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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 37 KB, 673x677, pepe the mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6876881 No.6876881 [Reply] [Original]

Post forbidden pieces of drawing knowledge, things that most artists won't know.

Here's one: drawing the same reference multiple times helps you improve faster than if you moved on from that reference after drawing it only once. Bonus points if you redraw it from memory. I'm taking classes with a professional, and he recommends drawing the same reference image up to 100-200 times.

>> No.6876886

Posting your work on ic will make you famous on every social media platform.

>> No.6876889
File: 498 KB, 387x305, 1676168900910952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw means to draw something instead of nothing, failing at it but knowing it's going to be alright, doing your research to see how you can improve, to learn from your professional inspirations and applying their tricks and tips to your own work, using reference material to your advantage rather thank think it leaves you at a disadvantage then drawing again and see how you've improved.
If you haven't, keep practicing. You'll get there, just give it time. Learn at your own pace and remember to have fun.
If you've made it, don't forget to look back and help someone who was once like you. That's what it means to just draw.

>> No.6876891

Posting art for online validation instead of personal feelings of accomplishment will destroy your motivation faster than anything

>> No.6876896

You need to like drawing in order to get good at drawing.

>> No.6876898

that is the dumbest thing ive herd all week and ive been browsing pol all week

u must learn from art history if u want to make great work

>> No.6876901

art is meant to be seen by others lol

>> No.6876911

>iterative learning is dumb
Nigger you're straigh up sub 60IQ retarded.
Repeating lessons is literally how we learn to walk and talk.

Wouldn't be surprised if you have a hard time with both.

>> No.6876927

No, da Vinci himself says that if you don't fully memorize the first thing you're studying and move on, you'll just keep forgetting things and never improve.

>> No.6876942

well he can suck my cock

>> No.6876993

I have some bad news to tell you dude... Da Vinci is dead...
Gonna be kinda hard to get him to suck your cock now... and awkward too.

>> No.6877092

Yeah but it's also meant to be made by yourself. Validation by others should not be your one and only goal. The most important thing is to find joy in the creation process.

>> No.6877120

This is actually true, 4chan is actually a great place to kickstart your art career.
>step. 1: post a link to your drawing on /co/, /v/ or /a/ and call it shit or cringe or whatever the hot word is currently
>step. 2: samefag a few times with different opinions, make at least some effort to sound like different people
>step. 3: rince and repeat weekly until you get your first 100 followers
>step. 4: you don't need 4chan's help anymore
t. how I got from nothing to 150k twitter followers in 3 years.

>> No.6877322

Use AI to brainstorm ideas and color pick shit from it.

>> No.6878174

This. Bad publicity is still publicity, but positive publicity is too conspicuous for people to trust.

>> No.6878177

needing external validation is what a 5yo do

>> No.6878180

breaking-news: your brain can brainstorm ideas as well

>> No.6878185

This is actually good advice, altho 100 times sounds retarded, 10 is more than enough (to be fair I never tried it for more than 10)

>> No.6878215

Just go in the beg thread and look at how horrible some of their drawings are. They could get a lot out of copying a single front view face hundreds of times. Totally doable if you spread it out over a few days. That particular front view face will mever give you trouble anymore. Next, move onto the profile view, then 3/4s. That was what the professional recommended. Its a shortcut to memorizing anatomy and proportions. After that, you still need to do lots of figure drawing, of course

>> No.6878222

but can your brain aistorm?

>> No.6878230

Okay for specific shit like that you are totally right 100 times is lowballing it there

>> No.6878241
File: 478 KB, 2048x1370, 1692022980759886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn basics of blender
>learn blender grease pencil
>create generic backgrounds and scenes to be reusable
>download free assets to add more variety and reusability
>download manequins and use as a base to create many more of different shapes and sizes
>proceed to create any scene i want and sketch over the 3D models with grease pencil then finish artwork in software of choice

>do exact same but with photos and existing artworks of characters in many diffrent poses and actions from le sex to sitting down sipping tea
>use again, the storage of refs to trace over

>repeat third time but collect AI art posted/spammed

congrats, you now can shave off several ours of work in illustration and comics
ofc only works if you are already /int/ otherwise you will still struggle and make things too obvious

>> No.6878257

sounds more of a pain than just learning to draw

>> No.6878276

Wait why grease pencil unless you want to animate?

>> No.6878593

Wooowww duude there's AI in brAIn, that's fucked up man

>> No.6878594

>twf fred is gmi

>> No.6878607

Betz has been doing this for years and still has no followers kek

>> No.6878609

Is that why people say you should copy Bridgman twice?

