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6881026 No.6881026 [Reply] [Original]

Is 22 too old to start if I'm expecting to become hireable level by the time I am 30?

>> No.6881035

It's never to late to do gay porn

>> No.6881042

No. I started around your age like many others as well. Just follow your passion, anon.

>> No.6881046

If you have to ask you will not make it. You lack the willpower.

>> No.6881073

no, but will any jobs exist in 8 years? don't worry about hire-able, just focus on doing what you like, but push yourself, because as bill gates said;
"it is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." applied to art.

>> No.6881074

*8 years, i mean that for all intellectual labor job types

>> No.6881112

No it's pretty doable

>> No.6881124

You're always going to feel too old, even when you're comedically young (like being 22). You'll look back in five years and just realize how young you were. And then five years later you'll realize how young you were at 27. Then at 32.

But to answer your question: you're not too young.

>> No.6881128

22 is young as fuck

>> No.6881388

No, 8 years sounds about right. I started at 18 and didn't study for shit, took years off etc and still got a job in my niche (manga-style comics) when I was 26.

>> No.6881959

No but art as an industry will be dead in like a year, you can pick it up as a hobby but don't waste much time on it.

>> No.6881964

it sounds like you are asking for permission, but I doubt anybody care enough to try and gate keep you, instead trying to draw, or doing any sort of research about the type of things you wanted to do, you made this thread. I think you haven't given this much thought, and I don't think anybody can give you a definitive answer without knowing your circumstance or have any sample to judge your aptitude.

>> No.6881976

the best time to start drawing is 10 years ago. the second best time is now
get started you dumb fuck

>> No.6882007

The best time to start drawing is 10 years ago. The second best time is 9 years and 364 days ago. Now is only the 18364th best time. It's too late dumbass.

Anyway just fucking draw anyway it's better to find out yourself than living in regret

>> No.6882033
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22 is perfectly fine to start Anon! Starting is not the hard part the hard part is sticking to it!
Go for it Godspeed!

>> No.6882109

Willpower doesn't exist.
Discipline requires not that you ignore your distractions, but that you remove them.

>> No.6882120

If you are talented it's not and you won't know if you are talented until a couple years in. On the other hand I would not pursue art as a job without a backup plan considering AI

>> No.6882231

that might be the single ugliest fucking hand I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.6882246

8 years is quite realistic

>> No.6882381

That's when I started. Hit that goal well before 30, though.

>> No.6882452

I think willpower or discipline is only useful in the first few years when you're grinding fundamentals. after that what will keep you going is having a worthwhile project or outlet to sink your time & skills into

>> No.6882463

i forgot to say, removing distractions helps if you have many appealing things around you like games and image boards to steal your grinding time. but after that you need to get a project that is more apparently rewarding than any distractions around you.

>> No.6882567

Only weak fags need to remove distractions. I can follow brutal diets with my room full of snacks and draw for 9 hours straight with my phone next to me.

>> No.6882658

Damn.. I started then too and am 30 now but still years away from that level