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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 621 KB, 1319x916, 画像_2023-10-06_135059418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6878008 No.6878008 [Reply] [Original]

also pyw

>> No.6878234

Very true, but I'm in the middle picture so I won't post my work

>> No.6878244

Mid is people with Dunning-Kruger, but the irony is that people defending their lack of practice with said pic also have Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.6878254

i study because its comfy

>> No.6878258

>complain about studying and practise
>to draw what they want they still need to study and practise
>proceed to stop drawing and only shitpost
many such cases

>> No.6878327

true, but switch kozue and anzu around

>> No.6878341 [DELETED] 

>likes on social media

>> No.6878349

>160 IQ is understanding you need to study human and animal anatomy to understand the underlying structure of characters and learning to proportion characters including head-to-body ratios and mastering different expressions to convey emotions effectively, practice drawing characters in various dynamic and static poses and understanding perspective to draw cute girls

>> No.6878379
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 画像_2023-10-06_180817981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are both retarded so I had to sort them by age
a genius can just naturally fix the things that don't look good, a retard will do the same without realizing

>> No.6878430
File: 109 KB, 750x986, 1608918717929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, same. It's a joy seeing myself improve. Nothing is more relaxing than a few hours of figure drawing

>> No.6878434

>a genius can just naturally ook eek hurr durr
man its like every time an AI thread gets deleted a somehow worse one takes its place

>> No.6878578
File: 292 KB, 2000x1992, 20231006_185341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that drawing and understanding beauty does require a method. This meme is stupid.

>> No.6878605


>> No.6878611

talentless midwit

>> No.6878620

im either between 60-80 or 110-130
hard to tell which some days its probably 60-80

>> No.6878621

Sure, my friend! Michelangelo was a midwit. Coomerism is the way!

>> No.6878624

Damn I'm good. Top of the bell-curve, baby! I can see my house from here.

>> No.6878626

Just copy the things you want to draw until you get good
I‘m begging you
Just fucking draw

>> No.6878638

of course you actually believe this bell curve retard astrology, you would be drawing otherwise

>> No.6878648
File: 1.99 MB, 1080x1430, Blimp Ride Final Image SML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a journey you must go through. You can simplify more effectively if you understand the underpinnings of anatomy. Otherwise you just end up looking like a teenage girl drawing sailor moon fan-art in the back of her notebook.

>also pyw

...uh Ok.

>> No.6878650

we aren't even discussing AI...

>> No.6878651
File: 285 KB, 385x464, 画像_2023-10-06_204423147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for posting your art and proving my meme right anon

>> No.6878679

That strategy is for 170 IQ +

>> No.6878723

holy dunning kruger

>> No.6878738


I believe this is one of the few appropriate times for me to say, PYW.

>> No.6878750

Not him but I will commend you on something, your backgrounds are a lot stronger than your figures though you are doing something that almost nobody does in this board which is finishing an illustration complete with background instead of having some cropped boob in the void of space. Keep integrating figures with backgrounds in perspective as you will be telling describing a well read story doing so.

>> No.6878754

Forgot to add I usually do not last more than a couple of seconds when looking at somebody else's drawing because nothing captivates you yet I lasted a good moment appreciating the details you invested time on, just know it didn't go to complete waste.

>> No.6878795
File: 340 KB, 1500x1900, 2021_11_19 genshin impact fanart ningguang doodle_colored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not entirely sure what point this chart is trying to make, is it trying to draw a correlation between motivating factor and IQ? I think I've seen a version of this, but it has more to do with competencies rather than IQs.
This is saying that both low and high end off IQ spectrum is focusing on the "fun" aspect while people in the medium is focusing on trying to achieved more technical competencies?

>> No.6878830

>The sticky
I refuse to use something that recommends fucking drawabox

>> No.6878837


>> No.6878838

I guess that midwits get caught up in endless study cycles and never actually get around to making their actual art look good.

