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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 33 KB, 240x240, 1695314787626767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6892779 No.6892779 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets for CSP, PS, Procreate, Krita, and more.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?"/"What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

Previous: >>6825384

(Brush in the OP is in the rentry.)

>> No.6892780

Hoarding brushes won't make you a better artist.

>> No.6892781
File: 834 KB, 2392x2757, FTMroPDUEAEBwOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last thread's deliveries:

Anon's brush hoard from artists he likes (PS):

Lane's PS Master Pack:

Yuming Li Brushes (PS):

Pencil Kawagishi 5 years Evolution version for thin animators (シン・アニメーター専用鉛筆令和5年進化版) (CSP):

waterpen [version 2] (CSP):

Realphotoshop Brush (CSP):

Frenden Super Set v2 (CSP):

Lackism Brush (CSP):

Lackism Color Swatches (CSP):

>> No.6892782
File: 709 KB, 1005x565, 1697473937654638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A bunch of paintstorm studio brushes:

Blood Brush Set No. 1 (CSP):

Haiguai Brushes (Procreate):

Wes Gardner's Brush Pack 2022 (PS):

>> No.6892905

Nice brushes are nice for specific scenarios. We also share assets here like 3d models.

Anyway thanks for the nice looking bread, OP.

>> No.6892931

They really don't, but it's not a bad thing to do at all, it's good to try out new brushes because eventually you'll find a few that will work out for you and help you develop your style, etc.

>> No.6893356


Thank you anon, from someone who doesnt follow the thread daily

>> No.6893563

no problem, there are more new csp brushes that have been shared but they're in the rentry already

>> No.6893647

Lemon pencil
(S)oft (S)ketch pencil
dolphin brush
Mountain Rough Pen (お山ラフペン)
bristle set
UwU Brush Pack
Tinong!Brush Set
Worn Watercolor Set

>> No.6893744
File: 27 KB, 720x409, IMG_1393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu default brushes are really exceptional.
im just in the thread for fun
new brushes are just fun tools to make practicing fundies more engaging
i still mostly use the same brushes lol

>> No.6893859

requesting Jimmy Reyes CSP brush pack

>> No.6894048
File: 252 KB, 1100x1548, IMG_1262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i have this set.
ill upload after work.
this + frenden is such a throwback

>> No.6894065

Requesting for Water-Transparent pen ver. 2 (透けない水性ペンver.2

>> No.6894096

gimme the asset store link to it

>> No.6894125


>> No.6894138


>> No.6894142

hey im sorry to keep asking, but what do I do with this code? i'm an absolute tard.

>> No.6894154

nvm i discovered it, thanks!!

>> No.6894159

so I tried to extract it but theres not enough memory resources...

>> No.6894168
File: 3 KB, 160x65, Screenshot 2023-10-18 112205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have similar brushes to LMsketch? something for that rough draft sketch feel. I'm trying to rewire my brain to not ink too much.

>> No.6894203

what do you mean not enough memory resources? o_o

>> No.6894205
File: 12 KB, 601x440, Screenshot 2023-10-18 114007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894211

It's literally the default CSP pencil brush.
His stuff looks good because of how he uses his brush, not because of the brush itself.
When are you begtards going to undestand this?

>> No.6894326

weird, try using winrar to extract it
im using them fine

>> No.6894338

I got it to work! Thanks!!

>> No.6894411

Anyone have this yet?

>> No.6894562

But I'm not a Beglet tho.
>you guys have ranked me high intermediate on numerus occasions.

>> No.6894660
File: 402 KB, 540x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody got this?

>> No.6894923

my brothers in Christ, what's the easiest way to load brushes into an iPad Pro? for both Procreate and Clip Studio
i've been looking to buy a 2nd hand one but my memory from some years ago reminds me of how SHIT the file manager is on Apple devices

>> No.6894938


>> No.6894944

ok so Airdrop the files after extracting them on a PC right? do they just force open Procreate/CSP when clicked or some shit?

>> No.6894970

I did this whole process a few months ago, I had the extracted .sut files in iCloud. IIRC the fastest way was to have the files app open in a slide over window on top of CSP & drag them in, the other way took much longer. Procreate is way easier to import but will chug if you're trying to add huge .abr files

>> No.6895017

I will admit I have still no fucking idea how apple works and I only use my ipad for procreate. I usually download the files on my PC or android, stick them into google drive, open them on the ipad's gdrive and it'll ask if you want to open in procreate, then it just werks.

>> No.6895045

thnx fellas this helps a lot, in the end if it works it works lol

>> No.6895064
File: 62 KB, 479x240, deezdoobrushes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have these two brushes? if not, generous enough to spend some clippies?


