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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 874 KB, 1000x967, 1696027435979587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6869511 No.6869511 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>6845654

If you're looking for a place to practice and post all sexual works, from pinups with exaggerated proportions to pornography, then this is the right general for you. Both Eastern and Western styles can coexist here.

>Rules & Guidelines
1) All forms of cartooning styles are welcome; submit and receive feedback from others.
2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 before posting.
3) Share your knowledge, any tips are certainly welcome for all beginners.
4) Do to not be afraid of asking for critique, please be specific on what help you need.
5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY pornography, FURRY and BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.
6) DO NOT reply to bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.

>Community Resources

>NSFW image resources

>Timed drawing gallery

>> No.6869526
File: 233 KB, 652x795, 1627621510254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All boob and no torso
I've yet to see any form of appeal from these generals, get your shit together.

>> No.6869532

anon.... she's leaning forward.... if you can't see then you have some kind of autism..

>> No.6869538

Learn how to read the Silhouette and stop being defensive, it's a bad drawing.

>> No.6869574

Where does the “l” come from? Sexual Art Stylization Thread should be SAST, shouldn’t it?

>> No.6869602
File: 28 KB, 271x320, IMG_6105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6869604

>Sexual Art 'Lization Thread

>> No.6869718

not him but you are actually autistic

>> No.6869732

You and everyone else from these generals are a lost cause.

>> No.6869751

I want to ask an honest question;
Why does it take most of you guys days or weeks to make one simple drawing?
Are you working just a couple minutes per day or are you busy trying to come up with the image?
He's right tho
The perspective is done badly that it does not imply any depth, just a straightforward view with the character leaning in a 90 degree angle almost, that it does indeed come off as if she was very short, due to the lacking further visual information.
I like that anon's work, but i cannot ignore that.

>> No.6869778
File: 1.56 MB, 1224x1872, Jessie-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what was missing. And it takes me forever because I'm lazy and I'm a beginner. I'm attempting something I've never tried before with almost every drawing
I love you rad, but that's a thumbnail

>> No.6869809

I'll never understand how anyone finds this garbage appealing at all.

>> No.6869855
File: 513 KB, 900x650, Street Fighter Chun Li gif 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New gif dropped

>> No.6869856
File: 2.03 MB, 2436x1713, image_2023-10-02_160532301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing a value distillation study. Thoughts?

>> No.6869861

what is not appealing about

>> No.6869862

The face clearly isn't in the light--it's in the dark, I think you just need to use a pure black for the features.

>> No.6869866

Pretty good! Please continue with adding 1 more shading and 1 more lighting layer!

>> No.6869873

Body is cool but the face is kind of flat which direction is her head actually facing downwards or upwards?

>> No.6869877

there's literally nothing appealing about that. dipshits like you have no concept of good things only being good in moderation.

>> No.6869881

>I love you rad, but that's a thumbnail
I’ll thumb your nail!

>> No.6869886

At first i thought about having that area be totally in the shadow but then it would be impossible to understand the piece. I am having a ultra hard time making choices in what to show and what to discard

>> No.6869889

I'm starting with just two values for now

>> No.6869922

You can do better than that, come on
Thanks! She's facing forward, eyes looking down

>> No.6869950
File: 368 KB, 1000x668, image_2023-10-02_225117902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get where you're coming from, but i literally just slammed a rough sketch down and then went to line art cause i wanted to practice rendering lol.

she is supposed to be leaning forward, but i could've made more time to make an apparent torso haha. again. I've got a lot to work on inproving

>> No.6869957
File: 1.73 MB, 1224x1872, jessie booba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay thanks! How about like this? I worked mostly on the face and the light around Pikachu. I made the eyes more curved due to the above angle that should help with making her face feel less flat. I also changed the eye's highlight to match the to right where the light seems to come from. I notice that I fucked the coloring of the skin at the face sorry about that. What do you think?

>> No.6869971
File: 122 KB, 643x615, satys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm attempting something I've never tried before with almost every drawing
Makes sense if you're experimenting and a beginner on top of that, but i'm more or less referring to people who already have an "established style".
I know from my experiences; i used to take around 20 hours to draw something with techniques i've never tried before and trying to actually come up with something more or less original without referencing a lot, but i would usually cut it down to 4-5 hours at the next drawing.
Yet i saw and still see many anons post wips for days and weeks.
I never bothered asking until now because i'm curious whether i am doing something wrong and being too fast for my own good.

pic related has been sitting for a couple years because i can't figure out what to do with this
and just now i've been just adding stuff and sketching some more on top of the line art i already did
People jerk off to feet and floor tiles, anon. And she is a big titty thicc anime woman from the pokemon. Most might ignore the titty vore situation going on. I mean, it's fine for basic lewds.
It really is not that deep.

>> No.6869975
File: 153 KB, 537x653, image_2023-10-02_230449327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's some of the line art color if anybody was interested in what was done over the base color for skin tone etc.

learning that coloring the line inside the outline gives a nice result. So things inside the sillouette get colored. edge of outline staying black. but im sure that could be colored in some way too

>> No.6869986

>coloring the line inside the outline
i hope you know how to lock pixels on a layer because it almost sounds like you are adding the color entirely manually, which would be extremely tedious

>> No.6870001
File: 9 KB, 309x162, image_2023-10-02_231953483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lock my layers anon. including my line art and base layer. i use clipping masks and lasso tools as much as i can too.

what i was saying was i recolor the line art itself.

>> No.6870014

I do like the highlight shift in the eye, not a big fan of the face, but I'll let others judge that
Don't worry it's not vore, Ash is just trapped in a PokeBall that's in her cleavage. He's struggling and that's causing her tits to jiggle, I didn't make the motion lines stand out enough though

>> No.6870041
File: 619 KB, 813x740, titty swing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't make the motion lines stand out enough though
What you also want to do is imply motion.
Looking at the image itself, it doesn't give the impression that the chest is moving, but is rather static.
Best advice i can give to make you understand is to try the motion yourself, but usually when you want to imply such motion, you have to have something that moves in the opposite direction to make it more obvious.

In this case, if the titties are swinging in one direction, you have to make the hips stand out more and slightly deform the titties to imply their massive size and momentum.

>> No.6870049

is the artwork that's been posted here thus far an approximate representation of what I can expect from this general?

>> No.6870058

I wanted to make the movement subtle because otherwise it looks she's shaking her boobs, but she's not
Feel free to pyw

>> No.6870064

I'm just asking a question anon.

