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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 608 KB, 1920x1080, 1691680968799634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6826496 No.6826496 [Reply] [Original]

>Be on wsg selecting interesting threads
>Notice out of the random webm's one titled "drawing"
>Bear witness to the constructoid's final form
So...this is the power of the eternal constructiod. I kneel.

>> No.6826505
File: 39 KB, 787x900, confused-face-cartoon-artist-vector-illustration-design-103221971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do anons have against construction anyways?

>> No.6826590

Construction is a good way to efficiently draw turds. Otherwise it's like schrodinger's construction. People will say good artists that don't use construction are imagining it in their head. So you can never falsify their statement.

>> No.6826694

>People will say good artists that don't use construction are imagining it in their head.
Those 'good artists' being among the people who say this, mind you.

>> No.6826701

>SHITania poster
>Retarded opinion
Many such cases!

>> No.6826706

Because they thought endlessly grinding boxes
like an autist would one day allow them to draw anime girls. They were then shocked when that doesn't actually happen, and rather than self-reflect and consider maybe they picked the wrong way to learn to draw, they just blame the method they used, like the complete autists they are.

>> No.6826710

Incapability to abstract perspective knowledge into figure drawing, leads them to frustration but they can't admit they don't get it so they say "ugh construction sucks anyway".

It's what happens when you're an ego driven anime shitter and you don't actually love drawing.

>> No.6826712

>aphantasia so bad you can't fathom drawing without construction

>> No.6826713

people who get autistic about it are ngmi. it's just a tool. it may work for you or it may not. either way, op is a retard making a bait thread

>> No.6826724

it's literally just one crab/troll who never posts his work anyway. You can tell because he uses the term "constructoid," posts anime girls, and never ever posts his work

>> No.6826739

It's the other way around, based retard. It's impossible to forgo construction when drawing from imagination without already being proficient in construction. But since you're probably too chickenshit to have ever tried that, you just dismiss it instead. Watch some KJG or a Japanese animator's stream sometime, it'll be eye-opening.

>> No.6826782

this, it's amazing how many professional artists out there even, who avoid figure drawing. They do landscapes or props, and they avoid their weakness for their entire life

what are you talking about, anon?

>> No.6826794

this one really riled up the animeniggers kek

>> No.6826807

It's called internalizing construction, you room temperature IQ gorilla nigger. Not that you /beg/tards will ever understand that anyway.

>> No.6826826

Construction as opposed to what?

>> No.6826834
File: 529 KB, 1746x667, boxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826838

Why is it that it is ALWAYS anime faggots that have an issue with construction?
Is it because they are narcissistic troons?

>> No.6826842

You do realise the vast majority of mangaka got good by just copying other manga artists? This whole "you must master x to do y" is a westoid trope

>> No.6826846
File: 715 KB, 623x956, Manben.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>westoid trope
Of course, anon... of course.

>> No.6826848

Have fun with your boxes then

>> No.6826851
File: 752 KB, 1720x1644, Murata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Loomis!

>> No.6826852

Because they are simple minded. To them the idea of learning construction which they find difficult is too much mental effort for them when they just want to draw their favorite anime girl.

>> No.6826856

And why do construction fags never get good? Because /ic/ is filled entirely with autists who cannot seem to grasp the idea that you are supposed to COMBINE different learning methods, you don't just stick to one like a fucking robot

>> No.6826869

Construction is something you have to move on from. You'll never leave /int/ otherwise.

>> No.6826870

>Construction fags never get good
Cause they are high IQ enough to realize /ic/ is a net waste of energy once you get to a certain skill level, and staying here feeding lonely narcissitic troons is a vice one should allot a maximum of 10 minutes a day if at all, and by the way, I am at my 8th minute.
I'll be long grinding while you remain crying estrogenized tears into you vegan paper, TROON.

>> No.6826872


>> No.6826876

> you are supposed to COMBINE different methods
can any of you name the "different methods"?

What are we actually talking about that is supposed to replace construction?

>> No.6826877

You're not fooling anyone. If you were an even moderately successful artist, you simply would not be here.
You would busy, being an artist.

>> No.6826879


The caveat is that you have to post your work, kek.

