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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 189 KB, 700x737, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6875440 No.6875440 [Reply] [Original]

I wrote a comic about it. Here it is.
Anon in shadow is me.

>> No.6875441
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Panel 02

>> No.6875443
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Panel 03

>> No.6875444
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Panel 04

>> No.6875445
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Panel 05

>> No.6875447
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Panel 06

>> No.6875449
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Panel 07

>> No.6875450
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Panel 08

>> No.6875451


you're commemorating the retarded day you found out about his death and not the day he died, 3 days ago.

incredible ability to make it all about you, balancing the fine line between based and cringe.

>> No.6875452
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Panel 09

>> No.6875453
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Panel 10

>> No.6875455

i spoke too soon. it's all cringe.

>> No.6875456
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Panel 11

>> No.6875457
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Panel 12

>> No.6875458 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6875459 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6875463
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>> No.6875464
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>> No.6875481

this feels all so unnecessary for clout
let the man just rest

>> No.6875496

Cool shit. I went through the same feelings. (and also the arguments with shitters in the stickied thread haha)

>> No.6875500

cool comic. little bit cringe but it is countered by the effort and great art. the lettering and different styles are especially good.

>> No.6875504

i can actually sense how much of an npc brainlet you are from that rebuttal.

>> No.6875519

cool comic actually

>> No.6875520

what would your rebuttal be? or do you agree with the shitter?

>> No.6875526

The english isn’t great but I really love the lettering and art style going on there. Was it done trad?

>> No.6875561


>it's ME it's about ME. it's about how I feel.

stfu retard

>> No.6875587

Your penmanship is absolutely incredible OP.
Easily the best I've seen here.

>> No.6875603

I see more Crumb than KJG, but maybe I'm just a beg

>> No.6875873

Good job, it's clear you put in the effort.
Don't worry about all the negative comments about your little comic. It was something you wanted to do, something you enjoyed, and anything that makes us feel good is worthwhile. People don't realize the amount of time and effort that go into these kinds of projects, even if they're small, the screentones, the contrast between ink and white space, the lettering, the expression bubbles, and making it all harmonize according to how we imagine it. The fact that you bring something from your imagination and convey it graphically, making it come to life, is something incredible, almost like magic.

>> No.6875924

I love the lettering in this.

>> No.6876071
File: 259 KB, 1500x2122, 1636184643598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not included in the comic
>he took the vax several times and then """"""mysteriously""""" died of a heart attack

I honestly cant believe they are going to get away with it even with all the information out there. This kills me more then anything.

>> No.6876091

still waiting for the billions of vaccine deaths

>> No.6876117

Great job.

>> No.6876123

Works better in pages than single panels. Good job anon. Keep making comics, I like your zany style.

>> No.6876133

>heart attacks didn't exist until 2020

>> No.6876147

>If you have diabetes, you can be up to four times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than people who don't
He had diabetes, chud.

>> No.6876155

Good job, anon!

>> No.6876177

Great stuff, anon. I love the tightness of it all.

>> No.6876210

Whos the artist? You? Nice painting, I like hard brush.

>> No.6876245

they hide them bro, haven't you heard? the statistics have been tweaked. also, robots.

not him but the shitter had some valid points. I remember the point of view being more balanced.

the comic is okay visually, there's no content. eh, I guess, pretty much like KJG stuff alright.

like, you could have been more imaginative with the story, show him taking a plane, some dude sketching at his funeral, idk, tell a real story, play with it

>> No.6876370

good shit fuck da haterz

>> No.6876500
File: 91 KB, 373x443, wts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stylization and the drawings are fine but what is the point or the punchline?
It's difficult to tell if the comic is supposed to be taken seriously or if the honestly cringe inducing dialogue written by an out of touch boomer or a 13 year old summerfag who just learned a few new buzzwords is actually on 49 layers of irony, mocking the people who idolize artists based on the
>"sex samurai robots, especially sex"
As if that's the best achievements one should really put value on, especially the sex, the lowest common denominator and as if only one artist at a time can reach mastery, when they get memed as masters by youtubers and whatever the fuck; Making the ego of the comic look like the pretentious people he's making fun of, while managing to be even more shallow about valuing the work of the people he praises.

