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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 27 KB, 590x456, unity 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6893568 No.6893568 [Reply] [Original]

Well, that it's, Twitter is officially dead
Time to quit drawing porn forever since (they) clearly don't want us to make money outside of slave labor.
You will be changed for everything you use. You will never own anything.

>> No.6893575

sadly this probably won't kill the frog in the pan

>> No.6893582

>Well, that it's, Twitter is officially dead
This is about the 10th time I've heard this in the past year and it's still not dead.

>> No.6893583

Based. This will keep third worlders out.

>> No.6893585

>You will now be charged
No I won’t? I don’t use xitter.

>> No.6893587


>> No.6893591

You really put no thought into that comment, huh?
What next, subscription based on how many post you can view in a month? Why would anyone pay fucking money to shitpost???

>> No.6893604

how does this prevent bots

>> No.6893605

>two more weeks!
>this time for sure!
Elon is literally farming all this PR from pseudo ""changes"' every week. Literally outrage farm just to stay in top trends.
>/ic/ is mow e-celeb gossip, AI spam and twitter/social media board

>> No.6893607
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Here’s the thing, it doesn’t. It just gives muskrat more money, he doesn’t care about the bot problem in the first place and it even gotten even worse now thanks to twitter blue.

>> No.6893608

You will need a valid credit or debit card for each user

>> No.6893610

are you underage?

>> No.6893611

> twitter/social media board
Yes, because that how artist make their money mostly if you aren’t in the industry, dumbfuck

>> No.6893612

more money and your payment information as a way to identify you then

>> No.6893613

>that how artist make their money mostly
Twitter/social media shit threads have nothing to do with that. You don't need a guide how to make account on twitter. There is nothing to discuss at all.
It's just shitty excuse to make another garbage thread.

>> No.6893615

>bots already pay $8 every month
>now humans have to pay too
Erron-sama,,, I kneer,,,

>> No.6893618

people running bots will just use virtual throwaway cards

>> No.6893621

What terrible countries to do this for. Should be only for India (maybe Russia, china also).

>> No.6893644

this was never about the bots
>first just these countries, just $1, just new users
>oh it was a success, it'll be all contries now, dw its just $1, and still just for new users!
>woops sorry, it's all users now, its still only $1 though
>woops again its $10 now, you get to change your profile picture 5 more times a year though!

>> No.6893650
File: 897 KB, 1177x1280, youdon't.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the best part. It doesn't!

>> No.6893663

It will do the opposite, turn away real people until only bots are left

>> No.6893678

Why do anons love defending every retarded decision this vanilla nigger makes?

>> No.6893702

This is an interesting connundrum. In future if ad blockers spread ad revenue will be meaningless. Because hosting is expensive, websites will need to start charging subscription or pay something like 1 cent per unit of size (mb?)

>> No.6893705

As a New Zealander, I have to say this is patu as.

>> No.6893713

Any Japanese anons here can tell us more about misskey? Is it just a mostly for fun platform + haven for established artists or could artists actually grow and profit there?

>> No.6893721
File: 132 KB, 554x439, 85-850595_shrug-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you can only have so many accounts linked to your bank account or PayPal, the same way 2FA means you need a new phone number every time you get banned.

Won't do shit against anyone serious because you can get a new phone number and a new bank account in two minutes but this will keep ban evaders and script kiddies out. And maybe some minors, if I was Filipino and my kid wanted my credit card to subscribe to something called X.com I'd just beat him up.

>> No.6893725

You will NEVER stop using twitter no matter what happens because you're a fucking addict and they know it.

>> No.6893750

anyone got a bluesky invite?

>> No.6893766

>release thousands of bots
>boost said bot in the algorithm
>"too many bots, we need to charge everyone money to prevent bots"

>> No.6893864

bots are actually worse since Elon took over, some of them even top the comments thanks to that blue checkmark scam.
insane how it's been, like it was already garbage before, but holy shit are the new owners complete retards...

>> No.6893874

you need to be 18 to post on this board, go finish your homework child.

