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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6855291 No.6855291 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>50k followers on twitter
>saw the beatnik meme of raising your comm prices to $20 an hour
>charge $400 for my comms now
>instantly lose 3000 followers and way less people liking and rting my art, literally nobody asked me for comms for weeks
>twiddle my thumbs everyday to drop it back to $75 per full color because i need the money
are we permanently doomed to charge $4 an hour for comms now

>> No.6855298
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>listening to allbeatnik
Confirmed ngmi

>> No.6855316

Get better and you can charge more

>> No.6855338

It's been like that since the start lmao it's pretty common knowledge the only market that'll pay more than 150 bucks for a comm are furries D&D cucks

>> No.6855364

I'm not the type to say it, but it probably would be good to pyw so we can tell you if raising your prices is reasonable or not.

That said, twitter isn't exactly a place where you can expect high priced commissions. Sure you can get them from there, but it's probably not as likely as other places. Twitter is full of scumbag commies wanting papa government to fund their lifestyle of doing nothing, after all.

Finally, while raising your prices may have been reasonable for your work, if you went from $75 to $400, why did you expect anyone to hire you? You're more than tripping what you charge! It should have been a more gradual change.

>> No.6855365

Those 3000 followers you had were bots or onlyfans thots. It's just you only paid attention to your follower count after the fact.

>> No.6855406

I'm really curious what you charge 400 for.

>> No.6855412

>Get better and you can charge more
You dont know a dime about industry.

>> No.6855422


>> No.6855467

You're supposed to rise the price organically as demand for your work increases, you can't triple the price out of nowhere

>> No.6855481
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>makes his decisions based on fucking memes

>> No.6855546

digital commissions on twitter isn’t industry by any definition of the word

>> No.6855549

NIGGER, most good dc and marvelcomics in 2000s was worth not more than 5 dollars and thats for a FUCKING COMICS unlike your shitty scribbles page.

>> No.6855692

>This mass produced product is cheaper than this custom one-off bespoke product!
No shit.

>> No.6855695

look up how much it costs to replace a door then compare how much artists are expected to charge for a commission

>> No.6855698

>allegedly 50k
>not posting blog
>not posting work
Today on: Things that didnt happen.

>listening to Allb**n*k

>> No.6855702
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>> No.6855775

>artists are expected to charge $70 for a furry diaper comm
>charge a single cent more and you'll get shit on for being a delusional artist who overcharges for your art

>artists are expected to charge $40 for a furry diaper comm
>charge a single cent more and you'll get shit on for being a delusional artist who overcharges for your art and get twitter cancelled by all the furries

i dont think this art thing makes a lot of money imo

>> No.6855818

>Coms are the only way to make money from art
Get an art job.

>> No.6855842

I have 3k followers and have been charging around 20/25$ an hour for a couple of years. I get around 5-7 comms a month.
just get faster?

>> No.6855875

That's like saying you don't work in food and beverages by opening your own food stand because the big industries standards is by having f&b jobs at the McDonald's.

>> No.6855878

>he doesn't know that furry diaper artists make 300$ a commission now

>> No.6855881

>Food analogy for the Americans

>> No.6855927
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>> No.6855938

“the industry” means the entertainment industry - producing images and designs for production of video games, films, books, etc

>> No.6855953

I fry frozen hotdogs on the corner of a busy street! I'm something of a chef myself.

>> No.6859438

show your Comms or fuck off

>> No.6859472

Why would you jump from 75 straight to 400 and also how slow are you drawing if you need to charge 400 to get a basic 20 an hour?? That's 20 hours per commission!! What are you doing???

>> No.6859478
File: 28 KB, 700x368, url(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The average income for drawfags went way up, back then the bar between who got paid and who got exposure was way higher. Ten years ago unless you were high /int/ or a furry your work was largely expected to be free or at least so cheap PayPal was making as much off it as the artist did, and you could even get commercial jobs done for what a sketch would cost now if you knew how to talk to people. now even most of /beg/ could definitely score a 10 or 20$ comm every other month if they put effort in their marketing.

Most of the guys you see getting paid 30-50 now would have been bullied off the platform and called every antisemitic slur known to man if they listed prices higher than a pat on the back and a handful of Robux in the old days

>> No.6860260

Your work is worth what people will pay for it.

>> No.6861629
File: 164 KB, 840x528, 322-3225841_post-pepe-smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm charging $160 for colored comic pages
Am I fucking myself anons?

>> No.6861640


>> No.6861678

I know I should charge more, but I have currently too few costumers and nothing on the horizon and if I scare them away that's over for me

>> No.6861688

no chucklefuck "the industry" means wearking for fucking corps. Are you making something that will be in media? games? netflix? animations? Working for an actual entity, with signed contracts and an actual wage. Since your stuck on your food analogies, it's like claiming you selling hot dogs out of cancer water is the equivalent of working as a professional chef on the line with 20 other people serving 3 course meals.

online commissions is just that, slinging personal commissions for the average joe.

And yeah, it is your art, get better and charge more. If your art was popular or sought after people would be willing to pay, but it isn't and you obv don't produce anything of .

>> No.6861691

try suplimenting with upwork

>> No.6861702

>wojak faggot
I can guarantee your art sucks dick, not worth even the $75.

>> No.6861740

The barrier to entry for indies is significantly lower than it used to be. You dont have to rely on a publisher to peddle your craft, for example. Of course, this also means there tons more of them entering the market so unless you stand out you're going to have an uphill battle.

>> No.6861760

The jump is way too big, you should've raised it gradually you idiot. With this huge jump you require an entire new audience

>> No.6861762

300 a commission feels way too little for what it is

>> No.6861815

>Get an art job.
art jobs are dissapearing left and right

>> No.6861867

>still has no grasp on his own audience
Either you're lying or followers are meaningless hot air, both of which are equally noise for /ic/.

So fuck off.