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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 66 KB, 619x619, 275938244_926696234673826_2941832416325677157_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6853008 No.6853008 [Reply] [Original]

Hello everyone. I was really wondering if anyone with experience with both SFW and NSFW art knows how someone like me, who only does SFW, could gradually ease into ALSO doing NSFW content, as well.


>> No.6853092

Buy a burner phone.
Create an alt e-mail address.
Make up a new username.
Invent a fake "normal name" to use a pseudonym.
Forge a new art style.
Whatever you do, don't let people connect your SFW posts to your NSFW posts.
Don't even user the same browser.
Because you'll regret drawing something one day and you'll NEVER be able to erase the porn from the internet.
If it was a SFW drawing nobody would be backing it up, but these schizos have petabytes of porn backups.

>> No.6853113

>Paranoia, the post
Take your meds jfc.

>> No.6853116

Yeah, that's what I figured I'd have to do. What about if my work is only suggestive? IE not full-blown p*nrographic?
OP here, I can attest to his paranoia being valid. I tested the waters of doing NSFW before and had to can the whole project because some loser stalker kept harassing me on main.
While drawing NSFW may be lucrative, it comes with a trade-off.

>> No.6853122

>OP here, I can attest to his paranoia being valid. I tested the waters of doing NSFW before and had to can the whole project because some loser stalker kept harassing me on main.
>While drawing NSFW may be lucrative, it comes with a trade-off.
Kek, that can happen with SFW as well. Blocking and ignoring people is not that hard.

>> No.6853128

Bro, have you not seen the drama-ridden shithole that X, formerly twatter.com is? These PoS will literally stop at nothing to ruin lives for small artists. Just look at people like Mauzymice and other countless examples...

>> No.6853134

Yeah, you are confirming to be a paranoid conspiracy theorist, okay.

>> No.6853138

Are you fucking retarded? Have you not seen the harassment artists like Mauzymice got after becoming popular? It's not a fucking "conspiracy therory" that people are fucked in the head, especially online.

>> No.6853154

is that drawing urs, op?

>> No.6853157

Answer the original question

>> No.6853161

I created two separate accounts and used my strength as a style chameleon to progress both. Also for better or worse my NSFW account gains more popularity and followers despite posting daily on both. I kneel to coombros

>> No.6853162

taking that as a yes SNA

>> No.6853175

Yes, My name is Some Normal Artist on Instagram and I am a SFW-only account who wants to do NSFW as well, OKAY?!?!!? Jesus, now leave me be!!!

>> No.6853180

Why twittards decide to go after him?

>> No.6853184

Because his Silly Cat character became a popular meme (Boykisser, I'm sure you seen it) and they began to harass tf out him, using the fact he draws porn on Furaffinity as an excuse

>> No.6853187

Seems like there is a big influx of puriteens into the furry fandom lately. They should fuck off desu
Then again I can see why his art appeals to that demographic. If you do more sophisticated stuff these worms wouldn't have any interest in you.
Then again appealing to coomers might be an equally bad idea if you want peace of mind

>> No.6853194

>teens into the furry fandom lately. They should fuck off desu
>Then again I can see why his art appeals to that demographic. If you do more sophisticated stuff these worms wouldn't have any interest in you.
>Then again appealing to coomers might be an equally bad idea if you want peac
So in other words, I should make an alt account with a unique name + artstyle and just see how it goes?

>> No.6853201

I guess. Though personally after a lot of back and forth I've decided to avoid dealing with coomers at all. At most I'll do tasteful nudes and whatever porn I draw I'll keep to myself.

>> No.6853208

never thought id see u here but good luck making the switch lol

should just make a whole new username for the nsfw shit

>> No.6853223

I would rather just make it something like, SOA_NSFW, or something like that. Seems like too much effort to larp under a whole new persona, no?

>> No.6853240

You know what? FPBP. Thank you Anon, I am going to follow this guide you posted and do all the steps. Thanks.

>> No.6853335

Not OP, but can I still use same computer i am using now, and use it for art and streaming?
I am asking about opsec because I am an artist who wants start posting art online and don't want to be doxxed by computer hardware i am using.
And will need a computer if I ever want to make a livestream or to do a digital art collab with other artist in future
Does burner phone have to be a smartphone or can it be a cheaper phone with buttons
Like if I need to confirm my phone number for youtube could a non smartphone do it?

