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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6904557 No.6904557 [Reply] [Original]

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related sequential work. Western-style comics and illustrations are not the focus of these threads, and should be posted to either /hyw/ in /co/, or other western-related com/ic/ threads.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making sequential art are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>6896992

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://mega.nz/folder/YQYAGJTR#1PAs3gRYTMoerPapIZTXGg
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Image is One Piece by Eiichiro Oda

>> No.6904559

Some western/indie publishers of manga-comics:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Noir Caesar ( https://www.noircaesar.com/ )
> Focuses on black (specifically African-American) content, but seems willing to publish anyone good enough.
> Seemingly series-based only.
> No "magazine" style updates; series are updated on their own schedule.
> Seems less regular than Saturday AM, but also seems larger in terms of readership.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

>> No.6904562

Current Contests:

Zenon Magazine:

Silent Manga Audition: https://www.manga-audition.com/sma20-memorable-smile/

Magic international manga contest: https://www.shibuya-productions.com/en/magic/magic-international-manga-contest.html,73

4-koma Contest:

/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.
>Remind western-comic posters to post in western-comic focused threads.

>> No.6904567

Wow this is One Piece?

>> No.6904573

I'm going traditional, any advice or recommendations?

>> No.6904583

I miss Kino Piece, sucks that Oda feels the need to butcher his pages with 6+ panels and reaction shots now.

Depends, what advice are you looking for

>> No.6904584
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Add these to the resources:

Sound effects/Japanese onomatopoeia:

Comprehensive dictionary of sounds: http://thejadednetwork.com/sfx/

How to use:

Onomatopoeia for Manga Artists (pdf):
https://sh0rturl (DOT) at/enotR

(replace 0 with o, replace (DOT) with . )

>> No.6904641

Where's your manga, OP?

>> No.6904668
File: 57 KB, 1024x768, WIP manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my primary monitor until it's finished.

>> No.6904671

Have you made any before?

>> No.6904672


>> No.6904676

Okay, care to share with the class?

>> No.6904681

Not really, no.

>> No.6904686

So you you're happy to attack others for their work, but afraid to show your own. I see.

>> No.6904701

I know what format manga is, and I know what separates it from comics, and I apply it. I'm capable of being objective enough to look at my own work critically.
I don't post it here because all you people will do is shitpost, harass, derail and invite more retards to do the same until the threads aren't even about manga anymore.

>> No.6904707
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>I don't post it here because all you people will do is shitpost, harass, derail

>> No.6904712

Not even. If someone posts off-topic they invite harassment upon themselves. This thread is about manga, not your /hyw/ shitpost.

>> No.6904722
File: 985 KB, 1087x1512, 恋人姉妹と先生_034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not your /hyw/ shitpost.
I make manga, and I can prove it when asked. I'm not afraid to, because I don't shitpost, harass others or derail threads. You can't say the same, because you're a hypocrite and you know it.

>> No.6904741

>telling someone who isn't even attempting to aim for the standard they they're wrong is harassment

It's harassment to post off-topic constantly.

Okay you make (hentai) manga. You know what you make, and you know that it's significantly different than western comics. Otherwise the hypocrite is you.
>it's not significant!
And your lack of respect will ensure that you fail. Not because I want you to, because I don't. Lack of respect always causes failure.
Ideas get stolen from here all the time so trying to egg me into posting anything but my cropped station won't work.

>> No.6904754

>>telling someone who isn't even attempting to aim for the standard
According to you. What gives you the authority again? Oh, nothing? Cool.
>you know that it's significantly different than western comics.
I know that it's not significantly different at all. I've learnt this over the decade I've been making comics, and I have the receipts to prove it.
>our lack of respect will ensure that you fail
My dude this "lack of respect" is just an excuse you've made up to dismiss me. I have a lot of respect for comics, or manga, or whatever you want to call it. Pointing out that the act of making a comic and making a manga is basically the same act does not imply a lack of respect for the medium.
>Ideas get stolen from here all the time so trying to egg me into posting anything but my cropped station won't work.
I'm laughing at you right now, just so you know. That's a newbie thing to say.

>> No.6904756
File: 292 KB, 1399x1988, rick-and-morty-the-manga-vol-1-get-in-the-robot-morty-9781637152416_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot western piggu defending pic related
This is why you will fail. And it's sad because I want you to succeed.

>> No.6904758

Ae you going to resort to the same deflection tactics again? Respond to my points.

>> No.6904759

You aren't the only person who's been making comics for over a decade.

>> No.6904761

Bro if you defend shit like the Rick and Morty """""manga""""" you can't be taken seriously.

>> No.6904773

Has the guy I'm responding to done so? Guess we'll never know, because he refuses to argue in good faith.

I wouldn't call it manga, but I would consider it and manga making the same kind of thing. A BMW is not a Lamborghini but they're both cars, and to a mechanic they're both made of the same anatomy. Now, do you forfeit these points >>6904754?

>> No.6904780

That girl has that DoorDash face

>> No.6904784
File: 73 KB, 418x595, 9781637152416_p8_v9_s600x595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A BMW is not a Lamborghini but they're both cars
Manga and comics are both sequential art but one is not the other and vice versa.
This shit is not manga. Looks close visually, sure, but it's an American graphic novel/comic drawn by an American artist and a non-Japanese writer, it's not manga.
>I wouldn't call it manga.
So you understand there is a standard to what is manga and what isn't. That standard is what separates manga from comics. I do not forfeit my points.

>> No.6904799

Here you go again with this talk of a "standard" defined and observed only by you. A manga is a work made by or in a similar style to those in japan. That's all it is, a style. A BMW is merely a style of car, manga is only a style of sequential art. A BMW is fundamentally the same thing as a Lamborghini, and a manga is fundamentally the same thing as a comic, or a bande dessine, or a manhwa and so on. It's fundamentally the same thing, and being good at making one will basically mean being good at making any of them, because they're all using the same skills and have the same standard of quality. That standard might not be enforced throughout every industry, but the same thing that can make a manga good can make a comic good. You are drawing a dividing line through arbitrary language and nothing else.

>> No.6904801

>defined and observed only by you
>I wouldn't call it manga,

>> No.6904804

I really want you to succeed drawbro but you need to respect the culture and medium before you can get on a high horse about it.

>> No.6904805

>>I wouldn't call it manga,
>but I would consider it and manga making the same kind of thing.
Try reading more than half a sentence at a time.

>> No.6904807

The fact that you wouldn't even call it manga when it has the audacity to call itself manga proves everything I've been saying all this time.

>> No.6904809

Read >>6904799
>You are drawing a dividing line through arbitrary language and nothing else.

>> No.6904810

you obviously didn't make that. it's in japanese.

>> No.6904811
File: 120 KB, 788x699, takodepression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do music fans get this uptight about genres? I dont think ive seen people give japs flak for rap music or italians for making westerns.

>> No.6904815

>through arbitrary language and nothing else.
Wrong. Wrong entirely and you know it. This is why it keeps going circular, because you ignore points I keep making because you can't refute them.
I, and you, have already proven everything I've been saying this whole time.

It's not a "genre", it's more like piano vs synth.
They're both keyboards but are they really the same thing?

>> No.6904816

music fans are the worst i've seen.

i wouldn't want to listen to your fav either, but you're blasting it for everyone to hear.

>> No.6904823

talking about standard, what blew my mind is that there are manga schools out there. think about that. no wonder they're so high quality

>> No.6904827

>It's not a "genre", it's more like piano vs synth.
I think we can all agree that stylistically there is a difference between Manga/Comics.

The underline argument that is seemingly being had atm is more "authenticity" than anything. If an artist truly does emulate the style to the best of their ability, is it not the artform?

Like japs who love rap music and pursue that art, are they any less of a rapper because theyre not some black dude from the bronx?

Is an italian film maker making a movie about cowboys not making a western just cause hes not from the wild west?


