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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 111 KB, 900x900, JaidenAnimations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6862192 No.6862192 [Reply] [Original]

I really want to animate and draw like Jaiden Animations. How does she do it?

>> No.6862194

Chopping your hands off would be a better option.

>> No.6862208

you really shouldnt be here if youre underaged

>> No.6862263

Study cartoons and Sunday comics

>> No.6862264
File: 287 KB, 476x773, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mob face.

>> No.6862287

>learn basics of drawing what you see
>learn how to measure proportions
>learn basic construction to get a feel for form
>find some basic cartooning book like Preaton Blair's and read it and copy it
>copy a shitton of cartoon screenshots and comic panels
>copy Jaiden's art
>copy more of Jaiden's art
>write notes about her art - try to describe particular elements of her art into words
>keep Jaiden's art open as a reference while you draw original pieces
There you go

>> No.6862300

What is it about her avatar that makes people so horny?

>> No.6862305

Nice robot cunny

>> No.6862314

Something about her style is so godawful ugly to look at for me personally. All I can think of when I see her blobby style is mass produced art by middle schoolers raised on Tumblr who will never improve beyond making the ugly blobs slightly less angular.

Anyways, this art style is incredibly easy and simple to learn. Try tracing over some of her art and include breaking the art down into its shapes (circles, rectangles).

>> No.6862318

Yay!! I think I'm finally gonna make it!

>> No.6862324

Why did you respond to yourself

>> No.6862326

Something about her style is so incredibly pleasant to look at for me personally. All I can think of when I see her blobby style is unique and cool art by young adults raised on Mongolian basket weaving forums who have no need to improve beyond making the visually appealing blobs slightly less angular.

Anyways, this art style is incredibly dynamic and challenging to master. Try redrawing some of her art and include breaking the art down into its shapes (circles, rectangles).

>> No.6862329

He did not, I have a thing for cute+sexy at the same time art

>> No.6862337

Not mine, just an example image from the internet.

>> No.6862339

Why aren't you spamming /v/ anymore?

>> No.6862344
File: 221 KB, 699x1165, pantyflash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is an innocent man anon!
I am not him this is my art

>> No.6862346

Oh okay thanks anyhow then anon!

>> No.6862474

You draw like shit and say your asexual because everyone constantly wants to fuck you and it makes you annoyed and uncomfortable

>> No.6862476

For someone you seem to dislike you know a weird amount about her

>> No.6862616

Based fellow cutelewd enjoyer.

>> No.6862681


>> No.6862694

If he didn't know anything about her then he wouldn't have a reason to dislike her.
It's not plebbit here

>> No.6862853

I dislike a lot of artists just from their unappealing art styles
I know nothing of their sexuality.

>> No.6863127

Just draw porn of her avatar until you absorb her artstyle into yours, not even memeing.

>> No.6863133

Tits. Never neglect to draw tits as a subtle reminder that you're a woman and you deserve attention

>> No.6863163

there are no visible tits in >>6862192

>> No.6863283

Hair style, ear piercings, blush

>> No.6863297

You need to be over 18 to post on this website.

>> No.6863301
File: 74 KB, 679x794, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the first thing you gotta do, is be Asian.
I'm not Asian, and that's why mine looks like ass.

>> No.6863305

Tranny thread

>> No.6864070
File: 1.19 MB, 1395x718, jaidtits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In her older videos she always drew tits.
Getting popular as her was always as simple as saying "I am girl"

>> No.6864331

This is how you learn anything. I did this and learnt how to draw backgrounds for animation, within 6 months I got in the industry.

If you can't recreate it one to one how are you going to create alt versions, and if you can't do alt versions how can you do something really different in a similar style?

>> No.6864501

This is the most minimal, benign display of tits that is commonly shown in graphic design. You seem obsessed.

>> No.6864505

>You seem obsessed.
Nta but now the average yt thumbnails are either the classic soiboy, women or cropped porn.
You can probably find some statistic that having any girl in the thumbnail increases the likelihood people are going to click.

And story time animators target teenagers so you'll have horny male teenagers that will click because bob and female teenagers because wow that is so interesting.

Obsession is good for you, unless it's porn, and even then it depends how you're obsessed with it.
I learned way more concepts and realizations jerking off than going to school.
Tell me, what are your hobbies? Do you have a personality?
Is your father still present in your home?

>> No.6864518

I dont get it, is she supposed become completely genderless, as in cut out the hair and tits from her character and get a voice changer just so dear anon doesn't get angry that she is woman? You don't get upset at male animators at revealing their gender do you? In any case, usually it is male artists that exploit the titty for profit and views and in actually explicit ways.
>Obsession is good for you, unless it's porn, and even then it depends how you're obsessed with it.
>I learned way more concepts and realizations jerking off than going to school.
Lmao what? You admit obsessing with porn is bad and then immediately reveal that you are obsessed with porn to the point where it gives you existential crisis?
>Tell me, what are your hobbies? Do you have a personality?
>Is your father still present in your home?
This is either bait or schizoposting, but i will answer 'handicraft, languages and criminology' and 2x 'yes' just to see where you are going with that

>> No.6864525

You're as bad as those idiots who cut off the teacher's breasts, or got rid of secretary, in those newer seasons of the Powerpuff Girls because they were "too sexual".
Women simply being women isn't sexual, stop being a legit creep.

>> No.6864551
File: 1.62 MB, 2632x2894, 1634762698850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women being women isn't sexual
The thing you genderfluid crossdressing impotent estrogen addicts don't understand is that men's primary and most prevalent fetish is women.

The female figure itself is what is sexual about women for men.
This is why you see men drawing and designing fictional women non-stop.

>but i will answer
Peak retard. Unless it's relevant to a topic, i am not interested about your personal life, neither should you actually answer that over the internet.
You talked about yourself at the slightest excuse yet added nothing else of value just the
>lol lmao i wonder where u going with that haha schizo bait schizo
This art board, pls talk art.

>you're just as bad as those boogeyman that live rent free in my head because
>"too sexual"
Biggest retard right here.
I will enlighten you on the topic you mention, but has absolutely nothing to do with whatever cartoons you talk about.

