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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6815914 No.6815914 [Reply] [Original]

Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Medium (12-16"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S8/S9 Ultra, used iPad Pro 12.9"
Large (22"+): Wacom Cintiq 22, Cintiq Pro 27 - Make sure they have VESA standard mounting holes.

XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand making Wacom imitations.
Poor build quality, pens with wavy lines, wobbly nibs, broken tilt, issues registering light pressure, terrible customer support, uncalibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Do not be fooled by myths like "Chink companies are just as good as Wacom now" - they've been saying this for over 8 years, nothing has really changed. Consider reading the amazon reviews, particularly the negative spectrum and you will find some very common themes.
Chinese companies have also been proven to shill on 4chan. Someone in the /csg/ general on /g/ once got an email from Gearbest asking him to post positively about them on the "csg chinkshit general thread" on 4chan's /g/ board. You will very likely see dozens upon dozens of posts in this thread seething about a "wacumguzzler" in this thread. These are from the same aggressive shill department.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
More optimized for palm rejection than good quality drawing. Wobbly lines when drawing slow and straight.

>Cintiq 13-16"
Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

Worse than Samsung in every way.

Previous: >>6789703

>> No.6815924
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>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.

>> No.6815939

I hate the fact that Wacom withdrew smooth pads. Are there anyone who were lucky enough to buy them?

>> No.6815940

What's stopping you from buying used? You can get an Intuos 3 for pretty cheap even today.

>> No.6815944

I was talking about texture sheets.

>> No.6815953

Wacom spammer is saving lives. I had a Huion for 2 years, and it was constant problems, malfunctions, bugs, and talking to customer support. My new Wacom cintiq has had 0 problems in the last 2 years.

You can probably get a Huion screenless tablet, given how cheap it is, but if you’re investing serious money, go for the Cintiq

>> No.6815966

I have a Cintiq pro 27 and an intuos pro medium tablet.

I guess basic impression for me is that the Cintiq is definitely the superior option if you can afford it. I can’t go back to the intuos after using it - similar to when I first started gaming on a 144 hz monitor up from 60hz, it’s not strictly necessary to do the thing but it is just a superior experience.

Issues with the Cintiq I’ve experienced so far:

1. it’s difficult to position the screen and the pc monitor in such a way that you can look at both without straining your neck. I opted for a horizontal setup because the vertical setup hurt my neck. The 27 is huge and with a 27 inch monitor next to it it’s a lot of real estate to look at without tilting the head/neck.

2. The arm mount I have wobbles too much with the pressure I put on the tablet, so I typically just rest it against my office desk. If you have a very light touch then I imagine this might not be an issue for you.

3. Also on the subject of ergonomics, assuming you don’t go with the floating Cintiq setup, it is a good idea to invest in a keyboard drawer you can pull out from just under your desk, because otherwise I found the tablet too large to accommodate a keyboard on the right side comfortably. Maybe right handed people would have an easier time with the mouse on the right side and the keyboard left side, but I’m left handed so I had mouse and keyboard on right side and it was annoying enough for me to want to switch to an under-the-desk keyboard solution.

4. The pro 27 does make a significant amount of fan noise. Loud enough to be noticeable, I’d say similar to the noise level of ocean waves or a light rain. Granted I don’t have an issue with this because I always have headphones on, but in case you would it’s something to know.

4. Although it says 120 hertz it’s not well-suited for streaming/gaming. I find it does not perform as well as my 144hz monitor does at such tasks.

>> No.6815987

I wish someone made a heavy duty arm that just didn't move at all.

This is why I rate screen tablets with buttons very highly. I can brace the corner with my off-hand, have access to 4 buttons for hotkey stuff, and get no movement.

>> No.6816048
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ic thoughts on this?

>> No.6816198

desu my wacom had problems too, but it was more on the driver end and that I still use win7. The device itself is nice, but very overpriced next to what huion can offer tech wise. The best approach is threating it like an apple product, get it when cheap only from someone else.

Mine is barely below 90 degree when i draw, because I noticed this way my body forces itself to straighten up, and I even changed ctrl+z to the pen button itself so I don't need to reach for the keyboard, only when I choose brushes. That offical stand was 80 eur, which I didn't knew back then, but I can assure anyone that the default cintiq stands are definitely not going to help with that piss poor angle they provide. They might as well not exist. The stand itself is very sturdy with metal parts, so it never slips, but again 80 fucking eur for it is ridiculous.

>> No.6816200

Here's a tip, take the overlay sheet, reverse it, the back has a perfect surface.

>> No.6816202

Recommend me a screenless that's not a fucking Intuos pro but of similar quality and roughness
Currently using a Huion h1060p

>> No.6816207

Just use the Cintiq Pro 27 as your only screen with the Intuos below it.

I said it before but the stands are the biggest issue with the Cintiq's, I think it's better to build something solid like Aaron Blaise did, you really want something solid that doesn't give in when you put pressure.

>> No.6816292

Does the galaxy tab ultra s8/s9 get hot like the surface pro

I just want a tablet that doesn't get burning hot so I can draw on the thing

>> No.6816321

Holy spam, batman

>> No.6816373

June was two months ago...

>> No.6816381


>> No.6816401

Not helpful

>> No.6816409

It was literally just OP spamming his own thread in the middle of the night to get it to bump limit so he could make a new one.

>> No.6816437

I guess someone really, really did managed to hurt Aaron in the past 2 threads lmao

>> No.6816448

why did he disable the comments anyway?

>> No.6816469

Anyway, about my stylus, can I use an empty pen as a substitute or something?

>> No.6816480

XP-Pen Artist 14 is still not available in my country, should I wait for it or just grab an artist 13.3 pro?

>> No.6816515

no, you have to either replace it with another stylus compatible with your tablet or replace the tablet entirely.

>> No.6816696

>if the cheap chink tablets are too expensive, I have no idea what the hell advice to offer you.
no, i'm saying that the monitors, just monitors, not input tablets, that have ports on one side are getting into the price range of those tablets, so that they're a waste of money...since they have no input methods.
the reason i want a display tablet, even a chinkshit one, is because i need a device that primarily acts as a second monitor that has the option of touch input of some kind.
not for art. not for drawing. just for input. that's it. hence why me saying that a device that is only a monitor w/o input is stupid when it gets to the price of huion.
i could buy 3 wacom cintiq 24" per week but that's not the point. the point is value for dollar, which i'm wasting money at a certain point because no monitors in a low price range fit all my needs.