>> No.6870075

Just go look at the previous thread then

>> No.6870090
File: 344 KB, 635x568, motion lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A possible fix for that then
you oughta remove the motion lines going sideways for sure
motion lines rule is usual the bigger they are, the bigger the impied motion is
for more subtle motion, you want smaller lines

pic related
1 would be say a jiggle going left to right
2 would be up and down
3 would be more like an actual jiggle or a twitch

You also need to deform the shape you want to move. If she's jiggling, you don't want to have clean sharp outlines i.e. you want to simulate motion blur just a little
If you have too many motion lines going everywhere, the viewer might not understand how they're supposed to read the image and motion
hence why i thought, also given how she stands and her position, that she swinging here breasts instead of jiggling them

>> No.6870102

Ah thank you!! I will keep all of this in mind and save did for future ref

>> No.6870234
File: 176 KB, 1000x958, Jack's Hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get back into drawing after several week long hiatuses.
How do I make my cock and balls more cocky?
I want people to be able to feel the girth and veins.

>> No.6870239
File: 843 KB, 1011x2940, doxy-295310-Wiener_Toot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doxy is a good source for most things lewd.

>> No.6870243

Thanks mate

>> No.6870258

if you want a more stylized look replace all the black lineart with very dark shades of other colors

>> No.6870263
File: 916 KB, 1203x1237, Screenshot 2023-10-02 165614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6870375

very nice

>> No.6870385

>It's /salt/ again
Nature is healing.

>> No.6870439

How can you paint metal objects better? I feel like especially with gold it just comes out looking off and I'm trying to follow the advice of using very strong color contrast, it's fine on small objects but on larger accessories it just ends up looking bad

>> No.6870482

her right boob should be moved in

>> No.6870494

Very clean
What brush do you use?

>> No.6870497
File: 438 KB, 1073x825, boob on glass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but also no

>> No.6870755

I'm using the free brush pack from Marc brunet on cubebrush. His (legendary line art ) other than that I really only use the soft round and hard round too.

>> No.6870832 [DELETED] 
File: 255 KB, 1280x1241, IMG_6111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6870894

I don't think you are the target demographic of that specific fetish art

>> No.6870895

don't be silly anon, everything has to appeal to everyone simultaneously without exception. Get it together.

>> No.6870923

That means the piece is useless for a two-tone value study.

Trying to force it to be readable defeats the purpose: to get better at recognizing values.

Pick a better picture next time.

>> No.6870926

That's why I draw women wrestling. Everyone without exception love women in tight clothes grappling in front of audience with yuri implications

>but wrestling is dumb!
You're dumb

>> No.6871064
File: 129 KB, 687x399, 1689014501310870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6871240

Sure but the piece itself is fucking hideous and amateurish

>> No.6871260

You can give concrete and constructive feedback then. Don't just shitfling how you don't like it. Unlike you, we are adults and are happy to discuss different views in good faith

>> No.6871276

NTA, but can we solve it with a simple PYW.


- Kevin, sent from iphone 4

>> No.6871284

He doesn't even draw. He just comes to the threads to say how he doesn't like someone or domething. He's done same to me in past and got BTFO by other drawfags

>> No.6871293

>we're adults
You cry and act like a child every time you upload one of your nightmare fuel drawings and it gets any pushback
Ok fine:

>the lighting makes zero sense
>the anatomy is terrible and her limbs look segmented like an insect
>genius gave her a gray suit on a gray background which makes her blend in with the room, which itself is too dark. (learn how to do dark spaces properly, it's not just dull colors)
>there's not much to say about the face except that it's flat, poorly constructed, and obvious that you lack any anatomical knowledge or spatial understanding of how things should appear
>the background in addition to drowning out the character is dull and boring, it would be an improvement without it
>your rendering with the thick brushes looks like shit, nothing is blended well at all, her boots and knees especially
>finer details which are simplified for construction aren't fleshed out, her boots look like wedges with no further details added, her limbs look like elongated teardrops that you connected at the points.
>the drawing is cluttered and too busy with a bunch of unneeded shit added to clearly fill space

That's a real turd you polished anon. As usual I expect you to cry, ignore any advice, and keep hammering out the same dogshit drawings while being spurred on by hugbox so you'll never improve.

>> No.6871300

>could my drawing be bad?
Never change, never improve anon.

>> No.6871313

What are the concrete things you would do different way and how?

>> No.6871330

I literally just told you, I'm not going to draw your dogshit fetish porn for you.
>turbo fucked anatomy
>permabeg face
>change rendering (learn how to render)
>what is appeal
>how do I use negative space without stuffing it full of useless shit

My advice:
Your drawing is shit and there are too many things to correct for it to be worth continuing.

My further advice:
Learn how to do something before actually doing it, you and a bunch of other fuckwits here seem to think grinding turds to the finish line is the way to become a decent artist. It isn't.

>> No.6871343

Can you see the difference in critiques the art piece got before your >>6869877 ? Why do you you think those critiques were better than your
>I just don't like it

>> No.6871357

The fact you can't look at your art and even guess what's wrong with it after all this time is truly mind-blowing. You have zero self awareness. I'm done talking to you now.

>> No.6871358

I never said I was the artist.

Why do you give critique when you don't even know how to give critique?

>> No.6871365

Anon, you can point out bad things, but if you do, you should also at least follow through with some possible fixes instead of repeating how it's shit and should be fixed and not explaining the whys in a constructive manner even though you have been posting lots of times now.

Most are not going to understand if you just tell them
>it's bad, fix it
beginners even less likely so.
>muh appeal
Not critique and irrelevant.
Appeal is a highly subjective and doesn't belong. You cannot learn appeal.
>your drawing is bad
>learn to do stuff before doing stuff and never finish stuff that's bad
Bad and ignorant advice, just hollow claims without any substance or worthy contributions.

You're able to see mistakes but please learn to criticize properly. You don't have to sugarcoat shit and you don't need to if you're right, but you're only going to find resistance and truly waste your time if you keep doing it like you do.

>> No.6871367

NTA but he's been doing it for years and never posts his work because he knows how it would make him look. He's just trolling.

>> No.6871372

>he just trolling
Good excuse to introduce proper critique etiquette then and criticize his critique.
The more people argue and bicker with him, the more trolls it will attract.
And if he works on his style of critique, it's also a plus in the long term because he will better his own understanding and be able to teach others.

>> No.6871374

lol I'm still NTA, I asked you to PYW and you had a melt down and wrote an essay even though I'm not that artist

good job retard

>> No.6871378

I agree bad critique should be called out and this >>6871365 is good example how to do it

And yeah, it seems to be something personal to him to try get a rise out of the artisr and he thinks anyone calling him out is just the artist

>> No.6871379

I need to see a screenshot or this place has really gone down hill.

