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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 797 KB, 1735x1603, high quality edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6850638 No.6850638 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a /beg/inner or /int/ermediate in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Use this thread instead of making new threads or post in the drawthread with fundamental exercises.

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
Old: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-draw-learn
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
When giving feedback, avoid vague "advice" - point what's wrong and try to give the anon you're quoting a clear direction
to improve their art (study heads < watch THIS VIDEO about head structure, read THIS SECTION of THIS ARTIST'S BOOK, etc).
You, feedback seeking anon, should also try to be clear and concise when asking for critique/help.
When posting your artwork, say what you want help with, and what's your goal with the study/artwork.

previous >>6847946

>> No.6850650
File: 228 KB, 1229x691, dewdle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /beg/ like my doodle, just started drawing again after a injury/long time hiatus.

>> No.6850660

Very cute, reminds me of the mom from Erased

>> No.6850667
File: 92 KB, 811x614, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any footfag anons able to help me put together these dogs?

>> No.6850669


>> No.6850678
File: 1.37 MB, 3000x2453, beets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, I can't even draw boots, imagine an entire foot.

>> No.6850680

dont have my tablet here but this video might help you it even has the same or similar foot "pose" in it

>> No.6850682
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 48412c67f9f9777f34248dece8803588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see people are becoming more cultured

disregard footwear, embrace the sniffa

>> No.6850684
File: 129 KB, 811x614, feet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850701
File: 225 KB, 1539x1240, hjsdkhlkjfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should try rendering one day

>> No.6850709

I have a huion kamvas 13, but it won't work with clip paint studio. None of the hotkeys function and then pen straight up doesn't do anything. It's fine with other programs but I am getting really frustrated the second I decide to try art again this shit fucks me in the ass. Google comes up with nothing, the same shit "please email customer support" with no fixes. Does anyone know how to fix it?

>> No.6850715

anon you should have listened to the autist that trys to save this board

>> No.6850719

try messing around with Windows ink and don't listen to that other retard. everybody hates him

>> No.6850723

did you install drivers?

>> No.6850727

I didn't buy it myself, it was a gift from my grandma. I had a Wacom Intuos before and it was pretty small. I've had the huion for a year or so, I might be able to finagle trading it in for an upgrade at some point.

I'll see if that fixes it.


>> No.6850729

did you uninstall your wacom drivers first?
did you uninstall/reinstall huion drivers?
did you set shit up with the huiontablet software?
did you make sure your work area was set to the right screen?

>> No.6850733

I have kamvas 13 since last year, it's just like this guy said >>6850719 it has something to do with Windows ink although i can't give you step by step since i already forgot the specifics.

>> No.6850736

clip studio paint is garbo anyways. install krita

>> No.6850737

it was windows ink

had to go into the windows settings and change things, was a pain in the ass. Don't know why that was only effecting clip paint but whatever.

>> No.6850739

glad you got it worked out, friend

>> No.6850745

What the FUCK is this? Does this dude not have toes? Does he not have heels? Does his foot not have an arch? Brother, come on now.

>> No.6850749

bro lost his feet adventuring and you're gonna give him shit? Give him a break, he's just happy he still has nubs he can walk on.

>> No.6850752

I bet you would love to see his toes, heels, feel it and lick it all over.

>> No.6850754
File: 1.82 MB, 2680x2964, av san elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of heels, I tried numerous things while drawing my favorite elf.

>> No.6850755

Those are obviously hooves.

>> No.6850762

Thanks anons!

>> No.6850777

I'm failing at figure drawing... even my mannequins are fucked up mutants...

>> No.6850790

>he refuses to post any work so that others might help him

>> No.6850794
File: 372 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_0070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying 30 second Vilppu gestures for the first time. What issues do I need to be mindful of before doing thousands more?

>> No.6850799

The fact that timed gestures are a waste of time for you. Put in more effort in a single gesture and keep redrawing it till it looks okay to you.
Simplify your lines. Use only C curves, S curves and straight lines. These usually are referred to CSI lines.

>> No.6850817

>30 second Vilppu gestures
Just don't
They literally serve no purpose

>> No.6850819
File: 263 KB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forget the jaw isn't directly in the middle of the side of the head

>> No.6850828
File: 443 KB, 659x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for the pose-kun meme luckily I got a $5 chinese knock off

I should have just bought this instead for $16 (i'm going to

>> No.6850831

>I bought a knockoff and it's shit
Unless you're willing to drop $60+, just use 3d posing software.
Even if you're willing to buy something made in Japan, you're still better off with 3d models.
The figma ones are total shit, the figuarts ones are better but still bad

>> No.6850833

I rather have something I can glance at all the time so I rather have a physical body on my desk for anatomy

what 3d posing software do you suggest?

>> No.6850840

no need to guess. google image "head in profile"

>> No.6850842

well yeah but I'm trying to freestyle with no references during it in between practices

>> No.6850864

Thanks anon.
When sketching gestures with the CSI lines, as a beg, should I still make an effort to keep drawing lines continually, or should I start and stop before deliberating the next line? Either way, would the redrawing process involve simply erasing and setting new lines on top of the old until the gesture looks complete enough to start constructing on?

>> No.6850872

I haven’t drawn so far today and I won’t for the rest of the day. Maybe if you people weren’t such pieces of shit you’d get more participation.

>> No.6850873

design doll or clip studio's built in one
If you want a figure, 1000toys synthetic human.

>> No.6850881

stop drawing boxes as an absolute beginner i beg you

>> No.6850888
File: 509 KB, 2560x1920, 35 web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850895

thanks anon :) I can see the resemblance too now that I looked it up!

these are all really cool looking, great line work. clean too. Hopefully I get there one day too.

nice forms and good lines!

>> No.6850897
File: 68 KB, 736x960, FB_IMG_1613621655468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious what you'll say. Obviously intentional stylization.

>> No.6850914
File: 463 KB, 1350x1560, Illustration37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo when did /beg/ get based af?

>> No.6850919

Disliked and unsubscribed

>> No.6850933
File: 1.67 MB, 1469x1958, 1695236912567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get some proportions correct, and I think I pretty much nailed the lines of the left hand, but I somehow ended up with the left leg thinner than the right one, even though my ref has it the other way around.

What should my takeaway be?

>> No.6850938

Clothing and bodies look good for the most part. The feet look good too. Hands are a little rougher, but still passable.
But faces. Faces are your problem anon. I would focus on just doing busts or floating heads for now. The only decent face here in the profile gent with the pony tail

>> No.6850942

lol this faggot thinks he’s on YouTube

>> No.6850954
File: 493 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled_1.1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need some advice on how to communicate my idea better.