>> No.6853588

Who gives a fuck. Nobody cares. Are you hiding it from mom?

>> No.6853592

Idiots harrass people like you because of your attitude, not because they would harras any artist.
No wonder you are so paranoid LMAO.

>> No.6853593

Go to /fag

>> No.6853595

I told you who I am am, and you still haven't answered my question, but yeah okay I'M the one with the piss-poor attitude, okay anon

>> No.6853601

What question?
Do you seriously think there's only one person addressing you in this thread?

Seriously dude, you are clearly a fucking paranoid psycho. Get some mental help or something.

>> No.6853602

Mallet therapy op... Yeah.

>> No.6853609

Go fuck yourself you insecure chud, I just want to know some basic opsec from other artists but evidently yall are too good to help a small artist out
What the fuck does that even mean, meds now

>> No.6853612

it's spreading to 4chan, you cant go a day without some loser christcuck talking about how NSFW art is degenerate and only christian art is real and truly SOVL

it's all just self aggrandizing shit

>> No.6853613

It's not my fault that twatter retards are so ravenous when it comes to cancelling ppl over lame shit but somehow that's my fault

>> No.6853618

I would say you're fine to use the same PC and applications, as most all social media/art hosting sites remove the original EXIF data.

As for livestreams, I would say only choose to either do it on SFW or NSFW and never both.

>> No.6853622
File: 66 KB, 750x450, 16-pig-god-one-punch-man-anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anticoomer, antisissy meds now. Or you can take my fat juicy dick up your asshole troon, you choose.

>> No.6853625
File: 99 KB, 800x698, IMG_4326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procoomer, sissypills and estrogen now. Or you can take Tyrone's fattest juicy BBC in your boypussy chud. You're call

>> No.6853628

Yep, you zoomers are mentally ill, its even worse if you aren`t zoomer.
>You're call
Im gonna call your parents and school director chud.

>> No.6853634
File: 719 KB, 1042x1129, 34730 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6853639

>insecure chud
I'm not the one that is afraid of mean people online. You don't understand logic, do you?

I agree, it's not your fault that there's idiots online that harrass people. However it is your fault for having a personality that attracts this kind of people. Fix yourself first.

>> No.6853640

I have been thinking about switching into nsfw stuff too, but can the art style switch and different brushes actually help? I mean there can always be some traces here and there.

On the other hand the 'this is who I am, suck me off if you don't like it' approach looks very tempting, but you never know. Or something like >>6853208 said and be as calm and business minded about it or something.

>> No.6853643

Deranged generation, you should be unironically ashemed. YOU posted THIS, faggots...

>> No.6853644

I think we should have some kind of Discord discussion server where questioning NSFW-artists can negotiate how to eneter the business

>> No.6853646
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>> No.6853647

>You don't understand logic, do you?
No, retard doesn`t.

>> No.6853655

Show it to your dad or mom chris chan. Post your sonichu btw.

>> No.6853657

I think we need to have IDs as a site-web thing, this shit is fuckin crazy dawg I cant tell who be takin rn frrr

>> No.6853659

All zoomers should have internet id, that`s for sure. Or at least 99% of them.

>> No.6853661

Hey OP, I think you will be fine as artist as long as you use a new username and maybe just try simple artistic nudity IDK

>> No.6853663

That you, breh?

>> No.6853685

We still don't know if he wants to just draw nude pinup girls, or whatnot. I think if its just that, making a new acc with same name and nsfw tag will be enough. I think huge switch like drawing heavy fetish stuff would be harder and making more cautions.

I think this is a good starting point PM-ing them on twitter too or something to what to do or what not.

>> No.6853694

No one cares. Are you looking to be hired by a studio with HR roasties?

>> No.6853728

You mean some fat ugy schlomo at Warner media with his harem of diversity hires? Yeah, noone does that OP

>> No.6853781

This whole "counterculture" against anything that is slightly horny or suggestive is spreading fast everywhere, including here, and honestly it's disgusting and a little worrying.

>> No.6853788

>not liking depraved shit is DISGUSTING
You people are so poisoned by porn and other slop that normalcy is "disgusting" to you? Holy shit some yall really are past redemption

>> No.6853798

Normalcy is disgusting to me yes. You're nothing but a bunch of sheep.