I don't fucking know what could be more specific than
>the background in addition to drowning out the character is dull and boring, it would be an improvement without it
delete background
>your rendering with the thick brushes looks like shit, nothing is blended well at all, her boots and knees especially
Look up rendering tutorial for darks paces, change brush.
>finer details which are simplified for construction aren't fleshed out, her boots look like wedges with no further details added, her limbs look like elongated teardrops that you connected at the points.
Look up anatomy specifically limbs and extremities.
>the drawing is cluttered and too busy with a bunch of unneeded shit added to clearly fill space
again, delete background.

Holy fucking shit you people are hopeless.
>it's not a critique unless you redline and render my dogshit for me.
I gave you the tools to see what's wrong now quit being a sensitive little pussy and fix it. THE FACE IS FLAT, fix it. THE LIMBS ARE TWO TEAR DROPS CONVERING AT THEIR POINTS, fix it. Don't know how? USE A FUCKING REFERENCE, OPEN A FUCKING ATAOMY BOOK. I'm showing you what's wrong, use your fucking brain to figure out how to problem solve.

The learned helplessness wont do you or anyone else here any good.

>> No.6871381

Didn't you say you were done in >>6871357 ?

Why you so personally invested in this?

>> No.6871382

You will kick and scream and do anything other than fix you own art. Now you're rationalizing critiques because I didn't hold your hand enough, anon let me ask you a question would you jack off to your own art?

>> No.6871383

Also, I never said I was the artist. Were you hoping you were talking to the artist?

>> No.6871387

I'm still not the artist but yeah, I have fapped to my own art

>> No.6871388

Because learned helplessness followed by picking the most retarded excuses to not follow any advice that could help you improve is infuriating as shit. I hope you post on tumblr because your shit has zero appeal outside of a hugbox and you are such a narcissist that no matter what I say you'll never be introspective enough about your own work improve.

>> No.6871391

But I'm not artist? I post to Pixiv, Deviant Art, Twitter, NewGrounds and Instagram

>> No.6871393

>samefag still won't screenshot
>not the 'artist' but will argue and throw tantrums just like him

>> No.6871394

Do you honestly think your advices and how you first presented them until you were forced to give more detailed critique were good? Do you think even your detailed critique was helpful?

>> No.6871397

Why do you demand things from others but don't PYW?

>> No.6871401

If you're referring to this, I was just insulting your art.
If you're referring to this >>6871293 it explicitly tells you what's wrong with it.
>says the narcissist crying about me not posting a detailed critique
lmao even

>> No.6871402

Again, you're just making general claims and going
>just do this and that
Without properly explaining the mistakes.
>the ____ is bad, just fix it
Show him how to do it properly. That's all you have to do.
You might have more luck talking like this to an actual pro who might understand and see their own mistakes, but a beginner won't see until you show them.
>Im showing you whats wrong
Not quite, again, claims but no substance.
>i dont know how to be more specific
I explained to you that you need to not only point out mistakes, but offer constructive solutions and explain (the most important part) why people shouldn't do those mistakes, because when you explain how something is wrong and why you want to avoid it, a student learns the concept better and it becomes better ingrained in their learning process.

Good criticism goes a long way and can be applied to many things, not only the piece your criticizing.

Anon, if you're wasting this much time posting such stuff, why not critique properly?
If you just don't know, stop, think before you post, correct your posts and try to make yourself as understandable and concise as possible.

I could also tell you; just go look up yt vids about critique and fix your critique. But that isn't good critique, it's just brainless dismissal and shitposting.

>> No.6871404

Why do you think you are talking with the artist just because your bad critique was pointed out?

>> No.6871419

This summer the same dude used same critique and idioms on my art and when it turned out I was getting commed, he cried how I must be lying and when I posted proofs how 95% my gallery was comms, he cried how I'm not making enough money. He just tries to keep the fight up because he ties his ego to it

>> No.6871422

the point of arguing anywhere on this shithole is to not make yourself look like a retard, but that anon is going to keep dumping essays without ever posting his work

>> No.6871424

Ok let's try this, you correct my critique. I already went over specific thing you're ignoring like deleting the background or very least removing cluttered objects in the negative space but you'll pretend I didn't say that. Why don't you piggy back off what I wrote and give him more specific tips, other than the explicit things I told him to do that you're ignoring. Btw "look up videos" is exactly where he's at, he doesn't even have a grasp on fundamentals and should probably hammer those first.
Because you cry and bitch exactly like 'him' and will complain about bad critiques rather than try to improve your permabeg ass.

>> No.6871426

You’re wasting your time. Giving shit “critique” is an /ic/ staple. So is crabbing. Why does anyone come to this shithole?

>> No.6871428

He never posts his work because he knows how his viewers would react if they knew how he spoke to other artists

>> No.6871431
File: 89 KB, 640x640, IMG_6112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6871432

>people com shitty niche fetish art
Congrats anon truly one in a million. You don't give a fuck about your own art and will say anything to convince yourself "it's not me it's them."

>> No.6871436

Nah, I just enjoy the ride and knowing some sad anon like you seethes over it makes my pee-pee hard

>> No.6871437

>Show him how to do it properly. That's all you have to do.
>Please redline bro
Comments like this is why quality of the art itt is what it is.

>> No.6871439

So he admits he's been doing the shitfling routine that long.

That's very /ic/

>> No.6871440

So much so that you have to pretend you're "NTA" just to be the people that feel sorry for you.

>> No.6871448

But I'm not the artist of >>6869778 ?

You thought I was despite me multiple times denying it. You and me tango'd this summer over my art and you've just shown how you tie your ego to the whole shtick and can't handle being rightfully ridiculed. I was really hoping you were playing some role for trolling purpose but now it seems you really are that autistic and don't see what's wrong with your critique. And that's worrisome.

>> No.6871451

Ok then do this kek

>> No.6871452

>you can piggyback off my critique
I was actually thinking of doing that seriously, although the piece doesn't warrant such critique because
>the artist is a beginner, and will probably get better with time and practice
Telling him not to draw until he masters the craft is the opposite of advice
>it's fetish art so there is really no point in going into too much detail
Best you can do is try to make him fix easily fixable mistakes to enhance his current work, just little by little
>even if he made such mistakes, there is no point in trying to fill up a whole thread about it and calling everyone a sissy
You're not wrong with the mistakes you have pointed out, but an example would really go a long way, especially since you're this passionate about this guy's work.
As long as i'm offering good advice people other than the one i'm speaking to can read and understand and maybe learn, i don't think i'm wasting time.
It's really bad that most people come here just to shitpost and crab.
I unironically blame smartphones and social media for that.

