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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 141 KB, 400x400, stable-diffusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6809197 No.6809197 [Reply] [Original]

1 year plus 1 or two days since the official release of Stable Diffusion, the single most disruptive piece of program in all of art history. How did it went? What are your ratings for the whole situation this thing caused?

>> No.6809201

You call it a disruption while others like me see it as an innovation.

>> No.6809213

>>6809201 This
The only thing I FUCKING HATE THE MOST about it is the fucking retards making these subscription services [Leonardo.AI] that forced me to try Stable Diffusions.
I don't even know how to "make models" and struggled on finding guides on "How to train to draw like Dobson" for examples.
I read it's called "capturing concept" but I couldn't find tutorial like that anywhere.

>> No.6809218

No artist jobs were lost with stable diffusion, and now there are lawsuits which just might prevent more powerful AI systems from being developed.

Y’all done goofed with all y’all’s arrogance!

>> No.6809221

>How did it went?
Good morning sir!

>> No.6809222

remember hide and use the options at your disposal. the more anons that hide the less effective their threads become. It will require a joint effort to get them off the board. we must all come together and resist the bait.

>> No.6809238

So far there are 3 use cases for SD
>1. to impress people who don't understand technology
>2. to make easy money doing commissions
>3. to piss off anti-AI people

>> No.6809259

Eh, nothing seems to really have changed. All's good on the artist's end... So long as you're in the west, China, Korea, and yes even your beloved Japan seems to be doing some dickish things with AI.

I can understand some people being worried and filled with trepidation though, but I don't see the worst case happening. I think we're just going to integrate it into the creative pipeline in most professional settings and that's it.

Though it looks like hollywood writers might be fucking themselves.

>> No.6809260
File: 3 KB, 250x250, 1692715938024207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've given up on figuring out how to do that shit. Does ANYONE here know how to do that? I will pay out the nose for your services.

>> No.6809263

Leonardo.AI allows you to make models, but it's only 1 per user, and limited to 150 "tokens" [or 150 regular images] per day

>> No.6809270
File: 1.49 MB, 1152x1440, 4185896864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/10, it's a big deal when it comes to digital images but digital images are not a big deal in general. I think LLMs have been much more impactful.

>> No.6809272

I don't wanna learn all the semantics I just wanna pay someone and get a good result. C'mon there's GOTTA be someone willing to make LORAs for like $60 each.

>> No.6809275

I been asking that on /trash/ and /g/ and holy fuck they're fucking elitist faggots calling me retards.

I just want to learn to draw like other artist like Garfield, Marios, and any fun drawings, and they assume I want to monetize these shit.

>> No.6809278
File: 639 KB, 512x625, 1669689072252624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this with SD as a proof of concept.
next experiment: scharacter designs

>> No.6809289

There is a bunch of guides already, did you read any?

>> No.6809292

>learning how to draw instead of genning AI art
Not. Gonna. Make it.

>> No.6809324

So its entire existence revolves around scamming people, I'm sure the FTC loves that.

>> No.6809335

>1. to impress people who don't understand technology
>implying there is a single person on /ic/ that understands technology, much less how SD works
funniest post itt so far

>> No.6809346

You probably don't understand how a car actually works, but you'd probably still say you understand how a car works. It's layman's terms dingus.

You proompt and an image comes out, who here doesn't understand that?

>> No.6809349

nobody here understands that. they think it's computer magic and that it's stealing your shitty images.

>> No.6809354

Would it or would it not work without feeding it heaps of high level artwork from pros without their consent? That's what I thought, parasite.

>> No.6809359

Would you be able to draw without feeding yourself heaps of high level artwork from your favourite artists without their consent?

>> No.6809364

it made me realize how much I hate social media """artists"""

what a bunch of fragile and emotion driven reality detatched looney trannies, you're not special anymore, boohoo

>> No.6809365
File: 3.68 MB, 498x373, bear-sniffing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't understand why anons here can't admit how awful of a hobby drawing really is and that's why AI is attractive.
Imagine pumping in tens of thousands of hours (and a lot of money) into grinding boxes and loomis heads in hopes that you might "make it" (it's incredibly unlikely you will). Nobody sane is going to do this. Hell, most anons here don't even enjoy the process anyways.
It's worse when you're an adult with dwindling time and extra responsibilities and expectations. Why is it so hard for anons to realize this?

>> No.6809366

Fucking. Braindead. Response. Every god damn time. I hope you choke.

>> No.6809369

nobody could draw if they didn't see any images.
if you never saw a cat, you would never ever be able to draw a cat. if you never saw high level artwork, your own level would be lower. every artist is building on top of what came before them.

it's incredible how arrogant you fucks are.
do you think all the researches call it "training" and machine "learning" because
>oh no, we have to make sure the artists don't figure out we're stealing their images!
do you?

>> No.6809370

attention starved coomers who live on the internet and have sunk cost fallacy when it comes to how much of their time they've wasted, pair this with narcissism and a dream of becoming a rockstar (who draws titty girls xitter)

yes I'm projecting myself from half a decade ago, thank fuck I grew out of it before it was too late but the pattern is something I see time and time again

>> No.6809371

>the single most disruptive piece of program in all of art history
are all aijeets this delusional?

>> No.6809373
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, old man punching a horse august 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still cannot make an old man punching a horse.

>> No.6809380

ding ding ding, exactly.
art is enjoyable, but not every aspect of art is enjoyable. far from it.

it can.
you just have to fucking draw it. ever consider that?

>> No.6809382

And its incredible how again and again you people prove yourselves to completely fundamentally misunderstand what art even is. Its a machine, it doesn't get human rights. It feels good to have an artist look up to you and learn from your work. What we're talking about with SD is essentially a data laundering device. It isn't the fucking same and every time I encounter one of you idiots, I get a bit more disappointed in humanity at large. You're a genuinely anti-human cancer cell and I'm ready to have you excised, friendo.

>> No.6809383

The problem is that AI does not understand them, and now that everyone finally tried them along with LLMs, they finally understood that too. You cant simulate a human mind with just patter seeking. Yes, it could "understand" that cats have two sharp ears, are furry and have flat faces compared to dogs, but it will not go beyond that. Its the same shit with LLMs "being able to code" or "being able to write". ChatGPT, even the 4.0 one not just the 3.5 one will write you either some boilerplate shit it scrapped from GitHub or StackOverflow, or it will write some incorrect trash because it cant fucking code, it still to this day not fully understand most things it shows, it just looks like it understands while then proceeding to do obvious errors, so it should not be treated as being able to understand something the same way humans would

>> No.6809386

Making it is supposed to be exclusive to people who love art and want to spend their entire life on it. People wanting to "make it" despite not being like that are just purely capitalistic retards who have a passing interest in exploiting art for their self interests.

There is also another group that doesn't want to make it but loves drawing and this are the pure hobby people who accepted art to be nothing but a hobby, they are totally fine as well. /ic/, china and india are the only three places in the worlds not understanding this simple concept.

>> No.6809389
File: 2.80 MB, 3393x1104, 1677918353750192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally no reason to give a fuck about its cognition lmao

anyway more parameters more coherent results, demonstrably can improve the output, no need to anthrofy it

>> No.6809391

The problem with the AI is that it does most of the annoying part, but also almost all of the fun part. It does the "creative decisions" as it is easier to make something that looks good instead of something you had on mind, while at the same time still leaving you with shitfest of artefacts, or composition/lighting that gives it away from miles away that it was AI made, both of which are almost as hard to fix as drawing it yourself

>> No.6809394

no one is obligated to consume your work, this is a fact not a feeling

>> No.6809395

I fucked around with it (and MJ) for a couple months, just out of curiosity. Got bored and then double-downed on drawing.
To be fair, some of what it can do is visually impressive. But it made me appreciate art on more than just an aesthetic level. Art is about a human's ideas, beliefs, life. And even on an aesthetic level I've never seen AI art with the dynamic energy and charm of a soulful sketch.
It might disrupt some industries but it'll never replace true art.

>> No.6809396

write dynamic sports photography in the prompt field and bam you get dynamic poses from interesting camera angles, wow real hard...

>> No.6809397
File: 20 KB, 537x193, nutcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you be able to draw without feeding yourself heaps of high level artwork from your favourite artists without their consent?
yeah, that's how drawings came into existence in the first place you moron. you need a brain, a limb and a mark making tool. you absolute retard. if there were no drawings/paintings we'd inspire from something else. it's actually insane how subhuman you are

>> No.6809399

Yeah, so?

>> No.6809402
File: 595 KB, 719x768, you achieved nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are coping. you know deep down that you're not making anything. it's gnawing at your mind, yet you stubbornly refuse to accept it. but deep down, you know it's all in vain to lie to yourself like this

>> No.6809403
File: 11 KB, 411x718, FwRe7vqWIAAu8HN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunk cost fallacy. At least that's what it is for me

>> No.6809404

it's not in your control if people consume AI content instead

>> No.6809405

Yeah, after seeing Bard and the music AI from Google I no longer believe this schizo shit about Google having all the giga super ML models that dwarf the rest of the world and they just refuse to release it. "Welcome friends" is such a generic piece of text that you could search trough many pictures and find correct one, the same way you could search trough lot of "exist sign" generated images with less parameters that generate the text as well, all because this type of generic texts might be remembered as almost a face pattern, while some made up text it never saw like "Welcome to Lucacio, the city of Policana" would be almost impossible to do.

Which reminds me, isnt there some new SD product that has LLM imbedded in it? It can write text on images, put red cube on blue cube and so on, seemingly understanding logic better, yet nobody talks about it, whats up with that?

>> No.6809406
File: 2.94 MB, 1424x1936, 1678616771956722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

character design proof of concept

no, i'd say their understanding is limited. due to various reasons. but it clear that they will improve with more data.
same with LLMs. they have limitations since all of their data comes in text form. they have a hard time understanding the world as a whole due to this, but outside of that they work shockingly well.

you're the kind of "art and creativity is magic and it makes me special" kind of guy.
i am someone who likes thinking analytically, i always saw art like that too. there is no magic, there is only craft.
and now with AI, i can clearly see that they can do some of the tasks that used to be human only. that's all there is to it.

no "human right", no "looking up to artists", none of that is relevant here.
if they get good enough, we'll have to end up studying these fuckers, just like how magnus carlesn studies chess engines, and that would be a sad state of affairs. but what happens, happens.

>> No.6809407

not him but peak projection

>> No.6809408
File: 1.40 MB, 1024x1024, 2993225163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gotten better though

>> No.6809410


>> No.6809411

I don't care about your gut feeling

>> No.6809412

Ok? This has nothing to do with what I wrote. Your response just confirms that people on /ic/ see art as nothing but a product. The fact is that a lot of people here are introvert losers that think art is their saving grace to eventually making some money. That's why you rarely see this kind of unhealthy relationship to art outside of /ic/ where people with normal jobs frequent.

>> No.6809413
File: 1.35 MB, 1344x768, 35_2551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.6809414

ai does have the ability to take over commercial artwork

and yes I'm not into muh deep and sophisticated art either, so what?

>> No.6809415

Could you give me concept for monster? Its Amphibian troll, a toad humanoid that takes on the characteristics of a DnD troll, because amphibians are one of the best vertebrates at regenerating and DnD trolls main gimmick is their insane regenerative powers. Try making it in a way that makes people think its actual troll btw, not just a frog man.

>> No.6809420
File: 1.32 MB, 1344x768, 59_6424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6809421

Nah, /ic/ sees art as nothing but products not because they are loser introverts that want to make money from it one day. They think its nothing but product because they are edgy 4channers that cannot say anything positive without being called a faggot and cannot say anything spiritual without trying to sound like funny tripping schizo from /x/

>> No.6809423

Even when AI replaces all artists it's not going to be the talentless losers that do the commercial art but people that have the technical know how to perfectly manipulate the AI which is also going to be a very elaborate skill people will go to school for.

People that see AI as their saving grace despite so far having achieved nothing just live in delusion. Their spring will never arrive, it's just that the upper range of producers will get replaced by other equally talented people.

>> No.6809425
File: 1.67 MB, 1344x768, 01_5758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally generated an anime I'd watch.
See, this is why AI is so fun.
"Happy accidents" - Bob Ross

>> No.6809427

>2. to make easy money doing commissions
I fucking wish that was possible anon, god how i wish i could earn some coomission scraps

>> No.6809428
File: 52 KB, 533x329, troon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cannot surpass the human nature. you can try to delude yourself as much as you'd like but you know you can't do it. of course I'm projecting, but i also know that this is human nature at its base level. when I'm telling you that you value money I'm projecting, but that's because I know how you feel about it as well. it's human nature to derive value from things, to feel proud of your own work and sweat. i'm projecting when I'm saying that working out and and being proud of your accomplished body is better than losing weight through liposuction and then roiding yourself, but you know this to be true as well. you know that being at the top of the scoreboard in a shooter game consistently gives you a little bit of satisfaction, and you know that using cheats to do it makes you a worthless cunt. you know that you're merely using AI as a proxy to pretend that you're doing something, but you're nothing without the work of artists' work that you're using. and you're nothing even with it. all of these are projections, but it's merely human nature at its base level. you can try to suppress it, you can try to pretend, but you cannot succeed in doing so, just like you cannot make a communist utopia work.

>> No.6809430

Why is /g/ raiding /ic/ again

>> No.6809431
File: 222 KB, 900x602, Art of Kim Jung Gi - 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more than dynamic poses and camera angles, it's the entire energy of a piece, something holistic.
I've never seen AI with the energy of KJG, or the personality & soulfulness of Robert Crumb, or the storytelling ability of Will Eisner or a number of manga artists.
And even if AI were able to emulate them aesthetically (and empty simulacra) there's the matter of content, the fact that artists are more than just lines on paper/screen.

>> No.6809432

you generated a generic garbage that you'd watch? what about this contorted nonsensical yet also extremely generic image makes you want to see a movie version of it?

>> No.6809433

Feel bad for pointing this out, but to you people I think I will have to do that. That Twitter account is falseflag meant to make AI look bad, they have no follows and everyone knows that for every nazi chud artist there is 1000 liberals, leftists and trannies with politics that oppose their nature.

>> No.6809437
File: 337 KB, 602x512, 1672186788769293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your coping is palpable, code monkey. they're called "programmer socks" for a reason
> That Twitter account is falseflag meant to make AI look bad
by who? the leftists, trannies and liberals are false flagging to make AI look bad with their own aesthetics? lol. you fa/g/gots are out of your mind, if you ever had one in the first place

>> No.6809439

>Like sculpting? Just 3D print loser
>Like Knitting? Just buy the jumper loser
>Like playing the guitar? Just make AI music loser
Sometimes it isn't about the end product, sometimes it's the journey.

>> No.6809440

>He doesn't want to watch an anime of ripped old men boxing eachother to death
no creativity, no inspiration

>> No.6809443

By trolls you fucking nigger, how dumb you have to be to fall for bait that obvious?

>> No.6809444
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1024, 3850119865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.6809445

whose side are these trolls on and what are their political beliefs?

>> No.6809446
File: 872 KB, 2000x1821, muh lewd sketchbook_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but can it use a g-nib yet?
If it can't take a g-nib and dip it in ink, it's impotent.

>> No.6809447

working on it

>> No.6809448

ni/g/gers really cannot cope with the idea that they'll never be able to infiltrate the artist community? why do they want to do it so much though? are they really this painfully unaware that this is an impossible task?

>> No.6809449

The one that makes you seethe most

>> No.6809451

3D printing is incredibly popular though.
Also as stated, no one here actually enjoys the journey.

>> No.6809455

gaslight harder, Pa/g/eet

>> No.6809457


>> No.6809458
File: 114 KB, 1878x706, maybe_a_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we good.

>> No.6809460


>> No.6809461

>Better than most of /ic/ already
It's so fucking over, bros.

>> No.6809466
File: 99 KB, 973x1246, 280b1f3918e95f1d3db584901ee1b2c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discovery period starting in the lawsuit
Emad cant run anymore!

>> No.6809468

hey that's not a g-nib.

>> No.6809480
File: 3.37 MB, 1536x2304, 1681361220085847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can emulate pen&ink to some degree.

>> No.6809487
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x768, 01243-564172208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6809495

Someone said that about the robocaller. Guess how much people love robocallers.

>> No.6809500

>1 year plus 1 or two days since the official release of Stable Diffusion, the single most disruptive piece of program in all of art history.
This sounds like an exaggeration but it's actually true. Not even photography caused this much artist rage. It reminds me of automobiles devastating the horse industry.

>> No.6809512

sorry I just dont like tech people, I think they're dull, soulless money oriented drones, no offense.

>> No.6809514

If SD in its first year can cause this much mayhem in the art world, imagine what the 2nd year will look like.

>> No.6809516

>3D printing is incredibly popular though.
Somehow you missed the point completely.
>Also as stated, no one here actually enjoys the journey.
Firstly, wrong. Secondly, even if there are aspects of the journey you dislike, it can make reaching the destination that much more satisfying.

>> No.6809521

>It's about the journey
No it isn't.
It has never been about the journey. The end goal is all that matters.
Stop being brainwashed by the elite telling you that it's okay to be miserable because it might sometimes make you feel better when your life isn't shit in the future.