>> No.6878848

The sticky was written by a redditfag
What did you expect?
They love that 200000 box stuff

>> No.6878869
File: 1.20 MB, 819x1066, 893 - 904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more or less true I'd say, I definitely get too deep into grindan (picrel is the latest thing I've drawn, over 900 loomis block-ins/heads deep)
get your fundies to the point you can do studies
get a process you like to plan a drawing
apply that process to master studies of the work you'd like to do (I need to take my own advice but after this Loomis grind I s2g I'm just going to take some time to draw what I want to draw)

>> No.6878871

the sketches with the circles by them are drawn from memory

>> No.6879801

being a midwit must be so exhausting

>> No.6880700

I literally posted this bad art to prove the meme wrong you moron. Good results require good systems.

>> No.6880738


>> No.6881018

Me on the left

>> No.6881061

I think you forgot people stop drawing approaching the end which is most of /ic/ who started during the Vaxx era

>> No.6881067

The airship is kinda cool but the dude doesnt even look finished, why is his hair a flat color with only a highlight? the face also has that destinct beginner huge nose
Red light is also cast weirdly, the top of the bars is way too red but then the light instantly falls off without a gradation

Get gud at people and Im gonna like your art

>> No.6881085

"Midwits" are very prone to safezone drawing (only drawing shit very similarly to how they drew it before, only drawing things for which they've gone through explicit lessons beforehand, only drawing with extensive exact references) because they're too afraid of things looking bad, which actually tends to result in plateauing at a level of mediocrity. The dimwitted artist doesn't care if things look bad because they just draw to create what they want to see, results be damned (think like how a child draws). The smart artist combines both studying with opportunities for experimentation without beating themselves up over lower quality results. Most people who complain that they "can't draw from imagination" are likely in this supposed midwit artist category, with the true reason for their inability is the fact that they never really try to draw from imagination.

>> No.6881152
File: 508 KB, 2841x2649, figoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prefacing with whats true for me may not be true for others.

Depends. Really I IMO you can really only start thinking so carelessly after you've gotten a grasp of the fundamentals well enough first. I do however believe its possible to get overly obsessed into parts of fundamentals that are inconsequential and could lead to a lack of improvement. For example, tediously studying a niche muscle thats under another muscle and only has one purpose that bulges X point up 0.3 inches when flexed in very specific way. Just keep learning and relearning the largest muscle groups, study fundies, and study masters + references.

Really its mostly about increasing visual library until you're able to do the picture on the left and right and execute them well, because as you perceive and store memories of "what looks good", you'll be able to execute it better every time.

>also pyw
This certainly means I am obligated

>> No.6881193

Cute pic

>> No.6881225


>> No.6881279

>1 1 60
More like
>0 3[by the poster] 5

>> No.6881286
File: 544 KB, 2000x2000, Illustration12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'm the midwit artist

>> No.6881302

Midwits focus on the how because they have no why.
Imbeciles and geniuses focus on the why because they're too dumb to thing about how they're gonna do it, or smart enough to figure it out on the fly, respectively.

It's 100% true, in all aspects of life. Everywhere you go you'll see cowardly losers asking for permission and instruction from authorities to to do stuff "the right way", meanwhile successful people got there faster through trial and error.

>> No.6881303
File: 6 KB, 269x187, 035AEC8B-062B-4657-9B1D-0FB8700DF8EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I think I'm dimwitted.

>> No.6881321

>Dimwit: oh I like how this artist draws torsos, I will try to draw torsos just like this person
>High IQ: Oh I like how this person draws torsos, but I think I'd find it more appealing if they were given a bit more muscle definition around the abdominals; I'll experiment with drawing torsos like this artist while giving them more realistic abdominal definition, using muscle reference photos and diagrams as reference
>Midwit: I like how this artist draws torsos, but if I draw torsos like that, won't I just be a fraud? And besides, before I can attempt drawing anything like that, I first need to study the art of these 5 art instructors whose styles I hate for at least one year, and also achieve the ability to draw near perfect realism from a live model, as well as conduct extensive research into anatomy which I will drill via flash cards and studying these old masters whose work looks nothing like what I want to draw, and then maybe in another 5 years (in addition to the 10 that I've already spent trying to learn to draw) I'll finally be ready to draw my first cartoon girl floating in the void

