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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 149 KB, 1076x661, 1675888087711939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6817245 No.6817245 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy right, my fellow small artists?

>> No.6817247

This "guy" types like chatgpt. Not going to bother with a chatbot's advice.

>> No.6817269

I see klee and now I can't think about anything else.

>> No.6817271

Everything this guy said is on point, everything, in fact it's the exact same shit I've been telling to people in this board, which NEVER LISTEN. You can find quite some growth in these advices and strategies, but /ic/ will just not listen, you're going to hear people preaching about trash advices that are just a derivative of the points that guy makes.

>> No.6817281

that's because if you ask for any advice on ic you'll get maybe one good answer for 10 people trying to sabotage you or misinforming you, and they make it sound like it makes sense too

>> No.6817371
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The Scott in question he's talking about, btw

>> No.6817495

this is very similar on how to succeed on Youtube or Twitch

just follow what's trending and farm the views while its hot

>> No.6817557

It's bog standard straight forward advice. Pretty sure I've suggested all those things previously as well (Though he didn't use the word faggot nearly as much as I would).

>> No.6817648
File: 197 KB, 850x1286, __micchan_original_drawn_by_cirilla_lin__sample-7f959ac1018bdcb4352f57ac54adde00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've said the same things but no one ever listens
If an e-celeb or someone with huge followings isn't telling that, it can't be correct. This is the mindset today.
An e-celeb could tell people that acid battery is actually good for your skin, and they'd believe it.

The critical point that everyone's missing is that all these artists who garnered a huge following following the bullet points, also had either a irl/online network behind them already pushing them and boosting their accounts and were willing to broadly sell out and either be terminally online or become a yes-man.
They just didn't jump on social media and started getting followers out of nowhere because of their original work they did by themselves.
Who knows if their activity on socials is even truly organic.

You see this with big youtubers yourself when they show their stats showing the % of subs/non-subs viewers and it's always a sub 5% being subbed and watching.
Are they lying to get more people to sub even when they got lots of views, likes and subscribers already? Or is that really the case? But wouldn't that be reflected in subs/views/comments/etcetera?
Instead you get channels with 100k+ subs, always getting that many views/likes/comments, still showing those %.
Honestly never knew or heard about the guy until recently.
It's just coom at the end of the day.
Realistically and objectively nothing special about it no matter what kind of mental gymnastics people come up with.
>inb4 but its the story and characters
Is it really, or is the blood going all to your dick, average teenager/young man target demographic?

>> No.6817962

Should I draw for other people or draw for myself?

>> No.6817992

you should draw for money

>> No.6818031

After a long time I finally found something that I can do to grow my following. It did involve going back into fanart, but I'm genuinely excited to be working on it. Ultimate goal is to create a product to sell though.

>> No.6818035
File: 113 KB, 768x719, 1624322281776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit imagine being a xitter artist kek

>> No.6818066

>0 mention of making better art

>> No.6818075

It really isn’t necessary for Twitter followers. It definitely helps, but think of people like @lowgradef who draw mspaint tier art and have a big following. At the end of the day, it’s a social platform.

>> No.6818081

>ironic anime pfp
>how to be sucesfull on xitter
>wall of text
Yep, into the trash it goes

>> No.6818095
File: 111 KB, 710x962, 20230824_034714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of the obsession with social media growth. There's so many amazing artists out there that could actually be making more long term projects, but they all have the social media brain worm and spending too much of their time making pieces for the purpose of appealing to twitter audiences rather than trying to make something that'll actually last in people's conscious. I get that having a social media presence is good for marketing but a lot of them do exclusively that

>> No.6818683
File: 393 KB, 665x801, 1680234390887496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also got a figure of his OC made recently

>> No.6818823

the face and expressions are fucking horrible, how can anyone find this appealing? i can't fap to this.

>> No.6818952

>my taste is above everyone, why wont these peons like my art?

