please leave 4chan, you literal child.

>> No.6904508
File: 372 KB, 2550x3300, Ur mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't be held accountable for stalking and dramafagging then don't stalk and dramafag. And even then I don't agree with shitting up entire threads over vendettashit. I made my point crystal clear but unfortunately your schizophrenia fucks with your reading comprehension.

>> No.6904516 [DELETED] 
File: 387 KB, 1927x1844, faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What amazes me is how they went after about fucking everyone on the threads and how it all hit at once. Stalking everyone on their hitlist in the threads and shit until it all got out of their control when Delta sperged out about his femboy OC getting lewded as a sexy himbo.
I checked out their lil leader's Twitter on lunch today and it's just him simping for some no name pngtuber and bitching about being lonely not being able to make friends for years and shit like that. Shit like "I need to regain my innocence", "being an unknown somebody brings more satisfaction than being known" cope.
These fags need to touch grass and find shit in their lives that fucking matter, not shit up 4chan threads with internet turf wars or something else retarded.

>> No.6904520

Women, gay people and cops

>> No.6904524

>Gooddraws is autistic

>> No.6904537

A lot of artists here are trying to make it big with their incredibly uninteresting drawings of cubes and flowers, so they get increasingly upset when some joker drawings titties and ass becomes the newest big shot with tons of support from a following willing to shell out cash and other big artists that these losers totally didn't want to be friends with and mooch off their success early on

>> No.6904551 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1475x1800, morefags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods protecting schizos
lmao even
It's fucking pathetic. They even went after him in the lewd threads pretending to be him. Even rando Twitter users for no reason.

>> No.6904556

Jesus fuck
Who else are they targeting?
I've been accused of being random whos before in OC threads

>> No.6904564

Better question is WHY are they being targeted than who? I just wanna see the bullshit reasoning behind this board insanity just once. Just lay your case out there for everyone to see.

>> No.6904574

>Jannies keep deleting the pics
They'll keep b8 threads up but not someone calling people out on their schizo behavior

>> No.6904615

They're just shitposting and want to fuel their middle school mean girls fantasies by "bullying" people here.

>> No.6904629

>”why are people on this board so bitter?”
>bitter people show up and blame their problems on other people
every time.
>oh it’s not me, I draw, see!
yeah you’re not convincing anyone

>> No.6904633

Reminder that anyone who “posts art” and it’s an “attractive” young male (i.e tumblr fujoshit) is either a deranged mentally ill woman or a faggot, literally human refuse. Do not interact with them.

>> No.6904636

threads and posts get auto-deleted if reported by a bunch of people
Should be obvious that whoever reported that post, didn't want it up for anons to see

lemme check the archives though

>> No.6904704

I only listen to people who posts work.

>> No.6904730

>He's trying to deter people away from those that actually post their work

Oh my god dude, come on

>> No.6905128

Reminder that anyone who “posts art” and it’s an “attractive” young female (i.e twitter pedoshit) is either a deranged mentally ill tranny or a pedophile, literally human refuse. Do not interact with them.
See how retarded you sound

>> No.6905175

>based pedolta exposes cringy fujotrannies that devolved the thread into dramashit about themselves again
Well it's time to hide the thread I guess

>> No.6905235

I want a fujoshi girlfriend

>> No.6905648

You don't to get derails threads by singling out a group than act indignant when they show up to call you a faggot for doing so. Stop bringing up fujos if you can't stand them so much retards.

>> No.6905685

Anyone who draws better than them and get praised for it really. The bar for getting in the schizo crosshair is sitting on floor at this point.

>> No.6906625

i genuinely get so fucking angry whenever i see the snicker doodle fag. Like unreasonably angry. they dont even do anything to make me mad, its just the sight of their art and knowing they lurk.

>> No.6906662

If you're not at least a little bit schizo then I can't respect your art. If your mind is perfectly intact then you have not really dived deep into drawing nor did you ever put your soul into a piece. Your soul needs to be fractured and hanging on for dear life as some of it drips onto the page.

