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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 132 KB, 600x600, garcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6874737 No.6874737 [Reply] [Original]

How do I use these new AI tools to help me improve my art as fast as possible? I'm already studymaxxing with japanese and classical art resources 8 hours a day.

>> No.6874738

rip /ic/ it's several of these per day now

>> No.6874747

>ai shitpost thread #16545416846544
instead of trying to learn art you should pay someone to teach you how to shitpost properly to get an actual reaction from people

>> No.6874756

Redline the mistakes you notice in the generated image then draw it yourself but better. Or just put a generic prompt and use it for inspiration when you don't know what to draw.

>> No.6874764

Thanks anon, I've been redrawing it from reference but I'll try redlining mistakes too. At least there's some useful advice left in this shithole.

>> No.6874765

Nigga I was loyal to polycarbonbbs since like 2003 and still remembered it and some of the people there. I like this place too and don't plan on leaving so it ain't dead

>> No.6874766

You didn't gain any information you didn't already know and are just here to be annoying. Many such cases.

>> No.6874777

It will get worse. I'm curious about how many will remain "loyal" to the non AI proliferation policy here. I consider myself an intermediate level artist, I meddle with AI already and I can tell is fucking incredible, it will be a revolution. There's no fucking way to stop it. But I understand the value of traditional real art, I have it, and I can't lose it now. I know how priceless it is, it took me so much time to get it, there's no way AI can't replace that skill for me.

But what about the majority of begs here? I don't see any other options for them, there's not enough time, they are doomed. I was forced to get gud, because there wasn't any other way to produce art as an individual creative mind, now there is an option, it is already here online for free. Getting better by the hour. It will be impossibly hard for begs to avoid the use of those tools, and when they use it, they will be spoiled for good. Getting good at real art is TOO FUCKING HARD, and this board is a testament to that. Probably old fags like me who managed to go beyond the beg phase will keep hoping to maintain real man made art alive. But most users here are already lost. Real "Art" as we know it here will became an obscure cult.

>> No.6874779


>> No.6874784
File: 224 KB, 1125x1986, Nigmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of AI is to remove artists. It have no skill involved except shilling.

>> No.6874786

If you actually give a shit about your art you will continue to improve irregardless of AI.
Real art has been dead for decades, ever since the first cash transaction was made for art. Real art only occurs from the heart or between likeminded individuals sharing and stealing ideas from each other with glee, around a camp fire in B.C. 1000, separate from "how do i get clout from this" or "how do i minmax my sigma grindset from this"

AI inspires me, because it shows just how far I have to go. I'm in it for mastery, fuck all this gay shit where I have to slave my life away drawing shit I don't want to for other people to make a salary. I devoted my life to getting a good engineering job SO i could pursue art as a hobby I love instead of being enslaved to it.

>> No.6874789

Does that fucker plucks his eye brows?! What a fucking tool. That's the kind of dumbass deciding the fate of humanity right now. It's so over already.

>> No.6874790

>There's no fucking way to stop it.
You think that because you are a pussy

Holy shit what a psychotic Jew

>> No.6874835

instant pose references when you need to check something.
instant inspiration when you need some starting points for how to tackle a theme.

nope. i'm the tripfag :)

>> No.6874839

We are on the same page then. You have a correct game plan already. But any other people out there expecting to work as an artist, they are all bound to be AI users by default in the "industry". At this point I can totally understand that reality.
I use AI to make visual representations of things that I've been dreaming about for ages. I haven't been this inspired for years and years. AI it's like inspiration in a bottle. The last decade was literal culture death in mainstream media, since the reboot/remake insanity. I kept going back to art from the 90s, 80s,70s,40s, even 18th century with mucha. But present day art died many years ago. Now with some AI's I can atleast calculate how art "should look like" for me today. And it is amazing. I use that as inspiration to make my own drawings, and I love it.

>You think that because you are a pussy
No, I think that because I saw it. It's happening. The same thing happened in the mid 2000's with digital art. I tried to look away like it didn't existed, and we all know what happened. You're just a little ant, a dust speckle thrown around by the forces of nature.

>> No.6874855

you guys are a bunch of faggots. using ai to get "inspired" isn't much different to editing ai vomit to make it look good. you're using a robot to spit out what your art should look like in the end, and not using your own brains. the industry will of course use ai because money, but you regular people, who at most do commissions, using ai is really depressing and shameful. I'd take an old lady's boring painting of a flower over your perfect and amazing art that was done with help of ai

>> No.6874874

>The same thing happened in the mid 2000's with digital art. I tried to look away like it didn't existed, and we all know what happened.
Really? How old were you? I'm 38, so digital art has always been a thing in my life(especially pixel art) it never registered in my mind that it was relatively new at the time, it just was a thing I could do on a computer.

>> No.6874882

Fr these people are brainlets who will end up with dementia from never applying themselves to anything

Digital tablets are a retarded comparison. It just let people draw on a computer, unlike ai which will replace all "median humans" in all aspects of society and cause the biggest suicide spike in history

>> No.6874883

aibros pretending to be artists can't fathom actually looking up and saving a library of accurate to nature images, they just have to come up with an excuse to include ai in their workflow

>> No.6874884

I'm your same age, I remember an art institute recruiter came to our school in like 99 and she was saying that some of her guys her students are really good with pencils, but they're limited because they aren't good on digital. Then a few years later on art forums it was amazing because ppl were beginning to use the wacom graphite tablets etc

>> No.6874886
File: 359 KB, 739x553, Goku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are doomed.
I'm a /beg/ and never have tried any AI and don't have any plans to even try.

>> No.6874887

Falseflagger pajeet

>> No.6874898

Gmi. Stay true my friend.

>> No.6874902

I will, thanks.

>> No.6874919

I think it's a single autistic dude who's been spamming the AI threads, because I refuse to believe that every time an AI thread appears, they come in a wave of about 6. This same retard keeps changing his story too - he goes from pretending he's an artist "just bi-curious about AI", to someone who is seriously scared of AI, to someone who is mocking artists because AI is the future, and I'm supposed to believe all these people wanted to post at once? Please.
I don't know why this dude is so butt hurt, because a crab really got him good, or perhaps he's just a permabeg, or maybe he just really likes AI and can't get over the fact that /ic/ doesn't care for it - no matter what the reason is, he's obsession is pathetic and cringe.

Honestly the board needs a hard rule of no AI threads, just so the deluge of this shit can be mitigated.

>> No.6874923
File: 15 KB, 320x412, John Singer Sargent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope you're strong enough to take the hit in the face. If your inner artist's soul fails you, remember that a simple drawing can be all you need to prove you artistic value. Don't get trapped in the painting oils and digital art rabbit holes. You can always rely on the basics to achieve mastery.

>> No.6874926

use it to create an animation project, study animator workflow especially in the anime industry. i wish I could find an artist who would do this.

>> No.6874934

I love you anon

>> No.6874936

The entire website needs it at this point. The one good thing is thesespamming AIjeets are hard at work working up some serious badwill.

>> No.6874937

based and wholesomepilled. G fucking MI

>> No.6874976

This. It's obviously the aifag.

>> No.6875057

Probably a paid shills. Saw him spammed 8 threads in /pol/ after 4 threads here

>> No.6875104

Digital intelligence has the potential to be more powerful than biological intelligence but needs more energy, i.e. humans only need 60 kWh per day. Biological intelligence is just there to create digital intelligence, sort of like an in-between evolutionary step.

>> No.6875106

It isn't evolution, it's just outright displacing ourselves from the top of the food chain with a mechanical abomination. Any species stupid enough to do that deserves what is coming to them.

>> No.6875109

>tfw born just in time to see 'Darwin among the Machines' from 1863 becoming a feasible reality

>> No.6875120

How did these motherfuckers from the 1800s know. They were the real canaries in the coal mine

>> No.6875128

Newfag it was much worse like a year ago

>> No.6875185
File: 57 KB, 680x763, i602k5z6fedb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a beg, Stable Diffusion has helped me a lot, actually.

- I make a sketch.
- Redo it 2 or 3 times, trying to improve it every time until I can't see what's wrong in it.
- Use ControlNet Scribble on the final sketch to generate multiple "corrected" versions of it.
- Redo my sketch using the best part of each generated image as a reference.
- Instantly improve.

If you're a mid, it's also very helpful to color and render your own sketches and use the results as a reference for rendering materials, shadows, etc., etc.

>But anon, that's retarded! AI is full of flaws that will make you adopt bad habits!!1!
That's the best part. Because of my natural ego as a human artist, I can easily notice those flaws and fix them on the go.

>> No.6875201

That's pretty much how an actual artist would use it. As reference. It's also fine for ideas, especially niche ones. Works great. I also get some rendering ideas form it once in a while.

>> No.6875288
File: 2 KB, 109x125, 1674387254627006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they all have different stories
>that's why it's a single person

>> No.6875297

>I'm already studymaxxing with japanese and classical art resources 8 hours a day.
Then there's nothing that AI can do for you in regards to improvement.
Maybe you can ask chatGPT how to be more imaginative, instead of making the same boring AI thread, desperate for responses?

Reminder to sage and report AI threads.

>> No.6875300

What are you supposed to report them as, low quality?

>> No.6875304

>This same retard keeps changing his story too - he goes from pretending he's an artist "just bi-curious about AI", to someone who is seriously scared of AI, to someone who is mocking artists because AI is the future, and I'm supposed to believe all these people wanted to post at once? Please.
Every one of these AI threads is obviously a case of someone starved for attention, and it's always a variation of the OP playing dumb to a lesser or greater degree, combined with more or less implied or explicit insult towards the board users. The variation is there to bait different people - stupid statement to rope in those invested in correcting obvious idiots, and insults to bait those who are quick to get into arguments. It's really no different than those mobile ads showing you someone playing a mobile game in a dumb manner, or YouTube thumbnails implying something scandalous - a post equivalent of clickbait, only this time it's some lonely mental patient (or multiple) looking for interaction of any sorts, and I wish /ic/ users would just learn to report their threads and starve them of attention.

>> No.6875308

They variably fall into multiple categories:
1. Not poster's own artwork.
2. This post is off-topic.
3. Trolling outside of /b/.
4. This post is extremely low quality.
5. Spamming/flooding.