The writing is rather confusing and the whole thing comes off as some virtue signaling retard who sucks up to big artists because they're famous, rather than truly indulging and enjoying their works genuinely and not based on; muh dick.

What i could condense the comic to is
Way to spit in kjg's grave.

>> No.6877560
File: 277 KB, 600x611, BC_CRINGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanx to everyone who read & commented, even the haterz. It's because of you that everything is possible.
>Was it done trad?
Yes, the final inking. I lay it out and draw in CSP, print it out, and ink it trad. Some screentones scanned in (Deleter screens), some digital. Lettering is mine.
>People don't realize the amount of time and effort that go into these kinds of projects
Thanx. Yep, the no-draws don't realize, just the just-draws.
>but what is the point or the punchline?
That KJG's drawing are so sexy my head & dick exploded.

>> No.6877565

Who is this supposed to be?

>> No.6877595


>> No.6877894
File: 184 KB, 750x742, 85641846181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disregards every bit of critique
based and gmipilled, my primal doomer.
fuck dem haterz and no-draws

Do you have a blog?

>> No.6877918

Very cool, I can definitely see the crumb inspiration. Its good to know that some anon here actually draw.

Only criticism, as a reader, is that it feels a bit all over the place, so maybe try having a slightly more subdued layout/police so that it feels more consistent.

>> No.6877925

Ah, so that's the secret to your lettering. I'm not as impressed anymore

>> No.6877962

the phrasing and ideas are mostly cliche.
it's a poor argument because plenty of artists have both finished works and sketches, so "raw immediacy" doesn't matter, besides it being a cliche. i can appreciate the drawings of my favorite painters, but finished and planned works show the ability of an artist to conceive a coherent, complete program.
in truth, the real rebuttal to the "shitter" is not at all flattering to kjg and many artists today. the time that painters made meaningful stories has been long over, where now style and performance dominates over substance.

>> No.6877963

Good job, I liked it. I was expecting it to be wankier than I thought it was going to be, so I avoided it up til' now.

>but what is the point or the punchline?
>That KJG's drawing are so sexy my head & dick exploded.
I cried when I read that part, it's a real hit in the emotional dick.

As for the criticisms, I suspect these anons just aren't fans of autobiographical comics. I will admit it's very self indulgent, and a bit passe because of how overdone it is in indie circles - particularly by obnoxious types who think they're a lot deeper and more interesting than they really are, and only really get by on being 'relatable'.
I didn't get that vibe from this comic, it struck me as more of a little 2 page essay comic, sort of akin to Scott McCloud's books.

Anyway, good job finishing it.

>> No.6877974

without kjg being satanically sacrificed to the AI Gods we wouldnt be in this event horizon

>> No.6878473

>comic devolves into seething about AI halfway through
You're in luck though, AI can't replicate hideous art like this yet.

>> No.6878486

Yes, all artists aspire to have all discussion of their life and work cease as soon as the die.

OP has actually drawn something and has preemptively BTFO everyone who is going to criticize him.

>> No.6878507

did I ask?

>> No.6878513
File: 837 KB, 1080x5847, conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6878572

>deaths decrease for awhile when vax is released, rises shortly after during peak vaccine hesitancy
>excess deaths increase sharply 2021-2022, almost like there was a deadly disease circulating
this isn't the own you think it is

>> No.6878643
File: 56 KB, 680x848, FzBeictXgAAP6eL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good not having taken the jab
i think my autism multiplied tho

>> No.6878653

Yes, posting on a public forum is an open invitation for responses. Have you airways been retarded or did you suffer brain damage at some point?

>> No.6878658
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>> No.6878670
File: 929 KB, 3753x5191, Vax-Novax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6878694

ironically yes

>> No.6878727
File: 7 KB, 235x214, 163564516541654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone died
>make their death an excuse to talk about yourself
>strawmans actual common sense and decency as wojacks
this comic makes me think about this vid https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1696642539810300.webm

>> No.6878737

lol saved

>> No.6878763
File: 2.13 MB, 2044x3000, crummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the people dumping on OP have never seen a Robert Crumb or underground comic. There's this cynical, confessional, almost solipsistic tone in that stuff which this is not subtly ripping off and exaggerating. If you're not familiar where these conventions originate, it probably seems confusing.
Not that that absolves the comic of criticism, but I liked it for what it is. Maybe it is a bit shallow and a bit performative/imitative, but some things are enjoyable in just how extreme they are.

