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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 23 KB, 399x388, 1654201615457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6858814 No.6858814 [Reply] [Original]

>google concept art for a movie I Iike
>like 1/4 of images popping are ugly as fuck AI shit
How long until image search engines become fully useless?

>> No.6858819

>AI is bad because..... uh I'm a dumb lil' chud with no argumenties and AI hurts my feefees :((( WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

>> No.6858823

>other bait thread reach bump limit
>make another
Reminder that tripfag is a bot
delete this thread OP or you'll be a forever tranny

>> No.6858874

IA is the shittest thing ever happened to art since the Gobelon trend

>> No.6858905

I use AI for pose references all the time. I know the details like fingers and eyes get fucked sometimes, but the overall poses are usually pretty good and usable as refs.
AI isn't going away, might as well use it for our own benefit.

>> No.6858917


>> No.6858921

Go on. Name the movie and let us see for ourselves.

>> No.6858932

For some topics, search engines already are completely useless. You have to go back to old sources of gathering information like finding curated indexes, reference libraries, word of mouth, etc

>> No.6858943

It's fucking over

>> No.6858953
File: 1.82 MB, 1024x1024, th99x7jwwfqb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell, that actually looks really cool

>> No.6858954

you should probably game end yourself

>> No.6859029
File: 392 KB, 1024x1024, pizza party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel
how do we beat this?
and no, i don't want to use legal means.
this isn't even in the realm of "they took our jerbs" like how tech bros like to pretend, theese fake photos look really realistic and can fool anyone
please tech bros make ai detection to see if photo is real or ai, i don't care about ai art at all

>> No.6859042

>make ai detection
That's often how these images are generated in the first place. You have two AIs, one making fakes, the other detecting them, each trying to out-compete each other. Anyone who made a better detection algo would just be making AI art harder to detect.

>> No.6859050

how the fuck do you get fooled by that shit

>> No.6859054

We need a Turing test 2.0 asap
When i am looking at thumbnails?

>> No.6859056
File: 202 KB, 1680x720, 157894230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them look pretty real ngl

>> No.6859059


You have CreativityPrivilege and can't see how the creativity challenged among us could be greatly aided by genAI.

Any X-privilege is about unearned benefits that are unevenly distributed. Eyeglasses make short-sightedness less of a disability now than in the past. Libraries & the Internet challenge control of knowledge via copyright. genAI will do the same w/ creativity.

people seem ignorant about the fact that there's a genetic basis to creativity that's heritable. A sizeable part of "creativity" is transmitted genetically. You artists, like all others with privilege, don't want to acknowledge that it isn't just "hard work" that got them where they are.

>> No.6859074

I don't want to destroy ai. I want to beat it somehow.
I want a new Turing test
I will probably buy a bunch of hard drive and download all my favorite stuff from Internet before ai slop takes over
The party is over.
I am kinda glad office jobs will die first so I can change my career into an epic adventurous job
Since i am compsci student, my new dream job is laying and fixing ocean internet cables. Wish me luck im getting it.

>> No.6859083

It seems hard to believe AI will democratize creativity in any meaningful sense when 99% of all output is used for decidedly unimaginative shlock.
Like you say, most people are not creative. If they couldn't imaginatively apply one of the gorillion artistic media before, why will that change now?
More likely AI will just enhance already creative people's output, including creative non-artists. You can't fix Emily the Live Love Laugh wine mom who with new tools though.

>> No.6859084

>how do we beat this?
Make art instead of throwaway garbage meant to look "cool" or "impressive".

>> No.6859126
File: 37 KB, 456x240, OpenAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art will be democratized!1!1!1
Retards will be retards, kek

>> No.6859129

We need to support stable diff and other open source ais
Atleast say something like "you're cool" when someone makes a LORA of your work

>> No.6859136

My thought is that some portion of art will go back to physical-only sales, the same way vinyl has become more popular again following the rise in music piracy.

You might also be able to bias the AI by watermarking images in the fourier domain, boosting a couple frequencies with a unique identifier. This wouldn't be noticeable to the human eye, but if enough images used to train AI had this invisible watermark, you'd be able to detect it in AI art.

>> No.6859142

Stable diffusion will be internationally banned because you AI pedos cant help yourself

>> No.6859150

This shit is just SD and the fag is larping.

>> No.6859157

How do you ban software that doesn't need Internet?
It's code. 1s and 0s that can be transphered by a usb and don't need Internet connection.