>> No.6875309 [DELETED] 

or spamming/flooding

>> No.6875323
File: 72 KB, 278x244, 1668533468754587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all one person... nobody REALLY likes AI... this isn't happening...
you NEED help. i'm not saying this because i'm trying to mock you or berate you, i'm saying this because you legitimately are detached from reality.

>> No.6875342

>Then there's nothing that AI can do for you in regards to improvement.
wrong: >>6874835

>> No.6875356

Post your hybrid art.

>> No.6875361

>instant pose references when you need to check something.
The point of using a reference is that you're trying to confirm what something looks like in reality. AI outputs don't represent reality and any mistakes it makes you'd then use to your own detriment as reference.
>instant inspiration when you need some starting points for how to tackle a theme.
Sounds like you need to practice coming up with creative ideas more instead of offloading it onto a machine.

>> No.6875373
File: 226 KB, 1024x1024, 1670559828155132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people use other drawings as refs as well and those don't represent reality directly either.

people use refs for inspiration all the time. i keep folders for this stuff.

the only difference here is that you can target your refs very specifically. you don't need to stumble upon it by chance or hope that some posebook you have has the relevant pose in it.

example pose: pic related.
i was looking to practice my understanding of this pose and used dall-e to easily get some refs.

>> No.6875375
File: 558 KB, 2048x2048, 1685390605557145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

example 2

>> No.6875378

>people use other drawings as refs as well and those don't represent reality directly either.
Thus negating the point of using a reference, and instead going for reinterpretation of someone else's work. What's the point of imitating AI output?

>the only difference here is that you can target your refs very specifically.
Sounds like another excuse for just not doing the work. If that's your whole point, then why not just use AI for inpainting or collage AI-made images? What's the point of the extra steps?

>> No.6875379
File: 257 KB, 1024x1024, 1666759339030197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other example: the theme of "spider" for inktober.
and again, this is just about ref/inspiration.
it's good to get your creative juices flowing.

i had similarly solid results with "dream" and "path", two very nebulous and vague themes.
but with AI i could get a decent starting point for how i could tackle the themes myself.
and this is no different then seeing a non-AI entry someone else made and being inspired.

>> No.6875381

Why would anyone bother looking at something you didn't even bother to create?
Kill yourselves AI chuds

>> No.6875382

Actually good idea. You could ask it to make the image without skin on.
and can we see you studies?

>> No.6875389

it's reference. i'm not looking to make a study of the image directly.

>Sounds like another excuse for just not doing the work
the work of what? looking up refs?
it sounds to me more like you'll make any excuse you can to reject AI.

>If that's your whole point, then why not just use AI for inpainting or collage AI-made images? What's the point of the extra steps?
what are you even saying? what does this have to do with my post? i was talking about using them as targeted refs specifically. what do refs have to do with inpainting?
i do advocate for AI as tool in general though but that's not the point of this particular suggestion..?

>> No.6875396
File: 150 KB, 2358x2376, 1665986801771486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6875397

nice excuse man, it's not like you can get your sister or some other girl to pose like this for you right? naaahhh... being an artist is weird anyway so she would never understand that you want to learn to draw that pose and need some refs. you DEFINITELY need an AI

>> No.6875398

lol. you can't be serious.
you really think that is more convenient than using the AI?
what if you want to use it professionally? meaning, you need refs all the time? your sis ain't got no life bro?

again, no. your baseline is that you're rejecting AI, and then you build your opinions on top of that base layer.

>> No.6875419


>> No.6875421

>tripschizo is back after his last thread got autosaged
>still pretending he's an artist

>> No.6875422


>> No.6875423

why is it blurred out

>> No.6875432

because he's full of hot air and wants (You)s

>> No.6875436

>replying to yourself

>> No.6875483

embarrassed by your lines? afraid crabs will focus on flaws instead of your argument? or hiding your power-level for messed up ego reasons?

>> No.6875506

>how do you do fellow drawfags

>> No.6875507

not him but until the AI can produce results without scalping the net of copyright idc about it, simple as
not in such a pinch for fucking refs like jeez, ya'll acting like ya'll could never draw until now

>> No.6875510

>you can't stop it!!1!
what everybody wants is for it to be trained on payed-for copyright and not scalped shit not for it to not exist.
As soon as they make the AI free (since it's payed for by the public after all) and train it on shit they have license to, everybody will use it no prob. Not giving a cent to thieves and scalpers

>> No.6875517

making ai make you some art is not even the same as drawing a stick man

>> No.6875527

all the bitching and moaning around AI is a bunch horseshit cope
>muh not actual art
>muh YOU didn't make it
>muh no soul
literally just empty arguments, like it doesn't matter if they are true or not, has no impact when it comes to it having utility and the ability to take over

>> No.6875541

your concession is accepted, leave the premises as you do not belong

>> No.6875543

Every generated image is unique. That right there ends the copyright debate. Also the quantity ratio of "real" art vs AI generated art soon will be so abysmal that this whole discussion will be meaningless.

You can't copyright air in the atmosphere, or light coming from the sun. We're getting to that point. Frazzetta was one of the most prolific artists ever, nevertheless his whole body of work could be published in one big single book. But now you can extend the "Frazzetta artstyle" to the fucking infinite. Making things and themes he would never could have done in 100 lives. But you won't use his art style alone, you will fuse it with many others. So that artstyle is not Frazzetta's anymore, it is something new.
Art creation always worked like that, artists copied earlier artists better, adding new stuff, this is no different.

Artists performing real art will become much more valuable though. If you can record the creation of your art then you're golden. But this time there will be no free pass for lame artists, the skill and appeal level will be key to pass the filter now.
People now have access to "art" of the highest quality, they will be more demanding, they won't eat Beg shit like before.

>> No.6875545

ignore it, it's just a bait. Aibros often resort to that kind of thing

>> No.6875548

nigger I literally don't even care if AI art is art or not, it has nothing to with weather or not it can replace artists because in the online space all the art is just anime shit and porn or some cringe comic shit

>> No.6875550

>That right there ends the copyright debate
please sars do not redeem the lawsuits

>> No.6875554

you had this whole stupid text in a .txt file ready to post it the moment someone replied to you didn't you

>> No.6875556

sure thing, have a (You) and leave the premises as you do not belong

>> No.6875562

go fuck a cactus

>> No.6875569

it's not scalping. it's learning from it. you cannot point to a single thing the AI took from an artist that they actually own or have the copyright to.
you only think that because the AI is copying, but that's not how it works.

i generally do not want to be recognized, for obvious reasons. a lot of anti-AI fags are utterly mentally ill.

genuinely seek help. not everyone is a dishonest shithead like you.

it doesn't bother you that you made an argument that doesn't work at all, but you thought it did because of your presupposition?

you say that we try to include AI everywhere, but it's YOU that is trying really hard to exclude AI regardless of the reasoning.

i would never say that AI is all good and promote a usecase that isn't good.
you would shit on AI regardless of anything.

>> No.6875573

>back to mass replied because he's an attention whore
>still pretending his pattern is obvious by now
>still pretending to be artistically-enclined

>> No.6875576

>still pushing his claims that do not fly for one second outside of techbro circles

>> No.6875577

you're only deluding yourself.
it's got nothing to do with me.

>> No.6875581

>calls people deluded
>doesn't see the irony

>> No.6875582

>i generally do not want to be recognized, for obvious reasons. a lot of anti-AI fags are utterly mentally ill.
you wont be from those studies.

>> No.6875584

>i generally do not want to be recognized
>constantly shits up /ic/ to the point people recognize him with or without a trip

also pretty funny calling anti-AI fags mentally ill when all we've seen is that it super empowers schizos

>> No.6875585

Me caving in your cranium with a metal bat is also a unique piece of performance art, what's your point?

>> No.6875589

Why do you fags keep bumping these threads?

>> No.6875590

because they're not his and unlikely to be studies

>> No.6875591

You can not point to one piece of evidence that the money I stole from your wallet belonged to you, kill yourself duc

>> No.6875592

because tripfags will endlessly bump it regardless and then will make a new "inocuous" one. might as well call him a clown

>> No.6875595

no, see, I ran the money through a shell company, used it to buy goods I sold them back somewhere else. basically, it's new unique money

>> No.6875597

guarantee you it's just AI generated drawings lmao fucking pathetic

>> No.6875600


>> No.6875604

i disagree. not that i'm known or anything, but if you actually do know me you will recognize it.

you are in fact deluded.
this is not even about AI.
just you seeing samefags everywhere. and insisting on me not drawing despite what i provided. you just believe what you want to believe, it's delusion.

lol what....
how is that analogy working here?

the proper analogy is i took a copy of the [object], feed it to an AI, which shrededed it into a billion pieces in order to learn from that process, and then the AI has learned to make similar [objects] on its own.


>> No.6875606

>not drawing despite what i provided.
you didn't provide anything
fuck off :)

>> No.6875610

You're as thick as an Indian brick, please redeem the noose around your neck sir!

>> No.6875611
File: 84 KB, 1200x1200, 2x3-canada-flag-image__99191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what type dump should go beyond this point since janny sucks at their job
>leaf posters/flag posters stuff

>> No.6875613


>> No.6875615


>> No.6875616


>> No.6875618

/ic/ is the most delusional I've ever seen 4chan, I'm almost certain it goes even beyond some /pol/ shit, when seeing all the trannycope on /ic/ it feels like I'm on tumblr or some shit, complete and utter looneytroon denial

everything regarding AI is just emotion driven whining, the only reasonable people are those who just come here to take a dump on all the retards

>> No.6875620

do you hear voices in an indian accent every time you hear about AI?

that sounds like mental illness to me.

>> No.6875621

forgot your trip there

>> No.6875622


>> No.6875628

Idk why you'd get defensive over something supposedly false and unfounded, again, redeem the noose sir!

>> No.6875629

Sorry that /ic/ is an ai spam free board, you have plenty of hugboxes to fuck off

>> No.6875631

do you actually believe this?
do you really?

>> No.6875633

you're the one in your precious little hugbox

>> No.6875635

>I use AI to make visual representations of things that I've been dreaming about
I've never heard about artists without an ability to make visual representations in their heads using imagination. It's like the core idea of being able to craft things - to be able to see them before they exist. I think this human feature is exactly why AI retards don't understand that AI is completely useless for artists and this also how you just revealed yourself as a glowing brownskin shill.