This is a reference picture I took, pretend the power ranger is a stand in for a nude woman

the idea i'm trying to communicate is how young woman get roped into pursuing onlyfans as a way to make money, but of course only the top 3% make anything, while the average model makes less than $180/month, even if they do make something, once the novelty weares off to their audience they have to do more and more degrading shit to make money. I'm thinking the jar could also have a crack to symbolize the girls broken dream or something.

The idea behind the jar is a reference to the rainbow dash cumjar and to the bella delphine bathwater/piss jar product, its meant to symbolize/reference the idea of female sexuality being sold as an erotic product.

this is for an art assignment, so obviously I cant say its the holes fault. I'm worried it might come off as too sjw/femenist tho, anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.6850958

Have the woman have a dripping cock to make them really think

>> No.6850960
File: 555 KB, 1113x1500, 56a68644-8dba-4d84-8cb9-451ac974c2b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the woman's pose to be similar to something like this:

>> No.6850964

die coomer

>> No.6850965

Sounds like youre going to a ngmi art college. Drop out snd study Loomis

>> No.6850969

Wtf those fingers don't look real.
Sounds gay asf, look at some political cartoonists maybe how they portray certain things like this.

>> No.6850982
File: 174 KB, 399x361, Dotty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever made the op image why did you saturize my fawn so much

>> No.6850984

I have a huion kamvas 13 and use clip studio paint (albeit pirated) idk what your problem could be, but it is not huion's fault

>> No.6850985

Thanks for the feedback anon
What is the biggest problem with the faces do you think?
I admit I'm not sure where to start on what to focus to improve about that

>> No.6851006

Do you do this with a tablet? If so, how long did it take you to get used to using the tablet over pen and paper?

>> No.6851010
File: 193 KB, 790x660, image_2023-09-20_174015645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some critique, I think her hand is a bit smaller? its supposed to be like behind her somewhat, like just hovering over a board, which i havent drawn of course. The body looks kinda appealing for now, but something seems off.

>> No.6851014

is that crystal maiden

>> No.6851015 [DELETED] 

day 66
i felt burned out from painting so i drew some shoes

there is no way better to communicate an idea than to improve the idea
ideas are communication, if you can't "communicate it" then the idea isn't good enough
>The idea behind the jar is a reference to the rainbow dash cumjar and to the bella delphine bathwater/piss jar product, its meant to symbolize/reference the idea of female sexuality being sold as an erotic product.
this symbolism doesn't really tracks which is why you can't communicate it, there are better ways to tell it and you should talk with women trapped in this predicament to see how they feel about it
is that a zombie? Now I want to draw it
I actually was inspired by this to study shoes because I thought about redlining this and I realized I wouldn't be able to redline these for shit

>> No.6851018
File: 772 KB, 3069x3630, cubes66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 66
i felt burned out from painting so i drew some shoes

there is no way better to communicate an idea than to improve the idea
ideas are communication, if you can't "communicate it" then the idea isn't good enough
>The idea behind the jar is a reference to the rainbow dash cumjar and to the bella delphine bathwater/piss jar product, its meant to symbolize/reference the idea of female sexuality being sold as an erotic product.
this symbolism doesn't really tracks which is why you can't communicate it, there are better ways to tell it and you should talk with women trapped in this predicament to see how they feel about it
is that a zombie? Now I want to draw it
I actually was inspired by this to study shoes because I thought about redlining this and I realized I wouldn't be able to redline these for shit

>> No.6851019

Ye. the poster girl of Dota 2.

>> No.6851020

based dotard come post in d2g

>> No.6851021

once its finished and presentable I will. I intend to color it.

>> No.6851023
File: 2.37 MB, 1337x1427, herald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello gentlemen. I drew this scene recently, and I'm quite proud of it as it's really like the third time I've drawn people in an actual place. However, there's certainly room to improve.

I know that some of the details might be muddy but what concerns me the most is how my shading kind of sucks. It's fine with individual shapes I think but what really gets me is how to do it in a complex environment with multiple figures. Are there any tricks for that besides just drawing more?

I'm also unsure as to how you should differentiate texture.

Feel free to tell me if there are other things you think I should work on!

>> No.6851027
File: 732 KB, 2000x1210, быстрое говно круглой хуйней.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851031
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, sketch4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting to a point where drawing these figures is kind of relaxing. No time limit or anything. Just unwinding.
Started out surprisingly nice (top left), but halfway through I got tired. Advice on how to improve these would be welcome.

>> No.6851045

more sakura please

>> No.6851050

>only the top 3% make anything, while the average model makes less than $180/month
99% of onlyfans """"models"""" don't actually put in the slightest amount of effort, or are hideous, or have absolutely no fucking clue how to market themselves (usually a combination of all 3)

>> No.6851056
File: 3.59 MB, 3500x1969, 0913231657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

timed figure drawings

>> No.6851058

Thanks anon

Yes, it's on a tablet. I found the switch from pen to be very easy. A few days maybe, but by then I wasn't fully in control of my strokes, so I don't think it really mattered.

>> No.6851059
File: 83 KB, 1621x892, dadbnana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will these meme exercises help me draw cool action scenes in a comic?

>> No.6851065

practice what you want to learn, doing exercises that won't lead you to your ultimate goal doesn't help very much, if you want to draw people, would you learn to draw cars?, if you want to draw buildings and architecture, would you take a figure drawing class? draw what you want

>> No.6851078

Is vilppus animal drawing book the best for drawing animals?

>> No.6851081
File: 42 KB, 256x256, 3amt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't know and just follow a video course

>> No.6851084

you don't know what? what you want to draw?

>> No.6851085

don't know how*

>> No.6851088

bo because you aren't even trying, because you don't care about drawing whatever you're drawing

>> No.6851098
File: 210 KB, 512x512, 1681592515884978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right. I drag myself out of bed, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. I have no desire to face another day of monotony and drudgery, but I have no choice. I must do what I expect of myself to do, what my fragile ego demands of me, what I have been conditioned to believe is my duty. I put on a mask of happiness and compliance, hiding my true self from the world and myself. I go through the motions of life, without passion or purpose, without joy or meaning, I just exist and follow my own hollowed out ego like a blind fanatic. I am a prisoner of my own existence, a slave to my own fate. I am doing something I don’t like to do, and I have no passion for it. But I do it anyways, in a dramatic, sad and ironic manner. It's over.

