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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6876314 No.6876314 [Reply] [Original]

So, now that AI has perfected feet, hands and eyes, how will you adapt? I mean, there's nothing wrong with drawing for fun, but let's be honest - nobody is going to pay for your art anymore. It'll take less than a year for patreon artists and commissions to die out.
If you're earning money with art, or planned to earn with art - what are you going to do in the nearby future?

>> No.6876322

>another AI thread

>> No.6876324

Honestly, being a /beg/let getting bullied by AI chads is kinda hot

>> No.6876326
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Nah get this shit off my /ic/. Report AI threads as spam or off-topic guys, do the needful.

>> No.6876329

>nobody is going to pay for your art anymore
Nobody ever paid me to drae so far so I'm good with it staying that way. Art becoming a job would ruin the fun anyways. I assume in a few years only a small fraction of currently working artists will still be able to make a living from art and that saddens me, but there is nothing we can do.

>> No.6876330

I will adapt and die, that's to say I'll just sit on my ass living on neetbux until it's over and then it's over

>> No.6876331

neck yourself tripschizo

>> No.6876332

>a legit thread about being concerned about art
you're worse than pajeet spammers.

>> No.6876333
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>> No.6876339

The only people you're successfully baiting are autistic begs anon. Get a real life.

>> No.6876345
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.xyB74n74qj7txRYUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, now that AI has perfected feet, hands and eyes, how will you adapt? I mean, there's nothing wrong with drawing for fun, but let's be honest - nobody is going to pay for your art anymore. It'll take less than a year for patreon artists and commissions to die out.
If you're earning money with art, or planned to earn with art - what are you going to do in the nearby future?

>> No.6876347
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you will never own a vector w8

>> No.6876348
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.RIAGK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>a legit thread about being concerned about art
>you're worse than pajeet spammers.

>> No.6876353

>what are you going to do in the nearby future?
I'll draw, wagies will work.
t. NEET that never had any job

>> No.6876355

Quick someone proompt this!!

>> No.6876357

the aitroon recoils as he's found out

>> No.6876363

OK so why would someone who doesn't know shit about art and doesn't know how to draw would suddenly want to get involved in art now that they have access to a robot that can vomit art for them without any effort? you still don't know shit about art and still don't know how to draw so what makes you think your ai garbage is any good when a skilled art can use the keyboard ON TOP of knowing how to draw?

>> No.6876365

I'm a better artist than you will ever be.

>> No.6876368

the detached hand just chilling on the mop is making me lose it, love this

>> No.6876369

> 24 hidden threads
> 25 hidden threads

>> No.6876375
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I imagine the number of people hiding AI threads must be pretty substantial, kind of negatively affects the board when the people that would be reporting shit threads don't see them. We should have some kind of meta thread made to nip this issue in the bud before it becomes a mainstay.

>> No.6876379

a meta thread would have to be for artists only. I don't want AIfaggots who think they are artists now spilling over into generals and drawthis threads

>> No.6876381
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everything is empty

>> No.6876390
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The meta thread would be moreso as a way for us to communicate to whatever mods we have in a unanimous matter as many other boards have done before, a board-meta thread. Or we could just continue to let the flamers have their little containment general where they can bait begs in peace. But as you know, you give someone an inch they take a mile. I expect them to leak their toxicity to the rest of the board. So we may as well engage the jannies in some way. Hell, we'll offer to triple their pay.

>> No.6876399

the only thing going which has a chance to stop ai art is if laws are made that protect the copyright of artists from having their work aggregated into those data sets without their permission. once these developers start getting sued, it's over. just gotta get vicious at this point because no one else is going to act in your interest. they'll just stand out of the way saying "this doesn't effect me, plus it's cool lol, stop being selfish.".

the worst bit is they say it all resentfully as if trying to make creativity into a career and be involved in revivifying culture is some form of entitlement to be hated. we all consume art and the products of creativity fucking constantly, people deserve the benefits of their time and labors if there's value created. and there very obviously is value to art given to how it's attached to literally everything.

>> No.6876403

all it takes is for some chinese company to train the model if you ban the training using copyrighted material in the US etc.

>> No.6876414
File: 80 KB, 996x988, girl drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My art is nowhere near good enough to make money off of so I'll just keep drawing

>> No.6876423

do you really even realize how heavy handed that move is? do you think this is a likely outcome?
and you have no justification for it anyway since AI does not breach copyright.

>people deserve the benefits of their time and labors if there's value created
first off, that sounds nice, but they do not.

and second off, it is impossible to tell how much you contributed. and regardless, that number will be VERY VERY VERY VERY small.
if you have an image of a catgirl in the training data, then you will contribute to the model's representation of "catgirl" and all the other related tags. but that is only a TINY TINY TINY TINY amount of influence, and only on specific tags.

>> No.6876424

that's a problem and i have no good answer. the foreign ip theft shit has to be addressed eventually. but we can't just say make no protections in the interest of our citizens because other countries won't be subject to those laws.