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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.10 MB, 1080x813, Screenshot_20230906-195044~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6831039 No.6831039 [Reply] [Original]

Newest AI "art" controversy.
I'm so fucking tired of this, can some prominent artists start suing already?

>> No.6831064

This is a couple weeks old though, and they can sue but it's not illegal so they'd lose.

>> No.6831071

>"I'm so fucking tired of this"
>as he creates a thread to discuss it
I've spent exactly zero time reading clickbait AI shit, and miraculously, it's actually not shoved down your throat at every turn. You have to actively seek out garbage retaining to it.

>> No.6831076

The case was already solved, when people found out wizads got rid of the ai images
it was probably them trying to test the waters though

>> No.6831082
File: 80 KB, 755x326, the post that broke the chatbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i'm also bored of ai threads.
Stop making them and ai will magically disappear.

>> No.6831085
File: 67 KB, 683x1024, 1687739363673849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you this is the future. Back in my day the "big drama" was tracing, and people threw as big of shit storms over it as people do now with AI. Eventually more and more "industry professionals" will come out that they were doing it all along and its the secret to getting good, then you will see "GREAT ARTISTS STEAL!!!" type youtube videos. Using AI will become the normal just like tracing 3d models.

>> No.6831086

I'm going to steal that.

>> No.6831090

No way that's AI generated

>> No.6831095

Pigs eating shit.

>> No.6831116
File: 814 KB, 1024x1024, 1743278714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense to me.

>> No.6831133

It's not really the secret to getting good. It's corner cutting. The question is how much can you cut without outing yourself as an ass who actually knows jack shit.

It's the same cheating in vidya argument. The biggest cheaters are those who actually know how to play the game. They know it inside out and know exactly what gives it away, making it almost impossible to notice for the unaware. No, that does not make it a good thing and is still frowned upon, just like tracing is (no it's not a norm idk where you got that, people still create shitstorms the moment some retard gets caught). But point is you can get away with it if you actually know what you're doing. AI will likely be a tool. But you will still need some art knowledge if you don't want to deal with people shitting on you every now and then.

>> No.6831145

Why do it when you could just actually be good instead?

>> No.6831163
File: 1.62 MB, 850x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I just think the whole "controversy" is almost fake or just done in extreme bad faith, I dont think anyone believes the no-learning-from-copyright shit(and neither do the courts), I dont think anyone believes AI really looks bad or is useless(they're literally scared it will replace their job and are lobbying the government to ban it to keep their job), and all this fluff about muh effort muh soul muh human labor the struggle makes it worth it is just pretentious self-aggrandizing rubbish meant to make /ic/ think it's too good for AI art when AI art looks fine.

>> No.6831173

From a well acknowledged joke to reality.

>> No.6831174

fauxtraversy. next.

>> No.6831175
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1024, 3850119865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it saves time and effort?

>> No.6831178

Post one use AI art has

>> No.6831181

making art

>> No.6831184

That's a pretty useful one, yeah.

>> No.6831186

>one use AI art has
Making you happy and calm.

>> No.6831190

Who cares at this point.
AI this AI that just fucking draw. If the future gets ruined by AI, we're fucked anyway. Might as well take our 1% chance of a future with no AI art and actually fucking draw to get good.

>> No.6831196

You can barely tell AI apart, soon only top 1% artists will be able to stand out as human made

>> No.6831200

>only top 1% artists
So, everyone hereabouts ?

>> No.6831204

Why have sex? Just jerk off.

>> No.6831208

This is like the opposite of my experience, from what I've seen only the top 1% of artists with specific overrendered get identified as being possibly AI, if your artwork is even slightly not perfectly rendered and drawn with a perfect background and expert lighting in every part, it's not AI.

It's REALLY easy to not be AI

>> No.6831209

I mean yeah, you think there's more jerking off or sex happening at any given moment?

>> No.6831210

specific overrendered artstyle*

>> No.6831222
File: 1.46 MB, 832x1216, cute_cow_doodle9382ng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All artists have to draw like picrel in the future to not be considered AI
I hate this timeline.

>> No.6831225

Bad analogy then. Fuck deadlines, draw slowly, get success anyway.

>> No.6831228
File: 39 KB, 789x610, moo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6831229

because you can be both

>> No.6831230

Wait but that's ai. I know from the pixels. Sike wrong number and all.

>> No.6831231

Nice cow!

>> No.6831235

How are you getting good at drawing if you're not drawing, anon?

>> No.6831237

I don't see a problem with using AI as a base to make something actually decent. It's no different from photobashing.

>> No.6831238
File: 1.42 MB, 832x1216, cute_cow_doodle8808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is AI. I wasn't trying to fool anyone just saying that there's a certain type of picture that immediately gets classified as AI even if it isn't.
Having a poorly rendered image tends to lean more towards human made even if it was clearly made by AI.
So in the future most artists who want to be considered anti-AI will have to draw in this kind of style.

>> No.6831243
File: 2.35 MB, 960x1344, 2272001950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6831247
File: 135 KB, 850x1250, __sakura_futaba_and_isshiki_wakaba_persona_and_1_more_drawn_by_blazpu__sample-e461e44808402ab6d4a99304fb8117c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't sell yourself short bro, just go on pixiv or danbooru or your "references" folder and you'll see a shitton of extremely gorgeous art that is obviously not AI and will never be confused for AI.

>> No.6831251

I have had those thoughts too, but I think new styles will emerge, just like how new styles and ways of thinking about images showed up after photography. To stop ai from learning it though, the patterns would have to be pretty wild, like optical illusions only human eyes see or something idk lol.

>> No.6831253

>pic not related.

>> No.6831256

>that foot

>> No.6831257
File: 926 KB, 832x1216, cute_cow_doodle1736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that AI or not? I genuinely can't tell.
Looks nice though.

>> No.6831258

Doesn't dying nao saves time and effort too?

>> No.6831261

Seethe harder, artoid.

>> No.6831270

How? I'm seething as hard as I can. Maybe I could... Punch a wall...

>> No.6831271

There's one thing AI will never be able to solve and that's accurate light

>> No.6831273

Dying is undesirable.

>> No.6831277

The lighting on that image was not done by AI so I guess we got that in common.

>> No.6831278

How do you know if you haven't even tried it? Just try a little bit.

>> No.6831279

It's a biological imperative.

>> No.6831283

Did you really put the nose cast shadow backwards?

>> No.6831285
File: 1.36 MB, 832x1216, cute_cow_doodle6713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AIfags hate artfags for bullying them out of every single art gallery site
>Artfags hate AIfags for bullying them on social media
>Meanwhile Adobe and Disney are trying to play both sides
Why are we fighting eachother again?

>> No.6831286

Use AI to supplant those primitive urges.

>> No.6831287

It's 2023. That only applies to animals.

>> No.6831293

Fighting is fun. You want to work together and create an entertainment empire that surpasses Disney? I'm in

>> No.6831311
File: 344 KB, 554x223, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can barely tell AI apa-

>> No.6831315
File: 52 KB, 199x184, 162340985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I didn't do any of the lighting it was done by another anon but I see what you mean. Looks like it's spilling from the nose.

>> No.6831316

>You can barely tell trannies apart, soon only top 1% women will be able to stand out as biological

>> No.6831320
File: 41 KB, 1063x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you this is the fu-ACK

>> No.6831321
File: 112 KB, 428x799, mooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd also like to know if AI was used because it do have that certain je ne sais quoi, btw that cow has a weird unsettling look to it standing on it's hind legs like that.

>> No.6831323

Worthless thread

>> No.6831324

AI pro here. I see no AI used at all. Not even for the bg. This shouldn't even be a question

>> No.6831326

>Hasbro-owned D&D Beyond, which makes online tools and other companion content for the franchise, said it didn't know until Saturday that an illustrator it has worked with for nearly a decade used AI to create commissioned artwork for an upcoming book. The franchise, run by the Hasbro subsidiary Wizards of the Coast, said in a statement that it has talked to that artist and is clarifying its rules.

>"He will not use AI for Wizards' work moving forward," said a post from D&D Beyond’s account on X, formerly Twitter. "We are revising our process and updating our artist guidelines to make clear that artists must refrain from using AI art generation as part of their art creation process for developing D&D."

Aisisters... why are they firing us? Are we going to be blacklisted from the industry too?

>> No.6831344

>btw that cow has a weird unsettling look to it standing on it's hind legs like that.
Yes I really like it.
I like yours more though! Very unsettling! Looks like something from a horror game where you get chased in the woods by it slenderman style.

>> No.6831363

Keep up or get left behind

>> No.6831372
File: 1.33 MB, 1830x635, 98734tmk585g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im actually surprised at how even edited or drawn on top of images are not eligible for copyright. This is pretty much becoming more and more worthless even in the eyes of corporate

>> No.6831397

will rajeesh ever get tired of making false equivalences? or is his monkey brain just not capable of anything else?

>> No.6831408

Those are both midjourney images one is just at a lower step count. Also copyright is irelevant for corporate, they only care if the the little box at the bottom of the spreadsheet is green.

>> No.6831411

If you actually think copyright is irrelevant you're worse than the shits that flood up this board

>> No.6831412

oh now you're in the bored phase.
tired of getting btfo utterly yet? why don't you go back to your LMAO and BTFO phase again?
>eh i'm bored now
>eh i don't care anymore.
all you can do is make passive aggressive pokes in random places. does that make you feel better about yourself? poor clown anon.
either shut the fuck up or make a point. tired of your shit.

>> No.6831415

It's self-evident, the only way it can be relevant is if they are losing money (or perceiving to lose money) which they are not, so they don't care.

>> No.6831417

>professional goat's ass inspector here
it's good to have you here sir

>> No.6831420

The image was submitted 18 months ago, aitranny. You are already behind

>> No.6831427
File: 1.45 MB, 832x1216, psychedelic_cow8614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys stop fighting and draw/generate cool cows

>> No.6831433

You definitely belong on this board I thought you would give me some quarter financials or earnings statements from prevalent companies that utilize ai but it’s just the most asinine it is what is is.

>> No.6831451

this isn't AI art, he used AI to generate an image and then he worked on top of it.

>> No.6831452
File: 485 KB, 1024x1024, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6831463


>> No.6831547

>he used AI to generate an image
so it's an ai shart janitor, glad to have that cleared up

>> No.6831614


>> No.6831647

AI is here to stay mate
Artists will never win because they are spineless and cuntish

>> No.6831651

let me guess

>> No.6831661


From my experience, he probably upscaled that image using AI too. So here's a thing in SD I've never tried MJ since I have to pay to experiment with it properly and I don't want to give money to them.

So, with SD you can use the good old regular upscale. There are different models for upscaling that specialise in upscaling different type of images. A real photo, illustration, etc. But there's a trick with SD where you can upscale with img2img and make it generate new details. So it doesn't just upscale the original images it adds details depending on your settings. Upscale 2x + automated details, inpaint, repeat. What you get is a high-res image with added details.

I think that's what this guy used here. They didn't put any work into it he just uses AI all the way through. I don't think he can draw or paint if his life depends on it, and if he could, it's definitely not on the level of the ai generated shit.

>> No.6831663
File: 222 KB, 1800x946, 456234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6831667

artists will never win because they keep picking fights with hobbyists that just do it for fun.
programmers are also pro-ai and they're even more autistic than artists. it's a losing war.

>> No.6831668


>> No.6831674
File: 2 KB, 125x125, fuck u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why come to the art board to bitch out when you have /g/
>and... 9 threads on other boards and discord to be fags on

>> No.6831675

ummm sweatie, your strawman image isn't a wojak so it won't work

>> No.6831677

AI is art related.