>> No.6851103

principle of specificity works anyway, you should do what you want to do

>> No.6851110

But I'm a howie anon, don't you get it? I'm a hollow shell that doesn't find true purpose and meaning in anything, I have tried almost every single hobby there is in existence. Sad hopeless cases like me get attracted like fruit flies to wine to this site, because we can express our true feelings of how we know what gigantic pathetic subhumans we truly are.

>> No.6851112
File: 1.80 MB, 2820x2032, 1685033095245305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow is another day to try again

>> No.6851114

why do morons like you start pretending they don't care about anything when you pressure them?
>cool action scenes in a comic
You said so yourself. You're not depressed, you're scared. Scared of drawing so you fuck around like 50% of this board

>> No.6851120

Nah, I'm very similar to him. It's not for lack of caring, it's a lack of passion and enjoyment. Fear of failure can certainly can exacerbate things, along with other negative emotions

>> No.6851126

Hey beg, ye old fred here! Shilling a server that might help you improve. We have a lot of people from different boards, plus a semi active community.
>We have a trade channel,

>a oc fight channel, essistenally pi lt your oc aganist someome elses, the people of our discord will vote who wins in the fight


>> No.6851129

how come we ended up this way brother..

>> No.6851133

I'm really struggling with the switch to tablet. I even have one with a screen, but I can't just get the hang of it. Any advice? Honestly, that goes for anyone who might be able to help.

>> No.6851144
File: 1.69 MB, 1477x1050, 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're scared. Scared of drawing so you fuck around like 50% of this board

Captcha: SWA0RD lol

>> No.6851145

You're asking the wrong questions. Despite how it feels you are for a reason and I can promise you that.
While at this point in your life you may feel hollow and devoid of whatever humanity others seem to possess, you will learn that your life experience is just as valuable as anyone else's. What you're doing now is the necessary struggle and self-exploration to express the emanations of your soul in a beautiful way. I won't say it gets easier, but it does get better and so do you
Sorrow is better than laughter, For when a face is sad the heart may be happy [because it is growing in wisdom].
Ecclesiastes 7:3

>> No.6851156

It's a cool looking drawing but it's really difficult to read exactly what I am looking at. Especially at a quicker glance, when I really look at it I can see what you're drawing and it's real neat. Try to improve readability is what I can suggest, and you can do that in a lot of different ways. You should try to differentiate between line weight more so, you can do texturing too but your line weight is sort of all over the place which is partly why it's difficult to read. Keep drawing anon. GL :)

>> No.6851160

these are nice studies, but you should try to focus on certain areas for a extended period of time. If you wanna draw whole sequences, then try to segment what you learn for weeks or months at a time until you feel comfortable enough to integrate what you learn into your more complete works.

>> No.6851193
File: 876 KB, 1771x1254, practice19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this same tablet together with CSP and I've never had a problem like this, very rarely the PC doesn't recognize the tablet but then just turn the display on and off and everything goes back to normal

>> No.6851194
File: 859 KB, 1694x2153, girrl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still working on this

>> No.6851197

How long did it take you to be able to do lineart like this? That sort of thing is my end goal... hell even a fraction of that would be nice...

>> No.6851214
File: 1.69 MB, 1620x1620, 4CC14F93-3239-4750-BF50-C26A8413B709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this a few days ago. What do I need to improve on for next time?

>> No.6851217

I didn't do lineart, I just sketch and erase with the eraser until the sketch is cleaner
the brush is a hard round with pressure transparency
I've been drawing for about 4 or 5 years
I'll see if I can edit the video and post the webm

>> No.6851236
File: 3.05 MB, 1280x906, 1671759525335961.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't able to record the end of the video due to file size and software limitations but this is 90% of the video

>> No.6851240

Thank you anon, hopefully I'm able to get there in time... right now I'm struggling to even do basic shapes on a tablet. I don't have the problem on paper, but it's really frustrating making the switch so far.

>> No.6851242

no worries, it took me about 2 months to get used to the tablet too

>> No.6851243

very nice

>> No.6851249

Beginner here, or at least fairly beginner. I didn't really draw as a kid much at all; is it important to just draw like a kid without construction or anything for a while before you start trying to learn seriously? Like crawl before you walk? Or is that just gonna create bad habits?

>> No.6851253
File: 113 KB, 543x758, imagem_2023-09-20_204903226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6851255

No you should not make bad habits, you will not get any benefit just doing symbol drawing you will waste time and get frustrated. Learn you fundamentals and apply them to drawings.

>> No.6851261

I think so. Just draw for a while, get into the habit of drawing, get familiar with making marks, experiment a lot, and look at a lot of art.

>> No.6851266
File: 158 KB, 1080x810, 8E10B86F-0002-455C-8D23-1F8A3FC0DF29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851298

What's the secret to drawing forest? Autistically painting trunks or shape voodoo magic?

>> No.6851310

how do you decide what to work on as a /beg/? right now i am trying to do fig drawing and value studies daily, but i am kinda lost as to where to go from there

>> No.6851313

Draw what you like(like mimic what inspired you to draw in the first place), then see/ask what was the worst part and work on that.

>> No.6851319
File: 11 KB, 896x896, cool sunset thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to think in a sense of foreground, mid ground, and background. You need to decide your perspective too. Are you IN the forest? Are you looking at it from a distance?

Heres a little pixel forest I did a while ago.

>> No.6851322
File: 12 KB, 140x62, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What program is this? I have seen in on many anon's posts here

>> No.6851326

Thank you anon!

>> No.6851329

i use timer chan

>> No.6851331
File: 881 KB, 1683x2171, kuj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon the tip I never knew I needed in my life .
Relinarted this drawing and I like the way it turnedout.

>> No.6851346

looks pretty nice

>> No.6851379
File: 369 KB, 1080x824, post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to get better at drawing heads

>> No.6851390

these are nice

>> No.6851391
File: 955 KB, 2560x1440, 406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello beg, final plane landed!

very flat on many places but it is probably WIP
just follow some book and or course? the beg advantage is that no matter what you do, there is only space to improve
start with drawing from observation. get photo of forest, draw what you see
observation, perspective, construction. in that order.
hands, shades connecting hand-stone or body-ground, textures, background
there are quite a lot of books about animals yet i never seen anyone ever saying if any of them is good or bad. and 99% furries dont actually draw anatomically correct animals so they wont help you either. your guess is as good as anyone else
nice booba
you need keys to drawing. yes it is THAT bad
i dont like it. there is nothing inherently wrong with it but... no, just no. it is like anti appeal
i kneel

>> No.6851400

Sounds interesting, i like the idea. Maybe this video explaining the issue more in-depth will help you. The whole onlyfans shit is fucking disgusting, so it's nice there is finally some pushback.

