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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 516 KB, 800x1200, Eug0F9EVoAABasX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6825052 No.6825052 [Reply] [Original]

how do you get into drawing?
it seems so daunting like i dont even know what to draw and i know its going to look shit till i get good..
i wish i could draw like nihei.

is there a good beginner draw along type series on youtube or whatever?

>> No.6825064


But seriously, for a complete beginner, you should check out ctrl+paint. Use Google. That, and just find something and draw it. That's it. I would suggest drawing a few circles, cones and boxes (not hundreds).

If you wanna just draw something, maybe watch a YouTube tutorial and follow it religiously?

>> No.6825112
File: 155 KB, 825x2254, sketch1693717293070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon
its tough too because i have shaky hands and cant draw smooth lines unless i draw them fast and then they are imprecise.

is tracing things valid way to build up some control?

>> No.6825129

No, it's not, at least not if you want to get any better. You want to learn to observe and analyze what you see, not the lines you want to copy. You can't trace a cup in front of you by placing a piece of paper on top, now can you?

If you've got shaky hands, I would advise you to do some hand exercises inbetween drawing. I don't know much about surgeons, but they've got pretty steady hands. I'm pretty sure they weren't born with "steady-hands-syndrome". Research some exercises that can help you in the long run.

If you've got very shaky hands, I would advise against starting out digitally, as the surface of drawing tablets can be quite slippery compared to regular paper.

I forgot to mention this, but when you are practicing, don't get attached to every single piece you draw. You are learning, not producing the next Mona Lisa. Maybe some day, but definitely not today.

>> No.6825135
File: 252 KB, 1536x2048, ad5158fddd0ce78319ce946b6f45df0494002febf43e89a602348b6e426050f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh some of my favorite artworks are shaky as shit
weaponize it

>> No.6825144
File: 755 KB, 1080x598, Screenshot_20230903-072404-599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to add to my previous point: even if you got shaky hands, just remember, that a dude a long time ago rendered a picture perfect, realistic Santa Claus in God damn MS Paint. If he can draw that in Paint of all things, then everything is possible.

>> No.6825151

thanks anons and wtf that shaky anime girl is cute as fuck
ill embrace my shaky dogsgit digital art and just get some practice in.

i like the convince of digital. im just using my phone (s23 ultra) but i think ill maybe invest in a better pen, the stylus it comes with is like a little tooth pick
any recs?

>> No.6825181
File: 25 KB, 915x900, 2578235_6ef6b58856ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend either a Wacom Intous M or a Wacom Intous Pro Medium or Large. Don't buy the small one, it's a scam, honestly.

I've had many display tablets like a few IPad's (with and without a smart pencil) and two Cintiqs. It's nice, but I could draw just as well on a flat board without a screen. Plus, with regards to the Cintiqs, they regularly need to be calibrated. From what my friends have told me, so does their other brands of screen display tablets. The only one that doesn't need it is the iPad.

If you are worried about not being able to see your hand drawing directly on the screen, don't be. If you can operate a mouse on a screen without watching your hand move the mouse physically in real life, then you are good to go. It takes like a day or two to get used to.

>> No.6825210
File: 441 KB, 1500x2100, sketch1693723171350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill check out some youtube reviews of that, appreciate it

>> No.6825218

Artists with a shaky or sketchy style still have a strong understanding of shapes and know when to use shakiness to add appeal. If an amateur like OP tried to deliberately use a shaky style it would still look like shit. The only solution is practice over a long period of time to increase your steadiness and understanding of line.

>> No.6825219


He did a painting in McDonald's fries and ketchup too.

>> No.6825656

I forgot to mention. If you really want to learn how to draw, you should probably set your sights on drawing between 3 and 6 hours a day. For me, that's the golden hours of flow state. After the initial 6 hours, if you still want to draw, just draw something that will solidify your skills you learned that day.

I'm personally doing between 10 and 12 hours a day split from 5 am to 1 pm, first, and then I draw again in the evening from 7 pm till 10 pm and go to bed. If I feel like drawing more in the afternoon, I'll do it, but your brain really needs a break.

On my time off days, I only draw from 7 pm to 10 pm. It's leisure time, and when you get used to it, those amount of hours are a cake walk, which they should be.

>> No.6825667

drawing is always a plunge in the darkness. you never know if you can draw at all beforehand, whether you can reach late beginner stage, intermediate or even pro. most get filtered along the way for many different reasons.

>> No.6825676
File: 265 KB, 2000x2000, jinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the worst part, I have to work 8:30-18:00 every day + commute, also go to the gym and I also paint minis (I have many hobbies I know)

I want to learn how to draw not to be an artist, but because I always wanted to have that skill.
I have little time to draw, so even if i've been on an off for at least 4 years, I'm beg as fuck.
I'm better than when I started, but not as good as I would have expected 4 years ago

getting better at an extremely slow pace can kill any passion to learn but fuck, I just can't afford 3-6 hours every day and my motivation is dying because of my shitty progress (pic related, the best thing I managed to do after all that time)

>> No.6825742

I was in the same boat, anon. I worked from 7:30 till 17:00 plus 0,5 to 1 hour commute. I had to learn the hard way, that if I want to get anywhere in my creative life, then I would have to prioritize, what it is I want to do in my life.

