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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 23 KB, 125x125, 1678460012679992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6902920 No.6902920 [Reply] [Original]

Always leave text about this thread here.
It's thread
It's questions
It's answers
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies

>> No.6902936

Measure how much time it takes to draw
Find out what is minimal hourly wage
Do math. Round up or down. Add/subtract few bucks up or down cuz you won't always spend same time on every art peace

>> No.6902940

Thanks for the answer.

>> No.6902951
File: 46 KB, 471x506, rick knows its over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you learn to enjoy grinding fundies and how exactly should one go about it? I mainly draw stylized shit but it sucks but at the same time even thinking about doing a still life or portrait instantly demoralizes me. I'm considering taking mind numbing drugs so I can overcome this feeling

>> No.6903083

>draw a girl study that's not sexualized
>nsfw accounts keeps liking it
Huh, did I draw it too suggestive? No I won't post it here.

>> No.6903463

No, you didn't.

>> No.6904091
File: 476 KB, 400x220, 1000000923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, anon. what drives you to draw at all? what got you to this point so far? do you want to get better? do you see other people's artwork and think "I want to do that, too"? as frustrating as it can be, I think it can help best to escape the now and think of the future. every time you don't draw exactly what you want, for every mistake you make, for every time you hate what you create, it's an opportunity for you to learn and do it better the next time. as cliche as it sounds, it's a journey, and everyone goes at their own pace. if you have an end goal in mind, there's only 1 way to get there: with practice and study. you can do it, but you're the only one who's going to get you there.

>> No.6904775
File: 10 KB, 1221x668, 1682496459710725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get Krita make smoother curved strokes instead of this? Not brush stabilization, just higher refresh rate on the cursor position

>> No.6904885

try brush setting > spacing or something in configure Krita > tablet settings like max brush speed or brush smoothing sample

>> No.6904919

Is it bad to crop someone else's work to make a profile picture as long as I don't claim the artwork as my own? I wouldn't be using it on art focused servers or sites, such as Twitter, and the skill gap between me and the art in question is huge enough others would know it's not my work.

>> No.6904927

You will do anything if you feel backed into a corner. I didnt start studying properly until i graduated art school with no job prospects or skill

>> No.6904929

Yeah, thats bad. At least credit the artist in your bio

>> No.6904988


>> No.6904990

blackpill me on NMA

>> No.6905067
File: 182 KB, 1553x903, 1688973257725371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does CSP or Krita have any non-destructive methods of making a layer (group) visible and masking part of a selection of other layers OR another layer group at the same time? Imagine that you're trying to add a bikini like in this example. I activated the layer group containing the bikini and naturally you've still got the nipples sticking out. Can I make it so the nipples sticking out become invisible somehow simply by toggling on the visibility of the bikini layer group?

>> No.6905072
File: 178 KB, 1629x896, 1698094171202047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6905319

I'm having a lot of trouble with faces in pixel art
generally the canvas is 68x92 so I want something besides 3rd strike as a reference

>> No.6905463
File: 248 KB, 1374x1500, 1698106683012155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fun With a Pencil actually a good resource for someone looking to getting into drawing? I've seen it in memes like pic related.

And how do I make drawing feel more fun or how do you guys make drawing feel more fun? Whenever I sit down do the "just draw" meme (I'm Chris Chan drawing tier) I feel like shit.

And generally what are some good drawing youtubers best for drawing beginners? I'm taking a leap of faith in books as I've read somewhere that some people learn better from books than videos. But I won't single out video tutorials either.

>> No.6905492
File: 426 KB, 413x608, 1676228663712686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic-related is AI, but I know for a fact that there is at least one artist with an identical shading style.
Can someone tell me who that artist may be?

>> No.6905496

I use cropped pony porn ahegao as my steam profile pic, only the bitchiest most narcissistic dumbasses would complain.

>> No.6905633

Anyone have one of those artist improvement memes where is a before/after where the art doesn't improve at all? I need one for another board

>> No.6905667

that's a cutesexyrobutts lora. now fuck off AInigger.

>> No.6905731

None of their teachers are working professional artists. Instead, they're professional teachers. In that respect, they don't actually know how to take you from "intermediate" to "professional".

I've gotten much better advice from listening to interviews and streams by people who actually draw for a living.

>> No.6907095
File: 447 KB, 640x655, tumblr_inline_o6x4djEbO41tvtw8p_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seaching for a video where a girl talks about how fat artists should go to the gym and it have a lot of photos of rich piana.

she makes fun of anime style and how it sucks becasue people dont know about muscles or anatomy in general

>> No.6907481

Where can I find a private art teacher?

>> No.6907585

Can a color blind person learn color theory?

>> No.6907730

Is it even worth attempting to build a following on twitter anymore?

>> No.6907758

also how do you even grow assuming your art is decent? Is sucking off big artists and drawing their OCs and FOTM shit the only way?

>> No.6908979
File: 678 KB, 2362x4096, FlN6nBpagAIJOAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I switch to digital illustration from analog/sketchpad drawing? It seems like such a large leap, learning an art program etc.