>> No.6851404


>> No.6851407

God, I wish I had a pixel wife so bad.

>> No.6851475

Does anyone have an app to cycle through figure poses? I've been using https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing but I've nearly seen all the images and wanted to slideshow the figure packs I've downloaded with varying times on each picture

>> No.6851477

quickposes has one for 15 bucks. There's also a gesture drawing app on art station, but that program stopped opening on my computer for some reason. I'd click the icon, but no window would open. Fuck that app. Use the quickposes one.

>> No.6851481
File: 314 KB, 2667x4000, free-woman-nude-pose-for-artist-figure-drawing-gesture-muslin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time with drawing really big images like this getting it to look right and proportional.

>> No.6851496

thanks but i want to get really nice but im pretty plateaued right now

>> No.6851510


>> No.6851530
File: 3.18 MB, 5000x8000, fig30min_9_21_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why these 30 minutes of figure drawing felt so much harder than yesterday. Looking on the bright side my shoulder now feels like it's just sore and not painful because I fixed my posture

>> No.6851531

I had to remind myself to draw gestures and not just do contour lines

>> No.6851567


>> No.6851571
File: 2.44 MB, 2298x3557, 20230921_001630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this at work today

>> No.6851577 [DELETED] 
File: 695 KB, 1364x1637, Screenshot 2023-09-20 232557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, i would recommend practicing Hampton's process and following his procedures much more carefully. It will set you up with good drawing habits. I don't know what teacher you were following before, but you're not being careful enough to do tight, solid forms. Supplementing Hampton with Bridgman will be a good idea

I know it can be boring drawing basic geometric forms, but it's super important, I can't emphasize it enough

I would stop doing 10-30 second figures by the way, they have never really benefited me in the past. 2 minutes minimum. 5-10 minutes are even more beneficial.

>> No.6851579
File: 528 KB, 1072x1600, 1676466247534494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851599

>you need keys to drawing
I would keep grinding at it, but I have no model for the next exercise...

I go to figure drawing, but there's so much stuff to pay attention to I prefer to not think about keys to drawing and just draw.

And in the meantime I draw photos

>> No.6851604
File: 101 KB, 564x542, 1681520972378329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follow someone
>immediately unfollow
>find out hours later they had followed me back
What do I do. They'll keep liking my posts but I won't be liking any of theirs back

>> No.6851632
File: 1.62 MB, 2992x2992, 20230921_173841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6851639
File: 983 KB, 1240x1754, hathaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to improve proportions but I still fail miserably at this

>> No.6851656

hes going to think youre a scumbag who did it on purpose. if youre bigger than him hes gonna harbor an inner hatred to bigger artists now. you need to do right by him. bend the knee.

>> No.6851675

Do you know any good books on color theory and how to paint well?
I went through gurney but i dont think i learnt much other than real life painting tools and stuff.

Is there any good playlists or videos or courses?

>> No.6851685

My plan is just to do Loomis' Creative Illustration. I'm only doing tonal work at the moment though, using his figure drawing book.

The Loomis books are basically an all in one package to mastering painting, imo

>> No.6851691

How do I overcome the feeling of being so shit? Like I don't really mind my art but it certainly wouldn't get me a job or anything. I hit 25 a couple months back and I guess I'm just reevaluating things a bit, you know like it's time to focus on having a career and all that. I just don't think I'd ever be able to with my skills at the level they are now.

>> No.6851693
File: 413 KB, 1440x3088, 1677272739620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant figure out what's wrong with it

>> No.6851695

Either quit art or work harder at it. Do you want to make it a career? only you can answer

>> No.6851697

I don't think I 'can' make it a career, it might be unironically too late for me but I still really enjoy it.

>> No.6851701
File: 3.39 MB, 1286x950, Olympus slope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last bit of foolin, big project time

>> No.6851709

Post your work, let me see if you will make it

>> No.6851711

What makes you think there is something wrong with it.

>> No.6851722
File: 1.30 MB, 1617x1617, cat shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what I could do. Firstly be careful with proportions more. Head too big, body too small, the right foot huge again, hands very small, arms too long. Once you get the proportions sorted out you should see a great improvement in your art.

>> No.6851737

i dont know man, her left shoulder looks weird like her torso is twisted the wrong way but when i stand in that pose in front of a mirror it seems like thats the way its supposed to be for the pose. i unno, you see anything glaringly off?

>> No.6851741
File: 752 KB, 1200x1601, file084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6851742

Just use references anon

>> No.6851760

ive spent hours trying to figure this pose out and nothing seems right i should just do something else

>> No.6851763

Have you been working on the same single attempt for hours or have you been scrapping the bad drawings and starting over from scratch?
Definitely if a drawing isn’t going good in the early phases it can be better to toss it and start over.
If you’re doing that and it’s still not working then just take a break for a while and try again later.

>> No.6851768

i have spent about 5 hours in the last 2 days making modifications to it, creating new layers and changing a bit of it at a time and it just looks shit

>> No.6851777

If you’ve been trying to fix the same drawing for that long and it still has fundamental issues then you should toss it and start over.
Honestly you should get in the habit of tossing drawings as soon as you identify major structural problems with them. Erasing to make minor adjustments is fine, but if you notice that something major is wrong with the proportions/perspective it’s usually better to just start over.
Post the basic sketch with no colors so we can look at the underlying structure.

>> No.6851778
File: 2.16 MB, 1958x1469, 1695294980128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a box autism with a ruler

>> No.6851779

im gonna delete the file and then just not draw for a few days and just do gestures for a few weeks before trying an actual figure again

>> No.6851781

This is pretty shitty, either follow someone and mean it or just don't.

>> No.6851782

why do people in /beg/ get so scared of making a bad drawing and scrapping it? that's part of learning bros. I delete so many drawings I've spent sometimes hours on. And it's fine. Everytime I do it, I feel like deleting stuff/starting over less and less. You guys should chill out, maybe have a cigarette or something. I will say though, everyone ITT is doing great compared to some other times I've seen /beg/. I too am a little bitch /beg/, but I am here for some morale support lol. Keep drawing anons.

>> No.6851791

really nice anon, where do i start with krenz?