>> No.6809524

>It has never been about the journey. The end goal is all that matters.
So when people scribble in the corner of the page, is that also about the end goal faggot?

>> No.6809527

It's about both. Obviously when you have drawn something good after years of study you will feel different than generating a picture even if it looks perfect. Us hobby chads will never give a single fuck about AI.

>> No.6809529
File: 2.08 MB, 2251x2431, 1690521177163296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6809530
File: 1.39 MB, 832x1216, 48_3815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about using AI just for background stuff?

>> No.6809533
File: 98 KB, 882x961, 1665636355428391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what i did. see >>6809278

>> No.6809537
File: 3.34 MB, 200x200, michael-jordan-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6809544
File: 1.85 MB, 864x3652, 1665188002310999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a journey in AI as well. This is basically the main point every spiritual luddite ignores. It isn't just press button get what you wanted. You have to do a lot of stuff to get what you want. Yes you can prompt "1girl, boobs" but that probably won't be your perfect waifu with an art style you like.

I've personally generated way over 100k images and gone through THOUSANDS of wildly different styles, almost each prompt has some adjustments made on my part too. This has been a crazy journey of art for me and the people who follow me. Saying AI isn't yet another artistic movement that's subject to change, growth, progress, etc is just being intentionally ignorant and fucking stupid.

>> No.6809545

It's funny that the majority of an "AI Artist's" identity comes from acting persecuted by the rest of the art community. What a bunch of pussies. You're somehow bullied by us!? You're somehow bigger faggots than we are! It's unfathomably pathetic.

>> No.6809548

>Imagine pumping in tens of thousands of hours (and a lot of money) into grinding boxes and loomis heads in hopes that you might "make it" (it's incredibly unlikely you will). Nobody sane is going to do this.
I just like being able to put down what's in my head onto paper. It's really a hobby. imagine having this mindset towards exercise or playing a video game.

>> No.6809550
File: 73 KB, 750x975, 1685921722617669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making strawman arguments, most AI artists don't even consider themselves artists. I find that really stupid because I feel like everyone is overrating what it means to be an artist and acting like it's some huge hurdle in life. But that's besides the point.

>> No.6809555

Maybe at a point when people will have far more control over the outcome I will agree. But you're basically playing gacha now.

>> No.6809556

Ngl. I actually do hate the entire art journey. I only draw at this point because it's all I have

>> No.6809557

>You have to do a lot of stuff to get what you want.
So what are you personally doing? I haven't seen one prompter here who actually bothers to even slightly edit their image. Oh you proompt more, until you get just the right proompt? No one cares, those discarded proompts are worth less than my discarded cum tissues. Seconds of extra effort aren't comparable to the effort put in of an actual drawn image.

>> No.6809563

Sounds like a you problem. How would proompting fill the void in your life? Your issues have nothing to do with art or even this discourse, go out side a meet up with your friends, or call your parents, I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.

>> No.6809564
File: 284 KB, 512x302, base sketch for the animals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>questioning their work's purpose.
i wonder about that.
art is not a game, there isn't necessarily an optimal path, so while the AI can outskill you, i don't think the AI can make your decisionmaking obsolete like it can in Go or Chess.

>> No.6809566

The art "journey" is basically just realising that learning art boils down to copying artists you like and making slight changes to not be considered a thief.
I'm pretty sure I had tougher journeys on the toilet than that.

>> No.6809572

And that's okay. It's still art and there is an artistic process. It's not the same as drawing but it doesn't have to be. There's random aspects in all art as well.

I just make stuff and share what I like. Your ideas have no bearing on reality because art was never supposed to be edited or photo realistic or perfect or whatever. It's just art -- self expression. If you make something you like and share it, guess what you are.
Also effort means fuck all, implying otherwise is diluting what artistic expression really means. Pretending someone who is a shitty painter who spends a lot of effort is as good as someone who does it quickly and better, or using tools you don't like, is mindless.

>> No.6809574

Never said anything about prompting. I'm not that original anon

>> No.6809575

not nearly as much as you'd think. you can do quite a lot with controlnet already.
but yes, control is what we want.

>> No.6809577

Pic not related? That just looks like a desaturated sd

>> No.6809578
File: 1.09 MB, 1500x1847, 1685420213971243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what your work's purpose was. I've seen a lot of artists coping because AI can do exactly what they just but better. And if they're just trying to sell that or just garner attention they could very well have a mental breakdown when they realize how pointless all their effort was.

It's hard to explain how much control a person has over it. There are like countless illions of parameters that get you to what you vaguely like lol. Like people say it's just gacha but no, most seriously AI artists have made tons of stuff that no one else has and they know exactly how to get to that outcome and no one else does. If that isn't a lot of control what is?

>> No.6809581

>And that's okay. It's still a woman and there is a medical process. It's not the same as a real woman but it doesn't have to be. There's random aspects in all women as well.

>> No.6809583

Who cares that you think there's a process, for every one of you that says there's a "method" there's 10 more of you that just hit the gacha and roll and post the same type of dogshit image.

Also, if you're gonna try to bring up how you need to perfect the process by making adjustments with negatives to start, and inpainting the few spots that look bad that's not a process. That's barely any work and still a gacharoll. The reason you go through these 100k images is because as you said, you won't get that level of perfect control over it because it's a slot machine you fucking dunce. That's why people call you stupid and even I can admit that when I use SD. Stop fucking trying to think you're all that when this pales in comparison to the actual work put in by real artists. I swear, promptfags are some of the most spoiled ridiculous fucking retards out there and I hate that I;m associated with them for using it

>> No.6809584

if you create art you're an artist
if you were born a man you stay a man

>> No.6809587

This means nothing when you can't even draw in the first place pal

>> No.6809588

Give me a good argument against ai that isn't about theft/job loss or "muh process". You can still go on your little journey regardless of ai

>> No.6809590

>art was never supposed to be edited or photo realistic or perfect or whatever.
Never claimed it was
>It's just art -- self expression.
And there's the piss in the soup. What self expression? You didn't decide what colours were used, the brush strokes, the composition, the character designs, or anything. What little influence you do actually have on these images is so insignificant compared to what the computer algorithm pumped out for you - and that's what you call your "self-expression"? What a corporate machine decides for you? Fucking bleak expression there, buddy.

>Also effort means fuck all, implying otherwise is diluting what artistic expression really means.
How? Explain this. Is a blind man's painting not worth more because it was painted by blind man's effort?

>Pretending someone who is a shitty painter who spends a lot of effort is as good as someone who does it quickly and better, or using tools you don't like, is mindless.
Are you forgetting just the effort of making a painting? The effort not just for getting the skills, but of making a single piece? How can a quality painting just be zapped up by a talented person? Oh right, he puts effort and time into making it.

>> No.6809591

That is a process too though, whether it's big or small is completely irrelevant. A shitty painter that takes weeks to do what a speed painter does in minutes is not better than the other. They're both just painters. What I'm saying here is that work is not relevant in art. It might be relevant in what you consider GOOD art but that is a completely different topic.

The reason I've made 100k+ images is simply because I like art. There's no ideal image style to me either. It's just fun as hell swimming through the infinite expanse of art, finding stuff I like and sharing it. We're living through an amazing period in art too and it's so fun seeing millions of new and old artists doing exactly what I'm doing too, creating images almost freely. In traditional art one artist basically has one style but that isn't how it is with AI and I love that. And I don't think I'm all that, I'm just an anon. What are you on?

>> No.6809592

>no "human right", no "looking up to artists", none of that is relevant here.

But it is relevant. There's a reason this whole thing is going through the legal system. There's even been results that say it can't be copyrighted which was the whole reason why the learning argument came up in the first place. Are you retarded? No piece of machinery/code has authorship capabilities and it remains that way to this day. There's a huge difference between companies mass training on unlicensed copyrighted data to make a profit, and a single human using reference you absolute bad faith tard

>> No.6809596

>I've seen a lot of artists coping because AI can do exactly what they just but better.
but that's not exactly true imo. because again, art isn't linear. even if the AI does it better, it would also do it differently.

take my example here: >>6809564
i decided on the position and pose of the cat and dog. even if an AI can find an even "better" position, it would end up being something different. make a different impression maybe. so i do feel like your choices are still unique to you.
or just think of this for example: in the future, do you think there can be a "best AI" just like there can be a "best chess engine"? i don't think so, because it's more likely that it will come down to taste.
it will come down to what and how they create, not how good they are at creating. the same goes for us humans.

>> No.6809597
File: 1.36 MB, 832x1216, 34_9603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI can't do ink drawi-ACK!
(ps this is literally with the base version of SDXL, not even a custom model lmaootflaosoftl)

>> No.6809598

Oh please, you and I both know the majority of people shilling this stuff and arguing for it want it to be a legitimate process which is why there's so many sperg arguments like this saying it requires work. If this is work to you my god, you actually will never make it in anything. I don't even say that to demean you it's just honestly pathetic that people are handed this kind of amazing tool and try and justify some asinine pride they have for it when it's so simple to use

>> No.6809601

No I got that, but you're saying that in the middle of such a discussion, so of course I'm going to think you're advocating for AI art. Regardless, art shouldn't be all you have, work on your self buddy (and I don't mean that in some dismissive dick way, I mean that in a legit "I want you to be happy" gay kinda way).

>> No.6809602

>You didn't decide what colours were used, the brush strokes, the composition, the character designs, or anything.
You decided other things and got something you liked. You're stuck in a really shallow and retarded mindset.
>What little influence you do actually have on these images is so insignificant
It isn't at all. Not even remotely. You make one AI image and I make another and they will be completely and utterly different because we have immense amounts of control over the tool. Self-expression is sharing an idea you want to share. You talk about corporate machines yet you're soulless as fuck for not understanding what it means to express yourself, when you unironically think drawing is the only way to create visual arts. You are very small brained.

Sometimes it does it the same though. Also I'm literally parroting artists here, from youtube and blogs. I think we're having different conversations here though.

Grow up man.

>> No.6809604

>a black and white filter
>woah its just like ink!
This tells you how clueless these aidrones are about art

>> No.6809605

Nice Instagram filter

>> No.6809609
File: 3.36 MB, 1664x1280, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly year ago we got this. What you posted isnt all that impressive (relatively speaking, if you posted this year and a half ago, people would be blown away)

>> No.6809612

>Grow up man.

Man even with gen AI, there's so many dogshit losers in this space that can't even use the tool efficiently. Even worse than the /beg here desu. Keep whining about how people don't look at you as a real artist, you're doing a great job defending yourself mr. 100K hours kek

>> No.6809613
File: 1.60 MB, 832x1216, 49_3134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give in to the AI, anon.
Let's all become one.

>> No.6809614

100k images? Show me your favorite work you generated.

>> No.6809616

>You decided other things and got something you liked. You're stuck in a really shallow and retarded mindset.

>models are only good because they have training data scraped from millions of actual artists' work
>I know what good art is!
>I created it even though I didn't decide any of the actual strokes, composition, or the character design!
Actual retard

>> No.6809621

>You decided other things and got something you liked. You're stuck in a really shallow and retarded mindset.
Why respond to half a sentence? And then past the other half of the sentence straight after? So fucking redundant.
>when you unironically think drawing is the only way to create visual arts.
That's right, I hate sculpture, collage, painting, 3D modeling, photography, etc, they aren't considered art by me... in your fanciful retarded world.

You think yourself a creative because you commission a machine to draw your ideas, while still having the loosest amount of input into them. Well everybody has ideas, you're not special. You're just upset because no one is willing to acknowledge you as a creative person because of your lack of drive to ever actually commit making any of your ideas into a reality.

But continue making your disposable effortless trash.

>> No.6809622
File: 968 KB, 704x928, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6809629
File: 10 KB, 235x256, Tom and Jerry - Jerry book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI shilling a year ago
>AIfags posting boring portraits with deformed hands, eyes, feet, and clothes
>AIfags repeatedly say shit like, "It's constantly improving and will be perfect in just a few weeks or months!"
>look at AIfag threads now
>they're still posting boring portraits with deformed hands, eyes, feet, and clothes

>> No.6809631

>Well everybody has ideas, you're not special. You're just upset because no one is willing to acknowledge you as a creative person because of your lack of drive to ever actually commit making any of your ideas into a reality.

This is what gets me about these retards. They say they put in all this work, but they can't even go just a tiny bit further to actually draw over or edit the image in a way that the obvious AI style is still present. It's like how are you gonna lecture others about art when you put the bare minimum of work into it, and then not even have the fucking skill to see why the image is Ai garbage in the first place. Truly if i've ever seen a new era of autism it's these guys

>> No.6809632
File: 1.38 MB, 1344x768, 38_7480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are AI backgrounds so filled with soul?

>> No.6809635

As an AI artist I can confirm that his is more impressive though. Prompt wise and visually.

Thanks for proving you're even more immature than I thought you were haha.

It would derail the thread too much.

>> No.6809640

J-j-just two more weeks, I swear!

>> No.6809641

You're the actual promptfag that everyone hates. People against AI don't like you because you're not doing anything special by prompting and trying to say it's just as valid as drawing/painting. AIfag artists don't like you because you do the bare minimum and can't even edit the image or use it as a tool or stepping stone to create an actualized full image without the AI style that people recognize. Good job retard haha

>> No.6809643
File: 645 KB, 704x928, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adapt or die

>> No.6809644

>That's right, I hate sculpture, collage, painting, 3D modeling, photography, etc, they aren't considered art by me... in your fanciful retarded world.
AI is just another genre exactly like the rest. It's more complicated an art form than photography and sculpting is too.
>You think yourself a creative
Because I'm a human, you're creative too. We all are. Being an artist isn't about how much effort you put into something. It's about expressing your ideas. I'm not saying I'm better than you, that's you doing that to me lol. I don't care about that though I'm just here to help you cope with reality as much as I can because it's fun and it's a good thing to do!

>> No.6809645
File: 36 KB, 771x134, 1690056512955324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this part is very true. and it forcing people to create more diverse things is a good thing.

>> No.6809646

>Art is all about creativity!
>No rules, just tools!
>Ideas are more important than skill!
*AI art starts getting good*

>> No.6809647

> It's more complicated an art form than photography and sculpting is too.

Bold coming from a guy that can't even understand the fundamentals of a good piece of illustration

>Because I'm a human, you're creative too.
You're being really bad faith, you know what he meant by creative, a person that actually practices said art form

>> No.6809648

There's a shit ton of retarded takes in here especially the idea of art. We're mainly talking illustrations of drawing or painting not the nebulous aspect of anything can be "art" art. If you're going to defend AI stop using this takeaway of "art" and be specific about it.

>> No.6809649
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>> No.6809653

>Art is all about creativity!
>No rules, just tools!
>Ideas are more important than skill!
Then why was everyone preaching the 'book of Loomis' retard?

>> No.6809655

The main good thing is that AI is already letting people do that. I know it hurts but AI is here to stay and it'll only get more wide spread. It has let people who aren't artists create zillions of art pieces that are diverse and creative as fuck.
Like I personally don't really care if traditionally made anime still stays overwhelmingly derivative art wise, because eventually AI made anime will go the same route as illustration has thanks to AI. I'm really looking forward to that.

>Bold coming from a guy that can't even understand the fundamentals of a good piece of illustration
Why are you implying those fundamentals don't apply to AI illustrations? What a stupid thing to say.

I'm not arguing in bad faith, the dude was just chucking out insults for no reason, you are too. You don't know anything about me. That isn't what being creative is, you're conflating the craft with the product. The craft isn't what creativity is. The idea is creativity. The craft is your effort.

>> No.6809656

kek nailed it

>> No.6809662

>book of Loomis
/beg/ trap.
If you've been on /ic/ for more than 1 month you know loomis is just a meme.
The real way to get good is to copy artists you like.
Making loomis heads is just a very weird way of procrastinating. Same as drawing boxes.

>> No.6809664
File: 678 KB, 512x832, 204070600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like looking at the funny pictures

>> No.6809665
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>> No.6809666

>Eh, nothing seems to really have changed.
There are literally millions of people making and enjoying AI art and a significant amount of professionals, especially marketers, are using AI to create art.

>> No.6809667

it's crazy how good the furry model has gotten at recognizing characters

using stable diffusion is not fulfilling however, but I don't let that cloud my judgement when it comes to the output

>> No.6809668

i do kinda see now why /ic/ doesn't want to talk about AI.
talking with non-artists about can be quite painful. and both sides are too antagonistic towards each other. one side out of jealousy, the other out of fear.
but it's silly. as artists, you need to stop bothering with uppity trolls and start looking into how to use these tools for something good.

>> No.6809669
File: 48 KB, 750x330, 00-drawabox-perspective-lesson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand how and why drawabox made it in the sticky.

>> No.6809671

retards aren't people

>> No.6809673

>Why are you implying those fundamentals don't apply to AI illustrations? What a stupid thing to say.

Because learning those fundamentals don't come from generating AI images? Are you actually arguing you learn the same fundamentals into what makes a good piece from using ai..?

>'m not arguing in bad faith, the dude was just chucking out insults for no reason, you are too.

No you really just took the wrong definition. He literally meant creative as in a person that engages in the arts... You're acting ridiculous because you misread the situation

>> No.6809674

>if they don't share my views they're dumb!
You are literally retarded.