>> No.6816742
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i stopped drawing in the past year, so i bought a new tablet to motivate my self to draw. i figured the buyers remorse would get me to draw SOMETHING.

it's been 5 days. this is the end result of burn out. it's literally over for my art career.

>> No.6816781

Nobody asked
Go whine in your social media or whatever

>> No.6816789

> using Wacom pen on Krita
> everything functioning as it should
> eraser end suddenly stops (mid session) erasing and instead paints like it's the pen nib
> no settings changed
> eraser end still set to "eraser" on wacom settings
> tablet still recognises it as the eraser end
> tried restarting krita
> tried restarting computer
> tried resetting to factory defaults
I am beyond fucking furious, why is this happening?

>> No.6816862

It's happening because you're using garbage freeware software. Get SAI2, you can even set whatever brush or tool to the Eraser button.

>> No.6816864

It's doing the same in MS paint now and I had no problems with krita before.

>> No.6816878

Why speak if you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.6816918

Try another version of the drivers, I don't know your update settings.
I'm actually a certified Wacom user since the first Intuos serial came out.

>> No.6816924

Nothing has updated recently, it's been fine for several drawing sessions but now suddenly the driver version is bad? Sounds doubtful.

>> No.6816987

You're right in that it is Krita. It seems MS paint doesn't respond to the eraser anyway and it treats it like the nib end regardless, just tried it on a different PC. Krita on that PC also lets me use the eraser as before. So the question is what the hell changed on Krita on this PC to start this bullshit.

>> No.6816996

What tablet model are you even using anyway?

>> No.6817004

Wacom cth 680

>> No.6817009


>> No.6817014

>Wacom cth 680
That's the budget line. I would just reinstall the drivers and hope it works.

>> No.6817024

Fuck off wacumguzzler.

>> No.6817041

I do want to buy on credit the most expensive galaxy tab there is for about 1000$, but I don't really need it lol.
It also has retarded features I'll never use like 5g or a shitty youtube premium subscription

>> No.6817052

It is but I can barely draw anyway and I got this for free so I'll stick with it until I improve. I have the money to buy whatever I want but really no point yet.

Also I fixed it, somehow the eraser end was set to a paintbrush while I was drawing, changed it back to the default eraser. I have no clue how that happened.

>> No.6817126

WOW that sucks.

>> No.6817152

Dude…assuming this isn’t a bot, would you please give that stupid pun a rest? People on this site can’t look at a single tablet thread without having to scroll past your dopey obsession with cum.

If anything, your comments make Wacom look like the better company because of your juvenile behavior, so you’re not even serving your own interests. You ARE however fucking up every single tablet thread for pretty much everyone else.

In conclusion, even if I agreed with your shill mission I’d still call you a fucking retard. You were even accounted for in the OP message. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6817157

Shut the fuck up wacumguzzler

>> No.6817160

I guzzle huion cum. China numba cum!

>> No.6817336

Why does the Cintiq Pro 27 cost ten times as much as the Cintiq 22?

>> No.6817420

Holy butthurt wacumguzzler

>> No.6817424

da samefaggin is strong on dis one

>> No.6817508

Fuck off wacumguzzler. post your work.

>> No.6817601

Hahaha who is this guy?

>> No.6817642

A turbo autistic schizo, he sucks hard the wacom dick and tries to get everyone here to do the same by buying decades old tablets, trying to save anons from the """evil chink shills""

Except that no one buys that bullshit. In fact, this backfired so hard that it had the reverse effect with anons buying anything but wacom. He always gets his ass blasted on every thread just to pretend that it didn't happened afterwards

It's worth nothing that he is doing this for 6 years.

>and he does it for free

>> No.6817716

No I'm talking about you. And I assume,
Also you.

>> No.6817720

It's multiple people. No one likes OP.

>> No.6817743

Not buying it. Try harder, shill. I'm totally new to this, and even I can tell. There's a big conversation about tablets, and then you posting three times in a row and projecting with "samefaggin", and then having a conversation with me as if you represent the opposing force in this thread, coping as hard as you can with "nobody likes you" etc. I don't see a single person in here actually saying why they prefer the chinese stuff or why it's good enough, just you saying "suck wacom dick, nobody likes you, everybody buys chinese stuff".

>> No.6817746

Basically, and >>6817601 probaly is the guzzler samefagging again despite him bitching when 'everyone' does it.

>> No.6817749

nice samefag nigga

>> No.6817750
File: 57 KB, 440x708, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not OP. Post (You)s to prove you're not samefagging.

>> No.6817752

Screenshot this post so I can see that it has (you)s after ever quote.

>> No.6817755
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>> No.6817756

nta but you conveniently cut op...

>> No.6817757
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>> No.6817758

Damn, got me.

>> No.6817761


>> No.6817763

Never. One of these days I'm going to smell a bear or something and my pattern recognition is going to save my life.

In other news, why does the Cintiq Pro 27 cost ten times as much as the Cintiq 22?

>> No.6817770

Just get out now while you can if you're actually new here. This is the absolute worst general on the board. It consists of op (wacumguzzler) and some guy that will endlessly shill the cintiq pro 27, then some people that actually draw and are willing to post their work that usually use Chinese brands like huion or xppen.
Display tablets aren't that complicated, and Chinese offerings have been about equal quality to wacom's for the past 4 years or so, while costing 1/3 the price.
Wacom's budget line costs more than huion's premium shit while offering substantially less.

As posted in a previous thread, a customer looking for a 24" 4k monitor can pay $1200 for huion's, or $2700 for wacom's.
A customer looking to spend under $1000 can get a 24" 1440p display eith etched glass, or a 16" non laminated display with a screen protector and like 80% srgb or some shit.

Wacom only makes sense to buy if you get a good deal used, you're pissing money, or your employer is buying it for you.

>> No.6817771

to filter the no draws like you

>> No.6817776

i think that his guy is the 27 pro shill

>> No.6817777

Cintiq 22 is $1300
Cintiq 27 is $3500
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6817780

Wouldn't be surprised, he does reddit space every post and always defends the wacumguzzler.

>> No.6817783

Personally I believe everyone here should take their subhuman marketing threads back to /g/,

>> No.6817788

>art board
>discuss art and supplies

>> No.6817789

I agree 100%
This thread is a worthless shitfest of mostly no draws just flinging feces back and forth. Nothing productive comes from it ever. Mods would be wise to delete it on site.