>> No.6818969

long term projects cost money and money costs time you would spend making the shit you want to make. felix colgrave is my ultimate example of the guy thats managed to do it all properly without falling into discrepancy with his actual wishes, patreon funds him to make what he wants. that isnt the case for the overwhelming majority, so thats that

>> No.6819017

No no, he has a bit of a point. While I dont find both faces and expressions to be "fucking horrible", I find the face structure to be a bit off. The way the eyes are too high, very little space inbetween them and the overlapping with the bangs is strange looking, plus the cartoony mouths roaming free and being dangerously close to the edge of the chin... All of this is particularly off, and it looks stranger in the figurine >>6818683. It's not beyond terrible by any means, but I can see some people not finding it appealing.

Also, is this >>6818683 the character's "default" design? Not to crab on it, but It's like you mixed that one girl from Kill La Kill and Tifa Lockhart in a single design, while neglecting the color charms of each. Hate to say stuff like this, but this design being kind of bland and uninspired gives me a little bit of hope on making the numbers with my own character, which is something I needed right now, hope.

>> No.6819069

If you do of all these things you'll see x% growth. If you get a bigger artist with similar content to retweet you while you do none of those things you'll get 50x% growth

>> No.6819072

Underage /thread
Not a blue board still, uhu, right.

>> No.6819075

Holy seething crab

>> No.6819077

It's super obvious advice too, there's no point in trying to help retards here if they can't figure it out they're doomed.
Think about your art friends or any big artist you've met/like. How many of them ever asked "how do I grow?" Probably zero.

>> No.6819085
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>point out nicely how certain stylization choices may be offputting
>point out how the overall design may be bland and uninspired
You didnt read any of what I said, did you? It's okay if you didnt, but you dont have to be a retard about it, you know?

>> No.6819098

half a million twitter followers cannot be wrong, cope and seethe crab

>> No.6819112
File: 235 KB, 691x625, c93717e822e6a53903cdc6d48c94b53049dbf600f6bbaa3b68502fbf334654d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Y-you cant criticize his work! Look at his followers!!
>I-if you dont praise him you are seething!!!
I didnt say the artist or the character were bad, idiot. The character, as bland her design may be, does the job on being appealing and the artstyle, despite the faces being kind of weird, also does the job on being appealing. At the end it works, but that doesnt mean it cant be improved.

Honestly, if this is your idea of crabbing, I dont want to imagine what an actually good critique is supposed to be according to you. Also, an artist making the big numbers in social media does not make them immune to criticism.
Dont be ridiculous.

>> No.6819266
File: 264 KB, 600x479, 1693335387708231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the face
No one even looks at the face
You can tell even in this image >>6818683
that everything else except the tits are out of focus.
I've said it already: at its core, radically even; it's just coom, lewd, porn, sexual stimulating imagery, something to jerk off to.
You could switch out any other anime head on it and it wouldn't change anything.
It is really not that complex.

>> No.6819283
File: 84 KB, 1033x639, IMG_9164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just make stuff bro
>continues to posts to void forever and fucking ever
Goddamnit it you fucking retards, no one will read your goddamn comic/story/whatever unless you have a goddamn motherfucking audience in the first place. Why cant you goddamn motherfuckers get that through your thick goddamn fucking skulls?

>> No.6819292
File: 687 KB, 3640x2048, dUzura6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6820245

you are not going to get an audience if you have nothing to offer, retard

>> No.6820253

People use these to cum ON them.
If you see anime figurines on someone's shelf, DO NOT touch them.

>> No.6820355

I'm not drawing your oc. I don't give a single fuck about what they like to eat and I don't care who's dick they're servicing on patreon. No I didn't watch the latest movie/anime/game that just came out and no I'm not drawing fanart for something I'm not a fan of. I hate all of you and I am better than you.

>> No.6820360
File: 25 KB, 400x300, dfc704b5-86e8-47bd-816a-a2c231a1ac6c-hed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post work, nigger

>> No.6820367

Okay, and?