>> No.6909013

there's practically zero learning curve with a decent display tablet and a good art program like photoshop or CSP.

>> No.6909098

I don’t know what to do. I get commissions and now I feel bad if I just draw the character standing or even in a cool pose. I can’t come up with interesting compositions most days. I feel creatively empty. Any advice or tips to help improve compositions or am I just looking at art commissions wrong?

>> No.6909128

its up to your client to request an interesting pose.

>> No.6909204

I am trying to draw things by memory after copying them, but it's so hard. Will I improve or it's something innate like having a photographic memory?

>> No.6909213

anyone know any good books on painting that's not color and light.

>> No.6909393

Just started using procreate. Would it be viable to have monthly 'sketchbooks' (one file per month and each layer being a day), or am I better off just making everything a separate file?

>> No.6909421

why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.6909448

Mainly to cut down on the amount of files. I heard file organization on ipads isn't the greatest.

>> No.6909943

what's the best way to move away from linework and start painting proper? i feel so lost if i try hiding the lineart layer to paint over the rest and build form. do i just need to learn to trust the process?

>> No.6909952

Just found out about stacks. Never mind.

>> No.6911617

Just keep in the lines, but paint over them. No need to hide the lines. Your brush strokes will cover them eventually.

Focus on painting from observation. Painting out of your head is impossible if you lack a visual library of shadow shapes and colors

>> No.6912157

Unironically how do I pirate photoshop? Every time I try it asks for a license.

>> No.6912553

I am trying to learn perspective. Is perspective made easy followed by Krenz's perspective course good enough?

>> No.6912885

What's a quick way to hype yourself up for drawing?
Looking at my inspiration folder usually did it for me, but not anymore.

>> No.6913049

I gave up drawing a few years ago and now with this AI stuff I got into it and while it's fun and colorful I know it's not good enough. I want to be real. How do I cope? Do I just delete it and start grinding or do I do AI-assisted stuff?

>> No.6913268

Perspective made easy is a little short, real beginner stuff. It's a good place to start. I don't know what's in Krenz's course, but if it tackles the more advanced stuff you should be fine.

>> No.6913274

When artists talk about being able to rotate a cube in their mind what exactly do they mean? Do they really have like a 3D model of a cube they can freely rotate in their mind? I can envision a cube in different angles, but I can't really rotate it like you could in a 3D modeling program.

>> No.6913311

I came back to /ic/ after about a year and a half away. Does it seem like it's getting worse around here? The crabbing to art posting ratio seems to have shifted toward crabbing a lot more. /ic/ was always shit, and there were always crabs. But it feels, I dunno, worse.

>> No.6913487

AI demoralizing digital artists, platforms getting worse (deviantart AI situation, patreon censorship getting to absurd levels and whatever the fuck is happening with twitter); inflation and so on

>> No.6913489

As a beg, I feel like not drawing unless I know I have the basic fundies down first, so I've been going heavy into learning construction, gesture, proportion, and will eventually basic anatomy so I can finally get to that point. Is that the right way to go about it or should I just be trying to draw stuff even if I know won't come out right? I keep hearing people say to just draw as if you were a little kid and not care about any of that, but it's so hard to do it when I know it's just gonna be jacked up.

>> No.6913889

Draw stuff even if it won't turn our right. How do you know if you're actually learning if you don't apply it to things.

Doing things bad tells you what you can improve. Failure is a compass that points you to improvement.

>> No.6913941

I believe some can do it fine. I'm the same as you, I can rotate a cube as well but it would take a bit of energy and intent from me.

>> No.6913975
File: 698 KB, 2048x2048, 1692343650397154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Is Jack Hamm any good? I was gifted one of his figure drawing books.
2. Should I learn draftsmanship, and how to draw shapes with exactly correct proportions, or is this a waste of time and it would be better to freehand it?

>> No.6914063

Honestly I don't think so. I've never even come across anybody even asking people to show the pics in their profiles.. like nobody cares. If your directly asked to share source, you do so and ofc not claim it's yours but using art for non-commercial reasons is whatever.
Nobody with a sound mind cares and if it's a bigger artist they already have their DMs flooded, don't bother with stupid shit like can I use this as a profile pic like 400 other 12yos do for their wattpad account

>> No.6914068

I have fun when I draw the shit I want - usually it's specific confort characters. So what I do is either create a project FOR them (like an AU) or whatever I need to study using them as a subject matter.
It is a bit embarrasing tho that I have just hundreds of artwork all featuring the same characters from an existing IP but I have some gradient maps ready to quickly change their hair/eye color so I can hide that it's them lol
Anyway after a while of this you git gud and you naturally take more interest in more diverse subjects and shit so you won't have such a hard time doing them

>> No.6914070

search for atteliers in your area. If digital find out which artists have a mentorship program (I know of only one, and he is booked for like 2 years in advance - Adam Duff)
He isn't the only one that does this so google around

>> No.6914076

here check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56y-oRK7EKg&t=29s

>> No.6914080

I set them to multiply and lower the opacity, then you trust the process and after a certain amount of rendering you'll notice you turned it off because the render itself is better than the linework, or rather it depicts everything it needs to.
So a bit of trusting the process, yeah

>> No.6914081

Usually you have a readme file inside that explains how to crack it

>> No.6914082

while the crabbing is more significant I find the quality threads more quality than before desu
the questions thread, studies thread, career thread are some I found helpful and pleasant. The trick is to just avoid any and all crab threads, don't need to waste time with that trash.