>> No.6817791

tbf it had better times until the guzzler came here

>> No.6817793

It's been literal years of this though, thread is ruined while his tism remains.
He started shitting up these threads right around the time wacom let some patents expire and chinese tablets improved though, awfully coincidencedental.

>> No.6817798
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Is it? What's this? https://www.ebay.com/itm/115805386750

Man. This all sounds really expensive to me. I work totally traditionally, and sometimes think about getting back into digital for pro work (I used to have a bamboo create). Spending a bunch of money on something that ends up not allowing the same finesse I use in traditional has always been a big fear of mine.

Nah, I just leapt in and picked sides.

Kind of sounds like both sides suck.

>> No.6817800

yeah strange as fuck, he doesn't even draw
just starts spewing this bullshit every thread
dude got btfo by a single stroke kek

>> No.6817802

and an advice for you, don't pick any sides here

>> No.6817803

That's what I'm thinking, but that kind of leaves me without direction for a tablet. Maybe that's for the best, I dunno.

>> No.6817806

>What's this?
An outdated used tablet on ebay?
The current cintiq 22 costs $1300 new.

>> No.6817807

What makes it outdated? Did it draw well when it was released? Or was it not worth using?

>> No.6817808

$400 kamvas 22 plus
Best bang for your buck unless you buy 2nd hand
If you buy used, then the sky is the limit. You can pick up 15 year old cintiqs for like $40. They suck by today's standards, but you'll still be able to create work with them.

>> No.6817810

so the cintiq 24 pro is on sale which puts it around the same price as the xencelabs 24, but for some reason there isn't a video comparing the two

>> No.6817813
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Today's standards don't mean much to me, as someone who hasn't been on the scene. If you can do consistent work on them, and they allow expression and finesse, I'm on board. I know sometimes old tech just totally sucks, like there's no reason to buy old digital cameras now. Are the 15 year old cintiqs really that bad? I imagine that's what all the old game concept art was done on.

>> No.6817816

It's a monitor from over a decade ago.
Color range sucks, brightness sucks, screen getting hot sucks, pen technology sucks, parallax sucks, pressure sensitivy sucks, there's literally nothing that isn't outdated about it. The cheapest budget 22" display from any company today blows it out of the water.
If it's all you can afford though, it's 10/10 and will serve you perfectly on your journey to making art. Any tablet is better than no tablet. It was good enough for professional artists then, and they put out stuff that mogs 99% of this board.

>> No.6817817

>looking at huion drawing pads that are less than $50
>some guy writes a whole review on how effective it works with arch linux
Now I don't know who to believe because they really would shill in a thread like this...

>> No.6817822

Well, that all makes sense. Guess I just need to find a sweet spot. This has been pretty helpful, it's good to know you can go really wrong with the selection and still get something that works.

I disagree with any tablet being better than no tablet, though. Screenless tablets suck so bad. I think you're better off just learning how to draw/paint the old fashioned way if that's all you have to work with.

>> No.6817823

You are talking to a literal chinaman mate. He's trying to sell you chinese crap on the pretext of being more recently released. Ignore him.

>> No.6817824

>Are the 15 year old cintiqs really that bad?
It depends entirely what you're looking for.
People were able to draw with thinkpad x60s from like 20 years ago to decent success. A more expensive tablet won't make you a better artist. A pro artist will make great work with any tool, while a shit artist will make shit with the best tools money can buy.
A modern tablet will feel more like traditional artwork that it's trying to replicate. That's basically the primary difference.

>> No.6817826

That stuff in the webm at the beginning of the thread is what really scares me. I guess consistent pressure sensitivity and location tracking is the only thing I want.

>> No.6817827

Post your work. I posted mine several times, and I've posted my very much so not chinese hand shitting on your retarded webm.
I do not care in the slightest what someone buys. If you need THE BEST, buy wacom. If you need the best performance per dollar, buy huion or buy used.
It's literally that simple.

>> No.6817830
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Much like everything op posts, it's disingenuous bullshit.

>> No.6817832

Should note this is strictly for display tablets
For non display pen tablets, buy whatever. They're all exactly the same shit. Slap some paper on top and enjoy a good drawing surface.

>> No.6817836

Based. What is that?

>> No.6817844

A refurbished kamvas 22 plus.
I've had it for over a year and haven't had any problems. I spent a a few thousand dollars testing out different tablets on Amazon to see what I wanted (obviously returned them all), and it ended up being the one I felt had the best value overall.

>> No.6817848

Awesome, you've sold me. Thanks for the info.

>> No.6817858
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>and I've posted my very much so not chinese hand shitting on your retarded webm

>> No.6817860

Keep an eye out for an rd220? Rds220? Something like that. It's the updated version of the 22 plus that has a slightly wider color gamut and 1440p instead of 1080p. No idea where to find them or how much they are, but someone posted about it a few threads ago and it sounded pretty good assuming it's at the same pricepoint.
If you're okay with 2nd hand, the 24 plus is also really good. Or obviously a cintiq if you can find a good deal on them.

>> No.6817862

Which you're more than likely to get on a Huion and XP Pen, because they're built so cheaply with limited quality control.
If you want to believe the resident chinese salesman of this thread, it's your funeral.

>> No.6817864
File: 1.52 MB, 1440x2372, Screenshot_20230828_235419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this hand look Chinese to you, fucking retard? In case the missing chunk of finger wasn't obvious enough, it's the same hand as the webm.
Post your work.

>> No.6817869

Based long Celtic fingers. Maybe got some Germanic in there for the dark body hair.

He's advocating for buying used. How can I subsidize China if I do that?

>> No.6817870

>In case the missing chunk of finger wasn't obvious enough
No that just makes it more obvious, Liu Zhao. Chinese idiots like you get cripples and killed by your abysmal construction and living standards all the time.

You're an angry little chinese shill. Everything you say in this thread is worthless.

>> No.6817872

I would like to announce I have bought ze huion, ig in a couple days I'll see if the chink salesmen are grifting me out of $40 or if it's good enough

>> No.6817875

Chinese people have way stumpier fingers than that. Like the Han Chinese, the dominant group, they've got blocky bodies, long limbs, chunky hands, and these wide, stubby fingers. Tom Kenny's hands look exactly like the ones pictured here. Big lanky hairy white guy.

