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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.14 MB, 1000x644, ezgif-2-d806b74f73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6824335 No.6824335 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Want to learn to draw thicc anime girl porn
>Look up digital art tutorials
>'I recommend you spend a year or two drawing traditionally with pencil and paper, it's actually a great way to learn the funda-'
Shut the fuck up, I'm wanting to learn digital painting and have a specific style and subject matter. I'm not trying to discover my muse or apply philosophy to my art. Yet so many digital art tutorials say nothing about the actual techniques and just spend 45 minutes talking about muh philosophy on life and muh artist block and muh self doubt. Shut the fuck up. If I wanted to learn how to fix cars, they wouldn't tell me to spend a year inflating bike tires.

Artist 'tutorials' are so fucking cringe. Give me some artists who actually explain the process and the exact techniques on how to render on a mechanical level. I don't need to hear about how your mental health and how you overcame your grannie's death.

>> No.6824344

Weeeell if you wanna get started digitally you’ll need to purchase an Ipad Pro 12.9 with strictly the Apple Pencil 2 and Clip Studio Paint on the Ipad Pro 12.9 if you want to get started. Make sure your Ipad Pro 12.9 is the M2 or M1 model.

>> No.6824347

Sorry no Apple, I'm straight.

>> No.6824348

I'm not into picrel but it was interesting to look at. Not even overly degenerate visually.(still it's animal)

>> No.6824353

Well then you simply cannot make it. Good luck to you, though.


>> No.6824355

Get cheapest wacom and you're set.

>> No.6824364

you know what keep watching youtube bait so I'm less likely to see more of this bonobo-tier coomer vomit

>> No.6824401

Digital art is just applying the same skills as traditional with a different tool so you can use any good traditiinal tutorial, guide, or book. I'd offer some suggestions, but you sound like a completely insufferable faggot so find them yourself.

>> No.6824422

>I totally know the resources but....I JUST WON'T TELL YOU OKAY??!

Sure ya do, kiddo.

>> No.6824466

Are you implying that anon is...lying about knowing the names of books that teach drawing??

>> No.6824484

If an artist doesn't have an Apple iPad that means they're amateurs at best, not serious professionals.

>> No.6824495

t. applecuck

>> No.6824544

Rendering comes from understanding the basics and applying it yourself pal. Also those digital tutorials already exist everywhere you're just blind to them for some reason

>> No.6824552
File: 77 KB, 220x156, facepalm-annoyed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf??? this is the height of absurdity

>> No.6824573

Its way easier to learn how to draw freely with your hand on paper than a computer screen retard

>> No.6824575

more of this

>> No.6824576

I don't want to learn to DRAW you absolute dumb cunt, I want to PAINT DIGITALLY. They are not the same

>> No.6824578

Post a single digital tutorial that explains the technique of rendering and not 45 minutes of color theory and muh philosophy as an artist

>> No.6824579
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>> No.6824582

based, copelets responding defending their youtubers they havent even named

>> No.6824583

Literally find and pirate shit from Chinese artists. Sometimes you can find them speaking English. They just straight up deliver the mechanics unlike Western artists who use their entire video to pontificate on the creative process and their thoughts on art trends and other worthless topics.

>> No.6824584


>> No.6824585

Painting is drawing first and foremost. A vast majority of the struggle when painting has to do with drawing well. You're still making "lines" aka edges when you make a paint stroke. Learn to draw if you want to learn to paint. No way around it.

>> No.6824588

NTA, but shut the fuck up

>> No.6824590

lol okay beglet believe me or don't I really don't care

>> No.6824592

>anon wants to paint
>ackhtaully, draw instead!

subhuman crab

>> No.6824596

>I want to get good at this
>no I don’t want to practice!
This fucking guy, he could’ve been learning but now he chooses to complain to strangers on internet forum.

>> No.6824597

>"It takes 25 years to learn to draw, one hour to learn to paint."
>Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

I’m sure this quote is right up your ally.

>> No.6824603
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>Post a single digital tutorial that explains the technique of rendering and not 45 minutes of color theory and muh philosophy as an artist
>Shut the fuck up, I'm wanting to learn digital painting and have a specific style and subject matter. I'm not trying to discover my muse or apply philosophy to my art.
>this is your mind on tick tock zoomerism
it's not even that difficult to find quick concise guides on how to learn generic anime coomslop rendering quickly, just calm down and don't be such an angry faggot.