>> No.6871453


>> No.6871460

>I was going to but then i'd look dumb and repeat most of the shit you already said so I wont.
kek, I'd love to see you get more specific on the specific things I already told you

>> No.6871462

>he has entered the kek phase, again

>> No.6871466
File: 14 KB, 141x138, 16555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling shallow claims and parroting art buzzwords is specific now
a zozzle even

>> No.6871467

You'll really just grasp at anything to never improve anon.

>> No.6871469

Remember hour ago when he said he was done?

>> No.6871472

It's as if he needs us more than we need him

>> No.6871483

Imagine coming to /ic/ to shitfling for epic keks but then you make a fool out of yourself showing how obsessed you are and you get ridiculed for it

>> No.6871488
File: 6 KB, 542x696, pls halp no bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey NTA also new here can someone critique my lineart? but if you see something wrong with it can you also show how to fix it? And what I mean by that is can you redline the entire image as well as do the rendering? Ty! pls no bully ^^

>> No.6871491

And he keeps going and doubling down hour after claiming he was done

>> No.6871493

Wow shit critique tell me exactly every pen stroke I need to fix this.

>> No.6871495

Why do you take critique on your critique so personally? Don't you want to improve your critique skills?

>> No.6871499

No I want to complain about other people endlessly and never improve

>> No.6871500

>he's not keking no more

>> No.6871501

You do see the irony in that coming from you?

>> No.6871504

This is no kekking matter, fix this for me >>6871488 but be specific, and if you're specific but mean about it then be specificer

>> No.6871507

Do you yourself feel bit obsessed over the fact that people pointed out your sub -par critique and behavior?

>> No.6871511
File: 106 KB, 532x617, epics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty alright for a low quality mockery of that other anon's work.
Maybe make the tits bigger, it would really help your appeal.

You can also try to transform the original picture, adding things that weren't there or letting your imagination run wild, maybe going as far as inverting some of the events occurring in the original.

You could be doing many things.

>> No.6871513

See? This is what happens when we go back to being /salt/, you god damn mother fuckers.

>> No.6871514

No I feel the urging need to deflect, samefag, and talk about literally anything other than my own shortcomings as a critiquer. We're all adults here. I would rather spend an eternity arguing over how your critique of my critique is wrong rather than change my critique for the better.

>> No.6871516

/ic/, the thread

>> No.6871518

>inverting original events
You mean a flat faced inflated Jesse standing in a dim abandoned crack house? And how dare you, it's an original piece.

>> No.6871521

lost hard

>> No.6871529
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1560486917786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just about to point something out, this is what happens when you poke the queen bee and a legion of fanboys crawl out of the woodwork in an attempt to rebuttal your critique with baseless arguments such as it is his style and you can't critique his unique style etc. Do yourself a favor and filter these threads, let the broken toys be confined to their echo chamber of circle jerk. I'm observing the same hugbox mentality from the newly created cute girl study generals, they'll suffer from the same ilk that spirals the general thread into stagnation.

>> No.6871536

Going on for hours trying to defend your honor while nonchalantly shitting on a beg piece and whining that people don't make you feel heckin valid about your "critique" isn't critique, sataniafag.

I do agree however that the bickering and pyw is completely retarded.
Which the self acclaimed critic is guilty of as well.

Man, we could learn and draw so much but here we are.
Honestly why i don't frequent generals in general.

>> No.6871540

That actually wasn't that anon
The keks are back, also his statement is true.

>> No.6871544

>Honestly why i don't frequent generals in general.
Exactly, I learned not to repeat my past mistakes to try and get a point across after seeing first hand how one of the general threads defended a side mouth of all things. It's best to just walk away you cannot help those that do not want to be helped.

>> No.6871551

I think giving good feedback is good. I think giving bad feedback is bad. And I'm not saying the feedback needs to be positive. It can easily tell what's wrong with the pic. But if the feedback is
>It's just bad, ok! I don't need to explain why or how to make it better, it's bad!
then I don't think it's gonna help anyone. I'm pretty sure 100% anons posting their art won't mind actual real feedback with constructive critique but I'm not gonna humor the asshat and pretend his critique was good.

>> No.6871556

this is just getting sad

>> No.6871565

I'll give you an example of what I mean, I entered this thread when I saw the OP pic and posted >>6869526
As you can see I was immediately confronted by a couple of white knights that think with their dicks just because they see a pair of tumors instead of the figure in its entirety which even the guy who drew the figure admitted that he understood how the figure's silhouette reads poorly due to the overlapping of forms being foreshortened in a way it destroys the figure's silhouette. An easy way to tell is by looking at the figure through a thumbnail such as >>6869950 and you may immediately see from the thumbnail how she's missing a torso and two legs jut out from the breasts. As I have said before, you faggots are a lost cause and not worth anybody's time enough to break down a figure for a comprehensive critique.

>> No.6871570

>not worth anybody's time
He says two hours after claiming he's done and then shitting up the thread more

Maybe he should go offer his invaluable insights to people that could benefit from it? Now he's just throwing pearls at the pigs for hours while complaining how he doesn't have time for that shit

>> No.6871575

Also had firsthand experiences with that while also trying to be genuinely helpful, hence why i can second what sataniafag posted. Mostly had such experiences with anons that were more or less surrounded by drama, orbiters or were milked for lols. A shame.
On the other hand, i mostly had good experiences when trying to critique the handful of times i felt like doing it when lurking this general.
That anon might have a personal vendetta against that other anon or something.
Pretty much on point.
It's better in these threads, on such a board, to make a good example anyone can learn from.
>I've yet to see any form of appeal in these general
If you want free porn, there are red boards who keep posting nothing but free anime porn.
This is a place of learning or at least it should be, what the fuck are you expecting?

And if you keep not giving a shit about what you actually say because
>you fags are a lost cause
You're only going to attract people who give even less of a shit than you do.

The more you "autistically explain", the more actual white knights and retards you're going to filter.

Anon, that kanna post doesn't make what you've been doing any better.
Your point was to provoke a reaction and you got one.
Epic interwebs win, fellow 4channer.

>> No.6871576

There's actually more than one person here that's tired of the hugbox bullshit. This gen should be moved to /i/

>> No.6871578

That's somebody else and the only reason I came back here was because I couldn't help but notice you faggots continued to sperg over the same picture. With that being said, I've already made my point you may either reflect upon it and realize you are a cancer or continue your circle jerking sessions into obscurity. Stay shit.