>> No.6895085

Breh I'm pretty sure both of those are in the rentry. At least I'm sure the right one is.

>> No.6895096

who is the artist

>> No.6895104

they're on the wishlist lol

>> No.6895113
File: 589 KB, 640x360, base64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6895118

They must have gotten deleted from when the rentry got vandalized because I sure as hell remember the brush on the right on there
I'll see if I have it on me

>> No.6895120

i am once again begging, will anyone be kind enough to get any of these...? please please i'm willing to send you feet pics if you want (i dont guarantee my feet will be pretty or clean tho)

you just have to put them on a canvas and upload it as a .clip file

>> No.6895123

i have the first one, i dont have time now but if no one uploads until tomorrow morning it ill do it for you

>> No.6895124

oopsie, it was for you >>6895064

>> No.6895133

tysm in advance anon!

>> No.6895213

anon please get off work this is getting unhealthy

>> No.6895275

sry for late posting
couldn't find the video or csp files explaining how to ink, but any lineart tut should work

>> No.6895287
File: 1.19 MB, 2558x4096, b4ee3477e204616eb84442bd6d14a4d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea what brushes toridamono is using..?
Can't seem to replicate it with hard round but maybe it's a skill thing

>> No.6895299
File: 2.25 MB, 1473x1337, 1672357524161762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, very cool

>> No.6895302

>Wes Gardner's Brush Pack 2022 (PS):

* Complete noob question here *
how do I download / use this link to get the brush?

>> No.6895371

read the fucking thread there isn't even 50 posts

>> No.6895403
File: 1 KB, 189x36, image_2023-10-19_202621288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did , this one and the previous one - the older threads are also not available. so I can only download the ones from rentry.
I just don't know how to use these links for download , help ?

>> No.6895406


>> No.6895413

Someone spoonfed you already but

>> No.6895421

I would like to know this also. Can you replicate his brush on kemono.party. ? It's untranslated.

>> No.6895425

welp im new to this lol
wasnt aware of that base64 thing , you learn new things everyday

>> No.6895445

guess people aren't that familiar with encoded links anymore

>> No.6895472

I think some people get annoyed not because newbies don't know, but because the question was already answered just a few posts before

>> No.6895483

midwit take

>> No.6896297

here you go!
i added two other sets from the same author because i happened to have them as well

>> No.6896325
File: 580 KB, 644x648, hotdogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon. catch


i got you all of them

>> No.6896385

tysm anon! i was starting to eye the others as well, added them to the rentry seperately

>> No.6896423

Different anon here but thanks! Deeply appreciate it.

>> No.6896424

does anyone have any of these 3d?

>> No.6896472

can csp not smudge? every blending tool is fucking terrible

>> No.6896613

Can someone with a baidu account grab and up these procreate brushes?


>> No.6896689

Those are the haiguai brushes, link is in this thread.

>> No.6896690

Thanks a lot!

>> No.6897637

You can find their settings on a post in kemono

>> No.6898308

Has CSP fixed the binary/pixel lineart algorythm?

>> No.6898333

Is this guy a famous artist of something? How would one even come across this weibo post

>> No.6898394

I was stalking the the tweets of a chinese artist I like to see what they use in procreate and they mentioned they use that guys brushes so I had to google for them in chinese

>> No.6898628

>have csp 2.0 pro
>want ex
>app says 3 months free
>click purchase
>redirects me to csp site that tells me 3 months free only if i order from app
>go back to app
>order again
>redirected back to site
I just want to animate

>> No.6898662

>Lane's PS Master Pack: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L1VIUHZOeGdW
I'm kinda new here, how to open that link?

>> No.6898679

scroll up a bit

>> No.6898692

Cool, thanks anon. First time seeing shit like this.

>> No.6898875
File: 9 KB, 328x312, 1693252540285912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this might be a stupid question but what do I need to do to make vertical and horizontal lines the same wideness.

>> No.6898876

I never got a good result from pen tilt or direction dynamics in CSP but it worked a bit better in PS

>> No.6899322
File: 38 KB, 563x759, 36ac235f2018bb94f530932469da24b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kinda brush is this? it's not perfectly round and its not completely textureless. i feel like i keep seeing this exact look and i wanna recreate it. maybe photoshop's chalk brush? or something from CSP?

>> No.6899422

It’s the 38kb jpeg brush

>> No.6899443

I'm fairly certain it is a hard round brush, they're just smudging it in places.