>> No.6878766
File: 1.57 MB, 3000x3550, 1652146785723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post/video was exactly my first impression when I saw the OP pic and thread, capitalizing off a misfortune/tragedy off someone with a big name is exactly the type of attitude I view artists to have whenever there's a fad of the current thing going on. I didn't even bother replying to this thread until now due to how fucking embarrassed I feel for OP.

>> No.6878827
File: 1.68 MB, 1760x1358, 1689576184766882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op is just like crumb's writing style
>u just dont know crumb
jesus fucking christ
you're finally pulling out that card?

Crumbs writing is self-loathing while wrapped in lots of irony, which is actually the means of delivery to his stories.
If he meant all that shit seriously and as a """autobiography""", it would just be your average ignorant normie who has no self-awaress and smells his own farts.
Crumbs personal stories work because he is a known public figure and actually tells interesting stories with a beginning and and end instead of jerking off about nothing.
Even pic related alone has purpose and meaning rather than be

He's not trying to sell you an embellished image of himself, nor an actual autobiography, or trying to ride an event to talk about himself for the sake of talking about himself or score sympathy points.

Just the first panel of the comic you posted should be obvious enough of how he portrays himself as.

Panel 1 to 3 are the buildup
4 to 6 is the punchline

Anyone taking his shit literally and in absolutes is a fucking autistic retard.
>dumping on OP
Better op gets told this shit here because he won't get told shit anywhere else.

Even then, you don't need to know a celebrity to tell if the writing and its intent are shit or not.
>but i liked it
>but some things are enjoyable
And there you go; another fag trying to make it about himself.

This is the artwork and --critique-- board, objectivity is what you should aim for.

>> No.6878843

Something can't be right in your life if you're getting this angry over a mildly positive comment. What's the real problem, anon?
I'm just pointing out the obvious influence, and how it's dumb to take the comic at face value, when OP is clearly playing a "character," much the same way Crumb did
>it's ok to shitpost in comic form, just be a famous public figure
ok lol

>> No.6878850
File: 128 KB, 581x595, 1681348715274656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg ur so angry
>omg i just like it just chill out
>omg like just stop discussing art on the art board because me likey because look @ the influence i don't even understand but lmao famous person me must like famous person ur mad
Nigger, how dense are you?

>> No.6878856

I've seen OP's work around the board. I like it. The simple fact is, in terms of creativity and madcap ideas, as well as style, he mogs the piss out of 99% of board. He probably mogs your shit up too, that's why you're seething so hard.
Right now his work is immature, and shallowly imitative, but ambitious. Seems like he's just having fun. I'm interested in seeing what his mature work is like. Regardless of how cringe the comic, he did a cool thing, it's memorable. Mediocre porn and anime drawings aren't memorable. I wonder why you have to put him down so hard?

>> No.6878877

>i like op and ur seething b-b-b-because muh potential omg just like the crumbs
Shut the fuck up, OP.

>> No.6878908

I would like one person putting him down to post thier work. You won't though, chicken shit.

>> No.6878913

I would like one person throwing hollow praise at him to post their work. You won't though, samefag.

>> No.6878922

>no u
hollow? I was impressed by his penmanship, you weren't?

>> No.6878930

His drawings were never the focus of my critique and don't invalidate any shortcomings the dialogue has.
>i was impressed
now pyw
>inb4 im not saying le mean words so i dont have to
Pretty words mean even less than shit if you don't prove your worth like you demand others do

>> No.6878942

idk if this is an uninformed rebuttal because this reinforces my point
vax population deaths is far below novax and the effect is smaller in older generations, which we would expect. I thought the argument was that the vax was killing young people.
agegroup = 40- 49 deaths show particular disparity, that's KJG's age group.
do you know how to read statistics???

>> No.6878951

Worth noting I am not putting him down for his work, it's more about the context and his vulture like approach rather than his draftsmanship.

>> No.6878953

>I am not putting him down for his work
Meant to say I'm not putting him down for his ability

>> No.6878956

i came here from b to see the miku guy

>> No.6878957

Fuck off.

>> No.6878967
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>> No.6878974
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>bad dialogue good

>> No.6878991

why is mercwip bad?

I said nothing about his writing. and you don't have to sign your posts.