>> No.6871579

You don't have to hugbox, you don't even have to give positive critique. You can give harsh critique or you can focus on the mistakes but it also needs to be good.

>No appeal
is not good critique
>Don't draw until you learn how to draw
is not good critique

>> No.6871581

>what the fuck are you expecting?
These generals have been around for at least half a decade and by now we should at least see some level of competence. Hell, the cute boy study generals have been around for a year or two maximum and they've developed appeal that beats the entire board with other generals that have been around much longer.

>> No.6871582

>everything else about improving specific anatomy, further detailing boots, not filling negative space, removing or changing background, smoothing the brush strokes
is ignored. You are why the thread is called salt KEK

>> No.6871585

Maybe the generals aren't closed knitted communities striving for common goal to look good to outsiders but simply threads where anons can post their art that's of the subject and get feedback?

>> No.6871587

Why do you seek validation from me?

>> No.6871593

>pointing out you saying something untrue and retarded is seeking validation
Are you actually a narcissist?

>> No.6871595

Kek, of course I wake up to (+71)
I hope you're my dedicated crabanon because I think I've actually missed you
I drew >>6869778
And haven't visited the thread since this post >>6871064
Good on anons for shitting on your crabbing though. Also remember no one in /salt/ is a big fan of mine or anything so whatever conspiracy theory you've formulated is as weak as your critiquing; better than your drawing though. Now let other people have the spotlight cause obv I'm still /beg/

>> No.6871598
File: 810 KB, 1440x2748, Screenshot_20231003_122102_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6871604

No disrespect but these three are on par. Yours is only rendered, and it's a good thing you're more angry about someone telling you what's wrong with your shitty art versus feeling bothered enough to correct anything. I guess you know better than to listen to "crabs" when they give specific details on why it looks unappealing. Enjoy your hugbox.

>> No.6871612


>> No.6871613

who are you talking to?

>> No.6871621

>these generals have been around for half a decade
But the anons here haven't been in the generals for that long
heck, i used to post here when i was new but fucked off when i saw how these threads turned out, and periodically tried posting once in a while but the shitposting was still there.

Just don't shit up the generals, man, it's that simple.
>but that other generals
I don't care. It was good when they moved into their own general but it still didn't fix the shitposting.

>> No.6871625

Sorry I guess I should have assumed praising your whitenights was because you don't want a hugbox.

>> No.6871631

Who do you think you talking to?

>> No.6871632

Meds at this point. You're crabbing and seething so hard you think every poster is me, kek

>> No.6871636

Idk but your art is shit and you won't ever improve because you're immune to any criticism or advice, get fucked.
k e k

>> No.6871637

What faggotry is this?

>> No.6871639

Link me to your posts, ill judge. F O R F R E E.

>> No.6871640

They way you cry whenever someone makes a mild statement on your shitty art makes difficult to tell who's who, especially when your simps mimic your defensiveness.

>> No.6871641
File: 1.21 MB, 1440x2809, Screenshot_20231003_124051_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, but I already accepted valid critique in this thread from actual artists. Tragic

>> No.6871645
File: 345 KB, 621x704, youtellme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.6871647

>/aco/-tier drama

>> No.6871650


>> No.6871654

>add motion lines to it then gg bro
Anon your whole drawing is fucked and that asskisser isn't helping shit by not pointing that out. He's telling you to put a bow on a turd which of course you'll accept as valid.

>> No.6871656

Screencaping is pretty faggish desu

>> No.6871657

>when you're reminded that the inflation fetishist is just one many permabeg failed artists that circle jerk in here.
Clearly this gen is containment for expressions of mental illness.

>> No.6871659

I like this so far. Are you going to add a full bg? Cause there's probably way more negative space than you need at the top

>> No.6871663


>> No.6871665

It's ok. I've been drawing for 2 years and already make hundreds of bucks a month with my art :) You seething is nice bonus

>> No.6871666

But you saying the whole drawing is fucked is not critique. I know I need to improve in all areas, that's what it means to be a beginner. Maybe try to be realistic?

>> No.6871678
File: 61 KB, 794x795, Photoshop_UjbcqHyCf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a wip ive been sitting on for a while. a demi girl, crossed with a xenomorph alien. she doesnt look as xeno as i want to, but im hoping the tail and later details add a bit more alien to it. feel free to say anything about her

>> No.6871681
File: 12 KB, 568x189, mhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hundreds a month
wow move over mcdonalds employees. It's also funny how you equate engagement with quality.

>> No.6871688

Can you provide an example of an artist who has made more money after 2 years of starting? And why would I rank your approval over engagement of the fans of my fetish niche? Maybe you and your opinion are just not that important? But don't get me wrong, of course I value your seething.

>> No.6871689

ok LOL do this,

>the background in addition to drowning out the character is dull and boring, it would be an improvement without it
delete background or see a tutorial on tackling dark spaces (render equivalent of use a reference bro)
>your rendering with the thick brushes looks like shit, nothing is blended well at all, her boots and knees especially
smooth and blend your brushstrokes better also see above.
>finer details which are simplified for construction aren't fleshed out, her boots look like wedges with no further details added, her limbs look like elongated teardrops that you connected at the points.
Look up anatomy specifically limbs and extremities. Use a reference for boots, detail the boots so they don't look like blocks for feet.
>the drawing is cluttered and too busy with a bunch of unneeded shit added to clearly fill space
again, delete or change background, the filled in negative space is distracting.
Or just do whatever the fuck you want, fuck it.

>> No.6871697

Anon, they pay you because it's a niche that no one else fills.
t doesn't mean your art is good, the fact you don't understand that retweets and earning a few hundred bucks a month drawing turds doesn't mean its quality, shows how little you give a fuck about improvement. The bitch that made millions selling bath water doesn't make quality content, and if you can't see why not then again, you're a lost cause.

>> No.6871704

But this is bad critique that would make the drawing worse. This makes it clear that you either have bad taste, don't draw, or most likely both. Sorry, anon. I could go through and explain why, but your motivation is clear and there's no point.
You don't like my work, that's fine. There are popular artists with styles that most find appealing and I don't. My goal is not to make my drawing appealing to (You), my goal is to better understand and realize the vision that I have for myself. Now please relax, because again you make it seem like I'm special or something when I'm not at all. I just want to have fun share my shitty fetish art and try to improve to the best of my ability

>> No.6871705

Yeah. I’m not sure what, though. I’ll have to look up pictures of throne rooms or something. I disagree about the negative space, though. Don’t want to crop all that out, otherwise the picture looks too cramped.

