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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.48 MB, 1024x1536, 1690061364657429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6806980 No.6806980 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck do we do now that AI can do style transfer, pic related is animal crossing x pseudoregalia

it's time to drop the "it arr rooks the same" argument since it can clearly be made to look like anything you want

>> No.6806981
File: 617 KB, 1512x1768, 043ff0535ffa69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the thread?

>> No.6806984

the thread where you tippy top around an actual relevant topic to artists because of cognitive dissonance, you have to cope somehow because dealing with reality is not an option, aka tranny mentality

this shit is precisely what needs to be discussed about more because it's a threat to commercial artists

>> No.6806985


>> No.6806986

good morning sir

>> No.6806987

Enlighten me Buddha sir!

>> No.6806989

hello nigger

>> No.6806990

fuck off sir

>> No.6806991

Cool it with the racism, buddy.

>> No.6806994

I've been experimenting with stable diffusion for the last 2 weeks and honestly, I think it's fucking over.
If AI keeps progressing at this rate, by the end of next year we'll have full fledged anime episodes made by AI.

>> No.6806995
File: 84 KB, 1122x1122, oshimai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over sir

>> No.6806996
File: 38 KB, 686x386, 1692610054182137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's insane considering the source character looks like this, how the hell does it seamlessly do these crossovers where it can clearly apply the likeness to a completely different shape design? reducing everything to just saying it's just an algorithm or something doesn't detract from the outcome either way
it seems like you can get it to do almost anything but at this point in time it's more hassle than just one press of a button

>> No.6807001


>> No.6807004

Stop shitting on the thread, sirs!! Dont you see AI needs to be discussion???

Fuck you, I fucked your moms

>> No.6807008

diminishing returns are far too complex for the average indian to understand
2 more weeks sirs

>> No.6807009

we've reached the point where there's nothing left for /ic/ to do than just deflect everything to indians, meanwhile half this board consists of spics

>> No.6807012
File: 2.80 MB, 3393x1104, 1661682261620498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the current stable diffusion model hasn't even reached the parameter count in that third image

you're right in saying that diminishing returns will creep up, but that's because you reach perfection and there's no room to improve

>> No.6807013

we've reached the points where there's nothing left for ai shills to do than just deflect every argument and shitpost ai sludge

>> No.6807014

Stop samefagging allbeatnik sir

>> No.6807015

Another ai thread! Huzzah! Come on guys let's all feed the ai bros some (you)s! They are hungry!

>> No.6807016
File: 40 KB, 605x264, 076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-y-y-you're just a streetshitter
>ai will not replace us!
>please stop making threads I don't want to see
>why are you making me bump this thread I don't like?
this board is in a fierce competition with /x/ about which board can be the most mentally unstable.
like, just don't bump this shit?

>> No.6807017

>us vs them
nothing stops you from being fascinated by AI while at the same time being into drawing

>> No.6807018

Prepare for an onslaught of thicc 1girls. And to show you they are artists... A sunset.

>> No.6807019

...and it still looks like sludge lmfao

>> No.6807020


>> No.6807021

KEEEEEEEEEEEK, like clockwork.

>> No.6807022

your work pales in comparison to the 350m parameter example image

>> No.6807023

post your work sir

>> No.6807024

I wonder where he is at right now. Probably samefagging on another board?
/ic/ has been free from his bullshit in a while.
Fag finally took the hint and yeeted himself off the board, that's good and all, but I kind of miss messing with him.

>> No.6807025

>deflecting the argument
pls sir..........

>> No.6807026

You have to post your work now to show you're not a bitch. Otherwise AIfags win.

>> No.6807027

what's wrong with it, the sydney opera house in the background is recognizable, it looks like a photograph, the kangaroo head is well placed in the hoodie, the folds on the hoodie area realistic, the sign is readable, the sunglasses are well placed

only thing I would change is the temples on the sunglasses, but the again it has no human ears

>> No.6807028

He's stinking up the acrg threads. Maybe he'll be summoned after this for some (You)'s. Sir.

>> No.6807031

More (you)s. Keep it us. Feed them! Do this to encourage them to come back tomorrow with another thread for more!

>> No.6807032

what arguments?
>your just a smelly pajeet
>well the result looks like shit anyway because it just does okay

>> No.6807035

>what's wrong with it
why are pajeets so disingenuous?

KEK, rajeesh, your slop looks like slop. because it's "recognizable" doesn't mean it's not slop.

>> No.6807036

Open wide, here comes the (you)

>> No.6807037

what strawman? your reply literally is
>your just a smelly pajeet
>well the result looks like shit anyway because it just does okay

>> No.6807039
File: 182 KB, 391x412, 1682288426160008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, link of the thread?
>Maybe he'll be summoned after this for some (You)'s. Sir.
You want me to summon him? he could be of use in this thread.

>> No.6807040

Good job fellow/ic/er! He's gobbling up that (you) like groceries! This is very productive.

>> No.6807042

/ic/ must be filled with women because all your ""arguments"" are emotion driven garble that's detached from reality

>> No.6807043

ohnonono, pls stop being so disingenuous sir. maybe post an even lower res with an even blurrier background next time so it doesn't look so ai generated sir

>> No.6807045

>ai art is art BECAUSE IT JUST IS OK? i feel like they're the same therefore they just are

>> No.6807046
File: 6 KB, 247x250, 0c86decfc71fe0c12543a44f6df25fb6211e4e7954539f77cb43442dd981ee99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6807048

it produces images, arguing over the semantics is woman shit

>> No.6807049
File: 1.54 MB, 832x1216, 40_3464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6807050

Lots of samefagging by the sir

>> No.6807051

Nomonomnomnom (you)s for all ai fags, come and get it! Ding ding ding ding ding

>> No.6807052

>appealing to logic and reason is le heckin woman shit
god i wish i could stop with the (You)s but seeing your little monkey brain acting up is too funny to me, like a never-ending circus.

>> No.6807054

yes sir you can generate an image but how would you impress a woman with your drawing skills

>> No.6807055

>no sir my slop is worthy sir

>> No.6807056

yeah you're still just posting empty emotional whining
this AI shit can output images that have the ability to replace human made output in a commercial environment since the output is the product not the artist

>> No.6807059

He cummed on that you. You just ate a cummy hahahaha

>> No.6807060

/ic/ fags be like
>was that background in that isekai anime made by AI
>meanwhile the entire show is peak goyslop with monkey being paid in peanuts to doodle half animated slideshows

>> No.6807061
File: 1.43 MB, 832x1216, 45_8359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to impress women with his drawing skills
just hit the gym lol.

>> No.6807062

/ic/ is for draw chads not generation slop, do the needful and fuck off sir

>> No.6807064

why do you never see these drawchads on this board then? ever thought that maybe this is the purgatory for failures?

>> No.6807065
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 1655771318123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in tears, genuinely, from the laughter. you street shitting pajeets think that a machine that relies solely on human made art can create the next mario? the next gordon freeman? and its corresponding worlds?
i'm the emotional one and yet you are the one to seem to feel very bitter towards artists in general, constantly putting out non arguments.

>> No.6807069
File: 132 KB, 696x638, 1692490968383870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it amazes me how your still incapable of putting text on white background
>I'm pretty sure too anon we already had the tools to do this why don't you use them

>> No.6807070

Another one. Keep him fed or he'll leave. We wouldn't want that would we drawfag?

>> No.6807071

>S-sir! This board has no good artists! Only AI is good! Please understand and listen!