There is a fine line between, sensual and sexual.
If you have a sensual character, of course you want to enhance her charms, but not too much that it becomes sexual.
A woman with bit tits, having a low cut shirt and basically having 80% of her tits in clear view, is sexual.
Alternatively, the same big titty woman with her tits covered up but still retaining the shape of her body, is sensual.

When there are fags who jerk off to feet it makes me wonder how you tards don't think about this stuff.

>> No.6864554

You can't really win either way if you draw her having small bumps to indicate tits or completely flat, internet will sexualize both.
Just give up and draw what you enjoy, I'll continue draw both women and men with boobas and fat asses.

>> No.6864581

>The thing you genderfluid crossdressing impotent estrogen addicts
Nice farfetched assumptions based on...i don't even know, probably spending too much time on this board? I would think that is what you are, looking at your strange posts of how any idea of tits is too sexual for your brain.
>most prevalent fetish is women
Thanks for once again confirming that you are addicted to porn. Btw my fetish is the gender im naturally/biologically attracted to.
>Unless it's relevant to a topic, i am not interested about your personal life, neither should you actually answer that over the internet. You talked about yourself at the slightest excuse yet added nothing else of value just the
You literally asked those questions and i answered adequately. You can't even finish your sentence because of how mad you are, for whatever reason. Are you sure you are ok? You can't even follow you own posts. Seriously, take a long, at least a few hours long break from this board and inhale some fresh air, then rethink this conversation.
To conclude, all i'm getting from your posts is 'i think you are a retard because your post doesn't fit my weird theory i have developed, while spending too much time on this board' and it is not even worth dwelling into, due to how incoherent it is what you are trying to communicate. What i learned is, im waisting my time arguing with a schizo.

>> No.6864589

>There is a fine line between, sensual and sexual.
>If you have a sensual character, of course you want to enhance her charms, but not too much that it becomes sexual.
>A woman with bit tits, having a low cut shirt and basically having 80% of her tits in clear view, is sexual.
>Alternatively, the same big titty woman with her tits covered up but still retaining the shape of her body, is sensual.
And this is relevant to the actual topic because of this>>6864070, you actual coombrained retard?

>> No.6864613
File: 53 KB, 480x349, 132676545647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad hominem
fatherless behavior
Yes, quite so.
As that Anon stated
>getting popular was as simple as saying "i am a girl"
Strangely enough, this character got porn, quite a substantial amount of it.
Why? There is nothing so special about the design that it "deserves" to be made porn of.
It's basically a blankman with tits and hair and that is apparently enough for people.
This circles back to what i explained; woman itself = sexual appealing to men.
Basically, Anon here >>6864070
was completely correct and since you two effeminates were quick to dismiss his claims, i explained it to you.

And the difference here is that when i use insults, they're not the main point of the post, they poetically accompany my observations, rather than try to make it about who i am talking with.
You out yourselves as non-drawings faggots if talking about others and trying to social shame them is all you can do while taking every chance to try to prove yourself over the internet on an anonymous board, instead of talking about shit this board is actually about.

I'd say pyw, but you do not draw and i probably "sound" whatever is convenient to you.
Leave the board, you don't belong here.

>> No.6864621

what in the actual fuck is happening in this thread?

>> No.6864627

>>ad hominem
fatherless behavior
Just based on this it seems that you just mindlessly repeat you read here without any actual thought into what you are currently discussing. You are stupid beyond believe or a troll, there is no other option.
Schizos and coomers justifying why they jerk off to fictional characters made by women, apparently. Or just standard shitposting.

>> No.6864632
File: 117 KB, 828x694, 164577275446454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon talks about art but drama schizowhores keep calling anon a schizo because anon says things don't like and doesn't make them feel heckin valid

>> No.6864639

The point is, if you don't bother to follow your own train of thought and add a bizarre theory to it, it is by definition what schizophrenia looks like.

>> No.6864642

there's porn of theodd1sout
he also has almost twice the sub count of jaiden despite both of them starting at roughly the same time.

>> No.6864646
File: 11 KB, 167x298, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't follow your own train of thought
Can you point out where i do not without making shit up?
>it's bizarre because i dont get it
Man, where have i seen this exact same pattern repeat throughout history?

>> No.6864652

>there's more porn of a girl than of a guy
there's still porn of his character, and he's still more popular.

>> No.6864653

If you don't hate women, why the fuck are you even here?


>> No.6864658

sir I'm here to post art. this isn't /b/. we probably have more women on this board than average.

>> No.6864659
File: 701 KB, 697x643, 1661792467959570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yes, this does prove my point?
I love women'

s bodies.

>> No.6864660

I don't know what your point was
I didn't read whatever the fuck essay people were writing. I just assumed it was
>she's only popular because woman/there's only porn because woman

>> No.6864666
File: 111 KB, 1242x1222, 16656236465665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't read
>doesn't even comprehend the written language
>wants to infiltrate the discussion anyway
The point is;
She is mostly popular because she's a girl on the internet and there is porn of her character because the semblance of a woman is enough to sexually appeal to males.

>> No.6864667

>sir I'm here to post art.

Then post it. Oh, wait, you won't because you are a little sissy bitch who loves women.

>> No.6864669

>all of this talk and no works were posted

>> No.6864671

Why the fuck would I randomly post irrelevant art in this thread?

>> No.6864676

>She is mostly popular because she's a girl on the internet
So my assumption was right without even reading, nice
why is odd1sout more popular when his content and style are almost identical and they started at the same time?

>> No.6864680

Because I told you to.

>> No.6864684
File: 672 KB, 1440x1467, Screenshot_20230929_131314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6864689

Good job, not a bitch anymore. Now go draw and get the fuck out of this retarded thread.

>> No.6864696
File: 511 KB, 1242x1908, 1598896790831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it was rather obvious
>without even reading
>why is that one more popular though?
I'll humor you.

Because while the woman easily baits with her charms, the man has the hook and is able to pull in and retain an audience with actual content, because he cannot rely on his looks/being a woman to get attention.

Women mostly create very shallow content, you can see it predominantly in the arts.
It is mostly pretty pictures that have basically no other value besides being pretty to look at.
Whereas men mostly focus on having other meanings to their art i.e. actual essence.

