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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 133 KB, 1190x618, mspaint-toolbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6860442 No.6860442 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys think leaving the mspaint toolbar in your art is a good aesthetic decision?

>> No.6860743

lol get fucked. I hate pretentious mspaint artists. Once it gets layers in the update, it'll be truly over for them. It's not special to draw in mspaint anymore.

>> No.6860835

what qualifies as doxx these days
used to be the home address
Was his real name or face revealed? or just his account name

>> No.6860839

you sound angry and unskilled. have you ever considered getting better at making art?

>> No.6860846

>getting DOXXED
>mspaint toolbar

>> No.6860849

It was never impressive to be able to draw in MSPaint. It was only pretentious snobs who pushed this notion. You can do in Paint anything you'd be able to do in any other program given enough time. It's just a ton more tedious.

>> No.6860852
File: 1.17 MB, 720x960, 1610397640516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It unironically is not impressive. Not with the style these nerds inevitably draw in (hard edge). Any notan, limited value, or "sculptural" style is best done on 1 layer, or maybe a couple. A lot of us already do the same thing in our program of choice, we just don't flex about it. But these MS paint artists are overwhelmingly teenagers with teen brain so what can you do.

>> No.6860855

good, fuck mspaint trannoids

>> No.6860857

Depends on the art. If you made a realistic piece in MS paint and do it, it comes across like >>6860743 said.

However, there's that very digital, y2k, vaporwave, kind of aesthetic where the toolbar does add something and feels like a stylistic choice beyond simply telling others what program you used - though chances are it wasn't made in ms paint and they used photoshop or something else.

>> No.6860864

People are mental holy shit
I'm gonna put the toolbar in my art to spite
Hell even if I'm not using paint I'm just gonna Photoshop the paint toolbar on there to fuck with people
Good incentive to post and get feedback from mentally sane people

>> No.6860873

>If you made a realistic piece in MS paint and do it
It's the opposite. A realistic painting like that 10000 hours in MS paint Santa shit on YouTube is actually impressive in an autistic way. I wouldn't call that pretentious. It's just regular tentious.
There's nothing interesting or unique about bathing your in a pink sheen of webcore aesthetic in 2023. It's played out.

>> No.6860875

You are such a sad small pathetic person.

>> No.6860893

this, how the hell you get doxxed leaving the toolbar in the picture? did the retard forgot to crop something else or what?

>> No.6860902
File: 375 KB, 1599x931, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mentally ill bastard get pleeged

>> No.6860903
File: 589 KB, 1063x832, 21530798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this, no idea what they're talking bout.

>> No.6860906

Trad or die

>> No.6860907

you sound like a obnoxious bitch but i agree, already tired of low effort beg sketchs on mspaint

>> No.6860913

twitter person says nothing about it being the ms paint toolbar. It's a fabrication OP came up with.

>> No.6860918


>> No.6860927
File: 396 KB, 947x832, 426790834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair enough, at least post some mspaint shit

>> No.6860934

i enjoy drawing in mspaint every once in a while but it's been getting to Tumblr levels of "I'm so quirky and silly guys look at me!!" recently and some artists straight up don't improve because of it

>> No.6860946
File: 259 KB, 946x2048, 1695763992347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone got pissed off because of the toolbar shit and started using one of his emails (Could be from public contact info for comms, patreon shit, kofi, whatever) and started using bots and shit to sign him up into whatever service, spam and crap known to man.
Zoomoids these days don't know what qualifies as a good fucking doxx.

They will never know the dread of some 4chins schizoid sending dildos, pizza, swat team and fbi reports to their home address.

>> No.6860973

>A realistic painting like that 10000 hours in MS paint Santa shit on YouTube is actually impressive in an autistic way.
Sort of, like you can be impressed by the use of the medium that's usually quite limited - like it's impressive seeing a realistic drawing in ball point pen, but it becomes less impressive when the picture's image has the ball point pen laying on top of it letting everyone know it was drawn in ball point pen, while also being titled "this amazing image was drawn in BALL POINT PEN and it will blow your mind", while the author is also uploading videos of their drawing in ball point pen etc.