>> No.6809677

furry , loli+shota , bad /ic style anime.

What genre will fall next to the scourge of AI?

>> No.6809678

emotional bitching like this has no impact on reality and just exposes that you are frustrated, there's no greater point

>> No.6809679
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Humanity is next

>> No.6809680

The problem lies when the non-artists are somehow preaching the same quality and standards and even trying to deny regular artists but lack the entire fundamental base behind what makes a good illustration good. That's essentially all thats being generated here and everywhere as well.

AI is a tool in the right hands, but the problem is the way ai proponents preach it like this retard who generated 100k images is that it's not a tool. It's quite literally the whole gimmick because their work stops at what the model produces, instead of actually using it as a tool or stepping stone for a completed piece.

>> No.6809682
File: 2.12 MB, 1408x1024, 677433190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey alright

>> No.6809683

You can and either way you are making an invalid point. Do you realize that? They apply to AI art just like they apply to photography. You have no argument here.
>No you really just took the wrong definition.
There's only one definition. In my posts here I'm trying to explain what art is since you don't seem to know what artists are. You are grasping at straws trying to defend the craftsman's honor now that people can make pictures by pressing a couple of buttons. AI is one of those arts to engage in. Saying everyone who uses AI isn't creative is beyond retarded but that's where your argument is at.

>> No.6809685

>There are literally millions of people making and enjoying AI art
Making? Maybe. Enjoying? No.
> a significant amount of professionals, especially marketers, are using AI to create art.
Sure, but that anon even said it's going into the pipeline. That's different from the claim that all artists were going to be fired and blah blah blah.

>> No.6809689

Anything i dont like are made by trolls too, anon

>> No.6809690

>The real way to get good is to copy artists you like.
Still means that artists always cared about skill, which was the point being made.

No, it already does realistic humans.

>> No.6809691

Why are you so emotional? what did artists ever do to you? none of these statements make sense.

>> No.6809693

Quality has nothing to do with the core discussions surrounding AI and thousands of my 100k+ images are pretty cool. You aren't an artist because you worked hard, you're an artist because you create art. Just like people using AI which is an artistic tool.

If they make it they enjoy it so automatically that's correct. But there is an audience besides that.
>That's different from the claim that all artists were going to be fired and blah blah blah.
Literally no one has ever said this.

>> No.6809695

>You can and either way you are making an invalid point. Do you realize that? They apply to AI art just like they apply to photography. You have no argument here.

? Are you genuinely retarded. If you took a regular person that learned how to use SD and asked them to be able to recreate an image of just bare fundamentals like a 3 point perspective scene or recreate the anatomy of a human being on paper they wouldn't be able to do it. What in the world are you actually talking about. Watching videos on a subject mean nothing if you don't actually apply it. You don't learn the fundamentals with generating an image you absolute fucking retard. I actually can not believe how stupid you are and I regret engaging in good faith with you lmao wtf

>> No.6809697

>Quality has nothing to do with the core discussions surrounding AI and thousands of my 100k+ images are pretty cool. You aren't an artist because you worked hard, you're an artist because you create art. Just like people using AI which is an artistic tool.

By that metric, someone taking a shit is considered an artist. That's not how most people would take it pal. I'm sorry your equivalent of a search engine is valued less in regards to actual drawings/paintings but that's just how it is. You can larp as an artist, but if you take away SD you're not that kind of artist are you now. But it's not a tool, it's quite literally the only way you can make your "art" as it is because you actually lack the creativity to produce your craft without it. You're not an artist to the rest of the world even if you claim to be unless you can do more with it beyond the program

>> No.6809699

They called him retarded for not taking his $5 furry coom com

>> No.6809700

>Are you actually arguing you learn the same fundamentals into what makes a good piece from using ai..?
eh, not that anon, but that might happen.
at least for the fundamentals that aren't directly related to drawing. composition being the easiest and most obvious example.
a non artist that takes it seriously will sooner or later look into these topics and maybe even start learning how to paint. that is, if they want more control and want to get closer to their specific vision.

or they won't and they'll just PROOOOOMPT as they have done. it depends on the person.

i honestly just don't bother with thinking about it.
even if it is created by the machine, this is still the legacy of humanity. when i see a cool AI image in /g/sdg/, i can still appreciate it for what it is. and i also can appreciate the things the prompter did to make it happen. because why not. sure, the effort they put in is less, but you still need some effort to tardwrangle the AI.

and if that level of effort gets you this level of art, then that's just the new baseline. accept it or deny it. that's all you can do.

>> No.6809701
File: 1.09 MB, 960x768, 3907070588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can paint human anatomy that doesn't mean you can scult human anatomy out of marble...

>> No.6809702
File: 1.28 MB, 832x1216, 07_8941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can't recreate his cyborg wife in a different artstyle just by changing 1 word in the prompt

>> No.6809703

not him but you're projecting your own insecurity, literally none of my normie friends give a fuck about who makes art

>> No.6809704

Do not expend any mental energy on these threads. Hide and move on.

>> No.6809706

>they wouldn't be able to do it.
Uhh is that so? Can you prove it? Why are you destroying your argument talking about a nebulous "regular person"? Why are you saying no one who knows the fundamentals can use AI? I think I'm talking with someone who has brain damage.

Poop isn't art and neither is hanging a banana on a wall but using a tool to create pictures is inarguably art whether you like the tool or not. Most of the anti-AI arguments applied to photography and digital art too. Artists said they were artists for decades and look where we are now. They're artists and always were. This is the same for people using AI. It's literally a program just like photoshop. Photoshop literally has it built in.

Your problem is that you literally cannot think critically because you're an emotional wreck or you don't understand what a tool is. It's really embarrassing.

>> No.6809707

Oh im sorry, are we saying SD can sculpt models now and produce that kind of marble figure? If you're gonna argue in bad faith at least tie the knots to your shitty arguments. But then again, it's pretty obvious you cant answer it cause you're a dumbass

>> No.6809709
File: 1.19 MB, 832x1216, 30_2808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love SD

>> No.6809711

>It would derail the thread too much.
When the fuck has that mattered? Its ai thread number 563.

>> No.6809712

No, what I mean is a person can learn to create good human anatomy using AI, or they can learn to paint it, or sculpt it. All of those are different I don't see why you would expect the skills to transfer 1:1. The person using AI is learning how to make things using AI and that's all they need to know. Well unless you're a genious like Michelangelo but that's pretty rare.

>> No.6809713

I love stable diffusion because it serves a humbling lesson to so many narcissist who expect the world to exist only to serve them, I hate it because it undermines my work

>> No.6809714

I think that's pretty obvious, but there is an inherent bias towards if it's visible and the information is out there, the handmade/hand drawn aspect is more appealing. Especially when we're talking about art because it is a luxury at the end of the day.

>> No.6809719

I want to have mature conversations.

This. It's just another genre.

>> No.6809720

Knowing the fundamentals, means you can to an extent transfer that knowledge to other mediums, even sculpting. With a little bit of basics, you know what the anatomy is supposed to look like if you've drawn it, so you can recreate it to an extent in other mediums.

The problem is he's trying to say anyone using AI can learn those fundamentals but you don't learn how things work just by generating and looking at what you've done I think that's pretty obvious

>> No.6809721

Ai is a tool? Or a collaborator? What happens in 5 years when the best ai art "tool" is fully multimodal? And makes work unprompted by existing in the world taking in everything? Are you using a tool when you ask it to draw you a wife?

>> No.6809723

it's not a luxury anymore

well hanmade is as much of a luxury when it comes to pottery

>> No.6809724

Well you definitely learn something, I don't know exactly what. Also there's always going to be discrepencies in skill transfer like painting to sculpting vs sculpting to 3d modeling, etc, etc.

>> No.6809725

>Literally no one has ever said this.
You shitting me? Half these discussions are about how artists are things of the past, or are becoming redundant, or how their skills have become useless, how artists are scared, insecure, or how artists have wasted their lives and so forth.

You see these kinds of claims in every AI thread.

>> No.6809726

Ok. Do "an old amphibian ogre punching a zebra".

>> No.6809731

>but there is an inherent bias towards if it's visible and the information is out there, the handmade/hand drawn aspect is more appealing.
This bias plays a role regardless of how the art was actually made though. Name 2 AI images as human and AI made and the person will like the "human" made one more regardless of quality. This isn't logical, reasonable, or sane. It's what you call retarded. And this topic of art goes beyond paintings, it's not really a luxury and people prefer easier made stuff as long as it's good. Look at CG in general. Video games and their animation. A good example is that Naruto game vs the anime, the game looks way better but was "easier" to craft. I doubt many people prefer the crappy animation made by bleeding and starving animators.

>> No.6809733

>/beg/ trap.
>If you've been on /ic/ for more than 1 month you know loomis is just a meme.
Fdfaiw is legit.

>> No.6809734

>The person using AI is learning how to make things using AI
Learning? Pfft. Give a man 20 minutes and he's become a master.

>> No.6809736

>he's trying to say anyone using AI can learn those fundamentals
I didn't say this and I don't even think they're mildly important either, I don't care about objective qualities of art I just like what I like and respect that others like what they like. AI also has its own understanding of these mechanics too so it's barely relevant in the first place.

>> No.6809737
File: 948 KB, 832x1216, 14_3957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW anon keeps making random commissions without paying me
>MFW he thinks it's a "gotcha!" moment when he does this
>MFW he has never actually posted any of his own drawings of the things he claims AI can't make
>MFW he is worse than AI at the one thing that is supposed to make him special

>> No.6809738

>Uhh is that so? Can you prove it?

Why do i need to prove this, we don't ask people who don't do something like code, to be able to recreate it after looking at a coded program right? How on earth do you expect someone who only prompts to know the fundamentals and recreate it in other mediums.

If you have the knowledge beforehand of drawing, that translates to other mediums, but not the other way around

>nebulous "regular person"
Regular person whose never touched drawing? I don't know how that's so hard to understand

>Why are you saying no one who knows the fundamentals can use AI?
Where did I ever say that? I want you to point it out because you seem to lack the reading comprehension. I said the average prompter that uses AI with no drawing fundamentals can't actually understand and learn the fundamentals simply by generating. They can't transfer that idea of what they generate into other mediums you fucking retard. I can't believe you need someone to spell it out for you

>Poop isn't art and neither is hanging a banana on a wall but using a tool to create pictures is inarguably art whether you like the tool or not.

Who says that? If you're trying to deny this as art, then people are free to deny you as an artist this isn't a one way street are you retarded.

>It's literally a program just like photoshop. Photoshop literally has it built in.

Again, photoshop before generative fill wasn't built on scraped images of copyrighted data so no it's not the same, but I'm getting used to all the bad faith arguments over and over

>Your problem is that you literally cannot think critically because you're an emotional wreck or you don't understand what a tool is. It's really embarrassing.

Stop projecting, I don't care if you use AI but you feel threatened because I called you out on not using it as a tool like you preached. If your whole shtick is generating and inpainting to get the image you're no better than the regular prompter monkey that spams

>> No.6809740

>I want to have mature conversations.

>> No.6809742

>I didn't say this and I don't even think they're mildly important either, I don't care about objective qualities of art I just like what I like and respect that others like what they like. AI also has its own understanding of these mechanics too so it's barely relevant in the first place.

At this point, all you're telling me is that the model is doing the bulk of the work, even the decision making of having good fundamentals. Why exactly are you so attached to the idea of being an artist if you're not even putting in yourself into the process that matters more than the machine doing the work for you. That just straight up looks like the epitome of laziness moreso than an artist in any case

>> No.6809743

here's the redpill:
the people who have the energy to use generative AI will prevail, autists in other words, I don't have the energy, it doesn't activate anything in me but I recognize it can be used to accelerate the creative process hugely no matter the intention, all it takes is the dedication to use it

>> No.6809744

5, midjourney shits out higher quality than SD these days. No skill required, no knowledge, it's really just a Google search now(always has been)

>> No.6809746

Right now it's a tool and if it becomes autonomous and multimodal then it will be an artist. How is this too complicated for you to see?

>Why do i need to prove this,
You made a retarded claim and I'm calling you out on it. I'm done replying to you. This is beyond pointless at this stage, you're just blowing air in random directions. Unironically arguing art is poop, Jesus.
>so no it's not the same
All of the dumb arguments you guys have were used against photoshop back in the day. That's what I was saying. You must be young if you didn't know that.

>> No.6809748

Neat nigga, though the "tool" you use basically is more /gd/ since it's basically Photoshoping and filters.
>and needs its own board already because near all AI threads are just either image dumps or spam
>you don't even need to have created shit yourself cause not like AIfags actually care the things they "create"

>> No.6809749
File: 842 KB, 1254x1003, 3308643694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how much you want to learn I suppose.

>> No.6809752

>You made a retarded claim and I'm calling you out on it. I'm done replying to you.

Did you just skim past the example I gave you, I asked that question because everyone knows how retarded you are for claiming the idea of fundamentals not being important and somehow looking at generated images and prompting them give you the same fundamentals like drawing/painting does you absolute moron.

>All of the dumb arguments you guys have were used against photoshop back in the day. That's what I was saying. You must be young if you didn't know that.

Again another excuse sidestepping the obvious point of millions of trained images of copyrighted data in the models vs photoshop before generative fill. There was no argument for this back in the day but you do you pal. I wish I could just gaslight and lie through my way. I could save more time and effort to continue generating without thinking since fundamentals aren't that important becasue at the end of the day I can rely on the model to do the hard work for me. Shut the fuck up you absolute loser what a fucking disappointment

>> No.6809755

>Right now it's a tool and if it becomes autonomous and multimodal then it will be an artist. How is this too complicated for you to see?
No, I see that clearly, I'm saying "learn to use a tool that won't matter in a few years" seems kinda funny. I'd rather get the real thing for as long as I can, not jump to the this and find at the end, all that time using ai, I could have used to advance my real art instead, since ehtats what I'd inevitably return to once ai is like that.

>> No.6809756

>I'd rather get the real thing for as long as I can
What gives you the right to determine what is "the real thing"?
Or are you telling me you only create cave paintings?

>> No.6809757

This, why on earth would I not advance my actual art skills and just adapt to the easier more streamlined version in the future if I need to. The worth of an artist doesn't change unless you advance your own skills and fundamentals. That's why this whole prompter as an artist makes no sense to me. Unless you were lying about it all and want to rely fully on AI to make art which isn't a tool at that point

>> No.6809758

>What gives you the right to determine what is "the real thing"?

Well for one, it's not copyrightable. It's straining further from being "the real thing" in real legal time since other mediums don't have that kind of handicap

>> No.6809759

guess what no one fucking cares outside of xitter malding circles, guess what zoomers who grow up with AI certainly won't give a single fuck, when the economy is getting fucked anyway, art is the last thing people use money on either way

>> No.6809761

It's copyrightable in Japan, and that's really all that matters when it comes to 2D art.

>> No.6809762

autism wins once again

>> No.6809763
File: 248 KB, 1374x1500, 1692397628769556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will become an artist
>mfw nothing AIniggas make can even be considered their work if that happens
>Prompt fags still are not artists even in their "dream" scenario

>> No.6809766

You okay

>> No.6809767

I use AI for fapping purposes I don't consider myself an artist, I don't care about such an useless label when you apply it to twitter spics who doodle anime girls doing reddit memes

>> No.6809768

Not sure how true that is, for all the AI talk in japan I don't really see much of it taking off in any real venture

>> No.6809769
File: 2.29 MB, 1408x1024, 2324221170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we all just be friends?

>> No.6809770

I'm tony the tiger

>> No.6809774

>Well for one, it's not copyrightable.
You can copyright AI assisted art. You just have to make atleast some meaningful changes to it like fixing the hands for instance which most AI artists already do anyway lol.

>> No.6809776

it can be an artist all it wants, i'll still use it as an assistant/slave.

>> No.6809777

>which most AI artists already do anyway
which most artists already do anyway

>> No.6809778


>> No.6809780

Digital tool=aproxamating real

>> No.6809781

No, just barely fixing the hands doesn't make it copyrightable. I know this because someone posted about submitting to the USCO on a piece. It takes a lot more than just inpainting or painting over a few spots to gain copyright as a whole for the image. At that point you only gain copyright for the actual drawn over parts of the image

>> No.6809784

>muh copyright
who gives a fuck about copyrighted content if you have an endless supply of content?

>> No.6809785

Companies and corporations...? What is up with the actual retards in this thread today

>> No.6809786

>they confuse the technique for the art
you guys are forgetting that art is primarily a form of communication.
transfering ideas and emotions.
the only reason we have been learning how to draw and paint for so long is because that was the best way to convey these things that could not be put into words.
for some reason artists nowadays have confused the medium with the actual message.
ai is just a new way of conveying the message faster, with no required training.
anyone can now convey what they feel, not just people who have been drawing for all of their life.
how is this a bad thing?

>> No.6809788

you think mickey mouse will compete with an endless stream of gigaslop?

>> No.6809789
File: 521 KB, 512x512, tmp1ekb0x5g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just run it locally, billions of images if I want. I can set a pw and access it from work or let my friends fuck around.
I wish people weren't so linux-phobic, because it's as easy as "git clone <url>" and bingo-bango, play around with this ML nonsense to your heart's content.
It hurts me to see people paying for SD, but I also get it. I love cooking but I still order delivery.
(And I know it doesn't require linux, but these things are piss easy in linux but I was actually filtered trying to set up python and git in windows)

My two favorite SD activities are making stamps and making figurines/dollhouse shit.