>> No.6820389
File: 233 KB, 768x900, 1663027304959502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. followerlet

>> No.6820500
File: 6 KB, 143x142, 1679697425177312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you do have a very good point, I feel like I have to point out the importance of an appealing face and how that subsconsciously plays a vital role in making a character appeal to the masses. You'd be surprised how powerful eyes and hands can be for making people connect to character, and even if said character is purely sexual with no redeeming qualities, the face has a lot of merit on it's own for making the character be more like "that *one specific* moe blob with nice assets", which by definition makes them more unique than the others.

>> No.6820773
File: 33 KB, 528x509, 1686206796914571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On point?

"On point" my ass homie!

I've been there done that for several years on and off with trying to grow a following on first Instagram and later Twitter. I've read all the blog posts, saved all the tweets, watched all the Youtube videos titled "How I Went From Being a Broke Artist to a Well Fed Artist Using Social Media in One Year" or something to that effect and it wasn't until recently that I finally made my first honest dollar online as an artist and WITHOUT the help of social media I might add.

All these so called tips and tricks on how to grow a social media following as an artist may as well be a pyramid scheme the way I and a lot of other people no doubt see it. "Be more social on social media" this, "Post Daily" that, "draw other peoples OCs" trust me bro.

Bitch at what point is enough enough?

At what point does it sink in this shit doesn't fucking work unless you've managed to become a proficient dick sucker for a group of "popular artists" on Discord or Telegram who will reward your blowjob skills with like and retweet spam on your own art posts and that's if you're lucky.

That's if they decide to let you in on their dirty little secrets for how they became so popular in record time that isn't the same regurgitated garbage you've heard a million times before.

I wasted nine years of my life waiting on and praying for "what ifs" as a starving artist. Fuck that noise!

I been grinning like a mad man since this afternoon now that I've made it as an artist simply for getting paid for the very first time and again without the "help" of social media because in reality, the same people who constantly like your posts, they aren't the ones paying your bills now are they? They sure as shit aren't the ones hitting you up for commissions or subscribing to your subscription based service on Patreon, SubscribeStar, Pixiv FANBOX, etc

The people who will financially support you as an artist aren't on Twitter or wherever.

Funny that.

>> No.6820795
File: 25 KB, 720x716, 20221004_153600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say you've put a lot of effort and have read a lot of the subject, but I wonder, how much have you actually *done*? You didnt pyw or explain your methods used, and I really dont want to be an asshole and say "You just havent tried hard enough lol" or "Maybe your art is not appealing lmao", so I think you should at least explain yourself and pyw.

Growing on social media as an artist isnt exactly difficult or complex, it just takes a bit of strategy, commitment, creativity and a lot of persistence. I stand by saying the advices posted at the OP are on point and maybe I can help you out if you want.

>> No.6820887
File: 985 KB, 634x360, 1639015755564.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP is correct, but you're also correct.
You're supposed to do all that and also the dick sucking.
Or get incredibly lucky and get constantly boosted by a bigger account.
The money part you have to do yourself and use the clout you receive; and of course you might pay for the clout service you received.

By definition, social media runs on social interactions, so in no way will you ever find success unless someone with a greater social reach decides to shill you to their followers until you've reached a substantial amount of followers.

One could say:
>"just make good work and people will flock to you"
That isn't enough and most users will like a picture and keep scrolling.

Honestly, the secret to making money on social media is to either cheat and scam in any way or target autistic fanatics i.e. furry and fetishtards, genshitters, gachafags, fatespastics, etcetera.
weebs/shounenfags are only good to farm clout since they're generally young/underage or normies.
What you also want to target is other artists.
All those tutorials and shit are just artist bait to get them to subscribe or pay for your shitty courses you copypasted from somewhere.

Unless you're willing to suck dick, you will never make it by yourself on social media, and the go to cop out for nepotismtards is just:
>"maybe you're not working hard enough"
>"your work must suck"
>"you're doing something wrong"
It's all fucking fucked, big fucking time.