>> No.6893875

>Well, that it's, Twitter is officially dead
Imagine being this fucking poor.
Anyone that is a normal human being can afford to pay a $1 annual fee.
If you can't then I'm really sorry for you pajeet and/or underage zoomer.

>> No.6893876

Japanese normies aren't convinced yet since the vibes are very fandom/otaku-ish due to mostly leading the charge. Nips will go down with Twitter like that band in the Titanic so we won't be hearing about any mass-migrations until Twitter is completely unusable.

>> No.6893877

>*bootlicking noises intensify
holy fuck are you a spineless cuck, you should be hanged for your lack of principles you cowardly pussy.

>> No.6893878

Since twitter blue rolled out I have no more spam in my DMs whatsoever.
Maybe it's sheer luck, but I doubt. I think it's more probable that an ic anon is full of shit.

>> No.6893879

biggest change will be locking out a lot of new zoomers or gen alphas that don't have any payment methods. existing accounts will be unaffected it seems.

>> No.6893880

Nah. I don't have twitter blue, nor I need to pay that money, which I would because it's a laughable amount. I'm sorry that you are either a poor third worlder or a zoomer. I don't need neither of those people on twitter. Good riddance.

>> No.6893881

Yep. This is a good day.

>> No.6893884

It wasn't when twitter blue rolled out, it's just something they did in the backend recently. Just two months ago I'd get spam DMs everyday from bots and had 10 bot follower requests on my private. Without me doing anything all of those bots have since been terminated.

>> No.6893887
File: 147 KB, 1141x667, 1691099652908574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on one hand cynical greed no different to what jewtube is doing with there war against AdBlock one the other hand this might nuke the bot infestation that has been plaguing xitter for ages .

>> No.6893896
File: 533 KB, 831x880, China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay $1 and we identify you
Soon we'll have the internet like Chinese have and retards like >>6893587 >>6893583
will be happy

>> No.6893899

Doesn't matter, I've already got an account.

>> No.6893901

I agree the amount of personal information is the real problem, not the fee. That is why I'm hesitant to register for any social media website.

>> No.6893907

It’s luck because the bots are more rampant now, since u can monetize off twitter blue now. The amount of only fan, crypto shit, fuckers spamming imagines in replies with are too high. Hell, I’m going to say that half of twitter blue users are bots

>> No.6893942

Yes, it's all about abolishing anonymity.

>> No.6893945
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 15238564631297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue was supposed to combat spam and scammers
>spammers and scammers pay for blue and still ravage the site
>no, no gaise $1 monthly will work to combat spammers this time for sure gaise
>gaise gaise is just 1 dollar lol
Now i get a pop-up at every vid
and it will block the player after 3 videos because
>it against guidelines
>just get premium lol
yeah, i can just not watch youtube and not use twatter

Suck to be retards who have all their income and cooms coming from twatter

>> No.6893957

Your mistake was assuming death by a thousand cuts was instant.

>> No.6893959

Paywalls don't stop bots, we've known this for decades, anyone that's heard of a goldminer bot can tell you.

>> No.6893960

Then maybe it has to do with the algorythm or who you follow.
I haven't had any spam for almost a year now.

>> No.6893966
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>> No.6893986

It doesn't lmao.

>> No.6893993

lol just use ad block and revanced

>> No.6894019
File: 72 KB, 850x645, 1665386141202199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it will block the player after 3 videos because
>>it against guidelines
>>just get premium lol
>yeah, i can just not watch youtube and not use twatter
it's not stated clearly in there retarded guideline policy but then again this is likely intentional it is designed to be as vague as possible so they can get you for arbitrary reasons .
also kiketube premium cost 15 shekels annually wtf? there extorting you while giving you the a choice between a shittier service you could get for free and without data harvesting bs or be flooded with shitty malware and scam filled ads.
This is the problem with monopolies anon whether it's xitter or ewtube if there is no competition they can extort you for whatever they want.