>> No.6809790

My art communicates my love of drawing...

>> No.6809791
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>> No.6809792

no you fucking dunce, it's for companies/corporations to abide by not the average shitter who has been tracing or stealing art and putting it on t shirts for a quick buck

>> No.6809796

First mover advantage

>> No.6809797

this, this is also why control is by far the most important thing about AI art. and why non-artists will always be limited even when using AI.

>> No.6809798

what content do companies need to copyright if the free stuff overwhelms them? artwork just won't be a product

also you own the IP even if you use AI to generate depictions of it :)

>> No.6809800

Also, beg-tier tradchad here, and I despise the nonsense narrative of "hating on artists" or "why would you physically make art when machine learning AI can do it"

All things have their place, and I sketch daily and have a number of artists I deeply admire.

>> No.6809804

Instead of hiring a prompter, they will still require artists to touch it up which is the whole point of the generated images lack copyright thats all it is. Im not talking about IP here

>> No.6809811

even if you AI generate Mario, Nintendo holds the IP...

>> No.6809812
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x1280, 3557026425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's a weird one, I like AI and I like non AI art, I even like art from artists that hate AI like Anato Finnstark. If it looks good it looks good, simple as.

>> No.6809814

I like AI art but I hate AI anime and AI 3DPP because for some reason you manage to make it look the same almost every time

>> No.6809816

Are we just on different wavelengths or something? The whole reason the copyright status of generated images being denied was to prevent companies from just generating their IP images and not needing artists to touch it up. We're not talking about the fucking IP and who holds it that has no relevance to any of this

>> No.6809817

oh glad to know I can generate super mario shit with AI and sell it freely since no one holds the copyright!

>> No.6809818
File: 1.18 MB, 768x1024, 2753463991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't no shame in it.

>> No.6809821

>4. Generating filigree for my CNC/laser engraving
Especially with ControlNet, lots of possiblities that I don't need to spend ages on for piddly background noise. I can give ControlNet a hexagon frame and get some interesting patterns and so on.

This turns me into "curator" during this part of the process, but 1. there's nothing wrong with that, 2. I can devote my energy to the main subject

>> No.6809822

I mean go for it, I don't know what that has to do with what we're talking about but ok

>> No.6809824

IP keeps one from doing this

>> No.6809825

why are artists the most retarded people using a bunch of made up semantic bullshit as arguments?

>> No.6809834

Isn't that sort of anime/manga taken to its logical conclusion though?
It's always been riding the line of abstracting the form and providing information
Anime has always been "slop" in a sense.

>> No.6809836

yes and no, some manga has breathtaking scenes but if you just focus on characters doing instagram poses you don't have anything interesting

>> No.6809838

yeah damn its annoying maybe you should go back to code or whatever the fuck you do

>> No.6809839
File: 368 KB, 512x512, dancey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollhouse figurines and stamps is top shelf SD

>> No.6809840

Which one do you take issue with the most?

>> No.6809841

Then don't do it..? Like what the fuck do you want me to do

>> No.6809847

looks horrible

>> No.6809849

My advice for you guys
>for the female artist
Onlyfans or plumber, plumbing will be the last thing to get automated (probably)

>for the male artist
Plumber, plumbing will be the last thing to get automated (probably)

>> No.6809851

In another context you'd say "soul", but I appreciate your cope.

>> No.6809854

If it was actually done by hand then yeah "soul"

>> No.6809858
File: 681 KB, 512x512, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is that you only know it wasn't done by hand due to this current context.

>> No.6809861

I'm explaining to you that the process doesn't matter like you think it does, it's different in every medium. AI's process isn't the paint's. Again, effort is not even remotely relevant in this topic. That's just how you're coping and expressing your pride.

>Did you just skim past the example I gave you
Yes I did kek. Fundamentals aren't important to creating art. Most art is made without them in mind.

>There was no argument for this
You're honing in on one aspect and ignoring the grander argument against new artistic tools "not being fair" or "cheating" therefore making artists not "real artists", it was retarded then and it's still retarded now.

Why wouldn't it matter? What does mattering have to do with anything? It's just art, you do it for fun or because people enjoy it. There are loads of ways to make art and none of it "matters". It's just a hobby or profession.

>> No.6809864

But that's kind of the point, if you have to lie about it then you know inherently something has more value which is why as autistic as "soul" is it still exists

>> No.6809865

>Become plumber after 3 years of training
>So did everyone else
>Not enough jobs to go around

>> No.6809867

That cat either has soul or doesn't, which is it?

>> No.6809868
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1673403644876573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my honest reaction when I nut to AI made porn artwork knowing full well that some xitter fag didn't get engagement or comfy points from me

>> No.6809869

>Well for one, it's not copyrightable.
You can copyright AI art by taking a photograph of it, using Photoshop, or just winning a court case showing significant human input(probably easy enough since ComfyUI is a thing).

The fact you think only copyrightable art is art is really fucking funny though. Copyrights are decades old. Art is as old as humanity. Did the Neanderthals not make art because they didn't have corporate approval?

>> No.6809870

>>mfw nothing AIniggas make can even be considered their work if that happens
The tools they use make them an artist. The AI that he was talking about, that's literally borderline alive, would be the artist and people wouldn't be using it. Very different things.

>> No.6809872

>I'm explaining to you that the process doesn't matter like you think it does, it's different in every medium. AI's process isn't the paint's. Again, effort is not even remotely relevant in this topic. That's just how you're coping and expressing your pride.

Everyone has thousands of ideas that don't have value. The effort makes a whole lot of relevance if everyone is able to do it, there's an inherent loss of value in it regardless of your "it doesn't matter" attitude. Artist's pride isn't a bad thing, just like taking pride in anything you do isn't bad. People are gonna call you out on your process and you can defend it, but at the end of the day the only facts that remain are the models are going to get even simpler to use as time progresses even if you want to live with the title of artist. We have different views on photographers, sculptors, and painters because they're inherently different under the umbrella of "art." You can tell others to cope about it, but you're extremely hypocritical if you don't realize that difference.

>> No.6809873

I use tools to make art, I am an artist.
One of those tools is AI, I am an AI artist.

Deal with it.

>> No.6809875

>Why wouldn't it matter?
It was a response to the general trend of saying "learn to use ai tools or be left behind you Luddite"

>> No.6809876

artist this artist that even subway sandwich woman is called a sandwich artist, pure wordplay

>> No.6809879

You can't just take a photograph of a piece of art and claim copyright are you stupid.

>or just winning a court case showing significant human input

Yes, because that isn't what I was arguing if you read the post. The raw output as challenged in court and denied is the non-copyrightable result.

>The fact you think only copyrightable art is art is really fucking funny though. Copyrights are decades old. Art is as old as humanity. Did the Neanderthals not make art because they didn't have corporate approval?

Again, you can do whatever you want with it, as a hobby or for commercial gain. If you want to pursue monetary gain, you can't use the raw output and I'm just stating it from the court rulings.

>> No.6809880

Everyone who identifies as an artist needs to go back to /pol/, you're being problematic.

>> No.6809881

Forced soul

>> No.6809884

well the not posters own artwork is a tab here and if it's the AI work I'm not sure why you keep wanting to post them here
>If it's taking the credit why should anyone come to you

>> No.6809885

They do have value you're just a sub-human who doesn't value life. Effort is how you personally gauge beauty or whatever but that's not how I personally gauge beauty at all. You're also money obsessed which is worthless in this discussion.
> Artist's pride isn't a bad thing
It is when it's making you act retarded. Earlier you were also disregarding the AI artist's pride, implying that's a bad thing. Unless that was someone else.

I'm also not defending the process I have, I'm simply explaining that it is a process because TONS of anti-AI people think there is no process which is objectively incorrect.
>but at the end of the day the only facts that remain are the models are going to get even simpler to use as time progresses
A good thing. Just like Photosohop was a great thing for painters and illustrators. Despite most painters and illustrators sperging out violently when it first came out -- exactly like they're now doing against AI. In some decades you'll look back and laugh at how dumb you were. Hell I doubt it will even take that long.

>You can tell others to cope about it, but you're extremely hypocritical if you don't realize that difference.
Why would you say this? You're literally projecting if I change what you said like so:
>We have different views on photographers, sculptors, AI users, and painters because they're inherently different under the umbrella of "art."

>> No.6809886

it's funny

>> No.6809887

You need to leave too son.

>> No.6809888

>Yes I did kek. Fundamentals aren't important to creating art. Most art is made without them in mind.

Yeah in your case, all the bulk of fundamentals is from the training data. I don't think we disagree there, but you're really ignorant if you think fundamentals are somehow not significant in creating art and I don't really know how to argue that with someone who appears to be surface level with art in general. It's more so ironic when someone says that and tries to argue he's a real artist to people who are learning to draw and trying to get better in their own way.

>You're honing in on one aspect and ignoring the grander argument against new artistic tools "not being fair" or "cheating" therefore making artists not "real artists", it was retarded then and it's still retarded now.

It's a pretty huge discrepancy that defines generative models vs. photoshop or any other drawing program. It quite literally set off a shift in the public and the way it'll affect everyone in the future, but you've been arguing in bad faith this whole time so what did I expect

>> No.6809889

bro you used a calculator? NOT A MATHEMATICIAN SWEETY

>> No.6809890

lol he's seething now

>> No.6809891

Don't pay shitposters any mind and try to think about these things from a higher perspective. AI will make us all jobless eventually, it's pointless trying to eternally chase money at this stage of society. People will do what's fun or useful, whether they like using AI or drawing. Even if someone or something is better at it than they are, they'll do what they want.

>You can't just take a photograph of a piece of art and claim copyright are you stupid.
Yes you can and there are plenty of cases surrounding AI that haven't entered court yet. The two we've seen so far have literally nothing to do what most AI artists are doing. Massive companies like Blizzard are going to be copyrighting AI artwork soon too.

>> No.6809892

Just because it's AI?

>> No.6809894

anyone who says otherwise is an AIphobe

>> No.6809895

yeah dude what dont you understand?

>> No.6809898

>Don't pay shitposters any mind and try to think about these things from a higher perspective. AI will make us all jobless eventually, it's pointless trying to eternally chase money at this stage of society.
That is already my position.

>> No.6809899

They're significant in creating art that YOU like. This is a pea brain discussion compared to the topic I'm trying to focus on dude. And are you so shallow you can't like art not following them?
>It's more so ironic when someone says that and tries to argue he's a real artist to people who are learning to draw and trying to get better in their own way.
Seriously though, you are genuinely mentally challenged if you can't understand what I've been telling you lol. You really want to think that there is only one form of illustration and the rest don't count, huh.
>It's a pretty huge discrepancy
It isn't relevant to the grander point that dumb arguments were made against photography then digital art and now AI. You're cherry picking, grasping at straws.

>> No.6809902

>They do have value you're just a sub-human who doesn't value life.

uh I mean I don't really care about AI as a whole, but trying to take credit for other's works and saying its your process while endangering the livelihood of not just artists, but most people who rely on work because of the looming threats of AI is pretty much the definition of not valuing other's lives because you want to be seen as significant to regular artists. I don't even understand why you said this nowhere did I ever say anything like value of life you schizo.

>You're also money obsessed which is worthless in this discussion.

Is it really? I don't have a problem if you use AI as a tool, but if you're just generating and inpainting and expecting a paycheck you're part of the problem.

>Earlier you were also disregarding the AI artist's pride, implying that's a bad thing. Unless that was someone else.

Don't think that was me, but even then I wouldn't pride myself off of using other's works when they don't want it. At most using it as a reference and drawing something in my style feels the most acceptable if I wanted to take pride in it.

>Hell I doubt it will even take that long.
Again, I don't care how far AI goes, I know it'll be even easier to use in the future if it gets better and I can always choose to use it in conjunction with the drawing skills I've been honing. Regardless, I don't understand this chastizing of artists who dont use AI because they don't want to ethically step over their bounds. That's pretty disgusting regardless

>Why would you say this? You're literally projecting if I change what you said like so:

Because you're making fun of artists who don't want to use AI, you should be realizing there's no need to engage and if you like it and believe in it show the work and success to actually make the point? This is just a petty outrage at /ic of all places and I say this as someone neutral on AI

>> No.6809905

>uh I mean I don't really care about AI as a whole, but trying to take credit for other's works and saying its your process while endangering the livelihood of not just artists
You're so far down the twitter troon hole that I won't bother reading the rest. Be better.

>> No.6809908

I believe in karma and artists are getting fucked because of hitler

>> No.6809910
File: 188 KB, 1000x1333, smile_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you notice the blur in the lower left, by chance?

>> No.6809912

*right, sorry, English is my third language.

>> No.6809914

> You really want to think that there is only one form of illustration and the rest don't count, huh.

The majority of people post illustrations, even in the ones you've posted earlier in the thread, no other art forms rely on scraping data and the images of other artists all compiled to train from, so I don't see the point of bringing up other art forms that isn't AI.

>It isn't relevant to the grander point that dumb arguments were made against photography then digital art and now AI. You're cherry picking, grasping at straws.

You don't really believe that right? gen AI is the most disruptive tech to come and it's set to remove jobs from all sectors. It's not grasping at straws at least engage with the main point of it. If you take that function away, you'd have nothing compared to photoshop where you take away generative fill, you're left wiht a program that doesn't rely on trained data, and can still function by itself as a canvas, and editing software. You're extremely disingenous in your arguments when it doesn't fit your narrative quite frankly you pea brain

>> No.6809915

dont worry pajeet

>> No.6809917

I lied I read the rest
>Because you're making fun of artists who don't want to use AI,
I didn't do this. I'm just here trying to help you guys understand that creating images makes you an artist and that you can use fancy technology to do that. You don't have to be a caveman using fingerpaints or pencils. You can do that though, I think that's really cool too.

>no other art forms rely on scraping data
All visual arts do. Please kill yourself if you want to argue otherwise.

>> No.6809918

Quite ironic when SD wouldn't even exist and be able to generate the quality without the scraped images. But then again, delusion is a real thing. I don't know why it's so hard for people to acknowledge that, it doesn't stop you from using AI in the first place but attaching yourself that strongly to AI with an "artist's pride" is even worse than the people here who reject it fully.SAPDV

>> No.6809920

I'm not worried nor Indian.
Does it now have soul, knowing it was a ruse, and actually handmade?

>> No.6809921

And you wouldn't be able to draw if god didn't give you eyes and things to look at. You are completely mind fucked by retarded trannies. You're probably one yourself.

>> No.6809923

It's not tho

>> No.6809925

yeah as Its been said before but since you're a dumb techie you'll never understand what its being meant by soul

>> No.6809926

No? You think I deliberately added a blur to confuse the viewer?

>> No.6809929

is this AI?
Does it have SOVL?

>> No.6809930


>> No.6809931

>All visual arts do. Please kill yourself if you want to argue otherwise.

I'm not even trying to be hostile I don't understand the animosity. I can be honest about the way it works even if i use it, and a human learning off of reference is completely different to the idea of a 24/7 running code scraping unauthorized data without licenses and feeding it into the training data for models to learn off of. I can't tell if you're actual scum or not, normally people who use these models realize it's not a good feeling that it takes inherently from artists and can sympathize. You're just off the deep end of projection filled with that artist's pride you mocked. What is actually wrong with you

>> No.6809933

Don't be so non-commital friend, surely something has soul or it doesn't.

>> No.6809932

It can have forced soul

>> No.6809934

woman moment

>> No.6809935

You're being retarded. I asked kindly, please comply.

>> No.6809940

Because a human is equivalent to a machine/piece of code now? Of all the bad faith arguments, you gotta get a new one. There's a reason the court rulings stated the LLM's don't have the human reasoning or learning capabilities to attain human authorship right? I'm so glad we discovered exactly how humans learn and how the brain functions, and we applied that exact same process to a model made by code. I get that you're insecure about it with the tranny comment but it's really not helping you

>> No.6809941

Definitely forced soul

>> No.6809942

I'm sorry but you're not an artist please cope further regardless with some more inpainting. Less talking more prompting promptfag retard

>> No.6809943

I don't know what "forced soul" means

>> No.6809944

you gotta let her grow her dick out

>> No.6809946


>> No.6809949

It means you're a retard

>> No.6809950

And you don't either, I see now. You're unhappy with how this discussion has gone.

That's understandable.
It's a nice picture of a cat sitting in the branches though, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.6809952

>muh law
Nothing you're talking about matters, it's all just cope. You're trying to anthropomorphize and denounce tools. It's retarded.

>> No.6809954

you like putting words in people's mouths dont you?

>> No.6809955

ick on 'eck poster is more of an artist than anything I've seen on /ic/

>> No.6809957

I think you've probably reached your limit in this discussion, I can see you're getting agitated.

It's a pretty cute cat though, I wonder who made it.

>> No.6809958

>You're trying to anthropomorphize and denounce tools. It's retarded.