>> No.6851792

like his courses overall or within the perspective course?
i've heard people say accuracy > SAM > perspective > light, but i've only done part of the perspective course

>> No.6851806
File: 2.08 MB, 3929x2991, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily fig drawing. Switched to a softer brush with opacity pressure and i think it helped with the chicken scratching, I hope. I have been struggling to sit and draw anything, but i have been forcing myself to at least do some reps to maintain the habit. I downloaded the artstation gesture app, I hope being able to use my own refs of cute boys will inspire me to draw longer figure studies, all the guys from line of action are fat...
where do i find the accuracy course? I only have a link to the perspective one, but i feel i am too beg for it yet. accuracy sounds boring and like a pain, but every artist i like recommends it, so i gotta suck it.

>> No.6851843

>I have been struggling to sit and draw anything, but i have been forcing myself to at least do some reps to maintain the habit
this feeling means you need to draw something fun and that you enjoy otherwise you will soon fall into a state of burnout
study that feels forced and boring is always going to give you less gains and this goes for learning anything, use a ratio of 80/20 or 70/30 of grind/fun and see if that helps over the course of the next few weeks

>> No.6851846

>keys to drawing
i would rather take my pen and use it to forcefully penetrate the grey matter deep inside my skull than try to understand what the fuck that book is talking about.

>> No.6851848

maybe forcing was a bit exaggerated, i do enjoy doing reps. I cannot come up with anything fun to draw anyways, i am not good enough to draw the things i want, there isnt an artist i want to autistically copy, and the thing i like to draw(cute boys) have near non-existent fun refs i can study, nor interesting characters i want to draw. I wish i was into a gachashit or something, so i could draw the characters.

>> No.6851849
File: 7 KB, 241x209, the frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought an expensive tablet only to realise i can't draw anything other than boxes

>> No.6851905

>i am not good enough to draw the things i want
the only way to get good enough is to make bad drawings of the things you want to draw, and slowly improve them using your studies
for all the bad qualities of draw a box, his advice on splitting study/fun time 50:50 is solid

>> No.6851920

>the thing i like to draw(cute boys) have near non-existent fun refs
just copy omori fanart or something

>> No.6851923

>Open some sketches from a year ago
>Notice some progress, but clearly a low amount of progress for one year of work
This is kind of demotivating

>> No.6851956

Did you venture out of your comfort zone? Did you experiment? How much did you draw?

>> No.6851970

which tablet you get brotha?

>> No.6851987

anon...you must be over 18 years old to post here

>> No.6851990

Samsung s8 ultra. I suppose i didnt fuck myself with a regular screen tablet and can actually use it for other things, but the primary reason was to draw, still haven't figured it out yet.

>> No.6851996
File: 2.92 MB, 3042x3395, erufu step.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I noticed is that even if I improved on a very minimal level my drawings which looked good to me at that time now they I immediately notice my errors, so at leats my observation skills improved.

For example: this is one of my older drawings and how I approached it. Apart from the obvious like I lack the foundations, the hair is just bad and face structure and the tip of the boot and the heel is way too short, I can immediately tell the other bad parts too, like the heel's awkward angle, and the calf should be thinner where it connects the feet. as even the perspective is wonky. Even the less "serious" parts, like the body language (I still don't know why she points like that either) the fold on latex, yadda yadda there are a lot of things wrong here but it was a necessary step since I never even tackled shading before this, did any latex drawing or any form of somewhat "forced" perspective. This was extremely outside of my comfort zone at that time.
The thing is: it looked good to me at that time, but now I immediately notice my errors and see why is this bad, and how differently would I approach pretty much everything. I would fiddle with the CSP model to come up with a pose, and build the pose from that, but thats it.

>> No.6852002
File: 1.29 MB, 1958x1224, 1695310905221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still life. I couldn't quite get the angle of the two clubs right, but in the end I said fuck it and rendered what I had to get some practice in

>> No.6852005

Nice! What pens do you use?

>> No.6852009

NTA but my brain just shuts down when I try to do anything without being handheld, like speaking of drawabox, I can do that because he basically gives a step-by-step on how to do it. Trying to draw what I want? Fucking TV static in my head, not a clue what to do.

>> No.6852011

Just keep pushing yourself to do better.

>> No.6852045

You know what to do you just don't like the answer

>> No.6852049
File: 426 KB, 1798x2428, 20230921_111304~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I skip Bridgman's section of faces? Anyways back to drawing after being on vacation last week.

>> No.6852081
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x1836, 20230921_112426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who drew them all, I'd say try out the ones that look interesting to you. But in general I agree with most people in that he tends to overcomplicate the head, and other methods like from Steve Huston and Loomis will be easier to get to grips with. Some of his ideas are interesting like the way he experiments with jamming different shapes together to conceptualize the plane shifts. I also enjoyed his segments on the features of the face, eyes, lips, nose, etc. So pick out the parts that you like the look of and don't sweat passing over the others.

>> No.6852106

I recently sold my S8 tablet. Its very good for art but fuck, its bad for my posture, I can still draw a shitton of things with trad. Maybe I will buy a screenless but idk.

As for drawing, dude just go on Pinterest and copy photos.

>> No.6852118

Galaxysisters... We're back

>> No.6852129

Thanks! And I use micron 005s

>> No.6852205

>bro just drooooow
all i can droow are mere childish symbolic drawings. ngmi!

>> No.6852208

It's an amazing toy, really, and I liked drawing with it. But I don't need a tablet, for me it was very unergonomic to use generally and I want all my files and activities in fewer, sturdy devices if possible.

>> No.6852210
File: 65 KB, 850x400, quote-it-took-me-four-years-to-paint-like-raphael-but-a-lifetime-to-paint-like-a-child-pablo-picasso-23-13-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6852214

if you tell me to just draw i will kill myself. i dont get how it's just innate to you people.

>> No.6852215
File: 1.56 MB, 1771x1254, practice20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I colored it
I don't know how to render so I did everything with the gpen so all the shadow edges are hard

>> No.6852217

>just go on Pinterest and copy photos.
yeah that's like saying 'go to google images and copy'. Idk what to search.

Bleh, i'll probably just look up 'drawing references' there and trace the shit.

>> No.6852225
File: 51 KB, 542x797, makeupart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have no idea then draw her eye with the makeup. I love chicks with makeup art.

>verification not required

>> No.6852240
File: 1.74 MB, 2480x3436, 1695092646695123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doodled it in class

>> No.6852247

I haven’t drawn today, either.

>> No.6852260
File: 823 KB, 1066x1477, 1695092646695123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew it in class

>> No.6852263

Is there a way to setup a hotkey to turn pressure-sensitive opacity on and off in CSP?

