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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 221 KB, 800x600, d5pe98m-da8366a5-038d-453f-a444-5fa83efc06df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6818263 No.6818263 [Reply] [Original]

>LMAO Just draw, bro
I have been "just drawing" for 10 years and am still a fucking permabeg

>> No.6818266

No you haven't been. Combined over 10 years. You probably have like 5 hours if drawing

>> No.6818267
File: 3.77 MB, 3492x3804, 1681099760728818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep drawing, bro.
Just two more years!

>> No.6818268

I draw every day for 3 hours.

>> No.6818272

The trap of doing endless studies, cubes, and still lives without even trying once to draw animu.

>> No.6818273

I think he knows your practices better than you do.

>> No.6818276

Bottom right above imagination is pretty good

>> No.6818278

That entire stack of paper should be anime drawings, not pots of fruit and watercolor paintings of farms.

>> No.6818279
File: 261 KB, 1145x794, 1690854956854984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times will people keep falling for pic rel?

>> No.6818281

just draw refers to this
not to repeating the same scribbles from imagination over and over

>> No.6818283

It does refer to that however it's a board meme catchall phrase that got taken at face value by newfags.

>> No.6818287

>Draw from imagination
Why does this backwards mindset still persist?

>> No.6818295

>t. camera

>> No.6818296

maybe you can post retrospective of your work so we'll see what you're doing wrong and offer some advice?

>> No.6818299

it's as retarded as trying to learn a language by making it up instead of listening to it and reading it
but somehow in drawing it's fine

>> No.6818302

>spends years drawing from ref only
>never uses ref as an assist for their own artwork
>why is my art bad

gee I wonder.

>> No.6818304

the faggot literally spent his entire life doing studies, and still, his drawing from imagination sucks.

>> No.6818306

You haven't drawn for 3 hours daily for 10 years without any progress at all. You're completely full of shit. Here's your (you) though.

>> No.6818309

You didn't attempt to make finished work everyday, 3 hours per day, for 10 years. All you did were studies.

>> No.6818311

>no art posted by OP

>> No.6818313

Art is nothing like language, retard-kun. One is a completely imaginative process, and the other is something that follows strict rules and guidelines.

>> No.6818315

>keeps making the same threads over and over
>"why can't i improve?"
kill yourself and see if that works

>> No.6818318

When someone wants to draw from imagination, they clearly would understand that studying from a reference is a key, your example is flawed, people want to speak the language from their mind, not carry a translator with them all the time, they clearly understand that they need to hear and read from the language to be able to do that, so why assume they want to make up the language when trying to learn?

>> No.6818321

Same as drawing, i have not met a single artist who unironically goes against using references.

>> No.6818323

>have eyes
>recall memories
>draw lines on surface until you create a coherent image
drawing from imagination is all i've been doing.

>> No.6818324

>i have not met a single artist who unironically goes against using references.
There was some nigger with a horrendous personality that actively shat on anyone who used reference
Don't remember his name

>> No.6818331

art, like language, is a medium for communication
you can ignore it's history, patterns and techniques, but you'll just appear uneducated at best, and a retard at worst
and that would work fine if you had photographic memory, otherwise it's just making shit up
in either case you're not actually learning anything, it's either already in your memory or not

>> No.6818334

you don't draw, do you?

>> No.6818336

>in either case you're not actually learning anything, it's either already in your memory or not
What do you mean?
>see new stuff
>learn how to do things
You know that you don't have to actively draw or have a photographic memory to study? You just need to pay attention.
I learned to visually memorize book pages as a kid because i couldn't sit down and study.

Please, do post your work.

>> No.6818339
File: 256 KB, 697x1312, fasdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only as a hobby
>Please, do post your work.
nah, I've seen how that dance plays out on this board enough

>> No.6818343
File: 588 KB, 672x937, Sadakoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nah, I've seen how that dance plays out on this board enough
ok ill post mine

Shit like this can easily be done from imagination
I can draw you any body part from memory and i honestly haven't "studied" anything ever, only saw shit and tried to recall it
I don't really care what anyone else might think or say about the skill level of this picture.