>> No.6904831
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Are you talking to me? See >>6904754
>I have a lot of respect for comics, or manga, or whatever you want to call it. Pointing out that the act of making a comic and making a manga is basically the same act does not imply a lack of respect for the medium.

Yeah, haha, obviously!

>Wrong. Wrong entirely and you know it. This is why it keeps going circular, because you ignore points I keep making because you can't refute them.
Ignoring my refuting of your points is not the same as the points not being refuted. I've been quite clear in refuting your argument that manga and comics are different things. You've yet to make an actual argument beyond allusions to this arbitrary "standard" of yours. What is this standard? Define it. What is a manga? And in what way is this definition backed up by reality? Does this definition have value in learning the craft? Or is it fit only for bookstore shelves?

A comic school would teach the same skills, which is my point. It's the same skills, so drawing a line between them is arbitrary.

>> No.6904833

>think about that. no wonder they're so high quality
go to any random doujin site where japs upload their work, youll find the same level slop you find on sites like mangapluscreators. The difference is that most of the world outside of japan is exposed to the very apex of their creators so thats the default image in their head for skill. Itd be like if everyone outside of the US was only exposed to guys like Alex Ross and would expect that level of work from amateurs

>> No.6904837

lol, never thought i'd hear rap and art in one sentence. it's gangster trash promoting crime and violence.

and imagine writing about a place you've never been to. at that point it's fantasy, not western.

>> No.6904842
File: 44 KB, 945x1024, idontappreciateyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deflects the point
>You cant write about places youve never been to
>Italians end up making the most genre defining westerns to date

>> No.6904847

>drawing a line between them is arbitrary.

>"Captain Underpants is my favorite manga!"
>"Dude my favorite comic book character is Luffy!"

What a brainlet take.
>you can only rap about crime and violence
Rap is a verbal artform like any spoken word poetry, it can be anyone doing it in any language as long as it follows the formula that constitutes "rap".
A Japanese person can rap about going to a ramen shop or whatever just as much as a black person can rap about any part of his own life.

>> No.6904851

>A comic school would teach the same skills
then why do comics and manga look so fundamentally different?

>> No.6904853
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>Why does the Sax player play Acid Jazz instead of Bebop Jazz???
You're fucking retarded anon.

>> No.6904855

not the same
unsure what you're trying to say here

>> No.6904856

>not the same
See my previous post

>> No.6904857

Still deflecting, I see. Is your argument so weak you dare not even utter it? I offered a definition right here >>6904799, but you're still just gonna hide behind strawmanning the opposing argument? You refuse to post work, you refuse to argue in good faith, what reason does anybody have to believe that you're not here only to troll and waste everybody's time in some sad attempt at crabbing people who are passionate about making things?

Well for one thing, there aren't comic schools. But again, stylistic difference is not fundamental difference.

>> No.6904858

doesn't matter what language.

a piece of shit by any other name smells just as bad.

>> No.6904859

>a piece of shit by any other name smells just as bad.
So youre saying japanese rap is rap?

>> No.6904862

There's no point in arguing with you because you're don't even seem to realize you proved my point.

>you're the only one who observes this "standard"
>well, I wouldn't call [western comic that falsely calls itself "manga"] a manga

>> No.6904872
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I didn't know they made an manga too

>> No.6904873


but manga is culturally different. i agree that fundamentally, both require pencilling, inking and a script. but the end result obviously looks different.

the Obama manga was really funny though.

>> No.6904874

>There's no point in arguing with you because you're don't even seem to realize you proved my point.
How did I prove your point? You clipped half a sentence where it looks like I'm agreeing with you, and ignored the rest. Do I need to point out how the rest of my sentence explains how you're wrong, again? You ARE just here to waste time after all. Your argument is that manga is not comics, and I'm saying manga and comics are the same thing.

>> No.6904877

pathetic attempt to jump on that bandwagon. they just want your dollars.

>> No.6904882

>How did I prove your point?
tl;dr- By saying you wouldn't call a western comic that markets itself as a manga a manga.

That by itself proved there is something significant that separates manga from comics and graphic novels. That something? Is the standard that constitutes whether or not something is manga. As another anon mentioned they even have schools for this, and those schools don't produce the same kind of artists western schools do. There is something, even a set of things, that make it fundamentally different.

>pathetic attempt to jump on that bandwagon.
No shit.
And it's why the standard must be recognized and enforced.

>> No.6904887

>but the end result obviously looks different.
Yes thats why i made the jazz comparison earlier. A saxophone player is ultimately still a saxophone player no different than an artist is still an artist. Its the style that determines what kind of art/music they make.

If someone is clearly trying to make something look more like Dragon Ball instead of Batman, they're clearly a mangaka making manga.

Now whether that person is a good mangaka is subjective the same way whether a musician playing a style of music is good or not is as well. But its still a mangaka the same way that a western manga is still a manga

>> No.6904888

Ok now I dont know if it's one guy samefagging or if it's two or three discord users simulating a drama here.

>> No.6904890

>If someone is clearly trying to make something look more like Dragon Ball instead of Batman, they're clearly a mangaka making manga.
That's what I've been saying.

>> No.6904895

>That something? Is the standard that constitutes whether or not something is manga
Which is...?
>As another anon mentioned they even have schools for this, and those schools don't produce the same kind of artists western schools do.
And yet those artists can go and make western comics, and have done so in the past. So it's more a case of one school of comicmaking being more effective than the other, rather than some fundamentally different skillset involved between the two "schools" of comicmaking.
>There is something, even a set of things, that make it fundamentally different.
Which is...?

It's mostly me and one other guy arguing with anons interjecting here and there and I think maybe having another argument simultaneously. This is a public forum where people are free to interject, not everything is some discord raid. If I had this guy on discord I'd be having this conversation over voice chat, anyway. Strip away the anonymity and a lot of the stupid non-arguments tend to go away too.

>> No.6904901

>western manga is still a manga
Just to be clear >>6904756 is not even manga, nor is it "western manga", it's a graphic novel.
"Western manga" is stuff like OEL manga, which looks and reads the same as any scanlated Japanese manga.

>Which is...?
Bro you're being retarded now. Just fuck off.

>> No.6904902

>Bro you're being retarded now. Just fuck off.
Make your point if you have a point. Don't just vaguely gesture to it and cry when someone asks you to elaborate.

>> No.6904906

I made my point, you even made my point. You're too stupid to understand after all this time repeating it over and over and over that's on you. Fuck yourself.

>> No.6904909

You haven't made any point whatsoever, unless your point is that arguments go nowhere when you refuse to properly define your terms.
Now you've made some claims, and you're being asked to clarify.

>There is something, even a set of things, that make it fundamentally different.
>That something? Is the standard that constitutes whether or not something is manga
I say there is no fundamental difference. You say there is. I'm asking you to make your argument: what is that fundamental difference that you see?

>> No.6904916

it's a stylistic difference, rooted in decades of culture. Not a fundamental one.

I don't know if it was you who brought up cars as a comparison, but a lambo is not mercedes, even if both are cars. That's just ignorance.

>> No.6904915

>You haven't made any point whatsoever
Yes I have.
My point is that there are fundamental differences between what constitutes manga and comics.
You proved that by not recognizing "Rick and Morty: The Manga" as manga. As a gaijin who supposedly works making real Japanese manga it's ironic how over your head this has all been.

>I say there is no fundamental difference.
But you observe and stated otherwise, as I mentioned above.

You proved my point, whether you want to realize that or not. I know it feels bad being wrong but you objectively lost this one. And don't think switching up to call RM:tM "manga" now will mean anything.

>> No.6904922

>it's a stylistic difference, rooted in decades of culture. Not a fundamental one.
This is what I mean.
I'll admit I was wrong in my word choice, the more appropriate word to use is stylistic, but what I also mean is that the distinct style is fundamental to manga.