>> No.6852274

Same, Howie. Work's been a bitch this week, and I didn't have the energy for Hampton or Framed Perspective either today. I'm hoping for a productive weekend.

To prevent your shaky lines you could practice drawing more from the should. As an exercise you could try putting two dots at either side of the page. Try to get from one to the other in a single line.
Likewise going lighter on the linework until you have something good down, erase the incorrect ones and draw in the best you can do.

Not bad. When sketching add a light line for eyes to make it easier to level them. Currently one is higher than the other which could have had an easy fix.
Thighs are shaped well, but you're missing the butt for the figure. Only the thinnest possible anorexic would have a sausage legs visible without a bit of mass for the behind.
Good job on her right hand, the left feels noticeably worse because you've made all fingers visually the same length. Middle finger -> ring and index finger -> pinky. They should have a slight triangular shape as a whole (adjusted for perspective).
Keep going, anon.

>> No.6852281

Wrong guess. I think I read half of framed perspective a couple of years ago.

>> No.6852286
File: 73 KB, 640x480, IMG_1712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still got a bookmark in there.

>> No.6852300

Thank you guys. I will make sure that my next Marleys are better.

>> No.6852326
File: 135 KB, 907x950, Lazy_as_fuck_eye_drawing_0921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew it bro. Lazy as fuck beg drawing but at least I drew. Now its your turn.

you gave me motivation

>> No.6852330
File: 1.13 MB, 959x2459, yuuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip working on lineart practice

>> No.6852345
File: 529 KB, 632x852, It&#039;s Over Kobeni Chilena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to draw to get good at drawing

>> No.6852346

>you gave me motivation
That’s nice. So I’m better than most everyone here since I motivated someone. You assholes just told me I was NGMI and I should KYS and YWNBAW.

>> No.6852386
File: 69 KB, 748x944, photo_2023-09-20_12-48-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch :|

>> No.6852418

My favorite part of Bridgman is when half of the book is head drawing and the other half is hand drawing when it's supposed to be an anatomy book

>> No.6852458

>kinda started working on art regularly again
>monkey pawed by fact that I'm trying to nail a specific face design that isn't even consistent in my mind and there is like only one truly accurate reference drawing from official source that is in realistic style instead of simplified I'm going for
>the dream design (the uncanny valley-ish but still attractive) probably isn't close to the source and it might just look like anime kemono muzzle with no black dot at the end. Just kinda wanted an excuse to make mouth/nose larger to make a bit of animalistic look and have an excuse for character to have a greater bite force.
I think I might just go back to normal human faces, otherwise I'm risking my sanity.

>> No.6852476

post drawings, not to sound rude but posts like these are hard to follow/understand without the artwork to match

>> No.6852480

>Drew it in class
pls say youre in uni/college
you must be 18+ to post here
if you are underage, pls go find a discord from the oc gen peeps as they have a few groomers amongst them, or so ive read

>> No.6852481

Is clip paint studio shit? I have it already, came free with my tablet. But holy fuck I cannot get a goddamn straight stoke no matter what I do. It's been two minutes trying to use this thing and I want to kill someone.Stablizer is at 4, but I don't know if it actually applied or not.

>> No.6852493

It's got a lot of handy tools, but it's not great for sketching imo. I would say it's great for painting if my mixer brush didn't lag at large resolutions

>> No.6852498
File: 1.89 MB, 3204x1942, sketch218PORTFOLIOTEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I draw mainly with CSP, but now that you said.. It does seem harder to draw lines with it. If I've had a break, it feels bad to get back to drawing if you draw on CSP for some reason. Don't use any of the stabilizations, though. And my stuff looks like this:

>> No.6852503

it is mostly used and shilled because of the stupid reasoning of "if others use it it means its good/the best so i must use it too"

just browse around/pirate software until you find something you like, hell, id recommend Paint Tool Sai 2 or medibang paint, or if you want fancy options without it being PS, try krita

>> No.6852506


It's just hard to get back to photoshop after getting accustomed to how CSP works. The way you resize brush is so much smoother in CSP, for example.

>> No.6852512

What is a good one for sketching?
Also Is there anything I can do about brush strokes being jittery on wrong? I can't handle how angry I get over the fact I know I need a line/shape/brushstroke in my head, I can see it, but can't get it on the tablet.

why are you even in /beg/?

Technically have PS, is that better/easier to get into?

>> No.6852545

Please I am desperate, if I can't even get a fucking line down right how am I supposed to do this at all? I've been trying for two hours.

>> No.6852549

99% chance the issue is something 30 seconds of googling can fix, anon is just rarted.
My Intuos Pro also didn't work for the first time, the pamphlet doesn't even mention having to download the driver

>> No.6852557

Skill issue.

>> No.6852559

>why are you even in /beg/?
read the title of the thread again

>> No.6852628
File: 79 KB, 807x1091, dudescolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried my hand at a full coloring after fucking around too long with tutorials. It's difficult, I'm not a big fan.
What do you think?

>> No.6852631
File: 59 KB, 600x815, dudessketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The non-colorised version, for reference.
It kinda looks better?
Maybe I should just stick to black and white, and do hatching.

>> No.6852649

it's in the /asg/ op

>> No.6852701
File: 302 KB, 1280x720, sketch5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6852747


Because I am int. I've never had an art job, and I've only done like 4 comissions in my life. :(

>> No.6852843

The only thing I miss from PS is the easy straight lines, but that can be replicated "except with infinite angles instead of 4" using 2 hotkeys for rulers in CSP. Everything else is either on par or better. It's subjective but I also much prefer CSP's brush engine EXCEPT Csp has the asset store with thousands of amazing brushes that are either free or like 10 cents in their currency thing. And I'm not exactly sure what your inability to make a straight stroke has to do with the software, but I'm leaning towards *nothing*.

>> No.6852855
File: 210 KB, 703x1053, gato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly cat

>> No.6852872
File: 260 KB, 703x1053, 1695337185708471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly less silly cat

>> No.6852891

Yeah i guess it's more accurate but being honest i like my version more.

>> No.6852902

>not listening to me

jk bro you do you, draw a 5 feet long pelvis if you want

>> No.6852921

Only niggers have five foot penises. Are you some king of darky loving faggot?