>> No.6807072
File: 558 KB, 832x1216, 10_9648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6807073

sir this is not the toilet sir.
/g/ is in the other hallway sir

>> No.6807074

can you create the next
>check notes
mario or gordon freeman lol

yes AI can output countless shitty OC as can you, the context is what made those recognizable characters, which is that they're made for larger projects that have become franchises

>> No.6807075

remember guys, it's the artists the ones who are emotional.

>> No.6807076

nonono you should give your woman to the ai sir
its superior

>> No.6807080

ai users are straight up schizos just look at this shit

>> No.6807081

>I'm not arguing out of emotion let me prove it by posting a wojak nigger and argue about how in fact I'm not emotional but dying of laughter
we got a real atom splitter here

>> No.6807082

the nerve to call these characters "shitty ocs". i know you're baiting and that your nigger brain can literally not form a single coherent thought but i applaud you, there's indeed far more to these characters than what the slopbot can put out.

>> No.6807084

Come on... Just one more (you) or I'll leave... I'll return to g and never come back I promise, just one more (you) please please please please have (you) with me!

>> No.6807085

I'm not calling those shitty OC's I'm calling your output shitty OC's because for a succesful OC there has to be unbelievable amount of donutsteel

>> No.6807086
File: 467 KB, 1500x2100, 1679032039960379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not redeem, sirs

>> No.6807087

hit a nerve? sorry little shitskin :3, choosing a file is 2 clicks

how much did this one took you?

>> No.6807090

>succesful OC there has to be unbelievable amount of donutsteel
which ai is completely incapable of, exactly, wow finally a somewhat human thought.

>> No.6807092
File: 1.33 MB, 832x1216, 21_4829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not merging with the AI

>> No.6807093

Thank you, oh god yes! The (you) feels so good in my mouth. Ooooh you you you! Thank you ohhhh yessss! Fuck you! You!

>> No.6807094
File: 74 KB, 225x253, mitchell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le style xerox
Show me ONE (1) AI image that is original, looks original, and is good, don't forget "is good"
This is just more SLOP

>> No.6807095

how about getting back to the topic instead of woman talk, if AI is capable of mixing and matching designs and styles, then what stops it from overtaking man made artwork in the commercial space? real world isn't a museum where fart sniffers need the life story of the artists when they look at the painting, in real life the artwork exists for a larger product or titty drawings on xitter

>> No.6807096
File: 298 KB, 1468x741, cb95da2f79c58a0c8df21cf41e610d53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how ai demoralization threads get created as soon as theres any legal progress being made against it
Pic related got decided a few days ago

>> No.6807099

AI is able to produce designs and there's no rule that says the designs have to be bad, feed in good designs and it learns to output good designs

>> No.6807100

kys malding obsessed nigger. Allbeatnik is an amazing artist

>> No.6807101

remember, it's the artists the ones who are emotional.
here have a few more
boy you must be a miserable pajeet if (You)s are such a big deal to you.

>> No.6807105

It has been doing this since last year. What the fuck did you think dream booth was? You silly billy baby this is not news, it has been discussed to death already.

>> No.6807106
File: 508 KB, 538x841, example for promtertrannie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think that a machine that relies solely on human made art can create the next mario? the next gordon freeman? and its corresponding worlds?
>i'm the emotional one and yet you are the one to seem to feel very bitter towards artists in general, constantly putting out non arguments.
>Expecting a coherent argument from prompter trannies
anon AIfags are either gachashitters who pretend to be artist or crabs who got filtered during the beg phase that's why they are always pestering like parasites.
was about to post this kek this court ruling essentially buck broke the entire industry grift in the span of a single day
it's ogre AI sisters

>> No.6807108
File: 1.47 MB, 832x1216, 50_6098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep them coming

>> No.6807110

this copyright doesn't do jackshit to independent xitter doodlers though

>> No.6807111

Oh stop it's too much I can't, I'm gonna have an an(you)rism!

>> No.6807113

>T-this time it's for real!
Don't worry commercial ai art will not be a problem for much longer because the person generating does not hold any rights to the art and can not legally use it for profit.

Also, still looks like shit but i suppose that's besides the point´

Also, mods please ban Ai from this board please i beg you. No one wants it here, as you can clearly see.

>> No.6807114
File: 250 KB, 990x1400, As8gYSHP0_qp9FtgrC-31J93aKWfU_pyP6uyQ0nZ1o8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6807115

>or crabs who got filtered during the beg phase that's why they are always pestering like parasites.
Definitely the ones that shit up /ic/ lol

In other news Osamu Tezuka's son in law got exposed for using AI

>> No.6807117

without copyright you are allowed to sell it, it just means anyone can sell it dumbass

>> No.6807118

anon you got the text right here
why are you fucking up now

>> No.6807119

idk buddy, smashing brainlet skulls in has always felt good to me.

1. it looks like slop
2. there's comparatively no control over it
3. good luck creating a coherent setting when there's no control over it

>> No.6807121
File: 1.48 MB, 832x1216, 24_9232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry english is hard

>> No.6807122

i don't think so until your datasets have been examined sir.

>> No.6807124

controlnet has multiple modes for control, the best artwork on this board is AI output when take critical look

>> No.6807125
File: 486 KB, 523x781, human AI centipede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of xitter is bot traffic I'm not even joking anon AI fags and musk's retardation have killed that platform.
it's also the reason i despise prompt grifters these shitters and there bots ruined so many good MMO's by crashing the markets
>without copyright you are allowed to sell it, it just means anyone can sell it dumbass
companies are extremely latigoes why do you think that is? nobody likes there work being outside of there control especially when there is money to be made from it..

>> No.6807126

nice reading comprehension rajeesh

>> No.6807128

But you don't become an AI. Just like when you use a calculator, you don't become smarter, you're just a meat between the computers, an attendant. Or this particular message I translated from my native language into English, it looks a bit strange to any native speaker. Just like the drawings the neural networks made at the request of the sir.

>> No.6807129

more control than comissioning an artist to do something, hell even your own brain -> hand translation produces /beg/ garbage

>> No.6807130

shut it, nigger

>> No.6807132

also means i can take your work and undercut you by 99%?

>> No.6807133

I'm not a nigger, I'm whiter than you. Post hands

>> No.6807134

literal niggerthink

so we are moving the goalpost to commissions now? what you are presenting here as an "argument" is purely subjective with a healthy sprinkle of projection. can we get less emotional please?

>> No.6807135

sure, also means that since complex artwork becomes literally dime a dozen, your artwork will have to compete in that market
the hipster consumer base can't cover all artists after all

>> No.6807137

Ah ha, he takes it back again and undercuts you back! This dance goes on until it's worthless.

>> No.6807138

most artwork is outsourced as in it is commissioned, even at big companies, sorry you don't posses knowledge of the industry

>> No.6807140
File: 16 KB, 255x192, 157249109968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy hello there, Allbeatnik!
Or should I call you Maldraw? MALASYAN MIKE?
How are you doing, my guy? Still pissy over artist mogging the shit out of you?

>> No.6807139

>This would've taken a human artist without AI assistance many days to draw
>Ai bros generate literal shitposts that look better than 99.999% of shit you see on pixiv and DA
It's so fucking over.

>> No.6807141
File: 66 KB, 469x385, 1691784084351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are allowed to sell it
IMAGINE THE DEMAND, when anyone, anywhere, can produce the exact same slop as you just as fast and at the same quality.

>> No.6807143

yes artwork in itself is becoming worthless outside of money laundering or being an asset in some larger project

>> No.6807144

Does it mean that? Isn't complex artwork already dime a dozen and it's the interest in the artist 'and' his work, that sells the work?