No one brings up the argument of "learning" more than AI proponents with their models. You're trolling with your projection now, if you're not gonna listen to reasoning or the law, then you're just retarded. Grow up

>> No.6809965

>No one brings up the argument of "learning" more than AI proponents with their models.
You're lying. You even just brought it up yourself for no reason other than to cope.
>if you're not gonna listen to reasoning or the law
The law isn't settled nor does it have literally anything to do with what art is. It's just nonsense from the business world. A world where AI is and will continue to be copyrightable, mind you. Because that world produces """ethical""" AI art.

>> No.6809966

Is this AI or not

>> No.6809967

It's a picture of a cat in a tree. It looks wierd, like Fernando Botero got Alzheimer's.

>> No.6809970

cute cat

>> No.6809972
File: 1.07 MB, 1408x560, 1671745912900783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6809974

It's not a who yet

>> No.6809976

Side note guys, why are cats so funny and also cute
I want to kiss their smoochy mousey faces

>> No.6809977

>You're lying. You even just brought it up yourself for no reason other than to cope.

Why are you actually so stupid, don't do this to me I thought you were better than this.

>The law isn't settled nor does it have literally anything to do with what art is. It's just nonsense from the business world. A world where AI is and will continue to be copyrightable, mind you. Because that world produces """ethical""" AI art.

I didn't realize a judge ruling on the validity of copyright of generated images isn't worth anything? Again, you're just absolutely retarded did you just run out of steam after all the gaslighting.

>> No.6809978

Holy shit! Real?!?¿¡??? 2 tails!

>> No.6809979

Kek why are AItrannies so autistic

>> No.6809980
File: 571 KB, 512x512, cat3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6809982

>Why are you actually so stupid, don't do this to me I thought you were better than this.
Nice adhom there, why didn't you refute me in any way here? You are lying and coping.
>I didn't realize a judge ruling on the validity of copyright of generated images isn't worth anything?
What does this have to do with art? Why are you implying you can't copyright AI art?

>> No.6809983
File: 153 KB, 700x842, ugly-cat-paintings-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore filename. Cute regardless.

>> No.6809984

what is this thing of pretending to be innocent and logical when you obviously come here to annoy people

>> No.6809986
File: 1.12 MB, 1408x560, 1669892681902816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6809987

cute cat

>> No.6809988

Incredible I wonder who the artist is? It's a mystery!

>> No.6809990

Now as a personal exploration, try to view the picture outside of the context of this thread and your feelings

It's a nice picture, isn't it?

>> No.6809991

Real?!??! How does it do that?

>> No.6809993

Only brainlet sub-humans think that people can't contradict themselves in their actions. I'm being logical, I enjoy annoying people, and I'm right about literally everything and I came here to help you all cope.

>> No.6809994
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x1024, 1691363038383488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this

>> No.6809995

Not especially. I don't like the face.

>> No.6809996

>Nice adhom there, why didn't you refute me in any way here? You are lying and coping.

Because you're gaslighting terribly. I don't know why I need to spell out everything for you. Do you think artists are arguing for AI and want to say the models learn exactly like humans? Whose best interest is it in to say AI learns like humans and spread that narrative? Why do you think big AI proponents like Yann LeCun from meta argue like that? I get that you're trolling but you're not even doing a good job

>What does this have to do with art? Why are you implying you can't copyright AI art?

Are you seriously this retarded. This isn't an opinion, the ruling exists.

Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia found that the U.S. Copyright Office was correct in denying copyright protections to a work that was created entirely without human involvement. Friday’s ruling will be a critical component in future legal fights as lawyers and inventors test the limits of intellectual property laws when applied to AI.

Computer scientist Stephen Thaler attempted to get a copyright for a piece of visual art titled “A Recent Entrance to Paradise.” The piece was created using a computer system Thaler owns called the “Creativity Machine.” Thaler wanted to transfer the copyright from the AI to himself.

>> No.6809999

The absolute cope.

>> No.6810000

Real??!?? How to train my cat to do this?

>> No.6810003

>I'm being logical,

>> No.6810004

Thanks for the reference, very cute kot

>> No.6810005

Wasted quads. The picture is shitty.

>> No.6810009

>Because you're gaslighting terribly.
I am not. You're just mentally retarded and coping. Bringing up these retarded arguments that have nothing to do with what I was talking about. You're probably a woman or a faggot.

You can copyright AI art. No one is going to challenge any "ethical" AI artwork.
And AI will eventually create works indistinguishable from human works and people won't have fun trying to prove otherwise. This isn't settled. The Thaler case has nothing to do with AI we're making either, that was art made STRICTLY by a machine and he's appealing regardless. His arguments are sound too.

>> No.6810011

you just have shit taste

>> No.6810013
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x1024, 1685407466691003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just give it a pat

>> No.6810014

I love him, would pet/10

>> No.6810016
File: 563 KB, 512x576, 1685164775033692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i tried. i had to pretty much draw the whole thing though. i can see why you chose a zebra.

>> No.6810023

>I am not. You're just mentally retarded and coping. Bringing up these retarded arguments that have nothing to do with what I was talking about. You're probably a woman or a faggot.

Even when you get the explanation, you pivot because you can't defend anything :(

>You can copyright AI art. No one is going to challenge any "ethical" AI artwork.

Hey retard can you read properly, you can copyright it if it's used as a tool. If you use it simply to output an image without any touching up it's not eligible for copyright. There's multiple cases like the famous book with generated images where the generated parts don't receive copyright you absolute fucking tard.

>And AI will eventually create works indistinguishable from human works and people won't have fun trying to prove otherwise

yeah in the future but who knows how long that's gonna take. There's all sorts of issues with scraping better data and now with the spam of AI images it's even harder to parse through the good data. Not to mention, you're retarded but there are going to be better programs for AI detection. The thaler case has everything to do with machine learning, because it's literally the same principles of how the LLM's work. When legal experts are even talking about the implications on the still ongoing cases of ruling the validity of copyright in the big model cases, I don't see how you just casually disregard all of that and cherry pick out the things you like.

All your arguments are from a few months back, and it's really confusing how you can be so autistic about all the wrong shit you spew. Maybe spend a little time looking into it oh wait, i forgot you don't want to do the bulk of work in anything. Keep going loser, you can call yourself an artist but no one else has to. If you spam some prompted images though I'll give you an "you are an artist" comment though :)

>> No.6810024

Almost every lora I've thought up someone made for me for free. Why not make your own though?

>> No.6810027
File: 2.99 MB, 640x360, 1686898529746003.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how the AI fags will get you, huh.

>> No.6810028

Cats are truly too pure for this world

>> No.6810029

Boy, you nodraw fags sure love that strawman.

>> No.6810030

What a pathetic way to live your life. You aren't going to change that AI art is here to stay and you still aren't refuting a single point I made previously. You're now just coping because you know I'm right about the law garbage too. You can generate fill an AI generated image and copyright it, right? Does this even matter? No. I don't care about copyrights and neither do you.

>> No.6810031

>What a pathetic way to live your life.
Yeah going to other boards just to piss off people, its crazy that some people enjoy wasting their time like that

>> No.6810032

I'm not wasting my time, I'm trying to help people.

>> No.6810033

I can change whenever and pivot because I have the underlying skills to succeed in the future in drawing and the knowledge of how to use SD. It's not even comparable in time and effort to learn. As does every other artist if they really want to or if it's necessary. Prompting alone doesn't get you anywhere but you believe that's the case since you're just waiting til it's indistinguishable from regular art.

I didn't know you were a judge or that the legal system somehow doesn't matter? Learning how to use SD really does up the narcissism for neglected folks like you. Also why does changing matter if AI art is here. You don't care about copyright or being able to monetize so why bring it up in the first place you moron.

>> No.6810034

You can't stop AI by whining to the jannies.

>> No.6810035

nah you just enjoy nagging people, I bet you dont even enjoy making ai pics as much, its just that you can troll with it

>> No.6810036

>goyim golem argument
And what does this have to do with art?

>> No.6810038

Might fine saviors complex from a dunning kruger we got here

>> No.6810039

>I don't want to learn to be good at something

>> No.6810040

I'm generating right now and trust me if I was posting images this thread would have turned out a lot worse than it did. More shitpost fuel for the copers.

>> No.6810041

what do you want them to do?

>> No.6810043

God you're beyond pathetic projecting and wanting all the reward without work. You truly belong here regardless since you don't even post your work when you prompt

>> No.6810044

Chill out and enjoy art like sane humans.

>> No.6810045

>I'm pretty sure I had tougher journeys on the toilet than that.
The first step is to stop using the street.

>> No.6810047

I haven't expressed any desire for reward and I've explained that work is not relevant in the creation of art. You are a soulless beast that only seems to care about money.

>> No.6810052

>just enjoy watching your loved ones suffer anon.
tell that to my friends who will lose their livelihood to this demon in 10 years.

>> No.6810053

You do, you want the title of artist. That's been evident the entire thread from your first post. I'm sorry life doesn't work that way and I'm sorry you're this obsessed with thinking money is the only reward at the end of the day, still waiting for your work. For someone that talks big of 100k images generated, I dont see anything

>> No.6810054

Blame the game not the players.

>> No.6810055

Stop it, he gets to be an "artist" so it doesn't matter if people lose their livelihoods. We gotta make sure he feels good about his work even when he doesn't do any

>> No.6810057

No, I have that title. You implying otherwise is extreme cope.

>> No.6810059

>that only seems to care about money.
when artists mention money, it's not for want of money, its for sustaining a lifestyle that lets them output art without being tired from their day job. people who truly love it want to spend most of their time on art.

>> No.6810060

AI art is art the same wsy s.o.y.lent is food.
Get a load of the comments.

>> No.6810061

No you don't I;m sorry pal :( Keep coping though. Still waiting for the glorious art

>> No.6810062

It's not my fault if someone lost a job because society shifted because technology improved for the betterment of humanity.

Most people making related arguments don't even make money from their art. It's just a loaded argument coming from the generic twitter tranny.

I do and you are a very sad person coping extremely hard.

>> No.6810063

>I do and you are a very sad person coping extremely hard.


>> No.6810064

Yes sorry.

>> No.6810066

I'm not gonna snap you out of your delusion, keep grinding bud

>> No.6810067

How WADU Works: Inside JPMorgan's Mass Tracking System for Employees https://www.businessinsider.com/jpmorgan-chase-employees-describe-fear-mass-workplace-data-surveillance-wadu-2022-5?amp

>> No.6810070

This whole thread and the one autist AIfag has really hammered home how worthless it is to read this whole thing. Back to drawing

>> No.6810072


>> No.6810073

I followed this guide from /trash/ https://rentry.org/voldy since I use NVIDIA
And I manage to make my first few AI art. Now I need to know HOW to "make models" or "capturing concept". I don't want to download pre-made nor official models, I want to make my OWN models. /trash/ and /g/ called me retard for trying to find my own way..

>> No.6810078

>he can't create art while typing at the same time

>> No.6810079
File: 2.53 MB, 1472x1984, 1664057945099043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, kinda missed your reply somehow.

again, i don't care about this.
and i even agree, machines don't have authorship. but i as a human have authorship. so what if i design a character but finish the illustration using AI? like in pic related? i hope those edge cases are also addressed. most of the discourse is still about AI being black and white, either you use it or not, but a lot of the time, especially for artists, the workflows will be hybrid in nature.

but that is not what i'm talking about. i'm saying that it is "learning" and "training" using similar processes as humans, because it is mimicking how neurons work in our brains. this has NOTHING to do with sentience, human rights, and all this other shit.
it seems like every time i mention this, you people make this mistaken assumption. and this is because you don't understand how these systems work. you keep assuming that "learning" and "training" are for humans only. but this is EXACTLY what has changed and this is why AI are booming right now.
it's precisely because they CAN do this now.

this doesn't mean they can do everything a human can, very far from it. but they can do some of the things that used to be unique to us.
honestly, this is the basic fact that people need to come to terms with here before even beginning to talk about AI.

>There's a huge difference between companies mass training on unlicensed copyrighted data to make a profit, and a single human using reference you absolute bad faith tard
i always find the corporate argument tired. because most, if not all of the images you see people make here are from stable diffusion. if you didn't know: it is open source. everybody can use it for free. And it is arguably more powerful than the paid options. It certainly is more versatile.

you know that rock paper scissors thing? they didn't have to pay to use any of this either. it's all open source.

>> No.6810080

>betterment of humanity.
get in ze pod
eat ze bugz
consoom ze pornz
your attempts at resisting is not slowing the progress towards utopia(virtual utopia, resources are limited you see, shant be wasting them on silly things such as 'real life')

>> No.6810081

Are you retarded I swear the prompters are getting even lazier and dumber than ever

>> No.6810083

The math of ML (what you're calling "AI") is from the 1900s, it's basic linear algebra and calc.
Any STEM undergrad can implement this shit.

There is no putting this genie back in the bottle.
For all the cope about legislation and "I raise my wig in protest madam!" just lol, no.

You will need to adapt to this new paradigm, it isn't going back in the bottle.
It isn't a "device" created by some single entity. It's just mathematics and programming, and it has immense cultural implications which means everyone is working on it.
This isn't like nuclear technology where you can monitor sale of materials.

It's not going anywhere, and you need to start dealing with that reality.

>> No.6810085

>there are god uses, therefore it's not going to be bad
lets hope the good outweighs the bad.

>> No.6810086

It always does. A lot of the "bad" uses you guys will cite are actually good too.

>> No.6810087

kek seriously what motivates you to come here and argue nonstop you mentally ill techfag, then that corny way of speaking "its not going anywhere" like you're an anime villain

>> No.6810088

>You will need to adapt
how? simple question. how? don't be short sighted with your answer.

>> No.6810089

accept reality

>> No.6810090

>so what if i design a character but finish the illustration using AI?

This is the kind of shit I hate. If you're gonna use AI at least use it more than a render filter to do your work for you. You lose your style and what makes your work yours because even if you use a lora trained on your work and tune the weights, the plasticky AI feel still comes through because the base model of SD encompasses 99% more than the images you put in.

>i always find the corporate argument tired. because most, if not all of the images you see people make here are from stable diffusion. if you didn't know: it is open source. everybody can use it for free. And it is arguably more powerful than the paid options. It certainly is more versatile.

yes, but you act like stability isn't making a profit and planning IPO like they've mentioned. All the big models are doing the same thing, whether you pay for it or not

>> No.6810091
File: 1.89 MB, 1786x1754, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No nigger, I'm ESL, so shit is more difficult for me to understand.

Let's say I want to put this Garfield into a folder to tell the machine to "learn and train" to draw like this character where I just press a button, and it makes a model for me that contains information to draw like pic related, and obviously it should be separate files of each Garfield and not in one picture or it confuses the retarded machine.

So, how do I make this example picture into a model?
>Show your on /ic/ first
Tell me what to draw then, if it means getting help with learning on "making model file"

>> No.6810092

tell that to my friend who just got turned into a paperclip

>> No.6810093

go to therapy

>> No.6810094

However you want or the way that suits you, what the hell are you asking?

>> No.6810096

No you fucktard just youtube it, there's a literal video within the first 3 with the keywords you mentioned that tell you how to do what you first asked.

>> No.6810099

for what?

>> No.6810101

You couldn't remotely get close to drawing/painting that yourself. It only looks "pro"ish because its stealing from actual artists who are the ones that deserve the attention. Fuck off. The world doesn't need more idea guys. You're just spamming and making it harder for actual artists to be seen.

>> No.6810102

>plasticky AI
nta but you can avoid that. watercolor prompts especially avoid that plastic look.

>> No.6810103

You know anon the models and other stuff can prob be claimed by the AI companies if you use their shit. Isn't a portion of stamped with their watermark anyways
>you even need to use tokens for some of them
>also the constant look what "AI" can do
>also the mention either SD or Midjourney, that or Chinese model

I don't know many artists who need to keep mentioning the branding of the tools they use anon

>> No.6810104

The world is getting more idea guys and you don't need to draw/paint to create art like that any longer. Get over it and realize this is a good thing. "Actual" artists will be a remnant of the past just like candlemakers.

>> No.6810105

Thats not the style I want to go for though, at this point the best it offers me is a board of references for posing. Other than that, it's too annoying to fix up if i render the whole thing. I'd rather continue to improve my skills at that point

>> No.6810109

There, I found these three videos and they might be outdated

>> No.6810110

Why do people draw? Why do people creat art? Frankly, if you find satisfaction in prompting as a hobby and not as a cheap way to earn money or even attention, I will still think you're a sad person regardless. It's like claiming you can watch a let's play of a game and come out with it with the pride and enjoyment comparable to the people who actually play the game. Sure there are people who prefer doing no work and delude themselves into thinking they have accomplished anything, but I think those people are pathetic. But hey, if that's the kind of "hobby" you all want to engage in, who am I to stop you?

I can only say this and sincerely hope you think about it next time you sit down before your prompting program of choice: drawing is fun. How about giving it a try? I promise you will get much more out of it that just mindlessly prompting day in day out. No really. There is a reason it's one of the oldest hobbies of humanity. There's a reason a child who has no concept of money or fame doodles whatever on their mind. Hell, there's a reason even with more media than people can consume in a life time, people still draw, still create. Sure you can refute and claim that prompting give you enough satisfaction as it is. But you will just have to take my word that drawing is much, much more enjoyable and meaningful at the end of the day. Give it a try. Just keep in mind that all things worthwhile require effort. And you will whine and think drawing is too hard, like some people here. Or you are so used to have a machine create for you that you could not tolerate your shitty output at first. But think of it as something to challenge, throw yourself at it. Life should be lived recklessly, and living is all about fighting for something, not for caring about efficiency on the easiest path until the day you die.