It comes across that's it's less about the work produced, is more about the medium used, which while impressive, wasn't THAT impressive.
There's an artist on twitter I often see who I quite dislike, and while his actual landscape drawings are impressive, his gloating about how it was done in MS paint saps any positive feelings I had about them away.

Also I still like the Vaporwave aesthetic - I have trash taste and nothing will stop me!

>> No.6860975
File: 778 KB, 1311x937, 212745712457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, re-read the thread, i did not say shit, i just thought it was funny, I was talking about people who leave the mspaint toolbar in their artwork, and whether that's a good artistic choice or not. Learn to read.
Shit like this, from the guy I attached the tweet from in the post.

>> No.6860976

>it becomes less impressive when the picture's image has the ball point pen laying on top of it letting everyone know it was drawn in ball point pen, while also being titled "this amazing image was drawn in BALL POINT PEN and it will blow your mind", while the author is also uploading videos of their drawing in ball point pen etc.
you’re a moron

>> No.6860977

>people who leave the mspaint toolbar in their artwork
it's not "leaving it in their work", they deliberately screencap and put it there for attention rather than just saving the image like a normal person.

>> No.6860993

I'll draw in mspaint and add the Excel toolbar.

>> No.6860998


>> No.6861719

he deserved it

>> No.6861725

Yeah he should. Fuck you pretentious faggots. If you're not fishing for attention you would've just post the art instead of 'my le mspaint bad xD pls like'
In fact, a lot of pretentious artists jumping on engagement farming should expect such the less sincere and more soulless their works become.

>> No.6861726

I think it's funny. Why would people get angry over this?

>> No.6861729

He deserves it simply for using the word doxxed so incredibly incorrectly

>> No.6861842

>you’re a moron
Interesting point, here's a counter-point; Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6861855
File: 827 KB, 768x768, 1671758865780590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek mother of based.

Believe in something. Even if it means doxxing retards for Total Twitter Artist Death.

>> No.6861877
File: 37 KB, 115x156, youcantgowrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you too Mr. Pajeet Rameshvani

>> No.6861887
File: 1.19 MB, 832x832, 1691201653756449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posted the no-no picture!
Fuck you bloody, these are just regular reaction images.

>> No.6862481

lmao, this is pretty funny

>> No.6862489

why do people draw in mspaint?
is like painting a house using a toddlers toothbrush, no one cares once it's done

>> No.6862504
File: 55 KB, 544x626, 1667082614047282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just thinking here...

This zoomzoom faggot is getting raided for being a LARPing retard who likes to pretend he lives in the 80s despite being younger than Youtube.

And then he complains about it by:
>posting phone screenshot
>misusing the term "doxxing"
>ironic Higurashi avatar
All things accounted for, this isn't nearly enough punishment for this child trying hard to fit in.

>> No.6862537

There is a lot of hate in this thread for people who use MS, some of you raise good points about it simply being unnecessarily tedious or coming across as pretentious.

I feel like a lot of these criticism also apply to high effort posts on >>>/i/
Is working intentionally in an self-flagellating medium more forgivable if it is done earnestly for a love of the particular format or as a result of an autistic/ obsessive fixation? Asking for a friend...

>> No.6862541

I think people just don't like pretentious zoom zooms acting like a retard

>> No.6862592

>Is working intentionally in an self-flagellating medium more forgivable if it is done earnestly
No one there is wanking on about how they made it. Everyone's working in the same program, so it's not something to brag about.
Compare this to some MSpaint artists, who really want everyone to know what program they use.

>> No.6862841
File: 3.83 MB, 498x280, ratatouille-meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6863337

what if I'm just too poor to own a tablet and too lazy to scan drawings?