>> No.6899476

made me laugh anon ty ily

yknow... yeah it could be just a low opacity round brush for real. w the crunch coming from compression. idk I still think it's more impasto than a regular HRB. or well I wish procreates hard round brush looked like this, it looks way too plasticky.

>> No.6900471

what are you, an angel? thanks so much, anon!

that's a flat brush, they kinda work like that. you can change the angle by setting it to follow the line direction, or pen tilt, or velocity, etc. the easiest thing to do is just rotating your canvas, though. i guess if you use an ipad or tablet is easier, on pc i kinda forget i can rotate the canvas.

>> No.6900672

Could someone get this?


>> No.6900699

I needed something like this so I got it for you anon. It's a .tne file though

>> No.6900713
File: 706 KB, 704x469, 1692894138250875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros where the fuck is it

>> No.6900726

where the hell do I put a .tne?

>> No.6900731

It's a ComicStudio file and not compatible with Clip Studio kek I feel a bit dumb spending Clippy on it, but it's ok, it'll expire if I don't use it

>> No.6900740

why the hell is it on the asset store for clip studio?
god I fucking hate asians so much

>> No.6900746
File: 2 KB, 192x94, 4edd4602b4bab8d35b486c8e3d0b8bd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's an old asset that's been there since the ComicStudio days. Maybe look at the tags before getting it.

>> No.6900749

i don't know or care about the history of the company or whatever
my bad for assuming a simple texture file would still work, I guess

>> No.6900816

for anons to read,
if you browse/login asset store through a browser it will show up assets from illuststudio and comicstudio/mangastudio times as well. these will be tagged as much, and they won't show up at all if you access the asset store through clip studio paint itself. and you won't need a clip studio installation to download them as they'll be in a zip/rar file. funny thing is i couldn't make them work in actual illuststudio (was wondering clip studio paint's past) however i could import stock illuststudio assets to clip studio paint successfully.

but just in case you can grab illuststudio from here, maybe it'll work (i'm not sure if .tne files even work in clip studio paint) and maybe your clippies wasn't wasted after all: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdhcnQucnUvaHRtL215emF2ci9tejMyLnBocA==

>> No.6900825

also still looking for the one on the right

>> No.6900929


>> No.6901020
File: 469 KB, 1514x1239, 8061031C-2A93-499B-A032-ADC506D0CF3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have these? I will love you forever.

>> No.6901047
File: 220 KB, 1280x1178, 1638393082.ouka._phantomshotgun2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a good brush for Clip that looks like this? I really like the pencil like texture (not so much the content of the art...)

>> No.6901238

tysm anon!

i know of similar brushes, these brushes are tilt reliant and won't work as well (if at all) if your tablet doesn't support it:



and the pencil brush in this set, this might work well even without tilt but personally i would enable it: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1739109

you can jog the rentry to check if there are better candidates

>> No.6901257
File: 704 KB, 1154x623, leassets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also does anyone here have their assets? rentry only has one of them, one of the crt autoactions was present before the vandalism


>> No.6901309


>> No.6901310

Any SAI2 users around with some cool brushes? I feel like I draw much more comfortably on it but I do envy the amount of custom brushes you can get on CSP so I can never really commit to just either or. I'll share some of mine that i've collected over the decade in return.

>> No.6901382

if you can manage to download this, and fix some of the bmp files that sai2 won't read unless fixed in photoshop, i liked these brushes:


as much as sai is a godsend that could run on a calculator or something, if your workflow doesnt consist of pen+airbrush+painting brush it's kind of unfeasible for full on artworks, i'd suggest keeping them both. there's some korean artist that draws in opencanvas (the ancient freeware version that's older than some people here) and (a less ancient version of) photoshop, they produce quality artwork in both programs but the photoshop ones are bit more refined, maybe they could be a point of reference:


>> No.6901398
File: 101 KB, 888x741, brsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I typically don't do much more than starting in SAI then switching to CSP when I need to do more post-processing. There's just something about SAI's brush engine that I can't really describe. Ideally if SAI had a liquify tool i'd be pretty content just working on it 90% of the time and just using CSP for filters and things.
Thank you for the brush suggestions and the artist recommendation! Here's some brush settings I use often. Two are just hard rounds so, no textures necessary. I'll share more when I feel like.

>> No.6901770

I'm looking for the brushes of DODAM I couldn't find them on the asset store, neither the Seoju Pens, by any luck do you have them?

>> No.6901843
File: 51 KB, 267x1095, b12038a0ce25bc691ad50ec6509ae9a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those were the DAMI pens, right?

>> No.6901941

Yes! I think they are

>> No.6902001

this is a hoarders nightmare

>> No.6902020

just download what you need
you don't have to download everything posted here

>> No.6902056

you don't HAVE to
but you know you want to...