>> No.6881323


The idiot, midwit, genius phenomena is observable in other creative fields as well. It's the seemingly brave, stupid musicians and the highly intelligent and disciplined musicians that escape the trap of playing and composing in rigid mechanical ways. Midwits in all fields are heavily influenced by the need to fit in and follow norms. The midwit gets caught up thinking about counting and planning every move they're going to make because they fear failure and need to 'do it correctly,' the idiot stumbles his way to the finishing line and excels through sheer bluster, while the genius is smart enough to understand that failure is inevitable and he might as well just relax and trust in the process. The idiot and the genius are both willing to experiment constantly out of impulse or curiosity, while the midwit is obsessed with walking the road only if someone else has drawn up a precise map to the destination.

Writers are the same. Midwit writers are obsessed with rules get stuck making the "perfect 3 part outline" for their generic paint by numbers crime novel, while the idiot shits out endearingly soulful works with emotionally transparent characters, and the genius breaks the rules to create unexpected and meaningful stories.

The takeaway has less to do with IQ and more to do with a willingness to let go of what you can't control, either because you're too stupid to realize it's even a problem, or smart enough to recognize attempts at perfection are for sheep.

>> No.6881326

>oh no my attempt at drawing a little cartoon girl in the void looks like shit, I guess I still haven't copied enough of Michelangelo's sketches of naked middle-aged men

>> No.6881474
File: 204 KB, 1060x1098, tl8hybadum151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i crumbmaxx bros...?

>> No.6881501

Midwits are too dumb to think but too smart to feel.
It's true in drawing, music, writing, sports, finances, etc.

>> No.6883239

thank :)

>> No.6883295
File: 141 KB, 550x580, 1670504825766005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the fucking niggy who swapped clothes on these girls?

The one on the right looks like shit and needs the shirt to complement her hair color.
Anzu is based and despite that dress not being bad, it doesn't fit her at all, the shape language and palette is all wrong.

Fuck you bloody.

>> No.6883442
File: 193 KB, 604x608, 20231010_020858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels pretty accurate, but I think you can be smart about applying technique; you only really enter midwit territory when you get into an overly cautious 'FITTER. HAPPIER. MORE PRODUCTIVE' mentality about it and refuse to do anything spontaneously.
Book stuff is helpful for direction, but I find I go a lot faster with intuition. Still a beg doe.

>> No.6883758

Pic is yours?
It's amazing

>> No.6883762

This is sad, but it's true.
Overthinking means you don't get things done.

>> No.6884881

Idiots have balls.
Nimrods have brains.
Midwits have no balls and no brains.

>> No.6885435

Oozing with soul desu senpai
Post blog urgently!

>> No.6885475

mmm, very nice.

>> No.6885535
File: 1.55 MB, 1430x1076, Monster Mash Final sml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6885595

pyw x2

>> No.6885917
File: 136 KB, 800x1200, genshin impact yae miko 2023-10-11 pinup doodle SDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6886059
File: 327 KB, 1081x1443, 1000003094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting there, but I still do studies when I blank on what to draw.

>> No.6886084

The dimwit petting the dog
>pets the dog
The genius petting the dog
>looks up some summaries of dog body language and how to approach a strange dog, can now easily pick up on which dogs to avoid and knows to let the dog sniff his hand before petting
The midwit
>studies hours of videos of people petting dogs, makes flashcards of dog body language cues, tries to memorize the best hand technique to reduce possibility of wrist injury and irritating the dog, then when sees a dachshund in public that he wishes to pet, he realizes that he never researched how to pet a dachshund in particular, so he doesn't pet the dachshund and starts watching videos of other people petting dachshunds
>when he sees the dachshund again he goes in for the pet, but is so tied up in knots over doing it wrong that he goes in too aggressively and the dachshund growls at him
>he now avoids dogs altogether for a month or two, before finally firing up the "How To Pet a Dog" tutorial videos again