>> No.6807145

>, hell even your own brain
>imagine being so retarded your will unironically argue that a shitty second hand accounts interpretated through a bot algorithm with language prompts are better than what you yourself are thinking put together and have full and absolute control over
>when anyone, anywhere, can produce the exact same slop as you just as fast and at the same quality.
This is something AI trannies don't seem to understand for some reason the art market is kept stable through the limits on how much shit a human can put out therefore preventing oversaturation an AI has none of those limitations.

>> No.6807147

>more control than comissioning an artist to do something
be less disingenuous when you're talking to an actual human please, you clearly meant people like twitter artists.
any studio worth a shit has an art director.

>> No.6807149

most commercial artwork isn't sold on the artist name but the product, especially if you are a bugman drawing gacha girls or drawing concept backgrounds for trooncharted games at naughty dog

>> No.6807150

>Takes a photo
>This would take hours to paint

>> No.6807151

the art director is like the prompter, can you even consider him an artist since he doesn't do the artwork by hand?

>> No.6807152
File: 1.37 MB, 500x300, 1691293338442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ai bros
honey wake up new troonspeak just dropped

>> No.6807153

Perhaps this is my favorite argument, which is ignored most often because they do not know what to answer it.
Online translators have been around since before you were born, sir, but people are still learning other languages, working as translators, and so on.

>> No.6807157

I can't wait for the day that GPT replaces trannylators and their meme translations

>> No.6807158

Oh, you are talking entertainment art. Im sure the naughty dog artists have their own following and could sell to fans easily

>> No.6807159

>camera that can only do realistic pictures gets invented
>realism art dies

>AI that can do any kind of pictures gets invented
>[...] art dies
Fill in the blank for a chance to win a one way trip to India

>> No.6807160

>the art director is like the prompter
this is not the most braindead thing i've heard today. you haven't been arguing in good faith from the start but trying to reason with someone as emotional as a street shitter is a cut beyond me t b h

>> No.6807161

>Ai becomes the trannyslator and you don't even realize. Shouganai

>> No.6807163

well the art director literally directs other artists like how a prompter gives AI directions
like how a conductor conducts an orchestra

>> No.6807165

>english is hard
well nigga I never knew it was that hard to type two words in when editing

>> No.6807167

AI won't replace random sentences with shit like "sus" for the lulz
I don't even speak weebspeak but I often notice how some common anime phrase is obviously localized to something else because for whatever reason these morons feel the need to put their spin on the translation

>> No.6807168

>realism art dies
Uhh... It's alive and well though? Just smaller.(or bigger given the population increase)
So ai will give rise to new forms of human art not involving ai? Cool.

>> No.6807169
File: 105 KB, 807x630, 1692428397137014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but people are still learning other languages, working as translators, and so on.
this AItrannies are incapable of understanding it because it BTFU there entire worldview these cretins assume that the process of creating is some type of chore not realizing that the process is what gives the end result it's value the intent skill and hard work that went to it makes people proud of there work is fun to make and is what is impressive to the consumer having a bot farm shit out an endless tsunami of slop devalues it reducing it to a mindless commodity like fast food junk.

>> No.6807170

I'm pretty sure you still see realism art anyways

>> No.6807171

That post is Instabae

>> No.6807172

why would they make pennies at naughty dog doing soulless factory line work if they could sell on their name alone?

>> No.6807173
File: 223 KB, 1600x894, Screenshot_20230822-122653_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AIfags being mad their """art""" will never be appreciated as real art or any form of skill general

>> No.6807174

>well the leading surgeon literally directs other surgeons like how a butcher gives his cleaver directions

>> No.6807176

Generating and translating text is x times easier than a drawing, which consists of millions of combinations of colors, pixels, and patterns. However, you can see the quality of translation yourself - it sucks. And since you know the language, you know the translation sucks, but you don't have the drawing skills to realize that what you have generated sucks

>> No.6807178

So is there any proof this wasade by AI?

>> No.6807179

Why do anime artists not all drop their work and run nsfw Patreons and become millionaires? They like their job? Being part of something bigger than themselves

>> No.6807180

I would really appreciate it if some of you sirs could post your work when you make claims like "AI isn't art" or whatever.
I want to know that the person saying that has experience in art.

>> No.6807181

yeah and more and more it becomes
>the leading ____ directs the AI

>> No.6807184

Just use your eyes. It's obvious if you've seen ai pics much at all.

>> No.6807185

so anon was all your work done as a group effort that you solely want to take credit for

>> No.6807187

chatGPT is insanely good at translating and I speak three languages so I can cross compare, google translate is shit in comparison

I asked it to translate "ehtisinköhän" to english and it correctly translated it to "I wonder if I would make it in time"

>> No.6807188

and you think that's the way the future will be?
AI "artists" undercutting eachother for peanuts and no one will step in or speak up?
I think banning commercial use of AI art seems more reasonable idk?

>> No.6807189


ooga booga, please stop with the nigspeak.

>> No.6807190

supply and demand as well as sustainability

>> No.6807191

>asking /ic/ to post their work
way to kill a thread retard

>> No.6807192
File: 54 KB, 640x424, 1687382875468628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai art isn't art

>> No.6807193

it's a race to the bottom, always has been, the industrial revolution was the same thing but for physical goods

>> No.6807194
File: 318 KB, 519x588, prompter golem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"AI isn't art" or whatever.
it isn't art because there is no intent creativity or consciousness behind it that's why people call it soulless shit it also doesn't draw it just generates pictures by slamming other peoples works together.
Also here I made this a few threads ago to mock and gloat at promptiods such as yourself.

>> No.6807195

So no, there's not
Got it
It doesn't have any of the typical ai artifacts like body parts or eyes or pupils melting into each other, everything looks intentional

>> No.6807196

That is a factor, but they are in a better position to do it that the fan artists no?

>> No.6807197

I disagree but I like your gestures, anon.
Keep it up

>> No.6807199

not him but I don't give a fuck about who made my GTA loading screen artwork or the horsecock futa porn doodle

>> No.6807200

key animators maybe but they almost get paid human wages and the have at least the the tiniest bit of creative control, honestly I want to know why they want to live their bugpeople grindset too

>> No.6807201

Was made*
I don't know where my letters fell off to

>> No.6807202

Do you think industry artists will just back of quietly if we ever get to the point where AI could replace them?

>> No.6807203

You will forever be stuck in a box

>> No.6807204

I'm literally as expert as it gets regarding this. It's ai. Expert witness. Just look at the trees and the horns. Ai fucks up and repeats textures like that.

>> No.6807205

>or the horsecock futa porn doodle
degenerate shitskins do not care about the state of humanity, more news at 11

>> No.6807206

>the industrial revolution was the same thing but for physical goods
the difference with the industrial revolution and mass producing physical commodities is that there is a hard limit to how much you can expand and actually manufacture since you always to worry about the bottleneck of raw resources AI apart from energy costs doesn't have that limitation just hook up your bot net and shit out literally tens of thousands of borderline plagiarism copycats works of your favourite authors.
>not him but I don't give a fuck about who made my GTA loading screen artwork or the horsecock futa porn doodle
Are you a coomer? this is usually the exact same mindset that blights most porn addicts they only care about consuuuuming the pretty big booba anime grill trust me I used to be one myself this is a soulless and incredibly demoralizing way to live since you reduce everything down to a material commodity.

