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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6877859 No.6877859 [Reply] [Original]

>It's ok if you don't make it as long as you had fun! -people who made it
Why is this so common? Everything everywhere all at once was the same, movie about how it's ok to be a failure winning multiple Oscars.

>> No.6877869

>Fuck you, I got mine!

>> No.6877879

communism rewards low effort

>> No.6877889

maybe you realize how little making it means when you make it, idk I personally subscribe to everything being meaningless

>> No.6877895

Because it's an important message that people should be told? Obviously not everyone will make it, so reframing that failure into something more pleasant is a good thing, there's no point in moping forever about not succeeding in your dreams. It's a better moral message than "Just keeping chasing your dreams! You'll succeed eventually!", because that's a load of shit. Not everyone can be a musician, or poet, or writer, or artist, so on and so forth.
More realistic messages such as these are important, and just because someone who is successful is the one telling it doesn't diminish the message.
And if anything, it only makes sense that you're seeing people 'who made it' telling the message, because you wouldn't have seen it otherwise.

>> No.6877896

What the fuck does this have to do with the topic at hand?

>> No.6877903


>> No.6877906

You are wrong. They aren't just saying "not everyone makes it". They are saying "it's totally ok to not make it and you will be just fine". But you won't be fine. You will live the rest of your life knowing that you will never have what you want, you will be poor and surrounded by mediocrity, you yourself will forever be mediocre. They are being disingenuous about the lives of people who aren't successful.

>> No.6877908

Goyim thread?

>> No.6877909

>You will live the rest of your life knowing that you will never have what you want, you will be poor and surrounded by mediocrity, you yourself will forever be mediocre.
and that applies to 99%

>> No.6877912

Yeah, exactly. So why is the 1% telling everyone else to be content with what they have?

>> No.6877914

because there's no other option

>> No.6877916

Entertainment is written for the lowest common denominator

>> No.6877924

>you yourself will forever be mediocre.
Oh no, not average! Nothing worse than just being a regular person... What a load of high-horse garbage.
Secondly, living the dream =/= Making big money. You can achieve your dream of being a musician and not make much money, but be an accountant with a stable income and earn more. Being poor doesn't mean you were a failure depending on your definition of success.

Based on what your saying, if you don't happen to make it, then your one of the people who would most desperately need to hear "it's totally ok to not make it and you will be just fine", because it will be ok, you'll just need to get a regular job with the rest of the plebs, and do what you love as a hobby - else you're going to be sixty years old with possibly nothing to show for it after trying to make it for so long. At some point, people need to accept they haven't 'made it' and throw in the towel, and telling them to 'keep trying' is just leading them down a path of much greater misery.

Dreams are called such, because that's what they're most likely to remain - they're improbable for most people - and people should be dying of misery because that slim chance of achieving a dream didn't work out.

>> No.6877926


Bakuman tier story. >>6877869 sums it up.

>> No.6877931

To throw shade. You will never make it, but I will muahahah now watch as I post my animations to /ic/

>> No.6877932

>meh meh I'm not the main character
are you a fucking child? I'm happy just being able to work as an artist, I don't need to be fucking KJG to be happy m8, I still make things people will see and derive joy from. Sorry that that isn't enough for you but you also need fame and ass kissing

>> No.6877934

I'd rather rope than fail.

>> No.6877937

Well I hope you succeed then, but that's a very immature mindset. You likely have other things in your life that you enjoy, and not making it isn't going to take away the joy of drawing all the same... which is to say, it's totally ok to not make it and you will be just fine.

>> No.6877938

If you get to do what you want and are happy, doesn't that mean you made it? Most people do not find a good job that allows them to pursue their hobbies to their hearts content.

>> No.6877939

you're here on /ic you already failed...

>> No.6877940

stop being so radicalized

>> No.6877941
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>You likely have other things in your life that you enjoy

>> No.6877966

>Everything everywhere all at once was the same, movie about how it's ok to be a failure winning multiple Oscars.
The facts are that most people are failures and don't succeed in their dreams. It's interesting to make stories about those people too.

>> No.6877979
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I regularly charge triple-digit sums for my work and that's way WAY more than I ever hoped to get out of this hobby
In my eyes I have already made it and anything extra is just more icing on the cake

>> No.6877982

>If you get to do what you want and are happy, doesn't that mean you made it?
I said as much, success is a somewhat personal definition. However, many still fail to "make it", because so many are trying to do so as well. All the dream jobs are oversaturated, because everyone wants to do them; everyone wants to be in a band, everyone wants to make games, everyone wants to write, it's all oversaturated and it's hard to get the traction to even eek out a small living. It often has nothing to do with skill, some of the best bands I've ever listened to are completely unknown, with many never even releasing an album. We all know great artists that have basically no following. It can all be incredibly luck based, and you may well draw a bad hand, no matter how well you draw.

Accepting that, finding a job you don't mind (or even enjoy), and working that while enjoying your hobby is perfectly fine too. There's no shame in trying and failing, it's far better than never trying at all.

>Most people do not find a good job that allows them to pursue their hobbies to their hearts content.
Well, that's work. Most people would rather just... not work, and stay home and jerk off, but we all have to make a living. You can can get a part-time or casual job if you really want to balance the hobby/work time, and keep plugging away at your projects in a focused manner, and treat it as a second job.

>> No.6878001

Then these kids don't get to tell me to suck it up and be happy

>> No.6878051
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If I can't make it and be happy then no one can

>> No.6878164
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It should unironically be illegal to make money off of art. Every artist and actor need to be forced to get real jobs. Death to twitter, patreon, youtube, twitch, and hollywood

>> No.6878894

its easier to tell people its okay to fail instead of uplifting them
personally, i blame the autists who don't try and only bitch
drags down the world for all of us

>> No.6878926

bunch of resentful little shits—yes, most people will not "succeed" by any stretch of the imagination at any number of things, nor are they entitled to simply by trying, but if NOBODY is motivated to keep working towards success then NOBODY succeeds at all

>> No.6879117

Wha? It's supposed to be uplifting to people WHO DID TRY, not to the lazy retards who did nothing at all. Trying and failing is far better than never trying. Everyone should shoot for the stars a few times in their life.

Exactly, but no one should be afraid of failure (it'll stop you from trying), or feel destroyed by it either.
It's just a part of life.

>> No.6879135

Trying and failing is much, much more painful than any regret

>> No.6879179

People say that not trying at all is a far worse regret.
You'll always wonder what could have been had you tried, where as with failure, you know that you had tried and that line of thought stops.

>> No.6879182

I don't know man, I went to art school and had to drop out because of mental issues, that's been far more scarring than any missed opportunity. Maybe it's different from person to person, maybe some people just aren't that bothered by defeat.
>inb4 mental issues aren't real
Suck my cock and balls

>> No.6879214

>I went to art school and had to drop out
Ah, that's the issue. Nah, you're kicking yourself not because you simply failed, but rather because you fumbled. It's like if someone passed you the ball in a big sports game, and the you dropped it allowing the opposing team to get it and score. You didn't even really get the chance to go all out and feel satisfied about your failure. Shit sucks, but there's no way to avoid feeling bad about it.

Regrets like that are just inevitable, but they're learning experiences. In your case, it's likely you learned something about yourself and your own limits.
Everyone has their fumble moments.