>> No.6879010
File: 1.18 MB, 1079x1164, 1589770725294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was just pretending to be retard
>no u
no wonder you don't even understand crumb's comics

truly worthless

>> No.6879013

>no answers

>> No.6879016

>pls answer me
>have i trolled you yet?
man, they do be thinking that

>> No.6879021

>schizo greentext

>> No.6879025

>greentext bad
like pottery

>> No.6879065

>>greentext bad
it is when you completely miss your target

>> No.6879090
File: 241 KB, 900x948, BCKOMIX_CRUMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a blog?
not yet, will post @bckomix on xitter to start.
>I can definitely see the crumb inspiration.
Yep it's big. I'm working on a similar comic about Crumb (pic related is blue lines for first panel).
>I suspect these anons just aren't fans of autobiographical comics.
I can understand why, they can veer into pretentiousness quickly. Crumb was unpretentious compared to much of the later indie stuff.
>sort of akin to Scott McCloud's books.
Love his stuff. I had a longer version of this comic written that was even closer to a McCloud comic, but cut it because I thought it was too heavy and would take forever to finish.
>capitalizing off a misfortune/tragedy off someone with a big name
naw, if that was the case I would've rushed to post something right after he died. I was shook up after his death, being one of my faves from the last 20 years, but wanted to make something different from the typical "in memory of" with KJG drawing in heaven or crying tigers, samurai, and robot girls over his grave.
>how fucking embarrassed I feel for OP
don't be.
>Seems like he's just having fun.
Yep. I do have some longer, fictional webcomics planned but wanted some fun, quicker projects to just get things done after grinding for a couple of years.

>> No.6879095

Source is gov. Also correlation isnt causation, how were the stats made, etc.

>> No.6879490

Take the vax pay the tax

>> No.6879556

>sex obsessed
How is it different from any other popular artist?

>> No.6879558


>> No.6880158

If you wanted to make something as a nice memorial why did you wait until we were near the anniversary of his death? why not have done it six months ago? It's because you want to capitalize on his death because you know people will be talking about him.

I hate your type of ilk so much

>> No.6880628 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 500x664, BC_CONFOOSED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did you wait until we were near the anniversary of his death?
why not?
>why not have done it six months ago?
I wrote it last year and decided to finish the art to mark a year after I learned of his death. It was very ritualistic for me.
>capitalize on his death
I'm not making any money off of this.
>I hate your type of ilk so much
that's cool, I'm living the dream.
The discussion in this thread were interesting, gave me some ideas for a comic about /ic/.

>> No.6880629
File: 127 KB, 500x664, BC_CONFOOSED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did you wait until we were near the anniversary of his death?
why not?
>why not have done it six months ago?
I wrote it last year and decided to finish the art to mark a year after I learned of his death. It was very ritualistic for me.
>capitalize on his death
I'm not making any money off of this.
>I hate your type of ilk so much
that's cool, I'm living the dream.
The discussion in this thread was interesting, gave me some ideas for a comic about /ic/.

>> No.6880631

nice comic anon.
Also your style scares me, make of that what you will

>> No.6880636
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>> No.6880638

Why not just post the pages from the start?

>> No.6880639 [DELETED] 

I have almost 40 "anecdotes" of local vaxcels in their 20s and 30s from my social media circle dropping dead out of nowhere, including a former coworker (and one of his friends at the funeral mentioned to me that his father had suddenly died as well) yet I don't know a single unvaccinated person who's so much as fallen ill for more than a few days over the past couple years. I love how retards think the hundred billion dollar pharmaceutical companies' dangerous "blunder" was ever going to be described to them in plain language in the daytime news. You fucking idiot.

>> No.6880642 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 596x654, E2978A1E-F4BE-4BA5-BDDE-6ED5A2F83BA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6880647


AI art killed Kim Jung Gi

>> No.6881064
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1407, BCKOMIX_KJG_BRISTOL BOARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not just post the pages from the start?
to offer different ways to read the comic.
Some were curious about process, pic related are the boards before I scan in & apply screens. Tools used were Staedtler pigment liners (mainly for lettering), g-nib, and Winsor & Newton series 7 brush (size #1). Ink used is Super Black and Deleter Black 4.

>> No.6882737

>AI art killed Kim Jung Gi
the truth will set you free

>> No.6882764

Retards who never saw a medicine information leaflet amazed drugs have known side effects, news at 11.