>> No.6914236

Why do I have to pay for CSP on my Galaxy Tab S8 even though I bought the desktop app? What am I doing wrong?

>> No.6914249

because they are greedy cunts

>> No.6914380

The rish artsy part of my town does 8 week classes for about $300 on a variety of topics but at that price id just buy CTRL+Paint.

>> No.6914491

I'm a poorfag so subscriptions are a big no-no for me. Can I mirror my pc screen to the tab and use it as a pen tablet?

>> No.6914567

If you have an ipad/mac

>> No.6914741

Yeah that's true. What threads/posts do you try to avoid? I'm still beg, and it seemed like beg was getting better, but this week it went to complete shit.

>> No.6915474

personal training/mentorship is always expensive

>> No.6915475

Idk but you altervatively give IbisPaintX a go, it's a lighterweight program but has everything you need. You can watch an add and unlock like all the brushes for a week or something

If your a poorfag tho I HIGHLY recommend trying to get your hands on an ipad of some sort instead. They have a longer lifespan and procreate is 20 bucks only

>> No.6915477

Any thread where the OP is a question, especially a generic one that has no simple answer. They are almost always bait for a crabfest and AI threads. That's pretty much 70% of the current catalogue.
Stay in the general threads, the nodraws, AIspammers and the like don't hang out there

>> No.6915947

Is it true that participating in No Nut November will improve my art? Does jizz really contain better art skills?

>> No.6916293
File: 479 KB, 1080x1328, cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn how to make art of this caliber?

>> No.6916595
File: 318 KB, 1775x935, Screenshot0558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw a card on CSP for another piece but I can't figure out how to set up symmetry guidelines for it. any ideas?

>> No.6916663

> Stay in the general threads, the nodraws, AIspammers and the like don't hang out there
New here or just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.6916894
File: 242 KB, 1024x1024, 1698895051912012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please excuse the /fag/, but what should I research to render my own artwork like picrel?

>> No.6917343

I'm getting into drawing but I have this thing where my forearm starts aching if I do any detailed/small movements with my hands for more than 20 minutes (I had an operation after breaking my feeble bones)
Should I just keep drawing until it goes away or should I get a hand grip thing and exercise my forearm as well? Is this kind of pain common?

>> No.6917513

Realistically if someone with no experience begins to draw and study consistently how long would it take for them to get /pro/?

>> No.6917531

I don't know about emulating watercolor in digital, but there should be guides out there.

>> No.6917580

This is AI generated
But as anon above said watercolor
Ai director uses traditional media tag because it's more forgiving
Probably mixed traditional media

>> No.6917677

thank you both. even if AI, I really like how it looks and was hoping to emulate it. I'll look into the watercolor stuff for digital, then

>> No.6917767

There is no crabbing. Just pussy assed faggots who can’t take criticism.

>> No.6917795
File: 252 KB, 800x1183, 1696583734591074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone that uses Krita, what are the best settings/brushes/options i can set to if i wanted to partially mimick the style of Carlos Ezquerra?
Because i hate how flat my drawings usually are and i want to make the brush strokes seem more dynamic and the color shading/blending a bit more interesting.
Or any other tips using Krita is nice, i just mentioned Ezquerra because i think his style is charming.
And chances are some stuff is less about the tools and more about the skill, so maybe i should look into artists streaming/recording themselves using Krita and how they do it.

>> No.6918334

3-5 years

>> No.6918601

How do I cope from stagnating and wasting over 5 years of my life?

>> No.6918897
File: 275 KB, 879x729, image_2023-11-03_085016534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I draw Zone-tan?

>> No.6918932

How is bluesky for artists?
I am considering starting a blog. Possibly sfw art, possibly coom (no illegal shit, just regular porn). Is there a way to build a following there or is there a better alternative?

>> No.6918951

Feels worse than other sites to me, but I'm lazy about engaging with others. No video, no hashtags, and unless you have a following from elsewhere, it's hard to get more eyes on your shit
I'd focus on NSFW work, there's a ton of that there, along with furries and lgbt+. I think if you cater to them, you should do well there

>> No.6919298


>> No.6919310

Alright, redpill me on bargue plates
and gesture drawing

>> No.6919318

doomer shit isn't criticism homie

>> No.6919376
File: 244 KB, 1920x1017, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to make the magic wand selection visible on Clip Studio Paint?

I'm trying to move shop from SAI to CSP, I've been able to adapt quite easily to most things, but something I just ca't get over is the magic wand not displaying the selection like in picreal, the selected border is fine but if I'm coloring a picture I need to be able to see the everything selected. 've been tinkering with the selection tools and it's great that it was all these little customizable options, but the simple lack of selection display ruins it for me.