>> No.6810112

>"Actual" artists will be a remnant of the past just like candlemakers.

That is the dumbest thing i've seen on this board in 5 years but yeah let's go with that

>> No.6810113

ok, go fuck yourself, you say the same shit as every other AIfag and offer nothing but buzzwords.
adapt to AI taking over all intellectual labor and throwing society into the unknown?
>just adapt bro, why is that so hard? adapt or die bro.

>> No.6810114

playing dumb again :) how strange of you

>> No.6810116

I literally do not care dude, what the fuck is this obsession with copyrights? We're literally all pirates who constantly "steal" "references" in the first place.

You're a sad and stupid person for not understanding others and for misunderstanding what art is. People are different than you and no that doesn't mean they're inferior to you. Grow up and wake up. The world of art has changed.
I probably make better art than you do too so I look extra down on you for acting so high and mighty lol.

>> No.6810117

>I probably make better art than you do
show us pyw

>> No.6810118

I wasn't that other poster but that is a seriously dumb question in general. You're more retarded as the people saying "ADAPT OR DIE" because some artists literally have died if they didn't adapt, and others have adapted in obvious ways. The shitposters are talking about the current world or near future where adaption is necessary until we have to adapt to other future stuff.

>> No.6810119

>I probably make better art than you do too so I look extra down on you for acting so high and mighty lol.

>Calls himself an artist when he doesn't want to do the work
>argues effort doesn't matter
>calls others sad and stupid for their way of creating art

You really expect people to believe you can make better art without SD when you complain about the effort needed

>> No.6810120

Well, clearly you haven't bothered to read or even attempt to understand what I'm trying to tell you. It's obvious you don't care about arguing about any of this. You just want to troll. I feel sorry for wasting my time on you. I'm truly sorry.

>> No.6810121

You first.

Yes. However
>calls others sad and stupid for their way of creating art
I did not do this. You're stupid and sad for other reasons. I like people who like having fun. I hate retards who hate others for having fun. I also put effort into my AI art. You're shitposting now but I'm prompting haha. Are you drawing?

>> No.6810122

They will obfuscate and gaslight you into thinking making AI art is the same as any other medium when it's not. They'll gaslight you about the millions of images needed from actual artists fed into their training data when it's brought up. Then they'll arbitrarily tell you to call them an artist. It's amazing how deluded these people are

>> No.6810123

"Oh boohoo I'm such a misunderstood creative genius but i'm such a lazy mongoloid I literally can't muster any effort towards building skills and having actual value as a well-developed artist. I know. I'll just steal. This is good for the world. There should be more people like me."

Sad. Its just sad its possible for people like you to be sharted into existence in the first place.

>> No.6810124

I'm also sorry for letting that big bait slip through. My point still stands.

>> No.6810125

>You first.
lmaooooooo you probably dont even prompt, what an attention whore mentally ill fuck you are

>> No.6810126

It's not the same. Every medium is different.

That's what I thought!

>> No.6810127

>. I like people who like having fun. I hate retards who hate others for having fun. I also put effort into my AI art. You're shitposting now but I'm prompting haha. Are you drawing?

And I hate people like you who are oblivious to everything as long as you can claim the title of "artist." Stop projecting you absolute dunce rerolling your inpainting doesn't mean jack shit when I can click the cookies faster in cookie clicker.

>> No.6810128

anon could post your work though show me an AI pic like a retard
>Inb4 it turns out your that nigga to lazy to even draw box for an entire thread

>> No.6810129

The title of artist is not a big hurdle. See>>6809646 This post is making fun of people like you.

>> No.6810130

he really does belong here on /ic can't even post work for a prompted image. I cant believe it lmao

>> No.6810131 [DELETED] 
File: 877 KB, 827x839, 1688796654747441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i quite literally drew this anon. how else do you think all of these gens look the same?

>You lose your style and what makes your work yours because even if you use a lora trained on your work and tune the weights, the plasticky AI feel still comes through because the base model of SD encompasses 99% more than the images you put in.
not really no. you again see this in the old fashioned way. as if the model has some billion images saved in a database and a lora is just adding a few to the database.

>yes, but you act like stability isn't making a profit and planning IPO like they've mentioned. All the big models are doing the same thing, whether you pay for it or not
it doesn't matter because it's out there now. besides i don't consider it stealing so you're definitely telling that to the wrong guy.

to help /ic/ understand this, use this example:
I DREW the base sketch here.
- do you even realize i could make even more variations, with other colors and settings?
- do you REALLY think it has this many similar images to draw from, in order to create all these different-but similar images?
this is basically what opened my eyes to how this shit works.
what is happening is that it is learning these concepts and applying them. again, the example i always use is night and day. it understands the concept of night and day within the setting of an image.
it's not something as retarded as looking at an image tagged with daylight and copying it. google daylight yourself and see what you get.

>> No.6810132

It isn't, and that's why I'm making fun of you who can't even put in the modicum of effort needed to attain that title. I'm making fun of you in this post right here for that

>> No.6810133

Probably couldn't keep it together before

>> No.6810134

I think it's time you retards stop giving the autist his craved attention. Clearly nothing you're saying is getting through. He just wants to call people names and provoke by the usual tirade "I'm better and you all are stupid". Why do you even want to argue with that statement?

>> No.6810135
File: 877 KB, 827x839, 1689426379674356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i quite literally drew this anon. how else do you think all of these gens look the same?

>You lose your style and what makes your work yours because even if you use a lora trained on your work and tune the weights, the plasticky AI feel still comes through because the base model of SD encompasses 99% more than the images you put in.
not really no. you again see this in the old fashioned way. as if the model has some billion images saved in a database and a lora is just adding a few to the database.

>yes, but you act like stability isn't making a profit and planning IPO like they've mentioned. All the big models are doing the same thing, whether you pay for it or not
it doesn't matter because it's out there now. besides i don't consider it stealing so you're definitely telling that to the wrong guy.

to help /ic/ understand this, use this example:
I DREW the base sketch here.
- do you even realize i could make even more variations, with other colors and settings?
- do you REALLY think it has this many similar images to draw from, in order to create all these different-but similar images?
this is basically what opened my eyes to how this shit works.
what is happening is that it is learning these concepts and applying them. again, the example i always use is night and day. it understands the concept of night and day within the setting of an image.
it's not something as retarded as looking at an image tagged with daylight and copying it. google daylight yourself and see what you get.

>> No.6810136

I'm not afraid to post them like most of you though, I'm just not because it just creates more shitposts. Make no mistake I've posted my AI art on /ic/ and it's always funny.

There's nothing to make fun of unless you're looking in the mirror. I'm an artist :)
Drawing doesn't make you more of an artist than prompting, they're the same thing. Methods of creating art.

>> No.6810137

disagree hard. nta or not, I said don't be short sighted with your answer. "near future" is useless, AI progress accelerates.

>> No.6810139

And your adaptations will accelerate too. Do you see what I'm saying yet?

>> No.6810141

That's not how it works. we are human. I'm not merging with the machine.

>> No.6810142

not really no. you again see this in the old fashioned way. as if the model has some billion images saved in a database and a lora is just adding a few to the database.

All i'm seeing is blatant AI rendering that any /int artist can spot a mile away. I don't know what your actual rendering style is but it all registers the same when you run it through like this. You need to significantly touch this up and at that point, if I'm not working under pressure in a company deadline why on earth would I care to do it like this? It just robs me of the mileage I would've gotten and it's not fun editing an image to take out the AI.

>it doesn't matter because it's out there now. besides i don't consider it stealing so you're definitely telling that to the wrong guy.

Then you just frankly couldn't care less about the moral side of the issue. That's fine, but don't expect any sympathy if people call you out on AI if you post publicly or if someone takes your images and uses it in your likeness.

>> No.6810143

>reminder that this is the same autist who has been posting since ai started to become a thing
>reminder that he spends the whole day making threads about ai to argue with people

>> No.6810144

the fuck is this post

>> No.6810145

Nah keep coping you belong here sadly

>> No.6810146
File: 59 KB, 750x1125, 1675239642332628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but that is a fairly unique style and it's nothing like this one here.

>> No.6810148

>I'm not afraid to post them like most of you though, I'm just not because it just creates more shitposts.

We need more schizos like you, honestly you should stay one of the most deranged narcissistic people ive seen on this board recently

>> No.6810149

>doesn't even understand what narcissistic means

>> No.6810150

Those 4 images he posted are literally peak AI. If i scrolled through twitter the shiny plastic feeling would automatically give it away. Not to mention this picture you posted would do the same. I don't understand how people can't see it

>> No.6810151

I thought you were implying we keep up with AI by becoming one with it.(accelerated adaptations)
otherwise we are just left behind, maybe the overlords will toss us scraps.

>> No.6810153
File: 53 KB, 768x768, 1684885877446276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just one of the many new art styles AI has created. The plastic thing you're talking about is from upscaling, the red lines is thing from particular models. I'm not arguing it isn't AI or anything.

>> No.6810154

>I don't understand how people can't see it
for me, its because they were deleted before I saw them.

>> No.6810155
File: 417 KB, 512x512, fully AI gen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are only proofs of concept.
what you need to understand is that i could keep working on it after this, for that particular image, i only prompted a bit and immediately upscaled it. but i could have taken it, put my lines over it again (or drawn new lines only for emphasis) and then put it through the wringer over and over again.

that is kinda what i did with >>6809278 where i tried to do more at least for the car and dog.

>it all looks the same.
no. there are only some "popular" styles. similar to how substyles can be popular with real artists.
but AI is not limited to a certain style. that would be silly.
just think about it, it can do photos..

>> No.6810156

From the start I was just saying you do what you gotta do. If your boss tells you to use AI(adapt) or fuck off(die), you'll probably want to adapt. People have already literally died because of AI but most have adapted or will adapt.

>> No.6810158

Yeah I know you're not arguing that, Im saying whatever you choose to do, if you img2img like in his example it automatically renders towards that plastic style because it's popular among prompters. I don't understand using it in that way since you're just genning the same rendered AI that most people can recognize isn't your style.

>> No.6810160

I'm sorry, Im not arguing with you or anything, but all the pictures you posted just look like AI immediately even if you tried touching it up. I can't do that for myself, I'd rather have my style pop through.

>> No.6810162

Daily reminder that people used to publish books of logarithms that were used for calculation

>> No.6810163

>use AI(adapt)
that's the thing, "using AI" is the short sighted part. AI will have a better idea of what people want to see than you do, it doesn't need you.

>> No.6810164


>> No.6810165

Very handsome catters

>> No.6810167
File: 57 KB, 1264x920, 1690419551103365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people make stuff they like, news at 11
Most hand drawn styles aren't unique either.

>> No.6810168

Why should we believe a VPN fag
let alone a faggot who is prob with discord fags who taken any image or sketch and claim it as their own considering most AIfags here do that

>> No.6810170
File: 308 KB, 928x1232, 1689965550595688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah. it's easy to say that. and also since these are all proof of concept, i don't bother touching them up (like why would i go render hands for these experiments?).

look at pic related for example. SD work from one of the bigger AI artists i think.

>> No.6810171

And then we will have to adapt to that. Why can't you distinguish between the future problems and the problems of now(or the near future)?

>> No.6810173

Until ai actually becomes better at mimicking the styles I just don’t see the rendering automation as a good way to use it. I want to build a style and use that to rapport my audience not do what aztodeus does and img2img his sketches for engagement

>> No.6810174

oic, I just like making pics I like. Don't really care what others do but I like a lot of their pics too.

>> No.6810176

I heard about someone using AI to finish an art streamer's piece, I really want to see it, does anyone have a link?

>> No.6810178

This was so funny.

>> No.6810181
File: 920 KB, 1200x1647, bc_succu_stabilo_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think overall AI has been a good thing for art. Artists shouldn't use it, of course. But from what I've seen it has helped artists re-evaluate the value of art and their purpose as an artist. It has re-affirmed the importance of true craft and content. It will motivate the ubermensch artist to transcend industrialized art, trite fanart, kitsch, and mere coom art.
pic related: my coom art

>> No.6810183

well anon you could also say we don't need it considering you fags don't know what designed by commitee is
>also like the algorithm can't be fuck with

>> No.6810185

This is insanely short sighted. The AI can be the committee and the audience. Any audience.
>also like the algorithm can't be fuck with
Implying it can be.

>> No.6810190
File: 16 KB, 243x225, 1692464618101898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you nigga that's how we got this shit

>> No.6810191

What is that?

>> No.6810194

aislop is the subway of art

>> No.6810197

>want to create dog, artist
>draw dog with pen
this is fine
>want to create dog, AI artist
>prompt dog with AI

>> No.6810199

when you say adapt, I think "re-skill, learn new things so you are still useful". do you not see how AI makes that impossible? why so short sighted? you want to talk about using it in the next 3-5 years? meanwhile a tidal wave may be due to arrive in 6?

>> No.6810201

Did you just literally not even read that post?

>> No.6810205

only the watched video on YouTube nigga and sponsored as well
>literally put straight to top because parents sat the babies in front of a font or kindle all day
that and could ask you how do you not know about the "YouTube kids" meme

>> No.6810207
File: 81 KB, 660x495, dog_photo_kodak500_high quality_award winning_4k_HD_Trending on instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6810208

Is this some kind of esoteric zoomer speak? What the fuck is this post?

>> No.6810210
File: 54 KB, 1080x767, 8xldct3f2p951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most watched kinda typing to fast but honestly this is what any "audience" will immediately give you
>and are you really telling me to trust the system when it set like this

>> No.6810211

Can I just say it?

I'm glad to finally be an artist, yes an artist, thanks to modern tools like AI.
Sorry if you're buttmad about it, but yes I can make art just like you, even better honestly
My suggestion? Deal with it

>> No.6810213

what did I miss? spell it out, I may unironically have brain damage.

>> No.6810215


I'm saying the AI will be able to do anything for anyone. I get your point but you're underestimating AI. You could literally tell it stupid shit like "make it more soulful", I do this with images by copying in song lyrics and the composition will radically improve.

>> No.6810216

you can say it, but it's not proof. pyw.

>> No.6810218

AI will know kino inside and out. all audiences will be catered for.

>> No.6810219

this is debatable. and it will be one of the big questions for art in the upcoming age.
my thoughts are here >>6809596 (art isn't linear)

this will affect writing too. but honestly, i think if AI gets that good, it will be effectively sentient and we'll have bigger things to worry about. the world will be entirely different. in a way that is hard to predict.
so why not just focus on the near future first?

>> No.6810223

I honestly find it funny the fact AIfags like using luddites or zoomer as an insult yet y'all seem to be the most retarded and living under a rock to problems any with a modicome of experience doing art or entertainment knows about

>> No.6810231

I don't use those words as insults. I have literally no idea what he is talking about and his english is pretty broken so I assumed he's a zoomer. And luddites are a thing, that's just a fact.

>> No.6810236

>radically improving
>by retards that needed to be told if something wrong
>who are prob to lazy to fix shit
>also I hope you don't mind we decided to add wokeness to all your shows

>> No.6810237

>movie gen AI
>put "wokeness" in the negative prompt

>> No.6810241
File: 96 KB, 720x223, this nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O hey one these niggas
>>6810231 and your prob a pageet

>> No.6810247

Pretty insightful, especially for a coom artist. Kinda crazy how this flood of AI slop devalues itself and 90% of art that is on the same level.

>> No.6810249

>everybody in the movie keeps their eyes closed like wesly snipes in blade and you gotta post-process them open.

>> No.6810256

Funny but comprehension will increase.

>> No.6810259
File: 177 KB, 631x355, criticism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will effect writing as well
>no one's takes most online articles or journalists seriously anyways
>this changes fuck all

>> No.6810265

>try to outsmart the AI, bypassing censors, it is aware and trolls you.


>> No.6810288
File: 33 KB, 580x548, 159200503392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>493 replies
>in less than 10 fucking hours

>> No.6810289

It's kinda funny how AI threads are usually the fastest threads on any board.

>> No.6810316

all it takes is one schizo to kickstart it

>> No.6810331

4. to create art you like

>> No.6810333

Based keep it to yourself and don't post the spam

>> No.6810334

I do and I have a lot of followers.

>> No.6810391

You are posting on the dedicated drawing board man, I dunno why do you expect otherwise.
Its like trying to tell /fit/ to not look down on the people who take steroids.

>> No.6810410

>Its like trying to tell /fit/ to not look down on the people who take steroids.
Not at all, /fit/ is about healthy and steroids are unhealthy. There's nothing wrong with using AI to create art.

>> No.6810426

Holy fucking shit! This thread is AI generated, 500 posts WTF is this not the fastest thread here in a while

>> No.6810438

I am doing something else.
I'm proompting

>> No.6810440

With 52 posters too.
This board is shit

>> No.6810471

Glad you finally admit it's not art.

>> No.6810478

He didn't admit that thogh.