>> No.6826880

>you're supposed to combine methods
Truly incurable autism

>> No.6826882

Construction is akin to training wheels. Figure the rest out yourself.

>> No.6826886

yeah, yeah you're playing with words.
name the other things i should "combine"

>> No.6826887

Gesture? Copying? Jesus Christ, figure it out

>> No.6826890

You fucking autist

>> No.6826895


>> No.6826901

And it's they're not equivalent, mind you. Construction done on paper as an under-sketch sucks all the life out of the final product - it never even had a chance. Construction imposed with my third eye makes it so dynamic and life-like I could never go back, even if I'm not good enough to draw everything this way yet.

>> No.6826902

Ok i think I'm getting it, you don't consider it construction if I'm not working from boxes.

>> No.6826904

No, it's like this >>6826901. I directly draw the contours and shapes.

>> No.6826907

The reality is that construction and the usage of the third-eye is reserved from a genetic standpoint for the Hyllics, and no one else. Construction is just a label to something way deeper, a gateway into the fabric of reality using the entity's soul as a receptor antenna into the patterns that make up everything that exists, has existed and will exist.
Only a small amount of Hyllics are allowed to exist in societies, meaning 99% of people that attempt to reach this level will be rejected.
Just like troons aren't real women, if you can't visualize, then you aren't a real artist.

You've been lied your whole life about this because the luciferian, resentful individuals that believe themselves to be gods, and cannot accept things being outside of their control without suffering from an existential crysis, have taken over society and led you astray.

>> No.6826911

I just made this shit up, btw
Don't believe anything I say

>> No.6826912

wtf thats insane man, let me see

>> No.6826914

Going from Silohuetes to Construction, or also known 2D to 3D is a construction technique.
Don't fall for the lies, everything is construction

>> No.6826915
File: 343 KB, 1333x1945, Jurisprudence-final-state-1907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are we actually talking about that is supposed to replace construction?
shape drawing
Though it doesn't "replace" construction per se, it's something you intuitively, and you must learn to develop in an interesting, stylish way
It's the basis of all good design
Know that silhouette character design meme? That's shape drawing

If you can get a good abstract anthropoid (or other) shape, and *then* construct into it, that's when you really start cooking. In reality, you'll switch between the two modes as you develop the sketch, pushing it ever closer to its final, artistic form

A good place to practice shape drawing is hair. Everyone stylizes hair differently. There are like a thousand, a million ways to treat it graphically, and very few rules. If you have any aptitude for shape drawing whatsoever, you probably draw hair in a cool way intuitively, or will someday as your skills develop

>> No.6826917

I buckbroke some crabs so hard that I'm now an attentionwhore, apparently, so no. They'll need some time to soothe that butthurt as well.
The real redpill is going from 3D to 2D.

>> No.6826918

it's something you intuitively do from childhood*

>> No.6827016


>> No.6827038

memorizing forms is not construction. Construction is LEARNING the forms of things. People shill construction as a way to draw something you've never drawn before. Using construction to draw basic poses means you're still learning how to draw. You should be able to freehand stuff that you draw all the time.

>> No.6827039

>vast majority of mangaka got good by just copying other manga artists
Source is your anus I presume?

>> No.6827042

what I mean by this is, construction is something to memorize and do in your head, not draw and plan out every time.

>> No.6827047

>not draw and plan out every time.
true, depending on the image. I still use construction a bit for poses with foreshortening/perspective, just to be sure.

>> No.6827046

NTA, but isn't this like known fact? can't remember the interview videos sadly.

>> No.6827059

Oh fuck i know who you are
You've posted your shit before and surprise, it's dogshit

>> No.6827081

Why do you keep following me around, shitskin? Buzz off if you aren't going to post your work, retarded mutt.

>> No.6827094
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 1552284403896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. You're endless free entertainment anyway. Because you're a no-draw bottom bitch that knows to take abuse from his superiors without protest. A buckbroken brown cuck that'll always cede me the last word.

>> No.6827213

>You do realise the vast majority of mangaka got good by just copying other manga artists
Which is the biggest problem with anime in general. Cannibalism

>> No.6827219

>posting smug anime girls
The mark of a true nodraw

>> No.6827221
File: 36 KB, 568x443, 8nqujdd3tbn71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent thread

>> No.6827228


>> No.6827278
File: 1.12 MB, 702x844, davini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Vinci and Michelangelo used construction, and they're 2 of the best painters we've ever had, so I'm going to trust them and try constructing.