>> No.6807207
File: 2.12 MB, 1024x1536, 1691312701242000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uneven horizon

>> No.6807209

Kyoani 2.0

>> No.6807211

what are they going to do? trash a few machines and still lose, like how luddites did?

>> No.6807212

>Are you a coomer? this is usually the exact same mindset that blights most porn addicts they only care about consuuuuming the pretty big booba anime grill trust me I used to be one myself this is a soulless and incredibly demoralizing way to live since you reduce everything down to a material commodity.
why else would I look at porn drawings?

>> No.6807213

>I'm literally as expert as it gets regarding this
Who the fuck are you?

>> No.6807216

>Do you think industry artists will just back of quietly if we ever get to the point where AI could replace them?
The slop machine would ironically kill itself in that scenario since it's entirely reliant on human datasets to keep up with new fresh content.
also most good Machine learning algorithms are forbidden to learn from there own slop since much like incest it makes them completely retarded the llma2 white paper goes into a detail in this subject.
>why else would I look at porn drawings?
the story and skill behind it why else would you read hentai doujins just to coom like an pig in the pigsty what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6807217

that horn to tree tangent is something that a human artist wouldn't do and you can clearly see the artifacts on the edges of the tree trunks as well as the right hand, bottom of his left hair

>> No.6807218
File: 61 KB, 648x666, 20230822_125315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if someone here posted the fucking modern Mona Lisa you would have a smug retard face and claim AI can do the ""same or better"" and post an overrendered anime mobashill tier artwork and fap to the internet argument you won

>> No.6807219

>be artist
>feel special because god's gift etc. 2nd coming of christ etc.
>make mostly fury porn
>AI gets invented
>lol this shit will never replace me
>1 year time skip
>no one comes to the funeral because the dress code is fursuit

>> No.6807220

>I read my doujins for the story
I mean I get immersed in meaningful content too but porn isn't what I actively immerse myself in, certainly not in trying to find something deep

>> No.6807221

sure and the character shadow on the ground is literally nonsense

anyway insane that a computer could output that either way

>> No.6807222

well, it will be interesting for sure. But that time is still far off. Current AI looks like shit.

>> No.6807223

it doesn't look shit

it looks amazing and shit at the same time, like a master with random brain strokes

you hate AI so you only notice the mistakes

>> No.6807225
File: 170 KB, 768x509, IMG_20230823_045655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thanks. They are ideation for bigger paintings I'll make at some point

>> No.6807227

>this is a soulless and incredibly demoralizing way to live
We are on the verge of globally eliminating millions of "middle class" jobs and permanently bifurcating humanity into an absolute hydraulic despotism of a ruling, resource distributing class and a receiving class that does rotating service jobs—and automated entertainment which actively responds to the desires of its consumers will be essential to alleviating the closing of social mobility.

>> No.6807228

I'm a guy who got obsessed with ai and generated over 10k images. I can see ai out of the corner of my eye, it can't escape me.

>> No.6807229

and that's the gist of it

>> No.6807230

Go back to >>>/v/648070921

>> No.6807232

yeah but the reason no one posts anything ever is because this is /ic/, a bunch of unskilled narcissists making claims without having to back anything up

>> No.6807233

>I mean I get immersed in meaningful content too but porn isn't what I actively immerse myself in, certainly not in trying to find something deep
i too used to think like that until i coomed so much i nearly fried my dopamine receptors into uselessness nothing got me off anymore that's why I started reading the stories alongside the smut it really adds to the scenes if you actually know what the characters are doing.
the Art is also great better than most SFW stuff in my opinion.
>well, it will be interesting for sure. But that time is still far off. Current AI looks like shit.
well the court ruling stating that AI slop cannot be copyrighted essentially put an end to it's commercial use for big biz I expect it to take over coom and the pin up anime girl markets though.
also AI goons are absolutely SEETHING about this ruling the comments on the news are simply shocking rarely see people this assmad.
>We are on the verge of globally eliminating millions of "middle class" jobs and permanently bifurcating humanity into an absolute hydraulic despotism of a ruling, resource distributing class and a receiving class that does rotating service jobs—and automated entertainment which actively responds to the desires of its consumers will be essential to alleviating the closing of social mobility.
this you hit the nail on the head if spoken to a lot of AI fags and the one common thread between all of them is that they all unironically seem to want to live in the pod and eat the bugs it's like they looked at the experience machine thought experiment and said YES I want to live in a fake reality controlled by technocrat billionaires with an onahole grafted onto my dick creepy bugman shit.

>> No.6807235

>i too used to think like that until i coomed so much i nearly fried my dopamine receptors into uselessness nothing got me off anymore

>> No.6807237

>this you hit the nail on the head if spoken to a lot of AI fags and the one common thread between all of them is that they all unironically seem to want to live in the pod and eat the bugs it's like they looked at the experience machine thought experiment and said YES I want to live in a fake reality controlled by technocrat billionaires with an onahole grafted onto my dick creepy bugman shit.

I'm fascinated by AI but I don't want a future like that, I just believe it's inevitable and won't let get my emotions tangle my judgement
I've kept asking myself and others what's the point in the world if everything is just about consuming content and there being zero need for creative work

>> No.6807239

>this you hit the nail on the head
Another anon chiming in, he really did. It's easy to see why so many are turdworlders due to this, it actually would be an increase in the quality of their lives.

>> No.6807240

>hey all unironically seem to want to live in the pod and eat the bugs it's like they looked at the experience machine thought experiment and said YES
yes we were warned about this project 20 years ago, and by transexual cyberpunk kinosseurs no less

>> No.6807243

Actually untrue, skilled artists are here and have "made it"
The point, in case you are retarded, why does an individual artist here need to have a picture that is Mona Lisa grade to talk about AI since it effects everyone
And then also if they DID it would just be refuted by a retard chud (very likely you yourself) who would respond with an overrendered shiny AI masterpiece and claim it is the same or even better or that the beautiful original work posted was now feed for your lovely AI art mutilation machine

>> No.6807245

>yeah I'd totally post my masterpiece but I won't because (bullshit reason)
yeah sure buddy, it's not because you're fragile and can't handle people poking at your work, the funniest excuse many use is that they don't want to be recognized, as if anything comes from being spotted on /ic/

>> No.6807248

Please stick to the topic at hand
I did not say I had a masterpiece.
Re-read and to formulate a response to my points. I will wait.
Please articulate to me what posting the new version of a divine art masterpiece would prove to you.

>> No.6807249

it would prove that the person whining about AI was better than the AI, not once have I seen that happen and I think it's because it's people who can't even draw who spend their time arguing over AI and how it impacts their future

>> No.6807251
File: 1.09 MB, 3264x2448, prama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's a joke
coom addiction is a serios problem anon the corporate sector really amplified humanities obsession with busting it to a nightmarishly dystopian parody of itself.
>I just believe it's inevitable and won't let get my emotions tangle my judgement
well I doubt it considering how MLA's work and the general legal nightmare they provide the court ruling on copyright alone essentially killed the grift for the corporate media sector who wished to cut costs by replacing all there workers with bots and may they be fucked forever more worthless greedy degenerates.
>I've kept asking myself and others what's the point in the world if everything is just about consuming content and there being zero need for creative work
people will always create anon for no other reason than they like doing it and seeing there skills improve there is something inherently liberating from making things by your own hands and mind.
i also expect a secondary market for human made goods to come about as happened with tailors and factory machines putting out clothing.
>why so many are turdworlders due to this
I come from the thurd world anon we essentially live like animals in the moment and posses little to no ability to plan long term once i put 2 and 2 together it's no wonder many of us continue to fall for the same westiod techno get rich grifts over and over again.
>it is the same or even better or that the beautiful original work posted was now feed for your lovely AI art mutilation machine
anon is right though it really does multilate the art since it destroys the authors original intent and turns something otherwise unique into a generic overendered slopfest let me give you an example put this shitty scribble I made into your bot and see what I mean.