>> No.6919623

any tips to keep round tip brushes round for longer? I keep on having to buy new ones since they end up fraying.

>> No.6920129

Reminds me a bit of faustsketcher although that's not entirely accurate

>> No.6920130
File: 293 KB, 1743x1110, ic_anon_advice_on_painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what theme this is?
Screenshot must be from an era pre 4chan-X and OneeChan.

>> No.6920488

looks a lot like the halloween theme we just had, don't you think?

>> No.6920501
File: 152 KB, 1200x578, 2point5keuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy paintings/prints for reasonable prices?

I visited a gallery last week and some of the paintings would look nice in my new and still empty apartment.
Of course, most of the stuff wasn’t available or where originals with matching price tags.

So, I got curious because now I have the money to buy some nicer and bigger prints. But even modern artists rarely have an ongoing sale on they site (if they even have a website).
Or I see small “prints” of pencil drawings for like 1k€.

>> No.6920726

The site was styled? I don't see that because I use the aforementioned extensions which override any base theme.
But thank you nonetheless for stating the obvious then, was able to find something as a result:

>> No.6920827
File: 1.60 MB, 2515x3569, cvr9781421541136_9781421541136_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he using to get those reflective whites you see on the hair and clothing? It looks like something is being laid on top of the marker strokes, not simply coloring around it.

>> No.6921177

why is it that I get big differences in the amount of likes a piece gets depending on where I post it? does it depend on the time of day or the algorithm or something?

one of my pieces got like 70 likes on twitter but only like 5 on pixiv. Sometimes it feels like how much attention your art gets has more to do with luck or timing or your ability to market yourself than it does the actual skill of your drawing ability (unless you're like picasso or something I guess)

>> No.6921827


>> No.6922163

Is it possible to make it so the Krita line tool has its own size setting instead of inheriting that of the brush?

>> No.6922903

I neglect life drawing quite a bit and I want to change that, however drawing random, even simple objects in front of me is hard, is there anything I should know before I tackle this or is this another just draw moment?

>> No.6922907

Yeah time and place is pretty important. it's a valid strategy to delete and repost under performing pieces a few months later. No one will notice. I had a piece go from 100-500 on twitter after using this strategy at an opportune time.

>> No.6922934
File: 4 KB, 384x115, 03199426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys really paying this?
I might have considered it but it's only good for 3 installs???

>> No.6922942

I tried it and didn't like it that much desu
I bet you could find a torrent somewhere if you really want it

>> No.6922944

clip studio paint! It has stabilization built in

>> No.6923037

Why does she hold her stylus like this? It looks retarded, is it a secret technique?

>> No.6923058

Yes, your post will be deleted shortly, and soon after you'll probably hear a knock at your door. If you look outside and the visitors are both wearing sunglasses you should run anywhere you can. If one is wearing crocs you're safe and will be given a briefcase containing invaluable artistic secrets. Good luck.

>> No.6923062

while I did turn function buttons off myself, this lady could never use them anyway...

>> No.6923063
File: 65 KB, 876x929, smokking man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw fat bitches I ain't kidding. I try and try but I do the folds all wrong. It'd be quite awesome frankly.

>> No.6923065
File: 247 KB, 416x615, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is pretty good

>> No.6923072

And... Where may I find this? (I am rarded)

>> No.6923076

Try the artbook thread

>> No.6923146

What's crabbing?

>> No.6923162

Crabs in a bucket will pull escaping crabs back into the bucket.

>> No.6923164

some of us hold pencils weird, that's all there is to it

>> No.6923177

Ofc not, I need a stabilizer every blue moon and I'm using CSP which already has that built in
I remember when lazy nezumi was like 4 bucks and unlimited install

>> No.6923178

just draw and before you do measure with the pencil and make small marks on your page to frame it and set the scale of everything beforehand

>> No.6923181

find the artists you like and follow their links to their prints if they have any, there is no one site
idk go to displate or some shit

>> No.6923242

you guys ever trying running your art through an AI to see what it does different? I ran one of my pieces through an AI thing online and I think it actually fixed some of the issues that I had with it. I thought her arms looked wrong and that it should've been lower and the AI did just that, it changed her arms but left the other parts the same

so I guess my question is if it's a bad idea to run my image through ai to check for errors

>> No.6923472

>ask anything here
>some questions unanswered
no wonder there's a faggot flooding the board with stupid threads

>> No.6923678

go ahead and answer them if you feel so inclined

>> No.6923684

Am I an idiot for going to art school at 28?

>> No.6923687

How good are you? There was a guy in one of my classes who was 29 but he wasn't significantly better than average so I always judged him a little bit.

>> No.6923700

I'm not good at all but I'm doing life drawing every day and improving steadily.

>> No.6923734

Well keep at it I guess, are you already enrolled or just planning?

>> No.6923751

I'm planning to apply in December.