>> No.6818355

not going to comment on the drawing since I respect posting your work
my argument is that improvement happens through observation, not imagination
I also make stuff from memory, but as a way to exercise/recall from things learned previously
I find what you mention here is important:
>I learned to visually memorize book pages as a kid
if someone doesn't have that skill, and only draws from imagination, they're not feeding their brain with any new input to improve with

>> No.6818369
File: 121 KB, 965x779, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if someone doesn't have that skill,
That's an unreasonable argument because you're literally born with the ability to memorize.
You are constantly seeing new stuff and feeding your brain.
You just need to be aware and pay attention instead of passively going through life, never once actively hitting your head against something to activate your brain.
What helps is also taking a break and sorting through your own thoughts and ideas. Give the brain a break if you're constantly stimulated.

Shit like this makes me wonder how the fuck normal people even function.

>> No.6818373

I think I've draw at least twice as much as that guy, but I draw a lot more personal works relative to my studies, in general what i study is mainly based on what I found deficient in my personal work or if I need to figure out how to draw something specific that I can use for my projects. Although I must say that I think his studies were quite well executed, some people just takes a while to apply what they learn to their own works, and observational drawings are not the totality of the skill set you need when you employ want to draw characters.

>> No.6818382

the brain tends to recall much less than you give it credit for
it's an energy saving machine, it won't store information it doesn't need
try to draw an accurate self portrait from memory and you'll see what I mean

>> No.6818384

It's sad, but people like this (uncreative) were doomed from the get-go and just didn't know it. I really believe the creative drive is 10x more important than fundamentals. Certain anons seethe when you point this out, but consider why. Theoretically this doesn't have to be you, I'm not saying this is (you). Don't make this you.

>> No.6818386

>draw object A 10000000 times
>try to draw object B
>be shocked when you still suck at object B despite being really good at drawing object A
why are artists like this? just fucking draw the thing you want to draw instead of jumping through hoops

>> No.6818391

What if you want to draw a more conplex subject tho? Or even multiple of subjects. You can't just pop a perfect image of an engine of a car in your head or human organs without actually studying it.
I do enjoy drawing way more when i can draw whatever in my mind at the moment but there are times when you need something to be there but just you cannot really recall it with just your mind.

>> No.6818426
File: 141 KB, 953x827, a squaretangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme get this ungayed first;
When you guys say
>drawing from imagination
Do you mean conjuring shit you've never seen or actually trying to recall anything you have ever seen before?
Because of course one will never be able to draw purely from imagination things they have never seen, that'd be like someone who was blind from birth trying to describe colors. Just not possible.
>but if i don't know how it looks like
You go look at it, and recall the image.
That is how you should use references btw
You want the brain to do the work, not the eyes only.

I mean, how do you know a square is a square or a circle is a circle? Because you saw and paid attention. You don't need to look up a shape every time you want to draw one.

When referencing, you should use a reference as minimally as possible.
Unless we're talking professional work where you need to be on reference 100%.

>> No.6818510

tell me, anons
what went wrong?
i honestly think the excessive grinding of shapes kinda fucked him over or maybe he dont want to use a reference

>> No.6818523
File: 296 KB, 515x510, 1658328950526614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep hearing others speaking and pick up words subconciously
>learn to speak by 5-6 years old
>never had to seek out dictinary to learn language
wow almost like having above room temp iq enables one to learn skills naturally

if you haven't just learned to imagine things you've seen irl already
you've literally lost the genetic lottery
immediately kys and filter out of the gene pool

>> No.6818532

>learn to speak by 5-6 years old
literal retard-tier
no wonder you struggle drawing a box

>> No.6818614

Idiot fell for the "you have to learn this... to draw this". Pathetic

>> No.6818633

Give up

>> No.6818635

useless post

>> No.6818655

>those pansy file sizes
Clearly you've never done a finished pic.