>> No.6882809

Your lettering is fucking nutso. Nobody here will likely appreciate a lot of what you do, it's mainly teens and weaboos that want to cum more than participate in art and culture.

>> No.6883617

Wow you actually drew a real pro-level comic, looks great and reads very well

>> No.6883793

Enjoyable comic but the design of the main character is shit. Would buy some kind of comic release from you

>> No.6883811

I've been ignoring this thread for the past few days assuming it was posted by some shill. I couldn't believe someone who visits this board could draw so professionally. Well done, this art (and especially the lettering) is amazing.

>> No.6883872

Very good OP.
I remember this motherfucker lol
wow the "AI boom" is one year old already.

>> No.6884782

I like it, love your artistic expression

>> No.6885478

thanx everyone. on the lettering, I find it’s an under-appreciated aspect of comics nowadays. I look back to cartoonists like Walt Kelly (Pogo) and Dave Sim (Cerebus) for lettering inspiration.

>> No.6885536

>"Nobody here will likely appreciate a lot of what you do"
>he says like 90 posts into a thread with almost nothing but praise

>> No.6885561
File: 86 KB, 800x450, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels contradictory. You hate "waifus" but then commend KJG for drawing sex?
Sure he's good but he drew the same coomer art like everybody else for the monies at the end of the day

>> No.6885581

He made up for it a thousand times over with his nobler works. Nobody is perfect. Coomer artists don't get a pass because they do literally nothing but coom, KJG coomed like most normal people but he didn't let it dominate him and ruin him like a cunt.

>> No.6885611

>but he didn't let it dominate him
:rolling-eyes: man we sure have different standards

>> No.6885637

Different strokes for different folks, but the one thing we all have in common is that we're never going to be KJG.

>> No.6885780

>but the one thing we all have in common is that we're never going to be KJG.
Literally, sure, but metaphorically, it's not out of reach.

Jeff Watts does impressive stuff from imagination, and he spends lots of his time not just practicing that. It's trainable, but people rarely have an incentive to actually do the work.

>> No.6885810

ok but what about A. Wyatt Mann

>> No.6885813

I'd argue that KJG's success extended way, way beyond his technical skill and imagination. I think what he does is trainable, but his success and widespread dissemination into the art world is something that can't be consciously repeated. He was a one in a trillion shot.

>> No.6885829

I also like Jung Gi, but you saying "sketches surpass lineart on raw immediacy" is the most retarded, baby IQ, smoothbrain drooling knuckledragger argument, that is not nearly as smart as you think it is.
It's like saying "painting surpass sculpture on pigmentation appositeness"

>> No.6885841

Well, yes: the luck part is, by nature, unpredictable, so I was talking about the only thing any individual can act on: hard work.

>> No.6885846

Well sure... within the confines of genetics and privilege. Which are in fact real (not that it matters! Not that it matters! You should fight hard to occupy your fated lane if you feel compelled to draw, it's not like you have a choice.)

>> No.6885914

> genetics

> privilege
This is a double-edge sword: privileged people might not appreciate their position to their full extent, and become lazy and complacent. OTOH, struggling people might be forged by their environment.

Hard (intelligent) work can outbalanced genetics in most cases (in my experience, most people aren't intrinsically retarded, just lazy and undisciplined), and environment. Hard work, hard work, hard work.

>> No.6885939

We could fire off explorations about the nature of free will, fate, destiny and the role that genes and environmental factors play in an artist's "chances" of success forever. I'm not trying to appeal to some nihilist despair by mentioning genetics and privilege, but rather trying to point out that if one has the passion to draw, they must make peace with the idea that they will occupy a lane. I've found that a lot of begs use the idea of talent as a reason to quit because they feel they lack the strength it takes to survive the journey. They fulfill a circular, self-fulfilling prophecy that can't be argued against. They are, in a sad way, not "talented" enough to overcome their hurdles. It could be argued on some level that their inability to muster up the strength to work hard is itself because of this innate deficiency. I've butted heads with with people on this board about this before, and while I personally can't stand these kinds of artists... they're not entirely wrong. They are determined that it is their genetic destiny to fail and so they fail. They are determined that they are "innately too lazy to succeed," and generally can't be convinced otherwise, so they remain lazy and don't succeed. What is that if not fate? What is that if not destiny?