>> No.6894021

>obviously traced gun.
shitty artist is shitty

>> No.6894022

I'm so glad I never used twitter beyond watching memes. Good riddance

>> No.6894025

>shitty artist is shitty
if looked for guides on how to draw guns before and was actually shocked that there is practically fucking nothing on them at best you will get guides on drawing cubes in perspective and vehicles but that's not guns anon.
you essentially just have to grind real life references or trace until it becomes muscle memory.

>> No.6894029

>you essentially just have to grind real life references or trace until it becomes muscle memory.
Just like any other thing. You are basically saying water is wet.

>> No.6894031

>good riddance for a thing I never used.
Have you ever heard of logic and cohesive sentences?

>> No.6894032

>Just like any other thing. You are basically saying water is wet.
it's actually one of the slowest ways of grinding since you have to figure everything out yourself and when your grinding 5 to 6 hours you get extreme tunnel vision to the point obvious mistakes become impossible to notice.
watching a teacher or reading instructions on a book will give you the optimal method with examples drawing folds is a good example of this.

>> No.6894034

Only thing that will kill twitter is a porn ban, nothing else will do shit about it because everyone is already in there.
They'd have to chase away the porn creators in order to cause a mass exodus.

>> No.6894037

>Only thing that will kill twitter is a porn ban, nothing else will do shit about it because everyone is already in there.
>They'd have to chase away the porn creators in order to cause a mass exodus.
where will they go? lmao there is no suitable alternative to xitter that's why people refuse to leave it.

>> No.6894038
File: 223 KB, 1280x1887, [Studio Hard Deluxe] _Kakeru! Juu & Knife Kakutou Pose Style Zukan - I can draw! Gun & Knife Battle Pose Style Illustrations [Korean]_2238949-0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learning is deeper and more durable when it’s effortful.
>Learning that’s easy is like writing in sand, here today and
gone tomorrow.
>We are poor judges of when we are learning well and when
we’re not. When the going is harder and slower and it doesn’t
feel productive, we are drawn to strategies that feel more
fruitful, unaware that the gains from these strategies are often
>Trying to solve a problem before being taught the solution
leads to better learning, even when errors are made in the

>> No.6894039

probably bluesky, until they start banning porn and move on to the next twitter killer that will feed their need for dopamine hits

>> No.6894043

Bluesky still sucks because you can't even view it without an account. All you're going to end up with is an artist circlejerk until normal people can view it.

>> No.6894044
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>> No.6894045
File: 131 KB, 1080x810, on and off button motor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leads to better learning, even when errors are made in the
Ok let me give you a demonstrative example you know what this is anon? it's a 3 phase motor with an on and off switch now imagine doing this without any prior knowledge no teachers and no courses on electricity 101 you're going in cold turkey. Through trail and error you might eventually learn how to do it but it's a huge fucking waste of time where you spent 90% of the effort fucking about before you learned the actually solution on how to correctly work with the switches same with drawing all that time you spent trying to understand how to do it could have been spent practicing an effective technique.
>probably bluesky, until they start banning porn and move on to the next twitter killer that will feed their need for dopamine hits
i doubt it people are so imprinted on xitter that's become there spiritual home or something same with jewtube and it's fucking anti adblock campaign there is simply no competitor that offers the variety in vids and ease of use to bother switching.

>> No.6894049

Doesn't mean shitter isn't a bottomless pit of garbage and faggots and I won't be glad if it's ruined (like fourchannel) you fucking faggot nigger tourist

>> No.6894050

yeah, bluesky is ass, but the artist hivemind always chooses the worst sites to make an art gallery with for some godforsaken reason
porn ban may not kill twitter, but turn it into a shell of itself (much like the tumblr exodus). see all the softcore porn on tiktok? you underestimate how much these socials thrive due zoomies and coomers addicted to porn, and only a select few sites can show it due to payment processors. that said I doubt twitter will ever fully ban porn due to aforementioned

>> No.6894054
File: 213 KB, 1000x1282, abominations of the flesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(much like the tumblr exodus).
i don't think that was caused by the porn shoah anon...
>doubt twitter will ever fully ban porn due to aforementioned
muskrat like all business men knows how to push and pull the plebs it's called the corporate creep they will introduce a terrible policy backtrack when backlash grows too strong and then either gauge the ferocity
of the public reaction to see how far they can push it next time introduce a les severely fucked one to the praise of retards thinking the "benevolent" company listened to their scalding rage. As such twitter will never truly die off and bless the world by removing it's cancerous influence on the internet.