>> No.6923755

How long have you been drawing for so far?

>> No.6923763
File: 36 KB, 960x960, 1478363521259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more time I spend on social medial looking at thousands of artists, the more they merge into visually identical tropes.
Consequently, I'm no longer of the believe that art is special or unique nor does it make a well-received artist talented.
It's an arranged set of symbols dictated by the copier.
They follow the rules as if part of an equation, and there are only so many permutations that can exist, limited much similarly to the number of notes on a piano.
As more people flood the digital landscape with their "art", these boundaries become more obvious and distinct. Therefore, day by day, art is becoming more washed out, for anything and everything that you aspire to has already been completed by thousands of others. Art is becoming a waste of time, a pointless endeavor, and you are only exacerbating this negative effect by publishing your work.
You are not creative, and the world will continue to care less and less about your "art".

>> No.6923778

I've drawn on and off since I was a kid but couldn't progress due to undiagnosed ADHD and lack of classes near me. Now I've been drawing every weekday for 2 months.

>> No.6923786

>Words words words words words

And not a single question

>> No.6923791

Just go use AI, retarded dunning kruger

>> No.6923884

I mean I guess it depends on your goals man, 2 months doesn't seem like that long to be deciding to go to art school. Where do you want to be when you finish the program? I guess it also depends on the nature of the school, if it's going to be expensive, how long the program is, etc.

>> No.6924268
File: 32 KB, 637x460, FB_IMG_1694546506099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have downloaded a large number of pdfs and such in my time between textbooks for my major (or otherwise) and artbooks. Some of them are not available online (for one reason or another).

How do I get high-quality scans of a book? I've always figured those pdfs that don't come from the publisher (e.g., Springer Link) but still look good are from someone basically destroying their copy for the sake of sharing. Is this always (ever?) the case?

>> No.6924269

Wait, I'm an idiot. Let me rephrase that:
how do I *make* those high-quality scans? Do I just go to Fed-Ex and say "Scan this book for me?"

>> No.6924477

As an amateur who gets easily jealous of his more experienced and popular mutuals, and compares himself constantly to skilled social media artist that have obliviously been drawing for 5-10 years more than me and still going strong, how possible it is for artists who started in different decades to be on a comparable/generally similar skill level after a while?

I'm also curious in regards to the skill difference between me and them still being significant even in 10 years from now if after all we both work as hard to improve our craft, if anything else. For example, would you consider comparing a mangaka who was active in the late 80s and one who was active in the early 2000s in terms of art skills to be fair at all? Or a 30 years old twitter artist who has been posting art pieces for 7 years vs a talented skilled 19 years old who got popular quickly.

I know difference in mileage and wasted years are not something you can change, but at least I want a tiny bit of hopium.

>> No.6924478

kill all nodraw retards

>> No.6924506
File: 264 KB, 1070x1904, IMG_4261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really dumb question here If I wanted to make a cartoon and had drawings that I wanted to put into a video and add voice over with them which program (windows) would I use to put them on a timeline?

What even is the workflow for something like this? Is it an animation program(?) to create the video, an audio program (audacity) to record the sound, and then put into an editing program (premier) to compile it all together??

How do I into animation? Software suggestions

>> No.6925303
File: 410 KB, 1440x1800, jscottcampbellart_1666292983_2953402063448191566_324375715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how to get that retro effect?
I really dig that effect

>> No.6925309

It is very possible considering how easy it is to start stagnating. You'll catch up to them only if they're stagnating and you aren't.

>> No.6925333

What are the shittiest and cheapest markers I can get off the internet? preferably something I can get off aliexpress or a similar store with international shipping

>> No.6925652

I dunno, I have two friends that went to Art Center in LA and they both said that the average age for students was higher, mid to late twenties.

>> No.6925655

I can understand what you mean, but you're just wrong. Creative and skill combined hit you in the gut, it's visceral.

This is a thinly veiled AI post.

>> No.6925663

To make a good copy of a book, you have to undo the binding/cut out the pages to scan. You basically do have to destroy the book. I'm currently archiving all my physical books into PDFs ahead of moving to another country next year.

There are very fancy and very expensive scanners that some universities have. They're triangularly shaped and automatic.

>> No.6925810
File: 20 KB, 400x294, 1356920-3289892026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsurprisingly, this exact "insight" has already been made by thousands of other art critics over the years, making your pretentious, surface level critique of art just as much of a meaningless waste of time as the art it seeks to critique.

Your life is pointless. Humans have said everything there is to say, nobody has anything truly new to contribute, the universe is a mindless, context-based remix of patterns derived from unchanging physical laws. Thousands of people have already watched movies, played games, breathed air, fucked, fell in love and lived life to the fullest. They've succeeded and failed, lived and died, humbly, brazenly, arrogantly, foolishly, cautiously, spiritually, agnostically, mechanically, organically. Depression and defeatism are old traditions, been done to death. Happiness and optimism are just as old, been done to death. Human consciousness has already been done.