>> No.6904934

>But you observe and stated otherwise, as I mentioned above.
No, I didn't. You're using phrasing to avoid actually addressing any of my points, lawyer. It's nothing but filibuster. You have no work to show, and no argument to make. You're a fake, and you're pretending otherwise to bring others down. To convince others that they're doing something wrong, when they were actually on the right path. To lead people astray, and to try to denounce those who would encourage them. You, in short, are a crab.
>it's a stylistic difference, rooted in decades of culture. Not a fundamental one.
Exactly. My point being, even if a mercedes or a lambo are different styles of vehicle, they're still fundamentally the same thing. Comics and manga are different styles of sequential art, but they are fundamentally the same thing. I say this as somebody who has done more than just dip his toes in both. I have worked on comics in a professional setting and I'm now working on manga in a professional setting, using almost identical skillsets.

>but what I also mean is that the distinct style is fundamental to manga.
Style is not fundamental. Yes, there is clearly a stylistic difference between the varieties of sequential arts, but this does not mean they use different fundamental skills. There IS no fundamental difference between them. Disagree? Then make an argument for it. Say what that difference is, don't just allude to it without defining it, because that only implies that you think there might be one but can't identify it, which is a failure to substantiate your argument, thus weakening it.

>> No.6904935

>No, I didn't.
Yes, you literally did.

>> No.6904936

Read the post before responding.

>> No.6904937

Not anymore dude. You already proved my point.

>> No.6904938
File: 36 KB, 279x368, 1655839998442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too afraid to address the arguments. Concession accepted. There is no difference. I think we're done here.

>> No.6904939

>Too afraid to address the arguments.
There is no argument to settle after you already proved mine right. At this point you're just clinging to ego.

>> No.6904940

You made a claim and refuse to argue it. One can only assume you HAVE no argument, you're just disagreeing for the sake of dragging others into an argument you have no intent on participating in. You're either a troll or a child. At this point I'm only responding so the thread can hit bump limit faster.

>> No.6904941

>You made a claim and refuse to argue it.
I argued my claim and you proved it.

>> No.6904943

>There is something, even a set of things, that make it fundamentally different.
>That something? Is the standard that constitutes whether or not something is manga
I say there is no fundamental difference. You say there is. I'm asking you to make your argument: what is that fundamental difference that you see?

>> No.6904947

>I say there is no fundamental difference.
And you observed and stated otherwise. You lose.
Good day, I hope your lack of respect doesn't bite you too hard.

>> No.6904952

>And you observed and stated otherwise.
Wrong. Please respond faster.

>> No.6904955

Why are you this upset about being proven wrong?

>> No.6904956

>Why are you this upset about being proven wrong?
Got nothing better to do while I wait for my editor to respond.

>> No.6904958

This cancerous level of smug is why you will ultimately fail.
Good luck.

>> No.6904959

Keep on believing that.

>> No.6904968
File: 233 KB, 286x496, 1627964234382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Style is not fundamental.
Acid Jazz and Smooth Jazz are still fundamentally Jazz

>> No.6904973

>Acid Jazz and Smooth Jazz are still fundamentally Jazz
Yes, and that's why style is not fundamental. If Acid Jazz can be identified as Jazz and Smooth Jazz can be identified as Jazz then clearly the defining elements of each are not fundamental to what Jazz is. In manga, style is malleable and changes by the author and even each individual work. Is manga right-to-left? Well there's works that are undeniably manga that are read left-to-right. Is manga printed in monochrome? Well there is are works that are undeniably manga that are drawn entirely in color, or not printed at all. Is it only manga if it's made in japan, by a japanese person? Then by that metric there are manga that look and feel like american or european comics by design, so that confirms that style is not the fundamental difference between manga and western comics.

>> No.6904975
File: 46 KB, 428x424, 1614382689548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that wall
Not reading that

>> No.6904976

Yes, and that's why style is not fundamental.

If Acid Jazz can be identified as Jazz and Smooth Jazz can be identified as Jazz then clearly the defining elements of each are not fundamental to what Jazz is.

In manga, style is malleable and changes by the author and even each individual work.

Is manga right-to-left? Well there's works that are undeniably manga that are read left-to-right.
Is manga printed in monochrome? Well there are works that are undeniably manga that are drawn entirely in color, or not printed at all
Is it only manga if it's made in japan, by a japanese person? Then by that metric there are manga that look and feel like american or european comics by design, so that confirms that style is not the fundamental difference between manga and western comics.


>> No.6904982

this is my first time in manga thread. is that all you guys do? talk about the difference between mango and coomics?

>> No.6904986

Not anymore since the debate was settled when the anon arguing that manga and comics were the same proved his own self wrong by correctly recognizing a western graphic novel for what it is, not what it markets itself as.

>> No.6904989

We talked about comics and manga happily before one guy decided he knew better and started derailing the threads. You can see for yourself >>6896992

>> No.6904991

One guy checked off-topic shitposters* you mean.

>> No.6904993

Post your manga. Oh wait.

>> No.6904995

I did.

>> No.6904997

You posted a screenshot of CSP. Anybody can do that. Post your manga, otherwise you haven't made even a single on-topic post yourself.

>> No.6905002

I posted a screenshot of my current workstation, cropped and edited to prevent theft and other security concerns.
All the posts I have made are on topic. At this point, well after you've lost the debate, you're just badgering me for no reason.

>> No.6905011

Stop wasting your time arguing with nodraws anon

>> No.6905016
File: 105 KB, 1726x1293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes 2 seconds to make something that resembles your "setup". You know, for "security" purposes.

Are you joking?

>> No.6905018
File: 466 KB, 1208x715, 1616595850005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an empty template with some deepl jap
No draw

>> No.6905020
File: 878 KB, 1686x907, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no draw
I'm the ONE anon in this thread who has posted any work at all. >>6904722 >>6904831

>> No.6905024

My bad anon, i had you confused for the other dude you were arguing with

>> No.6905025

He's not nodraw. He might be a blind faggot with questionable reading comprehension sometimes but a nodraw he is not.

>> No.6905028
File: 11 KB, 220x229, AI cyborg wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*SCHLURRRRP* thanks for the juicy research material anon this will surely be great mashed together with other works and spat out as original content

>> No.6905031
File: 93 KB, 324x478, 1655742996337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooooooo!!!! My ideas!!! You're stealing from meeeee!!!!

>> No.6905098

I was really investing in this thread, now that I've started working on comics.

But Jesus Christ. The arguments in here really make me regret posting. This is everything mainstreamers clown 4chan about.

Are people here cool with this stupid shit?

>> No.6905104

>caring what mainstreamers think

No wonder everyone here is so fucking dumb now.
Your /hyw/ shitposts are not manga. Go away.

>> No.6905105

Is there anyway I can delete my shit from the previous thread?

I'd rather not leave traces that I came here, now.

>> No.6905109

I'd be embarrassed too if I btfo my own argument too after spending the last few days fervently defending it. It's okay though, you live and you learn.

>> No.6905113

Seriously? Mainstreamers are average people. They all say this place is fucking loony.

I give it a chance, and the next thread literally proves what they said. It turned into a clown show way too fast.

>> No.6905116

We call them "normalfags" and we hate them.

>> No.6905117

Sadly that's the downside of the free-for-all anonymity. You can't so easily just ignore one poster, because nothing can really stop them from completely derailing conversations. Sometimes it's fine, but every general will inevitably attract one or more such individuals.

>> No.6905122

Unironically go backk to reddit.
Seems more your speed.
You want a circlejerk with other retards go ahead, your kind drags down the quality of the entire site, much like every other hobby space normalfags touch.

>> No.6905123

Any loli manga chads working on anything?

>> No.6905129

I enjoy the responses and participantion but I saw 2 threads close at around 300 posts.

1/3 of this thread is 2 guys arguing over shit I don't even understand. I just see a guy spamming hentai and another guy basically saying "Nuh Uh."

Like WTF is going on?! I am bewildered.