>> No.6817878

I lost the tip of my finger in a jointer at work about 3 months ago. Ironically the first thing that crossed my mind when I was in the ER was if it would effect my ability to draw. Because unlike you, I actually do that.
I do actually have Germanic roots, yeah. I'm mostly English and Dutch.
And fun fact, my some amount of greats grandfather brought pineapples to Hawaii and started a business with James Dole. Then he sold all his shares in the company to follow his dreams of sailing...

>> No.6817885

Badass. I've got old American stock in my family. Quaker whalers, a guy who signed the New Jersey Charter.
Tough luck losing your nose picker like that. I play piano too, so that'd really rain on my parade. Sometimes I think I'm putting too many eggs in one basket, relying on so much fine finger work.

>> No.6817888

>zhao bo having another conversation with himself
>too stupid to vary his posting style while pretending to be a different person

>> No.6817890
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I play piano and bass guitar, was big into typing/keyboards, and very big into guns. It sucks, but if you're going to lose a finger, the index is the least important. The middle finger does a good job taking over all the duties it used to do.
Also I'll be getting a custom prosthetic through workers comp in a few more weeks that should bring back almost 100% functionality, so excited for that.

>> No.6817891
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Cope harder. What are you, Dalit? Dravidian? Paki?

>> No.6817893

That's really interesting. I would have named the end of my right index finger as second place for the one I'd least want to lose, after right thumb. That makes sense though.
Super cool prosthetic. If you're doing the Michael Anthony thing on bass, you've still got three more fingers to lose before you're in serious trouble.

>> No.6817996

I might be getting a used ipad/tablet for free from a relative, not sure what model. Do I need a certain/special type of stylus for it? What kind should I get?

>> No.6818020
File: 34 KB, 730x547, 1530404_1816336761840865_762629269_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many artists use this middle finger grip, I actually started this way but then I changed to the index grip.

>> No.6818027

People used Intuos for decades, it's a tool that is perfectly capable. I prefer my Intuos Pro to the old Cintiq HD's by a long shot.

>> No.6818029

>no power cord
Forget about it, Wacom uses the 3 in 1 cable gimmick, the cable alone second hand is almost impossible to find or very expensive.

>> No.6818055


>> No.6818269

The index finger still looks pretty prominent in his grip

>> No.6818275

I have a Intuos Pro Medium ( pth-660 ) which i use regularly and I wonder if its worth going for a larger active area. My monitor is 24" and i have no intention on upgrading to something bigger.

I actually have the large version too (pth-860), unopened and I wonder if its such an upgrade over the medium size to consider open it and lowering its value.

I could make some €€€ by selling it unopened desu so thats why i came here with this autistic question.

>> No.6818286

Honestly, it's all about workflow. For tablets with screens, bigger is better. You can fit more of the image on screen at once, you have more choice of how big you're drawing.

For screenless? It doesn't matter unless you tend to try and draw too big and go outside the active area. And most people just get used to it and just draw smaller. You could try setting the tablet to just draw on the canvas instead of the whole screen, you lose access to the outsides with the pen but you can see if a larger active size would be useful for you.

>> No.6818572
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any Wacom insider knows when the fuck are the niggers going to release a new wacom intuos pro tablet with the new pro pen since they are so fucking jews and didnt made it retroactive with current models, i been holding up to buy a new intus pro L for almost 2 years just for this shit, fuck.

>> No.6818623

>be me
>see /dtg/
>schizo op
>he's getting railed again

>> No.6818815

It's all One line, I don't think they have anything planned for the Pro line.

>> No.6818829

Is kamvas 22 plus ok? I'm worried because of the resolutions only. But better res are too expensive ;_;

>> No.6818875
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fuck this gay ass world

>> No.6818899

Resolution doesn't matter, only retards think it does. Okay, maybe an old cintiq with 1378x800 or whatever might be pushing it a little, but 1080p is fine.

>> No.6819073

Hey anons,
I'm currently sick IRL and I am likely to be a bit couch/bed bound the next few months and I'm looking for a tablet that facilitates drawing without access to a desk. I'm gonna treat myself and I'm currently deciding between an iPad Pro 12.9 or a Samsung tab 8 U. My question is, which tablet supports a better work flow without a Bluetooth keyboard primarily using gestures?

Secondly for anons whom are already using an iPad Pro is procreate all it's cracked up to be? It looks pretty slick, for reference I've been mostly using krita and CSP on my huion work station.
Cheers lads.

>> No.6819090

Kind of a similar situation as this anon here >>6819073
And also deciding between these 2 tablets. For you androidbros, which drawing app do you use? The deciding factor for me right now are things like procreate or artstudio pro.

>> No.6819111

>too stupid to vary his posting style while pretending to be a different person
is this the guzzler accidentally revealing he's the same person as the cintiq 27 guy that coincidentally also refuses to ever post his work?

>> No.6819114

>For you androidbros, which drawing app do you use?
ibis paint is pretty good
procreate is good, it's very intuitive with touch gestures. It's not that good for full rendering, but it's phenomenal for from-the-couch sketching.

>> No.6819202
File: 312 KB, 674x859, IMG_0467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some recommended display pen tablets? Not sure if there's a better name for them
>Digital Display
>Not standalone
>ie powered by external CPU/GPU
I have a nice PC and don't see the point in getting an expensive standalone tablet that still wouldn't be as powerful

>> No.6819207

standalone tablets designed specifically for drawing are very rare.
Every display tablet mentioned here is a monitor you can draw on.
give a budget

>> No.6819229

>Give a budget
It really depends on how much value there is offered in each price bracket, I'm not really sure. I'd be willing to spend on a '21 iPad pro if nothing is a better value. Ideally 200-400$ but it would also have to remain viable and good enough for me not to feel I need an upgrade after a year or two. I haven't really seen a good explanation/comparison of the difference in tablets by price

>> No.6819232

told ya

>> No.6819237

Are you okay with 2nd hand?
That's like kamvas 16 price range, which isn't really that good.

>> No.6819239

Huion Kamvas 16 2021 is pretty good. It is powered via USB-C to HDMI+USB.

But don't get the 16 Pro nor the classic 16. The 2021 model fixed all the flaws the original models had.

>> No.6819240

Does anyone have any thoughts on the best case for an iPad pro 12.9? I need a case that acts as a drawing board but the selection is a bit crazy and I am retard.