>> No.6902057

There you go

>> No.6902065

can i delete the files once its imported?

>> No.6902637
File: 1 KB, 103x68, imagem_2023-10-23_200613202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like a hoarder's wet dream!
this is my brush folder, with everything i've collected (and used) in 2 years

>> No.6902742
File: 6 KB, 300x63, Screenshot (53).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nothing

>> No.6902816

Might be a stretch but does anyone have a copy of the brushpack DONDRRR shared back in 2019?
Original tweet with the mega link: https://twitter.com/DONDRRR/status/1095474556741931008
Bit late to the train before stuff shook down.

>> No.6903894

Rather than thinking you're collecting brushes, think you're collecting good textures. Way more important than you'd think

>> No.6903961

share some ps brush anon

>> No.6903971

does anyone have this?

>> No.6904054

does anyone have any of these? it'd be greatly appreciated!


>> No.6904090

Does this code get pasted into that shitty fork?

>> No.6904299


>> No.6904377

idk if you can request stuff here but anybody got KolorMark from Truegrittexturesupply

>> No.6904423

Thanks anon!. Radical.

>Not sure why people are so secretive about sharing stuff. It's not like anybody who owns this stuff cares about artwork critique.

>> No.6904517


>> No.6904552


https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2040715 Anyone has clippy for this? Or any free options?

>> No.6904662

it's not that we're secretive it's because there's a fucking schizo in /ic/ that reports every mega/download link that subsequently gets taken down

>> No.6904664

It's probably some butthurt brush merchant that got mad his gumroad slop got leaked out

>> No.6904747

anyone who has these brushes?

>> No.6904751


>> No.6904777

mind dropping a link?

>> No.6905187

Anyone have Aalma do Luar's gesture pack?

>> No.6905304

nta but check out the first link from OP

>> No.6905327
File: 2.72 MB, 1500x998, StippleStudio1_3ae51bf7-c831-4eba-bdfa-311dbc261384_1500x_jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have these stipple brushes?


>> No.6905876

Thank you kindly, anon! I wish I had any clippy left i'd get you what you requested...

>> No.6905981

I'm a little confused, how do I extract a CPS brush to share it? Am I missing a page with instructions in the rentry?

>> No.6906079

if on pc rclick the brush and export…

>> No.6906445

Oh I'm stupid
aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L01EQ3d4QWlp here you go

>> No.6906470

Thanks, anon!

>> No.6906630

New to this thread, what decoder do you guys use?

>> No.6906651


>> No.6906882

thank you!!

>> No.6906999

There's only one decoder

>> No.6907224

one kind anon sent the link to the bw one, and i got my pay to buy the rest, exporting them will be tedious but ill share it here and on the rentry so don't buy them if you plan to, unless you want to support the artist

>> No.6907764


here it goes:

glitch effect brushes: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3oxb0JlSjZt
glitch brushes 3: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L2JTYlQ4QWly
glitch brushes 4: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91LzdxeTNnTVlh
distortion brushes 1: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L1NmQmk3OExI
distortion brushes 2: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L0Y0QTJ6d1Bj

>> No.6907768


second part:

noise brushes one: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3ZKS0EzRnVC
noise brushes two: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91LzNuZVFKUUR3
noise brushes three: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3FXNlJHVTg1

>> No.6907769


last part:

crt/led effects default edition: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L2RQRW5vY3Z3
crtl led effects b/w: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3JwUVRYSDcx
crt/led effects horror edition: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L0hMYWdiYUtW

>> No.6908005

Can anyone recommend procreate oil brushes?

>> No.6908316

could anyone grab this set?

>> No.6908481

Anyone have these?

>> No.6909067
File: 153 KB, 300x300, ZgWcS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also added it to the rentry

if anyone got the force brushes i'd love them forever


>> No.6909082

Does anyone know if this (and his other photoshop brushes) will work in procreate?

>> No.6909761
File: 324 KB, 1748x2064, kiriko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you identify this brush for me, please?
I assume the coloring is made with a hard round brush, but the lineart?

>> No.6909766

try this:

>> No.6909821

Ho nice, thanks!

>> No.6909932

Should i keep usign csp 1.0 or update to the new ver?

>> No.6909951

Procreate can read abr files yeah, i think the master ack is somewhere a couple threads back

>> No.6909961

does anybody know what brushes Hungry Clicker uses?


>> No.6909981
File: 3.85 MB, 1200x1200, 2dafe0c054bfaec0b13eb3ab93aadaf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting these auto action for Clip Studio
I can't buy from that site

>> No.6910706

wow this is great anon thanks!