>> No.6905134

It's because you're missing context.
These /mmg/ threads have been ongoing for years, generally with very little of this pointless shitflinging you see today. Then within the past couple of days the OP of this thread arrived and decided to start shitting on people posting their work because it wasn't japanese enough for him or whatever, and he made this thread early to try and hijack the topic.

>> No.6905135
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 1608485259800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't wanna draw manga! I wanna draw western comics and call it manga!

>> No.6905138

Thanks for filling me in, dude.

>> No.6905147

Why are you even here?
Why can't normalfags just fuck off you're literally everywhere and you ruin everything.
You know good and well that any of the non-manga shit that gets posted in these threads would get instant b& on /a/ because it's not manga. Simple as.

>> No.6905149

Dude. Relax.

Be honest, are you trolling or are you seriously this annoyed/angry?

You guys need to chill the fuck out.

>> No.6905150

This isn't the place for normalfags just go back.

>> No.6905153

/mmg/ is a rollercoaster, sometimes it's pretty good with lots of anons posting their work and sharing experiences. And sometimes the whole general becomes a battlefield for useless drama. You should have been here when they turned this into a chainsawman thread.

>> No.6905158
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>> No.6905167
File: 318 KB, 720x619, Screenshot_20231025-031518~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im working on a comic where there will be some ghost lolis, demon lolis etc(it's a kind of touhou inspired universe) but nothing sexual

>> No.6905170

Not a loli manga chad then
Close though and would love to see more

>> No.6905178
File: 467 KB, 558x1527, new shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sucks

>> No.6905183

YWNBJfags are the a whole faggot of their own. The existence of wronganon (Drawbro) proves them wrong, they say a non-Japanese person can't make manga, and he is making one with a Japanese editor right now.
Why is he wronganon? Because he said there was no difference between manga and comics and then inadvertently proved that there was. Which is ironic considering if he was doing anything different to his work then he wouldn't even be talking to a Japanese manga editor.
I want him to succeed though, honestly.

>> No.6905185

>Not a loli manga chad then
If I go down deeper into the rabbithole I know I would not return...
If you wanna check it out: https://m.tapas.io/episode/2902377
I will be glad to know your opinion(first chapter read as right to left btw)

>> No.6905188

>are the a whole faggot of their own
Kek what happened.
But still the point stands.

>> No.6905191

I especially like the transition of the banshee explanation and how the speech bubbles show "the camera" on one scene then hearing the character speak as it cuts into the next.
This one here >>6905167

>> No.6905195

>Which is ironic considering if he was doing anything different to his work then he wouldn't even be talking to a Japanese manga editor.
But all I'm doing is manga the comics I was already making except in japanese.

>> No.6905196

The leading lines on the knights gives the panel a nice flow.

>> No.6905198

If it looked like Burgeroid capeshit you wouldn't even speaking to him and you know it. You already got proven wrong once, back for more?

>> No.6905201

noble intentions but you should just stop responding to him, he's clearly schizo
"you cannot win an argument with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

>> No.6905202
File: 926 KB, 1039x1450, Chapter 2_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I've been making what you would call "not manga" for close to a decade. The only thing I did "differently" to send it to the editor was I did it L<-R and wrote it in japanese. That's it. Nothing about my process or my approach changed.

>> No.6905204

>The only thing I did "differently" to send it to the editor was I did it L<-R and wrote it in japanese

>dude all I did was make comics then apply manga format to it even though if I didn't do that it wouldn't be manga!
Bro how do you keep doing this to yourself?

>> No.6905207

Glad you like it. I think the first chapter had a good flow than chapter two because I was focusing only in the characters. Chapter two I tried to focus on both background and characters and it didnt go that good.
I will try to fix that on the next chapter. Take the Panelling pill anons.

>> No.6905209
File: 48 KB, 855x469, 2x4 grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take the Panelling pill anons.
Hard agree.

>> No.6905210

THAT's what you think the "fundamental difference" is? Dude that's completely surface level. It's not fundamental at all. Jesus man you could have just said that.

>> No.6905211

>completely surface level.
Nothing surface level about thousands of years of rich art culture evolving into a unique and instantly recognizable style.

>> No.6905212
File: 26 KB, 302x176, 1633804167456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol ok bro.

>> No.6905269

>It's mostly me and one other guy arguing with anons interjecting here and there
I dropped out of this shit a long time ago.
This is a guy who claimed in the last thread that English-language novels aren't shousetsu (it's just a Japanese word for novels) and that none of these works are manga: Monster, 20th Century Boys, Solanin, Oyasumi Punpun, I am a Hero, Boys on the Run, Vagabond, Berserk, Shamo, Akira, Shigurui, Blame!, Bokurano and Narutaru. Have fun in his clown world /mmg/.

>> No.6905277

>English-language novels aren't shousetsu (it's just a Japanese word for novels)
They aren't. Unless the person writes it in Japanese it's just a novel.
It's not clown world when you get called out for being wrong, when you are.
And the manga you mentioned is technically gekiga but that term is obsolete since the movement died out, but they are still, by the literal definition, gekiga.

>> No.6905292

There's no need for me to make any further arguments. I'm just going point at this post and let you, the reader, be the judge. It's back to work for me.

>> No.6905329

Lol nta but what I don’t like about him is that arrogant attitude like with the photo->bg tracing thread. Why does he always assume what doesn’t work for him will not work for others when he’s int at most. Then he’ll say pyw like all the other crabs. Wanted him to succeed at first but since he’s falling to porn like every other asshole here I don’t hope so anymore.

>> No.6905336

>Crab admits to being a crab

>> No.6905342

Hang yourself Octagone. Fuck you you attention whore.

>> No.6905344

>like with the photo->bg tracing thread
The what now?


>> No.6905346


>> No.6905350

Oh yeah, that thread. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just not communicating myself clearly enough, then I reread a months old post like that and see my point laid out clearly, only for it to be outright ignored by every reply. Oh well, some people just can't be convinced.

>> No.6905375

My Japanese daughter just called out to me saying「パパ!〇〇の漫画見て見て!!」and it was just fucking stick figures and it didn't follow even proper Japanese manga formatting, you wouldn't be able to publish this in Shounen Jump! I fucking smacked that bitch and told her to never call her shitty scribbles manga again. Fucking brat, disrespecting the great Japanese artform of manga. My daughter started crying and asked me that if it's not manga, then what is it? I thought about it for a moment and I was like, well, fuck! You got me stumped there 〇〇ちゃん! Does /mmg/ have any advice on what's the proper official term for my daughter's creation?

>> No.6905503

>uhhh I just know it when I see it bro
>trust me

None of you niggers can define what "manga" is without the definition including things you don't consider manga or excluding things you do.

So shut the fuck up with the autistic bullshit.

>> No.6905505

You just pretend to be obtuse to get attention, cause it works so you ignore what’s been said already. Go outside and touch grass.

>> No.6905531
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>> No.6905542

Viz media have an open one-shots or on-going manga submission, I've been thinking of about making something for it but I can't find anything about the rights and legalities of it all.
Are Viz evil, like more evil than I think they are?

>> No.6905554

The only reason the debate went on for so long is because he kept pretending to be retarded. Which makes it even funnier that he ended up eventually BTFOing himself.

>> No.6905574
File: 15 KB, 427x365, 1696739881494066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a waste of a thread but whatever. I was thinking of making a split thread for traditional page comics and the manga purity autists can stay here and continue not posting their work.
Since the OP would be different I'd include
>links to comic brushes pros use (like DC comics)
>eBook dumps of artbooks from comic artists and guides (Scott McCloud)
>places to submit comics, anthologies, etc
>where to get commissions/work with writers and contract shit
>/hyw/ refugees would be welcome
Anyway, I don't want to put in all the work if everyone agrees to stay here. Another forum people can freely speak about sfw comics of any type is Tapas.

>> No.6905577

Do it so I can post my comic work there. It's not manga so it's not right to post it here.

>> No.6905585

it's one schizo and he's successfully trolled you if he's influenced your decisions this much. ignore him and make the thread like you usually would.