>> No.6807256

There is no question that the AI produces servicable video game loading screens, gacha character art, and uncanny hentai, all of which will be readily consumed by proto-podroids. But anyone with a spark of life in them will not consume such material, because I say so and my opinion as a human is worth more than yours as a subhuman.

>> No.6807257

no I don't think it's a joke, the amount of masturbation I did when I was on adderall makes me kim jung gi of masturbation but even so I don't seek meaning from porn I just have an entire wikipedia of porn details in my mind

>> No.6807259

I think /ic/ needs to realise that 99% of the world doesn't give a shit about art.
If it looks "good enough" or "coomworthy" that's all you really need.

>> No.6807262

Okay so my point is correct
Noone is "better" than the AI
It literally steals work and chops it up to make other works. You would just fall into >>6807218

>it would prove that the person whining about AI was better than the AI
>not once have I seen that happen
It will never happen. AI is as good as COMMERCIAL art and that is not the point. It was made FROM art masterpieces
It is about an entirely different principal.

I for instance do not feel threatened by AI art existing
There is an endless stream of anime art and cooooom everywhere, endless commercial product art.
The part that is the issue is people saying it is *as valid* as normal art made by a human being and should be treated the same.

Please articulate to me why AI art should be treated the same by society as art made with effort by a human.

>> No.6807263

Is it just me or has the hype around AI kinda plateaued recently?

>> No.6807266
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x1341, 1120373101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it literally doesn't though.

>> No.6807268

It's the calm before the storm.
Some people know what's coming, most people don't.
We have to keep it that way for as long as possible to not cause mass panic and riots.

>> No.6807269

it's not only made from artwork it's made form countless images in general, it's not stealing directly, it's just that the neural network is trained using example images but the network has many layers and is truly able to generalize information and apply it in different scenarios, it doesn't do 1:1 traces of existing artwork by any means, it has seen millions of tits and has a general understanding of what a tit is etc.

whenever you see something that's too close to 1:1 it means it has overfitted that information, that's to say that instead of learning the abstract parts of what makes the image, it instead has learned every pixel value and their order, which is what researchers want to avoid

>> No.6807272

Lol retard. I keep up with the development s. Gpt5 isn't even being trained. They are actually scrambling in the background, mass hiring in the hopes they get a genius that will give them a breakthrough. They are up against a wall.

>> No.6807273

>it has seen millions of tits and has a general understanding of what a tit is etc.
it has seen millions of tits and given us a false teat—the machine is barren and should be cast out from our midst

>> No.6807275

>no I don't think it's a joke, the amount of masturbation I did when I was on adderall makes me kim jung gi of masturbation but even so I don't seek meaning from porn I just have an entire wikipedia of porn details in my mind
Coom without context or meaning is like mcdonalds slop tasteless it's just so bland and soulless that it's utterly forgettable which is the reason why it would be the first and likely only thing AI would actually take over coomiods just like gachafags have non-existent standards and taste it's easy prey for a cynical greedy corprate exec.

>> No.6807276

nvidia has made record profit and joined the trillion dollar club recently, they can't produce enough AI accelerators at this point in time, what I mean to say is that this hardware that researchers and companies are hoarding from nvidia will be used to train new models at a record pace and record numbers, it's happening now so the results will start coming
not in
>two weeks lol I said it again
but soonish

>> No.6807277
File: 19 KB, 540x540, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same thing that happened with NFTs
Shills claimed those, too, would radically transform the artistic landscape forever, time showed it just wasn't that big a deal
The root of the problem, as much as shills refuse to admit it, is that even Joe McNormie wants to see something really interesting, once in a while. He may not know it, and he may ultimately have terrible basic bitch taste at the end of the day, but originality is in fact valued, to a point. Even if it's just very stylish pornography with unusual composition.
AIslop's Achilles heel is that it can't convincingly create novel art, only copy. Good for a fap and not much else. Ask shills to disprove this by posting really inspiring AI "art" and they can't, every time.

>> No.6807278

>which is what researchers want to avoid
Yes, which is funny since it's also exactly what the ai is trying to do, recreation of the training images is how it trains.

>> No.6807279

What about the datasets, will AI shills ignore adressing this forever? Their hands are not clean and it seems like that would be the absolute easiest way to put a end to this once and for all. If they have to get permission from every artist it will be a enormous undertaking and a logistical nightmare.

Nearly every big shot will opt out and put their operation back hundreds of years. Then it won't be able to train on any human drawn art (thus human art is safe from any potential complications for the forseeable future).

>> No.6807281

>most people don't.

>> No.6807283

look at those shitty fucking tangents, ai niggers are lower than subhuman, good morning sir

>> No.6807284

>it's not only made from artwork it's made form countless images in general, it's not stealing directly, it's just that the neural network is trained using example images but the network has many layers and is truly able to generalize information and apply it in different scenarios, it doesn't do 1:1 traces of existing artwork by any means, it has seen millions of tits and has a general understanding of what a tit is etc.
Except that it does and can literally copy someone's style 1 to 1 as you can see here with chris chan "art being trained on a stable diffusion model" all these things are are supercharged pattern recognition bots.
There is also huge difference between human learning and AI .
an AI doesn't have any emotions idiologies or baises that would influenece the design process as mentioned before in my previos posts it its just a supercharged pattern recognition bot if you feed it an exact number of pieces of a specific artist it will be able to discern and produce near perfect replica's of there work something which will definatly be abused (it is already actually) this is a pretty big fucking deal when talking about copyrighted work or big huncho artist who don't want to see there work plagarized by some fucking script kiddie.
a human being is almost physically incapable of this type of machine precision hence when a human learns something or takes insperation from another artist they inavartadly ad there own spin on it making it a transformative work you can see this with lazy grifting copycats or artist that make fangames/manga of there favorite works.
well.... let me give you a better example berserk after Muira's death his assistents took over his work and are trying to finish the manga these guys where HIS personal assistants he lectured them trained them and told them everything about the story yet you can still see a big difference between the style of the master and his worker drones it just isn't the same.

>> No.6807285

I have trained quite a few LoRA and learned that if you overtrain then it overfits but if you don't then it generalizes well, I wish I had a deep understanding of what's actually going under the hood but I can only speak for the results

for example you can train it to apply an artstyle to wildly different scenarios so it's no overfitting the artwork it was trained on by itself but instead it picks up what makes it look like it does

>> No.6807288

Explain how I am wrong
What new development occured? I assumed you meant agi. Which is still science fiction. And may remain so until an actual breakthrough, which is not guaranteed in the near term.

>> No.6807292

yeah it extract the essence of what chris chan artwork looks like but I meant it's not supposed to replicate exact pieces from him, instead extract abstract ideas around what makes it look like it's from him

kind of like you train a neural network to fit a line on a curve and then ask it to do the same for a different curve, if it's able to do that then it hasn't overfitted to only be able to do the original curve

>> No.6807295

You seriously just compared NFTs with AI? Nice falseflag.