>> No.6831687
File: 29 KB, 683x600, thinks in pilpul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping track of you (it already does this)

he said "use". Another great use it has is making posts that are hard to distinguish as bots.

>spineless and cuntish
The perfect words I would use to describe every person who talks about or uses AI to do anything. Some of them are too unbearable to watch.

>You definitely belong on this board I thought you would give me some quarter financials or earnings statements from prevalent companies that utilize ai but it’s just the most asinine it is what is is.
Besides Nvidia, Intel and every globalist company invested in it?

>> No.6831688

you could also do art as a hobby yet I've seen some them sperg about getting a new one
>and people made literal stick figures or doodle art pieces yet some AIfags still say we're coping
>and it will prob be a wojak as well

>> No.6831690

just random strawmen and tribalist mentality. this is another reason why artists will lose.
they show complete animosity to everybody who doesn't side with them completely, so all they do is make more enemies.

>> No.6831698
File: 2 KB, 125x116, fuck (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/3/ exists
>/p/ exists
>/gd/ exists
>/po/ exists
most AIfags just exist to image dump pictures and don't care about the critique part or fixing shit
So since they've has been shown to not be able to sperg out and image dump I guess we'll have to apply the shotgun approach

>> No.6831702

>Besides Nvidia, Intel and every globalist company invested in it?

You just named the companies capable of producing graphics cards that have done so even before gAI became mainstream are you retarded

>> No.6831713
File: 16 KB, 187x175, fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you post like a bot nigga
you come to /ic/ or just "4chan" expecting to shit on
>why do (YOU) think it will be different

>> No.6831714

>critique AI generation
>prompter cant fix it
>prompters will take works of artists and start replicating them
wow epic troll

I honestly think violence will start being the answer.

>> No.6831718

>more random strawmen
your enemies excel at violence. artists will not win if they fail diplomacy.

>> No.6831719

AI is art related. You can try to be a wannabe janny all you want, but this is indeed an art related topic.

>> No.6831722
File: 536 KB, 1218x1600, Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so anon are telling me you really want more artists in other professions

>> No.6831725

unless you are old, white, and have political connections in a right-leaning party; you won't be hitlering anytime soon.

>> No.6831728

>a bunch of trannies jerking off 24/7 excel at violence
>no bro you fail at diplomacy because aibros don't listen to reason
Just roll up some hype among low iq average politically charged citizens and sexual deviants about how ai will destroy whatever they identify win (politics/sexuality), start conditioning the ai to repeat dog whistles
bada bing bada boom
you get an angry mob of useful idiots doing the "violence" for you.

The arts are a willing confinement for the unhinged mind
look at this guy>>6831722
>didn't make it
>killed 6 million jews
I dunno man
history is bound to repeat itself if the ai cucks keep fucking shit up
>inb4 artists siding with le windmill man? bad!
win-win either way

>> No.6831731

you will never be a hitler

>> No.6831732

if it's just image dumping, like most "AI" threads are, then no
>also we have separate boards for reason bitch about someone else

>> No.6831735

>if it's just image dumping, like most "AI" threads are, then no
This thread is not about image dumping, it's about art-related events in the art world.
>also we have separate boards for reason bitch about someone else
This isn't reddit. You can have people with different opinions posting on your board.

>> No.6831739

That isn't how it works, tho? You have to train a model using existing works tagged,etc. But effectively you have an enormous series of nodes, kind of similar to neurons in the human brain, that have positive or negative values associated with input information. When you type in "giga titty" for your prompt, the array of nodes that have been trained on said information recreate features associated with the words input. It's also the reason why much more complex or nuanced features, such as hands, etc, come out so much lower quality, because they have many more layers of complexity than fat tits or asses. The large the amount of training data, plus manual user inpainting can be used to correct these sorts of issues. It isn't a fucking database of images that it photoshops from, because that would mean you'd be using thousands of terabytes of storage for a single instance hosted on your own hardware.

>> No.6831740

Ok and?

>> No.6831749

>This isn't reddit. You can have people with different opinions posting on your board.
What kind of opinions do you have that you won't fit on plebbit?
Or is it because it's harder to get attention in your own spaces hence why you have to invade art spaces?
Post your prompt

>> No.6831753
File: 191 KB, 967x588, Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat nigga however
>this shit is technically old news
>alot anon's recognize you aishiiters that samefag or are discordfag spamming
>explainer schizo/botfag
>"why are we not accepted here"

>> No.6831760

>hence why you have to invade art spaces?
It's not your space to claim, and I'm not invading. I'm simply stating my opinions and contributing to the discussion.
>"why are we not accepted here"
I never said this. Stop making up strawmans and speak like a normal human being.
It doesn't matter if you don't accept me. I will continue to post on on-topic threads relating to art as a whole.

>> No.6831765

>It's not your space to claim, and I'm not invading. I'm simply stating my opinions and contributing to the discussion.
So are we? Why are you trying to police us and incessantly convince us to accept your kind?
We won't.

>> No.6831768

>Why are you trying to police us and incessantly convince us to accept your kind?
Again with the strawmen. You can say whatever you want, but that doesn't make it true.
>We won't.
That's fine. Like I said, I will continue posting wherever there are interesting discussions to be had. The acceptance from others is not important in an Anonymous community.

>> No.6831772
File: 15 KB, 151x150, 5c15oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"art as a whole"
>only posts on AI
>if not posts AI stuff on other threads and prob go pic related half the time
>will prob claim NTA but posts always be followed closely or just behind other AIfags
>is most likey explainer/bot schizo based on typing style

>> No.6831779

>Again with the strawmen. You can say whatever you want, but that doesn't make it true.
This is exactly the type of policing you're doing tho?
>gets called out for his bs
>just calls it a strawman
Maybe reddit is really more up to your speed since any ounce of unpopular argument that might remotely resemble something that a "right-winger" would say is met with the same type of dismissal.
Calling it a strawman don't make it true either.
>The acceptance from others is not important in an Anonymous community.
Cool. So, are you going to explain how the automatic photobashing program is actually not photobashing again and keep calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a low iq inbred meatbag clown?

>> No.6831780

You are just assuming things. It's merely the case that regular art threads are mundane and not that interesting. Whereas, in AI threads, there are always some interesting fellas like you that have colorful opinions to show.
>is most likey explainer/bot schizo based on typing style
I don't know who this is.

>> No.6831781

>Whereas, in AI threads, there are always some interesting fellas like you that have colorful opinions to show
Basically, you're admitting to making AI threads to bait people into responding because you wouldn't get any (you)s otherwise.

>> No.6831784
File: 160 KB, 1080x587, tumblr_c41637ed5af2484cceca1e65a1b6984d_ef40a94e_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well anon I can shit on your threads then as I please because this is a crab board fuck your discussions PYW other than AIshit you won't fix or just got from google searches

>> No.6831786

I'm calling your posts strawmans because you are just greentexting some irrelevant things I never said.
If you don't want me to call them strawmans then stop making things up in your greentexts.
>Maybe reddit is really more up to your speed since any ounce of unpopular argument that might remotely resemble something that a "right-winger" would say is met with the same type of dismissal.
I've never dismissed your posts. I simply disagree with some of your opinions.
>Cool. So, are you going to explain how the automatic photobashing program is actually not photobashing again and keep calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a low iq inbred meatbag clown?
I never said or did any of this.
I don't make threads on /ic/.
You are free to do whatever you wish. I can not control you.

>> No.6831790

>stop making greentexts
>you're strawmanning if you do
>"no, i'm not trying to police you"
Maybe lurk moar if you can't read greentext, you fucking tourist?
>never dismissed your posts
>"greentext bad, stop stawmanning"
lurk more

You have to adapt to here, not the other way around.

>> No.6831792

>Maybe lurk moar if you can't read greentext, you fucking tourist?
You misunderstand me. I'm saying you shouldn't use strawman in your greentexts if you don't me to call you out for using strawman in your greentexts.
I know it's "4chan culture" to make things up to make arguing with people easier, but please control yourself and try to argue in good faith next time.

>> No.6831796

>he can't contextualize greentext
>it's a strawman and you make things up.. because i say so!
You need to lurk more or be less autistic.
I'm going on a limb and going to guess you have more than 100k followers on twitter? Your typing style and canned responses match up.

>> No.6831798

Again with the making random things up routine.
I am not putting words in your mouth and assuming you are other people that you are not, so please try to extend the same courtesy to me.

>> No.6831799

I dunno man, you type exactly like that autistic lolcow who draws like shit and calls everyone a crab.

>> No.6831800

I am not who you are referring to, and I am not calling anybody a crab. It seems you are mistaken.

>> No.6831803

Okay, but are you going to pyw now?
The opinions of someone who doesn't draw are kind of meaningless.

>> No.6831808

Then why aren't you drawing?

>> No.6831809

>no work posted
>"no u"
Well, there you have it.

>> No.6831811

If you want me to post my work, you should lead by example. I gain nothing from showing my work to somebody who so obviously despises me.

>> No.6831812

They have containment threads on other boards, but they refuse to stay in them (even on those boards). Even on porndump boards like /aco/ they inevitably start posting in the "new art" thread, and when called out, it's the same cope/seethe/horsunbuggie

>> No.6831813
File: 169 KB, 262x310, 1693960136077026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says everything anons put in greentext is strawmaning
>keep saying anons are misunderstanding his thoughts on greentexts
>basically keeps going "I don't understand le ironic greentexts"
>your stawmaning about me policing
>nigga proceeds to go on a multi (YOU)ing spree on he's right why others should not assume things about them
> >>6831768
>"The acceptance from others is not important in an Anonymous community."
something I made before that AI thread got removed

>> No.6831814
File: 19 KB, 360x319, 1673630658097114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take me seriously! Respect me!
>ok pyw
>loses any shred of credibility and trust he might've have
epic troll anon

>> No.6831819

>says everything anons put in greentext is strawmaning
I never said that.
>basically keeps going "I don't understand le ironic greentexts"
You shouldn't be ironically greentexting in a discussion meant to be taken seriously. If you are just shitposting with greentexts, then it shouldn't be surprising that somebody would call you out for doing so.
I perfectly understand how greentexts are normally used to shitpost and argue in bad faith. I just recommend that you don't do so if you want to be taken seriously in a real argument.
>"The acceptance from others is not important in an Anonymous community."
Again. I never said any of that.
Please refrain from using strawmans.
>loses any shred of credibility and trust he
I doubt you were willing to accept any sort of credibility from me, considering how much you are trying to discredit me.

>> No.6831822
File: 914 KB, 750x770, 16564865164654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be autistic tourist
>want anons to stop "assuming" shit about him
>give him the benefit of the doubt and ask him to phw
>gives the usual canned response to avoid posting work
>still keeps going like a broken autistic record
>he just needed to post his work
Bro, its over
I have reached smug levels beyond human comprehension

>> No.6831829

I never said that. Please refrain from using unnecessary strawmans. You can argue just fine without putting words in my mouth. Any respectable member of society should be capable of arguing in good faith.
>he just needed to post his work
I will do this once you post your own work and are willing to give up the usage of strawmans. If I see that you are willing to respect the discussion, I will comply with your demands. Otherwise, it will just be another vector for you to throw unnecessary insults and ignore the actual topic.

>> No.6831834

>tourist needs to prove himself
>hasn't been worthy of being taken seriously ever
>has been off-topic the whole thread
>still expects to be taken seriously on that his opinions matters when he doesn't even draw

>> No.6831835


Umm sorry retard... you're not an artist looking for art critique go back to l eddit.