>> No.6905587

of course a troll would call someone out a troll. it's the ultimate form of trollfuckery.

>> No.6905588

True but there have probably been other people who come here wanting to discuss western-style comics. The OPs have refused for years to change it from /mmg/ to something more general for all comics.

>> No.6905590

Do it anon, there is just one guy who appears here time to time to shit on everyone say "not of the works here resemble manga" then he goes away. This time he decided to create a thread.
> manga purity autists
They don't draw. The only one here who is drawing a Japanese comic in the sense that it's right to left and written in Japanese is fine with Western comics, like it's always been this general.

>> No.6905591

No. It's not manga so I'm not going to post it in the manga thread.

>> No.6905596

>They don't draw.
Yes I do, I posted my work in the last mmg. Because some anon who understood the concept and took the time to draft a proper (OEL)manga, that shows me that there are people who care about and appreciate the artform known as manga.
Those are the type of posts that manga threads need- posts about manga, not western comics. If western stuff is allowed in the thread then it's /cmg/ or/sag/ but not /mmg/. Regardless if the Japanese call everything "manga".

>> No.6905599

And if you're insistent on calling it /mmg/ while allowing western art why are you(OP), as a non-Japanese, calling non-Japanese comic art "manga"?

>> No.6905602

>I posted my work in the last mmg
where?I Couldn't find it

>> No.6905611
File: 2.26 MB, 4950x7050, [NM] PAGE 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towards the bottom of the thread but here.

>> No.6905628

work is fine but you're a disruptive attention whore faggot and you should kill yourself
never come back to /mmg/

>> No.6905634

>Weastern onomatopoeia
Nice comic

>> No.6905643

Uprooting off-topic posters is never pretty when they're entrenched.
>attention whore
Not even. It's not about me, and that's why I haven't posted work until now.

OEL manga desu.

>> No.6905652

you're inciting unwarranted conflict in an existing community you aren't a part of like a bitter girlfriend, so I repeat, kill yourself, leave /mmg/ permanently

>> No.6905663

>you're inciting unwarranted conflict in an existing community

The threads are improperly titled for the content within them, that is a legitimate concern in any forum.

When the thread is titled MANGA making general there should be posts about making MANGA, not western comics. So if the MANGA thread is full of off-topic posts that belong in /hyw/, that's wrong.
Reminder that you rekt your own argument and proved my point already with the Rick and Morty thing.

>> No.6905671

different anons, you have never proven your point once, you are a schizo disruptor, you are not a part of this community, you are an invader trying to impose your worldview on people who don't want you here.
kill yourself, leave

>> No.6905673

>you have never proven your point once
Yes I have, several times. Here's just one.

>> No.6905675 [DELETED] 


>> No.6905676

My recommendation is to make it "Comic/Manga Making General" or "Sequential Art Making General" so that in the future we can avoid inane bullshit about what goes where and what is what. If there hypothetically were a Comic Making General and a Manga Making General, and you made L2R comic with manga aeshetics, you could end up in a situation where the resident autists of both threads would tell you to go to the other thread. It would be pretty fucking obnoxious.
He can have his ideal /mmg/ and we can continue without his autistic screeching, it's a win-win situation.

>> No.6905677

>He can have his ideal /mmg/ and we can continue without his autistic screeching, it's a win-win situation.
It's splitting the community for the sake of someone who isn't part of it. There's zero justification for it.

>> No.6905678

>My recommendation is to make it "Comic/Manga Making General" or "Sequential Art Making General"
Do this. It's better for everyone.

If there hypothetically were a Comic Making General and a Manga Making General, and you made L2R comic with manga aeshetics, you could end up in a situation where the resident autists of both threads would tell you to go to the other thread. It would be pretty fucking obnoxious.
It would sort itself out pretty easily.

>There's zero justification for it.
There's plenty of justification for it >>6905663

>> No.6905682 [DELETED] 


>> No.6905687

Well, the best solution would be to rename this general if people are fine with it. It would be a small price to pay if it ends this autism, I think.

>> No.6905690
File: 442 KB, 1114x1600, 432d6c523242bcc16351d588d5f6f54f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I get you're upset about being wrong but either post something related to making manga and stop derailing the thread please.

How do you make screentones blur like this?

>> No.6905693

don't kowtow, you give an inch they take a mile, it will never end
even responding to him for this long has given him fuel, best course of action from everyone is to stop engaging and move on

>> No.6905694
File: 38 KB, 333x500, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OEL manga
>Graphic novels and comic books that are inspired by and that utilize manga techniques, yet were originally written in English, instead of Japanese. Since these are generally targeted at North American, Australian and British readers, they are often (though not always) read left-to-right like other Western works.

Wtf it's literally a fucking comic with "le anime face". Pfff HAHHAHAHAHA Almost the entire general have a more anime looking style and are cleary inspired by manga and they still call it comic. Then you come here doing the same thing as the others and claim you are the only one doing "authentic manga" Lol

>> No.6905697
File: 2.34 MB, 1414x2000, Choir_pag_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tf is there a new thread already?
please stfu and stop shitposting on here. Stick to the topic. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

good take.
>How do you make screentones blur like this?
irl you scrape the edges with a utility knife. on digital just erase lol
there's parts of that comics where white screentone is layered over the drawing.

>> No.6905699

>and claim you are the only one doing "authentic manga" Lol
No I don't. Wronganon(Drawbro) is a foreigner making authentic manga. The YWNAJfags are the autists disrupting the threads saying non-Japanese can't make manga when Wronganon is proof that they can.
The work I posted isn't my attempt at "authentic" manga it's OEL manga, and I have no problem calling it what it is. It was for a submission to a manga contest anyways.

>> No.6905701
File: 606 KB, 1009x1400, 12-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care how it's done in comics.

>> No.6905712

Then why did you ask

>> No.6905715

I asked about how it's done in manga, hence the page I posted as an example.

>> No.6905717
File: 777 KB, 775x1067, Imagem (40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fucking work, anon! I am working on a one-shot in which I am doing it 80% traditionally, and honestly, I am thinking of keeping it for future works. The results are unquestionably better than drawing only digitally.

>> No.6905719

Dragons are cool, but this is not manga.

>> No.6905738

This is specifically digital but is there any way to apply the same layer effect over every page automatically in CSP or does it have to be done manually for each one?

>> No.6905773
File: 134 KB, 556x800, 2893973_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a published manga.

>> No.6905776
File: 128 KB, 559x800, 2371175_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6905794
File: 80 KB, 470x705, push_pin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a published manga in Japan.

>> No.6905802

Yes, these are manga.
The dragon comic posted has no indication of reading direction other than the directional flow of the panels, which appear to be L>R by how the flames are blowing.
If they are intended to be read L<R and you're just unfamiliar with different page flow techniques that's not a problem.
I'm not shitting on your art, dragons are fucking cool and the middle panel is my favorite of that page.

>> No.6905806

And fucking kek @ this page

>> No.6905807

>letting the african troll get to you
We make manga, let the dude continue to seethe and eat dirt cookies

>> No.6905826

Go back. Racism is off topic too.

>> No.6905829

>We make manga
If the end result of the page you make isn't indistinguishable from Japanese manga it is not manga.

>> No.6905834

PYW Koffee

>> No.6905837


>> No.6905842

what a /beg/tard

>> No.6905859

Surely it can't be that difficult to just ignore the retard. Petty bullshit like that is for small-minded people, focus on bigger battles like achieving greatness and making tasty and fresh manco for me to lick.

>> No.6905862

is that gabimaru?

>> No.6905868
File: 344 KB, 898x1287, [HeroAca] Toga explodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shigaraki from My Hero Academia - Horikoshi Kohei
Fun fact: He cites western comics as one of his main inspiration for the series.

>> No.6905898

Wish I knew because that would be really helpful. I know you can set an auto action or just duplicate the layer with the effect.