>> No.6859161

>How do you ban CP?
>It's code. 1s and 0s that can be transphered by a usb and don't need Internet connection.

>> No.6859179

>but if enough images used to train AI had this invisible watermark, you'd be able to detect it in AI art.
>Let's put AI watermarks on human art so AI art has the same watermark so we can detect what is AI

>> No.6859224

you should blow your brains out

>> No.6859236

so it's redundant then

>> No.6859239

You're not an artist, shut the fuck up. You don't understand what makes AI so terrible.

>> No.6859245

>Singularity?! What are you, some kind of retard?!
Meanwhile in reality:
>Predicted the AI revolution that's happening right now
>Predicted neuralink
>Predicted the accelerating returns of technological advancement
>Predicted VR
>Predicted mobile phones
>Predicted self driving cars
>Predicted nuclear fusion
We just can't stop winning.
Next on my list of predictions is all artists working at mcdonalds somewhere around mid october of this year.

>> No.6859251

I'm sick of these idiots self posting here.
I had a laugh when I read that, too. They unironically think they're apart of some tech cult that'll bring about the singularity. They're just religious nut jobs.

>> No.6859255

Predicted how? Most of those things are older than the internet.

>> No.6859256

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.6859258

>I had a laugh when I read that, too. They unironically think they're apart of some tech cult that'll bring about the singularity. They're just religious nut jobs.
they're retards with a high suicide rate because tech will not solve all of their social issues fast enough. they're bugmen out of their larval stage, the final form of a domesticated urbanite

>> No.6859259

You are retarded and have bought into a marketing scheme. AI is neither artificial nor intelligent. It's just data scraping under a fancy label.
>Next on my list of predictions is all artists working at mcdonalds somewhere around mid october of this year.
If we're truly reaching the "singularity", then none of us artists will ever have to work a job again. Just admit you're against real artists because you're talentless and data stealing thieves.

>> No.6859266

AI is AI, just because your understanding is limited to James Cameron movies doesn't change that fact.

>> No.6859267

>AI is neither artificial
>It's just data scraping under a fancy label.
Stable diffusion models are like 1.8 GB, it's blatantly clear that it's not "data scraping", even if you don't understand how it works. You're welcome to say it's art theft but you're going to have to revise your talking points to reflect reality

>> No.6859280

>You are retarded and have bought into a marketing scheme. AI is neither artificial nor intelligent. It's just data scraping under a fancy label.
Humans are just data scrapers as well. Data scraping seems to be THE way to achieve intelligence.
Think about it, when did you become "intelligent"? Right out of the womb? Probably not, right? It took a few years of "data scraping" by observing your surroundings through the senses before you became what one might call "intelligent".
>If we're truly reaching the "singularity", then none of us artists will ever have to work a job again. Just admit you're against real artists because you're talentless and data stealing thieves.
We're not quite there yet. It's not like if AGI gets invented that we instantly go to a utopia like society. It'll take time. "The singularity" is just a point in time where technology advances so fast we simply can't predict what will happen even 1 hour from now. We're still very far away from that. Like, imagine going to sleep and waking up in a world that's many times more advanced than the world you were in when you went to sleep. That's the singularity. I don't know if that's even possible, but theoretically it could be.

>> No.6859286
File: 22 KB, 910x512, 1671203585260750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uuuh, it's akchually not data scraping because of its file size

>> No.6859295

not sure what's more embarrassing. your failure of understanding human neurology, when an AIcuck tries to elevate imitative software to a human or diminish human to an imitative software. which one do you think is cringier and would make you a bigger social pariah tech cuck?

>> No.6859298

Why did you post a picture of a corporate slave wojak when my post specifically referred to an open source software?

>> No.6859305

I don't care if you do the retarded "uh ackshully humans are data scrapers just like robots" bunny trail. AI is not real. You have been lied to by advertisers and believed it this time. You are just a tech bro shilling around other people's art that has been put through a generator. There is not an infinite number of artists you can steal from and you do not know what you are doing and how it'll hurt culture and humans in general.

Also, being pro-AI is being pro data theft. It requires stealing identities, faces, artwork, and everything. You're not going to usher in a new era or trigger the singularity like Evangelion, you absolute faggot. You are just giving your data away, artists included, for our collective enslavement. That's why >>6859259 is gloating artists will have to work at McDonalds. Isn't that a strange thing to do if we're all going to reach "Singularity"? It's not about freedom or helping artists or triggering a "singularity", it's about idiots like you willingly playing with the tech that'll be a noose around all our necks.

