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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6870182 No.6870182 [Reply] [Original]

>Yes, I want to make money with my art.
>Yes, I want the world to praise my art.
Why does this make people so mad? Your favorite artists felt the same way.

>> No.6870185


>> No.6870189

They ate the starving artist meme up.

>> No.6870195

Because people want you to:
1. Make art for free
2. Not receive any praise because it makes them jealous

>> No.6870200
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Because you don't draw. It's true, isn't it? It's fine to want to recognition for genuine merit (which you lack artistically), we all do, but you have to draw first. You just have to draw for its own sake for a long time before even thinking about social media numbers, almost an insane proposition except to those to whom it makes sense.
It's telling that only AI threads can max out on this board, and they singularly do so in a day's time. AI strikes fear into the heart of the non-creative, the no-draw, the mercenary.

>> No.6870211

Late stage capitalism

>> No.6870216

>Late stage capitalism
right on comrade!

>> No.6870223
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I bet her pussy must feel really nice bros...

>> No.6870272

It's really when you get bitchy, demean others, and start dictating what others should or shouldn't do.

>> No.6870273
File: 35 KB, 640x427, marge-simpson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of those "true but you shouldn't say it" things
Instead you should just do what you need to do to achieve such a goal without speaking about it (draw, market yourself, network like crazy)

>> No.6870277

genuine question because i feel like im missing something important

why do people want to fuck this chick? what did she do? is it a rage fuck? did she even do anything art relevant are do you guys just want asian incel pussy?

>> No.6870302

>why do people want to fuck this chick?
losers online think she is low enough on the ladder that they have a chance of fucking her

others think they are above her so she would easily fall for them and they can "dominate" her

these are the 2 main types of people gushing over these kinds of girls

>> No.6870396

that's not pretentious enough and unique snowflakes can't have that shit fly by

>> No.6870446
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They are not bad per se, it's just that on their own are extremely weak means of motivation that most likely lead an aspiring artist to ruin, specially when there are more enriching and meaningful reasons to commit to the struggles of art.

Think about this, do you think an aspiring boxer is committed to be hit in the face a million times and risk mayor long term physical/mental degradation simply because he wants the wealth and fame of Mike Tyson? Do you think an aspiring racer is committed to risk his life in some of the most brutal crashes in motorsports simply because he wants to be where Max Verstappen is right now? No. Nobody commits to the struggles of a craft solely for something as mundane as riches and bitches.

The highest of the highest didnt make it with such simple minded ideals, they werent thinking about riches and fame as their prime motivation, these people rose to the top because they firstly love what they do, everything else comes second, fame, wealth, legacy, inmortality, etc... These are good reasons, but they are nothing more than mundanities if you are not in love with your craft, which is what happens with many people that come in solely for the riches and bitches.

>> No.6870454
File: 827 KB, 245x275, yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think about this, do you think an aspiring boxer is committed to be hit in the face a million times and risk mayor long term physical/mental degradation simply because he wants the wealth and fame of Mike Tyson? Do you think an aspiring racer is committed to risk his life in some of the most brutal crashes in motorsports simply because he wants to be where Max Verstappen is right now?

>> No.6870458
File: 50 KB, 850x400, 1685976420560924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think about this, do you think an aspiring boxer is committed to be hit in the face a million times and risk mayor long term physical/mental degradation simply because he wants the wealth and fame of Mike Tyson? Do you think an aspiring racer is committed to risk his life in some of the most brutal crashes in motorsports simply because he wants to be where Max Verstappen is right now? No. Nobody commits to the struggles of a craft solely for something as mundane as riches and bitches.

>> No.6870465

>1. Make art for free
>2. Not receive any praise because it makes them jealous

This is why they invented AI. Never forget. Never forgive. It was a venomous spite project from start to finish.

>> No.6870471

Nothing makes others seethe more than seeing others getting to do your fun art hobby for a living. I see the same with people getting jealous over video game streamers, getting to sit around all day earning money for playing video games.

>> No.6870475

>it's true and we're all thinking it
>but you can't say it!
Is this a white people thing?