You can have a look at women pornographers and how they mostly garner big audiences because they post themselves with their nsfw work.
And have a look at male nsfw who have big audiences but never once showed their face.
>inb4 but this woman/this man dont do that generalization bad
Exceptions don't make the rule.

>> No.6864703

>with actual content
I take it you've never watched either of their videos?

>> No.6864715

only a minority of the youtube followers look at some fanart porn board, despite what you want to believe, you dumb autist. The numbers on youtube speak for themselves. At first i wanted to add that the most popular youtube animators i know are mostly male, which makes the claim posted here >>6864070 pointless, but then you decided to throw in your three cents about the revelations you got while jerking off, which you literally wrote here>>6864505 and it seems that you actually meant it, then later you added that jaidenanimation's audience is actually teenagers of all genders (while squeezing in you porn-obsessed theory about all the horny teenagers wanting to fuck her/her character - which i assume is projecting), with which you contradicted yourself in one sentence on why is jaidenanimations presumably so popular (to remind you, you literally just wrote that it is just because she has tits and wants to profit from that, before you acknowledged the female audience interested in her storytelling), later you tried to ad hom me here by writing "Tell me, what are your hobbies? Do you have a personality?
Is your father still present in your home?" and when i didnt reply in the way you expected, you tried to make things up as you go and dismiss what i just wrote, while making some surprisingly bold and out of nowhere claims about me being 'genderfluid' etc, that started to make me think that you are a schizo, otherwise why would you even write that with no sensible basis? cdn

>> No.6864716

You then proceeded to continue on discussing what are your views on a female body, the biggest topic you are passionate about, which nobody asked for, since the main argument was supposed to be around the statement that the artist discussed is popular just for being a woman, and drawing any semblance of tits on her female character is a reminder of that, which is ridiculous. Just from reading all this you can get your iq lowered in a matter of minutes and it shows, how much of your posts is just some bitter rambling on how it isnt fair that you cant be a woman so you can become popular from showing off your tits, which is hilarious on it own, if you really mean it.
To summarise it, post your work, if you want to actually contribute anything interesting, aside from your gibberish and repetition of /ic/ memes over and over.

>> No.6864728
File: 732 KB, 2048x1667, 1570814204411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numbers should speak for themselves.
If the one guy has more watchers on youtube than the other woman who mostly has porn to her name, well, it ain't rocket science.

And one search reveals all
>mostly wacky and silly content
>mostly story time slop
>and it seems you actually meant it
Yeah, i jerked off to that statement, Anon.
>u r schizo because i can't contextualize information
Things don't exist in a vacuum.
One cannot absolutize and condense things objectively into one all-compassing claim.
There are series of variables you have to take into consideration, which i told about.
If that what i wrote is "schizo" to you, you're honestly legit low iq.
>keeps on going off-topic and doing nothing but personal attacks
>strawmanning this hard
Your post basically boils down to
>"wow u said this and you MIGHT be actually meaning it because i project who i might be talking with? WOW THAT IS SO HILARIOUSLY BECAUSE UR COOMER AND NOW UR WRONG BECAUSE UR A COOMER STOP CRITICIZING WOMEN HAHA WHAT NOW SHITLORD?"
You expect anyone to have a conversation with you when you can't understand the written word?
>only a minority of the youtube followers look at some fanart porn board, despite what you want to believe
Nice, but can you confirm this claim to be true?
I did not post about my beliefs or anything

Also to clarify
>nothing but emotional arguments and personal attacks
>doesn't engage and dissect what has been said but makes up his own meaning and attributing moods to others and branding them as "the enemy" as the usual disingenuous tactics of children or those who cannot defend their stance
>hyperfocused on insults and brings it forth as arguments
>keeps calling others schizo while displaying overly emotional and incoherent behavior and cognitive dissonance
Anon, i will astral project into your room tonight and coom all over you just for fun.
You might actually believe that.

>> No.6864734

>who mostly has porn to her name
Damn nigga you are fucking dumb as dirt

>> No.6864737

nigga how?

>> No.6864742

There's porn of her because she's famous, she's not famous because there's porn of her.
Odd1 is also just animated storytime. His content now might be different because he got some animated show deal, but his claim to fame is identical to jaiden's. They're basically the two founding storytime animators on YouTube.

>> No.6864747

>There's porn of her because she's famous, she's not famous because there's porn of her.
That was never even remotely the point or claimed to be it.
She's famous because
>story time
>gets made porn of because woman character
By the mental gymnastics you fags were trying to do, she should exactly have the same amount of yt subs as the other guy.

So, why doesn't she?
Just to clarify, i don't give a shit about any of these ecelebs or their content.

>> No.6864755

>That was never even remotely the point or claimed to be it
>the other woman who mostly has porn to her name

This is the dumbest fucking thread on this board currently.

>> No.6864757

>Things don't exist in a vacuum, until they do when it fits my agenda
>best response he thinks of is spam some irrelevant /ic/ memes
like clockwork
>>keeps on going off-topic and doing nothing but personal attacks
you really cant read, can you? i even made an attempt to quote exact posts, which you obviously ignored.
>when i do it it makes sense, but when you do it its personal attacks
lol, sorry but you just seem bad at reading or intentionally pretend to not understand how faulty your reasoning is, to top it off you dont add anything useful in the topic yourself and just post general statements hoping that some shit you throw will stick, keep inflating your ego by doing that over and over though

>> No.6864765

>"wow u said this and you MIGHT be actually meaning it because i project who i might be talking with? WOW THAT IS SO HILARIOUSLY BECAUSE UR COOMER AND NOW UR WRONG BECAUSE UR A COOMER STOP CRITICIZING WOMEN HAHA WHAT NOW SHITLORD?"
lmao what are you even writing? stay mad because you cant admit that you are a retard

>> No.6864771
File: 108 KB, 717x201, 1590136509233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak autism.

How much porn does the guy have, and how much does the woman have?
Now think logically, with most of
>"your reasoning is faulty, because i say so and attribute you to my own made up meanings and projections"
You know you could have just quoted outright? The posts and the text are right there instead of trying to project what i was thinking and meaning and how many times i jerked off today.