>> No.6820899
File: 53 KB, 248x253, 1680526566999194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always find funny how people make so much emphasis on the "dick sucking" part or some shady practices when I've found success with my own methods without being some big artist's pet.

If you want to degrade your image doing some shady stuff or humiliate yourself just for some breadcrumbs of advertisement while believing there's simply no other way around, more power to ya, you're the one stuck at low numbers for a reason.

>> No.6820918

Then follow your own advice and post your work and the method you've used and i'll tell you how much dick you've sucked.

>> No.6820936

What comic is she from? Or animation/game?

>> No.6820939
File: 101 KB, 460x460, Toast_for_Hispa-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how this will go, but I'll commit to it anyway.
I made my account back in 2019 and in the span of two years I made it to 1k with my beg shit. Back then I never really had a method, I just leaned toward the very small niche of shygals, drawing my (once) shygal character, some doodles of my other characters and the occasional fanart and commission. Aside from that I also got into a lot of priva servers on discord where I shilled (and I mean SHILLED) my art, got a lot of followers from there and also plenty of commissions.
>inb4 but it's been three years and you are still at 1k!
Here's the thing, anon: I stopped playing the social media game ever since. Why? college got in the way and I couldnt draw and post as freely, I've been holding an hiatus ever since.
I've also met quite a few big artists, did I try to appeal to any of them? did I get any help of them? The answer is no to both. I was never given the boost from big artists save at least three exceptions I didnt even look for. The most help I've gotten is from artist on the same level as me, and commissions were never lacking, even with an hiatus I have two on the work and four on hold.

You want my method? It's simple
>Have an unique artstyle
>Appeal to a content and stick to it
>Balance quality and quantity in your posting for a better post consistency
>Get along with other artists and engage with the communities
>Dont be afraid to SHILL
Once I get back on track Im going to put on practice what I've gotten and -hopefully- I will manage to break from the 1k in not much time, specially now I've started drawing fanarts more consistently.

Now, feel free to crab on me.

>> No.6820962
File: 94 KB, 288x278, 1681381754304921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, 1k is literally, virtually, basically nothing. Big number to you, but you're practically nonexistent.
Not a diss, just plain facts.
Anyone below 10k doesn't really exist.
I thought you would at least have 80k+ by the way you talked.
I had hoped for you-know-who since i had a whole ass post ready and get a few keks.

But i'll say you got me with your pseudo-trolling shilling attempt.
Have a (you).

I have no reason to take you seriously since you already got what you wanted and i doubt you're in this to have an actual talk on good faith.

I'll leave you with one counter argument though:
Working hard means you didn't get any handouts, and social media runs on nothing but handouts.
The moment you got retweeted, you're not working anymore.
>but i shilled myself
"If i scream long enough someone will hear me."
What's your point?

You can autistically argue the semantics of dick sucking but
>I've found success with my own methods without being some big artist's pet.
is not the strawman you're trying to make.

Dick sucking can include shamelessly pandering hard to an audience or niche for clout or also offering parasocial relationships and "networking" by spamming nothing but compliments on "mutuals" works.
>niche character with a fanatic following the fanbase is starved for
You've sucked dick, you gaylord.

>> No.6821138

You don't have to dicksuck, just be part of a community
I've made friends with bigger artists solely because I was one of the least mentally ill artists drawing for a subgroup of a fandom. Next thing you know I'm invited into different servers and they even brought me on for a collaborative comic project
You just need to be a decent artist with an approachable personality

>> No.6821225
File: 302 KB, 851x638, 1687230940293097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but you come off as a defeatist loser.
>.t just broke 7k and has over a hundred patrons and growing

Get back to me when you're at the VERY least drawing every day.

>> No.6821230
File: 59 KB, 960x882, 15238564631297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a millionaire, what's your point?