>> No.6894055
File: 82 KB, 700x700, 1687520746817992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but
>Comparing oranges to apples.
Anon, I dont need to tell you art as a field is NOT equal to working with electricity, they are completely different fields that serve completely different purposes and have completely different guidelines and strategies for completely different solutions. Dont pretend now that cooking requires the same ammount of prior preparation as working in a bomb squad.
Why in the world are you debating against learnign through trial and error? You do realize we humans are always learning through trial and error, right? Even if you know what you're supposed to do, you are still open for practical mistakes that you have to learn over. Otherwise, why even attempt to boil water when you are at chance of starting a fire for some retarded reason?

>> No.6894056


>> No.6894059
File: 8 KB, 201x251, FC8F630A-7554-4FD9-9022-BD9EF2261B62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok let me give you a demonstrative example you know what this is anon? it's a 3 phase motor with an on and off switch now imagine doing this without any prior knowledge no teachers and no courses on electricity 101 you're going in cold turkey. Through trail and error you might eventually learn how to do it but it's a huge fucking waste of time where you spent 90% of the effort fucking about before you learned the actually solution on how to correctly work with the switches same with drawing all that time you spent trying to understand how to do it could have been spent practicing an effective technique.
I would just consult my local tech priest for the holy canticles of ignition while performing the sacraments of fuel, air and lubrication.

>> No.6894062

Paying 1 dollar is nothing for a real user but a lot if you want several million bots to flood your retweets and comments like Sneako does.

It's the same reason as for other verification systems like in crypto, a 1 minute wait is nothing for a normal person but absolutely devastating when you want a bot that clicks or tweets every second

>> No.6894074

>i don't think that was caused by the porn shoah anon...
Technically it was, but not as the prime reason for the exodus.
If I recall correctly, Tumblr was already going down in userbase due to it's reputation and the site wasnt doing so well in revenue. The porn ban was a strat to get some of that revenue back, but ended up being the straw that broke the camel's back as every artist (SFW and NSFW alike) was moving to Twitter and Newgrounds. And why would the artist matter? Because a large portion of the userbase was on Tumblr because it was the main hub for artist at the time, people were on the site for the art. Removing the NSFW art made the base of the pillar split in half and the other half made the whole pillar collapse out of pressure.

>> No.6894079

the entire point I was trying to illustrate with my example was that learning via trail and error sucks ass because the vast majority of the time is spent fucking about and not learning or doing anything of actual value
i personally experienced this while learning how to draw folds i spent weeks pissing about with references and the like only being able to replicate the patterns without understanding how they actually work or why they act that way until i watched a YouTube vid explaining the types of folds and the wool was lifted from my eyes, eg unless you understand how these things actually work you can never actually apply the skill to it's full extent you will just be replicating patterns like a AI slopbot without why this and that works.
>I would just consult my local tech priest for the holy canticles of ignition while performing the sacraments of fuel, air and lubrication.
it's interesting but fuck me anon electricity is mindmelting at times.

>> No.6894085

>Technically it was, but not as the prime reason for the exodus.
>If I recall correctly, Tumblr was already going down in userbase due to it's reputation and the site wasnt doing so well in revenue. The porn ban was a strat to get some of that revenue back, but ended up being the straw that broke the camel's back as every artist (SFW and NSFW alike) was moving to Twitter and Newgrounds. And why would the artist matter? Because a large portion of the userbase was on Tumblr because it was the main hub for artist at the time, people were on the site for the art. Removing the NSFW art made the base of the pillar split in half and the other half made the whole pillar collapse out of pressure.

it always seemed strange to me how entire communities and social media sites are so reliant on coomslop to survive and i's getting worse nobody really cares about NSFW anymore it has to at least be a little softcore or edgy to draw meaningful attention.
i blame the clout addiction xitter and jewbook created.