I could come up with a plethora of reasons and assumptions of why you're being so unreasonable and arguing like a hurt child, but your posts are proof enough.

I can argue my positions, you obviously and have sown you can't without trying to get personal.
>posts nothing more
And there we have another proof of your emotional peak estrogen behavior.

The more you reply like this, the more you concede the argument.

>> No.6864775

The fact that somebody points out a logical discrepancy you have typed and you summarized this as autism, just to follow it with the most autistic conclusion you came up with speaks a lot about you.

>> No.6864785
File: 891 KB, 814x1930, 1652052468334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now think logically, with most of the internet user base being avid consumers of cartoon pornography and this woman being known even by non-fans of her work through her fan-porn, shouldn't she have way more numbers than what she has?
Even i should have some saved up.
And can you elaborate on it instead of going
>wow ur retard
Sure, i'll admit the wording might come off, but only to an autistic individual who can't contextualize information and is unable of recognizing nuance while taking everything in absolute terms.
But i know that for retards
>autism = post with many words
It rather says a lot about you being legitimately autistic.

>> No.6864786

>>posts nothing more
Your post didnt make sense so i assumed you are too mad to think properly, there is not much to add to it since the quote speaks for itself.
>You know you could have just quoted outright?
You mean like i did? Or do you need a quoteception for everything before you start to understand anything before you reply to it? If yes then i genuinely think you are autistic and it is not a 'personal attack'.

>> No.6864791

And then you keep making more assumptions about what people are trying to communicate to you, ad nauseam. Keep talking to yourself while winning imaginary battles in your head blud. And no you are not addicted to porn or autistic.

>> No.6864795

>How much porn does the guy have, and how much does the woman have?
Who fucking cares? What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.6864799
File: 181 KB, 544x776, 1691880459416755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but then you decided to throw in your three cents about the revelations you got while jerking off
>it seems that you actually meant it
>then later you added that jaidenanimation's audience is actually teenagers of all genders (while squeezing in you porn-obsessed theory about all the horny teenagers wanting to fuck her/her character - which i assume is projecting)
>ith which you contradicted yourself in one sentence on why is jaidenanimations presumably so popular (to remind you, you literally just wrote that it is just because she has tits and wants to profit from that, before you acknowledged the female audience interested in her storytelling), later you tried to ad hom me here by writing "Tell me, what are your hobbies? Do you have a personality?
These are all personal attacks and strawmen when you boil every single one of your point to
>ur this and that
I can play the same game and actually prove that you're madly seething and bootyblasted about being called a tranny. Just by this quote alone
>later you tried to ad hom me here by writing "Tell me, what are your hobbies? Do you have a personality?
Is your father still present in your home?" and when i didnt reply in the way you expected, you tried to make things up as you go and dismiss what i just wrote, while making some surprisingly bold and out of nowhere claims about me being 'genderfluid' etc, that started to make me think that you
Seems like i hit it perfectly and you're are actually seething about not feeling heckin valid.
>rules for thee but not for me

>> No.6864800

>rules for thee but not for me

>> No.6864801
File: 198 KB, 674x678, 16598631234564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regressing to "no u"

>> No.6864803

>Seems like i hit it perfectly and you're are actually seething about not feeling heckin valid.
when i replied to that you called it off-topic, so please explain what that statement means just so i can pretend i can relate to your psychological problems.
>regressing to "no u" while not bothering to quote only so you can show off your weeb expressions collection

>> No.6864805
File: 548 KB, 720x534, 1663179144013053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please keep debating me while i keep arguing in bat faith
>weeb bad
there ain't really not much to say anymore

>> No.6864806
File: 92 KB, 846x695, 1546866546416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is always the funniest though
fuck i came

>> No.6864807

this is just entertaining a clown out of boredom
>there ain't really not much to say anymore
obviously there isnt and you are just being repetitive.

>> No.6864812
File: 108 KB, 900x705, 15962664564654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur a clown lol im just entertaining you because im bored ur repetitive haha owned
Can you do one more?
I swear you're going to prove how based and not butthurt you are with the next one

>> No.6864815

you're both retards and the one who walks away first is the winner.

>> No.6864816
File: 7 KB, 300x168, smug anime laugh XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes i can pretend to be your friend for a little bit

>> No.6864824
File: 799 KB, 1080x1080, 16894949795854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls that a smug
No wonder his father left

>> No.6864826
File: 11 KB, 203x249, smuggity smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur achshully both as bad
brainlet take, try reading everything and addressing that before i can acknowledge your opinion you peasant

>> No.6864830

My father doesn't care about anime so he wouldn't mind. I know it because he is REAL and he is with ME

>> No.6864837
File: 20 KB, 200x252, 1597722094507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatherless attentionwhore uses yet another slight excuse to talk about himself

>> No.6864844
File: 58 KB, 1080x1920, 2-depressed anime-1080x1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does an attentionwhore mean on this board anymore? And are fathers even real? Think of it for a bit anon.

>> No.6864974
File: 165 KB, 933x1248, 1647759373304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should learn to draw and animate from the better porn bait youtuber avatar like pic rel, Jaiden doesn't even draw or animate her videos anymore, she pays other to do it for her.

>> No.6864975

>woman thread

>> No.6865105

who the fuck is that supposed to be?

>> No.6865110

Ah, I can see the schizo poster from >>6853521 is also in this thread, schizo posting about how much he hates women for making him want to fuck them or whatever.
Never change you beautiful butterfly. Never change.

>> No.6865224

God I hate women and the men who enable them so fucking much. You can be an obese, mannish 3/10 and become a millionaire from selling you're bodily secretions.

>> No.6865247

ya mudda

>> No.6865388

It was a big thing in the art YouTube sphere. Her coming out was everywhere

>> No.6865391

Coming out, like coming out of her jeans because she's a fat cow, kind of coming out or the faggot, I'm coming out of the closet because my uncle molested me when I was young, kind of coming out?

>> No.6865392

>Btw my fetish is the gender im naturally/biologically attracted to.

That's literally what the anon said. The female form is inherently sexual. Just like the male body is for you. Retard

>> No.6865395

Men have a penis, women have a vagina. Simple as, what's the problem.

