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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 192 KB, 989x1191, oldloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6870183 No.6870183 [Reply] [Original]

Is there maybe a more stylized modern version which I can copy to achieve the same results but at the same time draw what I actually want to draw?

>> No.6870198

How the fuck am I supposed to answer that if I don't know what you want to draw???

>> No.6870199

No you fucking retard. Good drawing is 10,000 hours of understanding abstract construction. You can draw your anime girls or whatever after you learn this. If that's too much then you NGMI, you are basically asking to have muscles without spending a few years at the gym.

>> No.6870203

Anime is garbage anyway, no matter your skill level, so just go draw that without studying anything.

>> No.6870205
File: 63 KB, 736x912, 1692721532698700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are basically asking to have muscles without spending a few years at the gym.

bravo anon

>> No.6870264

Just take any other book that teaches you construction and anatomy and copy it twice?

>> No.6870276

Bridgman isn't the only resource anon. Hell most popular artists I've talked to advise against it

>> No.6870290
File: 250 KB, 678x678, 1692820943988624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically falling for the "draw this before you can draw this" meme
Is this why hardly anyone here has finished work?

>> No.6870300

Copy Bargue once?

>> No.6870346

Nothing is stopping you from creating garbage.

>> No.6870355

japs copy morpho

>> No.6870371

that's because nobody is printing Bridgman in Japan. I looked. It's not on japanese amazon

Too bad they have to settle for second best lol

>> No.6870378

Exercises themselves are not be considered finished work and are consequentially garbage. Consequentially, an "artist" who copied Bridgeman 5 times and hasn't made any work is not an artist.

>> No.6870411

Morpho is just cleaner and not as full with convoluted unnecessary bullshit like bridgman is.

>> No.6870419

Morpho shapes are uglier though. Bridgman draws noble classical figures from the Greeks and Romans. Also, you are exaggerating the messiness of Bridgman’s drawings to push your agenda

>> No.6870425

Is there anything like steroids for art then? Seems like Adderall might help a bit but it's banned in my third world country and Coffe has no noticeable effect on me.

>> No.6870437
File: 121 KB, 640x733, 1696153056966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((bridgman))) shill talking about agenda-pushing

>> No.6870463

Your schizophrenia will unironically kill you one day

>> No.6870480

Trust me I know. That's why I must defeat IT before it does me

>> No.6870485
File: 224 KB, 720x1437, david_finch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. copy bridgman twice.

>> No.6870488

If you're really desperate to draw your degenerate animu crap, just copy whatever doujin artist you like the most twice.

>> No.6870489

pyw. I bet it's boring after you drilled boxes for 10,000 hours and forgot your original motivations for drawing.

>> No.6870498

a pill called "daily master-study routine"
where you copy a master, then try draw your own version/twist on it immediately after, without looking at the masterwork during the process.

>> No.6870499

>more stylized
Bridgman is highly stylized. Are you just saying you want to draw anime?

>> No.6870512

Even if that was true he'd be drawing competently and you'd be a pleb.

>> No.6870515

Literally just copy artists you actually like. Every artist I've seen that improved "fast" (2 to 3 years) just copied their favorite artists/media.

>> No.6870536

Good post

>> No.6870826
File: 843 KB, 753x845, xidgman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't study from the superior hyper bridgman from the orient
lmao, and you all wonder why you're ngmi

>> No.6870827
File: 29 KB, 320x320, 1693366910327115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never have a woman like that in real life
why live

>> No.6870846
File: 571 KB, 1080x1350, artjedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copying Bridgman definitely will NOT help you drastically improve in a short amount of time and the Finch roadmap will definitely NOT take you anywhere, watch out bros. It's a scam. There's a reason why artsits like Frazetta, Rapoza, etc. did NOT study from bridgman.
I don't know man, try to get your hands on some blue-tailed rhubarb. I've heard it has aphantasia-reversing properties and will help make your prompts 20% better.

>> No.6870851

for all the aspies here who couldn't get this anon's sarcasm, that image he attached was drawn by an 18 yr old who studied with David Finch for 3 years, beginning drawing at 15 yrs old

YES Study Bridgman
YES It is good for you

>> No.6870852
File: 756 KB, 638x825, 1694375560418112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's got the right idea too. Anyone who's tried to break down something diffiuclt in a number of steps to achieve a goal is a fucking nincompoop. Everyone knows when you learn something you should start by doing the hardest thing first and then give up wondering why it's so hard. This is my work btw
idk what you're talking about

>> No.6870857

>idk what you're talking about
read my post

>> No.6871273

What is this book?

>> No.6871291

Nvm, found it

>> No.6873245

did the thread really end with this nugget of truth? are all threads created in this japanese chastity forum besides the generals just bucket-crab psyops? i'm disappointed in you guys

>> No.6873282

Went to a small art school as a kid and as a teen had personal tutoring by a professional comic book artist working for DC (Ralph Mayo).
Was tutored by Marc Silvestri and other pro comic book artist at the comics publisher he was working at as an assistant right out of high school.

But I'm sure that being personally tutored from a young age by pros had nothing to do with them developing their skills as an artist and you can probably get the same results by copying an anatomy book twice.

>> No.6873390

>not study from bridgman
God i hope no one falls for this
To anyone who doesn't get the troll: copying bridgman twice famously comes from Frazetta. Hell just look at his paintings, it's all bridgman and constantine.

I don't know if you're actually the eviston glazer or just aping him but either way fuck off lmao

>> No.6873891
File: 113 KB, 1080x636, Screenshot_20231005-010821-189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered it :)

>> No.6874293

I don't get people like you, why not just copy bridgman?

>> No.6874449

That's such a raw, based take anon. The cards you were dealt with truly are what you'll ever get. Did you click on the wrong board perchance? >>>/r9k/

>> No.6875842

You live in an age where it has never, ever been easier to get access to free tutorials, in the form of books or videos.

>> No.6875848

Self teaching is an absolute meme and is a big reason why anons here are all so terrible
Get a mentor

>> No.6875850

PYW before and after mentoring

>> No.6875851

I have never drawn anything in my entire life I just come to laugh at drawfags

>> No.6875853

>I twas merely jesting m'liege

>> No.6875854

Any other chinese master/book i must know about? Or just this Shen Zhaorong guy?

>> No.6875857

Holy based

>> No.6875883

David finch got good by himself, then got hired as a background artist by Marc Silvestri. He wasnt mentored as a day 1 beg you lying scamming scumbag

>> No.6877488