>> No.6911175

Ty anon <3

>> No.6911569

Seconding this

>> No.6912019

seconding these pls

>> No.6912041
File: 3.80 MB, 2048x2042, dr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed this thread, every thing i draw looks messy, i can't color or render properly without making a mess.

What brushes do i use in csp for anime rendering? I just used the dense water color for this and it keeps smudging.
I legit don't know what to do, i even tried messing with the pen pressure settings but still i can't be clean

>> No.6912203
File: 397 KB, 573x871, image_2023-10-30_124109363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first you need to learn the concept of edge control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnhj5efzN_w
no brushes will help you if you don't understand it.

That being said, try using a solid brush with no opacity/density pressure setting and draw+color that way first. (also use lasso and fill)
What you want is to achieve something like on the bottom right

Once you understand it, you can experiment.
image source:rinotuna

>> No.6912229

thank you so much

>solid brush with no opacity/density pressure setting and draw+color that way first. (also use lasso and fill)

By solid brush do you mean a specific type of brush like oilbrush or watercolor? Or by solid do you mean "good or decent"?
Googling just gives me a product.

I assume you mean any brush with those settings you listed work. Thanks btw

>> No.6912241
File: 135 KB, 833x874, image_2023-10-30_134654430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by solid I mean literally a brush that has hard edges, simple and doesn't do fancy shit

>> No.6912252
File: 220 KB, 871x644, image_2023-10-30_135448975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6912241 (me)
*notes: learn to use just the first two brushes to do edges and textures. Once you understand and able to use when needed, feel free to use fancy brushes. Or just do whatever you want, I'm just a comment on the internet

>> No.6912273

Thank you, I was confused

>> No.6913915

thirding this!

>> No.6913970

Anyone have porforever's fur brush pack?

>> No.6914252
File: 639 KB, 780x861, eb3c3d65-25a0-4045-ab96-670d968d2ce0_img_9963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting this Procreate set and/or anything else they made down below.

>> No.6914407

Anyone have Esben Lash’s Procreate brush set?

>> No.6915482

brah you pay for CSP ?

>> No.6915728
File: 71 KB, 497x427, e873671c8d-2e44-f888-39a3-2914eb064f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got this before it got converted to paid?


>> No.6915968

Anyone have suke's brushes


>> No.6916987

watch this video by Sinix

>> No.6917023





>> No.6918733


>> No.6918749

.abr usually lags on my machine but these are actually smooth. Thanks, Anon!

>> No.6919869
File: 714 KB, 1280x818, 1618351715296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSP is on sale again lads. You got 4 days left if you plan to get it on discount.


>> No.6921499
File: 306 KB, 1200x783, 20231105_140105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please get this pen? It's 1000 KRW (less than 1 USD)


>> No.6921833
File: 161 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231105_144102_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know any brush similar to this one, I think it is a photoshop brush but I'm looking something similar for Clip studio

>> No.6921841

poopy quality but i assume it's this

>> No.6921928

anyone pls

>> No.6922161


not to be that guy but there's a similar asset that's free in asset store:

and i'm noticing the whole set is essentially free: https://ko-fi.com/s/2ef32da7ea

>> No.6924273

that does look similar, thanks for the recommendation!

>> No.6924461
File: 323 KB, 1074x1517, ivan-talavera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any brush with canvas/fabric-looking texture like this? Thanks

>> No.6924469

Jeans Texture Brush (청바지 텍스쳐 브러쉬)

Content ID:1973053

>> No.6924470
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, Jean texture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

example >>6924469

>> No.6925187
File: 197 KB, 1678x784, Screenshot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody help me? I'm using Krita, and I want to imitate the brush that Gege uses (left pic), I just want the effect of being one size and when applying beeg pressure the stroke becomes beeg too, but have it the same size overall unless I apply beeg pressure, the current config is trash, I just want to understand how can I get that feel

>> No.6925194

>>6925187 me
(Krita and Photoshop use the same engine I think, so Photoshop advice is applicable here)

>> No.6925417

Nice video, I knew this very short version of the same concept, but these mere 5 minutes helped me so much back in the day

>> No.6925432

Can't help you much unfortunately. That drawing was most likely made with CSP by turning on the 'Velocity' option under 'Brush Size Dynamics'. I don't think I've seen something like that on PS or Krita.

>> No.6925444

Krita has that, it's under Speed. But he should probably configure his maximum speed first since the default on most tablets gives less than great results:
It's also worth fucking around with the brushes from that bundle, the marker set looks pretty close to the one on that picture already.