>> No.6871707

Eh, i like drawing my fetish niche and I'm happy I have 3K in DA and 2.4K in Pixiv following me and people wanting to comm me and give monthly support to draw the said fetish niche. And despite how much you keep kicking and screaming, I keep improving :)

So, I showed you mine, I think it's time you posted yours and tell how much money you making from it. Or at least provide an example of artist who made bigger money 2 years in after starting to draw.

>> No.6871711

>muh style
Holy fuck you are literally incapable of improving. I like arguing over dumb shit because it's entertaining but at this point this is beyond sad, >>6871529 was right.

>> No.6871714

>Clearly this gen is containment for expressions of mental illness.
Yeah. But it takes a lot of skill to make appealing lewd artwork, so it's not really surprising this general just attracts the absolute dregs of the art world.
Coomers with no talent or self awareness.

>> No.6871715

>I keep improving
You really don't though. OR why don't you show me one of your early images so we can see how much you've "improved"

>> No.6871720

I feel you. In my head I was thinking it might look nice to make it more zoomed in. Have the two in the front taking up most of the foreground and kinda framing the two in the background, but that's not really what you're going for

>> No.6871722
File: 67 KB, 614x863, 89988271_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first digital drawing from 2021

>> No.6871724

Well I'm glad we both had fun then cause you are hilarious

>> No.6871729

Why do people think the solution to “hugbox” is to be a useless prick who insults rather than instructs? Surely, there’s a middle ground where they give actual constructive criticism without hiding their “critique” behind layers of insults and passive-aggressive bitchery.
Really, though, these people have no interest in critique. They’re just using “I’m too tough for you” as an excuse to be an ass.

>> No.6871731
File: 612 KB, 880x983, 1696242809738076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commissions through the years

So are you going to post yours or can you even provide example of artist who's made bigger money 2 years in after starting to draw

>> No.6871733

This is 4chan so they gotta be edgy and try hard to fit in

>> No.6871736
File: 99 KB, 542x640, IMG_6105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I initially had it as a tighter composition before. But when I switched from the demon using insects to torture her, to balls tied to her nipples, I need to spread things out a little more. I made the change because I just didn’t think the bugs thing read well.

>> No.6871737

If you do anything please title it "pokemon crack house" when you upload it to deviant art.
Wow this one looks a person.

>> No.6871743

Are you happy with this progress?

>> No.6871747

Where's your work or example of artist with 2 years experience making more money?

>> No.6871748
File: 251 KB, 1291x809, man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeps filling up the thread with retarded posts that no one wants to post their work here
>"why don't super skilled famous master artists post free and finished and also high quality porn here that also appeals to me?"

>> No.6871749

Ahhh, I see I see. That's a tough decision actually. I look forward to seeing how it turns out when it's finished. Love your stuff. And your rendering has improved a lot without losing your style

>> No.6871750

The Issue is even mild critiques are either ignored or responded to defensively. There's no middle ground because willful BEGs are too obstinate

>> No.6871755

>coomers paying me means I'm good
Bathwater saleswoman agrees, there's no such thing as shit quality if retards throw their money at it.

>> No.6871757
File: 225 KB, 577x659, image_2023-10-03_202238224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man this thread is wild. just got back to this.
i can literally just move her body and draw some shit back in lmao.

>> No.6871758

>big tits
>me pay now

>> No.6871760

So no work of your own or example of an artist with 2 years experience making more money?

>> No.6871765

I mean, you shouldn't just be open to any and all random, sometimes conflicting critiques. Especially when the critics don't give any proof that they know what they're talking about and are assholes on top of that

>> No.6871768

You have brain damage people paying you isn't a sign that you're good, it's a sign that they have a porn problem.

>> No.6871769

And Dobson 2.0 is free to make his shitty art.

>> No.6871770

You not posting your work or an example of an artist with 2 years experience making more money is a sign you're my bitch now :)

>> No.6871773

So if engagement and literally getting paid for your work aren't any evidence of skill, what is? A random anon's approval on 4chan? lmao. I'm actually curious

>> No.6871776

Why is your ESL and sentence structure getting worse the more you seething?

>> No.6871777


>> No.6871778

From my experience, people being “defensive” about critique is just them asking for more detail. The problem is an asshole like this just does a driveby “no appeal” and flies off the handle when somebody asks what would add appeal.
They’re making the mistake of thinking the person was offering genuine criticism, when it truth they were simply trying to be discouraging. The discourager gets upset because they feel called out by the follow-up.
And then you get this mess.

>> No.6871779

>still thinks making a mcdonalds salary means he made it.
Never change anon, actually you almost certainty won't.

>> No.6871781

>You haven't made it!!!
I just made you my bitch, though :D

>> No.6871787

I think his art could be way better and I've told him that. We're still cool cause I'm not an asshole about it. Everyone can improve.
He's doing what he loves and is successful. How's your life going?

>> No.6871794

>heh I see you left out the "and", I almost had to concede that my art is shit.
Desperate for any win I see.
Ok let me answer your question with a question. Is a scam a sign of quality? What about a woman that sells bathwater? Is that a sign of quality content because she's getting paid? The saddest thing about all of this is that you're only worth is the validation of coomerbase.
Absolutely seething

>> No.6871801

So coom artist making money from coom art commissioned by fans of coom is not a sign of success?

Can we see your work or an example of more successful artist with max 2 years experience?

>> No.6871808

>changed it from skill to success
Nice try weasel, that's not what you asked. >>6871773
Scammers can be successful, you selling shit art to retards that want to buy it is not a sign of skill.

>> No.6871810

Scam is just a straw man. A celebrity selling a possession is a sign of quality, the quality lies in value of the individual which then gets passed to their possessions. An autograph from a celebrity is valuable because it can only come from them and is not easily attainable/limited. Not speaking on morality, just value.
And I'm not nta making the argument. My worth is not based on engagement, although all the support I get means the world to me. But even less so do I base my worth on the opinions of people like you. I have mental issues, but I think you seriously need help. You seem extremely bitter

>> No.6871812

I can't see your work or an example of an artist making more money with 2 years experience. I can only see you continue being my bitch :D

>> No.6871818

You're replying to two different people

>> No.6871821
File: 74 KB, 340x282, YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6871822
File: 213 KB, 900x1051, 1430085787401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No improvement, and you somehow managed to get worse. All you've done with your color palette is slightly increase the saturation which may be a cheap gimmick from you to get your work noticed when scrolling through a gallery of other niche fetish material. Kruger tards like you are the ones who stagnate the most and how you brazenly gloat and show before and after images of the same exact drawings as if to imply a form of improvement between them demonstrates how oblivious you've become.