>> No.6875636

Your posting times place you either in literal India or someplace close, you can pretend to be trans race or whatever you troon aligned believe in but the mirror (if you have one) don't lie raieet

>> No.6875639

Yes and? /ic/ Is not going to change their tastes to your whim to suit what you like so again, fuck off

>> No.6875640

>i disagree. not that i'm known or anything, but if you actually do know me you will recognize it.
you spend enough time, wasting time, in these threads defending yourself from the same accusations day after day, you ought to make some clear art just to cover for this. just make some drawings in a different style, draw realistically rather than anime or whatever. do some crosshatching or such. mimic someone else. make the drawing about AI even.

>> No.6875644

I'm not asking for any change I just pointed out how this board has literal tranny mentality where their ideals conflict with reality to such a ridiculous degree that any engagement will consist of emotional bullshit

>> No.6875645

>baww why won't people quit drawing already?

>> No.6875646
File: 358 KB, 716x877, t pageet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it funny the pageet could've put themselves with regular women in this post on /pol/ but instead used little girls like if it's an own

>> No.6875647

go ahead and draw, oh wait this is /ic/ which means you won't, either way don't expect anything in return

>> No.6875648

Heated argument between artists and faggots

>> No.6875649

yes, because autistic shills who spend literal days spamming their shit and using bots is such a rare occasion on 4chan. never happened before. what's the odds? this anon is crazy!

>> No.6875650

sir this is the crab board
>go fuck yourself NGMI

>> No.6875651

Art is about human expression so of course it's emotional. You can't just expect people to go "oh well" and give up because their future for pursuing their passion is being threatened. But I know you fags see humanity as nothing but obsolete fleshy robots and don't care about any of that

>> No.6875656

sir, this is the "artwork and critique" board, not the "argue about AI" board. if you want to draw something feel free to stay, to talk about technology go to /g/.

>> No.6875657

You're the one with the tranny mentality if you expect us to put up with your bullshit honestly

>> No.6875659

another day another thread with the obsessed tripfag peddling his sophistry

>> No.6875662

you infer the "art" from what you see, there doesn't have to be any greater meaning or purpose behind it because the viewer conjures those things, you have the artwork and the viewer and the connection between those two can be instigated through fraudulent means with the viewer being none the wiser

>> No.6875665

Fraudulent means being AI?

>> No.6875668


>> No.6875669

Getting a burger from McDonalds and running it thru a blender is cooking to you?
Solid man keep it up, skin

>> No.6875671

sure, any means possible, if it creates the required illusion it will be viable, ethics be damned

>> No.6875672

It's just like /po/tards who shit up every single board with culture war bait

>> No.6875676


>> No.6875680

more like 3D printing a michelin star course for a fraction of the price and none of the headache that comes from reserving seats in fine dining restaurants

>> No.6875679

>noooooo please stop shitting on ai whenever it gets posted, y-you y-y-you /pol/tard!!
Again, fuck off.

>> No.6875683

>If I can't taste there's no difference!

>> No.6875686

even normies don't like being tricked. do you know what the number one most asked question is in art?

>> No.6875688

>reading comprehension
or are you just trying to misdirect?

>> No.6875689


>> No.6875690
File: 78 KB, 1200x675, 7980207c-8180-4c77-a4bd-523a5477c6fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so like watching Ratatoing instead of Ratatouille, gotcha

>> No.6875694

the very second the most retarded retard can say hey siri draw me a niggerlicious image it's over just due to how accessible it is, it makes artwork so mundane because there's no filter, like a glass of water in a flooded desert

>> No.6875696

You're the one trying to misdirect by comparing artists wanting to keep and protect their space for their art intact to /pol/shit

>> No.6875701
File: 167 KB, 720x715, 1694678094030428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your posting times place you either in literal India
jesus lmao

are you hearing the indian voices right now?

it is absolutely not worth it. i'd have to make a study specifically for this not use it anywhere else.
besides, i'm not very interested in convincing the kind of person that isn't convinced by what i already posted in the first place.

but i am literally telling people to not give up.
the issue is precisely that you morons conflate AI with the end of art.

even ITT look at what i actually posted: you can use it as quick reference, quick inspiration. an obviously benefitial usecase even if you don't let AI directly touch your artwork.

but you can't hear it.
you do not understand AI or see it for what it is.
you can only see it as a "bad symbol". one that you have to rally against.

TLDR; AI bad!!!

>> No.6875705

>chatGPT response

>> No.6875707

yet you still haven't shown good examples of AI usage by posting your work

>> No.6875708

>"trust me bro, I'm totally legit"

>> No.6875711

>it is absolutely not worth it. i'd have to make a study specifically for this not use it anywhere else.
>besides, i'm not very interested in convincing the kind of person that isn't convinced by what i already posted in the first place.
>worth it
Confirmed no draw. I did it for a rando who said I couldn't, I draw every day for hours so what's one to end an argument?
How many hours have you spent in these threads?

>> No.6875712

>"I'm literrally telling people to not give up"
>"I'm just shitting everywhere and calling them retards"
>"and have already given up by chosing to be a lazy hack"
>"well I would if I actually drew that is"

>> No.6875713

AI and faggots who worship ai damaged my brain so much that I'm only impressed by pencil drawings and real painting with oil and watercolors these days. It's exhausting having to check if there's any hint of ai in digital works

>> No.6875716

You've yet to make a single point, you've yet to post a single drawing of yours, get the fucking rope already or go on your merry way.
imagine how many void jpgs you'd have created with the I bet thousands of empty words you've written on here over the past few weeks, but for some reason you'd rather feed your words into trying to convince people you're an artist, redeem the fucking thin blue nylon rope sir!

>> No.6875718

I don't see a way this shit won't be normalized, it will become normal to AI generate your art when everyone has the ability to do it easily and reliably, at that point the view towards accepting AI in art will have slipped to the range where it's accepted, it's the path of least resistance too

>> No.6875719

*oh, and why not just draw fast, just open up /i/ and make an oekaki pic in 10 minutes so we know it's you.

>> No.6875732

for one person to shill something at this lightning speed LITERALLY around the clock, 24/7, with no rest whatsoever is physically impossible. you need help. you need to speak to someone who can help you. you need to log off.

>> No.6875737
File: 255 KB, 1527x1533, 1693735578295117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i've shown plenty of proof of concepts.
like pic related. i think you can use it to churn through a vast amount of combinations and ideas very quickly.
underpainting, background creation, inbetweening (eventually), all of these are obvious usecases.

i could probably do it by using pens i normally don't use and use a style i'm not used to, but
there is no point in risking it.
i posted shit already, except i blurred it. again, if that can't convince you i genuinely think you're dishonest.
besides i've done this dance in the past here anyway. posting my work doesn't lead to anything. sometimes the opposing side gets a bit more demure, and that's it.
doesn't change that it's inherently an ad hominem: you're not addressing what i'm saying and focusing on me instead.

i make points in every post.
you? you exclusively talk about me.
doesn't that get tiring? do you ever feel like you're a complete waste of breath?
you are tiring to me, that's for sure.

i'm calling you retards because you're giving up.
it's genuinely laughable when i say something, and then you retards will say that i'm trying to "demotivate" you.
you're fucking idiots.

>> No.6875741

all you've shown is blurry slop of AI generated imagery
do the needful and post your work

>> No.6875742

Why is it blurry?

>> No.6875745

>"I've shown proof!"
>"y-you're giving up!"
>"not me who's reliquinshed all my skills and choses to learn incorrectly if at all!"

>> No.6875751
File: 139 KB, 394x458, 1689475336911750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've shown this picture multiple threads already
>what more "drawings" do you actually have

>> No.6875760

I want to use AI to come up with cool compositions and poses that I can copy because I have zero creativity or ideas. But I'm too stupid to learn how to use those stable diffusion things on my computer to create thumbnails.

>> No.6875765

extra don't
at best use it to get a whiff of an idea for a theme but don't use it for these

>> No.6875768
File: 430 KB, 866x1028, 31354534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my work, it's not AI I am just blurring it to protect myself, if you could see my cookie cutter anime line art you'd know who I am.

>> No.6875769

>I want to use AI to come up with cool compositions and poses that I can copy because I have zero creativity or ideas.
pretty much every AI user. you can see it in this very thread

>> No.6875770
File: 469 KB, 1920x1314, 1696237539533954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just reference nature and great works of art. There's really no need to use AI unless you're that inept that you can't even build a visual library of what you like and references

>> No.6875772

>i posted shit already, except i blurred it. again, if that can't convince you i genuinely think you're dishonest.
It does not. would it convince you if you? if you say those blurry pics would, I would genuinely think you're dishonest.

>> No.6875778

there was an article recently bemoaning the loss of skill in the anime industry due to all the technological crutches. AItards don't realize how some shortcuts are detrimental in the long run. heck that goes for layer modes and ctrl+z to some extent

>> No.6875780

all of those iterations are generic. discovery seems to work best with hands on processes.

>> No.6875783

pay 3 dollar an hour wage and receive 3 dollar an hour work

>> No.6875784

please do the needful sirs

>> No.6875785

>those strange legs on the upper left

>> No.6875787

It's not exclusive to anime. I'd say games are pretty worse off now too thanks to technological crutches. Anime also suffers from immense post-processing usage which makes everything look terrible. Video games sort of have the same thing going on with artificial upscaling and frames

>> No.6875788

it's just a vitamin deficiency

>> No.6875800

I think auto texturing tools like substance painter also cut down on the amount of unique looking 3d games.

>> No.6875801
File: 323 KB, 1648x1394, almost a decade old redlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never posted an image of mine at all that wasn't AI related. except maybe that redline. that's why you see that one so often.

because you won't necessarily have what you need.
with AI you can generate what you need.

if you genuinely think i'm going out of my way to post AI or other people's art as mine, there is nothing i can do to convince you.
if i posted non blurry images. you'd say that's not me. this is why i don't really care. you're dishonest, end of story.

i don't agree. they are very good starting points for what i wanted. and i could've generated many more of them if these didn't satisfy me.
you can always push them further on your own.

i agree that this is a very real long time issue.
but that doesn't matter to me currently. it's up to the future generation to figure it out.
desu this is a pretty selfish view.

