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File: 25 KB, 509x377, ruhroh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6865310 No.6865310 [Reply] [Original]

Why are most of my followers autistic? Seriously, the majority of them are autists, they literally have "autistic" in their bio. Not only that but their art is also obviously autistic. Some even have video or audio and their voices sound like they have special needs.
It's really starting to get to me. Am I an autist too?

>> No.6865311

Where do you think you are.

>> No.6865312

Stop drawing anime.
Or stop stalking your followers and simply view them as the ego tripping numbers they are.

>> No.6865313

I like to know what demographics I'm reaching

>> No.6865327
File: 26 KB, 508x524, 1646184053440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about autists following him
>posts on 4chan

>> No.6865361
File: 56 KB, 1200x630, mgid_arc_imageassetref_shared.southpark.us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of my followers are Mexican

>> No.6865365

prolly your subject matter my nigger. happened to me, only thing is to either make peace with it or change. personally i changed so i wouldnt have to deal with those people ever again.

>> No.6865427

What kind of art do you make, anon? If you don't want to post an example can you describe it?

>> No.6865460

depends on the art
I do fandom romance art and pinups for an older cartoon, and most of my followers are like 13-14yo girls but also most of them are latino (or spanish speaking but dunno from where) and I think it's because these older cartoons are often still on tv in their countries
NOT my target audience but it is what it is

>> No.6865462

Who doesn't have a mental illness in their bio these days.

>> No.6865475

honestly, wish I didn't feel crippling shame for being suicidal a couple of times a year

>> No.6865484

I make art based on my experiences while I transitioned to MtF.

>> No.6865492

>I like to know what demographics I'm reaching
And that happens to be Autistic people. What about your work is so appealing to autists anon?

>> No.6865495

I bet you draw sonic ocs

>> No.6865499

Posting on twitter will give myself away. How else do I complain about autists without giving me out?

>> No.6865560

Sounds about right

>> No.6865605

This is a trol post right? This can't be OP, i refuse to believe anyone is this delusional.

>> No.6865608

There can't be that many Chris chan's.

>> No.6865831

No that anon wasn't me.
I'm male

>> No.6865840

Nah, you can tell they are genuinely autistic by their art.

>> No.6866258

How can you even tell that

>> No.6866267

>He doesn't know

>> No.6866384

Anon, I-

>> No.6866387

It’s easy, just look at the vast majority of artwork posted here

>> No.6866422

What are the clues to know this? do you have anything to recognize autist art?

>> No.6866586

Post your art nigger

>> No.6866595

I mostly post box and cylinder studies

>> No.6866646

Stop doing so much furry then.

>> No.6866647

Do you happen to draw Dragonball related content?

>> No.6868580
File: 21 KB, 464x440, legoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6868601

OP is gonna have to deliver at some point. Maybe do a quick drawing of a typical post you'd make just for this thread.
Off the top of my head, if you do art for a fandom, it could be that the fandom is autistic. You might just have a particularly autistic way of creating your art though, like if your stuff isn't drawn that well but it features characters in weird situations, or if you've got a weird niche like anthro WW2 airplanes or something. Basically if you do art that makes a normally unfappable thing fappable, you are going to get the autists.

>> No.6868684

Idk where youre posting but in my experience lots of genuine autists gather on deviantart.

>> No.6868702
File: 39 KB, 479x479, d1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6870732

bird of a feather flock together...

>> No.6872293

Instead of trying to fight it, try making your art even more appealing to autistic people. Cater to the audience you are aqcuiring naturally yields more gains. Draw furshit.

>> No.6872333

Probably fighting game characters, since most of my followers are Brazilian or mexican. Too many spanish fkers

>> No.6872359

I have a feeling that most of my follower are old weirdos. I guess that's fine, because I'm something of an old weirdo myself.

>> No.6872430

My followers are psychotic degenerate weeaboos
Exactly what I want.
What do you draw that draws in such autism?

>> No.6874795

>if it's 90s and mid 2000s anime stuff or dragon ball that'll do

>> No.6877203

I am still so curious about this.

>> No.6878472

Post your art OP

>> No.6878918


It's a well known and accepted fact that an artist's fans are just shittier versions of themselves. Even if they're the same age or older, your fans will almost always lag behind you developmentally in virtually every respect. You create things they are absorbed by BECAUSE you are beyond them creatively, yet still making things that appeal to their taste. I think there's a psychospiritual component to this phenomena as well. It's as though your followers are the embodiments or karmic avatars of the spiritual burdens that you have jettisoned in pursuit of your current position in time and space. This is why every artist that looks at the art of their most sociable fans recoils in horror at the warped, mutated monstrosities that bear their rough likeness yet none of their nobility. It's as if you were a King with an inbred son. Their flaccid limp dicked existences repulse you on a visceral level because although you have become a powerful and proud erect penis, they, in their dysfunctional and wrinkled chub forms, are painful reminders of what you were or might have been.

This means that yes, you are probably an autist. However, you are a more evolved form. A select few of those autists who follow you may one day evolve into something more like yourself, however by that time you also will have transcended your current self with all of your unaware cringiness and telegraphed autistic tendencies. Thus, no matter who you are, if you have a follower, you will always look at those who admire you and scoff. This is yet another one of many reasons why artist's are never happy. They cannot respect their fans as equals in any regard. It's impossible. This is the nature of the game.

If it bothers you and hurts your ego to be surrounded by retards, just remember that they're just you minus ten + years of experience and development.

>> No.6878920

The thirdworlder meme is real. It's a shock when I come across another artist in my genre who doesn't type like an ESL LAmerican or SEAmonkey.

>> No.6879161

for some reason many of my followers are spanish speakers

>> No.6879511

Thinking very hard about this one.

>> No.6879641

This is true outside of the elitist energy it exudes. You can have artists who are far more skilled than you be a fan. I do share interests with my fans but I won't demean or block anyone. I do follow people back if they have
>Similar interests
>Don't tweet too often
>A good attitude
You could be beg for all I care but if you're a genuinely cool person, I'll follow you back. So many high and mighty artists are just
>Miserable and unfun to be around.
>Tweet way too fucking much
>Feed into the Twitter hive mind and bring up shit no one cares about and go on crusades
Places like Twitter is where it's hard to seperate the art from the person. But ultimately this is all a no brainer
>I like drawing big butts and boobs
>Why are these people who also like butts and boobs following me?

>> No.6879718

not your blog retard, meet real people offline so you don't necro dead threads retard.

>> No.6880180
File: 64 KB, 390x336, 1693685599128226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post art
unironically, autists loving your art could potentially be the highest of praises depending on the type of autistic

my followers are all lesbians and fat fetish porn pages
i exclusively do cute sfw loli and scrawny girl drawings so i dont understand, but theyre always kind and cool people

>> No.6880223

Filter them out by saying "Self-diagnosis is not valid" and the fakers will unfollow you.

>> No.6880469

Because you create things that attracts autistic people.
Normies also don't browse twitter 24/7 so you're already at a disadvantage here.

>> No.6881973

Fucking kek