It's tough for more experienced artidyd to accept that not everybody will overcome their trials, yet it's statistic reality. Not all children survive, nature is cruel. Try as we might to wrestle nature into submission with our will and self-awareness, those very things are themselves bound by nature's law. It's tragic, but I try to see it for what it is: another filter. The worry about talent, genes, privilege etc is just another stage of the art journey to clear, another game or mental riddle to solve. I think it can only be won with the mental fortitude to accept that no artist can be objectively perfect but to someone out there, they will be, and that's worth fighting for with hard work.

>> No.6885942


>> No.6886252

>What is that if not fate? What is that if not destiny?

But how would you raise your kids? You must also have met a few people that could get motivated. I for once used to have various issues, until I understood that it's all just hard work. But I had to wait until my 20s or so; things would have been so much easier if I had been fed this earlier in life.

I don't think there's any considerable cost to being optimistic, despite the odds: it's all just bonus.

> useful

>> No.6886597

>You hate "waifus" but then commend KJG for drawing sex?
The comic says "dead-eyed AI waifus"—soullessness being the primary factor. I have collections of both KJG's & Crumb's sexual work, and there's artistry and substance there that blows out most NSFW, let alone AI garbage.

>> No.6886606
File: 51 KB, 562x750, 1559571584349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand wanting to draw cute girls but if your legacy is sketches/porn/pretty asians then it's not much to write home about.
This isn't about him mostly sketching either, that's cool. But I feel like any artist that created any good story has a "better legacy" in my eyes. Drawings alone and nothing else doesn't do much

>> No.6886754

> but the tittsssss brooooo ahhhhhaaaaaahahhahaaaahhahha
> *squirt*

>> No.6887397

His legacy is different depending on how closely you followed him, it's not like the books he worked on made it big in the mainstream. Tiger the Long Tail for example is well over 1000 pages, but only Korean. he also taught at an art school he co-founded. He live streamed the (entire?)creation of a comic, over the course of 36 2-hour videos. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy_Oxg1MgW103Z3dCUph1mwsgS-vTI3bY

>> No.6890342


>> No.6890344

your lettering is really neat.

>> No.6890345

sick shit man. your style is lovely and i love your typefacing

>> No.6890566

Seconding request for who is the artist

>> No.6890694

oh my fuck stop samefagging ffs

>> No.6893020


>> No.6893958
File: 79 KB, 565x775, bc_yawnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw, not me no. too busy working to artificially bump. I like my feedback organic anyway—thanx to all who replied.

>> No.6893988

Do you faggots not know how to image search? https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zAqoJw
In the same time it'll take me to do the captcha I found the source for you.

>> No.6894014
File: 58 KB, 300x300, 2EC0A4C1-13A5-473D-B592-4679C658A02B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vaxcel has somehow forgotten the international multi-year campaign to coerce hundreds of millions of people to take an experimental drug whose "known side effects" are myocardial infarction, stroke, etc. while outright claiming it to not have any such side effects in order to justify the blatantly unethical means they used to push the drug on people

I hope you're trolling and not actually this stupid you npc retard, but I'm sure Pfizer's shareholders appreciate your hard work speaking on their behalf nonetheless.

>> No.6895073

the drawings are interesting but you don't seem to have a lot of substance or sensitivity for these, even if it's wacky crass humor. i don't know how to explain in a more detailed way, but it's like how they say when ”you are cringe you are free” because works that usually are done from the person's vulnerabilities and cringy daydreamings tend to be better than works done for clout and stuff like that, but the thing is, this is only valid if you are someone who has anything to show, and someone who is smart and sensible enough to organize that into something readable. i don't know if this is something tangible enough that you can practice or learn, and i'm not saying you are shallow and therefore this work is shit, it's just that... what was the point...? this doesn't work as a funny story, not some satirical slife of life ramble, nor some random batshit insane stream of consciousness, nor something worth putting any thought into it, it just looks like it lacks focus.

the art is very charming though, keep going buddy

>> No.6895484
File: 113 KB, 900x684, BC_THUMBSUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the art is very charming though, keep going buddy
thanx anon. I agree with most of your criticisms & thought similar things reflecting on my work. I do need to hone my storytelling, which I've been focusing more on.