>> No.6819247

I got a Samsung tablet. What app do you guys reccomend ? I want something light weight but not retardedly expensive

>> No.6819252
File: 30 KB, 450x450, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some generic $15 case on Amazon with a spot for the pencil and a trifold cover. Something like this

>> No.6819254

Pro illustration apps on Android: Infinite Painter, Clip Studio Paint, Krita

Avoid meme toyapps like: Medibang, Ibis Paint, Sketchbook

>> No.6819360

Was it a mistake to go with a Galaxy Tab Ultra over a Galaxy Book?

I prefer Android as a tablet as opposed to the garbage that Windows uses plus I figured if I wanted to, I could just use a small laptop anyway and connect the Ultra as a tablet display no?

>> No.6819463

Has anyone gotten Paint Tool Sai to work on android via Wine or Termux?

>> No.6819481

Does anyone have any suggestions on getting an ACTUALLY good graphics tablet? I used a shitty $50 Huion for 2 years until half the buttons started double-pressing. I feel like it's time to grab my balls and pull them from my waist and actually invest in a decent tablet.

>> No.6820114

the mistake you made was using buttons at all in the first place instead of just using a numpad.
If you don't like your huion though, just go buy an intuos pro?

>> No.6820538


>> No.6820848
File: 452 KB, 580x545, 1641245759962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be willing to spend more, I can't find a very concise breakdown of different features that brands offer in different price brackets. The OP is trash, desu.
>Huion Kamvas 16 2021 is pretty good. It is powered via USB-C to HDMI+USB.
Looks pretty cool Anon, THANK YOU for an actual recommendation that fits the criteria I asked about, major doots, do you think a '21 iPad Pro + pencil is worth the price? Over the timespan of a few years? I have a '18 iPad Standard (6th gen) and it's totally useless for this kind of thing.

>> No.6820861

Do those display tablets gets scratches overtime? Should I get some protective screen for it?

>> No.6820864

Xencelabs pen tablet, xp-pen deco pro gen 2

>> No.6820895
File: 292 KB, 1440x806, Screenshot_20230830_215157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't find a very concise breakdown of different features that brands offer in different price brackets.
For the most part, each brand has 2 lines (a basic entry level line, and a premium line), with the price differences in each line just coming down to size.
Like I said earlier, pic related is what I got over a year ago and outside of 2nd hand, is probably the most tablet you can get in your price bracket if you're okay with refurbished.
It has stuff you'll find on higher end tablets like an etched glass laminated screen, wide color gamut (advertised number is bullshit, but with calibration it comes out to 96% Adobe rgb, which is excellent), high contrast ratio, good size, good pen, good build quality, just overall a very solid tablet with a great drawing feel.
Avoid any company's entry level models, shit that doesn't have the arbitrary pro/plus moniker.
And avoid chink shit made before 2019.

>> No.6820900

t. Liu Zhao Bei

>> No.6820902

you really wanna do this again, retard-kun? Do I need to post my white dick next?

>> No.6820907

>white dick
Maybe your imaginary boyfriend got one. Sad!

>> No.6820957
File: 208 KB, 1152x509, sshot-2023-08-31-01-19-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6820959

Holy shit that's cheap
How would something like this connected to phone compare to an iPad for portability?

>> No.6820961

its slightly larger than an ipad, but since you'd need the phone, and presumably a case, plus all the adapters/cables to connect the two, an ipad and an apple pencil are definitely more portable

>> No.6820971

>but since you'd need the phone
It's 2023, everyone has their phone on them at virtually all hours of the day.

>> No.6820973

>since you'd need the phone
>as it pertains to this topic we are talking about, in this context
>in the context of the tablet, and the phone
>the phone and the tablet

>> No.6821010

Don't care Ching Chong, it's garbage. Not even worth $10.

>> No.6821030

these look retarded
what's the point of this shit when the apple pencil 2 is fucking magnetic and is ment to always be stuck on the side?

>> No.6821032

>avoid meme toyapps like Medibang
>get Shita and Infinate shitter
what did he mean by this?

>> No.6821193

The magnet isn't that strong and can easily come off if you slide it into a bag/backpack.

>> No.6821234

Would be worth it if you could use Wacom drivers and pens. I like my Pro Pen.

>> No.6821268

I dont know KAMVAS specifically, but IMO using display tablets that was primarily designed with desktop drawing for phones (Andoid in particular) will always be a meme with its current state. Some shit wouldn't function or not supported by the app. Lag, pressure issues, screen mirroring issues, gestures will not work, etc. You can use it as a secondary option but using it primarily would make you just want to get an iPad instead.

>> No.6822075

I'm looking to upgrade from a Cintiq 13HD because shit's just too small. Is the Cintiq Pro 24 really bad? I saw one video of Istebrak complaining about it, but she always came off to me as weirdly combative and I'm wary of trusting her. I don't care about the fans, and the price doesn't matter. Is the anti-glare thing a really bad problem? If I get the thing and it has dead pixels, will Wacom fuck around with me, or will they take care of it? Not willing to gamble on Chinese garbage, but it seems like Wacom quality isn't what it used to be either.

>> No.6822083

I would just go for the non-pro Cintiq 22, myself. The pro 24 is way overdue for an update, and the 22 is pretty great (unless you're a resolution whore)

>If I get the thing and it has dead pixels, will Wacom fuck around with me, or will they take care of it

Buy it off of Amazon and return it through them, they don't give a shit on why you're sending something back 99.9% of the time.

>> No.6822094

I looked around a bit at 22's but they're almost the same price here for a used one.

>> No.6822103

>but it seems like Wacom quality isn't what it used to be either.
Everything is the same now basically.
If you can afford it, just get the cintiq 24 and don't have to think about a tablet again.

>> No.6822120

good luck returning a used one then lmao

>> No.6822154

Don't get any non-pro contiq.
Just don't.

>> No.6822186

lmao pyw didn't think so
fucking /beg/let thinking he can advise people

>> No.6822229

Which tablet has the most ~value~ per dollar? Ipad pro? which one?

>> No.6822272

I've posted my work here plenty of times. There's no logical reason to get a non-pro cintiq. They're unbelievably trash compared to everything else on the market for twice the price. They're outdated as fuck.

>> No.6822298

What do you faggots think about xencelabs?

>> No.6822306

Agreed. The non-pro Cintiqs are quite amazing and an especially good value compared to everything else on the market (even things that are twice the price). They're fucking amazing.