Grow up. Or don't, someone else has already done that. Kys. Or don't, someone already did that. Blow up a school while naked and on acid with your mom's teeth up your ass, that might be slightly more novel, but it's probably done, damn, just give up and fade already.

>> No.6925825
File: 70 KB, 620x465, 1h6ohp-2062957146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a depressed teen coming to terms with the reality that nothing they think, say or do really matters. Imagine having such a flimsy sense of self. Poor fucker never stood a chance.

>> No.6925841

Set the search listing with cheapest results on the top. And be prepare of the possibility that you'll receive a different type of markers or a box of condoms

>> No.6926024

fuck around with color halftone filter and gradients I guess

>> No.6926035

Ya'll are drama queens

>> No.6926062

How do people that despise construction draw difficult poses from imagination and/or from odd angles?

>> No.6926141

what is actually the appeal of traditional art over digital, it's pretty expensive to buy and take care of all the equipments if you're serious about the medium...

is it the texture? the limitations? the tactile feeling of putting your heart directly onto the canvas? the testament of an artist's true skill?

>> No.6926226

Do these fancy scanners do everything themselves or are they just scanners and I need to bring the liberated pages to the scanner?

>> No.6926238
File: 44 KB, 400x401, 1699446340387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb social media question

Is there a full proof way to avoid getting jumped on Twitter for being "problematic"? Aside from blocking undesirables on sight.
I kinda pigeonholed myself into being a normal artist account, but I have plans to draw deranged stuff and gore every now and then, but it will never be my focus.

>> No.6926242

>drawing from imagination is fun but there is seemingly no real progress
>drawing from reference is torture and actually looks worse but probably leads to progress
What do

>> No.6926278

I'm looking for a video on values or rendering, it has a greyscale picture of a girl sat on a block as the thumbnail

>> No.6926318

There are some pros and cons with that, but it's better if you create a new account just for the deranged stuff.
You don't want your normies stuff being blocked from normies by being labeled as an adult content account. Even big twitter artist shits their pants when it happened to them

>> No.6926334

>You don't want your normies stuff being blocked from normies
I do

>> No.6926349

How tf do I approach drawing books? While I feel the need to copy every illustration/exercise It usually makes the book take an absurd time to get through.
What’s the correct approach? Do I Ignore everything to read the information in a timely fashion, or do I slog through redrawing a bunch of smaller illustrations so I can understand how to apply the lessons taught?

>> No.6926354

How do I overcome the urge to delete everything I posted

>> No.6926356

Why do you want to delete it?
Wish I knew the answer though, I wipe my socials and delete them every few years. This past weekend, I deleted one account I've had for 3 years. It wasn't big, maybe 2k followers but no engagement.
I don't know why I do this, just tired (and retarded) I guess.

>> No.6926358

I usually just read them in one go, and then redraw what I think is cool or what I'm currently struggling
After that I'll use the book as a form of warmup, just copy for 10-15 minutes before drawing or when I'm bored

>> No.6926366

By forgetting about a piece the second you post it. Qhen it's out of your hands it becomes irrelevant, focus on the next one
Don't look back

>> No.6926676


>> No.6926798

how long should it take to sketch a pose, it takes me like two hours to get a pose right sketching and I feel so dumb and slow. Is it better to focus on accuracy? Will I get faster

>> No.6927405
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, knakama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an oekeki/shi painter app any where for Android?
I just wanna draw some simple shit or draw on oekeki on the go. I'm not will to accept trash alternatives that isn't Oekeki at all.

>> No.6927406

what is the end goal for the piece meant to look like? are you using reference? and do you do timed figure studies?(like 30s, 1minute, 5 minutes, 20 minutes etc)

>> No.6927457

do you guys ever use 3D models as references? I wanted to use some but I was worried it wouldn't look right if I did? Is it a bad idea?

>> No.6927462

You have to have some knowledge beforehand. I use it when I can't find the ref I want and it's mostly just for perspective and nothing else. Tracing 3d will alwaya look flat and be obvious

>> No.6928280

Who goes to /i/? What is the point of /i/ that makes it different than /ic/? There's some people with decent skill in the /i/ OC thread. Why does it seem like everyone shits on /i/? I only ever spend time here.

>> No.6928285

You can only use /i/ if you know how to rotate a box on a whim/feel the form. (This skills blocks most people from being artists) So most people can't really have fun without the basics...so they shit on it.

>> No.6928286

Is /i/ the place you go if you're int so you can farm (You)s from prebegs?

>> No.6928326

What's an /ic/ archive that works?

>> No.6928345

This seems like bait. Are you serious right now anon

>> No.6928348

Warosu is down right now and Archived.moe is up but doesn't archive images. For now it's fucked.

>> No.6928351

The guy below him also has the same vibe.

>> No.6928374


>> No.6928432

Are you at least enjoying the show?

>> No.6928437

Guys is okay to like drawing even though I'm not very good at it? I keep having fun drawing characters and spaceships and all these old faded looking angry men keep telling me I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.6928546
File: 247 KB, 1014x1168, 57b48eced148f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DAE have the feeling before AI that some artwork are completely computer generated? Take picrel for example, they are impressive if you consider that someone drew it with their hand, but whenever I looked at it I just considered it soulless, like it wasnt made by an artist

>> No.6928659

Opacity or flow?

