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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6850032 No.6850032 [Reply] [Original]

Hmmmm I'm starting to notice a pattern here

>> No.6850033

/ic/ is always right!

>> No.6850041

antisemitism is not ok!

>> No.6850048

The jokes write themselves lmao

>> No.6850053

miserable being

>> No.6850057

Why's abortion got quotes around it? So did she have an abortion, or an "abortion"?

>> No.6850060

She sacrificed her newborn to Satan.

>> No.6850093
File: 41 KB, 314x301, 1654654165455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you see patterns?
The pattern i see is the usual youtuber pandering to the current active teenage demographic by using relevant victim identity topics;
>being jewish
>being mentally ill
This is the ultimate form of
>"wow literally me"
And the equivalent of children's picture books that is also supposed to be emotionally manipulative towards those who don't directly identify with the topics.
And not to mention being outright clickbait.

You have to realize that all the big accounts play a game of algorithms and trends, rather than make organic content.

Imagine; across all story time youtubers, all this shit always happening to one individual yet they all always have time and patience to be chronically online to market their stuff on social media, work on animations and write scripts, record shit and so on.
>inb4 but it's multiple people working on one project and the social media
And there you have your answer.
It's commercialized trash and made up stories presented as something else.

It's the same shit as twitter artists posting the fotm anime girl every day until new fotm appears.
It's all pandering.

>> No.6850098

what does this have to do with Artwork/Critique

>> No.6850120

Huh, this is the complaining and nodrawing board.....?

>> No.6850121

We are critiquing her shit content

>> No.6850123

Anon, you took my (You) virginity of this thread with a mass reply... So mean...

>> No.6850125
File: 108 KB, 717x201, 1590136509233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you (you)'d me?>>6850093
Mine was an observation and critique about the endeavors of social media content creators that use algorithm and social relevant trends and topics to pander to an audience and use the artistic expressions of cartoons to facilitate viewing across all ages (preferably on the younger thus more gullible side) because they are most likely to interact and engage with the content, further boosting it's numbers to be pushed by the youtube algorithm to any user who watches and follows content in the arts and cartroons bubble, which is mostly made by teenagers who desperately seek the validation their parents and peers never give them.

These story time animations would be the ultimate form of subversion, lies and commercialization of art, the art of manipulation to garner financial success; something the arts is filled with to the brim of the bucket.

Would you rather we focus on the jewish thing?
Jews aren't real.

>> No.6850132

Tell em Naegi!

>> No.6850161

>this thing has rule34
I can understand vtuber and even jaiden animations, but this bitch is so fucking hideous why would anyone want to see her naked or touch her

>> No.6850167

Looks like "artwork" to me.

>> No.6850172

>why is there porn of content aimed at a rather younger audience?
I remember googling for yugioh and being greeted by dark magician girl porn when i was 14.
Now look where i am.

>> No.6850177

checks out, Calarts shit was invented by Jews because they suck at drawing despite having relatively high IQs

>> No.6850182

14 and a half?

>> No.6850187

Good critique