Cintiq 22 (non-pro) by far.

>> No.6822312

Used ipad pro 12.9

>> No.6822507

I will be purchasing the Microsoft® Surface™ Pro 4.

>> No.6822514

Congrats, you wasted your money. We ONLY endorse Wacom here, kiddo.

>> No.6822686

Anyone here have experience with xencelabs? Is the pen display 24 the same pen delay parallax and responsiveness as the cintiq pro 24?

>> No.6822692

every single reviewer says: no
they compare it to huion's garbage, not to wacom's, and say that you're paying for worse drawing performance than huion but for better screen quality

>> No.6822959

Why would you do that to yourself?
New ones are decent, but sp4 was dogshit

>> No.6823085

pyw or fuck off

>> No.6823119

Probably Samsung Tab S8 Ultra or S9 Ultra

>> No.6823132

Schizo hours

>> No.6823142

I've had a handful of Wacom tablets but the Intuos 3 is still by far my favorite. So smooth.

>> No.6823144

guzzler spotted

>> No.6823147

My current one is a Cintiq 12 I found on ebay for 40 dollars. I don't buy new tablets at full price ever. Did you want me to shill Aiptek or something?

>> No.6823227

Not him but the guzzler shills hard the Intuos 3 meme and samefags hard
If that works for you, it works

>> No.6823273

2023 and this board still full of wacom shill

>> No.6823301

How are you supposed to angle your large screenless tablets? None of them come with stands.

>> No.6823324
File: 6 KB, 200x214, +.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honest opinion for any anon that just visit this thread: you are ok with any modern tablet of the recent years, wacom huion xp-pen all perfect for anyone.
Only thing you could care is comfort, check the sizes of the devices to fit correctly on your setup, check if you are better with screentablet or not.
And probably the only really important aspect is check the cables of the devices.

With modern products, i could said that 2019-2023, you are good with any of those 3 brands, they products already reach a state that the differences, real ones, are very minimal, so is only to you and your needs, if you need more size, buttons, sliders, usb-c, traditional or 3/1, those things. Any more is just faggots sucking dick of the brand of their taste, nothing more.

With tablets tablets, you are good with any modern ipad and any modern galaxy with spen, they already reach the point where all have a strong hardware to not worry about drawing in a big canvas or look if you can find any good app in android, all that is already solved so you only need to care in how many power you want for the tablet and how many you want to spend.

Also in this years we already reach the point when you dont need to be cheap getting old models because the modern cheap ones are good to go. So the debate about the better brands is pointless because the old models that yes they have strong quality differences, are outdated by today standards that all brands share.

>> No.6823325

Just use ebay, breh.

>> No.6823329

God bless you anon
GMI all the way

>> No.6823331

fuck off guzzler

>> No.6823359

uh oh
wacomniggers aren't gonna like this...

>> No.6823386

You’re just walking on eggshells to avoid admitting that wacom is better/more expensive

>> No.6823392

your brain on wacum

>> No.6823427

Literally ebay whatever tablet you want, don't waste money. Retards sell shit they've used once at 20% the price.

>> No.6823446

Lurk more. You're responding to the angry chinese shill. He gets angry at the mere mention of Wacom.

>> No.6823460

>every single reviewer says: no
i have not seen a single reviewer say this, there are so little reviews for it in general

>> No.6823467

He's probably trapped in one of their sweatshops, then.

>> No.6823524

pyw wacumnigger

>> No.6823527

walmart raised the price of the wacom cintiq 16 by 600 dollars in the last 3 days since i checked then was about to go buy today. why does walmart do such shady shit?

>> No.6823658

>by 600 dollars
how much was it before? I'd bet it was a sold by randomfaggot87 through walmart.com

>> No.6823697

Anectdotally speaking, never trust anyone here because one will have insane bias in one product over the other but what I can tell you as someone who owns, a cintiq 24 pro, intuos pro, kamvas 20 pro and a kamvas 13, wacom will always be superior and people will fork the cash to buy one used.

>> No.6823707

>Anectdotally speaking, never trust anyone here
yourself included

>> No.6823720


>> No.6823736

Bought one a few months ago and it was just ok. The lack of dials made me get a tourbox instead and I've been loving it.

>> No.6823739

As a fellow tourbox (elite) enjoyer, I can confirm it's great
While I'm shilling, go buy a dokiwear glove. Only good drawing glove I've ever used

>> No.6823758

I'm trusting you anon, just ordered the V3. Pretty convenient timing too since I just lost mine.

>> No.6823762

V3 is kinda meh honestly. I greatly prefer the v2. The v3 is just kinda hard to take on and off without a lot of added benefit.

>> No.6823772

I'll see when it gets here. I like the sound of the added wrist support, but if it turns out to not be that great it's just 2 bucks.

>> No.6823849

860 for years. finally about to buy it, it goes to 1400.

>> No.6823853

Why would you pay $860 for a cintiq 16

>> No.6823921

Did you say 4, anon? You a cuck or something?

>> No.6823953

Has any tablet yet been made that doesn't do the wavy diagonal line thing? Apple pencil performs best that I've seen in the ruler test, but even that still has it a little bit

>> No.6824117

I've got a wacom intuos 5. Anyone here know how to limit it to one screen on xubuntu?

>> No.6824229

Intuos 3

>> No.6824237

i find very useless that thing of the line test, because in the actual drawing experience is so minimal that, is kind of stupid care about that you dont even notice. Even more, you can just use any stabilization option in the software and you eliminate all that, you dont even need strong stabilization just a very low intensity and done, like in sai you can use just 4-5 and all wavy shit is done, and you dont even feel the stabilization because most people use 15, s1 and above

>> No.6824339

pyw cumguzzler

>> No.6824430

Yesterday I learned that my Wacom Cintiq 16 that I bought over a year ago was covered with a cheap plastic screen protector despite the internet saying otherwise. Feels good as new after removing it

>> No.6824439

and a ching chong nip nong to you too, sir

>> No.6824465

you didn't even posted a single fucking line
can't expect anything from you kek

>> No.6824473

t. Liu Zhao Bei

>> No.6824492

Keep seething guzzler


>> No.6824498

>sent from OPPO honor umidigi 5a(global).