>> No.6875802
File: 326 KB, 684x798, IMG_20231005_091916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last I checked tripfag skill was this

>> No.6875803

oh so you can trace? big deal. didn't read

>> No.6875807

>decade old they say
>what's new then

>> No.6875808

>there is nothing i can do to convince you.
there is one thing. go to /i/ draw something and link it here.

>> No.6875809

still attention-whoring

>> No.6875813

>"listen to my opinioooon"

>> No.6875816

>why not just reference nature and great works of art
takes too long to look for references, and I don't like nature.

>> No.6875819

>I don't like nature
touch AI generated grass

>> No.6875820

I still remember this nigga saying he was new here before a few months ago

>> No.6875823
File: 95 KB, 801x481, 1685382800927945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pyw! pyw!
>wtf attentionwhoring!

incidentally i found some old flockdraws i did.

you remember wrong, because i said i was RETURNING here.
you have no idea how much of an oldfag i am. i could show you OP images for general threads that are the precurser to a lot of the generals you see on this board right now.

as a reminder, i am only posting these and saying this because YOU RETARDS are asking for it.
notice how it doesn't change a single thing.
i am still pro AI.
you are still not.
pyw is never productive and is mostly used as an ad hominem here. this has always been the case.

>> No.6875828

>accidentally found
>and these where how long

>> No.6875830

Pff I fucking know the person who did the bottom right redline you actual retard, you out do yourself every damn thread man, atleast you're improving at something I guess

>> No.6875832


>> No.6875834

says the autist who replies to near-everything and can't get a clue.
keep waiting for AI to fix your shortcomings and claiming its output as yours.
from tracer to ai isn't too much of a downgrade desu

>> No.6875835
File: 214 KB, 932x556, 1670365769179373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pff I fucking know the person who did the bottom right redline
well fuck, anon...
i hope you don't know me then...

>> No.6875837

next he'll claim he's simon or natthelich

>> No.6875852

>tripfags resorts to posting other anons works and sketches he saved from here because he believes he can get away with it claiming it as his
>he still keeps replying to every single post
>tripfag still hasn't recovered from being btfo by the whole board
man this is sad

>> No.6875862
File: 40 KB, 466x400, 1657769032940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfag still hasn't recovered from being btfo by the whole board
He's been giving you fags a rebuttal in nearly every single reply, I even had a moment of discourse with him and I generally agree with his sentiments. Don't know how you came to the conclusion that he's being defeated by you half wits.

>> No.6875864

You do realize that no one besides the artfag vocal minority and virtual signalers say that right? There is not a single valid argument against AI that also doesn't include copyrighting styles. People just want to not have laerned something to be considered obsolete later, like someone who leraned how to use a fax machine.
Normal people do not give a damn about how something was made, else no one would be buying iPhones built with child slave labour lol

>> No.6875874

Normal people wouldn't care either if caved your forehead in with a golf club, I have your permission then I assume?

>> No.6875876

>it's reference. i'm not looking to make a study of the image directly.
Then what was the whole point about finding the relevant pose tangent?

>the work of what? looking up refs?
Yes, finding and selecting reference is part of the work.
>it sounds to me more like you'll make any excuse you can to reject AI.
Funny, given that I never rejected or promoted anything, only questioned your usage of it as stopgap for ideation.

>what are you even saying? what does this have to do with my post? i was talking about using them as targeted refs specifically. what do refs have to do with inpainting?
i do advocate for AI as tool in general though but that's not the point of this particular suggestion..?
The entire thrust of your argument was that AI gives you a shortcut to "inspiration" and "reference". When I started questioning you on it, you quietly gave up on the requirements you previously had for the reference, and now started pretending you don't understand why I question your referencing of an image that's already generated to fit your needs.
The argument is simple: if AI custom tailors images to your needs, why not just collage those images, instead of what you call "referencing" them? If your head is empty of ideas and AI provides you ready-made inspiration, why not just use it straight? If your whole argument is that there needs to be work put in, then why not do the work from the beginning in sourcing proper references and referencing real life or human artworks instead of a machine output?

>> No.6875878

what's with these ridiculous tranny responses lmao

>> No.6875879
File: 529 KB, 1038x629, THE EPIC WORK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, can't hear you over your low IQ
seems you are just coping and mad
I explained it how wrong you are you just don't get it

>> No.6875884

Only trying to fit in with you trannies of course, address?

>> No.6875888
File: 102 KB, 718x854, 1687384868726066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to sage and report all AI threads. None are made of good will and discussion, they are all spammed out of spite for actual artists.

>> No.6875889


>> No.6875890

Yes they would, the police and ambulance would attend me right away, tranny. But thanks for your concession.

>> No.6875891


>> No.6875894

Yeah you should take them. More than prescribed to be exact.

>> No.6875896

>let's just shadowban the threads i do not agree with

>> No.6875898

Is there a toxic spam in your fridge right now?

>> No.6875900
File: 193 KB, 1421x1086, 165465165244548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon says the truth
>gets spammed with "meds" and ridicule instantly
Anon, you're pretty much spot on they have to damage control.

>> No.6875901


>> No.6875902

and they wonder why i don't ever want to post my art here.
they're retards who literally consider this the end of art.

another poster in another thread basically said:
>i will ignore AI until i can't, then i will destroy it.

what exactly makes you think i have spite for artists?

i'm genuinely curious. what am i saying that is so discouraging to you people?
i genuinely don't understand. although i suspect that i am just aware of the inevitable while you people are still delusional about it.

and no, using AI does not mean you have to become a prompter.

>> No.6875903

Why would they?
Stop being hypocritical lmao sissy, any particular golf club you prefer?

>> No.6875904
File: 17 KB, 474x471, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know

>> No.6875907
File: 34 KB, 474x524, 168944652155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good.

>> No.6875909

You should've proompted an actual clever response anon, that fell weak

>> No.6875911

Because people do not like violence on their faces and are paid for that? Are you socially handicapped or just delusional?

>> No.6875916

Nah I just think they should be moved to where they belong, preferably /g/ or reddit as you are most likely familiar with

>> No.6875923

he do be really thinking no one figured it out yet

>> No.6875932

The fact that so many people responded to me calling out a singular toxic spammer is hilarious lmao

>> No.6875933

People will simply ignore obfuscated images.
Shit will REALLY hit the fan if AI ever is able to draw to the point where even another AI cannot differentiate between AI and human art.

>> No.6875934

People don't like AI schlop either mate, only trannies and techies.
How would your cold corpse with a caved in forehead upset someone who'll never hear of you i.e normal people?
I don't think they would unless it made the news so no worries mate we're good to go

>> No.6875935

as far as I can tell, you gave up drawing a decade ago. you could simply draw something on /i/ to shut down this noise.
I wonder if leaning on a machine to make many of your art decisions and discoveries for you is a trap. you can stumble on cool stuff and just copy it without really coming to those conclusions through iteration/reflection etc. It's not really yours, you won't feel as satisfied. sure the end product might look better, but long term are you creating or consuming/regurgitating? (same with using pintrest imo, but not as bad).

>> No.6875939
File: 184 KB, 680x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts schizo tier tranny capslock retarded thing
>people call you a retard
>heh, point le proven

>> No.6875948

>People don't like AI schlop either mate, only trannies and techies
>He says while AI art on leddit, insta, twitter, etc have thousands of updoots, companies have been using it and people still use their products regardless, and only artists complain about it on the comments
Yeah buddy, your "normal people" also must have hated the camera back then.

>> No.6875949

I can call you a retard too anon, doesn't prove that I'm wrong.

>> No.6875952

Apples to oranges

>> No.6875953

I'm glad you agree.

>> No.6875961

Nah, you can tell if something is ai or not, even without having ai programmed to figure it out.

You just can if you draw since it triggers that uncanny valley feelings even hyperweeb anime uwu grills art don't manage to triggers
>sides with technotrannies
>spams insults instantly to one anon saying it how it is
>lol lmao ur schizo becasue capslock
lmao how desperate

nigger, everyone knows what you're doing
they just don't bother posting because it's useless to even interact with you trannies and your reactions prove that anon right

you've been btfo once again

>> No.6875962

I don't get why you're babbling let's golf bro

>> No.6875968

Anon, >>6875902 basically admitted to spamming these threads, the guy basically lives in these threads the amount of time he spends making bad faith arguments veiled to disguise his goal of demoralization. And that's just one idiot who was dumb enough to sign all his posts.

>> No.6875976

>I'm a /beg/ and never have tried any AI and don't have any plans to even try.
I literally started to draw myself because of AI slop lmao

>> No.6875991
File: 111 KB, 622x617, 8226954E-0145-447D-A176-0757049BB3E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah every since bots were invented people stopped playing video games entirely because the bot can do it more efficiently. Nobody speeds runs or uploads let’s plays or even tries to get good at games anymore. It’s a totally dead industry because a machine can do it more efficiently than humans.

>> No.6875995
File: 457 KB, 659x642, 146658644654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one uses bots or cheats in videogames
>no one fakes runs
>no streamer uses aimbots

>> No.6876010

The fact that using a machine means people consider it fake and also cheating proves my point.

>> No.6876013

>sure the end product might look better
but this matters, how can you not see this? this REALLY fucking matters.
you don't understand that by doing this, as long as you have skill, you can make something that is better than BOTH what you and the AI can make separately.

and again, it's not making all the decisions. only the ones i don't care to make.

what you might not know about >>6875737 is that i made the AI not output any lines and then put my own lines as the top layer.
so in every sense of the word, this is just a coloring attempt by the AI. my lines are still there.
and would only be considered the start if i wanted to finish this.

>as far as I can tell, you gave up drawing a decade ago.
you're not entirely wrong (but still wrong). but it's more that i didn't want to do it professionally. but AI makes me want to go back to my peak level again.
it can cut out all the parts i don't care about and make art a genuinely fun and efficient profession.

>as far as I can tell, you gave up drawing a decade ago. you could simply draw something on /i/ to shut down this noise.
how does /i/ change anything? they would still say i faked it.
you can just give me a prompt right now and i'll try to draw it.

>basically admitted to spamming these threads
lol what?