>> No.6853808

>anything that is slightly horny or suggestive
>depraved shit

Black-and-white thinking is one of the prime indicators of autism. I'm not at all surprised to see it rampant on this site.

>> No.6853812

Says a goonslop victim. DUNNING KRUEGER IS REAL.
So you just a little bit goonslop victim, ahh, riiiiight...

>> No.6853813

Professor autism thank you.

>> No.6853814

Black and white? I guess not wanting to draw furry fetish hentai is bad now?

>> No.6853816

>Muh autism
Bro you realize that if you are on 4chud you literally are an autist too, yeah? Get tf off your high horse

>> No.6853822

>Bro you realize that if you are on 4chud you literally are an autist too, yeah? Get tf off your high horse
I`d post reddit basedjack but i never did and not gonna, speak for yourself pal. /ic wasn`t even close to this level of today autism back then.

>> No.6853849

Nigger what

>> No.6853851

Yeah, you are and?

>> No.6853852

Tell me you believe in sky daddy without telling me you believe in sky daddy.
My fucking sides.

>> No.6853853

>Tell me you believe in sky daddy without telling me you believe in sky daddy.
>My fucking sides.
Tell me you are zoomer tiktok user without telling me you are, LmAo...

>> No.6853855

Wow, what a jump, I probably expressed myself badly.
No, I don't have anything against SFW art, what I find disgusting and worrying are people that want to control what other artists do, and the whole culture of wanting to censor anything that is even slightly horny. Not everything has to be family friendly and clean.

>> No.6853858

and the whole culture of wanting to censor anything that is even slightly horny. Not everything has to be family friendly and clean.
Maaaaaaaan, to much to argue...
You know how anything that goes viral works? It poisons and multiplies, so does sexualization, too broad- yes but impact is real.

>> No.6853860

Adding to this- /ic is a great example of it, ai and coomers filled the board, guess why? You know why im sure.
There is a good movie about this topic- Idiocracy, that`s all im going to say.

>> No.6853869

>doesn't deny it
Hahahahaha. I knew it.
You people are so fucking dumb and gullible.
But it's not your fault for being born into these fairy tales.
I sincerely pity you.

>> No.6853871

Let me fap to whatever I want you weirdo

>> No.6853873

Also, no I don't use that crap (TikTok) and I'm almost 40.
Try again, religious nutcase.

>> No.6853905

you just want to control what people do, this isn't a blue board and if it's relevant people can post porn in here so shut up and cry me a river

>> No.6853906

eat the bugs goy

>> No.6853908

aren't you guys the one about freedom of speech?

>> No.6853913

>you just want to control what people do
And you don`t ;)
>cry me a river
Amount of mental gymnastics and hypocrisy.

>I'm almost 40.
Not mentally.

Attention seekers, why would you reply, why would you say it.
>Let me fap to whatever I want you weirdo

Nigger stop samefagging you are in 3 fucking threads. As childish as it gets.

>> No.6853954

imagine if these degenerates were the ones running countries, bunch of manchildren pseudo-intellectuals

also imagine being on 4chan saying youre almost 40 with pride while arguing with rebel teen tier of attacks of "muh sky daddy", holy shit

>> No.6853961

LMFAAAOOOOOOOOOOO I knew this site was reknown for its oldfags but goddamn nigga

>> No.6853963

wow what a shitshow. puritanfags truly are the worst. They always think they are above everyone else and saying something profound.

>> No.6853969
File: 396 KB, 800x800, 1695267282207817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you sacrificed your foreskin to yahweh anon

>> No.6853972

>Not mentally.
You aint wrong, but I'm the exact opposite of your average zoomer. In fact I hate them.

I just wanted to prove you wrong, and I did.
Tough luck, puritan nutcase.

>> No.6853976
File: 1.74 MB, 1041x1125, 62e42ecd6df294f4e4c4930873ec8a1e9ab0913b0e84a5e7ea8982402d16c4a3 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically but this, Praise YHWH

>> No.6853979

we should kill all women, they make me have impure thoughts

>> No.6853981

>admitting to being a christranny

>> No.6853990

>Coomer artcel is a pagay too

>> No.6854001
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>> No.6854053 [DELETED] 

I thought the left one should be walking on water. That's historically more correct.