>> No.6818714

you expect me to remember every retarded artist's name? he was some shitty coom artist that had an extremely creepy rapey message about wanting women to come model for him alone.

>> No.6818721
File: 383 KB, 850x1200, 1693028225649825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down! Still lives have a variety of use in the way of having lots of subjects that have distinct textures and colors. Not to mention doing it from life, the objects don't move and you can control the light source and composition to tailor to your needs. If you were to get good at still lives, the skills would be transferable to other styles of drawings.

Anon, you can accrue knowledge of any given subject enough to draw upon your memory of that knowledge. Now to be fair there's a lot of thing to remember, but learning how to draw a human figure or anything else from memory is a result of understanding. nta by the way

I'll post mine too

>> No.6818730
File: 242 KB, 1574x1562, honk proliferation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my defense i had to learn 3 languages simultanously since i live in street shit land
plus point now im tri-lingual

>> No.6818790

You know it's kinda funny how this image is posted as a dunk on the idea of studying fundamentals.
It's used to say "Haha this guy spent years drawing and still can't draw anime"
Which is true, but also, if you just remove all the anime from this image, ur left with just an artist making obvious great progress in their art.

The guy is objectively a better artist than 99% of this board, if you just ignore anime, and since anime is such a tiny niche of art, why focus on his lack of skill there
Would the begs here really not trade their anime skills for his overall drawing and painting skills at the end?
Who cares if he can't draw anime girls, looks like he can draw pretty much anything else
That's not something to pity

Seriously, take a step back and realize how silly it is to look at this obviously skilled artist and go "haha he can't draw anime girls"
Yeah it matters because he clearly WANTS to draw anime girls. But I still think it's worth stepping back to realize, he did get good, and he's capable of having a fulfilling art career outside of anime

>> No.6818798

>great progress

>> No.6818871

>obviously skilled artist
>looks like he can draw pretty much anything else
Anon, what are you on about
What "art"?
The guy spent years grinding soulless still lifes and primitive solids, the occasional figure study, and very, very rarely producing any imaginative art - said imaginative art being 100% derivative of existing IP, by the way
Do not do this. This is not art. It's a cautionary tale.

>> No.6818926
File: 189 KB, 799x800, Screenshot_2023-08-29-23-44-35-48_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6818957

>try to "just draw"
>brainfog says no

>> No.6818973
File: 183 KB, 750x750, drawabox-demo-dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what boxfags actually believe

>> No.6819487
File: 12 KB, 226x223, N'WAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense to me, granted I started doing the bullshit on the right as a crutch to help make everything be nice and boxy/symmetrical. I've seem plenty of people that can completely free-hand shit like that.

>> No.6819520

>Still lives have a variety of use in the way of having lots of subjects that have distinct textures and colors.

Ofc it is useful, but some people unironically think they can draw a human figure from imagination if they practice drawing still lives.

>> No.6819539
File: 50 KB, 390x376, 711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you practiced with intent or just doodled, be honest

funnily this rings true for me because i'm a /m/fag
even if i draw cute girls, there's no point if i can't draw giant robots

>> No.6819558

The funniest thing about this image isn't the obvious lack of deliberate practice (that term, once again, has a specific meaning that isn't just "doing the thing over and over"), but rather the complete lack of self awareness. Whoever made this stack of papers over the years had just been grinding it out ("just draw" taken literally like some here said?) and at no point did it become obvious to them that they should stop and reassess. I can understand if they were a complete beginner who thought art technical skills are magic and just hoped they would materialize after two months of grinding or so, but this is someone who seemed to have spent literal years without ever reflecting on the fact their approach isn't working.

>> No.6819564

+1. he definitely took "just draw" too literally
i'm not seeing any roomis, hampton or any kind of teachings beyond fundamental forms in that picture!!