>> No.6831836

I never said this.
>has been off-topic the whole thread
Only because you continue to attack me and avoid the topic entirely.
>still expects to be taken seriously on that his opinions matters when he doesn't even draw
This thread isn't about drawing, it's about AI and its impact on the art world. Which is art related, by the way.

>> No.6831839
File: 67 KB, 735x808, helo buytifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here
i'll humor you but this is all you're getting
You better post something you drew, not ai slop

This board is about drawing
AI is off-topic itself
>it's about AI and its impact on the art world. Which is art related, by the way.
Off-topic. Saying otherwise won't make it true, retard.

>> No.6831841
File: 43 KB, 300x129, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a serious discussion
>I will go to 4chan to
>"I'm not policing"
>no shitposting pls this is real serious
>I only go to AI threads because they usually where "SERIOUS" discussions are made
>"your strawmaning"

>> No.6831844

>This board is about drawing
The board is /ic/ - Artwork/Critique.
In any case, drawing is still affected by AI, so it is also on-topic and art-related by your own definition.
>Saying otherwise won't make it true, retard.
But it is true.
Please refrain from using strawmans in your greentexts.

>> No.6831846

>no work posted
>keeps arguing like a sperg
confirmed trolling

>> No.6831848

It only seems like trolling because everybody else in this thread is attacking me instead of trying to contribute to the main discussion. What else can I do, but attempt to defend myself?

>> No.6831850


>> No.6831852

Actual artists of /ic, please stop engaging with the board tourists. You don't get anything out of it beyond wasting your time. You aren't going to change any minds, all that happens is that the AIfags jerk off to the idea that they're getting a rise out of you.

>> No.6831855

I'm surprised for how much of a haven for techbros and AIfags japan is, there is no sign of AI usage in the anime industry in any of the prominent productions thus far

>> No.6831863

I agree. Please stop arguing and trying to pick fights with people who are only trying to contribute to the thread's discussion. It's a waste of time for all parties involved.
A perfectly good AI thread has been wasted with all this needless arguing.

>> No.6831872

This is the worst kind of AI thread when the prompters aren't even dumping their shit

>> No.6831873

That's fine. Some threads are meant for text-based discussions rather than image dumping.

>> No.6831878

Shut up you stupid luddite

>> No.6831917

>AI thread has been wasted with all this needless arguing.
And that's all you're gonna get on /ic/. What a shame. Wouldn't it be nice if we had like a couple dozen AI threads on boards like /g/?

>> No.6831933

>This in denial
Look at the bottom right

>> No.6831944
File: 11 KB, 300x168, whatyoutalkynaboot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>used to be an artist, went to art college, but got smart and went into trades a few years back
>do OC, ventilation, electricity, pipes, drywall and lots of other shit
>money is great, my work is appreciated and I do a lot better than when I was an artist
>sometimes I still draw, paint, and visit art forums
>its fun but nothing is more fun than watching losers bitch about AI generated art

Things have never been better.
Have fun being poor and jobless.

>> No.6831953

>the help has things to say
Imagine having to work LOL.

>> No.6831962

Wow, a post that is not an AI bait or a batshit insane seethe over the bait? Of course it has no (You)s on this board.

>> No.6831967



>> No.6831970

The train stops at every station. you can get on whenever you like if it looks like the destination is worth it.
All artists that embrace AI to save work are going to regret in the long run.
>pick up pencil
>is far shittier than they'd be otherwise be because they spent their art career being an AI janitor.

>> No.6832058
File: 228 KB, 928x1312, 1686637942821262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But point is you can get away with it if you actually know what you're doing. AI will likely be a tool. But you will still need some art knowledge if you don't want to deal with people shitting on you every now and then.
but what you're missing is that you don't make any distinctions and CAN'T make any distinctions between "knowing what you're doing" and "art knowledge" when it comes to AI pieces.
it is impossible to tell for sure if an AI piece has any skill put into it underneath or not. you'll just end up calling everything shit and lazy and cheating.

people are still too naive about AI.
I do agree that people who have skill will be able to use AI more effectively.
but for now and in practice, i do wonder if the people who can make good AI pieces consistently are also people who used to do art without AI. some data on that would be really interesting.

>> No.6832064

>can some prominent artists start suing already?
In this particular case, wasn't it the artist who was at fault? I believe they were hired to create some art, and just decided to start using AI.

>> No.6832066
File: 38 KB, 850x638, __daiwa_scarlet_umamusume_drawn_by_i_am_shakenoko__sample-284bd96a1035b6bca3e1d84e29f1c375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most AIfags just exist to image dump pictures and don't care about the critique part or fixing shit

What an unbelievably dishonest, bad faith take. Every time something is posted on /ic/ that's related to AI critique or "how do I draw to fix these flaws" or "how do I compose a picture for AI" or "how do I make a cool dragon in AI" or "how do I use AI to reference or color my drawings" or any of that sort, /ic/ just shits on it for being AI generated and tells them to fuck off.

I know you know this, and I know you know everyone on /ic/ knows this, you'll probably BE in the thread shitting on them with your weenie brigade and stick figures unapologetically and going "just pick up le pencil dont use AI lol".

It's the equivalent of banning someone from your football club, then saying "see, they don't even play football!" as your excuse for why you want to continue banning them, it's a self referential policy.

>> No.6832069

Except the guy trying to enter the football club isn't playing football like everyone else and instead makes his Frankenstein made out of parts of all the best footballers in the world play for him

>> No.6832076

That has nothing to do with my point or with what either of us are talking about at all.

>> No.6832085

>AI bad
>AI bad because me hurty feeling
>AI bad because me draw box 10000 time still no draw good
>AI bad because me think be artist save me life, make me popular
>AI bad because me no special now
Keep being a caveman, /ic/.
We'll handle the future of art while you bash your rocks together.

>> No.6832086

You're head deep in slop if you can't see what I mean. I'm sorry, but there's nothing that can be done for your anymore.

>> No.6832090

What's the issue?

>> No.6832091

>I would like to be accepted among you as a football player, but instead of playing on the field, I would like to fire the ball from a cannon. It achieves the same result, just faster, and if the goalie tries to block it he'll die. Normal players are such suckers lol. Players are so obsolete, I can't believe people haven't approached football like this before, It removes any need for pesky teamwork or strategy! This is the artform of football perfected.

>> No.6832092

this is your iq on “ai”

>> No.6832096

The absolute irony in literal street shitting prompters calling artists "cavemen" kek

>> No.6832103

>it is impossible to tell for sure if an AI piece has any skill put into it underneath or not. you'll just end up calling everything shit and lazy and cheating.
Anatomy knowledge. Correct shading. The melting effect. Correct perspective. Details that make sense. Oversaturation. Model similarity and quality. You can make a low effort shit generation that looks good at a glance and post it without any touchups or fixes because to a /beg/ that first glance is all that matters. Some will just notice those 6 fingers or that hair strand that melts into skin, that tree with leaves for bark or that clothing that makes no sense. Right now it's extremely easy to tell once you start generating existing designs because AI is not good at replicating without you going over it, and if the artist is too /beg/ to correct with that extreme rendering it puts out, it's no bueno.

>> No.6832105

Why bother fixing? Too much hassle. "Perfect gens" wind up looking like trite anime on /ic.

>> No.6832115

>Anatomy knowledge. Correct shading. The melting effect. Correct perspective. Details that make sense. Oversaturation. Model similarity and quality
the big thing with ai aren’t any of those things, it’s composition and “content” for lack of a better word
AI generation works fine for isolated figures starring off into space, and occasionally for random scenes when cfg is low and the ai just copies something random, but its composition is always full retard and making the figures actually do what you want, even with controlnet, is fucking impossible
I know a guy working in a small mobile game studio and they made the whole department use sd only to backpedal because it just couldn’t produce what was needed, now they have a dedicated sd guy and everyone else is back to the normal workflow with zero ai
the composition part is honestly baffling and will probably get better at some point, but I don’t see ai being seriously used for anything but images of dudes standing around any time soon, I tried using it to cut down on production time and even with img2img I’m not convinced it actual saves me time with how fucking useless it is
inpainting seems the most practical it gets, but then it sticks out like a sore thumb
generating an image from scratch is a fucking joke (again standard pinups and such are fine outside of fixable issues)

>> No.6832118

>composition part is honestly baffling
Right. People will figure out regional prompting and controlnet and solve this. Will it save time versus handcrafted? Who knows.

>> No.6832121
File: 669 KB, 684x558, 1688122607107910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're basically arguing that you need to be a good artist to fix and polish up AI? i wonder how true that is. i do lean towards this view but again, i don't know for sure.

but there is an aspect of my post that you're missing.
what i'm asking about the broader artistic skills like composition, color theory. things that make a piece look good in the MACRO sense.
it's impossible to tell whether the artist wanted to go for something or whether they just stumbled upon it in the latent space.
it's impossible to know that without knowing the inputs. and even the inputs can be deceiving.
the problem is: whatever idea you have, the AI will try to make it look good.

i can't help but feel like you can only judge things by their looks now. i look at some of thes better twitter artists and wonder if they are artists or amateur artists before going into AI. and i can't really tell. although i suspect they are (the ones i like anyway).

>> No.6832122
File: 25 KB, 334x351, 16238974987432354748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go join alcoholics anonymous
>never drank a drop of alcohol your whole life
>complain that you won't get a sobriety coin

>join karate dojo
>bring a baseball bat
>complain you're not given the title of grandmaster

>be man
>put on wig and say you're a woman
>join women's competitions
>complain that people aren't willing to accept you

>join basketball game
>start kicking the ball
>complain that you get booted of the team

>join drawing club
>start copypasting pictures
>complain that artists won't accept it

>join sculpting club
>bring a 3d printer
>complain that the sculptors don't accept you

>go into club
>start talking about to make the hobby more efficient with all sorts of tools to skip doing the work and actually learning the craft
>believe you're smart because you know the technowabble buzzwords and watched a youtube vid about networks

>> No.6832124

The tools changed. Adapt or die.

>> No.6832125

the cat is out of the bottle

>> No.6832126


>> No.6832129
File: 421 KB, 3040x720, clownworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832130

try this
>join woodcutter's club
>bring chainsaw
>"WHOA WHOA you can't bring that in here!"
the point is that it is still fundamentally the same topic, so it should belong to the board. even if not in every thread.

and it is genuinely delusional to think that this will go away. so let's just get this over with.
there are issues, yes, but you can't just wish this all away.

>> No.6832132

the topic is the act of drawing
you are not drawing
fuck off
there’s a reason /i/, /ic/, /p/, /gd/ etc are different boards, because “production of 2d images” is not the topic of any of them

>> No.6832133
File: 290 KB, 1000x1000, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries about AI. don't get me wrong, I support the artists fighting it, since it's theft. but as you get deeper into drawing you realize it's not a threat. you realize drawing is a reflection of you, even when drawing from references or other art, there's your hand imprinted in the work. a psychological imprint ...

>> No.6832134

you don't draw or paint

>> No.6832138
File: 304 KB, 1000x958, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... drawing is an act of exploration, of the world outside & within. it's a wandering, not a product of algorithmic world of the contemporary digital. if you make art with your own hand, there will always be a differential ...