>> No.6810505

Who asked

>> No.6810507

You can continue to cope, but there's strikes involved for AI usage right now even in the public sphere, at least stop being a disingenuous fag and throating techbro narrative cock

>> No.6810509

shut up he's proompting you low class fuck

>> No.6810512


>> No.6810514

What is the point of posting this, that there's more spam than ever at an alarming rate or that none of this is even remotely in the public in actual production pipelines for anything art related

>> No.6810516

Depending on how you use steroids they can be a tool to help maximize growth in certain areas, stop gatekeeping retard

>> No.6810519

>none of this is even remotely in the public in actual production pipelines for anything art related

>> No.6810523

Im glad you picked out one offs from a while back friend. Where's the actual new stuff in this month. Not to mention, even in your example of blizzard doing so you picked one of the worst reputable companies in the gaming sphere. Other major triple A studios like riot that give a fuck about their profits and potential copyright issues disclose addendum clauses for their artists saying they can't use AI.

>> No.6810526

>Other major triple A studios like riot
Literally who?
>Riot Games. Developer of League of Legends, VALORANT
Oh you're a toddler. Keep coping with those goalpost.
Let me guess you'll ignore that all of Microsoft and all its subsidiaries will use AI.

>> No.6810529

I don't get why this surprises anyone. It's a controversial issue that's going to shake up the industry, of course people are going to have opinions and want to talk about it.

>> No.6810530

>Oh you're a toddler. Keep coping with those goalpost.

Sorry pal, i guess picking the leading gaming studio doesn't count but keep coping ill just go with blizzard of all things known for all the sexual harrassment lawsuits and microtransaction practices the epitome of a great gaming company

>Let me guess you'll ignore that all of Microsoft and all its subsidiaries will use AI.

We're talking about art on an art board pal, where are the actual examples that matter where it's AI generated art

>> No.6810531

I don't disagree with you, but your analogy even on the surface level doesn't make sense. Healthy would translate to hand drawn and steroids would just be using AI to do it for you

>> No.6810532

>the leading gaming studio
the absolute state

>> No.6810535

The reality of this whole situation is that most of the pro AI tards that come to argue on here will do nothing of value with the tech because their actual work ethic in creating something doesn't change even with a magical generator.

For anti-AI they're gonna have to adapt one way or the other AI will stay and should be utilized as a tool, but it's not like the hand drawn and fundamentals aspect will go away, so nothing has really changed. Art has always been difficult to make it in no matter which way you take it in illustration, comics, etc.

>> No.6810536

>Healthy would translate to hand drawn
Not in any way does that make sense.

>> No.6810538

>3. to piss off anti-AI people

More than enough reason.

>> No.6810540

You really think if you asked a regular person they would associate AI as the healthy part and not the steroid in the case of drawing? Healthy is the norm of drawing so the hand drawn would be the regular part of the process.

>> No.6810542

More than anything its made me realize how brain dead people are on both sides

>> No.6810548

your normal is insane apparently. your logic is like saying playing a card game is healthy but a video game is unhealthy.

>> No.6810550

>The reality of this whole situation is that most of the pro AI tards that come to argue on here will do nothing of value with the tech because their actual work ethic in creating something doesn't change even with a magical generator.
Oh I totally agree with that. Ask a proompter to show an edited/finished version of their ai image, and they'll spurg out and just proompt another image. No surprise that none of them can be bothered actually doing any sort of work to make an image, even if they're already so close to the finish line.

>> No.6810553

I don't think it's insane when you're one who brought up that specific analogy. Steroids give you a huge boost in gaining muscle, AI does the same for someone who doesn't have drawing skills to pump out illustration level images. It's not insane you're just being stubbornly retarded, just read back your original analogy lmao and I say this as someone who doesn't disagree with AI use

>> No.6810554

it's not unhealthy to create images

>> No.6810557

You brought up fitness and health as the analogy my dude. Im not out to get you, it's just a stupid statement to take to compare it like that.

>> No.6810564

Their version of editing is just inpainting the few parts that they think looks off. It's always the same song and dance, ItS jUsT a ToOl when really it's actually in this case just the model doing the work for you. I have no problem if you're actually doing postprocessing and drawing over it and using it as a tool but then again, there are some real schizos that come out every so often

>> No.6810568

But you're using the model. You're basically saying the pencil is doing the work for you, not you using the pencil.

>> No.6810571

A regular artist doesn't need a pencil to convey their drawings, you can change the medium to anything, a napkin and blood, water and sand. Take away the model from a regular person using it and they can't create images unless they have the drawing capabilities.

>> No.6810572

Retarded analogy. Without the necessary tools you cannot create art in that medium.

>> No.6810573
File: 892 KB, 2103x855, 1689669506915529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not know what steroids does nigga
>honestly the honestly person who I know sure took the AI pill is cris on /3/
>and that nigga been looking for a new way to "speed" up his process for near 10 years now I think currently he's on the 8th year of fuck all being done

>> No.6810576

Bit of a bad faith take don't you think are you the dumbass who brought up the fitness analogy lmao. I can use my nail on a hard surface anywhere next to me if "tools" are your problem. We're talking mainly illustrations in this context since that's the majority of what AI users generate, so tell me what the alternative tool is for a model? There is none, because an artist has the fundamentals to convey what they have in their mind outside regardless of the tools. There's no transferring of abilities without the model for your average prompter.

>> No.6810578

What on earth are you quoting are you good

>> No.6810583

A nail is a tool and a computer with an art generator installed on it is as well. This is getting stupid so don't bother replying again.

>> No.6810586

so you don't cris the schizo of stagnation anon
>honestly how many AIfags are also new fags apparently
>I would say lurk more but y'all gonna be shilling anyways or trying to debate retarded shit

>> No.6810589

I'm sorry you can't get over your insecurity that generating that special illustration doesn't actually give you the skills necessary to be able to do it without the model. You could've just argued that you don't care about that as long as you can generate. Even that would've been a better cope than this retarded take of tools when you can't even bring up a substitute for the model you bumbling retard

>> No.6810592

I drew a lot today so im just bored for now taking a break. But reading through all these posts makes me lose brain cells

>> No.6810595

Why do you even care about this in the first place. This is such a weird response like no shit, generating images isn't gonna give you drawing skills to be able to make those same drawings the fuck are you on

>> No.6810607

No one other than AIsimps will agree with you. Any person watching an artist draw vs. you generating an image will equate the two the same but you're stuck too far up your ass to realize that you're in a bubble

>> No.6810627

So, now that this thread is approaching its end, what is the general established conclusion?

>> No.6810639

That nothing has changed. Just by looking at this thread, it's the same as it was a year ago.
Can't wait for the nothing burger next year as well.

>> No.6810646

i'm not talking about online articles, what the fuck? do you not read books?
i'm talking about fiction writing.

well, what's your conclusion after reading it?
mine is this:
>it does feel like gatekeeping is a huge part of this entire discourse
>even when ic admits that AI is a tool, the posts will still end up talking about how real artists will end up making better AI stuff or you still need skill or whatever the case. muh skill, skill skill.
if you're good at art, i just don't understand why you'd bother worrying about how non-creatives use AI. i feel that there is always this obsession about how
>"we're still better!"
>"you can't touch us!"
that feels pointless to me. it all feels like a giant coping mechanism to me.

>> No.6810666
File: 1.26 MB, 1536x1152, 608801015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty cool.

>> No.6810667

Niggers love to cope about AI, can't really blame them, i'm also kinda mad and sad that the skill i learned over the years has become much less usefull, but i'm not gonna just reject realitic like a schizo.

>> No.6810670

This is the "Artwork/Critique" board, not the drawing one. You can post about sculping marble statues here if you want, you can post about AI generetaed images too.

>> No.6810672

That 90% of the posters are too poor to buy a good PC in order to use AI for their benefit and cope about it.

>> No.6810683

We have had these threads constantly for over a year now, none of them in good faith, just trolls and bait at this point. As you can see from the ratio of 550 posts to 55 IPs, most of this board simply ignores these threads or has added AI keywords to their filter.

>> No.6810692

i'm posting in good faith. fuck you if you believe otherwise.

that's just sad.

>> No.6810711

soul vs soulless

>> No.6810715
File: 2.61 MB, 1536x1152, 4249028193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It do be like that sometimes, rough sketches and lineart have a certain je ne se quoi to them.

>> No.6810782

>that's just sad.
Sure, but the discourse has definitely not changed, just look at this wretched thread. It's going to be another year of AI simps and AI Luddites battling out... yippee

>even when ic admits that AI is a tool, the posts will still end up talking about how real artists will end up making better AI stuff or you still need skill or whatever the case. muh skill, skill skill.
Because you come in and post images that are wonky and odd, and what areas they do look appealing, you didn't really work to create (from the view of an artist from any other field). When asked if you can at least edit it and fix it up, which to artists seems like the bear minimum of work because it's already so close to being done for you, I haven't seen any AI artist actually go through with it and do it. For people who are apparently so love with their medium, they show very little commitment to it, you just want a pat on the back for handing in someone else's work... Well "you" in a general AI fan sense, and not specifically YOU anon, but you get my point.

And this is all on top of the constant attempt at trolling. I swear half the threads on this board have their first post taken by someone spouting useless crap such as "just use AI lol".

>> No.6810792

>first post taken by someone spouting useless crap such as "just use AI lol".
First post is usually someone bitching and then reporting to the jannies. Make an aiart general and don't visit. You don't visit "cute boys" or "loli+shota". Right?

>> No.6810805

Reminder that you don't need to draw to create art. Your skill has lost value.

>> No.6810830
File: 196 KB, 928x1232, 1666428962151745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this is like the retarded "post your work" mentality.
intellectually you should KNOW whether something can be touched up or not without me having to explicitly show you that i've done it. or just look at the people who do touch their shit up >>6810170

again and again, people here keep coming back to this part. about
>muh skill, muh skill, non artists can't touch me lalala.
meanwhile i'm arguing for the validity of this entire field as a whole.
this is going to be an entirely new field in art, with tons of new approaches and processes, and you retards will just leave the entire discourse on /g/ay?

the there are multiple reasons why i don't touch up anything. it's because the discourse around this is incredibly toxic and retarded. just look at this anon >>6810101 immediately assuming that i didn't do anything, simply because it's AI. second reason is because i'm trying to figure shit out myself. the pieces themselves are really not the point, they're proofs of concept. just for me to see what can be done and what else i could do.

as for the trolling, you're just falling for their bait.
and it's effective because it's partly true. our skill has lost some of its value. that is just a fact. but imo artists still have a giant advantage when using AI art.
and averting your eyes won't change anything...

>> No.6810835

says the nigga who is prob the VPN fag

>> No.6810840

you're a low IQ retard, don't reply to me again.

>> No.6810843

I don't trust Avatar fags anon and you come here everyday to bitch

>> No.6810866

i only take on a trip so people don't mix me up with the trolls when having discussions.
also i said this before but i'm not ban evading. i just wasn't banned despite having my threads deleted. (why is this one allowed to stay? huh?)

>> No.6810867

>Make an aiart general and don't visit.
Why would I? I don't make AI art, nor do I care much about it.

>but this is like the retarded "post your work" mentality.
Expecting you to fix up your work? I'd say it's closer to red-lining than saying "pyw".

>intellectually you should KNOW whether something can be touched up or not without me having to explicitly show you that i've done it.
Yes. Which is why we often point out all the problems with it, and AI advocates do nothing about it. The fucked up limbs, the weird inconsistencies, the ugly random blurriness, too many details in certain araes etc - these are problems, and should be fixed.

> just look at the people who do touch their shit up >>6810170
Yes? I'm not sure what you want me to say? There are still things in there that should be fixed up (like the earrings), but it's also not as poor as many AI images that's posted here. I'd like to see a before & after shot to see what he did, but that's neither here nor there. At least with this image, I wouldn't pause seeing it just because of the hideous errors in it.

>muh skill, muh skill, non artists can't touch me lalala
I didn't mention skills. I mentioned putting effort into your piece.

>meanwhile i'm arguing for the validity of this entire field as a whole.
I can see AI being used, but not the way you're advocating for it currently. No one, other than other proompters, thinks highly of proompters. Mixing it with drawing, or taking the AI to an extreme level to make truly complex pieces no human could conceivably draw, I can see value in that.

>the there are multiple reasons why i don't touch up anything. it's because the discourse around this is incredibly toxic and retarded.
And that reasoning is incredibly toxic and retarded. You don't make your art the best it could be because you don't like the current discussion surrounding AI? The fuck is this?

>> No.6810868

>>6810830 cont.
> just look at this anon >>6810101 immediately assuming that i didn't do anything, simply because it's AI.
Sounds like an inferiority complex my dude. Who cares what he thinks? Why do YOU care what he thinks? That aside...

>i'm trying to figure shit out myself. the pieces themselves are really not the point, they're proofs of concept. just for me to see what can be done and what else i could do.
I mean that's cool, but I'd need to see your experiments to comment on it, because so far I haven't seen anything I'd call all that interesting (not to sound like a critical cunt). However, you can't expect to post scribbles or experimental sketches on this board and expect people to applaud you if they feel it's lazy or looks like shit.

>as for the trolling, you're just falling for their bait.
I never reply to them outside of these threads, so no.

>and it's effective because it's partly true. our skill has lost some of its value. that is just a fact. but imo artists still have a giant advantage when using AI art.
I agree. I think our skills will help with editing and creating truly interesting images, because artists have the dedication to see these things through. That's why it confounds me that you refuse to edit your images.

>and averting your eyes won't change anything...
Maybe others are averting their eyes. I've always maintained that it's going to become part of the pipeline.

Well whatever, you do you. Have fun proompting my guy.

>> No.6810874
File: 442 KB, 500x500, 1592560169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey thanks, you have fun with your drawings.

>> No.6810886

>Mixing it with drawing, or taking the AI to an extreme level to make truly complex pieces no human could conceivably draw, I can see value in that.
but that IS my approach? (>>6810135, >>6809564, the character in >>6809278 was also sketched by me) i'm just in the process of figuring out possible workflows. i never advocated for being a pure prompter.
the entire point is i want see the limits of what it can do for artists as a tool.

>And that reasoning is incredibly toxic and retarded. You don't make your art the best it could be because you don't like the current discussion surrounding AI? The fuck is this?
what do you think the point would be? i would end up with a piece that is ultimately "tainted" in the eyes of everyone. it's not like i'm interested in gaining a following using AI art. i want to learn how to use it for projects that will actually matter. for now the goal is learning. how many pieces should i spend time on to finish until i realize that it wasn't the point of the experiment?

i don't know about you, but when i see >>6810079, i can immediately see how i could continue it, and i'm not just talking corrections. but doing so would be more and more specific to my own style and approach, and that's not what i want right now. because doing that will just label me as an "AI artist", and who knows what kind of repercussions that has in this kind of environment where idiots think that the machine is stealing images?
i'm focusing on learning and a general approach for now. once i got that figured out, then i can go into my own specifics, and maybe people will have become more informed by then.

>> No.6810889

>Sounds like an inferiority complex my dude. Who cares what he thinks? Why do YOU care what he thinks? That aside...
i don't care. but it is an indication of what might happen outside of here, in other spaces.
>ai is stealing
>ai is all shit anyway
>you have no skill if you use ai
do YOU want your shit to be in any way linked to any of the above? and this is exactly what i'm saying, nobody here can see AI for what it is.

whenever the topic comes up, it just shines a massive light on all your insecurities. meanwhile i'm sitting here just seeing it for what it is, a new tool. but nobody here wants to engage with it because of all the baggage.

you seem to pretty much agree with me on the rest. so you too should see that it's not smart for ic and artists as a whole to have this attitude towards AI.

>> No.6810911
File: 52 KB, 291x246, IMG_20230824_082430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTA but "your insecurities"
>on the crab board that shits on every one
>keeps going you must accept AI
>/ic/ needs to change
>you can't call it all shit you need to say something nice about it
Here's song for you anon for your constant retarded need to debate

>> No.6810933
File: 31 KB, 563x564, 1676623585535613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have a point. /ic/ is retarded and always has been. I sometimes forget that.
In the end, i just want to have some nice discussion about SD workflows..
i should probably go looking for those communities instead of trying to create it here among you stupid tardos...

>> No.6810971

I find you more retarded thinking your gonna change anyone's opinion by acting like you have answer to questions that was already discussed about even a year before.
>also your lack of knowledge of what goes on outside anything not AI related that Le AI only makes worse is for some reason not shilling to you
>though prob see you back anyways even after just to keep shilling

>> No.6810981
File: 563 KB, 512x768, 1663917556803336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI makes everything worse
you people are just delusional. or you just lack vision. you genuinely don't realize how much baggage you carry with you when you say stuff like this.

it's just cope, you're hoping that "AI won't get THAT good". And whenevr you see examples suggesting the opposite, you call it a fluke.
instead of facing the problem head on you get into retarded shouting matches with idiots about sentience and the meaning of art, as if any of that matters.

anyway, you're right. i'm gonna go look at civtai for more resources or some shit. just unfortunate that i'll have to wait longer until you tards catch up.

>> No.6810986

there were artists who decried every single tool that became ubiquitous, and others profited. nobody remembers the naysayers.