>> No.6821232
File: 55 KB, 812x566, 1668766445078446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you buy yourself some skill then

>> No.6821237

I'll just pay someone to critique my painting of a square and sell it for a few hundred ks.

>> No.6821241
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 1680264916258935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to pick up a paintbrush/pencil/stylus to do that. Which I think might be too big a challenge for you.

>> No.6821255

God I miss the drama with this blue whatevername this guy is

>> No.6821376
File: 42 KB, 500x334, 1685551464711723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...You know, I was going to make a lenghty response, but really there is no point when you're this disingenous, specially with your display of faggotry in subsequent replied.
You really have no idea how social media growing works if you think anything is dick sucking according to you and building relationships is inorganic at the core. That's your dumb bias and Im not going to waste bullets on what strikes me as a nodraw troll.
Not even going to give you this (You)

>> No.6821392

Wait, Allbeatnik is in this thread?

>> No.6821393
File: 7 KB, 235x214, 163564516541654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to build relationship on virtue of trying to get engagement is totally honest, you guys
>chasing trends and fotm is totally honest, you guys
>lmao it's just the game
The only people you will manage to attract is other people who will only network with you as long as you're useful to them.
You will see yourself get thrown under the bus the second you make a mistake.
You're digging your own grave and laying in it.
>you have no idea how social media growing works
Sure i do.
>follow trends
>post lewd content
>circlejerk over inane shit
>virtue signal
>parrot the popular opinions
>have your cronies like and retweet your posts
>insult anyone who dares say any negative opinions
It's all a spiral of dick sucking

I have no horse in the race that i need to cope in any way.
I said it already; but anyone serious, wouldn't "network" with people like you.

>> No.6821503

Over 100 patrons? Please tell me your secret. What content do you offer on Patreon? I was considering to make one but wasn't sure about it. desu I rarely post on social media and am more focused on long term projects

>> No.6821594
File: 1.21 MB, 1750x1400, 1690422026861498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Officially she's the mascot of Scott Malin's Twitter account, the artist is working on a comic but the coomer OC is not a part of it.

>> No.6821604


>> No.6821619
File: 26 KB, 421x485, 1654868756448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image physically hurts me.
Not because it's bad, but because I can feel that sunburn.
Just what I needed in the middle of a fever, goddammit.

>> No.6821630

Who's the ripped manlet in the corner? I'll gladly take more of him lmao.

>> No.6821642

Is the face appealing to the masses in this one?

>> No.6821643

Pyw op. Even if they are right, the product may need an improvement.

>> No.6821650


>> No.6821656

He's a dick, but he's not wrong. 1k is F tier

>> No.6821686
File: 375 KB, 1581x742, 1676683116545669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add the comic isn't out yet, you need to support it on Kikestarter first.

>> No.6821753

I swear she reminds me of some character. Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill?

>> No.6821823

Post a lot. 15 years ago you were fine just posting your best shit a couple times a month, but nowadays people need that constant hit. My uploads get very little traction on my gallery, but when they get reposted to boorus or if a regular commissioner reposts something they commissioned from me to their gallery, they get quite a lot of positive traction (like serial commissioners post my work and it gets more positive feedback than other commissions in their gallery which came from much more popular artists). Algorithms and viewer interaction strongly favors consistent, regular uploads, which is why so many career YouTubers have frequent uploads, or at least another platform where they're constantly posting whatever the fuck.

It's something I struggle with because I tend to draw something, fiddle around with it forever, ultimately just redraw the whole thing via a full-piece redline, then maybe wind up posting it if I haven't already moved on to something else. While of course there are god-tier artists who rarely post, I find more mediocre artists with big followings who seem to constantly post new art, which ranges from OK to shit, but they consistently get more and more followers and an endless stream of commissions.

>> No.6822519

I post once or twice a month and averaging over a thousand likes per post. Consistent quality content trumps frequency.

He's absolutely correct, yet I wouldn't advise doing this unless your goal is specifically to become a social media artist, else you're better off working on projects and your portfolio.