>> No.6865483

>the men who enable them so fucking much.
That's honestly what gets me. Can you blame women for selling 'fart jars' when there are so many fucking losers willing to go so low as to buy them? Because yes, buying them is worse then selling them, don't even try to argue otherwise.
Men are really letting other men down. The top men are banging all the women on tinder, and not settling down with anybody, meanwhile other men are complaining about the 'high bodycounts' of women? Who gave those women the bodycounts? Men!

If women aren't going to slut shame women, then men should start slut shaming men, lets bring it back into fashion so the women start inevitably copying us.

>> No.6865510

Wtf happened here?

>> No.6865596

Average thread talking about women

>> No.6865636
File: 174 KB, 777x935, 1616796421485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This issue stems from very low value men giving these women everything.
The top chads aren't fucking your average run of the mill onlyfans pig.

Most women seem to not have the ability to think about the future, they want everything quick and now and when the consequences of their actions catch up to them, they blame everyone but themselves.
Yes, you can blame women for selling "farts", same as you can blame drug dealers for selling drugs. The market/money, doesn't excuse it.
>then men should start slut shaming men
Majority of men don't even get laid, even voluntarily now, and when you got a man who stopped giving a shit because they either see no future, no opportunity and is basically depressed as fuck or does his own thing or is slightly effeminate, that won't ever work.

What you want to do is lift others up. Men usually listen to reason if you ain't trying to sell them shit.
How do you think the whole manosphere, andrew tate and shit got so huge over the last years?

Just calling them losers and use woman tactics on them won't fix the problem, especially if no one is allowed to ever criticize woman behavior because if they do, they get met with the usual shit of hating women.

The best advice you can give to a man is to stop giving a shit about women.
Women don't want to be talked to, they don't want to be looked at, all they want is get worshipped and get money while fucking animals or the top 0.01% of men.
Women hate the truth and reason and all they care about is what makes them feel good.
They don't want to be criticized because it could ruin their image and everything that has been happening and recorded only over the last decade of social media is more than proof enough.
Why should you, as a man, bother chasing such cunts and make yourself miserable in the process? They don't care, they will hate you if you do, they want you dead for not existing how they want.
Even then, what's the prize? A aids ridden cunt.

Just follow your passion, brudda.

>> No.6866014

The woman I love isn't a whore ;-;
She'll spend 3 hours talking about video games and philosophy

>> No.6866029

You're correct but you need to go further and be honest about a few things. Men need sex and int8macy from women, but women have a monopoly on it. Just follow your passion doesn't eliminate sex d4ive. Men could come together and regulate women as property which is never going to happen, or a small group of men can create an alternative. It's very hard to follow your passion when your sex needy

>> No.6866033

source of the pic?

>> No.6866041

until she cheats on you

>> No.6866066 [DELETED] 

>Asian man
>in Britain
These guys just didn't want to be branded as racists, please understand.

>> No.6866105

Prostitutes still exist.

>> No.6866112

Everyone always says this and it's ridiculous. Where? You saying men should travel to bunny ranch NV every day and spend 1000 every visit? Or are you saying men should go to Figueroa st in LA and feel what 30 other men's cum along with stds feels like on our dick, then risk arrest because it's illegal?

>> No.6866117
File: 208 KB, 923x633, 1594513331679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men need sex
Honestly just jerk off when you need to and toughen up.
>men could come together and regulate women
Eventually the same thing will happen that has been happening the last decades.

Sure, a world where women are kept as pets would be a paradise for the layman, but a lot of other problems will arise from that.
You would be giving bad actors with lots of resources, the ultimate power over the masses, a type of tyranny money cannot ever accomplish.

It's a good thing women can be their own persons and have rights, the critical problem with women is that they're just fucking retarded and delusional.
Men are quite retarded on average, but they know their place when shit hits the fan.

>> No.6866129

she has only had 2 partners and lost her virginity at 26. She is conventionally attractive and has boys throwing themselves at her. I don't think that I'll have that problem

>> No.6866131

>toughen up
You're a tradcon in disguise. Sex is as much of a need as socializing is, and humans are social creatures. Jacking off doesn't get a vasopressin release the way being with a woman you have connections with does.

>> No.6866132

Then get a 3rd worlder gf duh

>> No.6866136

Yeah, probably the only real alternative for the average man.

>> No.6866143

>boba fett and speedforce
reddit normalfag image

>> No.6866144

For now I am not ready to get that delicious 3rd worlder pussy, so for now Im working on myself.
I have no rush, but I have a clear objective.

>> No.6866145

I cant help but laugh at this guy, yet at the same time I believe there is a point underneath all that incel-ish gibberish. Some men (and some women too) just want to get laid and dont bother with the extra steps too much, no problem with that.
Dont humor him, anon, in his head your girlfriend is getting drilled through all her holes at any given moment she is not with you, there's no discussion with that kind of mentally fried people. Go and give your girlfriend a hug, tell her that you love her too, dont waste your time on internet idiots.

>> No.6866150

>Assuming woman on parties have personality

>> No.6866158

NTA, but you're wrong, simply because what you're asking for isnt "sex", but "intimacy". Sex is an integral part of any sexual relationship simply because there is intimacy between the couple, connections and bonding is what give humans, social creatures alright, life; it just so happens that in the primal act of sex with your partner, this connection and bonding is -or should be- at it's peak.

Ever heard of the difference of "having sex" and "making love"? Humans dont need to have someone to have sex with, humans need to have someone to make love with.

>> No.6866164
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I'm just a fag talking about shit on a Caribbean pineapple farming forum
Stop doing this woman shit about trying to pinpoint and brand people into belonging to certain groups.
>sex is a "need"
Yes and no.
Animalistically speaking, sure, you could argue that, but socially not at all.
The act of sex is the act of pair-bonding, not a social interaction as talking to somebody about topics and shit.

You don't "need" sex, you need to cum, if even.
Males mostly socialize with other males and create emotional bonding with them, only reaching out to females for sex.