>> No.6870478

No. I'm black and know truths I can't say about my race and women

>> No.6870510
File: 622 KB, 1012x1433, 02bef05e7f6de16801d9ace6408ea559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does this get people kinda annoyed?
I'll explain
>be guy
>see artists
>they get praise and money
>you want that too
>get into arts
>never focus on the arts
>only focus on how to play the money game
>other people see that too
>they join communities and flood the markets
>they start undercutting everyone to get a piece of the pie
>communities are more about how to make money and what to draw to bait an audience
>its everything is talked about
>anyone actually drawing gets kept out or told their work sucks because it isn't "appealing"
>no one draws what they want, only draw what "sells"
>those who don't make it get bitter
>art community dies because there are no artists, only kiddies who think this is easy money drawing the anime porn
Anon, you want to make money with the arts? Why the fuck are you telling others about it and how to get followers on social media?
Just go draw/make money.

>> No.6870514

art communities are dead regardless. May as well be honest about your intentions

>> No.6870519

>lol lets keep shitting in the shitter because lmao
>May as well be honest about your intentions
Will you be honest towards your potential customers with it?

Anon, most don't care about huslin n grindin n getting dem bags.
Go make money, the more you're here the less chances you have of making money.

>> No.6870529

You think that because you don't go outside

>> No.6870540
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I'm on house arrest

>> No.6870766

>why do people want to fuck this chick?
That's the reason. She's a woman. There's always losers desperate enough (with low enough standards) for any girl out there. Shame it isn't true the other way round, or this wouldn't be such an issue.

>> No.6870801

>Why does this make people so mad?
post example of people being mad.

>> No.6870830

I just don't like worthless threads like this shitting up the catalog

>> No.6871123

If you want to make it a race thing then sure. Poc don't have the class to simply better themselves without posturing first. It takes humility and understanding to know that the only person who matters is you, but you might not get that.

>> No.6871145
File: 61 KB, 850x400, 5684158641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to me ART is OVER. You want to be an elevator operator or a window tapper, and those careers are just simply over and done. It might take a few more years, but have you seen the "Norman Rockwell paintings" that circulating around?

>> No.6871369

> be me at work
> be doodling some /beg/ shit in my sketchbook
> coworker comes by
> "hey you should start drawing porn, that'll earn you money"
bizarrely, some seem to want you to succeed

>> No.6871461

It doesn't matter how mad it makes other people since you can't actually achieve either of those anymore thanks to AI, hope you actually enjoy art or you're done.

>> No.6871503

You'll never make it with that mentality, ironic.

>> No.6871653

Nah the real reason is because art and videogames, and entertainment in general, is seen as useless and non-utilitarian, and not "contributing to society". But it's ironic because the actual jobs in the economy that are essential to keep it running are lowly paid - like agriculture and farmhands, manual laborers to build infrastructure, sanitation workers, health aid workers, the whole service sector. The "engineer" who only works 3 hours a day and fucks around for the rest of the office hours gets paid more for less real contributions to society than the janitor at a hospital. That janitor is probably saving more lives by keeping a hospital clean than the actual doctors.

>> No.6872362

i have tributed her at least a dozen times

jackson pollock would be proud

>> No.6873998

The goal ought to be change (not necessarily political or environmental or social or cultural or anything inbetween) - even if the only change it makes is on you.
The money and the praise ought to be a by-product of the practise, not the outcome.

>> No.6874002

>is it a rage fuck?
holy shit anon, chill

>> No.6874009

Seems like a bitter and hopeless world we are headed towards. What's the next blow that will befall humanity?

>> No.6874044

Might as well say that real penises are over because there are superdildos. Just accept it bro! The dildo is a tool you're gonna need to add to your workflow!

>> No.6876880


>> No.6876894
File: 255 KB, 400x400, 1682279523916005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want (You)s as much as anyone, but even i know i wont get what i want until i gitgud. ill just be another wannabee pro who doesnt get the recognition he craves because a life of underachieving. life is cruel and i just want to do what i want(and be financially viable)

>> No.6876959
File: 430 KB, 874x550, 986745467567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get those weirdos desu, she's just an artist like the rest of us trying to get better

>> No.6876988

>Might as well say that real penises are over because there are superdildos.
For a lot of people this is true.