>> No.6824501
File: 3.93 MB, 2400x2400, 1600681991209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget
holy seethe

>> No.6824518

A timeless classic

>> No.6824527


>> No.6824589

I've been painting digitally for 15 years and I have to say using a cintiq is a game changer for a lot of things. Doing lineart is so much better and so is rendering hair.

At work I had a 24HD and it was amazing. I used the 22HD as well and it was just as nice.

Right now I only have a cheap $40 intuous small and it fucking sucks. I know it's all "Skill is better than equipment" but they must have never used a small tablet vs a cintiq.

I have a 12" cintiq right now but I don't use it because the colors are absolutely terrible on it. Everything is all yellow and no amount of color balancing fixes it.

Just my thoughts as I try to render hair. I miss that cintiq so god damn much.

>> No.6824593

To add, I tried one of those yiynova tablets 19U and it was alright. The distance between the glass and the picture was pretty big and definitely a deal breaker. The drivers also sucked. I got it for $150 used but ended up selling it because that glass distance thing.

>> No.6824600

I was using small tablet for digital sculpting years ago and it was ok but for drawing, medium feels better.

>> No.6824808

Some Chang(s) managed to get under his skin last thread

>> No.6824813


>> No.6824816
File: 126 KB, 635x1000, comeonpeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to put the tablet in my lap while I paint. I don't put it on the desk so the small one fits that better.

>> No.6824832

There was no need to post your work. It's just Chang with his usual aggression, lashing out at anyone who speaks positively about Wacom.

>> No.6824854

The cintiqs are totally worth every penny.

I have had terrible experiences with the intuous pros however. The USB port on them gets bent really easily and they just stop working. I went through 3 (in a span of 2 years) of them before I decided to just go with the cheapest ones possible.

I'm not working right now but when I get another concept art job I'm getting a cintiq as soon as I can.

>> No.6824861


>> No.6824867

you don't draw

>> No.6824868

And never will.

>> No.6824959

how many months have you guys got used to screenless tablets?
im currently struggling to connect the lines, especially making a circle, and the line weight is kinda hard to control

>> No.6824963

lmao. When will people learn never to post their work when responding to bait? You know your skill level. No need to show it unless you are this insecure.

>> No.6824974

>never to post their work when responding to bait?
why not?
>No need to show it unless you are this insecure

>> No.6824984


>> No.6824987

You dont have to post yours Aaron.

>> No.6825056

Come on. Show us your "real" work. You'll have more credibility than the wacumguzzler with his changs and zhangs rebutal.

>> No.6825147

you sound like the insecure one, just cause you cant draw better than them doesnt mean you have to find some stupid shit to put them down for when they get asked pyw and actually deliver

>> No.6825153

ok chang,

>> No.6825163

Interesting how these animeist gook artists here use screenless tablet especially Wanke since the guy art has great lines

>> No.6825247

sure, drawlet

>> No.6825277

This is cope. If you are used to precision linework on paper you will notice the problem, it's just that most artists blame it on themselves and "not being used to digital". I suspect it's part of the reason it's often so easy to tell if a sketch has been drawn on a tablet compared with traditional- even those who think they've overcome this problem end up developing unnatural movements that may be limiting them in certain ways. Stabilisation cannot fix it because strictly speaking this is positional inaccuracy, not jitter as some people call it.

>> No.6825291

itt: alibaba/gearbest/taobao/wish merchants selling drawing toys not much better than etch-a-sketch

>> No.6825523

Nice work you posted

>> No.6825561

Guys,stop giving this faggot any attention.
He is a no draw /pol/ack, he doesn't care about drawing at all and does this for racebait/political shit. One of the jannies here enables this crap and deletes any replies when butthurt.

Ironically, he is the worst samefag here. And is painfully obvious to spot it, even though he denies it to death.

>>6824501 is a good example on why he is a fucking joke. Point and laugh anons.

>> No.6825659

Found a xp pen 16 2nd gen at 190 dollars, should i get it or just save for a huion

>> No.6825814

im planning on getting a samsung galaxy tab s6 lite. Cus it's the cheapest thing I can get for now. I have seen a couple of videos of what can be done with it and looks kinda decent.

I was between this and the Simbans Picasso Tab XL but I think the Samsung its better

What do you guys think about it? Has anyone tried it?

>> No.6825822


>> No.6825837

There are electronic shops that let you test models and at the ones I've been, they've always had a version of the Galaxy Tab s series. At the ones I've been to, the oldest ones they had was the s7, but perhaps it isn't too dissimilar to the s6. Might be worth to check if these sorts of tablets are comfortable for you in general before buying one.

>> No.6826023

I used a cintiq for 3 years. I think it was the pro 13 (at the time it wasnt so outclassed)
scratched in a month after I bought it because its made that way.
Eventually I got the 16 and it had the same issue. returned it. bought a Huion that was almost twice the size for a lower price.
Setup was easier, and it functions beautifully to this day despite THREE fucking airplane trips in my luggage

only issue is SOMETIMES if Im drawing really long lines (think 15+ seconds) it will draw a line to the top left corner when I release for no reason. Fucking annoying.

overall I dont get the hate. Cintiq and Bamboo product in general are overpriced garbo

>> No.6826117

I'm new here. Is Huion really a bad brand?

Also there's a tablet 5080LPI with pressure lvl of 8192 for like, half the price of a Intuos S. Customer reviews are good but it's an entry level, national tablet so pretty much no reviews from top artists.
Should I avoid?

>> No.6826124

intuos pro.

>> No.6826128

That's... really expensive.
I'm looking for entry level tablets.

>> No.6826136

not my problem. financial issue.

>> No.6826169

pyw guzzler

>> No.6826199
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fancying the deco pro gen 2. Does anyone have it? Looks pretty good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8NG0zmYdtE

Hopefully this dude Teoh (https://www.youtube.com/@teohontech7141)) has a review of the tablet you have an eye on. I haven't found any reviewer that is as thorough as he is - should clear all your doubts. If only he were better at drawing...

Since you're new: take anything said in these threads with a grain of salt because as you can see there's plenty of irrational hatred for anything that isn't wacom. Don't give bait/low effort posts any attention.

>> No.6826219

Tysm. Guess even /ic/ isn't safe from trolls

>> No.6826232

Get a cheaper intuos then, the OP says Intuos 3, 4, 5...
I have an intuos pro, but I used to use my friend's old wacom intuos s and they're all great.
I'd recommend getting a cheap refurbished intuos, no older than intuos 3 to get started.
Screenless tablets all take some getting used to, but whether you'll take to them is something you'll have to find out yourself.