>> No.6807296

>kind of like you train a neural network to fit a line on a curve and then ask it to do the same for a different curve, if it's able to do that then it hasn't overfitted to only be able to do the original curve
In other words, it's the sorceror's apprentice and will soon be drowning the user in buckets of coom

>> No.6807297

NTA but i assume he means just more compute and data = AGI
according to a lot of the big names in AI research right now, it's very likely that just improving hardware and data will be enough to reach AGI with our current models.

>> No.6807300

Do you even know what this word means, retarded shill? What am I falseflagging for, exactly? I await your explanation

>> No.6807303

You're obviously some indian trying to make AI haters look retarded. Otherwise there is zero explanation for your retardation.

>> No.6807304

Well, that's just marketing so they get big investors. They have no idea what will actually lead to agi. John carmack thinks agi could potentially be just 10k lines of code, a new novel way of mathing it all out.

>> No.6807306

I believe this but the data has to be well annotated and cross domain

I mean the brain seems to do something like this too

>> No.6807309

Post novel, inspiring AI art. Art that doesn't look like machine art, you know. Just do it. Why is it so difficult, why do you shills always deflect like this?

>> No.6807310
File: 663 KB, 574x841, el monstro del feminina..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about the datasets, will AI shills ignore adressing this forever? Their hands are not clean and it seems like that would be the absolute easiest way to put a end to this once and for all. If they have to get permission from every artist it will be a enormous undertaking and a logistical nightmare.

it's actually pretty easy to solve this here is what i came up with force legeslation that mandates all these AI troon comapnies to make there datasets public or better yet make there sofware open source then They could just put AI under the DMCA and say you’re not allowed to use copyrighted works a real person’s likeness or an artist to train model without consent from the person or permission from the copyright holder.
This would shut AI down much faster because DMCA protections are already in place. A real artist could also easily produce the project files to prove they did the work themselves while someone who used AI wouldn’t be able to and honestly fuck them they deserve it greedy wankers.
>>>6807284 (You)
>yeah it extract the essence of what chris chan artwork looks like but I meant it's not supposed to replicate exact pieces from him, instead extract abstract ideas around what makes it look like it's from him
>he doesn't get it
fuck if only I had the pic of the model with me to show you how fucking grotesque this bodysnatching is apart from minor differences like paper textures it's nearly indistinguishable which opens up horrible implications for grifting and plagiarism.

>> No.6807312

>I mean the brain seems to do something like this too
Exactly my thought as well.
Humans seem to become "generally intelligent" by just consuming more and more data until it all just kind of clicks at some point and we're considered intelligent.

>> No.6807316
File: 775 KB, 728x1104, 1692141445989324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but such a vague copout request that you could post literally anything and you'd just nuh uh I've seen it before

degenerate dogcock futaporn is all you get my nigga

>> No.6807317

You're the one deflecting, retard. AI already has 100 times as much practical application as NFTs ever will have. You should be in a loony bin and not talking with others for your comparison. Art is an absolute after thought for the usage of AI.

>> No.6807319
File: 167 KB, 1895x1256, AI whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according to a lot of the big names in AI research right now, it's very likely that just improving hardware and data will be enough to reach AGI with our current models.
>Humans seem to become "generally intelligent" by just consuming more and more data until it all just kind of clicks at some point and we're considered intelligent.
keep dreaming anon that's not how it works our behaviour is a result of our ability to experience any AGI would essentially be living in a digital version of i have no mouth but i must scream it will experience no pleasure no pain no anger no self preservation nothing literally nothing but a void can you even call something like that sentient or alive and why would you want to condemn an intelligence to such a fate?
>100 times as much practical application as NFTs ever will have.
yeah for scammers and grifters see pic related it's a golden age for these goons.

>> No.6807321

It's so over for furry artists

>> No.6807322

Why not just get a real career so you don't have to worry about AI at all when it comes to drawing?

>> No.6807326
File: 324 KB, 1131x1440, 11-JD020-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, as predicted. Le weirdo gross-out porn!! Doggy girl dick! This shit is only shilled by coombrained retards. You literally can't even conceive of what visually novel art might look like, because you're uninterested in it. Just images of smut running through your brain all 25/7
Why don't you address the actual argument, stupid faggot?

>> No.6807329

>yeah for scammers and grifters see pic related it's a golden age for these goons.
Okay and what about Healthcare Advancements, Autonomous Vehicles, Natural Language Processing, Smart Assistants and Automation, Financial Analysis and Fraud Detection, Environmental Monitoring, Manufacturing and Quality Control, Education Enhancement, Energy Optimization, Agricultural Innovation, Retail and Customer Experience, Creative Content Generation, Drug Discovery and Development, Supply Chain Optimization, Public Safety and Security, Social Welfare, Scientific Research, Language Translation, Personalized Marketing, Mental Health Support, etc, etc,,,

>> No.6807330

>be social recluse
>become coom addicted
>starve for attention and be impressed by coom artwork
>hmm if I learn to draw coom artwork I can get all the social attention (from xitter) and money I need

alternatively same but anime

>> No.6807333

>yeah for scammers and grifters see pic related it's a golden age for these goons
Yeah sure. 35% of global organizations using it today in their work processes are grifters.
>Why don't you address the actual argument
No, everything was already said about the topic weeks or months ago. When your only argument about AI is that you feel it plateaued then you know it's more your hopes talking than the logical part of your brain.

>> No.6807334


>> No.6807335

>Get a real career, I'll be a plumber, that's safe from ai
>Ai invents efficient modular building systems that replace all need for plumbers, it's like Lego now.

>> No.6807337
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x1024, 1674076641094695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can do schizo garbage just fine and no it doesn't have to have three dimensionality like this pic either, I know you'll always arbitrarily move goalposts so whatever

>> No.6807338

>for scammers and grifters see pic related it's a golden age for these goons
and for despots and plutocrats and technocrats and anyone else who might benefit from automating the pacification of large swathes of people... scamming them is small fry compared to governing them

>> No.6807339

thankfully people still live in houses made in 1800s and they need renovating, I agree that in principle everything can be automated though

>> No.6807340

NTA but obviously your ai pic holds no meaning compared to his one.

>> No.6807341

>When your only argument about AI is that you feel it plateaued
My argument against it is that it can't produce interesting art. People are tired of it, it has a "look." In fact the anon I was replying to, never said *it*, the AI technology, plateaued, he said interest in it plateaued.
Yeah it's fuckin trash you tasteless plebeian. That you think it any way challenges the art I posted it's is only affirming my point, that this stuff is for the un-imaginative and unartistic

>> No.6807345

when the meaning is up for interpretation it might as well not exist, you caliterally draw an image of a dude sitting among a bunch of cowbells and people will derive meaning from that doesn't even exist

>> No.6807347

>1800s and they need renovating
Sorry, they've been deemed unsafe by the ai. You will be relocated to the pods.

>> No.6807348

That's completely irrelevant though as legacy infrastructure will remain for decades even if today 10 times as superior technology gets invented. Only digital infrastructure gets changed relatively fast because it's really cheap. Replacing all plumbing in a country would be a gargantuan task and you would require all plumbers in the country working tirelessly to replace themselves so first all plumbers would go on a strike.