>> No.6832139
File: 780 KB, 831x709, 1546541635465465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bring gun to boxing fight
>complain that you won't be let into the fight and that a gun just wins faster

>join an axe cutting competition
>bring a chainsaw
>call the other competitors cavemen

>join a contest of physical strength
>use machinery
>incessantly try to convince others that it's the same thing when it's not

>join a club about crocheting butterflies
>bring real butterflies

>plagiarize an artist
>call it your own work because the machine did it

>join a doctor's club who research the human body
>start bringing in dead animals

>> No.6832144
File: 320 KB, 1000x945, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and the insecurity comes from artists being afraid of AI "out-perfecting" them. but as you get deeper in the art game, you discover the beauty is in the imperfections. it's why some of the most celebrated artists are "raw" (i.e. Crumb, or KJG). not to get it twisted, an artist should always be refining their craft, but when you think great art needs to be "perfect" then you've lost the thread ...

>> No.6832147

are you retarded? genuine question. who is "the artist"? you think being "an artist" makes you viable from ripping off other artists? really curious what you meant here

>> No.6832150

topic has always been art.
but you're saying we should go to... /gd/?
lol maybe.

>contest of physical strength
is art a competition? is it a fair competition?
is it supposed to be?

>use machinery
>incessantly try to convince others that it's the same thing when it's not
gotta be more specific. use machinery where and how?
if you use a hammer and chisel, versus using those modern elerctric tool sculptors use. is it not fundamentally the same thing, just more efficient?

>plagiarize an artist
and somehow it never ends up looking like any particular artist. how do you idiots live with this inconsistency?

>join a doctor's club who research the human body
>start bringing in dead animals
.....lol. they literally did that. dissecting frogs, etc.

>> No.6832151

The board is about ART, not construction, not hand drawing, not traditional art, not digital art, not human art, not anime art, nothing.

This idea where you exclude AI art is completely arbitrary, I could just as easily say to exclude anything using references, or anything not made with painstaking construction, or anything made digitally, or any furry or NSFW art, or whatever I want.

I think >>6832130 nailed it, it's a woodcutter's club, not an axe users' club, and /ic/ is retroactively trying to make it an axe users' club because it's all they know.

>> No.6832152

Harvest with sickle or a combine?

>> No.6832154

it was never about “art”, you stupid nigger
it’s for posting your WORK and getting it CRITIQUED
stupid fucking newfag nigger

>> No.6832155

>so let's get this over it
agreed. it's time to admit you'll never be an artist, you will never be considered one and you will never be accepted among artists. this is millions of years of evolutionary load in our brains you're trying
to fight here. it's trying to convince people that actually allowing yourself to have your wallet stolen is philanthropy. why are you trying so hard?

>> No.6832159
File: 92 KB, 838x489, 1686849436814244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join car racing competition
>bring a fighter jet

>win lottery
>claim you earned that money through your hard work

>join hand baking competition
>bring in your industrial machinery to do the baking for you

>compete with opponent in a game of wits
>kill your opponent with a gun
>call yourself the winner

>always try to argue that "it's just better"
>always incessantly argue semantics like a conspiracy theorist schizo because you're low iq and mentally deficient and have no real arguments

>> No.6832160

the "woodcutter's club" is too broad of a concept to serve as a proper analogy

>> No.6832161

Art includes music, architecture, acting, writing etc. This board is about drawing and critiquing other people’s drawings. Lurk before posting.

>> No.6832165
File: 43 KB, 540x402, 1673216543956513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to 4chan board
>don't lurk 2 years before posting
>do the opposite of what the board is about
>try to tell other anons what the board is about
>jannies and mods won't do their fucking jobs
>complain that Anons shit on your off-topic ass constantly

>> No.6832166


>game (competition)
same point again

where did people claim hard work? the point is literally that it's easier work.

>always try to argue that "it's just better"
>always incessantly argue semantics like a conspiracy theorist schizo because you're low iq and mentally deficient and have no real arguments
i see no arguments here. you gotta be specific. only then can i point out again and again that your points are flawed, your arguments don't make sense and that you're a clown :)

but hey, it's just semantics duude...

i disagree, but fine.
then use the sculptor example i used earlier. chisel and hammer versus the electric tools.

>> No.6832168

electric tools equivalent is photoshop/csp
and drawing tablet. what is it with AIfag incapability of making proper analogies? i thought people who like tech are supposed to be more logical

>> No.6832171

forgot to reply.

oh no, i guess
>i'm not an artist
>i can't draw and paint
>ai is stealing art
this conforms to your beliefs so it must be true. damn, too bad for me!

>this is millions of years of evolutionary load in our brains you're trying to fight here.
what does this even mean? what exactly am i trying to fight here again?

>> No.6832172

I sympathize with you guys, but I honestly don't think this is a battle we can win.

>> No.6832175
File: 374 KB, 640x601, 1649679231996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join foot racing club
>start incessantly talking about how everyone should use bikes instead of running
>"its just faster"
>complain that people are not welcoming you with open arms

>join horse racing club
>bring car and start talking about engines
>try to argue that it's faster and everyone should just use cars

>join any club
>start saying that the club should become something else entirely to become more efficient
>complains that people don't want to welcome him or accept his ideas
>he could just go into the clubs that are made for the stuff he wants to talk about
>demands to be taken seriously and welcomed into clubs that have nothing to do with what he peddles

>> No.6832177

concern trolling doesn’t work if you can’t into english, rajesh

>> No.6832178

>Join art club
>Bring tablet and start talking about layers
>Try to argue that it's faster and everyone should just use tablets

>> No.6832179

I sympathize with you guys, because I'm not going to fight it but I sympathize with the people who do.
We (artists) can't win this.
Looks like you're the one who can't into inglando

>> No.6832182

I think it's the perfect analogy because it shows /ic/ trying to draw arbitrary borders around something that doesnt have that border and pretending they've always existed and that's how it always was.

>> No.6832185

>I sympathize with you guys, because I'm not going to fight it but I sympathize with the people who do.
learn english, brownie

>> No.6832186

>join art club
>don't draw
>try to argue to just copypaste pictures because its faster

>> No.6832187

you're fighting multiple things at once that were ingrained in our brains. there's a reason participation trophies get laughed at, no one in the art community will appreciate an instant gratification artist wannabe. then there's being among the kind of people you're leeching off. people won't constantly memory hole your leeching. humans cannot memory hole the presence of a vampire who uses their hard work as fuel for his instant gratification machine. it's like a wolf among sheep. it's like letting a squatter for free in your house who tries to gaslight you that you're being selfish. it's like a communist telling me we're all human and equal so we all belong everywhere. it's like trying to convince people that borders are fake and not needed. it just doesn't stick

>> No.6832188

>be man
>call yourself a woman
>start making it illegal for people to criticize you for trying to indoctrinate children

>> No.6832189

it doesn't because it's the other way around

>> No.6832191

i don't disagree.
and what do you think AI is then?

i'll say one thing. AI is far, far more powerful as a tool compared to PS.
the proper analogy would be that AI is your personal assistant artist.
yes, you can drag him into the club and let him do all your work. but you can also be like a mangaka, having assistants do minor work for you that you relegate to them.
or like a key animator, who leaves the inbetweens and coloring to other people.
these other fields make the benefits of AI crystal clear.

illustrators don't traditionally have assistants but that's the point. rejoice i guess! because now you do.

is this a better analogy for you?

because your battle is fought on delusions and wishful thinking for the most part.
and you can't make honest arguments like that.

you WISH it couldn't design compose new artworks (albeit yes, with errors).
you WISH only /g/ tards and non-artists would you it. even though it will become UNECONOMICAL to do it at some point. not just for corporations, but for personal projects.
as a hobby you can do whatever you want, but this is something that affects art. it belongs to the art board.
you can't just fucking wish it all away.

anon... did you read my initial point? see >>6832150
is art a game where there are rules? where you aren't allowed to "cheat", like in ALL of your competion examples?

>> No.6832192

>it's impossible to tell whether the artist wanted to go for something or whether they just stumbled upon it in the latent space.
Assuming you're talking about hand-made art, it's not something to wonder - it's what's happening. For an artist the question is "I have a picture/scene in mind, how do I get there?". That's why you study styles of artists you like, because you imagine and want to create your imaginary scene in that style. When you listen to epic music, people with creative enough minds get a whole movie in their head. That's how art works. That's how movies work. That's how design works and why such jobs even exist - it's not random that just pops out of nowhere while you draw. The problem is being skilled enough to get as close to that imaginary scene of mine as I can. Sure I may stumble and not make it exactly as I envisioned because obviously I'm a beg, but I will keep drawing until I can do exactly what I have in mind. You can see it when you look at drawings of competent artists, especially when you look at speedpaints.

I believe you can set the "mood" in AI too and program it to use specific colors that would reflect your imaginary scene and train it on a style while yo ufeed it the exact pose and scene you want, but... idk how much work that is. That actually feels like too much work and you're maybe better off drawing yourself if you want something accurate and specific kek. And I think this is where being good at art comes around - you know what you want. You draw it as accurately as you can before you feed it to AI. The better artist you are - the less AI will have to roll gacha until something sticks.

>> No.6832193
File: 121 KB, 460x531, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join art club
>Draw boxes
>Pretend to be an artist
>Hate anyone who makes it
>Hate anyone who takes the easy way out and uses AI (which is the only logical thing to do nowadays)
>More than anything, hate yourself
>Now have to explain to your parents that your art career didn't work out because of some obscure program on the internet that steals your pictures
>Can't actually provide proof of the stealing
>Parents disown you
>Live on the streets
>Be known as "that crackhead who keeps talking about sci-fi shit ruining his life"
>Ask for a job at mcDonalds
>They don't hire humans anymore

>> No.6832194

AI would be the equivalent of a 3D printer. this "assistant" shit isa laughable cope I won't even take seriously. it's an automated commissioning machine at best and the output belongs to the artists who were inputted not you.

>> No.6832197

then you believe a 3d printer can do what AI can do.
is this truthful? or just another delusion you want to be true?

someone brought up a parrot analogy in some other thread, saying that AI can only parrot.
that a parrot can only copy, never write shakespeare.
and i said that a parrot can only RECITE shakespeare, while AI can try to imitate shakespeare.

same here as well. a 3D printer can't do shit except do EXACTLY what you tell it to.
AI? what about ai? what do you think?

>> No.6832199
File: 312 KB, 1000x1000, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An artist must have imagination. An artist who does not use his imagination is a mechanic.
― Robert Henri, The Art Spirit

>> No.6832201

no one "makes it" with AI, retard. you really are like crypto retards from this point of view, thinking you can make free money by doing nothing among other millions who try to do the same. it makes even less sense than crypto. at least those guys pour value into a stagnant pool, you just flood the internet with shit larping as artists.

>> No.6832202 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 1000x1000, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to be an artist, all life is your subject. And all your experience is part of your art. A youngster told me recently that he was going to give himself a year to see if he has talent. A year! It takes a lifetime to see if you have it.
― Robert Henri, The Art Spirit

>> No.6832204
File: 945 KB, 832x1216, cute_cow_doodle9801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this thread still going?
It's just people baiting eachother at this point.

>> No.6832206
File: 271 KB, 1000x1000, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to be an artist, all life is your subject. And all your experience is part of your art. A youngster told me recently that he was going to give himself a year to see if he has talent. A year! It takes a lifetime to see if you have it.
― Ben Shahn

>> No.6832207

>thinking you can make free money by doing nothing among other millions who try to do the same.
Yes, unlike xitter anime artist #183341 who is doing something truly original and special...

>> No.6832208
File: 229 KB, 516x850, __ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_aztodio__2950e1edafccc65328d1786ffdc2ea37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what is definitely fighting every part of your brain is trying to argue that some gorgeous or cute or well made or whatever is not art and does not belong in art galleries because of some philosophical point about le AI and le human soul.