>> No.6906080

Short answer: Flatten your layers and add a slight blur before you export. Doing the screentones at a very high DPI helps too.

Long answer: They look "blurred" like that because it's printed small and then scanned in. Plus, who knows what filters the translators added to make it easier to clean the text. The original image looks pretty much just like it would on your end when you do the same (unless you're doing something very wrong).

>> No.6906103
File: 381 KB, 736x971, 1638922096107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked but to me it seems you guys are too caught up in choosing wether its A or B, when you should be taking the belgian/french pill and just use/adapt what you consider are the best qualities of both and call it your own thing(which to me is just what graphic novels did). As much as I'd love to mimic Hara's shading or panel work or Bisley's over-the-topness, for me personally, I'll never be able to merge those two in a measure that would make me feel it is undeniably A or B.

Yeah, the presentation could say its A(reading L-R, less speech bubbles for more composition driven storytelling, character design framework, all of it), But then again you need to ask yourselves, what is your endgame here. Are you drawing A for the sake of being recognized as A? the same but for B? are you drawing for yourselves and the love of it with a minimal to non-existent chance for monetization? or something else entirely?

>> No.6906110

This is not manga. It's not on topic to the thread.

>> No.6906657

just stop replying to concern trolls. Its so obvious when someone doesn't fucking draw, you can tell by the retarded focus they have on shit that doesn't matter. Who gives a shit if narutofoxboy's comic is not a manga?

It makes me think that its people who want to start making comics but are so hung up on doing thing right and starting with their best foot forward. Like people who want to work out and ask a million stupid questions just to avoid actually STARTING. "but what if I-" "what happens if I-" "is it manga if-" just SHUT THE FUCK UP GODAMN. I JUST WANT TO SEE COOL COMICS POSTED BY ANONS

>> No.6906695

>sucks that Oda feels the need to butcher his pages with 6+ panels and reaction shots now.
he's been at it for like 25 years while he originally wanted to get done with it in 5, i feel he's doing the stupid 20 panels per page thing just so he can get to the finish line asap as he must be tired as shit of it

>> No.6906762
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>> No.6906781
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>> No.6906782

You inspired me to make these, anon. You are my muse

>> No.6906785
File: 583 KB, 1149x611, 1691476891901090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's any consolation, even if he tried to go back to his old style, he's gotten too old and his sight too bad to make the quality of art he used to in the same time frame.

>> No.6906887


>> No.6906890
File: 10 KB, 345x286, 1000004679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not make a comic general on /ic/ already? You all keep arguing over the definition of what 'manga' is when you can easily just make a general for it
>that would just spilt the gerenal
Not if you’re actually drawing manga. I think All Things Comics /atc/ has a good ring to it.

>> No.6906893

These are troll posts that do nothing to better the thread. This is unironically harrassment and crabbing.
Regardless, it doesn't refute or disprove my point.

>> No.6906901

>bring up the fact that there are differences between manga and comics that are significant enough to warrant their own separate threads
>make nothing but completely valid points, never been refuted, just met with shitflinging and trolling
>shitposting trolls who don't even draw, let alone try to draw manga, think off-topic posting is fine
>days later, still no rebuttal, end up getting proven right by the main opposition btfo'ing his own argument
>never shit on anyone's skill or lack of
>YWNJPfags still btfo by the anon that btfo his own argument claiming comics and manga are the same

I'm right and you all know it. It's not about me, it's about manga. This is the MANGA thread, not western comics. There are too many differences that warrant them being their own classifications deserving of their own threads. If you want to combine them then rename the thread to something less misleading that includes ALL comic/manga/sequential art.

>Who gives a shit if narutofoxboy's comic is not a manga?
Then it doesn't belong in the MANGA thread. Why do people want to post off-topic so bad? Go to /b/ or /s4s/ for that.

>> No.6906903
File: 245 KB, 450x349, 1646970236549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"anime" means "cartoon"
>mfw they don't post cartoons in /asg/

why isn't there one?
com/ic/ threads sound cool
good points too

>> No.6906920

just spamming "IM RIGHT IM RIGHT IM RIGHT", even setting aside how pathetic it is, is not an argument. nothing you said proves your point, nothing he said proves it either. you keep backlinking to some non-argument that you seem to think proves something.
unfortunately when it comes to debate, it's not about whether or not you think you "won" it's about how clearly you argued your point to the crowd, and i don't think anybody knows wtf you're trying to argue even now. what exactly is your stance even

doesn't help you point that he was willing to post his work while you continue to remain anonymous. he seems a bit arrogant to me but his work does back up his words, while you have nothing to lend legitimacy to your opinion. why should we believe you, some random retard, over a guy who appears to be going places with his mindset? try to think of this from the perspective of a rational person, not a schizophrenic internet warrior.

>> No.6906922
File: 291 KB, 1125x1600, 15fedee52dd6172ab025db818e2924d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretending to be obtuse when your argument was already destroyed repeatedly is the reason it goes circular and appears that I'm "spamming".
I've already been objectively proven right, whether you accept that or not. Here in case you want to keep pretending to forget-

Now post or talk bout MANGA or fuck off.

>> No.6906925

How do you make screentones "fuzzy" like that? On their suits.

>> No.6906927

These threads were perfectly fine until the "not muh manga" fag showed up. Just ignore him. I don't know WHY you guys can't ignore the shitposters who do nothing but create drama. Just ignore them, and when you don't feed them, they'll go away

Just don't give them the attention and validation they so desperately seek, for fuck's sake.

Just keep working on your manga, and ignore the retards, and they'll eventually be wrangled.

>> No.6906930

Post MANGA in the MANGA thread, if it's not MANGA, it doesn't belong in the MANGA thread, simple as.
Only people against this just want an excuse to post off-topic.

>> No.6906933

you're deranged bro

see >>6906080

>> No.6906934
File: 160 KB, 996x968, 3b21c763001295954fc4f9c7b9b7adc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo why can't I post my western non-manga comics in the manga thread!
Because it's not related to manga.

>> No.6906939
File: 124 KB, 602x314, 1626416041955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ad hom shitflinging because he got called out for posting off-topic
Western comics? Not manga.

>> No.6906943

bro even right now you've started chimping out again because somebody pointed out your argument makes no sense
and what even prompted you to post this >>6906901? you just randomly started freaking out again with no clear cause
seek help, this is not healthy behavior

>> No.6906944

They're gekiga and gekiga has been absorbed into manga so they're manga. I've solved the conflict, you're welcome everyone.

>> No.6906945

What's gekiga? Show the pages.

>gekiga has been absorbed into manga so they're manga
Yes, and I said this before. The debate isn't gekiga vs manga, it's manga vs (western)comics. That was settled already too.

>> No.6906947
File: 184 KB, 1224x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my try, what can I had to make it look better?

>> No.6906948
File: 56 KB, 750x247, Trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same thing but exported at like 25% of the original size

>> No.6906950

you got it pretty close man. but yeah, you should be drawing big and shrinking it down a lot for web display.

>> No.6906951

It's really that simple huh? I guess it's playing with the noise levels after that to fit whatever feel you're going for.

>> No.6906993

it sure as hell isn't easy in CSP, you have to do some really obtuse shit like making your own noise texture and then set the layer on overlay
you can't win, you either get shit brushes on PS or shit filters, UI, performance, shortcuts and filters on CSP

>> No.6906994

I agree mostly with these anons. This thread has gone completely off the rails. I think that there is enough overlap between the /ic/ comic artists and manga artists that there's no need to have separate threads. I'm not denying that there are stylistic differences between western comics and manga, but there are enough similarities to house them under one thread. The only reason this thread is so long is because of the infighting. I just want to see art drawn by anons. This gatekeeping does nothing but encourage arguments and discourage artists. I think all things comics /atc/ isn't a bad name for a new general. I would also suggest sequential art general /sag/.