>> No.6852935
File: 960 KB, 2560x1440, 407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup beg. Cars: i like cars. Too bad they have ellipses. I always die a little inside when i draw wobbly lopsided ellipse under wrong angle so it doesnt even properly fit the perspective.

for a coomer piece i would add way more shades between ass cheeks, after all the coomer audience wants to feel the form there the most
the only way i can color for now is to color pick existing colors from ref. try doing that. also set up the color picker to make average from surrounding pixels, it is too unreliable to pick from single pixel
i kneel
to be fair hands and heads are the most difficult so it lowkey makes sense
looks cool but not coomable
eeeeyyy nice
i am not sure, but i think the hand on left is very awkward position, like the wrist is bend too much?
cute, coomable. good job
i still remember that day when my 1st tablet came and then the reality horror hit me: i have to draw. terrifying realization
if you got filtered by KtD then try either the more handholding one
>Drawing for the Absolute and Utter Beginner
or the more autistic analytical with sprinkle of geometry
>The Art and Science of Drawing
modern world removes risk from children: they never learn how to cope with stress, choice paralysis or risk management. tldr they are pussies
pro beg tip: draw construction lines softly and or highlight final lines with thicker lines like i did with my cars
seeking career in art seems foolish. you probably want normal job and draw on the side and then MAYBE become pro drawer in time
Richard Schmid Alla Prima II
Bob Ross Painting with Bob Ross
Gammell Twilight of Painting
i love it

>> No.6852938

lol look at this retard encouraging people to be shit if you suck at the start you’ll always suck which is why you suck moron

>> No.6852945
File: 1.43 MB, 2757x2550, Businessman Centurion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to word it.. but these would look twice as awesome if your lines were sharper
A /pro/ on /ic/? Must be a mirage

>> No.6852973
File: 1.96 MB, 4000x6000, fig30min_9_22_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting to really look forward to drawing more and more each day. These figure poses felt like they came out a lot cleaner than yesterday. I also spent an hour and a half doing trad and working on my seeing skill. Really happy to have gotten 2 hours of practice all together today!

>> No.6853001


>> No.6853052

>Only niggers have five foot penises
Stop watching kike porn and go outside, fucking retard

>> No.6853099
File: 171 KB, 1008x1470, mouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat quick sketch. What is good, what isn't, what do you like, what don't you like?

>> No.6853143
File: 237 KB, 1008x1470, m67dq1bmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6853146
File: 124 KB, 854x480, Morning Routine - American Psycho (1_12) Movie CLIP (2000) HD 0-22 screenshot - bw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more rotoscoping, though I did switch from using a mouse to using a 10 year old WACOM tablet+stylus half way through

>> No.6853177

Gotta be more expressive with something so simplistic. Exaggerate the pose more and really nail her expression. She looks tired not frightened

>> No.6853181

what's the point

>> No.6853183

something new

>> No.6853195

>American basedcho

>> No.6853197
File: 293 KB, 868x766, sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going for that uncanny valley look a half-gnoll would have(and there is like one actual picture to base on, so gotta supplement with anime stuff), but also add some cuteness to it. I might be actually on good track to get something workable. even if it loses on weirdness.
Drawing ability is a different issue tho. A lot of work awaits.

>> No.6853212
File: 589 KB, 3597x2862, cubes67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 67
im tired
i need to get to 100 then i can take a break

you're not feeling the form bro

>> No.6853217

>t. Paul Allen

>> No.6853220

Anyone have either a good video or infographic on placing irises? I can draw a blank eye well, but the size and matching direction of irises/pupils is filtering the fuck out of me.

>> No.6853221

Yep college

>> No.6853222

What are some exercises to develop spatial thinking other than rotating cubes?

>> No.6853229

Hampton's book had an exercise about imagining a box falling off a ledge

>> No.6853238

draw for fun

>> No.6853241

>focus on painting the BG
>turn on character layer again
>I fucked up the perspective

End my life.

>> No.6853242

This guy demos a lot of useful exercises in all of his videos, but his they are a bit disorganized.

>> No.6853256

thank you very kindly sir. I do have a hard time with that part of the body and you pointed out exactly how to fix it.

Yes I work more on anatomy and body rather than expression. I mostly used the expression as a tool to justify the pose. Will work on this more in the mornings bros

>> No.6853260

>lazy as fuck beg drawing
anon that is a million times better than anything I have ever done. How am I meant to do that?

>> No.6853277
File: 418 KB, 3310x2340, img-803194518-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fzd's perspective and vis comm hw exercises are pretty good

or you can just make up your own exercises

>> No.6853280
File: 168 KB, 1028x1000, rdrw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick redo of my old drawing

>> No.6853313

nj anon

>> No.6853318
File: 2.29 MB, 4080x3060, 20230922_024103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's something wrong with his right leg, but i can't quite put my finger on it

>> No.6853325

Very nice
For how long you have been drawing?

>> No.6853330

Scribling whole life but actual drawing 8 or 9 years ago. Remind that i don't draw every day even months.

foreshortening, make the leg closer to the viewer larger and the one further away smaller.

>> No.6853418
File: 892 KB, 1885x1640, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years into drawing and i still havent found a proper way to construct figures. What method do you use, boxes? the eggs? line of action?
for figure drawing i normally start with the line of action then egg then boxes. Construction is confusing stuff.

>> No.6853451
File: 101 KB, 1441x1128, flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tried to paint instead of doing lineart all the time
I have NO IDEA what I'm doing
On one side, it's kinda fun to just paint long lines and fill color in, but in another it's extremely weird and it's like I cannot add detail for shit. The the brushes that blend colors, applying a solid color everywhere takes too long and it's just confusing overall.
Fun, but confusing.

>> No.6853452


>> No.6853461

really like your shoes and how you captured their form

>> No.6853543

Should have made all the Rogans look at the tit monster

>> No.6853570

This look good Anon keep going!

>> No.6853571
File: 59 KB, 289x299, 1374059686440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keys to drawing tells me to draw a complex mechanical instrument, like "a typewriter, an egg beater, or a sewing machine"
>look at our electrified world
why this

>> No.6853576

Try every single one until you end up with a combination that's right for you.

>> No.6853616
File: 3.18 MB, 4032x3024, 71685524370__A8652A24-D992-4C19-B61B-812526065072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find resources for oil painting?

I just want to paint landscapes and waves and stuff.

Here is my first painting, I tried to copy a bob ross video.

>> No.6853629

Cute. I have no experience in oil, but I like these guys.

>> No.6853631
File: 228 KB, 1080x1515, 1589619943228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it Anon we believe in you!

>> No.6853637

I may be retarded but I think I am finally starting to feel some of the forms of the body. I think I am not symbol drawing anymore.