>> No.6928679

No, I wish that people could magically just believe when somebody says "it ain't like that" instead of having to learn on their own skin years later

>> No.6928682

Push on for gains and then self-care with the imaginative drawings. At one point these will be one in the same

>> No.6928689

I have that Aphantasia thing, is there a point of me even trying to learn how to draw if at the end of the day I can't conjure an image?

I don't want to become some pro or famous or anything like that, just want to make art good enough for something similar to a graphic novel. The only form of visual art ive messed around with was pixel art, which was always the easiest for me to do since i could kind of tackle it like a puzzle and piece lines together, even if it's a pixel at a time.

I know its anecdotal and im not claiming to be some genius but Im one of the more creative people I know and it truly depresses me that people in my life that dont engage with art on really any level and are super opposed to the idea of art just in general can imagine something and im stuck with a black void.

Basically I'm worried learning will be easier/only worth it if I can visualize. Like would fundamentals alone be enough to compensate?

>> No.6928700
File: 812 KB, 2553x1778, flow and opacity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the result you are trying to get and what type of rendering workflow suits you. Personally I like using both.

>> No.6928839

First fireden and now warosu, is there a ic archive that actually has images and werks?

>> No.6928862

On rulers theres a symmetry one anon

>> No.6928865

How much anatomical detail should I add to a sketch of a character that will be covered in thick plate armor?

>> No.6928866

White ink/diluted white out or white gouache, it also looks like he uses a white pencil to add texture

>> No.6928922

Bobby Chiu cured his aphantasia. Look him up.

>> No.6928924

>is okay to like drawing even though I'm not very good at it?
I drew from age 2 to age now. That was a lot of years drawing "badly". I only stopped having fun when I started getting jobs and got so many revision requests from retarded clients who don't know what they want...

>> No.6929778

Recommend me a website where I can search massive amounts of ecchi / hentai references by tags, with at least some type of quality control.
One of those “booru” websites, maybe? I used to browse Sankaku few years ago until it became a pay-bait mess. A website similar to old Sankaku would be useful to find references as I started drawing now.

>> No.6929784

Is constructing characters with simple shapes possible, if your mental image of those shapes is bad? Trying to get back into drawing but im not that good. I struggle to hold mental images in my head, even of simple shapes whenever they are rotated in inconvenient angles or whenever shapes are merged together. Looking to hear from people with similar experiences about how theyve dealt with this.

>> No.6929789

I don't see anything in my head when I draw, feel out the shapes, pushing and pulling, like you are playing with clay, but in 2d.

>> No.6929909

How often is it advisable to post on Twitter? I have a lot of drawings saved in my folder, but I don't want to post them all at the same time and risk having my account flagged as spam.

>> No.6930141

Only post on the optimal time once a day. There are tools to see when your optimal time is (When most of your followers will see your tweet), but it's pay2win.

>> No.6930158

Thank you.

That sucks, seems like something I need to figure out on my own.

>> No.6930265

In Krita, you could use Passthrough Groups in combination with Erase layers (specifically, paint layers with erase blend mode).
The order would be:

[Group Layer w/Passthrough option]
- bikini layers and stuff
- Paint Layer with erase blend mode
Nude layer and stuff

>> No.6930284

I'm not familiar with CSP but if it has a multibrush feature, you can use that. Google also mentions something about unchecking a "line symmetry" option, whatever that means.

>> No.6930971

Hi anons, can you guys give me ideas for a daily drawing habit? I find that drawing everyday is easy, but I am felling stuck on a certain level.

>> No.6931485

Draw a 100 of something your bad at
Daily studies of things you like/need to be doing

Check shit like this out https://schoolism.com/courses/story/a-frame-a-day-workout-helen-mingjue-chen

>> No.6933154

How do I get my painting brush to work like this in CSP? Is it possible? Looks like magic and I can't replicate it


>> No.6933157

try dis

>> No.6933287

Thank you very much anon

>> No.6933288

I want get good at art
Can only draw stick people :(
How get good please?

>> No.6933291

Want to draw people like heros, landscapes, pov shots

>> No.6933303

Draw what you like, copy artists that you like, study real life things relevant to your pursuits (perspective, drapery, landscapes, anatomy, armor, animals etc)
Keep it up for 3-10 years depending on your talent and diligence. I just gave you the answer, the rest is just effort and critical thinking.

>> No.6933342

Thanks so much anon! Will check it out

>> No.6934224

is it even worth posting on a twitter account/blog if I'm still a beg? I'm following people I want to take inspiration from, but I'm nowhere near displaying complete pieces or take things like commissions.

>> No.6934607
File: 11 KB, 303x139, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is up with the jannies deleting any post against having AI here? Good fucking job faggots.

>> No.6934612

should have named it something stupid like
>AI sirs...