>> No.6878622

>polchuds make me seethe
Yep, the college art dropout is coping hard

>> No.6878630

Fuck off, Ive literally seen young artists take this retarded advice before and all that it led to was people trying to accuse them of being a nazi for using 4chan and trying to dox them

>> No.6878809

More or less. The idea is to force the forms of the body into your long term memory relatively quickly. The first copy should be from referencing the book, and the second time you should take a peek at the drawing then draw it from memory.

>> No.6878868


>> No.6878888

I think most artists know this already lol

>> No.6879137

It works for other cases too, like learning to draw a particular character on model

>> No.6879156

Is there a video that shows this workflow off? I want to know of it.

>> No.6879163

Hello cranihum

>> No.6879222

Imagine caring about what twitter troons think

>> No.6879660

>learn basics of blender
Any 3D software really, even some Japanese manga artists and anime animators use that trick.

>> No.6879877

female artists have built-in cheats to become well-known artists on the internet. only have to post a single nude to gain a ton of simps who pretend to like their art.
i've seen it done multiple times by multiple female artists.
art not doing numbers? low follower count? they post a single nude or even slightly risque pic and boom. followers immediately start to go up and it doesn't stop.

>> No.6879881

Can you name one artist that has done this?

>> No.6879928

Literally never happens.
What actually happens is that female artist abandons art and goes onlyfans full time.
Why spend a week drawing a picture when you can jump onto your bed and take pictures of your ass once a month.

>> No.6879935

tracing does makes you better than 80% of the other begs

>> No.6879969

Roughly 25-50% of the art practice consists of coping with negative emotions, mental illness, and delusions (mostly of the narcissistic variety.) Weathering constant failure, rejection, judgment, mockery, loneliness, and your own inability to capture your ideal on a daily basis WILL create a negative feedback loop of incredibly taxing bullshit that will drive you insane if it's not addressed. Most artists don't want to admit that they are mentally ill or that they're such pussies they need ten hours of coddling and emotional support after their latest drawing of a sexualized rabbit flops on twitter, but the fact that they're artists in the first place is proof of their wretched condition. Get into therapy early and you'll be better equipped to survive the emotional fallout of the journey.

You can't avoid the mental health side of the practice forever. Eventually you'll have to have a gangbang with all of your biggest fears and insecurities about not just art, but existence itself, and your fated place in it. Get to work on stretching your asshole, your demons are going to be bigger than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.6880236

>straight up asking for sauce
>thinly veiled attempt to get me to reveal the "artist"
2 more coomers who just want another e-whore to simp. see? they havent even seen the naked woman, and their brain is already activated.

>> No.6880243

>makes false claim
>gets called out
>y-you're coomers!

>> No.6880266
File: 314 KB, 1280x958, F25FBA46-EC8A-4533-966D-9B8BC281F1BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use totems for reference when drawing photos. Those wooden mannequin things are a scam to be honest.

>> No.6880372

Take your chud ass back to /pol/, you stupid fucking piece of shit.

>> No.6880459

>he recommends drawing the same reference image up to 100-200 times.
While I agreed with the general advice, this seems awful. Would there be any better way of both sapping the joy of drawing, while wasting your time? by the tenth time you'd like know everything about the image, why two hundred times?

>> No.6880468

concession accepted

>> No.6880475

>N no i wanted to shit myself
>Look at them laughing, they do not know

>> No.6880542
File: 2.67 MB, 498x278, as a joke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he recommends drawing the same reference image up to 100-200 times.

No, I won't stream it.

>> No.6881277

see >>6878215

>> No.6881318

I ran away from 3pp, 4pp, and 5pp for years just to realize they're just fancier 2pp and 1pp. The head scratching fun is when I started to imagine cutting canvases in sections of a 5pp grid, and then saw everything is pretty much connected, and somewhat fills that odd gap about what happens when you go past the limit of a 2pp vp with the distorted cubes and what you could do instead, if you're grinding cubes it's worth to give this some of your time.

>> No.6881327

I saw a genuine man-with-boobs today.

The ""guy"" was burping loudly at a café, while referring to ""himself"" using feminine adjectives (French, so like "beginner" is either "débutant" or "débutante", the latter being the feminine form).

He looked like a sad fellow d3sU.

>> No.6881387

Looking up good statues to buy for this purpose. My grandpa has a full size bust of Michaelangelo's David I'll borrow. Might get a plaster reduction of Laocoon too. Grind lighting and angles too.

>> No.6881397

ultra based anon. I plan to do the same with physical models of bones, to make my anatomy really good

>> No.6881417

That's a smart idea too, thank you. I've got a bunch of animal skulls anyways since I grew up on a farm

>> No.6881971
File: 49 KB, 385x574, IMG-20230926-WA0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, to some extent. I am bad at drawing (yet) so i only post on 4chan to get ignored. It feels sad some times, but I did see some progress after a couple of months.