>> No.6894087

>All new learning requires a foundation of prior knowledge. You need to know how to land a twin engine plane on two engines before you can learn to land it on one
you don't go in trying to wire a three phase motor without understanding how to wire single phase motor, or how motors work in general, If you didn't have prior knowledge that motors have a high start up surge you wouldn't know to install a type D breaker. If you didn't read the manual and got the polarity wrong the motor will spin the wrong way. When I was an apprentice I was told what was needed and to get on with it, and when I inevitably made a mistake I was told to redo. I hated it at the time but I never made the same mistake twice.
the only prior knowledge you need to copying a gun is knowing how to draw a box

>> No.6894092


are you a cuck anon?

>> No.6894093
File: 65 KB, 559x515, 1660511262971341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't go in trying to wire a three phase motor without understanding how to wire single phase motor, or how motors work in general,
yeah that's the point i was trying to explain anon.... we had to learn the technical plans and the basic physics of electricity (I hated that shit) before even starting.
>the only prior knowledge you need to copying a gun is knowing how to draw a box
>draw two circles
>draw the rest o the fucking owl

>> No.6894118
File: 31 KB, 500x378, 1685106588790144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire point I was trying to illustrate with my example was that learning via trail and error sucks ass
By comparing oranges to apples?
>"No, see! If you go unprepared while handling electricty you are at risk of getting yourself electrocuted like a dumbass! Therefore, trial and error is not doable for something as overly simple as picking up a pencil and draw where you are at risk of making something that sucks!"
There's no logical sense here, one argument does not lead to the other.
>inb4 "you're missing the point"

>i personally experienced this while learning how to draw folds i spent weeks pissing about with references and the like only being able to replicate the patterns without understanding how they actually work
Unironically skill issue keeeeek. I get you are in need of understanding the theory in order to fully grasp a subject, but if you dive into the practice and come out empty handed without grasping at least the very basics of it, that's a (You) problem. Do you not experiment or try to see how things work with your resources in comparison of others? That's all you're missing.
>the vast majority of the time is spent fucking about and not learning or doing anything of actual value
Reiterate, if all the time you spend fucking about leads to no learning whatsoever, not even something minuscule, that's a mayor skill issue.

>> No.6894124

>draw two circles
>draw the rest o the fucking owl
that's literally what you do though

>> No.6894147

>that's literally what you do though
THE boxes and circles form the base they are a simple outline you have to do a billion and one steps to get the final resulting picture and all of these are interconnected with each other cloth follows the movement of the body and lighting and shadows come alight source and also follow shape of the body ect....
that's the difficult part about art and why so many people never go past BEG.

>> No.6894150

I’m probably going to make a bluesky code thread when i get a few codes. It take like 12 days to get one. I hope other anons do so as well

>> No.6894215

how do the codes even work?

>> No.6894262
File: 11 KB, 398x298, 1546546516451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 shekels annually
15 too much
Youtube should be paying me.

You're still going to get ads while the content and overall state of youtube isn't deserving of any money
>inb4 the creators
they can all shove it
Majority of big content creators are grifters, have patreons and other shit directly backing them up.

They still have sponsors in the vids or basically just make vids to excuse their shilling.
And a nigga is supposed to pay to even be allowed to watch the mind numbing degenerate content others put on there for free?
For what, so we can comment and put the likes and subscribes just to boost the video and make the creator more numbers?
Just to be flooded with the nth vid about some drama about content creators doxxing each other or that other long hair faggot giving lukewarm takes on literally everything?

This is really a good excuse to just quit yt and social media in general.
I hope they monetized every single thing on the internet so i will be forced to go outside.
I am getting fed up with niggers on the web anyway.