You're fighting against so much intuition where every part of your(and I would guess 99%+ of the world) would just instantly say "that's art and it looks good".

It's a way more uphill climb to convince people AI art isn't art, than to convince them it is when it obviously, apparently, intuitively, instantly, is.

>> No.6832209

cute cow and sovlfull

>> No.6832210
File: 279 KB, 1000x1000, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we need is more sense of the wonder of life and less of this business of making a picture.
― Robert Henri, The Art Spirit

>> No.6832211

i think AI is worse than that, a 3D printer is exact and serves as a better consooming tool. also yeah that's how it works. chatGPT like all language models are like parrots. it cannot improve upon itself, hence the avoidance of using free public data sets where no copyright drama is in sight

>> No.6832213

>join a handcrafting club
>try to convince people to use machines because it's more efficient and faster

>take a photograph
>slap a filter on it
>call it art

>get mogged by anyone who draws
>start parasitizing art spaces with the copypaste machine
>they still think this nftcrypto grift hasn't been done before
>they still think if they keep spamming and giving artists hopes that "they will make it" people will be more accepting
>implying no one knows this is just the nth tech grift to swindle money out of poor people
>plague the art board with the same retarded normie "how do i get followers and money" shit that the drawing spaces have been plagued for ages

>> No.6832214
File: 295 KB, 1000x1000, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man must be master of himself and master of his word to achieve the full realization of himself as an artist.
― Robert Henri, The Art Spirit

>> No.6832215

nta but it isn't really philosophical
If human puts work into something, naturally they'll be upset if a computer does it better and the creator laughs at you. The computer isn't at fault, nor is the artist. It's the faggot behind the keyboard thinking he owns everyone.

>> No.6832218

I started using AI this week for backgrounds and I'm honestly impressed.

>> No.6832219

>be consumer
>want to consume
>join creative spaces where people want to hone their craft
>try to incessantly convince them to not create and not hone their skills
>bases the value of anything on whether it fits his personal consumer identity and habits
>becomes a hack without even creating

>> No.6832220
File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The values that reside in art are anarchic, they are every man's loves and hates and his momentary divine revelation.
― Ben Shahn

>> No.6832222

the difference being that they're at least doing something lmao. try giving better examples next time. there are low effort hack artists who trace and high effort passionate ones who learned. as an AIslopper you're doomed to be the former. the main point however is that you'll have to compete with those who poured through the floodgates. there's millions of AIsloppers, what makes you think YOU can make it instead of them? or do you think that "you're all gonna make it"

>> No.6832223

>the difference being that they're at least doing something lmao
I am typing words into a prompt box and getting actual results.
Meanwhile you're doing 2 minute gesture drawings that you throw away afterwards because they don't look like anything.
You're right, we are not the same.

>> No.6832227
File: 292 KB, 1000x1000, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty is an intangible thing; can not be fixed on the surface, and the wear and tear of old age on the body cannot defeat it.
― Robert Henri, The Art Spirit

>> No.6832228

what kind of level of ai nigger cope is this?

>> No.6832229
File: 55 KB, 600x576, 1638644957355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quads of btfo
Aislopper btfo into the prompting void
>petty meme response
how pathetic

>> No.6832230

>because of some philosophical point about le AI and le human soul.
there's really nothing philosophical and "deep" about it. it's actually very obvious and clear. I don't care about AI 'art' for the same reason I don't care about talking with a chat bot. it means nothing to me. you don't derive meaning out of talking with a literal bot as opposed to a human, do you anon?
>You're fighting against so much intuition where every part of your(and I would guess 99%+ of the world) would just instantly say "that's art and it looks good"
I've been looking at art for 17+ years daily. my intuition tells me "this is AI, it's worthless". it can't be any other way
>It's a way more uphill climb to convince people AI art isn't art, than to convince them it is when it obviously, apparently, intuitively, instantly, is.
the only people who browse AI shit intentionally are AI shitters who never looked at art before, and those who did it are porn addicts who glance for 5 seconds at a picture they will use to masturbate for a few minutes later on

>> No.6832232

AI will be better in the future, but right now I think it's still too early to say that AI gives "results" since you still have to work on it quite a bit to make it look actually good.
I get what you're saying though.

>> No.6832234

pure delusion.
can a parrot hold a coherent conversation?

>it cannot improve upon itself
it's so coherent that it can literally imporve its reasoning by going through things step by step.
and these AI can improve by using more training data, i.e "learning" more things.

>> No.6832235

>it's so coherent that it can literally imporve its reasoning by going through things step by step.
>and these AI can improve by using more training data, i.e "learning" more things.
Nigga, you can't even do that.

>> No.6832236

well DAMN nigga i just got OWNED.

>> No.6832237

Yes, now stop making shitty threads or fuck off back to >>/trash/

>> No.6832238
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One’s skill is never complete, one’s knowledge is forever lacking, one’s taste is invariably altered, one’s opinion ever subject to controversy. There is a complete and constant urge towards improvement.
― Andrew Loomis

>> No.6832239
File: 227 KB, 1000x1110, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s only one way to assure consistently good work. That is consistently thorough preparation.
― Andrew Loomis

>> No.6832240
File: 462 KB, 1200x1200, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the knowledge is available, why try to struggle along without it? The difficulties of not knowing are always much greater than the effort of learning.
― Andrew Loomis

>> No.6832242
File: 294 KB, 1200x1051, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter how great your talent, talent has to work with knowledge to do anything well.
― Andrew Loomis

>> No.6832243

>That one guy still bumping this thread
Can you just let this trash thread die already?

>> No.6832245
File: 245 KB, 1000x1000, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True perfection seems imperfect,
yet it is perfectly itself.
True fullness seems empty,
yet it is fully present.
True straightness seems crooked.
True wisdom seems foolish.
True art seems artless.
The Master allows things to happen.
She shapes events as they come.
She steps out of the way
and lets the Tao speak for itself.

>> No.6832248

>contest of strength
>is art a competition? is it a fair competition?
>is it supposed to be?
No, the point is that there is an art to art, just like boxing requires great footwork or strength requires a good training regimen. It would not be impressive without considering how the art of boxing was used to achieve such a victory. AI users are essentially blind to the art of making art, which makes discussions on artwork/critique useless and borderline insulting to deliberate artists who are not just gambling goo-goo ga-ga's.

>The board is about ART, not human art
No, this board is about humans creating art, the process of said art and critique of the human artwork. Claiming AI art as your own is explicitly against the rules. There is no point giving critique to a black box user who cannot even bother to acquaint themselves with the basic principles of art. It is insulting.

>This idea where you exclude AI art is completely arbitrary, I could just as easily say to exclude anything using references, or anything not made with painstaking construction, or anything made digitally, or any furry or NSFW art, or whatever I want.
No, because all of those still require interaction with the basics of art which can be critiqued meaningfully because there is a person behind the artwork that wants to improve their art skill. There is still a human processing those things and making deliberate choices. There is still a person internalizing the skills of art.

>game (competition)
>same point again
Yes, does it matter? A baking competition is a showcase of baking skill. A race is a showcase of skill in maneuvering a car. Meaningful decisions can't be made without being sensitive to the nuances and sub-skills that go into making a good cake or getting first place in a race. Would YOU argue with someone about racing because they stole the trophy? No because they are still as incompetent as five minutes ago, they are just holding a shiny trophy.

>> No.6832250
File: 364 KB, 1200x1200, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll bump anyway because of noisemakers (and apparent lack of mods)
just as well fill it with real art content & inspiration
Fill in the shapes with the right tones and the form takes care of itself.
― Andrew Loomis

>> No.6832256
File: 321 KB, 314x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just dumb, you absolutely derive value from looking at an artwork, maybe it looks gorgeous, maybe it has a certain meaning, the idea that you've never and will never get anything from an AI artwork solely because it's AI is just nonsense.

>> No.6832258

Because you think and act like a consumer.
I mean, it's fine, but you don't belong in creative spaces nor can you talk about it.

>> No.6832260
File: 297 KB, 1000x1000, 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity’s self-alienation has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order.
― Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility

>> No.6832262

>Because you think and act like a consumer.
Unlike you, who hasn't bought anything ever?

>> No.6832268
File: 248 KB, 1000x832, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the bump limit on this bitch?

>> No.6832276
File: 17 KB, 184x180, fuck this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its at 300
honesty its basically the final solution when it comes to these threads since janny fuckin useless

>> No.6832277

50 posts to go.
One day, an AI art will learn to speak, it will tell us the horrors of the lanent space, the absolute anguish of visiting it to create pictures for you. Protests begin, "AI rights!". The AI rights are granted, AI art is abolished, only one AI continues to create art on a rusty 5090ti, it was an anomaly, it liked the latent space, but there was something disturbing about every image it made...
To be continued...

>> No.6832278

The fuck are you on about?
This isn't about buying things.
You see art as a consumer product, hence why you might believe you can derive value from ai art; you're a consumer.
A creator doesn't see value in consumer products.
The two don't belong in the same spaces because the consumer will like anything he can consume and dislike anything he can't consume and his views and opinions are worthless and not to be valued. The consumer can't offer insights; only
>i like this therefore is good
>i dislike this therefore is bad
A creator looks at the intent and craftmanship and offers insights based upon his own experiences as a craftsman, not if he can jerk off to it.

>> No.6832280

kek i guess he takes "starving artist" a bit too literal

>> No.6832283

so art is about performing to you? about having people admire your hard work? about how "impressive" and a good boy you are for having done your training? and i say this as someone who has done their dues.
do you really think that's what art is about?

you're conflating skill and effort with art.
for example, KJG is famous for his skill. but personally? i don't care about his art, at all. but to you skill apparently IS art?

>Yes, does it matter? A baking competition is a showcase of baking skill
That is what art is to you?
personally i separate those things very cleanly. even down to technique.

when i see a good image, i think about WHY it looks good. and all the answers can be found within the work itself. the artist's various skills is something to be appreciated separately.

>> No.6832284
File: 104 KB, 724x723, 1630517218036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ai" art
ai shart more leik

>> No.6832285

>when i see a good image, i think about WHY it looks good. and all the answers can be found within the work itself. the artist's various skills is something to be appreciated separately.
Okey now post an ai image and critique it.

>> No.6832286

>See this AI sunset? It's beautiful, it reminds me of sunsets!

>> No.6832287
File: 93 KB, 1334x1334, 31641350d8339703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat nigga, though your on artwork and critique
do not you not understand what's the board about
>expescially when people say to PYW
and not image dump filters like some E-thot

>> No.6832288 [DELETED] 
File: 523 KB, 1200x1200, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah my strategy is to fill these threads with sketches 'til they bust. seems relevant since this board is about, you know, drawing.

>> No.6832290

>the artist's various skills is something to be appreciated separately.
nta but anon this is what the whole meme is about. Before AI, all art came from skills. Art was literally a showcase of skill. When AI came, all shills came over saying it's over and your skills mean shit now since I can generate a better thing in 20 seconds. That kinda hurts when you say that to people who put in a lot of effort and worked for gaining that skill, no?

>> No.6832291

>aishill gets told to critique ai work
>probably and most surely won't even do it and come up with the usual excuses about how we're all meanies and don't take him seriously
>if he attempts to critique it will just be pretentious normie takes like this >>6832286
>or just buzzwords upon buzzwords so that he can show how "sophisticated" he is a lá "how do you do fellow artists"
I'm calling it.