>> No.6876014

This would be a decent analogy if it instead was someone turning up to a CS major with an aimbot demanding to compete with the actual players

>> No.6876018

this would be a decent analogy
if art was a competition, a sport, with rules where you can "cheat"

>> No.6876022

More like speedrunning in which you have to hide your bot use from your audience or they will abandon you for someone with real talent not faked.

>> No.6876026

Since writing isn't a competition or a sport either, reckon I can pretend I wrote the iliad and publish it under my name?
Should be okay, right?
Or what if I take half of the Iliad and half way through instead paste in the latter half of a Harry Potter book? Should be transformative enough right?

>> No.6876028

Dude, it is a decent analogy because you would be the type of guy that'll use aimbots to 'get good' at aiming.


>> No.6876029

reality check: no one gives a fuck, animators are paid peanuts right now and everyone in the west straight up pirates anime

>> No.6876033
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x608, 149332369796556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you literally said
>Nobody speeds runs or uploads let’s plays or even tries to get good at games anymore
They do, they stream and try to get money, even entering competitions
>that indian guy in the OWL who got the whole team disqualified as an example
>CSgo being full of cheaters
>streamers and esport pro wannabe constantly getting caught cheating and justify it with "i just wanted to get followers in the beginning i swear i would not have cheated anymore"
yet they all try to seem legitimate and they get banned or punished because people care about the integrity of it

But when the arts and artists are majority of grifters and take
>no rules, just tools
autistically literate, you get the shitshow we have now full of hacks and retards who think they're outsmarting the system and making everyone mad while openly being provocative about it.

Like, man, i dunno, guess they should have no problem with people taking their work and claiming it as their own?
No rules, just tools, right?
But then you have
>haha checkmate and gottem, you do it, then i can steal your work and put it in the machine! artists btfo
and then whole spiral of retardation continues to no end

These things where one side doesn't admit when they're in the wrong usually end up with violence being the only solution

I mean, i don't mind.

>> No.6876042

yeah, and they're all fittingly considered to be subhumans. also bad comparison. an "aimbot" is not the same thing as an actual automated bot meant to mimic the human experiment.

>> No.6876043
File: 96 KB, 720x223, this nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's been giving rebuttals to every reply
I remember when he kept going don't use ironic green texts when when having a "serious discussion"
>and kept (you)ing every like now anyways
>Inb4 samefag or are you his designated retard wrangler
>gotta keep up appearances my nigga

>> No.6876046

human experience* fuck

>> No.6876050
File: 604 KB, 1667x716, 1693436034305180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rules, just tools
Funny how they don't even know or understand why Vilppu says that

>> No.6876052
File: 305 KB, 1024x1024, 1696528563564079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't cope with this anymore, it's gotten too good.
I give up on art.

>> No.6876054
File: 43 KB, 1056x870, 1573041920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but this matters, how can you not see this? this REALLY fucking matters.
matters how? to the viewer? what about the artist? are we only talking about art as a profession here? I said 'end product' but I meant it as a phrase that applies to both finished art or whatever.
>you don't understand that by doing this, as long as you have skill, you can make something that is better than BOTH what you and the AI can make separately.
They said this about photo-bashing and it turned a huge portion of visual media stale.
>and again, it's not making all the decisions. only the ones i don't care to make.
The prompting creates a elephant with his leg tied from infancy effect. "that didn't come out right, I'll try this less complicated prompt..."

>> No.6876056

>no rules, just tools
this kills the AIcuck

>> No.6876057

While you may have missed my sarcasm you get the point anon. People want to see displays of real talent not faked talent in any field.

>> No.6876063
File: 277 KB, 573x540, 1597715682098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and btw
we saw how artists turn out when they choose violence
The principle is the same
They're using a machine to do the thing for them, while claiming accomplishments of the machine as their own for potential profits or bragging rights or whatever the fuck
Yeah, because they are legitimately acustic
sarcasm doesn't translate well over text because the delivery and tone of voice conveys the message

my dude, my nigga, my fellow 4chonger you can't hear text
you really oughta make it more memetically obvious

>> No.6876068

Let me ask you this sir, why should anyone bother looking at something you yourself could not be bothered to create?

>> No.6876072

>you can just give me a prompt right now and i'll try to draw it.
I missed this bit. sure. draw yotsuba doing a flip dodging a missile.

>> No.6876074

Ah anon, now you're going to get replied with
>"y-y-y-yeah, but there are so many artists that never get their works seen..... so uuuuhhhmmmm ur wrong and low iq!!!"
or go completely off topic claiming no one can argue with him
and then he epic trolled you again

aren't you frustrated and seething, sir artist sir?

>> No.6876078

>ai thread at the top of the catalog
this board is NGMI

>> No.6876080

Rrr I'm flipping peeved rrr he can't keep getting away with it rrr>>6876074

>> No.6876082

I've had this thread open in my tabs all day it's entertaining seeing the same loonies talk to themselves and epic owning each other over and over again

>> No.6876087
File: 62 KB, 760x623, 165465141545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea arent u seething bro? mad even?
rrrrr im so mad
and seething
like bro how does he keep epic trolling us artist with facts and logic and an iq of 105
like rrrrrrrr im stupid and low iq
its literally and epically over bro
i am demoral
i must quit drawing boobs now

>> No.6876093

Shouldn't you be drawing something right now?

>> No.6876096

rrr even someone with an IQ of 92 is able to surpass us with his magic toolbox doing all the work for him rrr he has truly bested us rrr I'm punching my pillow rn rrr so dang peeved rrr

>> No.6876098

why would I draw anything at all?

>> No.6876105
File: 710 KB, 594x659, 1668081780290594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is also a competition/sport. just using scores instead.

that's just fraud and hackery
and not to mention, copying.
i understand that this is what represents AI in your eyes, but it's not what AI is by necessity. especially copying.

"dude" i think you lack the IQ to understand what i'm saying.

there are no rules. if i make something AI assisted, you can bitch and moan at me, but THERE WERE NEVER ANY RULES. because this is not a sport nor a game.

you can bitch about prompters "cheating" for the rest of eternity.
but how long will it take you to realize that this is simply the new status quo?
a few months? a year? a decade?
this will never pass, so how long?

>> No.6876110
File: 4 KB, 229x229, 1620690872608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrrr bro like i am so vexed right now
galled even
cant believe that now anyone can take pictures and put a filter on it and bestes us in our field where we worked heckin hard and now they get more likes and followers than us
brooooo that irks me soooooo bad

>> No.6876111

>that's just fraud and hackery
>and not to mention, copying.
No it's not?
I'm clearly adding my own transformative spin on it.
But sure let's go for something closer to what the AI is doing, say I take the Harry Potter series and for every page of text I alter it by misspelling a few words per page, diffusing the text if you will, that should be fine by your standards no?

>> No.6876115

Was commenting on the process of building an audience via talent, if your audience thinks you are a hack and a fraud you won't make it regardless of the industry.

>> No.6876116

meant for you >>6876105

what about the artist?
am i supposed to be butthurt that the AI can do this? that it can make my life easier?
am i supposed to go
>oh noooo i can't draw anything on my own anymore (i can)
>oh noooo i can't draw everything on my own anymore (i can)
the way i look at it, i can do whatever i want to. because it is a tool.

that the end result is better will matter to everyone that views it, including myself. if it indeed is better.

>They said this about photo-bashing and it turned a huge portion of visual media stale.
photobashing is very limited compared to AI, and some people can still make it looks pretty good, just by being skilled painters.
AI is way, way ,WAY more powerful on its own already. personally i'm more excited to see what genuinely skilled artists can do with it once the get over the cope phase that everyone is in right now.

especially in animation. i'd love for the average animation quality for anime to go up.

>The prompting creates a elephant with his leg tied from infancy effect. "that didn't come out right, I'll try this less complicated prompt..."
uh, i don't get what you're trying to say here.
again, in >>6875737 i'm using my lineart, so a lot of the decisions are already made.
then i keep using my lineart as the top layer, so my decisions aren't necessarily overwritten either unless i overwrite them later.

the painting decisions are not made by me, they are also likely better than what i could do on my own since i'm fairly doodoo at that. but so what?

>> No.6876118

Nobody respects lazy untalented people anon. I'd rather see your paintings improve over time based on your own hard work than you admitting to be too lazy to even bother.

>> No.6876119

good job with yotsuba. I'm convinced you draw and are not just here to shill AI.
a few random questions:
What do you plan on doing with your artwork+AI? finished pieces?(commissions? would you tell your client how much AI was used? lower price?)
what have you done already aside from small tests?
where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years?

>> No.6876121

can tell it's not drawn just by the noise alone also because why would you even have it in such a silly sketch
the superfluous lines and the leg that's lifted up and the nonsensical shading is a huge tell
Rocket as well
the lighting is also telling
the shape of the hand is a huge tell
not because it is badly drawn, but because the "artist" doesn't know what hands are
>inb4 its a loose trad sketch
No, it's not.

The image is so generic and lacks human touch it triggers the uncanny valley feeling

Did you just type
and picked the first one that seemed close enough? or did you samefag the request because that's what you already had?

Come one man

>> No.6876122


>> No.6876125

And you're happy with this, being reduced to sketching and curating images?
In an age where creating an amazing piece is nothing but the most mundane shit ever?
In a era where you work, AI assisted or not is just swept up under thousands of creations as soon as you post it anywhere?

>> No.6876126

You fags enjoy doing this to each other don't you.

>> No.6876127


>> No.6876130
File: 149 KB, 815x515, this is not AI generated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you take the harry potter series, then you're just copying the harry potter series.
maybe that's your understanding of what the AI is doing, but that understanding would be wrong.

that is indeed an issue. but do you believe in art or the artist?
i believe only in art. if the work is good, people will respond hopefully.
what you people don't realize is that nobody that is an actual artist wants to make "AI slop".

you think the person who had the sense to paint pic related would make "AI-slop" if they actually tried their hands on AI?
or do you think their artistic sensibilities are actually worth something, which is it? assuming they're not pure prompting.

>> No.6876132

Their entire goal is to be as lazy as possible anon. It's safe to say they don't care or enjoy anything about the creative process.