>> No.6894265

You copy and paste the code when you’re are in the sign up page, it’s self explanatory once you reach it. You either get it from bluesky by signing in a waitlist or get it from other people

>> No.6894269

yh like it did on everything else, oh wait it didn't

>> No.6894270

don’t most kids have a card attached to their ipad these days? it feels like i’ve hearing stories about kids draining their parent’s bank accounts in shitty f2p games for years

>> No.6894272

Most parents are stupid tbf

>> No.6894308 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 299x168, 3B34731F-0B27-4208-B2CD-746D79947CA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is really a good excuse to just quit yt and social media in general.
HERE'S IN HERE! Stack up guys.

>> No.6894310
File: 11 KB, 299x168, BF08099A-8F89-4855-B80F-4CD2EDAA1ACB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is really a good excuse to just quit yt and social media in general.
He's in here. Stack up.

>> No.6894344

I'm pretty sure Musk is intentionally trying to sink the site by this point, there's just no other explanation other than him being just that autistic.

>> No.6894430

The site also just stopped being functional after the ban.
>tagging system got way worse
>old posts despite being scrubbed still show up?
>Posts that weren't NSFW were automatically getting flagged.
The purge was a double edge sword, we lost the best artsite but artists on Twitter gained FAR more traffic/traction than Tumblr had, but as a result they gained Twitter's horrible gallery and arguably worse culture.
With how art as a successful career is entirely luck based, and how people are more and more terminally online it's a recipe for disaster but it gets clicks.

>> No.6894432
File: 74 KB, 442x768, 1694650793212281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, who the FUCK cares about bots?
A bot has never done anything to me other than sending HOT JAPANESE LADY phising links to my DMs.

I'd much rather the fake engagement niggers trying to sell Onlyfans pics would get banned for polluting the platform.
And journalists.
And anyone who pays for this shitshow.
And anyone I dislike.

>> No.6894479
File: 75 KB, 850x400, 72D3E07E-C6A9-4E53-9154-916406212456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894484

There are lots of fat whore in the acting business these days though

>> No.6894490

>Yes, because that how artist make their money mostly if you aren’t in the industry,
Not that Xitter isn't garbage, but most artists don't make money by drawing coombait for online teenagers.

>> No.6894535


>> No.6894755
File: 583 KB, 1754x1240, 1691298074116907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is not a profit driver

>> No.6894764

Most need to draw coom to make a living, while sfw brings them money. There’s a difference between the 2, anon

>> No.6895146

>twitter will now be 18+ because the minors don’t have a credit card

>> No.6895149

anyone got one of dem bluesky invite codes

>> No.6895182

Paying means handing out your payment information which include phone number and address

>> No.6895186

based. theres enough shitty coomer """""art"""" floating around on the internet

>> No.6895224
File: 398 KB, 1280x1280, 1659545844905554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're still going to get ads while the content and overall state of youtube isn't deserving of any money
the entire reason they did this this is because investors where kvetching about there YouTube red grift not attracting enough dupes so instead of actually lowering the price and providing more value so people would actually consider it they just went straight to the racketeering route of making there platform so shit you can't use it without it and destroying any alternatives, it's like a man kicking you down a hole only to sell you the ladder as a solution to a problem he created.
>Majority of big content creators are grifters, have patreons and other shit directly backing them up.
>They still have sponsors in the vids or basically just make vids to excuse their shilling.
what did you expect anon? addiction algorithms are literally designed to reward retarded behaviour and grifting
>With how art as a successful career is entirely luck based
Treu anon entirely treu however trend hopping using keywords and generally being a clout farming controversy demon does produce results.

>> No.6895228

It does not, that is the best part!

>> No.6897085

It's fine, watching it burn is amazing but seeing retards crying about it is joyous. And if it's gone maybe op stops being a thitter thread faggot and starts drawing like he should, or at least gets charged for it.

>> No.6897487

at this point i feel like you get off on being wrong