>> No.6906668 [DELETED] 

lol, yea I lurk

>> No.6907690

Best posts in the thread

>> No.6908025

It really is the newfags. After all the pros migrated to the Discord servers we got a shit ton of migrants from other boards pouring in over the last year. All the drama those threads contained flooded into this board, and this faggotry is a direct consequence of it.

>> No.6908386

hi deltafag

>> No.6908399

stfu delta, even green wouldn't touch you

>> No.6908464

Just be my friend, I think I can promise you i'm not like any of that, it's not exactly a very high bar to pass.

>> No.6908661

Raise your bar higher. This faggot is not worth it.

>> No.6908705

>shunned everywhere he goes
Stop being an insufferable fagggot.

>> No.6908721

>totally organic btw

>> No.6909304

You might be right with that anon.

>> No.6909321

I do not know your circumstances, but I'm gonna be honest and say you need to take a break from drawing. Focus on something else productive for a while, one you enjoy the process of. Then, once you regain your confidence? Make a decision whether or not to continue it, or get back to learning how to draw.

>> No.6909507

Reminder that the people spearheading the drama either has the lowest effort art or none art all.

>> No.6909903

The thread itself is drama bait

>> No.6910536

If that was the intent it worked very well though I doubt it

>> No.6910713

Well, whether it was intentional or not, it's still bait for drama
People here likes to stir some shit

>> No.6910965

Kind of surprised how long that shit was left unchecked until the leaks

>> No.6911169


>> No.6911198

Some Discord server got leaked where a bunch of /i/fags talked shit about anons here for the most retarded reasons and tried to chase them off.

>> No.6911260

>delta assraped
I was on that thread, shit was hilarious
He tried so hard to keep low profile but the need of attention whore got his best kek
Massive faggot

>> No.6911326
File: 80 KB, 1024x909, 1682676652800552m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know about targeting, but I've had my fair share of vendettafagging too despite not getting into any mayor conflicts, I'd assume it's something along the lines of what anon here >>6905685 said, fueled also by seeing the same artists constantly, more so if they are being actively complimented.
>I dont like this guy for [insert petty reasons] and I see him everywhere, now Im going to bully him whenever I see him!
That's the reasoning, more or less. Goodraws is a great artist and he is pretty active in the threads he posts, not to mention he is well received most of the time, so go figure why some people would target him.

Crabbing at it's finest, I guess.

>> No.6911377

>go figure
>is a great artist
Tealguy got doxxed by jellyfags

>> No.6911434

It's literally these faggy ass nodraws being angry at people who are well liked and/or draw better than them. I seen retards andomly screaming and name droping people who aren't posting in the threads at the time because i guess schizo didn't get to chew them out enough. Truely what nograss does to these motherfuckers.

>> No.6911744

Imagine seeing a girl you like get asked out by a guy you know for a fact is a complete asshole, and you just have to let her get abused by him. Then she turns around and calls you abusive and a bad boyfriend. Next, imagine going to Mcdonalds and people keep cutting in front of you in line. Whenever you say something, the manager tells you to leave, so you just sit there and take it. When it's finally your turn to order, they tell you it will cost this much, so you pay. Then the guy after you orders the same thing, but the cashier tells him it's only a dollar. You bring this up and they say that you just need to keep grinding orders.

This is what its like to draw. There's nothing fair about this. In fact its the most unfair hobby, even though it looks like and is pushed as a meritocracy. "Just draw" "just practice your fundies and it'll all work out" meanwhile people with no fundies are drawing way better than you. You spend hours and days and months and years toiling away and being forced to face your lack of skill for very small incremental gains, while everyone around you doodles a bit and gets endless praise for it. Anyone would be a little mad.

>> No.6911794


>> No.6911800

imagine being so fucking fat
you look at drawing advice
and see fucking mcdonalds

>> No.6912017
File: 26 KB, 275x274, 1481508353595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.6912048

it's a burger, what else you expected?

>> No.6912309

911, I'd like to report a murder...

>> No.6912911

are you trans btw?