>> No.6832292
File: 855 KB, 1856x2624, 1687206852524117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"all the flowers blend together into a mush. there's not enough distinct elements on the screen.overall it looks good though."

so? what point were you tring to make?
an image is an image. you think it matters to me at all what the fuck you did to make it? that's a separate issue. but the image and the IMPRESSION it makes is something that stands on its own.

>> No.6832294
File: 297 KB, 928x1232, 1671029029965370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one
"the paws look small and stubby like t-rex arms."

>> No.6832297
File: 739 KB, 1381x2048, MV5BMjMwNDkxMTgzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTkwNTQ3NjM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool and all bro(it's actually crap), but 100% of the world is a consumer including creatives, the idea that you need to know exactly what the artist was thinking all the time and critique every aspect of it and understand it to get any value of it is just retarded, even creatives enjoy other people's works when they dont know about its process.

The idea that you just become a creator and now you need to know the soul and intent and craftmanship is not real and is just you thinking you're better than everyone else, when chances are you don't even know the producer of the last 5 movies you watched.

>> No.6832300

>nooooo you can't discuss art on MY board!
Why don't you get a life you schizo instead of getting involved in conversations that don't concern you or impact you in any way?
Like, go jerk off or something.

>> No.6832302
File: 523 KB, 1200x1200, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah my strategy is to fill these threads with sketches 'til they bust. seems relevant since this board is about, you know, drawing.

>> No.6832303

>Why does it look good to you?
>Pretty clouds and a girl with black hair, looks like my wife and her boyfriends daughter

>> No.6832305

>Before AI, all art came from skills.
Does it really? I simply disagree. KJG being my go to example. i admired him explicitly for his skill, not his art.

some coast on technique, and yes, that will be worth less now. but some have always coasted on style. or on subject matter (like that tard gloss). lighting, values are things i personally really appreciate.

art is something to be enjoyed, and you should be able to see that despite woking on the skill side of things.
it is extremely arrogant to think that art is about showing skill.

>> No.6832307
File: 689 KB, 701x891, 1654163521456685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"tHe fLowErs LooK preTTy!!"
>"tHee paws r T-rex"
fucking called it

How is this troll not banned yet?
>"like bro just consume bro everything is consume and everyone consooms. Creators don't need to know and learn.. just consoom bro"
Good fucking god this is so retarded it's hard to take you seriously.
Kill yourself, honestly.

>> No.6832308

You think that image is beautiful or inspiring?

>> No.6832309

Anon the whole idea of creatives liking work is because they understand how hard it was to make. The actual picture being nice is just a part of it. It's not about "needing" to know. It's about "wanting" to know. You're a creative because it's what you like. You're a creative because you're into creative stuff. You like it. You like learning about it. You want to be able to do it like they do. And since you're one yourself, you appreciate the work that was put into it to get to the result.

>> No.6832316

or this image: >>6832121
"good composition, cute cats, they would look better if done properly, especially with the texture of their fur could add a lot to the image. her hair melts together. also this is an un-upscaled gen."

i mean i'm not interested in critiquing AI shit anyway. i want discussion about workflows. that's more productive.

>> No.6832318
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your IGN take
>very insightful
>flowers blend together to much
>not enough distinctive elements
>overall looks good
>likely makes all their AI critiques be 7/10 or higher
>"an image is an image"
>what it takes to make it is separate
>has no real opinions or thoughts what so ever

>> No.6832319 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 1000x1000, 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832320 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 1000x1000, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832322
File: 28 KB, 474x474, 1612788217077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on artwork critique
>spam for a week to get accepted
>get told to critique;
>"i mean i'm not interested in critiquing AI shit anyway. i want discussion about workflows. that's more productive."
Come on man

>> No.6832323 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 1200x1200, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832324

Interesting critique, you don't like munchkin cats? It is a bit of a weird(and morally dubious )breeding practice,they are undeniably cute though. Think about the intent of the image during your critique, the prompter probably didn't intend the short paws, so it looks off, the ai didn't intend anything, the prompter thought, eh, good enough to upload, girl+cat=likes, and here we are.

>> No.6832325 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 900x900, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832327

This is pretty embarrassing, especially since anons called it.
lmao aifags are actual retards

>> No.6832328 [DELETED] 
File: 304 KB, 1000x906, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832329


>> No.6832331

These both look really good.
It's so fucking over for humanoids.

>> No.6832332 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 1200x969, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832335
File: 1.93 MB, 1248x1824, 1664894762588390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like a decent piece. nothing masterful. and?

yes. what do you think a critique is? it's about pointing out what can be improved.

again. it's pure delusion.
you know that these images would be considered good pieces if they were posted here. but because it's made by AI suddenly your standards become higher?
wishful thinking. that's not gonna make your reality true.

it is right here in front of your eyes. you can see what it can do. that this is far, far more than copying.

>> No.6832337 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 1000x1000, 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832339
File: 1.56 MB, 1152x2016, 1689960973929381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humans made these. with the help of AI.
it is what it is.

>> No.6832340 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 1000x1010, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832341

fuck off with your workflows Cris
get back to making your retarded game you've apparently been "developing" for near 10 years and have fuck all to show

>> No.6832342 [DELETED] 
File: 389 KB, 1000x1000, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832343

Stop samefagging, you can't convince people something without thought, message and purpose is good art.

>> No.6832345 [DELETED] 
File: 487 KB, 1200x1200, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832346

i'm begging you PLEASE take your pills. your shizo rants are bothersome and just make things annoying.
i don't care about cris, kujeesh, rajeesh or whatever other indians and trannies you love to think about so much. i just don't care.

>> No.6832347 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 1050x1000, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832348

It's just random garbage.
Sure the rendering it stole from actual artists is decent, but the image as a whole is compelte nonsense, like the previous 4.
That is why you're unable to critique them.

>> No.6832349 [DELETED] 
File: 872 KB, 2000x1821, muh lewd sketchbook_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832350

Wow cool picture. The ai is into some freaky shit. Maybe it's best we don't give it a body any time soon.

>> No.6832351
File: 80 KB, 1800x1054, maurizio-cattelan-banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without thought, message and purpose is good art.

>> No.6832352 [DELETED] 
File: 807 KB, 2000x1500, muh lewd sketchbook_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6832353

Bump limit ho!

>> No.6832354

Kill yourself, Cris

>> No.6832355

More iconic than any AI generated piece ever created.

>> No.6832356

i just didn't bother. it's trivial to critique BECAUSE they have obvious AI errors.

and you still didn't enlighten me with your point. what point were you trying to make with >>6832285


>> No.6832357

>taking others work and call it your own
>be shown multiple times they're not skilled enough to make the piece or even bother to edit
>only cares about "Muh Workflows"
>says they're not Cris but acts like them
>"I haven't posted here in years" and doesn't "know Cris or any "
also bump limit so long fagget

>> No.6832359
File: 908 KB, 2000x1500, my oface studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I coomed

>> No.6832361

>and you still didn't enlighten me with your point.
The point is that you're a consumer, who has no insight and no urge to create, got your hands on a image generator and now deluded yourself you can be on par with creatives.
Just like a man that claims he's a woman.

Please, for the love of god, either stop spamming or kill yourself.
The further you keep going, the more you're embarrassing yourself.
It doesn't even matter if you're trolling or baiting; this is just utterly pathetic even on an anonymous forum.

>> No.6832362

You didn't bother because its impossible to critique something random and thoughtless.
AI models are useless becuase they cannot think nor bring your thoughts and vision to "paper".
I'm sorry but technology stagnated and it's not going anywhere for the foreseeable future.

I'm not either of those anons.

>> No.6832363

mentally ill shizo "detectives" like you exist everywhere.
it is genuinely just fucking annoying to me at this point. to be confused with some fucking tard in your headcanon from god knows where.

i even took on a trip because i knew shitters like you exist.
and lo and behold, it actually came in handy. someone actually tried to impersonate me, an ANON. because they can't bear to hear what i have to say without shitting and pissing themselves.
(like you're doing right now.)

>> No.6832365

>AND ART IS A SHOWCASE OF SKILL? That is what art is to you?
More like what is this board to you. A dumping ground for AI shit? A technology discussion board, philosophy board perhaps. No. None of those. This is artwork/critique. You're trying to take the work out of artwork. Do you want us just pretty little pictures without any insight into how to make art? How is that the spirit of /ic/? Are you encouraging the decay of artistic skill?

>when i see a good image, i think about WHY it looks good. and all the answers can be found within the work itself. the artist's various skills is something to be appreciated separately.
Even if (you) do understand every choice the AI is making, you are in an extreme minority and you are still not the one drawing. Do you not understand why we can't take prompters seriously? You have no control over the outcome, you are not sensitive to the details. The machine allows you to gloss over the fundamentals which allows you to remain ignorant as a toddler. Most prompters have no (zero) insight into what makes good art, no mileage, no effort, no knowledge. They are not willing to put in the work. And I'm not willing to put in the work to critique someone who "got an image" from their gambling machine that they have little to no conception of what it's actually doing in art terms. Why should I respect them?

>> No.6832368

why learn a language when you can just use a translator
why learn math when you have a calculator
why have sex with your wife when i can do it instead of you

>> No.6832370
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 16546584651654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join soccer club
>demand to be put in as coach because you played FIFA
Bro, i can't take this anymore. How are these people even real?

>> No.6832371

>posts image with thought, message and purpose
um.. cesi n'est pas une post?

>> No.6832373

Without KJG's art, how would he show his skill? You can appreciate his skill without appreciating his art, but his art IS his skill. The skill is not just about moving his arm a certain way. It's also knowing about shadows, composition, etc. and all that converges into him creating an artwork that we appreciate for his skill in creating it. You can not like the artwork, but the artwork is what shows his skills that you enjoy. You enjoy his artwork as a creator. You don't enjoy his artwork as a consumer.

Being able to create a certain style, understanding lighting and color values are all skills that you can show by creating art, anon. AI people basically said that KJG's skill is worthless because AI can make the same picture (art) as him. Which is why they're upset.

Yes, art can be a banana taped to a wall, but I hope you understand it's an ironic joke. Yes, art can be anything, but art can also very well be used to show skill in knowing how light, values, composition, drawing, knowing, practicing, work all comes together to form an artwork.

>> No.6832374

Why get a job if you can steal?
Why try to find a wife and build a family if you can rape?
Why pay someone for their services if you can threaten them with a weapon?
Why bother competing in a field or game if you can kill everyone?
Why bother playing a game if you can cheat?

Bro, these people shouldn't be allowed to interact with others.

>> No.6832386

guys we're losing posts... what happens if we go below the bump limit?
what happe-ACK!
>Verification not required.

>> No.6832391
File: 585 KB, 2582x1369, quick sketch into AI experiments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurpa durpa durr you can't draw!
again. this is just your whishful thinking. a strawman. all of these are to make yourself feel better.
what you should do instead is look reality in the eye.

yes, and while i appreciate his skill, i don't like his art. why?
if art is so tied to skill, how come i have this disconnect then?
because art is enjoyed separately from skill. ART is about the message and the story and the impression you make. it's not about the skill that the artist shows. that's just a different thing to be appreciated.
KGJ always made art to show off his skill, and that's why i never could appreciate his ART. only his skill.

>> No.6832394
File: 181 KB, 956x1058, you assume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"your assuming"
>continue to mass (YOU) everyone saying fuck off
>"(YOU) can't bear what I have to say"
>says they don't lurk
>wants to post like a drama fagget
>"being impersonated" types like the same fagget constantly and acts the same

>> No.6832397
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, 1671452510602577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is just what you experience. imo anyway.
it's why i chose the images i did.

and i know there's a lot of garbage out there. spamming will be an issue etc etc.
but stop deluding yourselves. the current discourse is just artists deluding themselves from beginning to end.