>> No.6934613

You can't complain when they delete the AI threads as well

>> No.6934614

It's amazing how quickly they will delete anything that is actively against AI, and is not even a shitpost.

>> No.6934615

The shad thread reached the bump limit what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6934616


>> No.6934638

This works beautifully, highly appreciated!

>> No.6935358

I used to draw pretty consistently, at least once a week but over time my input has slowed down to a crawl. now it's months in between drawings.

Is it just pure laziness or there another reason I find it hard to start new pieces?

>> No.6935579

Is it worth it to learn to sketch with ballpoint pen? I like using it but I'm also a fan of pencils.

>> No.6935589

The reasons could be endless. What do you catch yourself doing in your off time? It's easier to mindlessly watch YT shorts, hang out in front of the TV or start up your ole comfort video game than it is to sit down and draw. Do you have any ideas? If so, it should be relatively easy. Make sure to disconnect, mute your phone, open the canvas and start sketching a blueprint for whatever it is you want to do. Or if you're out of ideas think about media you've engaged with recently and what has left and impression or you found interesting. The hardest part is getting started. Once you put your pen down and draw for a bit, it becomes increasingly easy.

I'm not sure if there is a whole lot to learn, just do it if you feel like it. I'd say the skills should transfer immediately. It's not like going between ink and oil paints for example.

>> No.6935601

That's a question for your doctor

>> No.6935640

the problem isn't me being unable to finish pieces. once I open up krita and scribble some shit I get in the mood to draw very easily and I almost always finish my drawing once i started. I even have plenty of reference in mind that I'll use once I do start but the issue is what you said, getting started

>> No.6935646

I sketched with a ballpoint pen in high school all the time. It's fun. Is it worth learning? I don't know, I mostly did it out of necessity/I was using those pens. What are your goals?

>> No.6936610
File: 61 KB, 1015x772, 1690939256359592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this normal behavior in Krita? I select a layer group and make a selection with the freehand selection tool and try to move a part of the group. Krita ignores my selection and moves all contents of the layer group. Does Krita do this by default? Can I stop it somehow and make it logical like Clip Studio Paint?

>> No.6936620
File: 94 KB, 1347x1174, 1689972716597502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More strange behavior if I divide the layer into two, select the layers inside the layer group, make a selection around them with the freehand selection tool and try to move a part of the group. Krita ignores one of the layers although I have it selected on the layers menu.

>> No.6936669

Oh remembered now that you need to activate a layer transform before moving things like this in Krita

>> No.6936900
File: 106 KB, 804x1000, Gurney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one of his blog posts, Gurney links to program that you can put an image into to automatically map out where its colors lie on the color wheel. Does anyone know which post? I would like to try it.

>> No.6936936

I don't read blogs but I used
colormind dot io
That's a website btw

>> No.6937028

there are a couple, prob one of these

>> No.6937047

How does a retard like me learn anatomy? I've looked at books and videos but I don't understand anything I'm looking at. I tried drawing arms from reference, labelling the muscles and such, but I quickly realised I wasn't learning anything and forgot it. I'm bored of just doing gesture drawing and boxes/circles.

>> No.6937055

You just keep doing it until it clicks. Like in a pitch black room, you'll find the light switch eventually.

>> No.6937088

What should I use for viewing 3D models as reference? I want to download an asaro head model and paint it from different angles.

Is blender the best way? Is there anything quicker?

>> No.6937265

>Copy artists you like
When doing this, are you supposed to look up other references as well, or just focus on the piece you're copying?

>> No.6937267

3d print it at your local whatever, libraries often have 3d printers.

>> No.6937314

Thank you, I appreciate it

>> No.6937762
File: 614 KB, 1262x879, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying a new brush in CSP and suddenly it started doing this but it stopped after I changed stabilization I belive. Is this a bug or is there a way to achieve this kind of behavior?

>> No.6937768

It looks like your tablet supports IRL tilt. Turn it off somehow.

>> No.6937827

It does support tilt but I was drawing straight. It behaved like some kind of fill tool, I don't know how to explain it but it is an interesting effect. Maybe it was a bug but sadly I can't reproduce it.

>> No.6938047

How do I learn how to symbol draw? It seems like that's the expected starting point for a beginner, but my only drawing method is copying drawings. I can't figure out a way to reliably identify contours, and I've never understood how to reduce things into simple symbols, so I'm not really sure how to proceed.

>> No.6938063

Symbol drawing is not something you learn. It is the default mode for people to draw. You are already symbol drawing as a beginner. You don't need to learn it and I don't know why you think you do. You need to learn observational drawing. Draw objects that you see in front of you, physically, not just photos. Draw an object from your desk/room. Now. Just put it in front of you and draw it.

>> No.6938064
File: 10 KB, 360x360, 360_F_245545512_7WixivDwMt9BgDoinjf0sa8Uzakyf3Pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Symbol drawing /= simplifying
Pic related is symbol drawing. There's like a gazillion vids and tutorials on simplification https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TntR8sb-UMc

>> No.6938659

Some tutorials and references on how to draw good-looking hands, please.