>> No.6927335

interested in this as well bump

>> No.6928544

anyone got that custom dark mode pretty please????

>> No.6928638
File: 184 KB, 1633x1926, Yucouu 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any brushes like this for csp or photoshop?

>> No.6928642

bro that looks sick! I need this in my life

>> No.6928686

Can someone get Ruby Pen 2 here? It's around 2,000 KRW (2 USD). The other two Ruby Pens are free for those who want them:


>> No.6928744

unironically default hard rounds, some with grain texture and some with canvas textures, also manual changing opacity

>> No.6928971

not that anon but I'm interested in learning how to render like this.

>> No.6929088
File: 17 KB, 240x240, ThisOneBlurBrush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone nab this while it was free?

>> No.6929139


>> No.6929190
File: 432 KB, 2048x1228, ShiangLFGJ 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I'll try that out.
Me too anon, pic related also renders like that.

>> No.6929243
File: 3.28 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_8784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COFE's Ultimate Pencil Pack for csp

do any kind soul have any of robogart's brush sets that they're willing to share? much appreciated


>> No.6930556

best way is to actually watch their process, both yucouu and ShiangLFGJ post on twitter, so it's not hard to find, you can check them out or on their weibos.

Also learn how to render everything with a simple round brush
i'm the anon from >>6912203 and this anon >>6925417 video is also very good. Good luck on your learning journey!

>> No.6931744

I could've sworn some anon posted a leyendecker sort of brush way back when. Anyone managed to save it?

>> No.6931874

yea i got it but im about to sleep
if someone doesnt get to you tomorrow i'll upload it

>> No.6932026
File: 1.52 MB, 966x968, 165339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have these? I'd like to try them

>> No.6932604

How do I get my painting brush to work like this in CSP? Is it possible? Looks like magic and I can't replicate it


>> No.6932887
File: 426 KB, 685x1006, yuto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heyo, I have a question, are these brushes or "patterns" or whatever? if it's a brush does anybody know the name or maybe a link of where to find PS brushes for these?

>> No.6932969

these are hatching and halftone patterns. there are lots of brushes that do this

>> No.6932979

brehs.... pls....

>> No.6933000

>halftone patterns
thaaanks, I needed that cue

>> No.6933173
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x2291, E-2um8vXMAIdG18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leyendecker Brushpack (PS):

I'd also like to ask for >>6928686 if anybody would like to share it.

>> No.6933178

It's just hard round brush

>> No.6933345

It's not that simple, I only use hard round but my brush does not behave like that at all

>> No.6933409

nta but it is just hard round with pen pressure setting on opacity, if you don't believe it you can download rinotuna's brushes (photoshop) which you can import to csp and see for yourself.

>> No.6933411

Where can I download cause I don't believe that for a second. Pressure opacity doesn't work like that

>> No.6933413
File: 325 KB, 916x833, image_2023-11-13_153058760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6933409 (me)
rinotuna brushpack (photoshop but csp friendy)

>> No.6933417

>Type: application/octet-stream
isn't this a virus

>> No.6933435
File: 95 KB, 1297x877, image_2023-11-13_160243463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear anon,
You can run your own virus check.

You can try mimicking the brushes and paint process, which there's shit tons of vods out there.
Heck you can even pirate his artbooks and video courses,
It's not about the brushes, it's about how to render with what tools you have. Stop blaming the tools.
When you say pressure opacity doesn't work like that, I can already tell you are very new to digital painting and I wasn't saying it the rude way, please educate yourself with >>6912203
and >>6912252 and >>6925417

That being said rinotuna is very good with his brushwork (read: how he uses them), I strive to have his level of brushwork

>> No.6933437

>>6933413 (me)
sorry I forgot I already host it and double hosted, please use this link

>> No.6933440

Damn these brushes are really fun to use, thank you.

>> No.6933452

Im not blaming anything, I'm saying it literally doesn't work the same. I've only got ~700 hours of digital painting in at this point though, so definitely still a beginner.
Pretty sure I've seen that Marco Bucci vid, but it might've been a different one where he also talked about edges. I have a lot of his stuff in my art playlist

>> No.6933611

begging for this wrinkle brush

>> No.6933664

neat, danke

>> No.6934331


>> No.6934500

Who said it will? I collect brushes like how someone would collect bottle caps or pens. It's nice to have. I hope that low-hanging fruit of a comment made you feel like a better artist than you actually are.

>> No.6934949
File: 1.82 MB, 1440x1080, vlcsnap-2023-10-24-14h06m58s846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a brush pen similar to the default one that rotates or is just a circle instead of the stuck one position 45 degree angle that the default one has? It'd be the perfect brush if it just wasn't like that.