My fucking sides LMAO.

>> No.6854056

Shouldn't the right one be walking on water. You know, for historical accuracy.

My fucking sides LMAO.

>> No.6854061

Nice job fucking up your own joke & then failing to delete ur comment faggot LMFAO.

>> No.6854064

I don't see it anywhere. I don't know what you are talking about, my dear santa/unicorns/fairies believer.

>> No.6854227
File: 131 KB, 1067x810, 64654656456456546456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4cuck oldfag is developing cataracts

>> No.6854240

The joke is still good.

>> No.6854253
File: 90 KB, 592x573, 49605 - SoyBooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, no it wasn't. It was fucking vantablack nigger coal beyond redemption

>> No.6854280

why are almost all religious fanatics I know also racist af?

>> No.6854298

Because White People are the trve Israelites or something along those parameters

>> No.6854302

You go to /pol/ and spics there are hating on blacks and christians equally alike nigger wtf are you on

>> No.6854329

It's not paranoia. You guys have to get one thing inside your heads that has been said forever but I think you don't take the implications seriously enough.

The internet.



Anything you write on any website, no matter whether it's public or "private" like DMs, real name, phone number, etc. WILL become public permanently when that website gets hacked and the data gets leaked.
Say your main is called xXvirginXx. Your email account is xXvirginXx at email dot com. Your alt is xXchadXx. Guess what? if someone just Googles xXvirginXx there's a chance they'll find your leaked e-mail with alt username buried in the results.
Don't use the same username everywhere. Don't use the same password in two places not because of security but because of privacy concerns. Don't use the same e-mail for multiple identities. Don't link your phone number to your alt e-mail. Use other 2FA and recovery methods. If a site asks you for first name and last name, use a fake name. Don't use a fake name that sounds fake somewhere that should have your real name because that will make people ask questions. Use a fake name that sounds real so you can keep a low profile. Use a random name generator to avoid giving out your personal bias at picking names.
NEVER tell anyone your real identity under a fake identity. Once your identity is compromised it's permanent. Always think twice before disclosing personal info. You can delete the tweet but not the screencap. You can delete your discord/reddit account but they won't delete what you typed. You can close your patreon account but you can't delete the thread in the hentai site that rips off your patreon content. This very post may end up in an archive.
Assume anything you post will be on the internet in 20 years and you may have no way to delete it. If you want to take the risk, do what you can to protect yourself now or it will be too late later.

>> No.6854350

Never visited pol and I'm not staring today.
Also, nice logic you have going on there. Flawless kek.

>> No.6854370
File: 50 KB, 618x741, 1691603346003985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and am quite happy with life desu

>> No.6854423

You won't be when you are sent to hell for eating clams

>> No.6854610

Thanks anon, very insightful. Question though, if an old account is in an archive that I cant blacklist, then what? Take the L?

>> No.6854673

This sure is one helluva thread

>> No.6854694

>You won't be when you are sent to hell for eating clams
tell me youre an ignorant youtube comment-tier anti-theist without telling me youre ignorant youtube comment-tier anti-theist

atheist seem to read the bible like a fundamentalist literalist zealot would and think that is what judaism/christianity are lmao

>> No.6854697

>for eating clams
well no, i do eat my wifes clam, but that is permited, not that you would understand virgin-kun

>> No.6854700

Leviticus 18:22 says "TOTAL FAGGOT DEATH"

>> No.6854701

Good job on committing career suicide you fucking retard. Holy mother of fail at basic opsec

>> No.6854704
File: 32 KB, 287x440, jesus-oniisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leviticus 18:22
‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable."

>> No.6854713

So jerking each other off is okay

>> No.6854714

>atheist seem to read the bible like a fundamentalist literalist zealot would and think that is what judaism/christianity are
you do realize there are lots of fundamentalists? lots of atheists are atheists because fundamentalists disprove intelligent design

>> No.6854716

>Using the new, fabricated revisions
Sodomite cope.

>> No.6854720

Oh so you get to pick and choose which of god's rules to follow. Oh how convenient.