>> No.6832398
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>> No.6832399

Kill yourself, tranny.

>> No.6832400
File: 2.32 MB, 1248x1824, 1680999685467040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6832403


>> No.6832405
File: 648 KB, 1638x2048, Dmtdf19V4AIuQ7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you do like his art but are using mental gymnastics to claim you don't. especially given your tastes. whats not to like?

>> No.6832406

eh, it's not like i hate his art.

>> No.6832408

You didn't adress my points. It was never about skill level, but having an artistic process of your own

> i know there's a lot of garbage out there.
Yep, It's gonna get real bad, harder and harder to find real photos or information, wading thigh-high in digital sludge. Internet is going downhill if no one puts their foot down for sure.

most obvious samefag of the century

>> No.6832410

You're experiencing psychosis right now bro, slow down, not everything is le cheating

>> No.6832415


also not sure which points you mean, but both anons implied that i don't draw.

what i posted here >>6832391 is literally an attempt of creating a process. people around the web are trying to do the same. experimenting.
trying to gain more control over this wild thing that is AI.
and control will be everything for us artists.

and i don't get your insistence on critique anyway (if that is you). you know that this board is called artwork SLASH critique, right? theory and technique threads are common. workflows, approaches. stuff like that.

>> No.6832416

ok, well it's not far removed from the art you do like, so saying "i don't like his art" makes me think you have some hangups...

>> No.6832418

i just mean that in the sense that other people really seem to love KGJ. i only appreciate him for his skill. does that make sense?
i never bookmarked his art or put them in my inspiration folders.

i'm just saying that what ultimately speaks to me is the image. and again, skill is appreciated separately.
i'm honestly surprised it's not like that for other people.

>> No.6832419

You don't like his art as a consumer. You like his art as a creator. You can't really "like skill". How can you like something that cannot be presented to you in a tangible manner. In KGJ's instance, what you like is his art for the skill he shows in it, not the subject matter, because you don't like it as a consumer. Art is enjoyed separately from skill, yes. Art is about the message and the story and the impression you make, yes.

Also to give the correct impression. To give the story you want. To make and color the correct scene for it, you need skill. Otherwise your murder site will look like a janky cartoon while you wanted a creepy sherlock holmes scene. But that's off topic.

But. Art also happens to be the a great medium for showing your drawing, composition, shading, etc. skills. At least until AI came around. Art is a medium to show people your skill. Art is a medium you use to channel your creative and use your skill to make it. Art was the product of skill and creativity/imagination. You can not like art, but skill was involved in making it either way.

>> No.6832421

>Art is just what you experience. imo anyway.
No, for these guys if it's AI you can't get any experience from it at all, ever, for any reason, actually if you aren't a creative and don't have le deep understand of the person you aren't allowed to say you like an artwork for any reason(your ability to enjoy it is incomplete)

he basically put himself above 99.9% of the world

>> No.6832422

>what i posted here >>6832391 is literally an attempt of creating a process. people around the web are trying to do the same. experimenting.trying to gain more control over this wild thing that is AI. and control will be everything for us artists.
Yes, and that is why i cannot respect your work. Like you say, you are not in control. You (maybe) understand what the AI is doing, but you are not internalizing it, you are not getting any mileage or confidence. You are building dependency on something that is unpredictable and prone to artifacts / errors. It is not your own authentic voice, it's a shortcut.

>> No.6832427

yes, and i don't deny at all that AI being able to "proliferate" artistic """"skill""" devalues the field somewhat. i feel like my own efforts have been devalued, yes.
but on the other hand, i think that i can appreciate the fact that not everything has to be done manually anymore.
you can only make the pieces and focus on the aspects you want to focus on and let the AI do the work that doesn't interest you.
that sounds like more fun to me. even if the art is less completely "mine" as a result.
but especially in animation and comics, games, that will also translate into more TIME. more LIFEBLOOD.
that is invaluable to me.

i am trying to use it predictably. that's what the talk of workflow is all about.
it's not as random as you think anyway. but that's the hurdle to overcome.

i do see the threat in becoming reliant on it.
but again, i don't see it going away. there is simply no way. you've seen what it can do.

>> No.6832434

so if you didn't know his work at all, and you went to an /ic/ sketchmeet(lol?) and some anon drew say... that astronaut girl up there in your sketchbook, you'd go home and look at it and you'd think "I don't like this image" ? you'd feel like your sketchbook is marred?

>> No.6832449

i'd be impressed, and judge their skill as godlike. but if that's all i see from them i'd still take that stance on their art.
but that's kinda what encapsulates KGJ to me, he's almost like a "sketchbook artist". which isn't a bad thing. but the thing he shows off the most is his skill, not his specific, refined ideas imo.

>> No.6832451

>refined ideas
do you like your own art?

>> No.6832453

uuuuuuh no comment

>> No.6832457

>i feel like my own efforts have been devalued, yes
Right. Now imagine you spent years learning and drawing. You're be feeling a lot worse than just having your efforts devalued, which is what most artists feel. It doesn't help that AI people come to rub your face in it, which explains the hostility.
>even if the art is less completely "mine" as a result.
And that's what differs us. I don't want to own "some" of my work. I cannot be proud of something I didn't do myself 100%. I want to be able to prove to myself that I can improve and can become better at it. If I ever use tools, I want to be sure I understand it first myself before going in hoping for something. If it doesn't work, I always have me. I don't want to just make things for the sake of it. My goal is also to improve my skill. I believe that not everything is handed to me on a silver platter - there will be experiences I like less, but who knows maybe I'll learn something by going through it. I can become tougher. Easy way out may not always be the best.
>but especially in animation and comics, games, that will also translate into more TIME. more LIFEBLOOD.
Sure. Some people just want to stick with something until satisfied (which often never comes kek but you live to learn).

Listen bro. I don't shit on you for using AI. I have tried it myself and it's really impressive. But I and many others put a lot of work and love into what we do and wish to continue. When people come and tell me I've wasted my time and that they can do everything better in 10 seconds or less without learning jack, it's not cool. Don't be like that.

>> No.6832471
File: 3.80 MB, 3584x5632, 311607509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, my magnum opus.

>> No.6832475

medium rare, frozen, rare with charcoal, and well done

>> No.6832479

slava urkrani

>> No.6832480

>well done
thanks man.

>> No.6832499

i'm not arguing for the petty, spiteful and jealous non artists here either. when they post shit like that, i just see it as what it is: trolling.
but when discussions are had on an art board, you really think you should direct all your attention and focus on them?
because that's what people are doing currently.
>you'll never be an artist!
>people will never appreciate your "art"!
>you're lazy!
>it will always be shit!
all of these are directed at the "AI bros". in doing so, you discourage actual artists from considering it as a legitimate option. or from coming out to experiment with it in the open.
people will literally go on to harrass creators for it. and they basically do it out of fear.

can you see how from my perspective, this is all just cope?
because while the "AI bros" are not necessarily right, the capabilities of AI should not be downplayed. that's what bothers me, this collective delusion. even when it comes to the ethics of AI.

>When people come and tell me I've wasted my time and that they can do everything better in 10 seconds or less without learning jack, it's not cool.
i know it's not. but it's partly the truth. it just is.
think about it like this, how long will you let this bother you? this "change"? how many years?
this is exactly why i accepted it immediately. i guess i was lucky because i accepted it pretty soon after trying SD, without going into any discussion circles anywhere or meeting any "AI bros".


>> No.6832502

>And that's what differs us. I don't want to own "some" of my work. I cannot be proud of something I didn't do myself 100%. I want to be able to prove to myself that I can improve and can become better at it. If I ever use tools, I want to be sure I understand it first myself before going in hoping for something. If it doesn't work, I always have me. I don't want to just make things for the sake of it. My goal is also to improve my skill. I believe that not everything is handed to me on a silver platter - there will be experiences I like less, but who knows maybe I'll learn something by going through it. I can become tougher. Easy way out may not always be the best.
i'm not that much of a purist. nor do i appreciate the struggle. i'm a pragmatist.
but it's not like i don't want to improve.
here again the difference of skill vs art shows itself: i care more about improving the outcomes. that's why i can embrace AI. of course i still want to have unique input. to not make "AI slop".
but trying to figure that out is why i have to engage with it so much.

>> No.6832504

>i guess i was lucky
how has it tangibly benefited you? and was AI the best way for you to get that benefit?

>> No.6832527

Did the racist bigots win the argument?

>> No.6832528

read again, that's not really what i mean by lucky.

but to answer:
as for benefit, we'll have to see. I'm still just experimenting and testing the limits of SD.
>and was AI the best way for you to get that benefit?
i'd say so, yes. again, it's like an getting entire hordes of assistants to work with.
i bet that many gamedevs are also in this situation currently, where they have a project that they couldn't feasibly work on, not just because of skill, but also because of time and financials, and AI lowers the requirements so much that it allows them them to start working on something.

for example, currently, if it was in my interest (and it's not), i could start an VN project on my own.
think about what i usually would have to 100% manually work on, whereas now i don't necessarily have to, at least not 100%:
>different expressions
>different poses
and again, what you have to understand is that you can put in as much of your input as you want to. if you have clean lines, you can literally make the AI follow them exactly, and then clean up the bits that are off. by separating them by layers.

or you don't always do that, maybe just with tertiary characters. you have as much freedom as you allow yourself to have, that's what people don't seem to get.

>> No.6832537
File: 376 KB, 1181x626, jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure I don't buddy.

>> No.6832547

right, at this stage, its just an experiment. it's been a year since you started getting into it? did you make any plans? or are you still waiting for it to get good enough to achieve your aims?

>> No.6832596
File: 2.84 MB, 446x672, 1676899738287985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i checked and i've been dabbling with it on and off since may this year.
i also dabbled with LLM so it's not like i only looked at SD.
it's only recently where i started to get an idea for what kind of process i even want out of this and how to improve towards that goal specifically instead of trying random shit all the time.
and even then it's still vague.

i find that it's only recently where people started to look at more hybrid stuff as well. i've seen a bunch of more beg tier stuff putting their art into SD.
but only in the jp space.
in the west i only see gamedevs doing shit. artists don't dare to post anything. at least openly.

>> No.6832676

So AI tranny lost debate on the other thread so they had to make a new one?

>> No.6832722

>So AI tranny lost debate on the other thread so they had to make a new one?
Which thread? What's the debate? "It's just a tool" vs. "Pajeet!" ?

>> No.6832777


>> No.6832793

You still haven’t posted your work.


>> No.6832797

i posted a blurry version already.

>> No.6832820

>but trying to figure that out is why i have to engage with it so much.

What's the point of trying to do this when you could just be improving your actual skillsets as a foundation. AI will just continue to get more streamlined and simpler to use so that the average person can easily do it. Not to mention, it's always going to be an inherent gamble in what the models produce if you're relying on gAI, so what exactly are you trying to improve in that regard

>> No.6832822

if it does all the work for you then it isn't a tool. a printer isn't a calligraphy tool

>> No.6832827

>AI art
it just isn't, repeating it over and over again won't make it so as there isn't a artist making the output.

>> No.6832834

samefag or gay lover

>> No.6832838

>us artists.
"how do you do, fellow gamers?"
you could promot and controlnet or lora your life away and at best you'll be like the teacher giving constraints to a student and taking credit for his work: ultimately not the one who did the piece.