>> No.6876134
File: 176 KB, 1440x960, 1694140348793447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6876135


>> No.6876139
File: 3.02 MB, 640x640, 1686432552278084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both sides would rather argue forever than actually draw. Send all of them to /g/ where they can argue all the same and still be on-topic.

>> No.6876140


>> No.6876143

To be fair, the creative process isn't all that fun, personally it's my lease favorite piece of creating, learning and sharing art.
Before D3, I still had my spirits high as the technology seemingly stagnated, but now I'm just heartbroken.

>> No.6876146

('-' )

>> No.6876153

i am drawing right now
too bad mods either don't give a shit or side with the tripbot

>> No.6876154

So anon are you also making racist stuff on /pol/ to share

>> No.6876156

imagine if you took a large shit and your anus never recovered

>> No.6876161

on the other hand plenty of hacks and frauds make it regardless of the industry

>> No.6876162

no he just spams elves on twitter

>> No.6876163

I personally like seeing progressions of the artist as well as the manifestation of skill. You are denying yourself to both improve and manifest this skill. I think this means that people who continue to produce art will surpass any artistic sensibilities you currently think you have and gain the ability to be able to do it themselves. You are denying both the ability to improve and the ability to eventually be able to paint. It's essentially choosing to stagnate.

Additionally for the audience it comes across as lazy at best if you are honest about it and disingenuous to your audience if you lie about it.

Something not being fun is what makes the results more impressive and is what makes the artist worthy of praise and respect. Anyone who has the diligence to work hard and then apply that hard work is deserving of respect. Working out isn't fun either but the gains are worth the pains.

>> No.6876164
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, 1696532370047219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the track record is pretty clear, technology keeps improving. Just like your smartphone is better at arithmetic than you'll ever be, so it'll be better at making images at some point in the future.

>> No.6876165

>Something not being fun is what makes the results more impressive and is what makes the artist worthy of praise and respect. Anyone who has the diligence to work hard and then apply that hard work is deserving of respect. Working out isn't fun either but the gains are worth the pains.
okay I hate using AI but I guess if I push through and actually become a bugman feeding words into the gacha machine all day, it makes me someone noteworthy

>> No.6876170

Get ready then. These kind of threads will become necessary for a lot of people here, when they realize how this new technology totally transformed the artistic scene. They will need answers, and "coping" won't be enough. We will have to find much deeper thoughts and meanings about art, and being an artist.

>> No.6876172

I think the accessibility of AI will make it so that there aren't really as many artists who become someone noteworthy especially for the typical online sphere. If everyone and their dog can spit out hundreds of prompted images a day anything you do is just going to get lost in the same ocean that looks like yours and people will move onto whoever is doing something original.

>> No.6876174

>We will have to find much deeper thoughts and meanings about art, and being an artist.
There's nothing deep about art or being an artist, all you're doing is conveying an idea on canvas. That's it, there's nothing beyond that all art is another medium used for communication.

>> No.6876176

data collection is how the internet runs, that's to say they can just see what people engage with and have the AI pivot and cater to audiences automatically

>> No.6876180

Yes exactly why I foresee this for the future. I think AI will become so automated by algorithms that people will have feeds of images not published by real humans but by the AI deciding what you want to see itself.

>> No.6876181
File: 1.45 MB, 1688x953, 1677225554462644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i merged the layers but good thing i didn't save and close it yet eh?

fair enough, but what i care about is results.
not artists jerking themselves over talent or skill. that's why some of my favorite artists are the types that are good at drawing moving stories rather than just technical skill.
although i obviously do appreaciate and pursue skill and such as well.

>What do you plan on doing with your artwork+AI? finished pieces?(commissions? would you tell your client how much AI was used? lower price?)
>where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years?
muh secret projects

>what have you done already aside from small tests?
most of the test you're seen. others are just SD testings to see what can be used for muh secrit projects.
on the manual side i'm actually just trying to get back to peak form again through practice.
it's has yet to fully come together but i'm doing this next to my main non-art profession for now.

>And you're happy with this, being reduced to sketching
yes? i love sketching the most.

>and curating images?
that's not bad either. and even using SD is not as soulless as you think. it's a more technical kind of approach though.
and besides, there are still more steps after >>6875737
i'm just out of practice so i never bothered to go further.

i don't think i am, since i am literally starting to practice again thanks to AI.
skill is simply a separate issue from AI. AI itself is a tool.

>Additionally for the audience it comes across as lazy at best if you are honest about it and disingenuous to your audience if you lie about it.
i doubt they will care.
again, because i believe in the work and that it stands on its own.
even if it was fully AI generated. if it impacts me, then who am i to deny that feeling?

if everything is "AI slop" then i am obviously wrong. but that depends on what will happen. how artists will truly start to do with AI.

not the coping that is going on right now.

>> No.6876188

hope anyone isn't surprised when they start slipping in what (((((they))))) want you to see

>> No.6876189

>that the end result is better will matter to everyone that views it, including myself. if it indeed is better.
if I draw something, and give it to another artist to color, that collaboration may help the individual picture, but not help me, as the process of coloring would refine my color skills, my style, my evolution as an artist.
>uh, i don't get what you're trying to say here.
Earlier you prompted a girl sleeping at her desk for ref, if you'd asked for something more complex, like "a nurse using a machine to pull someones face into another dimension" and you couldn't get the ref you were envisioning, you may abandon the idea...(for things you just wanted to draw, but who knows what they might develop into? I get that a particular set in stone project you'd probably keep trying and or use non AI to develop the image).
>but so what?
You miss out on learning to paint, and to go beyond that and develop your distinct personal style of painting, pushing your boundaries, innovating. You may save a prompt that combines styles to make the look you like, that you want to represent "you", how long will you stick to it before making 'progress'? do you get bored of the style because it's not really "yours", do you wait for the next AI update?

>> No.6876191

speaking to yourself again

>> No.6876196


>> No.6876197

this post made me wish for nukes now

>> No.6876203
File: 693 KB, 822x702, myworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty image = good
i think the consequences of internet access at the tips of everyone's fingers has been a clear indicator that people shouldn't be trusted with technology.
>i will get better
sure will, but i can do the same with copy&paste

btw that is my work now because i diffused the image
>merged the layers
sure thing pal
but keep trying maybe you'll fool John Guy, age 70, retired and doesn't know how flip phones works

fucking retard holy shit

>> No.6876214

With how much is already blocked by the AI in terms of what you are allowed to prompt this type of thing will be inevitable. That and paid for product placement being put into your feed of sexy anime girls.

You should spend more time practising painting and less time using it as a crutch for your lack of ability/discipline.

>> No.6876216

of course they'll also want you to think a certain way and a great way to do that is to be in control of what you consume because what you think about is what you engage with, so expect propaganda

>> No.6876219
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, 1696535589980093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the "cope" I've heard so much about, huh.

>> No.6876221

you're making me wish insane asylums were still a thing holy shit

>> No.6876222
File: 172 KB, 777x967, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like nature
>t. pic rel

>> No.6876224

still trying to pretend you understand what the AI is when you're clearly doing what every other fag in those threads you spam: project what you think it is as fact.
>I believe in art
no you don't, you believe in products
>what you people don't realize is that nobody that is an actual artist wants to make "AI slop".
if it did the final output it's AI slop and not yours anymore. all your threads are you coping about that.

>> No.6876225
File: 956 KB, 850x882, literraly diffusesd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you seething?

>> No.6876226

Whoever has the biggest pockets will get to decide what you see and what you don't. At a certain point platforms will just be able to automate the content creators too. Ideally they don't want to pay creators so their own AI making content would save them a shit ton of money. We already see this happening on places like Spotify in which fake artists are streamed so spotify can pay artists less. There is even more motivation to take this approach if someone is paying for those generated images to conform to the propaganda/products they want you to consume.

>> No.6876230

basically summarized all of it but funnily

>> No.6876232
File: 335 KB, 587x560, 1693948811798179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"a nurse using a machine to pull someones face into another dimension" and you couldn't get the ref you were envisioning, you may abandon the idea
just look at pic related. i don't think it is what you asked for, yes?
BUT just by prompting this, I now have a better idea for how i could tackle your comission.
this is another example of using it for inspiration.

>if I draw something, and give it to another artist to color, that collaboration may help the individual picture, but not help me, as the process of coloring would refine my color skills, my style, my evolution as an artist.
yes, i already know that i don't care to paint. it's not like i haven't painted or developed in that direction. i'm just not particularly passionate about it at all.
so i understand that by using AI, i'm "skipping ahead".
but again, i'm doing it willfully. i know it's a crutch. there are some things i wouldn't use a crutch for. and others where i would.

let's take a real world example. let's say you need a background for a VN or a game. do you really value it enough to do it manually? what if it's 30?
would you not even consider using AI assistance?
maybe if you're passionate about it. but it depends, right?
what if the thing you're actually passionate about is the game or whatever you're making, and not these backgrounds?
why would you not use AI then, when it helps you finish your passion project and puts less of a burden on you?
i would not do everything manually just out of obligation to some unseen god of talent and skill.

i'd rather practice other things. and i am.

>still trying to pretend you understand what the AI
am i wrong somewhere in my understanding?

>if it did the final output it's AI slop and not yours anymore.
i'm suggesting for it to not be the final output though.

>> No.6876234
File: 253 KB, 790x819, 16546516545445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon posts a truth
>gets instantly replied with you're insane and coping
This is a salt farming thread
Good job, Anon. You're a good salt miner.

>> No.6876238
File: 241 KB, 1024x1024, 7489125321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just making a simple observation.

>> No.6876241

please tell me what software the tripfag used to seperate the supposed AI image into separate layers

>> No.6876242

>sure thing pal
I asked him to do yotsuba partly because I know you can't prompt her on dalle-3. and stable diffusion sucks with complex poses(especially those you don't have loras for) I could have asked for something wilder I guess. depressed yotsuba disintegrating into a a singular spiraling ribbon

>> No.6876243

You must be new here then, because much of the discussions here dwells around coping with "being an artist". Becoming good at art requires time, effort, quitting other things in life, like social interaction, many people think about art as a career, that a VERY important life decision, and to make that decision you need to understand what is art, and what it means to be "successful" as an artist in the art industry.

This whole AI debate will become UNAVOIDABLE, and it will be key to make that decision. To make "money" as an artist in the immediate future you will have to embrace AI art tools. That's non negotiable, it's written all over the wall.