>> No.6807350
File: 106 KB, 325x328, promptertranny utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autonomous Vehicles,
DRM shitboxes with paywalled features and anti repair BS no thanks anon i will stick to my bike and oldtimers!
>Smart Assistants and Automation,
a personalized stazi officer/telescreen hybrid that will scan and monitor every single move you make on your PC and phone no thanks anon google's data harvesting is already intrusive enough!
>Financial Analysis
you know how the top billionaires control the stock market and can manipulate it at will? well now they will have complete dominance over it and be able to squish any competition like a bug!
>Manufacturing and Quality Control,
I work in a factory anon machines are retarded and extremely fragile everyday we have around 2 to 3 breakdowns which requires me the mech boy to fix them.
>Public Safety and Security,
automated social credit facial scanning UBI and surveillance can't wait to see you get locked out of your bank for wrongthink lmao

>> No.6807351

I don't care about schizo art because it's nonsense where you interpret how you want, all those head cracked open and head crawling out type of shit is so generic it feels pretentious

>> No.6807352

Why so many replies. Are people here this newfaggy or are the indians replying to themselves? Either way good morning sirs

>> No.6807353

>when the meaning is up for interpretation it might as well not exist
You actually believe this?

>> No.6807354

meant for

yes, when you have a bunch of confusing shit people try to explain it somehow but there's no real explanation

>> No.6807355

>and for despots and plutocrats and technocrats and anyone else who might benefit from automating the pacification of large swathes of people... scamming them is small fry compared to governing them
yes another question sometimes genuinely wonder how big corpo's can reconcile the massive contradiction that will arise when they eventually try and replace all of there workers with AI only to realize there will be nobody left to pay for there commodities since people have no more wages to reinvest in the economy the only real solution is some type of UBI scheme that will of coarse be under the complete control of the government sector.

>> No.6807357

I said>>6807347
I do agree with you though, it would take a paradigm shift to replace all plumbers... Oh what's this? Super advanced ai that knows how to replace all plumbers?! My point is that a career that seems safe is still at risk. Hell, even just from the fact that jobs ai doesn't take soon, will get a flood of applicants, driving wages down etc...

>> No.6807358

>My argument against it is that it can't produce interesting art
Which always speaks about the current status. I don't know what's so difficult to understand about AI being not a static technology. Even in the absolute best case AI is going to be a super powered tool that will production to be several levels faster which will reduce the demand for artists, especially mid level and below to absolute smidges.

>> No.6807359

Why'd it give it a big fucking bulge, and such fat thighs?

I said this before, but the quality of the 3rd and 4th image are essentially the same to me outside of the text. Sure 3rd image has an extra arm (and the sydney opera house is looking pretty interesting there), but visually/artistically they're the same to me. I do think that's a case of diminishing returns, but I'd have to see it have more creative prompts to judge.

>> No.6807360
File: 133 KB, 1080x1080, valley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are such an enormous idiot holy shit
Here's some ""normal"" stylistic art for you then, that AI also could never, ever conceive of
The issue isn't that AI can't do "weird" or """schizo"" art, the issue is that it can't invent, it lacks inventiveness, personal genius
And you have the gall to accuse anyone of moving goalposts. Argue your point in good faith.

>> No.6807362

>but visually/artistically they're the same to me.
the reason being that it's trying to look like a photograph, which it does, it cannot improve there further, the final image just improves the coherency because that's where the flaws remain in that particular example

>> No.6807363
File: 1023 KB, 1216x832, 33_1765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI can only do coome-ACK!
>AI can't do anything artisti-ACK!
>AI can't do-ACK!
If your argument is that AI can't do weird random pictures that have "meaning", then I'm sorry for shattering your worldview.

>> No.6807364

>but there's no real explanation
Cultural context gives you a lens for the meaning. The picture on its own may not be enough. Sad I know.

>> No.6807369
File: 1.28 MB, 1216x832, 17_3997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the best part is that you can get infinite variety from the same proompt

>> No.6807371

dude just add some geometric words into the pompt field as well as some artists who do this type of distorted shit

>> No.6807372

Lol basically >>6807018

>> No.6807373

yeah but it's like the confusing shit from the bible, countless people blindly establishing that their take on it is the true interpretation, meanwhile it's just confusing so it leaves room for people to invent meaning, the meaning doesn't even have to exist

>> No.6807374

The global consequences make it still a safe bet to become a plumber. If all artists lose their jobs tomorrow no one but some twitter people will really care. If working class people will lose their job tomorrow politicians and rich people will burn at stakes the day after that.

>> No.6807375
File: 48 KB, 200x204, 1663363581771240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My point is that a career that seems safe is still at risk. Hell, even just from the fact that jobs ai doesn't take soon, will get a flood of applicants, driving wages down etc...
i can't actually believe I'm saying this but fuck me mao was actually right neolib capitalism is a system of contradictions that will eventually kill itself under it's own greed.
>mfw promter trannie will put this into the slop machine to make a derivative copy and prove your point.
>If your argument is that AI can't do weird random pictures that have "meaning", then I'm sorry for shattering your worldview.
are you mentally retarded or something? it has no meaning because there is no intent or intelligence behind it it's just a bot running a program it doesn't actually understand what it's doing that's why they can't draw hands for shit why is this so difficult to understand? that's what soul means..

>> No.6807376

Then do it? Post some AI art that anybody would find inspiring. Are you inspired by this trash >>6807337, genuinely, in your heart of hearts? You'd save this, look at it again 5 years from now? Aspire to this personally?
Then I pray for your soul

>> No.6807380
File: 978 KB, 1024x1024, 1683121934252613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I'm not inspired by that piece of trash it just popped out randomly and it was funny in the context, your distorted angluar shit is trash too

I'm not going to generate anything right now because prompting is a pain in the ass and I hate it, doesn't mean the tech isn't capable of basic bitch stylization, geometric or otherwise

>> No.6807382
File: 1.86 MB, 1216x832, 18_8308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this would have taken a human artist 1 week to make
>I made it in 20 seconds
It's over. Just admit it's over and I'll leave you guys alone.

>> No.6807384

>i-it totally can do it h-haha, just don't feel like it right now
>also uh, any slightly unconventional, interesting is bad art
You are no artist but I'm sure you know that

>> No.6807385

abundant gig labor buoyed by rolling unemployment insurance / UBI, to manage the surplus population you'd want to be aggressively anti-natalist, worse than one-child policy China, paying non-elite people extra not to have children, abolition of tax breaks on married couples, preference for guest worker immigration schemes to meet any skill deficits... it will definitely be a less innovative and slower growth society compared to 20th /early 21st century with markets as we know them reduced to top down distribution systems, the kind of stagnation you'd see in ancient societies or pre-modern China

>> No.6807388

I don't pretend to be some art conniseur but if it can do different looking shit like in the OP or in my example then why wouldn't it arbitrarily be restricted from doing distorted depictions in other ways?

>> No.6807389

>your distorted angluar shit is trash too
NTA but fuck you are just saying that to say it. It's rad as fuck. I want more. Reminds me of the art on that love death robots short with the robot swimming pool cleaner.

>> No.6807390

>video game loading screen
give me my next image mr robot i want it now, that's all this is worth, 5 seconds to proompt, 3 seconds to consoom

>> No.6807391

what I mean to say is why would it be restricted from depicting angular version of a car with distorted perspective? that sot of shit exists in the dataset

>> No.6807392

It's over...over my dead body! And I'm not going down without a fight!

>> No.6807393

>3 seconds to consoom
So just like "real" art.

>> No.6807394
File: 332 KB, 1060x540, dark is the night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allow me to prove my point you see this piece? you know what the artist meant by these little stars? they represent the cigars of his dead comrades that died during the war it's a form of mourning and genuine self expression and AI cannot make this on it's own because it DOESN'T fucking >understand< mourning loss or even posses the intelligence to comprehend this concept that's why anything it produces is meaningless slop.

>> No.6807396

>the final image just improves the coherency because that's where the flaws remain in that particular example
Sure, but you can already tell what everything is in most AI art shown, the issue is it's boring, stiff, uninspired, and often has this gross plastic feel to it (even with cartoony aesthetics).