>> No.6935251

Requesting this:


It’s similar to my favorite pen but I can’t figure out how to make it look like this one.

Nta but thanks!

>> No.6935255

How many of you actually use packs like these? Because I can’t think of much use for them in illustration.

>> No.6935688


>> No.6935692

me i would find a use for it if someone got it

>> No.6935898

Just change the brush settings, retard.

>> No.6935926

I’d probably use some of the stains, those blend well with paper textures. Can’t say I’d use the rest of the pack though— definitely not $40 worth desu

>> No.6936381
File: 132 KB, 1024x668, FtoWltLWcAYWRPU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried, cant change those things.

>> No.6937100

does csp usually have black Friday sales? I got a 2nd computer and want to just buy a new license, but fuck pending $50

>> No.6937108

based on the previous sales the next one should be late November or early December.

>> No.6937123

Yes you can, retard.
You can delete the custom brush tip, set the brush tip thickness to 100, change the direction, change the angle, etc.

>> No.6937409
File: 29 KB, 478x401, 1699515623819480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the closest to a Clip Studio G-pen and ballpoint pen in Photoshop?

>> No.6937558
File: 1.60 MB, 2192x1542, 104348886_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks babe.

>> No.6937731

Anyone got the OKLAB color picker for PS?

>> No.6937894

When's the next login bonus event?

>> No.6938399
File: 58 KB, 187x319, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone anyone still have these pencil brushes? I went to redownload them and they've been deleted. Also looking for good alternatives too

>> No.6938604

Christmas I think? Maybe early Dec.

>> No.6938639
File: 311 KB, 649x850, IMG_20231117_040248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find this asset used for the hair in the clip studio materials? Or elsewhere.

>> No.6938645

what an ugly ass fish eyed stare
anyway you can find it by looking for hatching brushes in the store, just sort by most popular and look for which you think is similar to your picture

>> No.6938661

Can anyone please tell me how to download this? Base64 decoding it doesn't work for me.

>> No.6938665

try harder

>> No.6938669

ok I got it

>> No.6938759

does anyone have wes gardner's brushpacks (minus 2022 and platinum) and his gradient presets? i can't access warosu at the moment

>> No.6938792

also does anyone have his other brushes?

>> No.6939649

gimme a good brush to sketch/study on csp pls

>> No.6940672


>> No.6941223

>that phase where you download +20 brushes before just settling for one the default brushes

>> No.6941426
File: 186 KB, 1240x1080, sinewavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of brushes would help me get a feel like pic related? is it just a round brush + grain filter?

>> No.6941433

huh, looks like a chalk brush + grain filter yeah

>> No.6941904

The defaults save for the gouaches fucking blow, and I tried them many times. I think it just comes down to drawing style, I need grain textures in my pens.

>> No.6942675

anyone have The Pastel Pro Pack : Procreate Brush Set or something similar that works with Clip Studio?

>> No.6942686

>Lane's Pastel Pro Pack
found someone uploaded it back in 2022, but they emptied the mega folder

does anyone have the default Vine Charcoal brush from Procreate or a copy of it for Clip Studio?

>> No.6942779

I don't want a brush though. The brushes rely on your pen usage and they won't be as even. Are there any materials like that?

>> No.6942887

hatching brushes already do the hatching for you, you don't need to draw each stroke

>> No.6943136


anyone have suke"s brush set ?

>> No.6943161


>> No.6943401

how do i save brushes from Clip Studio Paint so that they don't get deleted if i need to reinstall in a new PC?
tried backing up app settings last time and on new install, i had nothing.

>> No.6943410

I was able to transfer my settings/brushes to a new PC by copy pasting the folder:

>> No.6943726

Different anon here. Any luck?

For alternatives, I recommend COFE's pencils. They seem dope.

>> No.6943740

That's not what I mean, brushes just paste a block of hatching where your pen is, the hatches don't end up being perfectly attached to each other. I want a material, the ones you can just paste and stretch and stuff

>> No.6944085

this account posts some good csp stuff

>> No.6944138

Anyone have this set for Procreate? Mainly interested in Pencil de and Pencil shadow brushes.

I would even take recommendations for pencil brushes with this kinda subtle textured feeling in general. Just cant seem to find the right fit when it comes to procreate even when I try to modify everything.

>> No.6944139
File: 224 KB, 620x1312, 2347777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brush should I use?

>> No.6944180

Not sure if this is what you wanted.