>> No.6811059

I don’t get it, you’re talking to people who want to get good at drawing and painting, most of the time ai is just used as a crutch, why are you so obsessed with getting /ic of all things to use it. You’re even more schizo for pushing your things onto them. At the end of the day it’s not like ai getting infinitely better means you’re learning to actually obtain the skill of drawing yourself if you’re just gonna prompt

>> No.6811061

If it’s just a tool then you realize that most people here don’t wanna use it as a crutch and will use it later down the line if it gets more streamlined and accepted? Stop acting like it’s black or white they need to accept it now you’re just as bad as the naysayers retard

>> No.6811087

because i see this as an extention to a person's drawing or painting skills.
the more skills you have, the more CONTROL you have over the AI's outputs.
my drawing skills are decent but my painting skills suck, so i always wondered what a truly skilled painter could do with stable diffusion when using all of its capabilities.

>> No.6811090

well you do have a point in that this probably affects beginners differently.
but even for them, i think if they have any inkling of going into art professionally, they should probably learn this.

>> No.6811106

nobody's forcing anyone to use it, unless it's part of your job, which it might well be in the future

>> No.6811118
File: 5 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filters are an extension to a person drawing/painting skills
I didn't know E-thots were the first masters of this "technique"

>> No.6811142

Yes, they can at a later point because it's honestly not even that important in the beginning whatsoever. It also doesn't even take that long to use maybe a couple days compared to the years of effort needed to learn how to actually draw as a base. All it is is a crutch for beginners and int which surprise surprise this board is made of since they want to get better.

If you're actually serious about wanting to go into art, then unironically just working on your fundamentals on a basis and getting better will do better for you in the long run. You can always implement AI when you're at a solid enough level because it's not that difficult to learn

>> No.6811145

Only you can decide for yourself if you're fine with your skill level. Adding in AI to finish the render for you isn't gonna help you get better. If you're okay at your current level of skill then no one's stopping you either you're free to do as you please. I'm just annoyed at the shills that come in here trying to spread their own mediocrity because they're insecure about not having the drawing foundation that their genned images stem from

>> No.6811152

You know anon half the shit you ask for when it comes to editing AI is basically how do I Photoshop or photobash.

This shit not exactly new the way you want to implement it is "fixing up" (editing pictures) which is /gd/ that's has it's own board
>even then though Photoshoping needs you to actually keep track of your references or sources

>> No.6811206

no. stop talking if you don know how SD works. you have no idea what i did or learned to get to even these current results. like that this dog >>6809278 >>6809564 is stitched together from 7 different gens with different settings.
do you think that's optimal? who knows, but this is the kind of workflow stuff that would be interesting to discuss, if only there were other fellow AI users who are also artists.

i don't really expect it to boost my skill in any direct way, but it WILL help me engage with the things i like instead of, in my case, painting, which i don't care much about.
and that will make me more productive and happy probably. this might then boost my other skills, the ones i do actually use when working working with ai.
i honestly see it as rather liberating. and i'm surprised other people don't see it this way.
an artist like me who is not very well rounded could become incredibly well rounded together with AI.
there definitely can be a factor of synergy there.

EVEN BEGINNERS. They can maybe learn some stuff, and let the ai do everything else. and as they learn more and more, they could gradually gain more control over what they're doing. maybe. dunno. don't care about beginners desu.

a crutch isn't always a bad thing. most people never get far with art anyway. that's just the simple truth.

>> No.6811233

I don't understand why people act like touching up random gens is worthwhile. Like why chase perfection for some image you generated in a couple of seconds and looks pretty good or whatever? Most drawfags produce art that's even worse than AI art and it takes them ages, what is with these crazy double standards?

>> No.6811239

>maybe. dunno. don't care about beginners desu

That's great, but no one here gives a fuck on the opposite side of how happy you are to use AI either. The whole point of this board is focused mainly on getting better at drawing, and relying on a crutch for most of the people who are at the starting stages is just forming a bad habit that won't help them in reaching that goal.

>a crutch isn't always a bad thing.

Im sorry what? No one who actually wants to improve in anything, not just drawing will denounce the idea of relying on a crutch, this is just cope.

>most people never get far with art anyway. that's just the simple truth.

Well no shit, it's difficult to learn to do anything on a competent level, more so for drawing because it engages a different part of your brain that we don't normally use in our everyday lives. Like I said, if you're content with your skill level then go for it, but don't assume everyone else has that same level in mind, they could settle for less or more

>> No.6811241
File: 2.03 MB, 1024x1024, 1691643867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst is when you spent a bunch of time editing an image and it ends up looking worse than a straight up generation. It's necessary though if you're really trying to get something specific.

>> No.6811242

>stitched together from 7 different gens with different settings.
>do you think that's optimal? who knows, but this is the kind of workflow stuff that would be interesting to discuss, if only there were other fellow AI users who are also artists.

Why would you use SD so suboptimally in all the best generations ive seen and in my workflow i dont get this retarded workflow from the minority trying to say look heres all the work i did it means something. Like the whole fucking point of using ai is to maximize efficiency and speed by automating it. you miss the point of how we use SD by a whole mile

>> No.6811251

I get it if you're doing it for yourself, what I don't get is the double standards.
>shitty artist makes shitty art
>this is fine, no complaints, yas girl slay!!
>Ai artist makes anything
>seemingly hordes of people, if prompted, will point out completely inconsequential flaws and act like the world is ending

>> No.6811258
File: 3.00 MB, 2839x3295, 2206676591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a classic case of virtue signaling, pay it no mind. That said, sometimes it can be taken as constructive criticism.

>> No.6811262
File: 1.22 MB, 1424x1424, 1681576647665801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..because i put something into those "random gens"?
see >>6809278 >>6809564 (how many times will i have to quote this lol)
even in this example, how much do you think is mine and how much is the AIs?

a crutch can carry you a long way.
although in this case it's here to stay. so what difference does it make to start now or later?
the way i see it, if they use it as a crutch, then they probably don't see the point in learning it anyway. and if they do see the advantages, then they'll still aim to learn it all the same.

i suspect it's not the beginners you're worrying about here, i get the feeling you're all more worried about them cheating and making potentially "better" stuff with less effort. but again, that train has left the station. stop worrying about it and look ahead instead of being a crab.

again, this is a proof of concept. do you understand what that means? I'm trying to see if something can be done a certain way or not.
that image went like this
>roughly draw girl
>gen girl
>roughly sketch sofa
>paint dog and cat
i wanted to see how well SD took to me trying to insert new things by drawing and painting them.
i'm not trying to just make a particularly good image, i'm merely testing my own control direct here. i've made plenty of pure-promt images too. i know it's easier and different, but i don't have a ton of control there, the model and loras have more control ultimately.

pic related is also a proof of concept.
it's shit but it's supposed to show something can be done.

>> No.6811272

AI is good because it allows right wingers to make art now because they're too stupid to learn how to draw

>> No.6811273

>again, this is a proof of concept. do you understand what that means?
They don't. In general people don't seem to understand what this implies or that technology improves following proof of concepts.

>> No.6811277

I don't think its that difficult to see

>Model will do the generation and bulk of the work for you
>you can't even be half assed to fix the issues with the image
>you're also on a board specialized in drawing not prompting

like what do you expect you can't be this dumb right

>> No.6811281

>you can't even be half assed to fix the issues with the image
And you probably can't make anything decent no matter how much you try and that's okay, this is my point.

>> No.6811287

>a crutch can carry you a long way.
although in this case it's here to stay. so what difference does it make to start now or later?

Because people just like drawing in general or painting/rendering? Like I don't get this mentality, if you're trying to make a name for yourself you wouldn't rely on a crutch to fake it right? I only say start later because taking the time to learn to draw doesn't change. It takes time and the process is still the same. With AI, as it becomes more and more streamlined it'll become even easier than it is to use and at that point any seasoned artist can learn to use it then without wasting time on fundamentals. It's just not efficient if you're trying to get better.

>i suspect it's not the beginners you're worrying about here, i get the feeling you're all more worried about them cheating and making potentially "better" stuff with less effort. but again, that train has left the station. stop worrying about it and look ahead instead of being a crab

I don't know why this is so hard for you to grasp.
>People want to get better so they come here as /beg to learn the process of drawing because they like it and want to get better
>introducing a crutch and trying to justify it in the process doesn't make sense
>AI will continue to get better and better, yet the very core of drawing(whether it's a skill or hobby) will not change. It doesn't matter if someone "cheats" and just gens better art to someone who wanted to pursue drawing in the first place.

You're the one trying to justify the use of AI to people who want to draw, you're being a crab for some odd reason with this everyone needs to adapt to AI so you should use it now. Like no, just let them figure it out for themselves if they need to or not

>> No.6811288

You sound like a retard when you're not even the ones developing the models themselves. And I say this as a promptfag

>> No.6811291

I dont know why you're talking about decency in results when the majority of the training data that outputs the results are interpolated from other artist's works. Like I get you wanna feel special but SD is just a tool, you're not special for generating things. Let alone not even taking 5min in photoshop to fix up the image and artifacts

>> No.6811292

It seems you're illiterate.

>> No.6811295

And you're the epitome of laziness. What an absolute retard talking about results of genned illustrations when you fail to even draw in the first place. You're worse than the actual promptfags and anti-AI fags because you legitmately believe you're doing something special grow up

>> No.6811297

How triggered do you have to be to take offense at just touching up the genned images in photoshop or something after like its a bad thing

>> No.6811301

>And you're the epitome of laziness.
You're making a strawman argument now because you're angry. What did I say earlier? That I'm lazy? No.
>Ai artist makes anything
>seemingly hordes of people, if prompted, will point out completely inconsequential flaws and act like the world is ending
It doesn't matter what the AI artist puts out, you'll freak. Love how you're just grasping at straws for any kind of insults too. You are so sad.
The fact you think this means anything is so funny.

>> No.6811302


>> No.6811303

>What did I say earlier? That I'm lazy? No.

Do you even know what a strawman is. It doesn't take a genius to realize that maybe there's a discrepancy in what it takes to just gen something, and for another person to take the time draw it. Is it really that much trouble to just fix the issues after you gen it? That's just laziness no matter how you spin it whether you project strawman or not.

>It doesn't matter what the AI artist puts out, you'll freak. Love how you're just grasping at straws for any kind of insults too. You are so sad

I'm sorry you feel that way, maybe don't post it in a drawing board in the first place..? Like I don't know what you're expecting do you want the whole world to babysit your ass lmao

>The fact you think this means anything is so funny.

I'm sorry you hate drawing friend

>> No.6811304

>completely dismisses the topic
Does this bitch made passive aggression really make you feel better? Holy shit.

>> No.6811307

>answers every point he raises
>CoMpLeTeLy DiSmIsSeS ThE tOpIc

>> No.6811310

>The fact you think this means anything is so funny.

>Does this bitch made passive aggression really make you feel better? Holy shit.

What is this projection jesus christ

>> No.6811313

>if you're trying to make a name for yourself you wouldn't rely on a crutch to fake it right?
depends on what you're trying to make. if you're trying to be known primarily for your skill in one specific field. yeah. but otherwise no, not necessarily. what does matter though is the quality of the resulting product. how it was made shouldn't matter unless you want to known as the second coming of KJG or something.
also it's not like i want AI to be all encompassing on /ic/. but there should at least be a general or something for it.

and yes, it is up to the person whether they want to use it or not. this is why i want ic to stop censuring it.

>> No.6811316

>>answers every point he raises
You're just making strawman arguments to defend yourself, I didn't post anything.

>doesn't even understand what passive aggression means
This bitch got slighted for his autist conduct and has been making strawman arguments.

>> No.6811326

>what does matter though is the quality of the resulting product. how it was made shouldn't matter unless you want to known as the second coming of KJG or something.

Are you just completely missing the mark, there's amazing artists out there that have subpar work in results, but have an audience that likes them for what they do or make. There's all kinds of strengths that matter in how you market yourself. If the best quality in a product was all that was needed, you would see AI images wiping the floor on social media, or leading to artists switching en masse.

>also it's not like i want AI to be all encompassing on /ic/. but there should at least be a general or something for it.

I doubt it, after all the schizo threads someone tried putting up yesterday

>this is why i want ic to stop censuring it.

Threads like these are still up, there's no censuring going on unless you act like a schizo like that other dude

>> No.6811327

>>And you're the epitome of laziness.
>You're making a strawman argument now because you're angry. What did I say earlier? That I'm lazy? No.
>>Ai artist makes anything
>>seemingly hordes of people, if prompted, will point out completely inconsequential flaws and act like the world is ending
>It doesn't matter what the AI artist puts out, you'll freak. Love how you're just grasping at straws for any kind of insults too. You are so sad.
>The fact you think this means anything is so funny.

Are you just braindead or something like genuinely, I can not believe how angry you get because someone called you out on the efficiency of AI and that maybe just maybe doing a little bit more work to fix the glaring problems will help in curbing the negativity? How are you so up your own ass

>> No.6811329

You are literally incapable of reading because you're sperging out too hard.

>> No.6811330

>This bitch got slighted for his autist conduct and has been making strawman arguments.

That comment was aimed at you you dumbass why the fuck are you on a drawing board trying to put down people for drawing. That's like some schizo going into /g and calling everyone retards for prompting

>> No.6811333

Yap yap yap read the points and try responding again otherwise you're just someone who couldn't even stand by their own argument

>> No.6811334

>trying to put down people for drawing
Literal schizophrenia.

>> No.6811337

>trying to put down people for drawing
>>The fact you think this means anything is so funny.
>Literal schizophrenia.

Clearly you do know what a strawman is since you use it well enough but you're still not responding

>> No.6811338

lol even pro manga artists are lying about using AI now

>> No.6811342

That's how you know using AI is worthless and ruins your reputation. When you got mother fuckers lying about it and the disingenuous AIfags refusing the idea that it devalues the work. Like the fuck why would i ever pay for AI art or anything ever again when the training data doesn't even need to be licensed.

>> No.6811346

Everyone will use it in the future.

>> No.6811356

they have by far the most reason to use it, along with animators.

>Are you just completely missing the mark, there's amazing artists out there that have subpar work in results, but have an audience that likes them for what they do or make.
that is not the point. either way you have some sort of vision, and if the ai can help you get there, then use it.

>I doubt it, after all the schizo threads someone tried putting up yesterday
unless someone else kept making threads after mine were deleted.
and they were pretty much the same as this thread in terms of content. i don't get it.

>> No.6811358
File: 641 KB, 1440x1920, 1662889888823078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude drew Slayers, which is a huge manga.
He posted about using AI before and trying to incorporate it into his work flow.
Don't get why he's lying now. But people who don't know shit are going to believe his retarded "evidence" anyway because he's a veteran

>> No.6811359
File: 282 KB, 915x1214, 1676032844965389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is his actual art with no AI

>> No.6811387

It's one thing if you're honest about using AI but to lie to people like that you're the scum of the earth. Makes the point even clearer that people don't want to pay the same amount for AI generated work. Even a measly 500 yen doujin was too expensive for the people who bought it and questioned it after it was brought up

>> No.6811463

This kind of incorporation does wonders for demoralization because it clearly looks like AI, but people dont know how much of it is AI and how much of it is hand made, which then gives anti-AI fags chills looking at AI doing these kinds of complex compositions without artefacts. People instead think that AI has achived this kind of composition diversity and polish with just a simple prompt, when in fact it is mostly just a collage of multiple AI pictures.

>> No.6811464

it's not exactly hard to prompt stuff like that

>> No.6811472

no, pretty sure that his work from decades ago.

also you're a bunch of fucking idiots

>> No.6811475

You have no idea what's being discussed. Fuck off

>> No.6811519


>> No.6811566
File: 113 KB, 584x1200, EBP4XIDWwAMdJnu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did it take you to discover you can copy paste anime bitches in random backgrounds anon
>truly groundbreaking stuff basic editing knowledge is anon
>I can't believe learning to do baby's first dating game was that revolutionary
>proof of concept is him telling everyone how much fuckin hand holding he needs to think of the simplest shit

>> No.6811567
File: 1.17 MB, 2973x3958, aiaiaiaiaiaiai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a false accusation. we already had a huge thread about it.

>> No.6811572

genuine retard

>> No.6811576

reads like typical authenticity angst during shifts in technology

>> No.6811612

you believe it was painted by a human?
people were getting very insistent that it was human made. discussing it with only words wasn't getting through.

>> No.6811622
File: 208 KB, 978x333, 1681835475128352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no attention for detail anon.
the perspective fits, that's why it's not quite the same as a VN.
although yeah, in effect it is showing the same thing as>>6809564: the ability of the AI to read and implement my sketch into the setting.

that one is arguably more impressive because how shitty my sketch was. though the prompt also aids it.

pic related is me trying to keep it at a clower leash.

>> No.6811626

I why should I believe it's your sketch you could've just taken any sketch on the web considering your example of it being used is pre beg shit >>6811262 and immediately turns it to generic anime girl

>> No.6811645

not this shit again. believe what you want. it doesn't change what I'm saying or showing here.

that other sketch was drawn with a mouse.

>> No.6811654

Considering your working hard on only shilling like bitch as much as cris about Le efficiency you need to fuck off.
>also post a competent drawing but act like a brainlet on basic shit and keep debating retarded shit to shill why you should use AI
>why does no one believe