>> No.6907001

>I think that there is enough overlap between the /ic/ comic artists and manga artists that there's no need to have separate threads
>but there are enough similarities to house them under one thread
/sag/ is better since it includes everything manga and comics. /atc/ sounds like /hyw/.
/cmmg/ wouldn't be bad either.

>> No.6907008

>I would also suggest sequential art general /sag/.
we will not use your shitty acronym fuck off
sequential art means nothing, animation is sequential art
go ahead argue over definitions because some shitty comic artist invented the term
>/cmmg/ wouldn't be bad either.
I can get behind this, but we're really splitting hairs instead of drawing

>> No.6907018

>This gatekeeping does nothing but encourage arguments and discourage artists
Only artists that don't post on-topic.
I have never once shit on anyone's skill level or lack of, and I don't encourage that because everyone is learning.
The thing is that there are standards for what makes "manga", aiming for that standard is not to discourage people, it's necessary, just the same as the big publishers do to anyone else.
The facts are the facts - if you hand a manga publisher your non-manga manuscript, they'll tell you fix it or go away. That alone proves there are significant enough differences that they aren't the same thing.

A thread called "comics and manga general" is more appropriate than a thread called "manga making general" that's full of ~80% non-manga material.

>> No.6907019

those anons arguing about manga are not doing it for the betterment of the ic art community. They're trolls trying to disrupt and waste everyone's time, so changing the thread title will validate their efforts and they'll continue shitposting about the next nonsense topic.

>> No.6907024
File: 494 KB, 2048x749, Akihito Tsukushi art process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those anons arguing about manga are not doing it for the betterment of the ic art community.
And the people advocating ignoring the meanings of words so they can post off-topic are making it better?

>> No.6907041
File: 3.31 MB, 2111x1177, Jump vs Scanlation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exported at like 25% of the original size
I read a post where someone joked that the manga look most young fans are familiar with is actually just the look of speed scanlations where the contrast is boosted too high and the files are compressed to save bandwidth. The kind of stuff you see on those read-online sites

>> No.6907051

kek so how do you actually fix this?

>> No.6907052

>actually just the look of speed scanlations where the contrast is boosted too high and the files are compressed to save bandwidth
There's truth to that, but have you ever seen an actual page of manga, or a manga file?
Pre-digital manga pages that are ready for film were almost always reproduced on large format photocopiers. It's duo-tone. Manga files for print are most often in duo-tone EPS format. In their truest state, they are just black and white.

>> No.6907066

All comics are called 漫画 in Japanese so we just have to write manga with kanji and make it 漫画 Making General

>> No.6907071

>All comics are called 漫画 in Japanese
This is an English speaking website.
"Manga = Japanese comics" is correct.

>> No.6907147
File: 280 KB, 546x523, 1697894397426575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do really the schizo(s?)have been spamming the threads (without positing any of their work) to gaslighting us into changing the name of the thread? Really geez it must be nice have so much free time

>> No.6907164
File: 218 KB, 921x1365, anime_characters_are_cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys I missed out on drama so instead of reading archives to inform myself I'll try dredging it up again even though it's been settled, please give me attention

Post things related to making manga or leave. Don't derail.

>> No.6907165
File: 433 KB, 752x2795, anime_characters_are_cats(full).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expanded image

>> No.6907201

Its just one guy who barged into a thread that's been around for years and decided everything needs to be changed because he says so, despite him being a tourist who seethes when we tell him "nah."

>> No.6907215
File: 707 KB, 1076x567, 1686400633037327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So THAT'S why the same type of people who incessantly post cat reaction images are the types of people who incessantly post anime reaction images

>> No.6907223

>despite him being a tourist who seethes when we tell him "nah."
And he also seethes when we ask him to post his work.

>> No.6907225
File: 92 KB, 500x376, 15645154564465213,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if those are bad things
cats are cute

>> No.6907277

your best bet would be to just buy real tone and scan it. Then, when you shrink the page down (because you'd have to, you have to scan at sizes that are kind of obscene if printing is your goal) you get this blurred look from compression.

the printed dots in physical tone all have a slight wobble to them, which produces a texture when scanned compared to digital dot tone that is all completely uniform. I bought 60$ worth of tone when I had the chance, scanned them, and just use them to infinity. But that was several years ago, you might have a difficult time finding places to buy them online in variety which they were sold at the time, now. A japanese friend of mine could barely find a real store that sold them.

I've also perfected a secret to compressing for web with little to no moire.

>> No.6907325

what kind of cat is that

>> No.6907371
File: 377 KB, 905x1280, 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the sequence from panel 1 to 5 convey her action properly in your head? Her running up to the guy and doing a spin kick. Should I change panel 4 into her spinning in the air before the kick in panel 5 instead?

>> No.6907382

No, it's hard to read and seems like the events are happening in reverse.

>> No.6907479

Name changes and general splits happens because you retard can't coexist long enough actually drawing something. FFS this random thread >>6898973 has more people posting comics that here.
/sag/ is retard but /atc/ it aleast pasted the sniff test and only offends weebs in denial about begin non Chinese cartoon makers.

>> No.6907482
File: 1.61 MB, 2799x850, 24-10-2023-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your best bet would be to just buy real tone and scan it
that's an hassle isn't it
I have a bunch of low res scanned screentones that are kinda junk, as well as some I've made myself on CSP, none of them really work well
lemme upload pic real and see if the dithering fucks my ass

>> No.6907492

Sequential art is sequential art, there aren't enough ppl doing it in here to warrant 10 /gens for each genre. the thread is already slow as it is.
This thread just got recently hijacked by a severely mentally ill dingus that stole the original thread headers and then proceeded to deceptively change them without consulting anyone, and that alone would've warranted a permaban in here if jannies were more careful.

Secondly no one knows who this dingus is and has never posted any work in here prior, an actual tourist, and those usually only last a thread before they fuck off.
Not gonna lie this kid is one of the most virulently autistic individuals we've ever had so far.
/mmg has been on here for quite some years now evolving over time to include everything sequential.

As for captain retardo, nobody wants you here, you will never be respected. The whole thread is just taking a piss at you, you will never be more than a fucking joke. Your own art skills aren't even on the level to warrant any fucking authority anywhere...like are you dumb bro?
Go open your own discord and put whatever rules you want in it. Whatever you're trying to pull in here won't work and that’s why nobody’s posting anything you ruined this thread and will be eventually thrown out of here.

So if any mods read this can plz ban this troll, and whoever was in charge of creating new /mmg threads just do your thing the same way it's been done, and if it ever warrants a change, it will be by committee and not a the whim of severely maladjusted individual.

>> No.6907519

/cmmg/ is the most fitting title

/atc/ - sounds like it's just for comics

/sag/ - nobody likes it

/mmg/ - title says "manga" but most posts are non-manga

If someoene is looking for manga-specific topics it would be better to find it in the /cmmg/ than find /mmg/ but then it's nothing but non-manga.

>> No.6907541
File: 901 KB, 905x1280, swingkick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you can try something like this? I just drew this in ms paint, but I think it gets the idea across. I think yours has more energy than this one does though.

>> No.6907550

What's a good sfx for a deep inhale?

>> No.6907552


Maybe something like "suuuuuuuu-"

>> No.6907588

Is that the guy who shot Abe?!
Also I like bottom left panel.

>> No.6907631

Her breaking the panel makes it appear like it happens before the wind up panel because her head breaches into an earlier panel. disrupted the flow

>> No.6907632

Get rid of the "dammit" panel
Make the kick panel the rest of that page

Use the spin/smash and thud panels on the next page. will give it more more impact

>> No.6907633

Yeah that works. Thanks.

>> No.6907759

All Things Comics is sound like includes evertthing, comics webcomics along with manga manwha formats as well. Everyone and their dog know these are all comics at the end of the day now need to break your neck to add a M because you want to LARP as a nip or G in the acryomn because most generals do it.

>> No.6907801
File: 40 KB, 739x337, 1693847183107112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard angle and difficult pose
Why they have to be so boring to draw sometimes

>> No.6907812

anyone else pretend like you're in an episode of manben while you draw?
and just explain things to yourself and say muzukashii a lot?