>> No.6859307

I'm just explaining to you how it works.
Do you really think companies and governments would invest billions into AI if it was just glorified data scraping?
Data scraping is just part of the process, the real interesting part is the "compression" or "pattern recognition" part, which you guys love to leave out when describing how AI works.
You can see AI as a way of compressing information into elementary patterns. This comes with loss of data, which is why you can't perfectly recreate an image from the dataset, but you can recreate something that uses the same patterns.
It's really cool, actually. You should read up on it, I'm sure it'll make your arguments more convincing in the next AI thread.

>> No.6859312

>uhhh because it's a small file size it means it's not data scraping
Hello? They harvest art off of ArtStation and dA and pinterest... whatever they can get their hands on. Yes, it's stealing data and artwork. Sorry, your "AI tools" are just stolen art that goes through a filter and people are retarded enough to pay for it.

>> No.6859316
File: 187 KB, 1680x720, 30168493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how it works though.

>> No.6859317

>They harvest art off of ArtStation and dA and pinterest
Do you believe this automatically means the art is stolen? Do think merely looking at art to learn from it constitutes theft?

>> No.6859326

>Do you really think companies and governments would invest billions into AI if it was just glorified data scraping?
Yes, actually. You are fucking retarded. What is money laundering? That is the whole point. Call it something it isn't "artificial" and "intelligent", then just use it to steal data and get money off of subscriptions.
People who pay for it are actually paying cuck beta testers like yourself that help them tweak it. I can't even imagine doing it for free, but imagine paying companies to test their shitty data scrapers and image filters. It can't make art by itself. It's never been capable of that and never will be.

>> No.6859329

Yeah, it's all stolen artwork. I wouldn't play with AI if I were you. It's just a legal liability at this point.

>> No.6859330

holy shit, how naive you are lmao

>> No.6859333

>Do you really think companies and governments would invest billions into AI if it was just glorified data scraping?
not sure if you're this pathetically naive or you're shitposting. yes they would, do you think governments and corporations are heckin moral because they made a few pro LGBT and BLM statements?

>> No.6859336

I'm sorry you feel that way, but just because you think something is a certain way, doesn't mean it actually is that way.
Sorry, I guess. I know this period is hard for creatives but you'll get through it. It'll get better for everyone eventually, trust me.

>> No.6859339

Then how does it work, religious nutjob? There is no singularity.

>> No.6859341

>trusting a disingenuous AI pedo
Not gonna happen

>> No.6859343

>Do think merely looking at art to learn from it constitutes theft?
So by your own admission you believe that you've stolen art by learning from other artworks. Art theif.
Huh? The cat's out of the bag, SD has already been open sourced. Really the cat was already out of the bag when the latent diffusion paper was published. I'm a little confused what you're trying to get at here, but I know you're just going to be vague and ignorant

>> No.6859347
File: 148 KB, 1349x1687, ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next on my list of predictions
My prediction to you

>> No.6859348

I don't need some tech bros sympathy and I'd spit in your face if I could. I'm doing just fine, by the way. I've had no "loss of my job" and you don't understand how artists even work. You're just art thieves and it'll get struck down and bound by laws eventually, as it should. There is no matrix, there is no singularity, there is no deeper meaning to data scrapers and image compressors. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.6859349

AI boyfriends/girlfriends are already a thing lol. Have you been to /g/ lately?

>> No.6859354

You guys can be angry at me all you want, won't change reality. Lucky for you, the future is looking bright, even if you can't see that right now.

>> No.6859356

>So by your own admission you believe that you've stolen art by learning from other artworks. Art theif.
Notice how the AI faggots always try to put artists on the defensive. He just admitted they steal from dA, pinterest, and ArtStation but is trying to put that theft on artists somehow, as if we stole. Really fucking trash behavior and I'm never going to sign up for your shitty subscriptions. I hope you burn in hell and you crappy image compression generator shills get sued.

>> No.6859360

The only thing inevitable is lawsuits. You guys are fucking religious nut cases. There is no singularity or "artificial" "intelligence". Wake up and realize you're just a shill being used as a tool.

>> No.6859361

Artificial intelligence has been around longer than you, that's for sure.