>> No.6827286

post your work already shitter

>> No.6827299

Very well.

>> No.6827313


I don't understand. Can you give an example of a drawing that doesn't require at least a basic understanding of construction?

>> No.6827663

Yeah but what's the song in the webm

>> No.6827689

Aaah, it's the /lsg/ schizo. No wonder. His posts in >>6805782 gave me a good chuckle.

>> No.6827691
File: 26 KB, 275x274, 1481508353595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dunning krugger premebeg
Every time. Hi mikufag, how's 10 years of total stagnation treating you? Art looking fucked up as usual I see kek!

>> No.6827698

it must be sad to be a permabeg

>> No.6827702


>> No.6827761
File: 92 KB, 908x720, 1541211923491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is even worse than being some rando who latched onto me days ago. You've been sneaking around the board obsessing over me for weeks. I already said I wanted no part in bullying handicapped, didn't I? But you get some points for actually posting your work, I always like that.

>> No.6827905
File: 213 KB, 1000x808, form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still use the How To Draw Manga from the early 2000s as my go to construction. I didn't know about Loomis until I went to art school. Even then I still use the crappy HtDM constructions.

>> No.6827935
File: 70 KB, 487x458, 1568865175272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hi Jace, always love how you do that hair m8 good on you.

>> No.6827960

people on this board think they can learn construction without having something to apply it too, so they just end up with nothing but construction heads and bodies

>> No.6827968

combining and replacing are no where near the same thing, are you ESL or something. the niggas are just asking you to actually apply everything you learn into a fucking complete DRAWING

>> No.6828429

The other side of that box needs to be darker.

>> No.6829492

I mastered construction earlier this year and I am LAUGHING at you nerds that think you can just wing it until you get so good it won't matter. Good luck trying to draw something you've never drawn before in perspective.

>> No.6829502

Talk is cheap, post your work.

>> No.6829503

Its incredible, I left for 2 years and I return to the EXACT SAME TALKING POINTS
People have gone from beg to industry pro in the time these anime faggots have spent taking estrogen and shitposting on /ic/

>> No.6829506


>> No.6829531

I can't post my work without breaking a global rule. kek

>> No.6829536

Miku sama…

>> No.6829542

Just post it on /b/ find any random thread the mods don't care over there.

>> No.6829557

I really need to use construction more to achieve greater speed and consistency in my art. Typically I just envision what I want, rough sketch it, then clean it with a few passes before inking. This works fine when just drawing off the cuff, but tends to result in fucked up proportions when drawing more than 2 or 3 characters in a scene.
My biggest issue is that I struggle to carry the basic idea of construction over to different character designs and styles, in that I find when using construction forms I tend to revert to either "muh style" or somethinn very stiff and sterile instead of accurately capturing the appearance and liveliness of what I'm trying to draw... if that makes any sense.

>> No.6829877

I am once again asking what the song in OP's webm is

>> No.6829902

Here's the source, go ask there.

>> No.6830035


>> No.6831700

what the FUCK are "construction" and "loomis"?

>> No.6832052

The bottom right mannequins are all different?

>> No.6832062

is construction supposed to let you invent poses out of thin air, or trace poses better?

>> No.6832072

that is not construction

>> No.6832084

Sometimes I wish I never visited 4chin/ic/ in the first place.

>> No.6832106

you wouldn't be able to laugh at schizos like OP without 4chin

>> No.6832120
File: 843 KB, 1854x1011, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizos are known to be resistant to illusions so they don’t fall for the constructomeme

>> No.6832255
File: 94 KB, 900x597, loom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

construction referrs to drawing a complex subject out of simpler forms, adding complexity in steps
loomis was an artist and art instructor

>> No.6832264

You need to become /int/ in the first place.

>> No.6832853

>Asking someone to convince you to study
I don't need to see your work to know you're not good.

>> No.6832863

Keen eye

>> No.6833074


>> No.6833562

>literal construction lines
>not construction

>> No.6833564

guidelines and centrelines are not construction
construction means constructing out of basic forms

>> No.6833571

Anime destroyed your brain.