>> No.6871827

Sure If you want to say that quality is subjective then I guess there's nothing left to discuss. It seems like a cop out but ok.

>> No.6871828

Thanks mate! It means a lot you would go through my art and type about it and show personal attachment <3

>> No.6871829

>anime reaction img
Hot, post more

>> No.6871838

>on an anime imageboard! heaven forbid!

>> No.6871839

That's not a cop out that's reality. One man's trash.
Trying to be objective is a good thing, but don't think that you are the arbiter of judging the objective quality of things, no matter how seasoned you are in any field

>> No.6871857

Where my bitch go?

>> No.6871874
File: 24 KB, 560x464, plapplap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6871925

This thread is one crab wasting everyone’s time, wanna hit bump limit in less than a day?
Be an overdramatic cunt.
If you got nothing to post and only fart from your garbage hole, keep yourself to the cute female whatever and other theads you like.
You won't be missed

>> No.6871959
File: 385 KB, 2000x2000, fartcomm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with getting comms so early is that you have a formula that works and it discourages you from deviating that formula, which stifles improvement. Quite frankly you have improved very very little in the last 2 years, and I'd agree that your 2022/9 drawing even looks more appealing than your later work.

As far as getting commissions goes, the harsh truth is that if you draw fetish work, the bar is much lower as you're a big fish in a small pond. To prove my point I searched twitter for "fart commission" and picked one of the first 2D images I saw. Pic related made money.

So, if you're happy with where you are as an artist, and you're making money and satisfied with the money coming in, that's great, but then I don't see the point in posting on a critique board. If you're serious about improving, then stop deflecting criticisms of your art with the fact that you haven't been drawing for very long or the fact that you're getting commissioned.

>> No.6871970

also notice how it's discouraged anyone from posting their work because they know the thread is irreparably derailed. Crabs don't actually contribute, they actively detract from the quality of the thread. You don't *have* to redline or pyw when offering critique, but don't expect anyone to take you seriously if that's the case, especially if you're being unnecessarily inflammatory in your post.
Doing this changes the angle of the lean, though, you might be able to get away with just pushing the legs further into the background by making them smaller, or experimenting with their line weight.

>> No.6871975

Thanks mate. I welcome critique and feedback. I have art friends both from my fetish circles and 4chan with whom I share WIPs and give and receive critique. Feel free to DM or give critique if you want. I don't mind critique in good faith at all.

>> No.6871987

Huh I wonder why no one considered not engaging.

>> No.6871988
File: 113 KB, 816x1056, symmetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, my biggest note is that your figures look like mannequins, there is no squish of flesh against flesh. Also, all of your limbs are symmetrical, like two parenthesis ( ) facing one another. Try to offset them more, as that's how the body is actually built.

>> No.6871992

What makes you think 100% users encaged? Maybe it was 1% engaging and 99% just staying silent?

>> No.6871995

Aight, appreciated. Thanks

>> No.6872007

There’s probably less than 10 regular users here. And based off the multiple screenshots with anons trying to prove they’re not samefagging.

>> No.6872014
File: 3.51 MB, 2500x2429, SPOILER_sh1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not used to this kind of art but need to get out my comfort zone

>> No.6872186

I agree, but I do think pricing is a factor that needs to be considered. Anyone can get $15 comms with niche fetish stuff, but $100+ comms are another story
The best solution to crabs is to pyw and give encouraging critique to as many people as you can, but I'll take people shitting on them instead of just lurking because only ignoring them makes things worse
Not a fan of this style or rendering, but the figures are pretty good. Her neck on the left might be a bit short. Shading on the butt is too soft imo and makes it look flat. But I think you should aim for faces that are less realistic/more stylized when rendering like this. White girl's lip has a random highlight where there should be shadow?

>> No.6872210

I'm charging 60 bucks for single pic, 120 bucks for comic page

>> No.6872213

You know you can see the number of unique posters? And that's not including lurkers

>> No.6872279

>227 replies
>a little over 30 people posted
Engaging with trolls worked great! I need to find a new thread for nsfw you people are pure drama.

>> No.6872348
File: 52 KB, 447x640, IMG_5915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m just gonna’ spam this shit ass thread with my shitty shit.

>> No.6872351
File: 79 KB, 584x640, IMG_5911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872354
File: 38 KB, 447x640, IMG_5855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872356
File: 47 KB, 447x640, IMG_5843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872358
File: 68 KB, 447x640, IMG_5819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872360
File: 116 KB, 640x640, IMG_5758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that I am not a furry and fuck you niggers who say I am.

>> No.6872363
File: 73 KB, 447x640, IMG_5654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872366

you're whatever you want to be. but you draw anthros in the distinct furry oldhead style. basically what pioneered that fandom. just saying anon

>> No.6872368
File: 77 KB, 447x640, IMG_5295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872373
File: 86 KB, 640x640, IMG_5781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Well you nig in the distinct nog style which pioneered niggers. So there!

>> No.6872376
File: 93 KB, 640x640, IMG_5057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And wtf is “oldhead” anyway?

>> No.6872378

80s furry

>> No.6872381
File: 89 KB, 447x640, IMG_4543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you faggots really hated this sketch for some reason.

>> No.6872386
File: 108 KB, 640x640, IMG_5568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Well that explains why I didn’t know that. Cuz I’m not a furry.

>> No.6872418

These are kids aren't they?

>> No.6872439
File: 173 KB, 1080x810, AA327986-D26B-4F1F-88F9-0C6FC858F880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6872444

Of course not. They’re midgets. I can assure you of this because the pedo generals on /ic/ have ALWAYS said my proportions were wrong if I was trying to draw kids.
Those guys fucking hate me.

>> No.6872479

Then why are you replying?

>> No.6872484

Yikes. He managed to make a disastrous thread even worse.

>> No.6872489

I get dismayed when I check in on this place and it devolves into shit. As far as I'm concerned adding one more drop to an ocean of piss isn't a big deal if it pumps the breaks for reply happy anons the next time a (you) farmer drops by.

>> No.6872491

Sweet. thank you!

>> No.6872519
File: 51 KB, 724x742, Photoshop_XBWP5cW76D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alien got no attention. here is another old wip. was supposed to be a knight with skimpy armour and a sword&shield. the knee is so bad, wtf. im never finishing this one. i drew this when elden ring came out.

>> No.6872529

>Marc brunet on cubebrush
This one I'm assuming?

>> No.6872542

Got anything you’re working on NOW?

>> No.6872554
File: 117 KB, 969x932, Photoshop_umgRv9CV5k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted this one in another thread earlier. a robot. still needs to get eyes.