>> No.6886602


>> No.6886841

best explanation

>> No.6886869
File: 88 KB, 508x364, Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 00-45-54 The Art Spirit - e242ca6462330c9c1d5bbbe8242ffa37.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6887156

you can't change your iq/talent anon

>> No.6887160
File: 284 KB, 762x438, 画像_2023-10-12_171957776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is wrong, the meme shows the dumb and intelligent understanding what looks beautiful naturally and the midwit overcomplicating things (like you) and getting ass results

>> No.6887166

muh drawing rules!!

>> No.6887176

What rule, retard?
Saying something should look good isn't a rule, it's a platitude.

>> No.6887179

muh grammar rules!!

>> No.6887182

Only smart people in this thread

>> No.6887332

ok but this is how you get people like illastrat

>> No.6889689

I think that's normal for the most part. If ideas are blank meh fukit time to study

>> No.6889974
File: 451 KB, 1060x573, 画像_2023-10-14_221729612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they sure are cute

>> No.6889983

your lineart is pretty poopy

>> No.6890349

entirely correct
justdraws stay winning

>> No.6890600
File: 198 KB, 747x584, 画像_2023-10-15_100918720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the sketch

>> No.6890629
File: 13 KB, 497x70, Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 00-15-56 The Art Spirit - e242ca6462330c9c1d5bbbe8242ffa37.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golems are predestined to be terrible at art.

>> No.6890835

The pic implies the idiot would be capable of drawing the anime girl up to standards.

>> No.6891833

only midwits underestimate the dimwitted, are you a midwit??

>> No.6891839
File: 1.49 MB, 3087x6000, ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwits get stuck in grinding study hell because they are scared and ashamed of their work not being perfect.
geniuses know being a beglet is a part of the process to become pro and still finish their work knowing they will improve with each finished piece
and dimwits don't care they just draw

>> No.6891909

Obsessive perfectionism can be a huge detriment to progress. Yeah, making your stuff look good is... good, but at a point you're just endlessly fudging and tweaking shit with at best nominal benefit, when you'd be better off just sticking to something that's good enough, finishing the piece, and moving on to the next one, instead of burning out on tweaking and revising, never truly settling on anything, and winding up with piles of drawings that are 50-75% complete.

>> No.6891919
File: 78 KB, 1654x801, The midwit trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but at a point you're just endlessly fudging and tweaking shit with at best nominal benefit, when you'd be better off just sticking to something that's good enough, finishing the piece, and moving on to the next one, instead of burning out on tweaking and revising, never truly settling on anything, and winding up with piles of drawings that are 50-75% complete.
this is the problem i had i either got stuck during the sketching phase endlessly modifying a pose to look more "dynamic" or got stuck at the midpoint because i had no idea on how to actually finish it since I'm shit at rendering.
at some point you just have to let it go even if you fucking hate it and find it embarrassing set a deadline for yourself and wrap it up before you waste get stuck in mid wit hell.

>> No.6891941

I have to deal with a dimwit at my job, he keeps making the same mistake and cannot fix nor even notice it most of the time. Of course he gets pissy when I tell him to pay attention.
Only self-aware dimwits can do well. Period.

>> No.6891942
File: 265 KB, 1024x1024, 363418972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does AI fit into this meme?

>> No.6891943

>How does AI fit into this meme?
promtslop AI shit is the last refuge of the midwit who gave up and accepted NGMI'dom.

>> No.6891952

so you're the midwit perfectionist who is ruining the job for everyone got it

>> No.6891955

>happy with sketch
>get to inking
>oh no this part doesn't look right
>sketch that part again
>no this looks worse
>erase, redraw again
>OK this is better
>resume inking
>realize the first draft might still have been the best

>> No.6891958

keep coping
It's not me who fucked up once so hard we had to spend the whole day fixing the mistake.