>> No.6819628


Where does this originate from?

>> No.6820289
File: 74 KB, 500x489, when-mrs-tweedy-raids-your-house-and-catches-you-nutting-6798892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just draw has always been meme teir advice.
Taking the mentorpill will speed up the process substantially. The reason nobody here is improving is because they keep spinning their wheels grinding boxes all day and never finishing a damn drawing. They flat out don't know how to proceed but keep telling themselves that this is the correct way to learn.
You have to know how to draw something in order to just draw and having 1 on 1 time with an artist who knows what they are doing will help you. Here it's the blind leading the blind, into an open fire.

>> No.6820343

>I draw every day for 3 hours.
You're progressing 4x slower than anyone else with those numbers.

>> No.6820372

Where is the issue here, you need to know the fundies before you can draw anything decently and consistently.

>> No.6820640
File: 20 KB, 366x480, e5aff2540259bd37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it, do you even have any idea how much drawing that is? I don't even draw 3 hours a day. You must have a lot of work you can show, but you probably don't because you are exaggerating.

>> No.6820650
File: 128 KB, 722x478, storage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paint 8 hours a day. Get on my level.

>> No.6820672

3 hours isn't a lot you fucking beglet

>> No.6820674

Most people don't care if it's decent

>> No.6820719
File: 292 KB, 1753x982, all project full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not the one who claim to have drawn 3 hours everyday for 10 years, I am just saying that's actually a lot of drawing in aggregate. The folder I have shown is only the web-safe size ourput in pngs and jpegs. Although I am really interested in what your painting looks like though, but 200 gig isn't surprising if you are doing it in print resolutions.

I think it is a lot if you do it everyday for 10 years, I do 20 gestures an hour when I was studying and I kept them for reference, repurpose or for self critique regularly, and OP claims to have done 3 hours of drawing a day, and even if they only did 1 drawing on average, that's over 3000 drawings they could have shown for anybody to try and diagnose their problems.

>> No.6821657
File: 980 KB, 1086x1809, 1693424587117619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trace.
Disney did it
Zone archive does.
Why you not?

The drawing elites don’t want you to know this but you can get pic related with tracing and is free. You can trace in home and jerk off with your our drawings. I have 458 traced drawings.

>> No.6821667

Vagina is not on the front. You may be surprised how much lower it is your first time.

>> No.6824214


>> No.6824222

>just draw
>thinking about what to draw
>no that's stupid... no that's shit... that won't work... that's too hard... that isn't dynamic...
>still haven't started drawing

>> No.6824267

Are you reviewing your old drawings and seeing what you could improve?
I always look back at old drawings I thought were good, catch a ton of flaws I somehow didn't catch before, and take mental notes on for the next one.

>> No.6824276

>Drawing 1.5 hours a day, and expecting to become a master.

Bro, that's only 540-ish hours a year. Imagine drawing for almost 20 years before actually reaching 10.000 hours of mastery. Just drawing 4 hours a day, you'll see much more improvement.

It's not hard. You should see the steam profiles of dota players, they are easily in the thousands, sometimes over ten thousand.

>> No.6824281
File: 91 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_20230902-183618-422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanna post an example. Literally a few scrolls down on the Dota steam page.

>> No.6824289

>This is your mind on boxfaggotry.
>How many times will people keep falling for pic rel?
the funny thing is that it's not just completely wrong but easily disprovable the skill and experience required to draw industrial machinery in perspective and drawing anime chibi doodles is like night and day despite them using similar techniques to work with.
. It's almost like the difference between a painter and an animator. The painter can make amazing, realistic single pieces but that doesn't mean they can use animation principles to show action and motion necessarily.

>> No.6824307

>not to repeating the same scribbles from imagination over and over
Just repeat better scribbles each time.

>> No.6824398

I mean worst case uncreative people can try shrooms. That experience should help in some fashion.