>> No.6826240

>irrational hatred for anything that isn't wacom
I'd add to that >>6826232 that I only recommended wacom because that's all I've ever used. I mean, I used a very cheap non-wacom 20€ tablet once which was awful and I loved it anyway because I was 12 and digital art was cool, but after I got my intuos, I never really needed anything else. Can't say if other screenless tablets are just as good, just saying that I'm having a good time with mine.

>> No.6826301

See >>6815914
>Why you should not trust youtube shills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twy5Wo8m284

>> No.6826302

Firstly, stop putting any weight in pressure levels. They mean nothing above 1024. If you continue to think this matters you're retarded.
Secondly, what really matters is line quality and consistency. Chinese tablets suck because they fishhook when hatching, line weight can jump around, slow lines wobble and tilt functionality is broken.

>> No.6826312

Thank you bros. I'll look more into the Wacom ones and see where I go from there

>> No.6826369

>Is Huion really a bad brand?
is known as the wacumguzzler and will tell you to avoid anything other than wacom (or apple) at all costs.
seriously, every tablet made today is extremely similar. There are a lot of professional artists switching to chinkshit because it's the same but for 1/3 the price.

>> No.6826374
File: 649 KB, 1259x731, wacomshillonsuicidewatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826388

Zhang working hard again lads:

Desperately appealing to Twitter and Youtubers, as usual.

>> No.6826394


>> No.6826417

What is this image? Idgi

>> No.6826435

Professional artists using/reviewing huion tablets. People that have zero reason to give a biased review because they're already successful on the industry and have owned wacom products.

>> No.6826477

Oh ok.
Who's the youtuber in the pic?

>> No.6826486

Tb choi and ergojosh

>> No.6826512

>Professional artists using/reviewing huion tablets
AKA shills


>> No.6826526

Ergo Josh pretty consistently tells people to buy wacom and apple.
I won't watch your shitty video, Aaron. Fuck off.

>> No.6826533

I don't care what any youtuber says, idiot. Appealing to youtubers proves you're a shill, but everyone here already knows you like doing that, Chang.

>> No.6826534

iirc that video is like
>top 10 tablets on the market
or some shit like that, he bought all of them with his own money, and most of them are wacom I think lmao
guess he's just really bad at shilling?

>> No.6826540

>I don't care what any youtuber says
>uhh.. except Aaron though... what he says you should definitely listen to. Have you seen my I mean Aaron's video I linked?

>> No.6826557

>iirc that video is like
>>top 10 tablets on the market
Ok so you have a brain dysfunction. Makes sense. That video was about something completely different, specifically how chinese companies market their products.

The good thing about that video is that it explains exactly why youtube reviews should never be trusted and always taken with a grain of salt.

Here's another one for you Chang:

And here is one of Brad Colbow, one of the biggest shills of chinese crap, effectively saying everything Aaron Rutten says is correct: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6eJBgwcVmE

Taking that into account, anyone with a functioning brain can safely conclude that youtube reviewers are a complete waste of time. What actually matters is what studios use, and you won't find a single studio with a row of Huions along their workstations. Why? Because they're unreliable and untrustworthy. Studios don't want to have to deal with defective units, defective pens, dogshit firmware and drivers among other things. They are much happier to pay a premium for Wacom products because they know they're going to be reliable.

>> No.6826559

>That video was about something completely different, specifically how chinese companies market their products
The ergojosh one, Aaron. Not yours.

>> No.6826573


> What actually matters is what studios use, and you won't find a single studio with a row of Huions along their workstations. Why?

Because it's a marketing thing. The same reason why a studio would use a mac over a PC - the brand sells the services of the studio to the customers.

>> No.6826589

So I've had a Huion Kamvas Pro 16 for about a year (there was a sale near the end of the year last year) and I haven't experienced any problems with it.

I'm honestly surprised the OP is still running these threads. If anyone has actually had bad experiences with Huion tablets feel free to share them but mine hasn't fallen apart yet.

>> No.6826591

>don't trust youtube videos
>unless they're mine or support my argument. Then they're definitely trustworthy.

>> No.6826610

Are there any good 2 in 1 laptop tablet things? I've heard bad things about the Microsoft surface ones. I just want something I can draw on runs windows and is portable. Is the surface the best one?

>> No.6826615

Surface pro 8/9 are supposedly very good now for drawing
Wacom has an outdated standalone
Huion makes a 16" standalone tablet too
Don't think there are any other viable options.

>> No.6826622

Thank you for the fast response! I'll have to do more research on the 8 and 9 then. I was planning on getting a surface go 3 originally, but I'm ok with spending more and having something larger if it will genuinely do what I want and do it well. Thank you again friend!

>> No.6826663

Almost at bump limit
So I baked us a new bread
This post is sponsored by Flueston

>> No.6826704

See lads, is there any more doubt this general is infested with angry shills after this?: >>6826663

12 posts early. This is how desperate he is.

>> No.6826708
File: 459 KB, 1440x1449, Screenshot_20230903_235304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6826730

Actual new, non-spam thread:



>> No.6828181 [DELETED] 

This is the one

>> No.6828989

for fuck sake this have been going on for years! fanboyism is for kids!
if you have cash to burn get wacom, low on cash? well then it's huion or wacom's low end products like one by wacom.

>> No.6829615

he won't post his work, at best it's just a troll
at worse, it's aaron

>> No.6831621

i took my roommates because he wasn't using it and i thought it would be useful, but it really wasn't when my tablet already has buttons on the side, i just got way used to those desu despite them getting stuck often, it just didn't feel right i guess

>> No.6831706

i've had that happen like 5 times across the last year or so with my wacom intous pro m. a restart of krita fixed it but it's annoying. on win11, keep my os/drivers and software updated regularly.

>> No.6832412

Dunno if you'll read this but make sure the stylus and the screen is prime. I got a second hand tab thats perfect in every way except the fact that the cursor is very slightly offset like a milimeter unless i draw from landscape. Also since its a low end tab some app has actually more latency. I use CSP and the latency isn't noticeable, but when i use infinite painter somehow its slower and has an inherent stabilizer so it isn't snappy at all

>> No.6832641

Thanks. I'm actually planning on ordering directly from the Samsung online store. Since they don't sell it in the stores where I live