>> No.6944419

Does anyone have a big batch of screentones for download? Specifically the ones >>6921178 mentions

>> No.6944420

My bad, I meant >>6935504

>> No.6944428

looking for Wes Gardner's gradient maps as well
or any good gradient maps in general

>> No.6944819
File: 33 KB, 329x329, 1692567788409375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone deleted the Wishlist so I re-upped from a backup and also added a new script to userscripts that checks the asset page to see if something on the wishlist was already uploaded. It will highlight the link on the wishlist page if that is the case.
Feel free to quote me to get my attention if links associated with the hub need updated or vandalized again.

>> No.6944986

Why are there so many cunts who can't let others have nice things?

>> No.6944995
File: 1.37 MB, 1200x800, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. correct artist, wrong pack. that's charcoal, i'm looking for pastel.

>> No.6945226


same anon
well i'm still looking for them all in case you were wondering, but regarding gradient maps, if you're using clip studio paint i liked this user's sets, but chances are you probably tried at least one of them:


this is one of is one of my favorite assets on clip studio paint period, on top of having great brushes, textures and a color palette, it has "general" use maps and another one specifically designed for the fountain pen brushes in the set, but i still slap it on any piece i wish to be honest with you:


this one is exclusively for fountain pen brushes by another user, i prefer the maps over the one above


the same user some other assets that contains maps that i like:


and if you're not using clip studio at all... well i'm sorry for the nothingburger, but recently i'm scavenging on deviantart and maybe i can find something on sites that are more in tune with photomanipulation side of photoshop, brushes i find on those sites tend to be not suitable for from-scratch artists but i don't see how most of them would not work on a grisaille artwork.

>> No.6945536

/r/ing picrel for procreate

>> No.6945537
File: 133 KB, 1160x772, 55ED5A81-047F-40D8-A53E-26E80E493657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6946034

What brush was used for this? I'm really curious.

>> No.6946734

bumping.... pls....

>> No.6947146

I believe it is Krispy pencil from wamudraws. He has his brushes just uploaded on Twitter but I can re-up if it's down.

>> No.6947159

thanks anon, as I'm struggle to find traditional looking brushes native on CSP, this one you recommend is a godsend
I'll slowly checking the others as well

>> No.6947191

Anyone got the daub set for photoshop?

>> No.6947234

Actually didn't see it on his twitter when checking so I'm not sure where I got it after all.

>> No.6947543

looks neat but i have no idea how to buy things from this website

>> No.6947689
File: 24 KB, 980x586, 1690784035721766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone Knows what this brush/texture is?
For Photoshop i think

>> No.6948024
File: 193 KB, 1280x800, 1418314_chalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deafult chalk brush

>> No.6948038


Any one have this brushes set, or this guy

Material in general, lots of his brushes can help create manga, but yeah, it cost Clippy which i don't have. Thanks in advance.

>> No.6948068
File: 277 KB, 780x1035, __drawn_by_kafun__5db92175c1125ca7f2f95bce19e811a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have brush settings or materials in CSP that give a Kafun lineart vibe? I've tried adjusting my brushes, but it's hard to get it just right.

>> No.6948387

currently 25% off on Etsy if anyone wants to be a hero

>> No.6948459
File: 220 KB, 700x1063, 1578504622430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that's just a default marker brush or maybe the calligraphy brush with a few tweaks. But the ""vibe"" is simply basic lineart techs like pic related

What makes Kafun's art stand out is his way of composing the pictures, the flat colors and of course the coombait.
Don't get me wrong, they are nice pictures, but they're not technically impressive and there is no "secret" to it.

>> No.6948477

He often makes lineart thicker at the ends of the lines instead of thinner like most people do, and his lines always have a curve instead of straights source: i am the best inker

>> No.6948751

I don't really expect my drawing to be like him, just that I like his lineart vibe & want it for my comic and for fun doodling.
>default marker brush or maybe the calligraphy brush
I will try adjusting my marker & calligraphy brush setting then. I mostly tried tweaking default g-pen brush setting so I have no idea. Thanks

>> No.6948757

you got the procreate version?

>> No.6949638

there's like 7 people waiting for this bro it's over

>> No.6949848
File: 61 KB, 979x858, velocity setting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use velocity settings

>> No.6950219
File: 309 KB, 1500x998, kraft_mac_and_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any one have Krafttone brushes for procreate?

>> No.6950454
File: 101 KB, 419x458, mpv_zdf6LMUIMR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A CSP brush like picrel?

>> No.6951215
File: 27 KB, 428x474, 1612839142222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSP's on sale again for a couple more days until the 28th:

>> No.6951576

you can use CSP brushes in other programs if you extract the png files from them:


>> No.6952349

New Thread