>> No.6891959
File: 168 KB, 400x480, 1660504798561066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>happy with sketch
>>get to inking
>>oh no this part doesn't look right
>>sketch that part again
>>no this looks worse
>>erase, redraw again
>>OK this is better
>>resume inking
>>realize the first draft might still have been the best
>not having multiple backups at every stage of progression.
>not using the selection tool to cut out parts out you like but aren't planning to use now and for later use in future works.
I always make sure to have 3 backups one for the sketch stage the other for the line art stage and the last one for rendering it takes of a huge amount of stress knowing you can always go back if you screw up catastrophically.

>> No.6891973
File: 239 KB, 1024x1024, 19581230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I guess everybody wins that way.

>> No.6891979
File: 65 KB, 559x515, 1660511262971341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool, I guess everybody wins that way.
win? the NGMI midwit is the ultimate loser because not only did he fail to ever improve and taste the fruits of his hard labour he is now also deluding himself into thinking he's an actual artist without doing any work and the result is an infestation of poojeet tier shills that shit up the board on a weekly basis.

>> No.6891992

this pic is pure animetard permabeg seethe.

>> No.6892005

Why won't anyone help this little girl?

>> No.6892006

AI replaced anime artists so it pretty much renders the hypothetical dimwit and high iq anime artists obsolete in this scenario

I have a non-anime artstyle which makes me a midwit according to this board but I get comms like crazy and live off art while anime shitters flip burgers and earn 0$ per month of their replaceable, dime a dozen "work". Is what it is ig.

>> No.6892022

Whole point of the anime/manga style was to have something underpaid and overworked slave labor could easily reproduce.

>> No.6892024

>Why won't anyone help this little girl?
she's clearly capable of doing it herself anon look at the size of that boulder she should have been flattened ages ago.

>> No.6892025

There’s a reason why anime with actual good styles are popular and sell well, compared to cookie cutter shit

>> No.6892034
File: 34 KB, 210x241, 1690947666960869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compared to cookie cutter shit
Anon i..... have you ever looked at the last 6 years of isekea drivell?

>> No.6892038

You only see a small percentage of the total amount of isekai because they make it through the filter.
For every isekai slop series that makes it, there's like 50 that don't.

>> No.6892056

>You only see a small percentage of the total amount of isekai because they make it through the filter.
>For every isekai slop series that makes it, there's like 50 that don't.
i know anon isekia is the ultimate end example of creative bankruptcy in an industry not even hollywood has managed to reach such depts of hack fraudery.

>> No.6892351

Low IQ and high IQ are basically people that know how to “play” instinctually or “play” because they’ve gotten past the mound of insecurities
Midwits are perpetually insecure and don’t know how to “play”
There’s literally a scene in an Evangelion movie that explains this shit.

>> No.6892525
File: 267 KB, 1024x1024, 362678349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean that everybody gets to enjoy art on demand.
She twice cheated by using references so Kim Jung Gi cursed her to forever roll this boulder up a hill.

>> No.6892790
File: 726 KB, 1149x1110, 159A4E1B-CC5D-4827-BA5B-6E7B40A37564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, study is important and helpful in a lot of different areas- but i think a lot of people do get caught up in it a lot more than necessary. sometimes learning through trial and error and actually trying to problem solve as you go can feel more intuitive for learning, i personally don't really do studies unless i really feel like i'm sturggling to understand it on my own.

>> No.6892793

OP's thread is about a meme, so can I use this opportunity and ask of someone to post the:
>if you want to draw this, you must master this first
with the anime girls and academic life drawing side by side. Thought I had it saved, but guess not.

>> No.6892856

And then you woke up and anime was still the so dominant you can't outdo it even in your fantasies

>> No.6893734

You will never make a dime off your work. Good luck marketing your goyslop art when you're competing with a legion of insectoids that are indistinguishable from you lmao.

>> No.6893747

low iq artists draw what they want because it's fun and they don't know better (so vl without """talent""" or developed skill), and intelligent and skilled artists have either also been drawing for fun the whole time or have learned/relearned to love drawing (so vl with skill)