>> No.6859364

You type like a female

>> No.6859365

No sorry I'm not going to waste any more time discussing AI or thinking about AI or arguing about AI. Tonight I'm going to just draw instead. Have a good thread everyone, I'm out of here.

>> No.6859366

You faggots don't know what "artificial" or "intelligence" is. It's marketing. I'm sorry you're dumb enough to have fallen for it. There is no singularity. If you want to go give your life to data scrapers, go do that. Just leave real artists and people of real talent out of it and you can be their guinea pig.

>> No.6859368

Go back to /r9k/. YWNBAW.

>> No.6859370

>The only thing inevitable is lawsuits.
The ones against stability that have been thrown out? Or the ones against openAI that are basically unwinnable?
I don't know, man. I think AI is simply too powerful of a technology for ANY government to hinder progress. If the US puts restrictions on AI development, China is literally going to take over the world lmao.

>> No.6859377

AI isn't REAL. Stop using the term. Start calling it data compression or image scraping because that's what it is. They want you to believe robots are right around the corner but it's just data and art theft. Don't be on their side.

>> No.6859383

Digital teddy bear 2.0

>> No.6859385

>AI isn't REAL.
Well, it's certainly "artificial".
Let's see if "intelligence" fits...
Definition of "intelligence" from the oxford dictionary:
>the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
Yup, seems like it fits. These models can acquire and apply knowledge and skills through pattern recognition.
Sorry, but it's most certainly "AI".

>> No.6859386


>> No.6859387

hello tripfag

>> No.6859392


>> No.6859393

>Yup, seems like it fits. These models can acquire and apply knowledge and skills through pattern recognition.
>apply knowledge
>pattern recognition
Bro, it's not real. It's a bunch of circuits. It can't think you and I, it cannot apply skills like you and it cannot recognize anything. It's like saying your computer "thinks". You're just using humanizing language for something that isn't human.

>> No.6859396

So you think you're the mad scientist. The artists are the guinea pigs. Transparent redditor. You are nothing more than a disposable redditor paid to shill this board and grift off real artists. You are a parasite, not an intellectual.

>> No.6859400

Any argument made in favor of "AI" is done in bad faith. These users are disingenuous. They are simply here to waste your time. AI-supporters on /ic/ are 100% trolls. Please consider not trying to engage with them.

>> No.6859402
File: 3.28 MB, 375x498, 1647961198781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of god you assholes stop feeding the spammer.
I am NOT announcing a report or sage, but the tools are available for you guys to use to make the board a better place.

>> No.6859404

I tried explaining it. In fact, I think I did a pretty good job at explaining it.
But I can't continue this conversation if the only input I get from you is "AI isn't real" without anything to back up your statement.
Thanks for listening to me, but at this point I think a neural network would have done a better job at absorbing the information I just gave you.

>> No.6859406

It's really on the mods to delete said threads but they don't. Any good anti-AI news they delete immediately. If they don't want us to argue with shills, they need to delete the threads.

>> No.6859409

Shut the fuck up, you talentless, non-artist fag. Go back to your subreddit and go hammer Starlink or whatever Elon is shilling these days into your brain.

>> No.6859410

No one's talking about art brother. AI is a much broader topic, I like art but it's not even a blip on the radar.

>> No.6859415

>No one's talking about art brother
This is the fucking /ic/ board. It's an art critique board. Just admit you're shills and go fuck off to /g/ or something.

>> No.6859422

>Any X-privilege is about unearned benefits that are unevenly distributed.
Straight from the DEI playbook. Tell us more about how being good at things is white supremacy and how everyone should be melted down into indistinguishable grey goo.

>> No.6859446

>pattern recognition
>when anything more complex than numbers fucks up spectacularly

>> No.6859450

obvious tripfag is obvious

>> No.6859484
File: 255 KB, 1527x1533, 1693294529694665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as in, you prompt the pose you want and use the result as a ref or inspiration?
that's kinda novel i guess. not sure how useful it is.
i feel like SD, just like LLMs can also just be good brainstorming and design tools. even if you don't let it actually generate anything related to your actual output.

the other thread is gone, but i'm still here :)
and no, i'm not ban evading.
this is proof enough that i'm not trolling nor spamming i'd say. and the janny agrees. (he's still a fag for thinking that AI doesn't belong here though.)

they are legitimately delusional. and they want to stay that way.

hello anon. and no. you're being shizo again.

>> No.6859486

>ban evading nigga

>> No.6859487

>attention whore attention whoring pretending he's not and not obvious to spot