Still beg AF, but I am starting to see some appeal.

>> No.6882161

damn, i get my best bursts of energy to draw when its just a fun sketch for others

>> No.6882808

>same reference 100-200 times
How fast does your teacher expect each go at the reference to be? If it’s just one minute per attempt that’s like 3 and almost a half hours just doing the same reference over and over. Are you sure they’re not just being hyperbolic?

>> No.6882817

It was specifically a recommendation for learning to draw characters on model for storyboarding, so each drawing takes only 30 seconds to a minute. 100-200 wasn't a hyperbole

The same concept applies to anything though. If you don't care to intensively study a specific object enough, you can just move on after drawing it 2-3 times. I can't imagine you would have to draw something like a sewing machine 100 times.

>> No.6883415
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, dummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing in a scene-referred color space is its own entire study of black magic, as you are no longer confined to your brightest color (at least in-data) being "display white". It becomes incredibly easy to make great looking pieces with minimal effort, and it future-proofs your art against the inevitable HDR future, by allowing you to take advantage of the increased brightness levels these displays offer.

>> No.6883609

How do you know she's just not an ugly chick? Butch dykes look like men and call themselves she

>> No.6883610

What's a totem?

>> No.6883615

Cute drawing! I believe in you.

>> No.6886194

hey bro i recommend drawing the same reference image up to 100-200 times
no bro i didnt actually do this but i totally recommend this you'll improve like super fast dude

>> No.6886198

no easy path

>> No.6886302

Thanks dude.

>> No.6886327

Willpower only gets you so far - enjoyable, rewarding and/or convenient needs to carry you the rest of the way.

>> No.6886328

I mean it looks pretty good just as is

>> No.6886331

None of the popular female artists I follow did this, nor unpopular ones everybody just likes their art. Ya'll sure you ain't just looking for excuses why your bad and it isn't your fault again?

>> No.6886332

Huh, ErgoJosh just released a vid on addressing your shitty mental health in order to improve your art - I believe ya'll but I don't want to get diagnosed so I'll keep trying like this for a while still

>> No.6886334

can you elaborate further please? whats the thought process for your pic related

>> No.6886451
File: 1.70 MB, 5003x3934, monero pancakes cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to explain, but most artists manipulate pixels with hard-coded limits as to what black and white is. If you want to paint a white house, you'd choose colors close to a value of 255. But let's say you wanted to add a sun to your scene. Well, in real life, the sun is much brighter than a house. But for most artists, the color values will be the same. They paint how they perceive the colors to be on their display. They manipulate the image data in a "display-referred" manner.
I don't do that. I can paint my white house, I can make the shingles a color value of 1.00, but then when I go to paint my sun, I can make the color value something like 8000 or so. I can paint any object with the true brightness they have relative to the scene. I paint "scene-referred".
Now, obviously, a monitor cannot display beyond what they can display. But, internally, when you apply filters and blend modes, they can take advantage of this to produce much more realistic results. A Bloom filter can be universally applied to give streetlights a distinct bleeding fringe while leaving everything else alone, a defocus filter can be applied to a festival background and look nearly like real-life bokeh. Multiply blend modes can actually be used to increase brightness. And, you can take your data and manipulate it in many composition softwares for color correction, grading, etc.
Now you still can't display these brighter colors, but you can use a Tonemapper to take the colors of scene-referred data, and map them to a display-referred render. Many tonemappers simulate the human visual system, by rolling off very bright colors to a white, giving very pleasing results.
It's impossible to detail it all in one post, but here's a good link detailing it with images and better explanations:

>> No.6888567

quick bump

>> No.6889965

Thank you

>> No.6889981

Step one:
Be female
Step two:
Be 10/10 with a perfect body and face

More women need to try this

>> No.6889985

Forbidden knowledge: if you’re someone that has such strong empathy that you literally “feel” what others are going through, and you have an adhd-like brain, draw and learn by looking at your drawings and scanning over every aspect. If it makes you “feel” good then it is good and praise it for what you like about it. If it makes you “feel” bad then it is bad and you need to explain why to yourself.
If you’re overly rational and feel empathy in a, “I understand, I’m just not gonna cry over it” way then focus on the analytical aspects of drawing and systematize everything, even the parts that people tell you you need to “feel”, like gesture. Also use metaphor to make comparisons between the new concepts and what you’ve experienced before. For example: gesture is like a spring. If you pinch a spring on one side it’ll squeeze all the individual spirals together on one end and the other end will have them pulled apart forming a sort of curved outer contour

>> No.6890416

if you don't enjoy drawing, you should not draw.