>> No.6854725

It doesn't matter because a faggot/tranny being called "detestable" is still enough to send them into a onions rage and probably ACK themself ^^

>> No.6854726

being gay isnt a sin, acting on it is
a good ol' brotherly hand may fall into acting on it so i would say no, it isnt okay

but having a girl jerking you and your friend off while you both ignore her and just lust at each other imagining the womans hand is your friends
that may be a loophole, at least for the LV 18:22 bit, it would still be bad by the hedonistic nature of it

if you want to be a total degenerate, then do it with your wife in marriage

>> No.6854728

>you do realize there are lots of fundamentalists? lots of atheists are atheists because fundamentalists disprove intelligent design
pick a small group and project that small groups misgivings onto the whole group
truly a big brain move and surely shows how intelligent you are, atheist-kun

>> No.6854730

>fundamentalists disprove intelligent design
ameritard lefites disprove intelligent design
they cant even tell you what a woman is kek

>> No.6854736

>ach other imagining the womans hand is your friends
>that may be a loophole, at least for the LV 18:22 bit, it would still be bad by the hedonistic nature of it
No where in the Bible does your perverted basterdization exist. Every single one of you Satanic faggots who force LGBT shit on Catholic churches are going to get tortured and subject to genocide on the Day of the Rope.

>> No.6854740
File: 121 KB, 394x384, 13388454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want me to take your shit seriously? Start by living by your own standards first. I've yet to encounter a single christfag who does. I'm not sure where religitards keep getting their high horses from.

>> No.6854746

>You want me to take your shit seriously? Start by living by your own standards first. I've yet to encounter a single christfag who does. I'm not sure where religitards keep getting their high horses from.
keep on strawmaning atheist-kun

>> No.6854750

easy to say that when you yourself follow no moral law thus you can be arrogant all you want and always dodge moral responsiblity accusations

atheism is literally for teenagers who are rebelling against papa and mama

>> No.6854751
File: 476 KB, 720x616, 40663 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No standards
I do live by my own standards, that's why I just choose to genocide faggots, not satanic larpers like you

>> No.6854755

oh look, atheist-kun has decided to post as a fake christfag, being hateful, thus making it look like he was right with his straw man

atheists truly are intelligent, bravo
imagine being a 40 year old chud arguing on 4chan like a dawkins dick rider lmao

>> No.6854757

Nigga, are you fuckin retarded????

>> No.6854759
File: 54 KB, 600x600, F6EJvv5bMAADY2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very clear you are cherrypicking shit from of the bible i am to abide to, then cherrypicking shit from the bible you personally don't need to abide to. It seems you're putting your own word and judgment over god's.
All in all, seems im gunna have a buncha playthings to yiff way down in hell

>> No.6854763

You have 3 options.
1. Do nothing.
2. Change usernames.
3. Change identities.
If there's nothing problematic in the old account, then there's nothing to worry about. If there's something problematic in it, but you don't remember what exactly, it might be a good idea to thoroughly check it to see what you have spilled about yourself that you shouldn't have.
Archives keep information forever but nobody can actually find it without a good query. There's almost 1 million results in gelbooru for "animal ears" and every day more are added. You can bet that there are lots of images in boorus and galleries in hentai sites that nobody has visited in years because even if you use all its tags you still get thousands of results. I mean... except for the author tags. If an author draws the most vanilla shit without tags, but you know their name, you can find their works.
Same way as people can find your posts.
If you want some protection from the compromised information tied to your username, you should change usernames so that nobody who knows your current username can easily find your old compromised post. If we're talking about something like Twitter, it could be they have account IDs that don't change when you change usernames, and you never know, so making a new account could be a better idea. Of course someone who is really trying to find you may figure out your old username but most people won't think that you changed usernames because you're afraid someone could find compromising information by searching for it.
If the compromised information is really problematic and risking it isn't an option, you should burn everything down. If this isn't reasonable for you, take the L and the risk. But if you can burn everything down and start again from scratch you probably should. The longer you keep posting under a compromised identity the worse the problem will get. It's time you could use to accustom yourself to a new online identity instead.