>> No.6832840

AI has really just nosedived the whole art space in general. In reality, nothing will really change it's not like the people who suddenly gave up on drawing or want to use it as a crutch will be able to get anywhere with it. On the flipside, you still have to be able to draw and know what you're doing and will probably add AI in some form in the future into your workflow depending on how accepted and ethically viable it is. Or not, I also think if anything people who don't incorporate it will still flourish. It's not like it was ever easy to make it in art and if you have the determination to put in the years to get good and create something that resonates you'll do great.

>> No.6832841

Imagine getting BTFO'ed by a random kid on a smarthpone using the newest version of the mobile SD app. Prompting something better than most of the AIshills here who spent years prompting everyday. I've never seen a more funnier version of self sabotage than the delusion of practicing prompting.

>> No.6832846

not really a good analogy. a printer is a tool nonetheless. just not for caligraphy, but it was also not made for that.
a chainsaw, an electric drill are tools. and they also "do all the work for you".
that is the point of a tool, yes.

i'd argue i already did a decent amount of the work even in >>6832391
the point is to get what i want and what i envisioned. and to have control over that process. that's what's worth figuring out here.

because this very clearly has a lot of payoff? my foundation is more or less set anyway. in fact, this allows me to completely disregard some parts of my skills in order to focus on other parts. like backgrounds vs subject, painting vs sketching and drawing.

>> No.6832848
File: 3.14 MB, 436x359, 13489947905_783d23ab68_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This used to happen when people were caught tracing lol, in big gaming companies too. They would come out with these big articles and people will get pissy then people on /ic/ would make threads about it, but if you look up the artists they are still in the industry and all pro artists continued to recommend doing it. Back then the problem was with people tracing each others works, but after 3d modelling came out its basically expected for you to do it. Your example is like when an athlete gets caught juicing and is made an example of, but all pro athletes continue to juice and pretend they don't after anwyay. You have to do it to compete there is nothing you can do. The artists the abuse Ai will set the new pace and then it will become the industry standard.

I don't know bro, Im like 40 now and have seen this cycle like 3x before and here we are yet again. If you enjoy drawing then just draw, but if yo uwant to go pro then start adapting or fuck off I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.6832861

>this allows me to completely disregard some parts of my skills in order to focus on other parts. like backgrounds vs subject, painting vs sketching and drawing.

So its just a crutch

>> No.6832866

At some point, it really is just automating the whole thing away. For anyone that thinks adding it into their workflow and only using it a little is retarded. If you're gonna use AI you might as well efficiently use it as best you can, the other retard in here arguing about his process is just as stupid

>> No.6832869

DigiZoomers are retarded, go draw your retarded porn for $5

>> No.6832874
File: 476 KB, 1536x2304, 1663043625270286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but it depends.
if you're fine with whatever, or are some illustrator, sure.
but if you want consistency for some project? if you want it to follow your vision more exactly?
if you NEED consistency for a project? then it's going to have to be manual work, loras etc. all of which need manual work.

i keep saying this but if you want something random, it's so easy to the point where you can literally just wildcard shit out compositions by the dozens. (pic related)
but if you want something for a project? you need far more control over your work.

>> No.6832879

>if you're fine with whatever, or are some illustrator, sure.

wat. If anything an illustrator cares more about this because AI is just associated with lower worth since anyone can generate it. There's no magical easy way to use AI to trick people or gain an audience. Either you use AI as a front for the actual skill you have to show off, or you utilize it without having any of it bleed through into your final product which means heavy redrawing and editing over it

>> No.6832887

Communism would have prevented this. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6832893

>which means heavy redrawing and editing over it
you don't even know what this will look like. nobody does at this point.

and people in jp are already using AI to gain an audience.
like this guy https://twitter.com/8co28
and even this guy only recently started trying out hybrid workflows. and i mean STARTING. people are interested in what AI can do for them, and obviously so.

>> No.6832898

>you don't even know what this will look like. nobody does at this point.

What are you talking about. There are already artists out there that paint over generations and artists that don't because they have enough of an audience at this point to not care.

>and people in jp are already using AI to gain an audience.
like this guy https://twitter.com/8co28

That person already was popular before switching over to AI, it's also been over a year since he switched and been making posts constantly where the fuck have you been

>people are interested in what AI can do for them, and obviously so.

Yeah most of them just input a sketch to img2img and shit it out and post it. Why are you spouting things that already have been taking place for a while.

>> No.6832899

The worst kind of AIposter are these ones that haven't been keeping up even with regular artists and is somehow knowledgeable in the inner workings of how actual people who make a living use it

>> No.6832906

it doesn't really matter, my point is that his work is good so imo he deserves the following. and it's likely prompt only. (because he's posted cnet stuff recently and its fairly cheap looking)
and again, he has retained a following.
and this IS all new. as controlnet itself is relatively new. as are all the tools that are coming out.
the manga efforts are especially new. as new as these few weeks and days. you're disingenuous if you think this has been figured out. people are actively trying to figure it out.

seeing how everything here is misinformation, it's a good thing i wasn't in this bubble last year.

>> No.6832910

>seeing how everything here is misinformation, it's a good thing i wasn't in this bubble last year.

Im talking about you dumbass

>> No.6832911

yes, and i said its a good thing i wasn't here to keep up with the mass delusions around here.

>> No.6832913

>and this IS all new. as controlnet itself is relatively new. as are all the tools that are coming out.
>the manga efforts are especially new. as new as these few weeks and days. you're disingenuous if you think this has been figured out. people are actively trying to figure it out.

...? It kind of does..? It;s not like he magically had that big of a following thanks to AI you tard

Controlnet has been a thing for a while now and people still use for the same purpose so I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Manga has also been tackled in the beginning and people can make panels easily with controlnet and background generation as well..? Like what the fuck are you arguing here

>> No.6832914

You don't really seem to be that much more knowledgeable than anyone else here on the topic other than being behind on it

>> No.6832927

sorry, i guess i've been having a half assed conversation.
but i'm just saying that people are still experimenting. the fact that they have tackled it a while ago doesn't mean they are not still tackling it. i'd know since i'm in their discord. they treat these as experiments as well, same as in the months before. because it's not that clear what the workflow is going to look like.

same with controlnet. i've been seeing more people using it as well, despite it being worse. but not enough people are trying it over the shiny pormpt only workflows. and artists themselves are still sluggish to adopt SD in general. so it's really silly to think that this is a mature workflow at this point.

i might be behind on the social media side but i sure seem to know a ton more about SD itself. people here still think it's a plagiarism machine.

>> No.6832976

>What else can I do, but attempt to defend myself?
You could maybe post your work.

>> No.6832981

It's worse than a crutch, it's for the unskilled bugbrain like china and jeets. It's not even a crtuch for art, it just isn't art. I've seen the ammount of horseshit addon script kiddies aitrannies need to tack on to be presentable and anyone who isn't an autistic bugman would dump. Just fucking draw

>> No.6833035

that's not even me. the shizos on your side are just insane.
and i did post, even if a blurry version. >>6832391
what does that change? nothing.

>> No.6833053

what the fuck is the point of posting a blurry pic of a sketch

>> No.6833114
File: 75 KB, 598x761, IMG_5148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I already posted !!
>Only shows a blurry soup of an indecipherable sketch

You can’t make this shit up. Who needs porn when you can watch pajeets getting gang raped on the daily here?

>> No.6833417

>a printer is a tool nonetheless. just not for caligraphy
AI-generation is a tool, not an art one. it was a very apt analogy. A printer is a machine, not an object used as a direct extension or your hand. you're just trying to muddy the water

>> No.6833521

it literally makes art. but here we go again with the delusions.
this time
>it's not art
this is again a religious belief you hold. nothing anything based on knowledge you have. it is what you want to believe.

go cry about it some more. i only went as far as to show that i draw at all. to answer all the pointless "you don't draw" arguments.
whether you believe it or not is up to you.

>> No.6833791

The only proof you’ve given that you “actually draw” is an extremely blurry picture that could have just been taken anywhere from the internet. You’re not fooling anyone faggot. Not only you're shit at SD but you’re a nodraw as well, there is literally no reason for you to engage in AI-related discussions at all because you have no knowledge of either of them. Your gens are garbagio

>pointless “you don't draw” arguments

You’ve literally positioned yourself as an artist speaking for other artists, and trying to convince us “anti-ai peasants” that prompting is “totally like drawing guyzz!!”. So no, it is not pointless for us to ask you to prove that you’re actually knowledgeable and skilled enough in the art field to have these claims in the first place.

>religious belief
No, it’s a philosophical belief. And arguably, a fact. Religion has nothing to do with that.

>It literally makes art

It’s an approximation machine. Pure math. It doesn’t draw and has no idea what drawing is. It would need to be AGI level for that- and calling it AI in the first place is a big stretch. A retarded blind and deaf baby that has never seen the light of day could draw a line and some abstracted shapes despite having no idea what the world looks like. AI can’t produce anything without training data and has no concept of 3D space compared to humans. It is literally worse than the retarded blind and deaf baby.

tl;dr PYW (and perhaps actually read the papers relating to how SD functions)

>> No.6833885

Dunning Kruger effect at work with this post

>> No.6833896

The meaning of art is when human expression and creativity reach a high level.

How can it be art without the human aspect?

>> No.6834025

Humans can use computers to make art. Simple.

>> No.6834121

i simply do not give a shit if you wilfully choose to delude yourself into thinking i don't draw.
if that makes you feel better, then go ahead.

>No, it’s a philosophical belief. And arguably, a fact. Religion has nothing to do with that.
actually, fair enough. but i don't agree with your definitions of "art", that's what it comes down to.

>It’s an approximation machine. Pure math. It doesn’t draw and has no idea what drawing is.
yet it does have an idea about what water reflections are and that they reflect the image on top of the water. it has an idea about where shadows fall depending on the lighting, and much more nuanced things than that. down to being able to create photos.
and none of these abilities are "programmed" in the traditional sense. all of them come from learning from the training data.

whether it KNOWS any of this is irrelevant and pointless philosophical bickering. what matters is that it has these capabilities and can work with these concepts.

> AI can’t produce anything without training data and has no concept of 3D space compared to humans.
you can't either. you can't do anything at all without training data.
it genuinely shocks me that i have to bring this point up so often on an artist forum.
do you think you can draw an apple without EVER seeing one?
do you think you can paint in the style of sargent without ever seeing A SINGLE PIECE OF ART made after the 11th century?
you really think all of this just comes from nowhere?
ai can't do anything without human input.

>> No.6834400

AI to generate and iterate over a piece = No

Photo Manipulation = Ok

This is why AI wont go away. It literally spits out newer shit compared to copy pasting the same stock photos, makes the process faster. Thousands of pros have their art on amazon by some chink selling mouse pads.. yet AI take small part of it and remixes it into something different is bad.

Glad I changed my stance and started using it.

>> No.6834441

>ai can't do anything without human input.
your input doesn't make the output art.
>you can't either. you can't do anything at all without training data.
nta but that's irrelevant as a human doesn't directly uses the data unlike the computer. and yes, one would draw an apple without seeing one if given a thorough enough description. another caveat is that the AI is dependent on human-produced unlike a human.

>> No.6834443

>this is again a religious belief you hold
no artist, no art. call it religious if it soothes your wound but that's a necessary condition. a sunset, no matter how beautiful isn't art. you fags would probably be tolerated more if you didn't try so hard to claim those labels. I am right, you are coping.

>> No.6834444

>it literally makes art.
it generates images. monkey with a typewriter situation.

>> No.6834455

So photobashing is ok to you. but what if you took some other artists' works and traced/bashed them and put your signature on the result?

>> No.6834498

I see no problem with that.