>> No.6872572

Nice work on the legs. Is the little pixel art in the corner yours, too? She doesn’t seem to have eyes.

>> No.6872582

thank you! im not happy yet with the feet stump things, but the rest of it makes me proud.
the pixel sprite is not my work, its from an obscure game. i am using it as reference, but deviating slightly. i think green/emerald eyes would combine well with the cherry red color accent.

>> No.6872676
File: 118 KB, 500x703, IMG_0624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this for inktober day 2. This thread railed ops image and didn’t post any artwork… I’ve never witnessed so much crabbing. How’s the pose and boobs? No ref used.

>> No.6872714
File: 122 KB, 837x1004, rg20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like i shouldn't do lineart and just refine sketches. Takes less time for sure.

>> No.6872726

Yeah, I'm gonna stop posting my work here. This thread is fucking cancer.

>> No.6872727

I'm stealing this.

>> No.6872734


>> No.6872739


>> No.6872764

Hey if you’re still in the violet discord can you post a link?

>> No.6872810

this thread almost reach 300 with just shit.

>> No.6872881

Can you fucking idiots NEVER turn this stupid thread title back to SALT again

Easiest way to attract shitstain no draws like all the posts above

holy autism with the naming shit that you had to repost this thread only to pull in the same 80iq individuals who have S A L T pinned

>> No.6872884

How about posting art?

>> No.6872888


>> No.6872893

Line weight, nigga.

>> No.6872898

it was never the name of the general, if anything /salt/ gave it more art posted than before, problem was some faggots sperging about the OP image, not even the artist himself being one of them.

This general should remain as /salt/

>> No.6872899
File: 48 KB, 792x779, Photoshop_R6Bjk8xVle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 4th drawing i post in this thread, while no one else is posting. i dont even want critique i just want you to look at it.

>> No.6872900

There are other platforms which cater to your attention whoring.

>> No.6872904

>drawing in a general about drawing on a board about drawing
>attention whoring

>> No.6872908

desu we should have some kind of standards for op image, the one that was used is extremely prebeg. At least make a collage of a few drawings if you want to include ones like that.

>> No.6872916

That, or just pick a better OP image that isnt too debatable. This OP's isnt terrible, but it has it's flaws and it's not on the same quality of the OPs from previous threads.
Also, not humor people sperging so much over critiques (on both sides) would be nice too.

>> No.6872928

The op image looks great

>> No.6873041
File: 375 KB, 1200x985, IMG_0629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>previous threads op image
Are you trolling?

>> No.6873065

I'm not sure if you're op, or the guy that drew the picture (assuming it's not the same person)
The drawing is bad. It has really bad composition. It's fine if the artist has been drawing for like 3 months, but by no means is it great.
This is bad too, but it's better at least. I know the guy that drew it doesn't want to hear this, but we have to have come kind of standards for artwork for any critique given to ever mean anything and for this to not just be a worthless hug box.
If my shit stinks, tell me it stinks. I don't need to be coddled.

>> No.6873068
File: 249 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_6116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6873070

Jesus Christ kill yourself
youd better not be samefag

>> No.6873075

>noooo you can't just say bad art is bad!
>it might hurt someone's feefees :(
>we need to highlight all art drawn here to make sure the board's reputation of bad artists that will never make it is upheld!

>> No.6873078

> youd better not be samefag
I didn’t even say anything, nigga!

>> No.6873088

Why you keep shit stirring? Don't you get enough attention from posting your art online? Or is it that you aren't even artist yourself?

>> No.6873139

Then post your work and raise the bar, but you won't because you're a nodraw bitch nigaa

>> No.6873154


literally nobody is talking about the OP image, wtf are you shcizo adderall ridden 80 iqs on about

the entire thread was derailed because 1 anon wanted to flame the pokemon artist guy with 20 different posts

>> No.6873385
File: 236 KB, 800x800, fav milk 75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, this is just a brain dead take.

Let's post some art so we can have a new thread and you can stop being jelly about the OP image.

>> No.6873437
File: 566 KB, 994x994, image_2023-10-04_140507005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say I'm Pre beg lmao.
I'm pleasantly surprised when my art gets picked for OP. (its not very often, but it's nice)

but i feel like my rendering was generally more appealing to who ever made the thread with my art.

I have dedicated practice and I'll only improve compared to the dude saying my art is terrible.

anyway. more general practice

>> No.6873439

Participation trophies for everyone are not a good thing.

>> No.6873454


Never said it was, I just disagree with your take.

The OP image is far from beg, good lines, a recognizable style, fitting colors for the image and even if the anatomy isnt perfect it's doesn't make it as bad as the nay sayers make it out to be.

Your critique is ''really bad composition'' what isn't very applicable to the piece. There are not many elements in his piece that could make up a composition since it's just a character on a blank background.

>> No.6873455

I wish your father had beaten you to death with a participation trophy

>> No.6873461



>> No.6873470
File: 570 KB, 1000x642, goblintit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same name on newgrounds too if anybody lurks there.

>> No.6873484

Disgusting roastie pussy. I dated a mentally ill slut and she had a nicer cunt.

>> No.6873498

Why are you not doing gobtober
Why is your media tab like 50% bird pictures

>> No.6873535

im working on the gobober to post and I love my pet birds. haha

scroll down and you'd see more art.

>> No.6873536


Cute birbs

>> No.6873556

I get what you’re saying yet there is art in this thread that has no criticism and a lot of posts with no art clamoring about their opinions about xyz.

>> No.6873590
File: 291 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_6133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. 12 hours clocked on this fucking thing. Now I’m just angry at it.

>> No.6873592

Do you want a fucking medal?

>> No.6873595

hey another good one

>> No.6873597

licky licky

>> No.6873601

and 300. shoo crabs

>> No.6873646

Do we go back to /sex/?

>> No.6873693

It looks good for an imagination piece, though the clipping of the midsection looks a little confusing. I think a more gestural approach (like Vilppu) could help with extreme foreshortening,
You can make it look more polished by erasing the pencil marks and introducing some line weight (e.g. thicker outlines, small contact or cast shadows and the like…)

>> No.6874114

I mean, I guess it's better to have a dead general then a bunch of no draws

>> No.6874550
File: 340 KB, 1485x2025, dekudabi post tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6875039
File: 520 KB, 1485x2025, dekudabi post tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and done

>> No.6875821
File: 416 KB, 1625x2025, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of the stylization personally but I do admire you consistently placing the characters in backgrounds rather than in a void. I have much to improve in that regard.
I did want to point out that you do have to redraw your character for an accurate mirror reflection since from our perspective the character will have rotated rather than flipped. Hope this helps.