>> No.6912992
File: 610 KB, 2048x2038, F7C8YyUWgAAHKLa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real redpill is that art really is a competition whether anons admit it or not. If you want an art job, you NEED to outrun your peers. Comparing yourself to others is inevitable. I think a lot of artist feel similar to you but since they're constantly lying about their beliefs they'll feed you some feel good reddit bullshit about self fulfilment. Get rid of these artists' commissions, jobs, and freelancing and they'll crumble. Look at all the popular twatter artists that have breakdowns when their follower count stalls for more than 2 days.

>> No.6915199

The best part was he got assraped in multiple threads and he started shit in each one.

>> No.6915262
File: 233 KB, 768x900, 1673682077862064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he wouldn't. He'd just be like pic related.

>> No.6915360

The ones that made it already left the board

>> No.6915361
File: 439 KB, 778x800, f765924f-1841-4c02-9e0c-1407c09e2da0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw

>> No.6915605

next bitch fit should be with a janny, it would be fucking funny

>> No.6915639
File: 8 KB, 269x187, 69713F20-2D01-4C4F-B650-985A3597871F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist's first redpill.

>> No.6915702

While those groups all sound completely awful, that's not what every group is like. As another anon pointed out, saying you hate everyone is a pretty big indicator that you are acting like an insufferable bitch(hopefully due to being younger than 23)

>> No.6915719

And what if you don't want an art job, is it still a competition then?

>> No.6915871

only if you want to make money off it.

>> No.6915907

Do the majority of the board want to make money off their art? That's a genuine question, because I don't lurk here often and I'm not aware of the general mood. I think most of the problems that were mentioned about the competitiveness of the art should disappear if you don't want to compete commercially, but they still persist even in those anons who make art as a hobby.

>> No.6915958

this place is a melting pot so i couldn't give you an exact metric, but there are a good chunk of people here who want or even have worked in the industry. another chunk who do freelance commission gigs. and all those in between. then of course there's the hobbyists and no-draws who give unsolicited advice in every thread

>> No.6918042

He doesn't even draw in most of the gerenals he schizos over. He just shows up stomp his shit into there tub drains and screams unintelligible shit. Pedophilic pokefurs not even once.

>> No.6918136

I mean, obviously I wouldn't mind making money off my drawings, but it's not the end goal or anything. It'd just be nice and encouraging to have some positive feedback that my art has some actual tangible value (money) rather than people pretending to like it because I pity bait.

>> No.6918193

>b-but muh fujoshits are pedos!! REEEEEEEEEE
as much i hate schizos shitting threads, his tantrums are hilarious
jannies will get tired of putting up with this shit and ban him

>> No.6918792
File: 108 KB, 692x486, 1641947214961 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish but let's have fun until then.

>> No.6918812

I desire to be among a group of people who can tear my art apart for some thorough criticism like conceptart.org did (although I've never seen conceptart org before), but none of the discords I'm in do that... I'm wondering where I can find a group like this

>> No.6918815

It's the site. 4chan is not place where happy content people come to be supportive, constructive or positive.

T. lurking since 2004

>> No.6918850

What was 4chan like back in 2004?

>> No.6918853

There were girls posting their boobs everywhere.

>> No.6918858

Rebellious, anarchist, optimistic. It felt like summer holiday after school semester. I think it being more anonymous than forums with nick names and message history and established personalities really allowed people be more creative and straight forward

>> No.6918875

Sounds gay.

>> No.6918919

holy shit he really is a faggot kek

>> No.6919078

Rose-tinted shades. The problems were always there from the beginning. Less of an invasion and more of a metamorphosis into something of a pressure relief valve. A digital, controllable Gaza Strip where enablers (Delta for example) shit up threads and chase anons off while women, fags, and actual pedos take up the emptied out space.

>t. Came here in 2012

>> No.6919205

I kind of get where this guy is coming from tho I grew out of it

>> No.6919966

>another thread devolves into exposing delta as a faggot pedophile
If I were that guy I'd would've already walked away.

>> No.6919988

Do you see artists complain about their hardships? nope. Just fucking draw retard.

>> No.6920115

As long as his handlers enable his faggotry, he'll keep coming back.