When men also become feminized, have shallow interests and pursuits, never try to reach a deeper understand of any thing and end up behaving and arguing emotionally like women; that society will crumble eventually.
Look at the Roman empire.
You're missing the point entirely, only to try and shame this literal nobody for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.6866172
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>Nowhere in the initial statement says anything about a woman's personality or the lack thereof
Anon, I believe you're seeing things.
What point of many, you people dont like to explain jack.

>> No.6866173

Anon in the pic was just saying how women dont have personalities and you called it incel-ish gibberish

>> No.6866177

>Sex is as much of a need as socializing is

>> No.6866182

>What point of many, you people dont like to explain jack.
Be grateful to you femi-kin then that likes to shut down anything as schizo-incel gibberish every single time.
I'll give you an example of something
>"Why is the sky blue?"
>"Because blue wavelengths are shorter, therefore blue light is scattered easily"
>"omg wtf ur a literal schizo wtf i dont know any of this so u must b an incel"
This is how you differentiate a male from an effeminate.
A male might call you a fag, but still explain, an actual faggot will only try to play social games.

>> No.6866184
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Quoting myself:
>yet at the same time I believe there is a point underneath all that incel-ish gibberish.
>I believe there is a point underneath
>there is a point
That's basic reading comprehension, anon. Do better than that.

>> No.6866188
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>> No.6866192
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Why do you need to call it an incel-gibberish then?
How does that make that anon who posted that an "incel-gibberish"? What do you know about the life of this anon that you can for certain make such a claim?
Is it because he posted "woman bad"? Because you built up an image of this guy in your own head?

Stop using buzzwords senselessly man

>> No.6866197

>It is very painful to be isolated and sexless
>when you get a sincere hug from a woman you can see how much pain you've been in
>"sex is completely optional, not a need at all!"
I forgot that most of the current gens are tranny levels of low testosterone so it probably doesn't feel necessary to them.

>> No.6866202

>Everyone always says this and it's ridiculous. Where?
There are like a dozen websites with escorts, or literally every decent sized city has asian massage parlors.
>b-b-b-but that's illegal!
No one gives a shit.

>> No.6866206

What about those stories of raids and female cops posing as prostitutes for sting operations?

>> No.6866210

Extremely uncommon, especially if you see a reputable girl.

>> No.6866212

Thanks for the comments

>> No.6866213

Misery stems from a place of wanting but not receiving.

Sex isn't a right or need, it might be ingrained into a male's nature to seek sex because nature, but that doesn't make it a need. It's more an instinct, but a "want" doesn't become a "need".
Same as women who are picky because nature and only seek out and acknowledge the top males; it isn't a need either and they are not entitled to it because they're women and they want it.

>> No.6866220

Your argument makes sense but I think you're equivocation on the word need. But let's go with it, if I'm not entitled to resolving this pain, and I don't have an avenue to resolve it, and if I can't uproot the desire, what then?

>> No.6866221
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I dont believe that answers the question nor it clears my confusion. I stated many points in a single post and all I got was a "You're wrong and I am not going to tell you why haha!". So yeah, you people dont like to explain jack shit.

>Why do you need to call it an incel-gibberish then?
Simple: Because no well-functioning human speaks in such a way about the opposite gender no matter how positive or negative their opinions are. Therefore, and despite having a compelling point, it's still borderline incel gibberish

I know I am in 4chan of all places, and I do have my own beliefs about female nature that are unsavory for normie standards, but nobody in this god forsaken society goes out and screech like a retard against the opposite gender while expecting to be treated like any other civil person, if you have an argument, compelling or not, you will always find a way to word it accordingly even if it means talking in a way that is harsh at best.

Also, why are you all fuckers missing the point of the initial post simply because I called it "incel gibberish"? Why are you so defensive over a single, rightfully aquired, disqualitive adjective among the entire argument in PRO of you faggots' argument?!

You whores missing the point because I DARED to """"INSULT"""" a portion of the argument despite having my agreements with you is on the same level of your average white knight simping for pixels on a screen. Go get some Vitamin D, holy shit.

>> No.6866240

I want my penis in her butt

>> No.6866250
File: 259 KB, 1161x492, Replace women with weak effeminate men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have the pain in the first place? Because you're not getting what you desire.
Desires are a vice.
But you have a few options
>jerk off
>go find a gf
When you say "sex is a need", it is implied that one does indeed need to have sex for a very specific reason or to keep yourself alive.
What you need is air, food and water. Everything else can be worked out with enough discipline.
I explained you why that happens. And i always explain shit.
>no well-functioning human speaks in such a way about the opposite gender no matter how positive or negative their opinions are.
Yes, this anon who just randomly said a thing on the internet must clearly be everything you picture him to be.
That anon could be a woman for all you'd know.
>but 4chan
Anon, i'm not
>missing the point of the initial post simply because I called it "incel gibberish"
Because it's buzzwords used to dismiss anything as "bad" by people who can't think rationally and have to play the idpol games; basically effeminates and trannies.
It's the same as if i would say; "your posts are retarded effeminate crossdressing tranny nigger cum eating dog fucking monkey noises, but hey, you might have a point here on there".
You know, what's the point of me saying that unless it would at least be creative enough to be considered mildly funny?

One should aim to stop trying to figure out who it is who said what, but just take what it has been said for what it says; because by saying
>omg this is such XYZ
You are already desparaging the message and the meaning and you come off as an actual faggot who cares more about who says what, rather than what is being said and virtue signaling how people should like you because you branded something as "incel". Women call this "pick me" behavior iirc
Your initial post was superfluous at best.

And you didn't insult the argument, what the fuck does that even mean? You shot the messenger.

>> No.6866263


>> No.6866285

Our thinking is not too far apart but i reject the stoicism I think is in your words. It's true that if I don't get the things we call needs I will probably not survive too long but the things we call wants can be endured for longer, but when you begin to look there is some overlap, and the real issue for me with this distinction is that it's Platonic and ignores the real cause of both: our biology. Like 10 years ago I hated all my appetites but realized I can't escape them because hating them is hating my body which is hating the self because the self is the body. You're not a ghost in a body, plato was wrong. You are your body which means you also are your wants and needs, and the pain of an unmet want is as present as the pain of a need. They're both there. You can survive without your hands but that doesn't relegate their presence to a want. Would you tell a frustrated paraplegic that what he really lacks isn't working legs but discipline?