>> No.6853641


>> No.6853660
File: 177 KB, 544x1789, 20230922_085415~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still not very good but I think I understand the shapes I am trying to indicate, where previously I was just observing where lines were in the reference and trying to copy them. Pls no bully.

>> No.6853662

Nice, you might benefit from some light Bridgman studies. Proportions will come.

>> No.6853668
File: 608 KB, 3533x1843, 20230922_090153~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here we are.

>> No.6853699

Update: I’m still not drawing.

>> No.6853731

Me neither. I decided to have a second cup of coffee and my fine motor control is gone.

>> No.6853739

>modern world removes risk from children: they never learn how to cope with stress, choice paralysis or risk management. tldr they are pussies
BASED pawell
sometimes i really think christians and muslims are correct in saying secularism has been destroying society by making everyone into complete useless manchildren
>inb4 autistic leftie zoomie screeching at mention of religion

>> No.6853751

Buddy, we are the ngmi's of a ngmi art community. We are objectively useless.

>> No.6853762
File: 400 KB, 941x1160, IMG_8722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of this piece? Any suggestions?

>> No.6853773

Strong reaction to caffeine, huh?

>> No.6853774

That’s the key thing. This is a NGMI art community of nothing but assholes trying to discourage people who try. You should leave. There’s nothing of value here.

>> No.6853789

I wouldn't say there's nothing of value here but the negativity does questionably outweigh the positive. It just is also unpleasant to draw completely in a void because I have essentially no community irl as far as art goes.

>> No.6853794

Nah. If everybody here was murdered to death then the world would be a better place.

>> No.6853856
File: 448 KB, 1711x971, chars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think boys
I tried two different brushes, which is why the left one looks different

>> No.6853874

I prefer the brush on the right. And your heads/faces are weak.

>> No.6853876

I've never tried digital art but it feels like you're trying and not doing a great job at hiding chicken scratch. Also the lady in the middle it doesn't feel like her face is sitting on the plane of her head, it looks like the face should be shifted a touch to the left.

>> No.6853911

>I've never tried digital art but it feels like you're trying and not doing a great job at hiding chicken scratch
It's the brush honestly. I like its look, but it has that thing where it's very wide at the end, but rather thin at the start of a stroke.

>> No.6853915

>chicken scr--

>> No.6853929
File: 9 KB, 126x196, 1695400417808667 (1)~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what looks strange to me is where you have line width jump in what could have been (and maybe was idk) one stroke. For an example look at the underside of his arm. It looks like what could have been one confident line is several overlapping. The upper side looks solid and confident, where the underside doesn't.

>> No.6853937

I see. I'm not 100% confident enough to make perfect lines and curves I think.

>> No.6853940

Kinda got curious. Is Esdeathfag still around? I remember being jelly about him because he actually drew full figures while I was still barely-draw beg

>> No.6853950

Me neither. Always just something to keep in mind. Being that it's digital once you've found outlines you're happy with couldn't you start a new layer and trace the scratchy layer with fewer strokes? Again sorry if this is retarded I don't do digital.

>> No.6853952
File: 90 KB, 634x598, 432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to phone post like a filthy barbarian because I got banned
Semi-serious study, had fun

>> No.6853953

Chicken scratcher detected.

>> No.6853962

you sound like an asshurt little faggot
plebbit might suit you more

>> No.6853967
File: 1.17 MB, 873x967, Theuerdank.118b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I learn to draw like this

>> No.6853971

Looks amazing
Do you have a process or a construction method to do that?

>> No.6853994
File: 1.78 MB, 1676x1184, rackham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I would just copy it as you see fit. It's exactly what I'm trying to do right now, see pic related. As I progress through this, I would think it's best to do the outline first, then details, and then shadow. Picture a shadow as it normally is and instead of doing a blob, draw lines with the thickest end being the one furthest from the light source, and contour the lines in the shape you want the object to be.

>> No.6854000
File: 89 KB, 849x522, crabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made an ic crab lol

Thanks. I actually use a slight variation of the loomis head construction. The rest is just observation

>> No.6854003
File: 192 KB, 989x1191, oldloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come ancient masters used loomis head method?

>> No.6854007

It's the egg method you ape.

>> No.6854043

little did you know that loomis is a time traveler

>> No.6854046

Girl's thighs look off

>> No.6854121
File: 113 KB, 1049x695, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday night fun

>> No.6854341
File: 272 KB, 1533x1779, mouse1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I lost the .kra file so I just started over. Turns out I didn't but hey /dad/

>> No.6854474
File: 141 KB, 1711x971, 092223a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, maybe work on faces and folds. I like the style though. I kind of strayed from it, but hope it gives an idea of where you can go.

>> No.6854484

Woah, that's wonderful
Many thanks anon, I'll take these examples at heart.
Do you have any recent work you're willing to share? I like you style

>> No.6854519

thanks, not really recent, but random shit studies here >>6854074

>> No.6854550

Fantastic stuff, I really like the shapes

>> No.6854604

Hate to be that guys, but which kind of brush is that? Looks like a hard round, but also with some taper

>> No.6854681



>> No.6854743
File: 1.13 MB, 2500x1200, Sketch 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6854807

What type of brush is used for this edit?
Looks like pixel/pencil but not quite

>> No.6854895
File: 108 KB, 1360x635, gaykay47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beg/newfag here. You inspired me to try my hand at drawing a gun. Jesus this took my a whole hour with a reference and straightedge.

>> No.6856244

morpho pilled?

>> No.6857341
File: 543 KB, 800x615, Lightning Dragon smalldark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a beg so take this with a giant heap of salt, but I think that main issues are that the colors are a bit muted and there isn't enough defined shape or form in the art, so it's a bit difficult to tell what it is or what's going on at first glance.

1. I'm guessing this is like an eastern dragon made of water/aura or some ice wraith? That's what I'm getting from the way the face and blue section is rendered.
2. The way you did the face is cool. I like the attention to detail there and how it comes off as more a wispy aura, but it's the only thing that kinda stands out in the mass of color on the canvas/page.
3. The purple/red with white specs is a confusing background, imo. idk where this creature is or what the place is supposed to be (in space?). I think emphasizing/focusing on the creature and its form will help it more to stand out on its own and provide context for the overall piece. It doesn't "pop out" from the background and it all oozes together.
4. I have no idea what the green thing is at all. if I had to guess, it's an earth/planet if the background is space?

Just a lot of readability issues. picrel is someone else's piece I googled that shows what I'm talking about with its use of color.