>> No.6833575

you’re the one bringing up anime out of nowhere, tranny

>> No.6833578
File: 219 KB, 1024x917, Michelangelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>construction means constructing out of basic forms

>> No.6833579

>guidelines and centrelines are not construction
But they are. They are imaginary lines that you use to understand the placement, proportion and form of the subject you're drawing, the construction of the subject.

>> No.6833580

no, because then sight size and relative size are all construction since the both use “imaginary lines” to measure
stop being retarded

you don’t know what a form is

>> No.6833581
File: 64 KB, 325x1051, bgleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how basic

>> No.6833586

>Posts one of the examples that proves that Michelangelo is a contour artist not a constructionist.
Maybe DaVinci was, not MB though.
That said I don't give a fuck about arguing about whether or not draftsmanship should be defined by lines, construction, or contour building, but I just want to say you shouldn't confuse who does or doesn't use them.

>> No.6833588
File: 470 KB, 602x546, Forms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don’t know what a form is
Can you show me?

>> No.6833591

fuck off back to your containment thread, begtard

>> No.6833594
File: 411 KB, 534x522, Forms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I fixed little a bit. It feels construction to me.

>> No.6833596

Not him but sorry it literally isn't, you don't see leadpoint lines or insertions implying he constructed the form, in fact the image literally shows that it's a observation drawing directly, it's no construction, it follows the outline of contours which was Michelangelo's predominant drawing style during that time, this is why I said he never used construction.

>> No.6833623
File: 141 KB, 1116x1002, Michelangelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you draw from observation, of course, you're right, there are the other ways like you say, but I think that most of them did gestures and then construction, but I can be wrong.

>> No.6833626

Again Vermeer and Lenardo probably did construction, others probably didn't that pic you just posted literally show cases Michelangelo doing contour outlines to create figures, which isn't like construction because it doesn't focus on the outlining of shapes and under structures like it does.

>> No.6833628

gesture is a 20th century meme made up by a shit tier artist, you idiot
you can literally see that’s just basic croquis
spend less time fantasising about drawing and more time drawing

>> No.6833631

>and more time drawing
Thanks for the explanations and you're right, I'm going back to drawing.

>> No.6833689

You don’t draw enough to realize he constructs lines as faint as possible. Here’s to another decade of being permaprebeg you retarded schizo.

>> No.6833698

>he constructs lines
/beg/ speaks

>> No.6833702

>he constructs lines


>> No.6833779

Are we still pretending Glenn Keane "invented" gesture, and that it's not just a different word for a centuries old artistic exercise?
I don't hate him, but the only thing that mf invented was purple clamshell titty bra. It's old shit.

>> No.6833838

>glenn keane
holy retard
nicolaides was long dead before keane was born

>> No.6833876

>the construction is just invisible!!!!

the argument here is "basic forms" being disagreed upon. What's basic to one guy is advanced to another.

>> No.6833911

no, basic forms are universally agreed to be boxes, spheres, cylinders, there is no discussion here
the point of contention is forms themselves
contours aren’t forms, and neither are shorthands
if you’re contour drawing you are by definition not constructing out of simplified forms

>> No.6833923

lmao pyw permabeg

>> No.6833933
File: 2.37 MB, 2999x1576, IMG_4016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now post yours, gesturecuck

>> No.6833951

Not OP but are you retarded? You use gesture. What do you think the rythms and design choises you use are encompassed by? By the way you talk, you should do russian observation drawing or some shit like that.

>> No.6833956

>muh rhythm
that’s basic composition, you fell for a literal fucking revisionist meme

>> No.6833966

Which what is it painted? Beautiful

>> No.6833969

it’s digital, anon
you can see I duplicated the layer for each step and developed it on top of the previous step

>> No.6834093

Anime is mostly consumed by them, dumbfuck

>> No.6834103

He’s calling you a tranny for having anime living in your brain rent free for that exact reason, newfag.

>> No.6834297

Is that you, Steven Zapata?

>> No.6834872


>> No.6834942


>> No.6835611

>Unironically linking me Luis Borrero
Never reply to me again.