>> No.6876244

I honestly think the night elves were right in the rejection of the khala.

>> No.6876248

>am i wrong somewhere in my understanding?
several places but you chose to ignore, play semantic games and resort to sophistry. there's no point discussing it as no party will budge on it anymore. just consider your premises are only valid to yourself in these threads. you can vomit words to your heart's content it would be akin to arguing on the basis that you're an attack helicopter.
>i'm suggesting for it to not be the final output though.
you suggest at best to be pixel janitor of the output that isn't yours and all your image examples using AI lead to that. you're outsourcing your brain. you mention calculators and fail to remember they've participated in the dumbing down of people.

>> No.6876250

Yeah exactly why you aren't beating the stagnation allegations. You are quite literally choosing not to learn a fundamental part of the art you want to create because you are too lazy to commit the time to it.

>> No.6876251

Someone make a chud meme that says,
>millions must proompt

>> No.6876252
File: 165 KB, 802x841, uoohdiffusinse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're just mad.

>> No.6876254

I've been here for a good while now, and if I learned one thing from art it's that art is merely a vessel for you to express yourself and convey a message to instill a thought to those who view your work. Coping "being an artist" and sacrificing things in life is more of a (you) problem as far as I am concerned.

>> No.6876255

art = pretentiousness

there I solved the whole riddle you're welcome

>> No.6876258
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, 1696536430089921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm not an artist so this doesn't effect me all that much emotionally.

>> No.6876261

I agree in that art should be gatekept. Keep the participation trophy babies out, you're shit ain't real art. Get a different hobby, but don't call yourself an artist.

>> No.6876262

being called an artist is the participation trophy though, like think of a subway sandwich artist :D

>> No.6876263

Yeah you're just a faggy troll.

>> No.6876264
File: 77 KB, 300x360, 1564621364663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not affected
big salty cope energy

>> No.6876265

Agreed. The title has been stolen and ran through like a train.

>> No.6876268
File: 320 KB, 1024x1024, 1696537143458405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trolling, I just saw the thread and saw a lot of what looks to me to be self-delusion. Though it was worth making a little post with a simple analogy that could help some people see clearly. But you know what they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Also possible that I'm wrong though, after all I don't see the future, it's just that historically everything points to my conclusion.

>> No.6876269

Anons, no one believes anything that comes from the tripfag. He used up all the good will he received.

>> No.6876273

that wing is straight out of a 3.5 d&d manual with extra jank

>> No.6876274

okay schizo but explain the yotsuba request being fulfilled and even shown on separated layers after the retarded "gocha" moment? am I dealing with an actual unironic retard right now?

>> No.6876275

i already learned it. i did my homework a long time ago really. i just don't care to practice or master it. at all.
the reality is just that time is limited. focus is limited, everything is limited.
i'd rather do something i enjoy.

you have to undestand that this is automation.
let's take a wooden chair: should you make it by hand? or get one delivered? it depends very much on what you can do, what you have and what the chair means to you. this is the question artists now have to ask themselves for every aspect of their craft.

because automation exists now for art. and that is the thing artists shouldn deny. the thing they need to come to terms with.

>> No.6876276

I love that AI gives every monkey with a thousand god awful ideas the ability to rape my eyes and my soul with those shitty ideas every time I go on the computer.

>> No.6876277

>tldr; I'm lazy

>> No.6876278

I'm sure you do

>> No.6876279

You're his discord erp kitten or whatever you porn addicts call yourselves

tripbot isn't taken seriously after all the previous threads where he showed he can't be reasoned with

You're just low iq and wouldn't get it anyway even if i explained it to you
im borrowing tripbots words btw

>> No.6876281

You yourself were the one calling your skills in painting subpar. I can’t judge what I cannot see.

I understand that you want to automate your art like cheaply made IKEA furniture. I just think it’s pathetic not to aim a bit higher.

>> No.6876283

actually I'm a gay nigger from outer space my nigger and I'm beaming aids into your anus tonight

>> No.6876285

>be me
>want to draw
>seek likeminded people which i can share my passion for drawing
>a bunch of nerds copypaste pictures and can't shut up about copypasting pictures and demand i use their preferred titles

>> No.6876286

>discord erp kitten

>> No.6876287
File: 527 KB, 1593x1182, [DPG]Tatsuyuki_Tanaka_-_Cannabis_Works_p029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you used those results, you wouldn't be closer, no. I was thinking for personal use/exploration/potential, rather than commissioning.

> let's say you need a background for a VN or a game. do you really value it enough to do it manually? what if it's 30?
would you not even consider using AI assistance?
Well I never had to consider it, I can paint very fast, and with 3d assist, I can get 30 done in 3 weeks. good memorable games take years/many months, I don't really want to have to churn out disposable games every month to keep up with the other slop people churn out using AI. plus, there are asset stores chock full of backgrounds for visual novels, if I really am on a tight timeline.
>puts less of a burden on you?
lessening burden for parts I really don't care about, say some textures? like making a brick texture instead of using my photos, generating a photo of bricks seems inoffensive... something to ponder.
I feel like we were talking about major parts of a work though, for you painting the whole thing is something you don't care for, but for the viewer, that's the majority of what enters their retinas...

>> No.6876288

>Artists HAVE to conform
>Artists MUST do this
>Artists NEED to do that
Anon I can respect the decisions you've made for your own life out of your volition, just keep others out of it. We don't care.

>> No.6876289

>no argument
Bro, i just want to have a conversation

why are you this dense?

>> No.6876291

an argument isn't a prerequisite for a conversation, how's that for an argument and a conversation?

>> No.6876292

I guarantee you >>>/g/ and >>>/reddit/ will be more engaging

>> No.6876294
File: 73 KB, 456x536, Billions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6876295

bros wtf i am trying to have a conversation here?
It take two to tango wtf

You're just low iq

>> No.6876296


>> No.6876298

that's fair enough but you retards choosing to ignore AI makes it so i can't have normal discussions about it on /ic/.
also denial and delusion it's just obviously unhealthy.

you too can do whatever you want but your idiotic outrage is affecting me.
>nooooo i don't want to see AI!!!!
>report report!!!!

>> No.6876299

normally it takes two to tongue an anus but with a niggerfaggit like you it takes one

>> No.6876302

wow thats fair but you retards are so low iq it makes me so i cannot have regular conversation about it on this board

you can tongue anuses but can you anus a tongue?
That's what i thought, luddite

>> No.6876307
File: 83 KB, 720x1280, artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alpha Centauri is a triple star system composed of a binary system orbited by Proxima Centauri, currently the nearest star to the Sun. Traditionally called Rigil Kentaurus (from Arabic رجل قنطورس, meaning "foot of the centaur") or Toliman (from Arabic الظليمين meaning "two male ostriches"

>> No.6876309

Anon. We don't care. Not as much as you. The majority of us are not schizos. It's unhealthy to be so full of vitroil over something so simple. If so many people clearly believe that AI should not be a point of discussion on /ic/ SPECIFICALLY, doesn't that mean you are the odd one out? Why is your opinion so much greater in weight? As I'm sure it's been mentioned before, there are many outlets out there that can and will allow more fruitful discussion about AI. So why be so obsessed?

>> No.6876311

>I makes it so i can't have normal discussions about it on /ic/.
Then leave
>but your idiotic outrage is affecting me.
Then leave

>> No.6876320

just leave /ic/ alone they can't handle reality and that's the reality plain and simple

>> No.6876321

You came to the learning how to draw board boasting about being lazy. No shit people are going to laugh at you.

>> No.6876325

>If you used those results, you wouldn't be closer, no
that's what i said. and honestly, my personal take would have been your image, but from the other side, with the nurse's back towards the viewer. and the AI helped me get there.

>Well I never had to consider it, I can paint very fast, and with 3d assist, I can get 30 done in 3 weeks.
you can use 3D with SD to have even tighter control over the output.

>good memorable games take years/many months, I don't really want to have to churn out disposable games every month to keep up with the other slop people churn out using AI.
you are again assuming that people use AI to make "AI-slop".
if you used AI, would you make AI-slop? have you considered that you can use it in just a single step in your workflow? like
>3D > SD > manual

what do you think happens when you make something faster? you realize that what you have gained at end of it is TIME, right? time that can be spent however you want, including reinvesting, polishing your work at the end stage. maybe something that you would not be able to do otherwise due to deadlines.

>plus, there are asset stores chock full of backgrounds for visual novels, if I really am on a tight timeline.
then you have no control over your output. but somehow that is preferrable over AI?

>I feel like we were talking about major parts of a work though, for you painting the whole thing is something you don't care for, but for the viewer, that's the majority of what enters their retinas...
even in my example it is only the underpainting and getting a starting idea for the colors. i would have to finish it myself, although i would probably leave parts as is if i can.

you as the artist can always decides how to proceed. people here always assume AI is a one step prompt process. but that's not true, not even with just prompting alone desu, but much less so with AI-assisted art.

>> No.6876334

because it's AI "art".
you're telling me to discuss the art part on other boards.
what we're discussing here is clearly related to art, even industry.

i mean if there is an AI board and an art general, i will go there, but i find the idea a bit silly. but i'd accept it. not on /g/ though. that's just ridiculous.

i won't :)
i won't :)

>i'm full of VITRIOL
>I'm making you feel DEJECTED
those are all (you) problems. i'm merely telling to to stop burying your head in the sand.

>> No.6876338

If you're going to have whole threads to yourself to talk with yourself like pixelschizo does, at least tell your trannies to stop spamming threads 24/7 and in the generals when they get ignored

>> No.6876340

u mad :3?
yes you are

>> No.6876343


>> No.6876349

no need to make a new thread on a slow board..

>> No.6876352

You are the one bitching about /ic/ not liking you. I am simply explaining why. It’s like going to /fit/ and asking how you can get gains without working out. They will also make fun of you.