>> No.6854767
File: 89 KB, 838x372, 1694980075294507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6854769

>Cherry picking
>Want to claim this is fake:
Leviticus 20:13
King James Version
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Read full chapter
Leviticus 20:13 in all English translations

>> No.6854771

>All in all, seems im gunna have a buncha playthings to yiff way down in hell
go outside, touch grass, get a real relationship with a real human
the internet is not real life

>> No.6854774
File: 182 KB, 1792x1080, 253de3081b20c066eb98f4d4abed71df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6854775

>they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
based jews

>> No.6854811

The problem with Christians is you simply don't believe in the Bible, and like the filthy atheist pointed out you just like to pick and choose. The Bible teaches that women are the property of men, that you can sell your daughter, that there is no age of consent you can marry a little girl, that polygamy is OK, that secular prostitution is permissible, that it says the man is the image and glory of God and the woman is the glory of the man, and I can prove all these things and you still will not believe it.

>> No.6855051

homosexuality is no more of a sin than being straight.

>> No.6855205

Good to know. Also, do you happen to know if Discord deletes usernames with your account following new update?

>> No.6855208
File: 1.21 MB, 1739x1480, 44449 - SoyBooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem with Christians is you simply don't believe in the Bible, and like the filthy atheist pointed out you just like to pick and choose. The Bible teaches that women are the property of men, that you can sell your daughter, that there is no age of consent you can marry a little girl, that polygamy is OK, that secular prostitution is permissible, that it says the man is the image and glory of God and the woman is the glory of the man, and I can prove all these things and you still will not believe it.
>homosexuality is no more of a sin than being straight.

>> No.6855223

hell no, just make a new username

>> No.6855225

adding to this, i already knew it was you bc ive been a follower for a few years and kinda see the nsfw in ur art. like that recent drawing with the big booba... i could tell you didnt wanna draw a shirt. i might be wrong but i can def see you doing nsfw.

>> No.6855531

I did almost all of this, too. I am still working on forging a new art style that's different from my own.

Though if your SFW is famous enough people will pay you extra to do NSFW.

>> No.6855551

not him but no because I never heard of him, because I don’t live online

>> No.6855663


I like your brushes SNA btw.

>> No.6855665

Hating women is kinda gay anon
>verification not required

>> No.6855696

Do people really have this problem?
From the Start I've stated that I wanted to draw Huge Tittied Anime Girls and Had no Problem with that lole. but Of course I've Always Tried to not be linked to my personal Info

>> No.6855721

>I'm not sure where religitards keep getting their high horses from.
They are all subject to dunning kruger. It's the indoctrination that does this. They simply don't understand how to think critically and are thaught that they are right no matter what.

>> No.6855758
File: 942 KB, 1512x2116, dunecoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no
these are the earliest depictions of jesus
literally none of them has blue eyes or blond hair
face it you're worshiping a desert jew

>> No.6855767

How we did go to seeing how sna fucked up his opsec to talking about jesus hair color

>> No.6855867

just an alt email for organization and a different name is enough. You're not runnng from the government

>> No.6855874

>They are all subject to dunning kruger. It's the indoctrination that does this. They simply don't understand how to think critically and are thaught that they are right no matter what.
projecting much

>> No.6855882

>religious people through history advanced engineering, science, mathematics, medicine
>atheist troons only seethe and do nothing of value for society
>proceed to gaslight everyone into thinking religion is a boogeyman

>> No.6855891
File: 315 KB, 600x860, desuvult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ic is teaching me the religious larpers can act like real humans and level headed while the athiest seethers act like children and project their own fallacies and inedequacies

oh how the turn tables

>> No.6855905

>calling others larpers

>> No.6855906

>he dont know
Maybe you should desu more

>> No.6856144

nah he's right you're legit cringe, anime trad larper

>> No.6856703
File: 147 KB, 750x840, 1667436783971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one except for puritanical zoomies and christcucks will care if you start drawing coom art

>> No.6856789
File: 247 KB, 744x768, 060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see barely religious imagery and anime
>starts seething
>he seriously doesn't know
man zoomers are really goddamn retards that are so far up their asses to smell their own farts desu

>> No.6856821

what does your art look like and why do you want to draw porn? Are you personally interested in it, and what's your existing follower's demographics and are they unreasonably horny about stuff you are drawing?

>> No.6857201

Dude, no one's gonna eat you if they knew about you drawing NSFW, probably an alt username is enough.

>> No.6857212

2nding this.

>> No.6857294

No religious teachings ever advanced science, mathematics, medicine or engineering. The only thing religion helped was to give financial support to those people, like any other influential and rich institution in history.

Thankfully there were geniuses that managed to think out of the box in order to make those advancements.