>> No.6907825

Thanks! Another anon gave me an idea and I’ll post it once I can work on it

>> No.6907837

I did once, but i died of embarrassment and cringe while doing it, so i just left it for chunni scapades

>> No.6907848

>The thing is that there are standards for what makes "manga"
Your standard is whether the comic reads from the right or the left

>> No.6907867

No that was Hideo Kojima

>> No.6907939
File: 434 KB, 1125x1632, new project p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6908139

>All Things Comics is sound like includes evertthing, comics webcomics along with manga manwha formats as well
No it doesn't. It sounds like a Comic Book convention.

That's one part of the list of standards. There's more than just reading L<R that makes a manga.
And they aren't my own standards, I didn't invent manga. The manga publishers have standards themselves and if you just hand them anything that isn't specifically formatted the way manga is (L<R) then they'll tell you to go away.

>> No.6908141

Used to sometimes when I first found the series. Filmed myself drawing and put it to jazz even. Just wanted to see what it would look like lol.

Not manga


>> No.6908156

Fun 4koma manga, Anon

>> No.6908158

Western strip comics =/= 4koma

>> No.6908177
File: 147 KB, 283x297, 1633033875944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big fan of 4komas but this is fun. Thread is full of shit and I just wanna fish.

>> No.6908407

Should you draw something ahead of time if you really want to?

I'm picturing a cool scene in my head that I want to draw right now, but it's a few chapters off from where I'm at. It will be months to get there, but it is within the same event that has already begun.

>> No.6908412

I'd write it down, maybe thumbnail it, but I wouldn't draw the full scene. You don't know what will happen in a few months, maybe the scene changes or your artstyle improves

>> No.6908448

Seconding this >>6908412
Thumbnail or rough it, don't work too much on it unless maybe you want to use it as a standalone illustration one day. But yeah it doesn't make sense to draw a scene that far ahead.

>> No.6908493
File: 100 KB, 740x791, I always say &#039;morning&#039; instead of &#039;good morning&#039;, cause if it were a good morning I&#039;d be fishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anons

>filmed his own manben episode
I kneel, maybe you have a point, we're all posers by comparison

>> No.6908564

Cool 4koma anon

>> No.6908566


>> No.6908588
File: 1.10 MB, 2303x1650, page 47_text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6908606

is the lettering by hand? might be just preferences but maybe the normal dialogue font is a bit on the thin side. just nitpicking otherwise great work!

>> No.6908615

Nice, but it's not manga.
Second on the dialogue, it is a bit thin.

>> No.6908642

paneling is a bit confusing, my mind wants to read first column> big panel> second column> third column instead of first column> big panel> upper row> lower row
maybe giving a slant to the space between the rows could force the eye to left to right

>> No.6908691


>> No.6908700

It is alt manga.

>> No.6908708
File: 1.10 MB, 2309x1650, page 47_rev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's digital lettering (ink free in Krita), I made it a bit thicker now
spacing out the panels was a great idea, thank you! I hope this is slightly less confusing..

>> No.6908719
File: 459 KB, 1959x1400, follow the line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is how I intended it to be read just to be clear

>> No.6908723

Nothing about it is Japanese, it's not manga, it's a western comic.
>you don't know if anon is Japanese!
He's not.

>> No.6908726

Western comic, not manga. Not on topic to the thread discussion.

>Western-style comics and illustrations are not the focus of these threads, and should be posted to either /hyw/ in /co/, or other western-related com/ic/ threads.

>> No.6908739

You don't get to reference yourself for changing the thread from the way it has been for years.

Hopefully one of the regulars makes the new thread next time, and not the newfag tourist.

>> No.6908757

This kid is beyond fucking insane...you guys think he was a regular who got pissed off and then came back with the intent of ruining the general?

When ppl are scared to post on here because they're gonna get cancelled by "muh SJW", they should be scared of kids like this tourist. motherfucker is completely fucking basket case, it's crazy...

Ref here for all the "drama": >>6907492

>> No.6908758

>for years.
Being wrong for years doesn't mean it's right. Stop posting off-topic or rename the threads appropriately.

>> No.6908761

I think he is fred that got kicked from /co/

>> No.6908762

>see "manga making general"
>it's full of western comics

Makes no sense and I can see why it would be irritating to someone looking specifically for things about manga.

>> No.6908770

Like what's his end game? He thinks he's gonna become a mod here by pissing everyone off? Nobody even aknowledge him directly at this point. You can't be that autistic he has to be trolling right?
Also, why isn't he banned yet? 2/3rd of the posts in here is just him flooding/spamming...

>> No.6908771

That guy's been at it for days despite never even contributing anything to the thread (unless you count being absolute cancer as a contribution). Pure mental illness.

>> No.6908793

>what's his end game?
Crushing this general, with no survivors.
>he has to be trolling right?
He is just 15 years old so probably.
>Also, why isn't he banned yet?
Mods here are way more lenient and less active. Anyway just ignore.

>> No.6908794

If I was looking for Mitsubishi parts I wouldn't go to a GMC forum.

>> No.6908800

>No it doesn't. It sounds like a Comic Book convention.
That's what everyone here aims to make anon, comics. If you wish to make better name that better encompasses then throw a suggestion into the pot , but so far I see wannabe weebs wanting priority classification for the name of a thread when their art styles show otherwise.

>> No.6908807

>That's what everyone here aims to make anon, comics
No, some of us want to make manga, not comics, and there is a difference. So the manga making general is where someone like that who look. But when it's all western comics it's no help at all.
See >>6908794

>> No.6908812

lol, the only weeb here is you, sperging out with you "uhm ackshuallys" about something you weren't even a part of until this week.

Fuck off, and feel free to get lost on the way out so you don't make your way back here.

>> No.6908811

someone like what would look*

>> No.6908850

Lets forget the last 2 threads made by fred
>>6908824 The true successor of the last thread
. Don't engage in his third one

>> No.6908857

>some of us want to make manga
Then why does the artstyles not reflect it? not even trying to shit on the people here, but I've been following this general for a few months and I find it odd that people want to be seen as manga makers because the format while drawing is extremely Western styles. Your time would been better spent learning how to draw anime than focusing too much on muh forrmat.

>> No.6908861

>not even trying to shit on the people here, but I've been following this general for a few months and I find it odd that people want to be seen as manga makers because the format while drawing is extremely Western styles.
That's what I'm saying.
Why is it called /mmg/ when the posts are not manga? That's off topic.
Renaming the threads to something more fitting solves everything.

>> No.6908887

>Renaming the threads to something more fitting solves everything.
Or making a general for comic and webcomic separate from this one. that solves everything without impeeding on the ''''''manga makers''''' of these threads.

>> No.6908909


lil'bro is having a conversation with himself now...

>> No.6908912

I'm all for this too.

I'm just the middle one.

>> No.6908923

you should pyw to prove you're not a tourist tho. in months that you've been "watching" the thread you should have posted artwork somebody remembers at some point.

>> No.6908926


>> No.6908939
File: 7 KB, 78x136, 1628040350691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prove you're not a tourist tho

>prove you're not tourist

>> No.6908952

It's because the whole thread know they are.

>> No.6908954

>thread full of tourists knows they're tourists
of course they know
we know too
now post manga or go away

>> No.6908994

Are you mad because nobody's using your shitty threads?

>> No.6909157
File: 2.48 MB, 2001x1401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something as simple as this would do the trick for the reading order thing, though it is a bit annoying that it goes from reading a column vertically to two rows read horizontally. Anyway, looks great bro. Keep it up.

>> No.6909327 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 1440x600, Fujo bastard sample panel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting on a prototype of one of the ideas playing in my head for years. Dunno if I should go full comic/manga or try out webtoons.
Should I write down my script first? Total newbie when it comes to making sequential art here.

>> No.6909583

gotcha, thank you