>> No.6824420

>hour long video
Make it a minute at most or im not watching

>> No.6824441

>a decade of constant work
>to achieve less than an AI can in 5 seconds
This is nightmare fuel

>> No.6824451

>in 5 seconds
>requires literally billions of scraped pics from the best artist to even produce something half decent and still regularly shits out abominations regardless
>so energy intensive it costs millions to train and operate
>requires a legion of technical staff codefags and servers to work
all to come close to some bloke with a pen and spare time using his MK1 eyeballs.

>> No.6824462

idk man i just download the free thing on my computer and it worky, my brain no worky so i can't draw

>> No.6824468 [DELETED] 


>> No.6824509

>This is your brain on Tik Tok
What, do you need some subway surfer gameplay in the background as well?

>> No.6824511

Skill issue.

>> No.6824516

But... It doesn't look good? Tracing doesn't work if you have no basic understanding of the forms of the things you're trying to splice together/trace. Granted I can't stop you and tracing is a form of practice but to anyone trying to legitimately follow this advice, be forewarned.

>> No.6824563

I'd love to see at least 10 different drawings from every year you've been drawing anon

>> No.6824569

>inb4 its literally 5 shitty doodles with 2 from highschool and the rest spread out of the next 10 years

>> No.6824571

I haven't seen this horrid abomination in a while

>> No.6824765

tracing for that...

>> No.6824777


>> No.6825009

I always hate it when artists draw the asshole as if it is a pimple-like hemorrhoid with a puncture wound.

>> No.6825305

Is pictel your level? Wow that's low

Anyway if that level isn't working you want to practice more effectively, study what basics and proportions are

During ideal practice you want to be at the edge of your current skill level, challenging yourself to do better and learn new concepts but not trying to do stuff that is too difficult

If you're struggling it means you're learning, if you repeat mindlessly what you can already do you won't improve, if you try to do stuff too beyond your level you won't be able to do it and also not improve

Start with proportions, draw a face construction lines and then slowly start to rely less on them, look at real life and the shape of things and think about how to simplify it

>> No.6825312

Just draw doesn`t work if you are stupid as Patrick.

>> No.6825333

What the fuck, I don't remember making this post

>> No.6825337

Usually when they say the've been drawing for 10 years and still a permabeg, it's because they draw the same fucking thing over and over again expecting things to change. They never seek out reference, always tries to draw from their head because to them, 'drawing from imagination' is the pinnacle of artistic brilliance. They never review their artwork, only look at the final result and realize it's shit. When they ask for someone's feedback, they don't actually want critique, but a pat in the back for their hard work. They only draw 1 hour a week, and for that 1 hour they only draw the same thing. They got stuck with hoarding tutorials from huundreds of different artists/tutors, but never actually tried to use them. And in the end, they take the AI slop pill and become a filthy pajeet as they're convinced that art requires talent.

Any artists with a half-functioning brain will improve at some capacity.

>> No.6825350

If he wants to draw anime girls, and still can't after that many years of drawing, then his method failed, it's as simple as that

>> No.6825368

Just kys cause oh boy you are in a permabucket for eternity.

>> No.6825375


but this is literally not even true. >>6818267 would have drawn more then 99% of this thread

>> No.6825392

Unironically accurate.

>> No.6825422

he also draws better than 99% of this thread, what's your point?

>> No.6825431

Ok, I like to shit on the board too, but you're delusional if you think that, anons here are actually not bad.

>> No.6825465

he's better than me at least

>> No.6825471

Pajeetsama, poo goes in loo, not in art

>> No.6825482

Post more. Love your line work.

>> No.6825522

I was being flippant, but I dislike it when people for all intend and purpose does not draw, does not show their work, use someone who actually draws and improves as example of how drawing more doesn't work.

>> No.6826212

That's not an example of permabeg you fucking retard

>> No.6827790

Are you having fun drawing this?