What I did was this: I calculated my expenses, what I spend on rent, food, utilities, etc. Basically anything that was red in my bank account. Then I looked at my income to see exactly how much was left at the end of each month.

What I discovered was, that my necessary expenses was at roughly 1200 to 1500 usd a month with an income of just shy of 3000 after taxes. I then slashed everything I didn't need. Netflix, snacks, soft drinks, etc. That saved me at least 400 to 500 each month. I then went about to set aside at least half of all my income to a savings account. Until I reached a certain point where I could sustain myself by doing a part time job (10 to 15 hours a week). The job itself was only to buy food, as it's the biggest expense besides rent. The rest is purely savings.

I then calculated how much time each week I could realistically contribute to drawing and other activities. 24 hours in a day, you'll need at least 7 hours of sleep. Take away 3 hours for shopping, leisure time and other time wasting activities. 2 hours to cook dinner and eat.

What you are left with is a good 12 hours to do so as you please. On the days that I have to work, I subtract the hours from the 12 hours.

I mostly fill those 12 hours with drawing, as I love it. I was a Print and Play enthusiast, building board games and playing videogames. These activities were time suckers, that when I look back on were mere dopamine hits. I slashed most of them to only a couple of hours on Sundays.

What I'm left with is 50-60 hours of free time learning to draw each week.

I know your situation is different to mine, I get it.
My situation is dedicated to a freakish amount of drawing, but I have to prioritize, what will make me happy with time.

>> No.6825745

Find out what you want to prioritize, and slash anything that Isn't meaningful. You'll thank yourself in the long run.

>> No.6825747

Don't, not worth it

>> No.6825749

As another side note: I work in a daycare now, which nets me roughly 1200 usd a month for only 15 hours a week. I used to be a teacher, so the switch wasn't that hardcore for me.

Save up enough money during a year or so of work, then you'll be able to dedicate almost 2 years to drawing. That's how my life is right now.

Sorry for the long posts. Hope this helps you in any way.

>> No.6828910

when my brother was in med school him and his colleagues did an exercise of of very very slowly making a straight line to help with shaky hands. it wasnt long until his hands stopped shaking, i dont exactly remember how long it took but it was very short period of doing this everyday. goodspeed to you anon

>> No.6828919

>like i dont even know what to draw
So annoying to hear people keep saying this
Do you ever hear pianists say "i want to learn piano but i dont even know what to play " ?
No, because learning piano has nothing to do with what pieces of music you personally want to play
You can learn piano without ever playing a piece of music for "fun"
Im not suggesting you actually live life like that, but if you want to draw, a "lack of ideas" is fucking irrelevant

>> No.6828937

First of all, decide WHAT you want to draw. Biggest trap of begs is not having any sort of goal other than "I just want to do art" and then get lost because they don't know what to practice and end up grinding boxes for eternity. Don't do that. Have a goal. It will do wonders towards keeping up your motivation.

>> No.6829219

Can you post some of your work? I'd love to see it

>> No.6829233

Just start by copying your favorite artists. When I was a kid I carried around my Super Metroid instructions manual and drew all the characters in it. I also drew from a lot of dinosaurs.

When I got older (like high school) I would copy artists like Range Murata and Hyung Tae Kim. Eventually I started designing my own characters in their style. I bought a scanner and taught myself Photoshop 5.0 so I could color them.

It's a natural progression. Draw what you like and don't worry too much about drawing spheres and cones and shit. Your anatomy is going to be pretty bad for awhile but you'll pick it up as you go.

If you don't enjoy it then you just won't improve. Some people really like to draw perspective so the whole box thing works for them.

>> No.6829409
File: 620 KB, 1494x1843, IMG_0500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing. This is somewhat representative of how I split my time nowadays. A quarter of illustrations, a quarter of construction, a quarter anatomy and a quarter of gesture drawings. I've set a goal of reaching my first 1000 hours of daily practice by December at the latest.

>> No.6831686
File: 741 KB, 1635x1415, IMG_7212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the story anon. I own an apartment and also rent another apartment because it much much closer to work and my plan is to sell the apartment i own and i’ll be able to not work for at least two to three years. Nowadays i draw like 50 hours a year, but if in the future I draw or practice at least three hours a day, that's a whole thousand hours a year, and I know that I can do much more when I'm not worried about work and my nerves are not exhausted

>> No.6831762
File: 252 KB, 1600x1260, 1659989049535494 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think nihei is satisfacted with his art?
This sense of incompleteness is okay, we just need to deal with that. You are not alone, we suffer with this too.
Stay strong.

>> No.6832474

give up on any expectations to draw like whoever thr fuck, your style will always be yours no matter how much you train yourself on someone else

>> No.6832485

Draw 250 boxes and remember drawing is just the tutorial zone

>> No.6832507
File: 363 KB, 1147x2955, pick your beg book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
