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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 69 KB, 1060x706, artman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6827433 No.6827433 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so bitter about everything?
Seriously, everyone here just seem so unhappy.

>> No.6827439

Because we're besieged by mentally ill retards who hate drawing and demand we give them magical shortcuts to become billionaire artists surrounded by bitches overnight

It's like the worst qualities of /r9k/, /fit/ and /biz/ all together in an even more pathetic package.

>> No.6827441

We are cursed. Born too late to participate in the golden age of illustration, born just in time to witness the death of the art industry as we know it.
I think it's not just here though, it's internet in general these days. Where are the happy people? On /i/ maybe...

>> No.6827445

Art generally tends to attract cynical people

>> No.6827447

No one's forcing you to be around them. Hide the threads

>> No.6827448

it's 95% people that can't draw and are miserable because they can't draw but aren't willing to do the thing required to get better at drawing.

>> No.6827449

>first home board was /fit/
>then /r9k/
>now /ic/
Damn, I'm really the problem with this board

>> No.6827450
File: 76 KB, 630x729, DOOMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP 90% of the people that are on here are crabs that don't draw

>> No.6827453

If we just got rid of the no-draw crabs this place would be much better. It would also be a ghost town.

>> No.6827458

Like /i/
Howany replies does that whole board get in a day, 10?

>> No.6827461

Depends by what is considered "bitter"?
You can't even keep it real and you get called all sorts of things.
Language has lost meaning and people need beatings.

>> No.6827468
File: 387 KB, 512x512, 1688309086785322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they mad cause deep down they know AI is taking over no matter how much they deny it

>> No.6827470

It’s just 1 forever angry man going around the board about how he and his friends don’t post here anymore

>> No.6827486

I was mad back then too.

>> No.6827489

The generals are pretty comfy. Just stay away from the million bait threads made by people who don't even draw and you'll have a pretty good time.

>> No.6827507

We work hard on a skill that makes us very little money.

Sounds good to me.

This is the real sage advice. Block bait threads and your life will improve dramatically.

>> No.6827513
File: 57 KB, 976x850, peepee (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a real job then

>> No.6827515

>implying I can function in society

>> No.6827522
File: 2 KB, 345x527, 1693525017430860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists are naturally prideful and envious, combine that with 4chans and you get schizo outs on other artists. /ic/ also has a culture of being cancerous to other artists for little reason, its even worse on creative themed threads(oc redraw etc)


>> No.6827546

just as gay, if you include.

>> No.6827556

I have a day job. I am talking about making money off art specifically.

>> No.6827562
File: 422 KB, 500x269, cant be worried - big lebwoski.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just talk to me. I'm the cool and happy anon. Ignore all the fags

>> No.6827638
File: 79 KB, 587x359, fuckofftog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The generals are pretty comfy.
Not all of them unfortunately

>> No.6827647
File: 3 KB, 312x45, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem brother, the art generals are the only threads worth looking at on this board.

>> No.6827658

Why do all that work? There is a thread watcher.

>> No.6827731


>> No.6827733

Remember when I was Young in the early 2010’s and seeing people on the internet being able to become famous, get commissions, get into the industry and so much more from literally just working on their art and posting regularly on social media.

Now a Days your posts don’t even show up for a second on instagrams hashtags, only posts with 100k likes show up and No new art as it was before. Now with AI being perfect for the average consoomer (or soon to be) I really miss How art and art communities was like back then.

>> No.6827800

1:drawing is frustrating.
2: This is a place for critiques... on 4chan. This means you get yelled at.
3: /ic/ used to be fundie monkies not long ago before they yielded to soul, which means they thought of art as something harsh and accurate, where you're "grinding" traditional methods of learning like it's lifting weights. They sought artistic virtues, rather than a stylish charm that allows you to be clumsy.

>> No.6827810

Drawing is the single most poorly taught skill in existence, so most people who try to learn it never get anywhere and are forever stuck at their starting point. There also seem to be a lot of people hoping that learning to draw will save them from their poor life choices.

>> No.6827909

There are shortcuts. There are always shortcuts
Take the proomptpill

>> No.6828189

Kill yourself.

>> No.6828832

Kill yourself.

>> No.6828869

it's 4chan dude what did you expect lmao
emotionally well-adjusted individuals?

>> No.6830522

Removing the 'recent posts' feature single handedly put the kibosh on building a following on instagram, and rendered hashtags next to useless. Such fucking bullshit

>> No.6830524

The fuck happened there? Did the anon who bitch about huion cause this divide?

>> No.6830529

>Why is this board so bitter about everything?
That's every board. Maybe /adv/ being the exception.

>> No.6830541

I thought this for a while too but after joining the drawpile it just feels like it's a majority of loud no draws
The drawpile is kino, full of varying talent all just drawing together for fun
I've not felt this motivated to draw since I was a kid scribbling in primary school during rainy day play times

>> No.6830574

Drawing is the most painful hobby you can do. You trade mental energy and years of your life for a chance at drawing slightly impressive drawings. You need serious introspection to be able to make it as an artist. And schizos are commonplace.

>> No.6830594

I'm plenty happy! I just love shitting on people.
Also fuck you.

>> No.6830625

I'm not happy. I don't shit on people.
I love you anon, and hope you have a great day.

>> No.6830632

The real artists rather spend their time creating art and doing something productive. This board or site don't offer them anything they would need or want.

>> No.6830633

I guess you’re not a real artist.

>> No.6830651

Love yourself. Do cardio.

>> No.6832259

Fucking queer ass nigger hijacked my name on some sites and attacking ME as if I did him something wrong for a name I had since 2017. I'm still registered on all the major social sites but what a bizarre individual. Probably seething because I still own the name.

>> No.6832272

Or bullying to deactivate most likely.

>> No.6832489

generals are fucking aids

>> No.6832497