>> No.6824606

People like you always have the greatest difficulty sticking with drawing, because you don't like it and can't make the process interesting for yourself. The reason jewtubers recommend starting simple is because that's how they started, that's how everyone who got good started, and get this - they actually enjoyed it. They take this for granted, it seems obvious. But you and they literally can't relate on this crucial point, your and their brains process the same information differently. Fact is, the special sauce is, has always been passion. This...
>Give me some artists who actually explain the process and the exact techniques on how to render on a mechanical level
does not exist
And you're going to waste a ton of time spinning your wheels before you realize you just don't care about any of this, and possibly money as well if you're extra retarded

>> No.6824612

The guy admits that copying is easier than doing it from memory, that is, when he tries to do it from memory, it fails

>> No.6824613

Its really important to make the connection between drawing practice and painting. OP seems under the impression they're mutually exclusive. I would've dropped a few tutorial recs but I don't care to put TOO much effort in helping toxic people like you and OP.

>> No.6824616

>The guy admits that copying is easier than doing it from memory, that is, when he tries to do it from memory, it fails
So he'sis like proko but more angry and doesn't understand how to render? also OP has yet to post his work i would love to see it considering how high his opinion on himself is.

>> No.6824627

All my life I found it more stressful to copy, the brain tells me why are you going to do something that someone else has already done??? so to fool the brain I make the same drawing but I change everything

>> No.6824629

>All my life I found it more stressful to copy, the brain tells me why are you going to do something that someone else has already done??? so to fool the brain I make the same drawing but I change everything
I work in the same way I find it insufferable to just copy someone else even when it comes to book guides I always go off a couple of pages in and start doodling on my own.

>> No.6824630

>I want to get good at woodworking
>Why are you asking me to knit sweaters for a year?

>> No.6824632

Literally said nothing about wanting to draw. I want to digitally paint and you dumb fucks say to draw trad instead lmao you are fucking retarded.
>Oh you wanna get good at CS:GO? Go play Chutes and Ladders for a few months.

>> No.6824633
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1949, Dotptp3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a woman. Nice try though, incel.

>> No.6824635

>am woman
proof or didn't happen

>> No.6824638
File: 100 KB, 600x600, u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally said nothing about wanting to play acoustic guitar. I want to play electric guitar and you dumb fucks say to play acoustic instead lmao you are fucking retarded.
shut the fuck UP

>> No.6824639

>I'm a woman. Nice try though, incel.
hand pic with timestamp or your a lying faggot.
although on a sidenote being a roastie might explain why your so irrationally angry and the thought of learning something from a vid in the long format.

>> No.6824645

You are supposed to learn how someone did something by the copy
Its how you learn most things

>> No.6824650

>You are supposed to learn how someone did something by the copy
>Its how you learn most things
not just copying you need to actually UNDERSTAND what your copying that's what's important otherwise you will end up as this dum dum in the pic mindlessly grinding fundies and boxes while never improving beyond high beg.

>> No.6824651
File: 3.77 MB, 3492x3804, permabeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post the pic.

>> No.6824652

Well yeah this kinda goes with the copying thing, if your brain is just shutoff during the whole thing the only thing you trained is your hands (but you can train that by doing original drawings)

>> No.6824655

>Posting pictures of yourself outside of /soc/
Nice try, kiddo.

>> No.6824678
File: 157 KB, 478x463, what a sad story (laughs).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to actually UNDERSTAND what your copying that's what's important
yes so basicly copying

you go out of your way to argue semantics so let me dumb it down and make it clear
when people tell you to copy shit the soul of that advice presupposes that you aren't an inbred sub-brick iq dullard who can't copy shit without also intuitively picking things up organically
but since most people don't anticipate the profound mental retardation you suffer they don't go indepth in the semantic application of the verb "to copy" in this context
hopefully now that that's cleared you can leave this gay arguing to rest yes?

>> No.6824683

you will never get good if you do not pick up a pen or pencil and attempt to learn exclusively on digital; you are using all the same muscles and neurons either way so why limit your practice to only when you are seated at your high tech workstation when you could be drawing literally anywhere without needing any wires or batteries?

>> No.6824697

I fail to see how copying is supposed to be helpful unless you already know how to draw to some extent and are focused on re-creating the drawing using a sensible drawing process rather than merely copying it. I can copy drawings well, given enough time, but the process I use to do that has no applications outside of copying and has taught me nothing about drawing as a whole.

Imitating a process is generally how people learn, and it baffles me that art instruction seems to so thoroughly avoid providing or demonstrating them.

I just don't have the foundation needed to meaningfully analyze or understand a drawing. I can ask myself plenty of questions about one, but I need some basic understanding of how drawing works in order to come up with answers other than "I don't know." I also find copying to be mind-numbingly boring, so it's hard to stop myself from daydreaming about random things while I subconsciously run Copy.exe and wait for it to finish.