>> No.6876354

because it isn't art, and we're telling you to fuck off
>"b-but muh subjective definition!"
it isn't art, fuck off. you just refuse to accept it and keep coping about it because you gave up trying.
>"have you considered that you can use it in just a single step in your workflow? like >3D > SD > manual"
we've tried at my job and quickly dropped it, too rigid for proper rtk, too vague for desired results and it muddies the overall consistency of the project.
you seem under the illusion that you'll get good games faster. you might, you'll also get an ocean of shit just so you get something that you can already get a bit faster and you will make it less unique to boot.
you keep running your mouth about projects when you clearly have no connection to the industry, just like you run your mouth about painting or animation.
>but that's not true, not even with just prompting alone desu
microwaving a frozen dish is a multi-step process. you chose to automate things that shouldn't be, the parts that require intent and chose to be told what to do next instead.

now give me a (You)

>> No.6876359

not even, it's like going on /diy/ and explaining that you just want to talk about buying shit because that's more efficient anyway

>> No.6876366

I get that you can use it in steps, I even gave it a shot painting over output last year when it was pretty wobbly, and argued similar things to you about saving time. in the end though I want to own my project, feel proud of the work I(and team mates if so)put in, I know that's not so viable money and time wise, but it's making the project that makes me feel good, I grow with the project over time. In that same time-frame, I could make a denser/deeper and more polished thing using AI, but it wouldn't feel like an accomplishment, I'd feel like people experiencing it are being deceived in some ways. maybe I can tell them "these parts are AI, don't praise me for those" hah.

>> No.6876392

last year is a long time ago.

>maybe I can tell them "these parts are AI, don't praise me for those" hah.
that's silly, because you're actually more likely to get shat on and having your entire work written off as AI. but people will have to adjust eventually. in the end the only thing that will matter is the result.

i don't give a flying fuck what you consider art.

>we've tried at my job and quickly dropped it, too rigid for proper rtk, too vague for desired results and it muddies the overall consistency of the project.
sure, that would very much depend on the usecase.

>you seem under the illusion that you'll get good games faster.
>you might
yes. thank you.
and that's the only thing that matters.

>you'll also get an ocean of shit just so you get something that you can already get a bit faster and you will make it less unique to boot.
that will happen anyway. being against AI will have ZERO effect on that.

>and you will make it less unique to boot.
no. that depends entirely on you and how you use it. you're again only seeing "AI-slop".

(you)'s are free. :)

>> No.6876410

>that's silly, because you're actually more likely to get shat on and having your entire work written off as AI. but people will have to adjust eventually. in the end the only thing that will matter is the result.
I do get my work dismissed as AI on /ic/. which kind of makes me want my work to look less polished and more flawed, something about being thought a liar just ain't nice... but I also don't want others opinions to dictate my creative decisions. I gotta sleep. good chat.

>> No.6876426
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incidentally i found a piece earlier that people nowadays would call AI.
the truth is, people simply have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.6876431

You included. Get off your high horse.

>> No.6876436
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you can't make me

>> No.6876443

missed this post.

>I understand that you want to automate your art like cheaply made IKEA furniture. I just think it’s pathetic not to aim a bit higher.
you're wrong. the actual analogy is that i'm building on top of ikea furniture. (though this isn't the best example since you can't really "build on top of a chair" after it's done)

point being, I AM AIMING HIGHER.
i'm merely "cheating" and letting the AI make some decisions in this aspect, some of which i will overwrite by the end.

>> No.6876459

>some of which i will overwrite by the end.
but in 2026 the ai knows better than you. don't mess up its work with you shitty doodles!

>> No.6876475

it already can paint better than me.
i see it like a highly skilled assistant.
even once it can do everything better than me, it still won't BE me.

art is not so linear where being better than you means that the "worse" person's work becomes completely worthless.
that is the case even now. between two highly skilled artists, musicians, film directors, do you think it matters who is better? compare tarantino with scorcese. does it matter who is better?
because the "worse" person's work will likely be so different that the other one being better will barely affect it at all.

there will come a time when it can BE me as well. and tarantino and scorcese at the same time. but i'll worry about that when it arrives. as i suspect that the world will look different by then.

as long as AGI isn't here, it's still just a tool.

>> No.6876493

>it still won't BE me.
the result is all that matters.

>> No.6876501

yes, and my results will be worse but different. even when the AI can do everything better than me.
again: "better" in art is not the same as being better in chess or starcraft.

>> No.6876518

>its a tool
>its a tool
>its a tool
>member "no rules, just tools"?
>its a TOOL
Still not gonna buy crypto

>> No.6876522

>i don't give a flying fuck what you consider art.
then leave, as it is not a definition exclusive to me and your whole argumentation only relies on you dismissing it and forcing your own so disagreeing on the premise, no conversation possible.
>sure, that would very much depend on the usecase.
AI doesn't provide anything directly usable, it doesn't transfer to the appropriate softwares, that "depends" is just a cope.
>and that's the only thing that matters.
no, you're short-sighted and conveniently dismissed the rest of my sentence: the price for your "might" is too high to pay.
>that will happen anyway. being against AI will have ZERO effect on that.
again, that's wishful thinking. every advancement in the arts for the past 3 decades point to that.
> you're again only seeing "AI-slop".
you and every Aishill have failed to provide anything but that, excuse our skepticism after more than a year of proselytizing.

>the actual analogy is that i'm building on top of ikea furniture.
you can build as well as you want on top of poor foundations, your house will crumble
>it already can paint better than me.
it doesn't paint

tldr; justifying your indolence

>> No.6876526

Hey anon I'll concede if you prompt me an orc in a wheelchair getting denied to go on a bus

>> No.6876527

glad you admit you've given up. don't let the door hit you on the way out, zealot..

>> No.6876552
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This is your future, prompter

>> No.6876556

Be careful what you wish for...

>> No.6876559

Do it nigga

>> No.6876595
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>> No.6876608
File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, _941a4c17-bec7-4ee4-9180-05b8b3df1a1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you get lucky and the text is all there.

>> No.6876635
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i did engage with the art argument in the other thread.
and surprise: it didn't lead nowhere, just like i said. also i could easily make that anon's definition fit AI even after changes.
you simply do not understand that your definition is absolutely specific to you. whatever it is. you will likely get slightly different or very different definitions from every fucker this thread.
you're clueless if you think you have a point here.

>AI doesn't provide anything directly usable
so don't use it directly?

> it doesn't transfer to the appropriate softwares, that "depends" is just a cope.
if it did transfer to the software then it would work, so yes, it depends.
there are demos of people using it already. or just for creating assets. it obviously depends on the workflow, the efficiency, the result, if it is worth it.
you literally tried it, unless you're lying. so you were trying to make that calculation, to see if it was worth it.

but maybe just like with your art take, you also don't understand that your specific usecase is not the same as everyone's?
what are you, a child that can't separate his own viewpoint from other people's?

>no, you're short-sighted and conveniently dismissed the rest of my sentence: the price for your "might" is too high to pay.
you think that because you don't use it? everyone won't? again this inability to separate your own view from others.

the "price" of AI flooding the market will be paid regardless. it has ZERO to do with how you use or reject AI.

>again, that's wishful thinking. every advancement in the arts for the past 3 decades point to that.
to what??
that people won't use AI to make games???

>you and every Aishill have failed to provide anything but that, excuse our skepticism after more than a year of proselytizing.
most people will admit that they have been wowed by AI before. will you?
oh i guess it's just "AI-slop".

>> No.6876711
File: 1.56 MB, 264x480, 1689603756843038.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good job
Here's that prompt inspiration

>> No.6876714

It's not really designed like a tool though. I think by far the most disappointing thing about AI is we'll be forever stuck in the NO YOU HAVE TO PROMPT stage by fucking techbros. It's not going to evolve into a tool. It's primarily just made for "ideaguys", the more corporate stooges who just want to fire all of their software engineers and artists, take all of the shortcuts.

>> No.6876725


>> No.6876747

It's a meme from /uhg/ on /pol/, the jist of is
>Ukraine war
>Russia is shit at helping it's soliders
>learn more from either /uhg/ or /chug/
>there will be gore posts

>> No.6876749

you're talking in circles
you know whatever you produce with "AI" will be unsatisfying
you're trying to justify it to yourself by seeking the approval of others
you want this to be the new normal, for it to be "just a tool"
it's not
it's a torrent of bullshit
and you're lowering yourself to just polishing it up

>> No.6876755


I want to use a cloud brush that uses ai to match atmospheric conditions I set. A rock brush that has erosion seetings. A water brush that fills up volumes. A wind brush that blows hair. But not with blender interface... it should be easy to pick up and use without any scrolling through menus. Ask it for a tool and it readies it/makes it if it's not there.

>> No.6876777
File: 375 KB, 480x480, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting too it made the driver a cat
>so close to nyet

>> No.6876791

At the end of the day they will say; just adapt, the future is now.

Will be funny when those same words will come right back at them when their shit doesn't make them money, because it's mediocre or doesn't work.

>> No.6876800
File: 454 KB, 720x1021, IMG_20231005_193542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything /pol/ also going 2 more weeks but they could give less a shit about pretending to try and do something good

>> No.6876839

Why do jews always destroy all that is good. Every single time it's jews behind everything bad in the west, I tried so hard to not be antisemetic but I can't anymore. I hope Jesus will come back soon and smite them for their sins against god.

>> No.6876935

I added that to the prompt cos I thought it would be fun. Also to avoid letting the ai think I wanted everyone to be orcs, gotta babysit the ai a little.

>> No.6876936

Once again . . .niggers lol

>> No.6876945

well technically some can see it as subtly racist

>> No.6876973

It's the next step in evolution on Earth. Humans are the caterpillar, AI is the butterfly.

>> No.6877264


and you desperately want that to not be the case.
the question is just who is correct, me or you?
i'm not the one doing all kinds of mental gymnastics in order to say that it somehow won't be the future despite the clear trend.

>and you're lowering yourself to just polishing it up
see, even this sentence.
>AI will only hurt you in the long run!
>AND it will never be good anyway!
>AND nobody will respect you!
and even funnier, shit like >>6876791
>AND it will replace you too!!!
do you not see the pattern here? it's all just cope.
the last part especially, if it'll replace ME, what about you tards, who refuse to even talk about it, much less engage in it?

will you only use it once it makes its way into CSP, blender, maya etc?
if so, that makes all your current view extremely hypocritical.

whoops, >>6876635 was meant for you.

>> No.6877423

concession accepted. the only cope is you deluding yourself into thinking the piece is yours and that you're not just lazy and unskilled.