Seriously dude, yours is one of the worst arguments for religion I've ever heard lol.
But honestly that's not strange coming from a religitard devoid of any critical thinking ability.

I'm so fucking glad I wasn't born into this cult nonsense lol.

>> No.6857297

You are just confirming that ic is crap for learning anything. Nothing new here anon.

>> No.6857544

It's funny, because a lot of the overly religious countries are a result of missionaries and colonialists that came from countries that are nowhere near as religious now.

Like, all of the American missionaries in West Africa, for example.

>> No.6857560

The more a country is advanced, the more secular it gets.

>> No.6858000
File: 181 KB, 1167x2048, F6yg4P6bwAASW66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of profitability and popularity, is it better to stick to draw SFW than NSFW?
Guys like Hews, CSR, Fishine, Ooyun used to draw NSFW arts before moving on to draw sexy pinups or SFW only.

>> No.6858142

All the shit you are talking about has nothing to do with op, fuck you both lmao

>> No.6858508

Fucking dumbass, many religious teachings have contributed to the advancement of science, mathematics, medicine, and engineering. For example, the Islamic Golden Age (8th-14th centuries) saw significant advancements in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and chemistry 1. The works of Muslim scholars such as Al-Khwarizmi and Ibn Sina (Avicenna) were instrumental in the development of algebra and medicine, respectively 2.
Similarly, the European Renaissance (14th-17th centuries) was a period of great scientific and artistic achievement that was heavily influenced by Christian teachings 1. The works of scientists such as Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler were inspired by their religious beliefs 1.
In modern times, many religious institutions have invested in scientific research and development. For example, the Vatican Observatory is one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world 1.

Cope harder coomer retard, your days are numbered.

>> No.6858516

A lot of those countries are pretty advanced due to the resources they continue to plunder from the less 'advanced' ones.

That being said a lot of the US is still behind.

>> No.6858520
File: 82 KB, 728x647, IMG_8707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gee, I wonder why the urban cities are always complete shit holes

>> No.6858622

I swer to god (pun intended), you religitards are so fucking dumb it hurts.
Just because people HAD TO BE religious in order to not be ostracized, this doesn't mean we have to thank religion itself for their findings.
I know it's hard for you to understand this, because of all the brainwashing, but sometimes you should really try to use some logic when you are trying to make good arguments.

>> No.6858671

that's blue not white

>> No.6859949

>paypal requires a kyc and shows your full name
>patreon asks for a kyc and also shows your full name
Try "getting into" nsfw and getting paid in crypto, like all the morons
Maybe some crypto babies first traders wants your specific style and porn niche
It could happen
I guess

>> No.6859980

Anon did you… Did you forget to remove the source links when you asked that chatGPT clone to give you examples? Religion has been nothing but a hindrance to the progress of science even to this day, with christians going out of their way to persecute people who questioned the doctrine at the time, not even in an attempt to reject God but just just to try and understand the world better. While many islamic scholars of the time helped advance math and astronomy and even western culture in a sense, it was during a time when Islam was much more open and tolerant, and helped by cultural exchanges with other countries. Modern Islam is much different, I mean I’ve met an islamic who believed people having brains (the actual organ) is fake news and that Allah just made us have souls.

>> No.6860218
File: 31 KB, 541x567, images - 2023-09-26T075018.529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6862488

how do you do this kind of face shading? anyone know?

>> No.6862522

the guy has a youtube channel teaching art there

>> No.6862548

>style chameleon
>its just anime style

>> No.6862550

Over thinking it faggots. You can make an nsfw and sfw and profit from both. People who like your nsfw will be curious of your sfw and vice versa.

Just dont use your real name anywhere public and youre good. Its also possible to be a mix of both.
If you want coombux then go all in.

>> No.6862559

just google somenormalartist and check out his videos.

>> No.6863227

Legit thread that devolved into:

>No! My way is right and everyone should do it like me

>> No.6863331

based crabs making the life of utter fucking retards even more difficult :D

>> No.6865977
File: 18 KB, 430x322, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot, And like a root out of parched ground; He has no stately form or majesty That we should look upon Him, Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him."

>> No.6866303


this you?

>> No.6866697

wtf OP is a dude? I thought he was a girl based on how he types

>> No.6869829