>> No.6824700
File: 560 KB, 745x625, idiots who copy bridgman's forms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but "copy" is literally a bad word for it, no matter how you look at it
It obviously has a conventional meaning and if you don't intend that meaning, you're setting yourself up to misinterpretation
It doesn't help that worthless atelierfags cryogenically stuck in the 19th century actually DO, more or less, mean "copy" in the conventional sense, with plumb lines and measuring tools and all

Fact is, a lot of retards do literally just copy when you say "copy" and it's almost always a waste of time. Find a more suitable word for what you mean. I propose "deconstruct," "break down," "simplify," and related concepts

>> No.6824701

um nigger-san prease refer to post>>6824678
u make dishonorabre dispray of serf

>> No.6824710
File: 90 KB, 330x256, where do i even begin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>setting yourself up to misinterpretation
>um er like wow its like you didn't even anticipate how dumb i might be um idiot much
anon advertising you incapacity to interpret simple advice isn't the own you think it is
if you've spent enough time in the art scene and still somhow keep mishearing obvious advice
enough to make shitty reddit-tier meme macros then maybe you're the problem not everyone else

>> No.6824714

Unlike the permabegs of /ic/, I never bothered copying anything too literally, or at all really, it's fucking boring and gay lol. Copyfags are a real problem though, stick your fingers in your ear and neener-neener as you like, and your preferred word is not making the problem any better.

>> No.6824721
File: 628 KB, 1057x560, what's gucci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.wah wah wah i didn't even follow the advice i crusade against
then why are you posting boring memes instead of demonstrating you "superior totally just winged it bro" skill, you pillock
some petty facebook boomer behaviour right there

>> No.6824725
File: 751 KB, 720x540, goham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuses me of posting "boring memes," when I posted just 1 image, meanwhile he avatarfags in every post
>you didn't, uh, FOLLOW this retard advice for retards, and yet you call it retard advice for retards? psshaw
have your last (you) and boring meme, fag

>> No.6824906

Drawing and painting shouldn’t be seen as something separate, drawing is a foundation for painting. Drawing with pencil on paper is a very accessible way to practice and will be of benefit to you with anything you try digitally.
Knitting doesn’t really help you much in woodworking so your comparison doesn’t really hold up.

Good luck with your endeavour.

>> No.6824966

Autism thread? Autism thread.

>> No.6825167

56 replies and not a single good renderint guide、just a bunch of crabs talking about drawing when anon wants to paint


>> No.6825180

Fine. Here's an old classic.


Get color and light by james gurney also.


Painting is drawing lololol

>> No.6825194

copying artist you like give you a better ground to stand on to apply fundamentals i feel like a lot of people forget you need to develop a style from somewhere and that somewhere is going to be derived from an amalgamation of art you find interesting, otherwise you are just gonna be stuck drawings boxes or constructing instead of actually drawing

>> No.6825200

OP doesn't deserve one

>> No.6825209

Man, the only crab is OP with his obsession for NOT DRAWING.

>> No.6825262

I'm not taking anything away from the stuff I copy, though. I'm not petforming any sort of useful analysis of it or discovering anything about how it was made. I'm just repetitively transferring lines from one point in space to another. It might would be different if I was re-creating the drawing using a process potentially similar to what the artist might have used, rather than merely copying, but I don't know how to do that.

>> No.6826205

You're trying to bulid a house starting with the roof

>> No.6826214

The content of your post and the gif next to it are pretty funny, in an embarrassing way.

>> No.6826324

What does it mean when a discord girl ask for my real name?

>> No.6826335

jfc incredibly based

>> No.6826340

Wants your credit card information of course

>> No.6826409

gmi Chad pro pornographer

>> No.6826411

Just watch people paint live you ape.
There's billions of speed paints on youtube.

>> No.6826448
File: 980 KB, 1086x1809, 1693507374413013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trace.
Disney did it
Zone archive does.
Why you not?

The drawing elites don’t want you to know this but you can get pic related with tracing and is free. You can trace in home and jerk off with your our drawings. I have 458 traced drawings.

>> No.6826682

Not him but care to share some anon?

>> No.6826705

That looks like dogshit my man

>> No.6826736

Why are people arguing over this when the OP doesnt even want to actually learn to draw or paint themselves. Unironically just use AI if you're actually don't care at all about working to improve your own drawing/painting skills

>> No.6826738


>> No.6826837

Based and gmi

>> No.6826841
File: 33 KB, 640x473, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826864

Its always anime fags that act like narcissistic troons, every single time

Furfags? One of the most technically talented artists out there
Ponybros? Never heard one whine about grinding
Western Comic dudes? Nope, they'll grind anatomy like kings and never whine



>> No.6826985

you’re ngmi desu.
if you dont have patience and drive to study trad for 2 years then you’re never going to make anything thats even good for a beg.
your type is vacuous and devoid of anything people connect with.
enjoy being a bitter loser ur whole life.

>> No.6827133

>Study? Nah I'm not doing that bullshit.
(2 mins later)
>But like show me how!! Ughh!!!

>> No.6827139

Based gmi

>> No.6827143


>> No.6827289

motherfucker doesn't even know where the vagina is located