>> No.6866291

I didn't give you comments yet on this part
>Eventually the same thing will happen that has been happening the last decades.
I completely agree with this which is why I rarely engage this topic anymore. I think its in human DNA both men and women to be this way and no amount of reasoning is gonna change that.
>Sure, a world where women are kept as pets would be a paradise for the layman, but a lot of other problems will arise from that.
You would be giving bad actors with lots of resources, the ultimate power over the masses, a type of tyranny money cannot ever accomplish.
I didn't get this, can you explain?

>> No.6866292
File: 12 KB, 351x329, 1682256232845596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point you are arguing me over fucking semantics, anon...
>this anon who just randomly said a thing on the internet must clearly be everything you picture him to be.
In what moment did I explicitly assume anything about this anon directly? I didnt call him anything at any given point, I called *his wording* incel gibberish, not even his point, *but the way he said it*. I didnt care who that anon was I simply said **his point, albeit poorly worded, has some truth to it.**
>Because it's buzzwords used to dismiss anything as "bad"
In what moment did I dismiss anything the anon said? Did you even read the whole thing I said or did you just stop at the moment you felt insulted by calling *his wording* incel gibberish?
>You are already desparaging the message and the meaning and you come off as an actual faggot who cares more about who
Oh, I see, you didnt read what I said, you just assumed I was calling the anon an incel simply because I said *his wording* was incel gibberish and went on your train of thought process thinking I said something along the lines of "oh he is an incel, haha!" without even finishing to read the post and realize it was just "his wording is terrible, but he has a point".

Does this all sound repetitive to you? It's because you are giving me the impression you didnt bother to understand what I said and went full "incel defense mode" on me as a result.
Stop fixating over something that is not even an integral part my argument in regard of his simply because it touched a nerve on your autistic skull.

Not giving you another (You), this conversation is extremely retarded.

>> No.6866294

mob face is very cute and underrated honestly

>> No.6866307
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1691861151507310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are your body
Fair argument, but you are also your habits, good and bad.
If you tend to overeat and get fat, you will have a bigger stomach and get hungry more frequently.
If you eat nothing but processed foods and carbs, you will also get hungry more frequently.
That doesn't mean that your body is correct and that you should indulge into eating more of what you crave.
The same is with jerking off, if you see tits, of course you're going to get aroused, but does that mean you need to cum? No, you're just having a natural response to a stimuli.
>Would you tell a frustrated paraplegic that what he really lacks isn't working legs but discipline?
Unironically yes. You want to walk or move? Do something about it.
You want to stick dick in pussy, do something about it.
You can get frustrated by anything, that still doesn't mean you are entitled or need the desired outcome, your goal should be to work towards it and solve whatever is causing you misery.

If you are addicted to drugs, your body will go into withdrawal and feel frustrated if you don't get a hit, does that mean drugs are good and a "need" because your body tells you so?

>> No.6866308

>mention a woman
>4chan loses their fucking minds and writes 37 essays debating woman because woman
Jesus christ

>> No.6866311

Go on tryst, go on usasexguide, go on whatever other escort website
Or if you don't want to do that, just look for any massage parlor with $30-50/hr massages with Asian girls, and on google maps the images will emphasize the pretty girls that (don't actually) work there rather than the facility itself. They'll also have some random fake stock image of massages.
Go there and tip ~100-150 on top of the normal rate and you'll get some kind of sex.

>> No.6866312

>I didn't get this, can you explain?
Of course
>make women property
>elites with lots of money buy up all the women
>elites have a monopoly on pussy
>"want to have sex? Go work in the coal mines for free"
>government ain't gonna do shit about it because why would they?
>want to revolt? lmao the elites are going to bribe every single man with pussy
>elites will have a personal army of men who will be promised pussy the more skulls they bash in
>majority of men will turn to fucking other men
>a single woman spotted in the wild could spark a blood bath
>elites can basically and radically control the population by gatekeeping who can have sex and procreate
>it's going to be their genes and you, as a peasant, will never get to even see a woman in your life time
I don't need to tell you that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

>> No.6866317
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what is this offtopic garbage, go draw you fucking retards

>> No.6866319

Go first for the elites and make a council of men then

>> No.6866320


>> No.6866330
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 168496456563341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is that you should stop using buzzwords, especially effeminate buzzwords trannies and estrogen like to use non stop to insult and dehumanize anyone they don't agree with.
>his wording is terrible
Ok and? Even with the typos and all the broken off sentences you should be able to understand without trying to attribute dogma and political brands to them.
>In what moment did I explicitly assume anything about this anon directly?
>>6866221 "Because no well-functioning human speaks in such a way about the opposite gender no matter how positive or negative their opinions are"

>In what moment did I dismiss anything the anon said?
The moment you used "incel-gibberish".

But hey, you know, you sound mad and like a kid grooming tranny but at least you're polite in your bad faith arguing.

>> No.6866331

what the fuck am I reading

>> No.6866337

fuck off to /pol/ niggers

>> No.6866338

Ahh yeah, I can see that. In my mind women would be regulated as the property of their fathers and husband's. The distribution of women among men would be better than what we have today because the criteria that a father has for a husband to his daughter is different than the criteria a woman has for a husband. In a completely free market I agree it would go as you described which is along the lines of what is happening already. It's an unregulated market.

But I don't think what I described would ever happen because men worship women, what I mean is that men want to get female validation by being chosen by her instead of her choosing another man. A real man is a male who has been chosen by many women according to most men. And if I could just buy a girl from her dad by appeasing her dad's criteria, a lot of guys wouldn't know if she REALLY like him or if she is just surviving. That old movie from the 70s called swept away is a perfect example of this.

>> No.6866344
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>> No.6866348
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For such a society to work, it would also need men that will uphold ideals and cannot be corrupted.
If we're talking something along arranged marriages; it will be exploited for political/financial power, like monarchies did and still do to some extent.
>what I mean is that men want to get female validation
Not quite. What men want from a partner is loyalty and honesty. Validation is entirely a woman's domain and desire.
>A real man is a male who has been chosen by many women according to most men
Nope. A real man is someone who keeps it real, is dependable, honest, knowledgeable and can be a leader.
No man gives a shit about how much pussy another man gets, only women do.

>> No.6866365

Here's where we disagree again, I don't know what it is other than perhaps you've been exposed to a better cut of men than I have. I'm in my late 30s and I think humans are no more noble than animals for the most part. No one except sociopaths and behaviorally deformed people have any shot against their impulses.
>For such a society to work, it would also need men that will uphold ideals and cannot be corrupted.
If we're talking something along arranged marriages; it will be exploited for political/financial power, like monarchies did and still do to some extent.
I don't disagree.
>Not quite. What men want from a partner is loyalty and honesty. Validation is entirely a woman's domain and desire.
From what I've seen that is fundamentally about securing s3xual fidelity and paternity, which men could have if they owned their wives like a pet, and yet men recoil at the suggestion, which reinforces my thinking.
>Nope. A real man is someone who keeps it real, is dependable, honest, knowledgeable and can be a leader.
Yeah, that is what sociopaths like me think, but when I look into the world the top men are wealthy in a currency different from those virtues you mentioned.
>No man gives a shit about how much pussy another man gets, only women do.
By that definition men = women in my experience. You'll have to show me where these honorable men are because they are good at hide and seek.

>> No.6866381
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>From what I've seen that is fundamentally about securing s3xual fidelity and paternity
>which men could have if they owned their wives like a pet, and yet men recoil at the suggestion
Because it would be like fucking your dog.
It's about the sanctity of intelligent life.
You wouldn't kill a monkey who could write and speak or at least have the high potential to do so, no? Men, or at least the ideal of it, are about uplifting each other to reach new heights, instead of crabbing to get ahead.
This is why we domesticated dogs, because they would also be beneficial to us in the long term.
You also don't want to procreate with stupid people, the genes of the woman will influence the offspring and if you got an animal-woman as mother, the child will also be more likely to become one, since it is crucial to the well being of the child, and to society at large, to grow up with both parents present. If you got one parent that is just there to give birth to the child and feed it, the child will be lacking.
>but when I look into the world the top men are wealthy in a currency different from those virtues you mentioned.
Because this system which has been poisoned and now controlled by weak men, only rewards bad behavior.
Monetary/financial success isn't a proof of virtue, quite the opposite.
>By that definition men = women in my experience
Because we have a lot more feminized men nowadays.
>You'll have to show me where these honorable men are
Modern society despises virtues and only rewards bad behavior. Even going as far as seeing virtues as weakness.
Honest men have no place in this world anymore.
>because they are good at hide and seek.
They are mostly doing their own thing, bothering no one and not seeking social power.
That is also the problem of such men, that they do not seek power.
On the other hand, if they did, they'd be assassinated pretty quickly.

>> No.6866388

We don't disagree, you gave me a few things to think about. Maybe I've lost a part of my humanity but I no longer believe it wasn't always this way. I don't think we live in a particularly evil time, I think it has always been this way and there wasn't a golden age we left, I think that this is how men and women are and to characterize it as modernity and men becoming weak is just a way of holding onto a fantasy. I have hope but it's not in humanity. But I like you though, it was some good comments you made. Thanks for sharing them my good man.

>> No.6866402
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>>and the rest

>> No.6866417

mass replying fags should die. die. please

>> No.6866427


>> No.6866428

no u :^)

>> No.6866437

ayyy lmao

>> No.6866535

am I the only one here that thinks her art style is kinda cute?

>> No.6866564

I'd hardly call it her artstyle, noting she makes has a particular enough look to be considered hers specifically, but I agree its okay for a cute simple look

>> No.6866592

better topic than the shit main point of the thread desu

>> No.6866631

>get money while fucking animals or the top 0.01% of men.
Why are so many women willing to have sex with literal animals but at the same time reject any man less than a 7/10?

>> No.6866676
File: 1.13 MB, 2086x1978, 1638670985452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because "taming a wild beast" is a woman's ultimate fetish and how she sets herself socially above other women
>"Look at this ferocious beast and how he doesn't kill me where i stand because i control him my pussy. You can't have that! You can't do this!"
Is more or less what they're thinking.

The rollercoaster and highs of emotions that a woman goes through trying to tame an unstable individual goes beyond any drug currently in existence.
And they take pride in knowing that other women will be envious of her accomplishment.

This is also why they get wet at and simp for serial killers.
So, if you want actual straight up, no bs advice on how to become a chick magnet; go commit violent crimes any man would shoot you on the spot for.

>> No.6866679

You get it, I was gonna mention hybristphilia.

>> No.6866743

shes so fucking sexy I want to enslave her PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP

>> No.6866746

both topics are utter shit
this type of thread will never bring something good

>> No.6866871

man i was projecting my hate towards trannies but they were right all along

>> No.6867041

What a nice day on the artwork/critique board

>> No.6867054

Didn't know Jaidenstans were so aggressive or that they also browse /ic/

>> No.6867058


>> No.6867897

everyone here is a faggot

>> No.6869171

wait, Is this /r9k/?

>> No.6869227


>> No.6869237

what do genes have to do with being a serial killer exactly

>> No.6869568

Never heard of it. Not that I care either.

>> No.6870461

Start developing mental illness

>> No.6871363

Jaiden TITS

>> No.6871713

Based shgurr enjoyer

>> No.6871717

Did she actually draw this or is it fanart? It looks better than what she typically draws.

>> No.6871738
File: 236 KB, 816x490, SEXXXXXXXXXX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6873493

oh yess

>> No.6874390


>> No.6874845
File: 1.73 MB, 1302x2000, jordan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha wow cool artwork and critique thread guys
anyways i drew jaiden

>> No.6874983


>> No.6875283

Good. Now draw her getting FUCKED

>> No.6875299

/ic/ should have a draw Jaiden animations porn thread for beg fundamentals improvement

>> No.6875501

Based upon belief

>> No.6876211

saucenao will give you the source.

>> No.6876702


>> No.6876721

Post Jaiden porn

>> No.6877034


>> No.6877037

live yourself based mass replier