But like I said, I'd need to see said bigger sample sized AI making some more creative prompts.

>> No.6807397

>why wouldn't it
Because...it can't. It hasn't been proven that it can, you haven't proved it, you're speaking hypothetically about what you think it *should* be able to do. If it can do it, prove that it can. Should be easy
Why are you even arguing with me if you're admitting you're just a coomer? I said it can do coom just fine
What it can't do is art, real art

>> No.6807399
File: 1.50 MB, 1216x832, 48_2791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can generate meaningful art
non-AI-enabled artists will never know this feel

>> No.6807400
File: 317 KB, 932x732, robertvalleydrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminds me of the art on that love death robots short with the robot swimming pool cleaner.
Same guy, Robert Valley. Dude's a beast

>> No.6807401

have a (You), automaton, it has more potency than any of your slop because it came from a human and not a mechanized slave

>> No.6807402

AI generating and touchups is becoming much more feasible it seems.
fix the fucked shadow, horizon, horns, and trees and you'd have a pretty decent image that would fool most people.

>> No.6807404

that's because the prompt for that image was something like kangaroo in front of the sydney opera house holding a sign saying "welcome" while wearing sunglasses

you can literally just use words like "dynamic angle" "Interesting perspective" "foreshortening", whatever you want, dynamic action photography is a good one btw

>> No.6807407

SIR, AI art just proves "art" in general is worthless

>> No.6807408

Cool, now fix it up and tell us how long it took to make the improved edited image.

>> No.6807410

Yeah, it's so convincing coming from people that are on a board where barely anyone posts their work.

>> No.6807414
File: 1.42 MB, 1216x832, 15_1019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm good.
I feel like the flaws make them more meaningful.

>> No.6807415
File: 139 KB, 694x1024, 1663213240185800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently this is AI

I don't understand your arbitrary demands when it demonstrates it can alter shape design on a whim

>> No.6807416
File: 16 KB, 804x138, promtertranny NGMI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still hasn't posted a single doodle for me to redline
>it's been nearly 2 weeks since i blew him the fuck up and exposed him for the autist he is.
kek your beyond permabeg you are the king of all crabs i kneel promtertranny.

>> No.6807419

Why are you even fighting it? Just become a hobby chad and stop suffering. As a hobby chad you can even look forward to AI progress. Just accept that the time for the artist career is over. Drawing can and will be still immensely fun. AI is not going to take that away.

>> No.6807420

>you can literally just use words like "dynamic angle" "Interesting perspective" "foreshortening", whatever you want, dynamic action photography is a good one btw
I'm sure those words are often used, but it doesn't change the issues I see in AI art that I'm talking about.

Check out his youtube channel, he goes over his animating process and such, and has some of his short and films on there.

>> No.6807421

why would anyone want to do this?

>> No.6807422

>you can literally just use words like "dynamic angle" "Interesting perspective" "foreshortening", whatever you want, dynamic action photography is a good one
proompting is swiftly becoming a liturgical language of sorcery and mumbling, none of you have any idea what the spells mean but they generally give you what you ask for, which is an obvious impoverishment of expression, and so you will soon become slaves to a demon of your own making

>> No.6807425
File: 1.35 MB, 1216x832, 01_9002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow look at this one, such atmosphere!
All I did was change 1 word in the prompt.
I love AI art!

>> No.6807428


>> No.6807430

To you maybe, but it also makes them less professional, so I guess it's so not over then. Thanks for giving artists hope bud.

>> No.6807432

>gives me a distorted imitation of Japanese ukiyo-e print style
Are you braindead? Are YOU an AI? Do you even grasp what I'm saying?
If I'm saying AI can't invent, it lacks originality, why then would you show me yet another example of it being unoriginal?
Why would anyone want to animate like the famous director Robert Valley, you turd? You tell me, while you're choking on blobby digital futa dicks shooting out geysers of jism

>> No.6807434

>Are you braindead? Are YOU an AI? Do you even grasp what I'm saying?
actually it wasn't AI, get fucked loser

btw it can invent, if you ask it to combine an orange and chair it can do it, same as how you invent new shit, you derive it from existing shit

>> No.6807435
File: 1.43 MB, 1216x832, 04_8280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My backstory for this one is that this girl was murdered and raped while on her way to the fireworks festival and this is her soul trapped in the location where her body was dumped and where she drowned :*(
It's real art now, right?

>> No.6807436

>Just accept that the time for the artist career is over. Drawing can and will be still immensely fun. AI is not going to take that away.
didn't you hear about the court ruling stating prompted slop cannot be copyrighted? the grift is essentially over when it comes tot the big commercial media sphere we will still be forced to live with every art forum contest and site being spammed with cheaply generated spam but at least I can take some nice shadenfraude from AI fags getting hit with the legislative hammer.
>If I'm saying AI can't invent, it lacks originality, why then would you show me yet another example of it being unoriginal?
he did exactly as I predicted by god are these pajeets actual bots WTF?
>i can't actually believe I'm saying this but fuck me mao was actually right neolib capitalism is a system of contradictions that will eventually kill itself under it's own greed.

>> No.6807437

>actually it wasn't AI, get fucked loser
Ok?? What was your point in this little exercise? To show me an ukiyo-e drawing? Good job

>btw it can invent
Then show me inventive AI art. Stop deflecting.

>> No.6807438
File: 2.31 MB, 2047x1025, photobashed kaenu reeves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't undestand
It's amazing how you faggots anthropomorphize and pretend that these machine learning models are magical and somehow actually learning and interpreting rather than crunching numbers in a completely predictable manner. These things were designed by human hands, they are not mysterious magical ancient artifacts from an advanced civilization. You're either lying to make image generators look better than they are, or you're actually pathetic enough to be getting high off your own supply.
(sigh...) allow me to explain to you in excructiating detial on how image generators work Literally all that these things do is Encode image to latent space + associate with words -> use input words to search for points on the latent space and decode an image from it. The latent space contains nothing more and nothing less than the images that the ML model was trained on, and all the space between the points in the latent space corresponding to the originally trained-upon images are interpolations between them. Essentially, n-dimensional animorphs. This is the paradigm that all ML imagegen models are built upon. The only true breakthrough for Stable Diffusion was figuring out a method of doing so that was extremely efficient, since they performed the encoding (via the diffusion method) upon a latent representation (i.e. a highly compressed representation of the original data). So when it produces, signatures and watermarks like pic related they are not because the machine "thinks" it should be there, but because it is a garbled interpolation of a (or many) signatures eg. it's a supercharged pattern recognition bot that frankenstein mashes together a bunch of stored pictures these things literally incapable of any form of thought or creativity and don't actually understand what there making or even doing why can't you fulminating spazmiods understand this?

>> No.6807440

yes but her family members were strapped on those rockets and what you see are her exploding family members that explode over tel aviv due to being hit with the iron dome antiair system while she watches contemplating the meaning of life

>> No.6807441

>actually it wasn't AI, get fucked loser
I knew it the moment I saw it(nta), not sure why he didn't, may e didn't look close and was just dazzled by the patterns and didn't see the guy in front of the other.

>> No.6807442

>he's famous therefor he is good
lmao even
>You tell me, while you're choking on blobby digital futa dicks shooting out geysers of jism
someone's upset

>> No.6807443

I want to be good enough to make the next big breakthrough model training set. Will posting on 4chan help?

>> No.6807445

>Ok?? What was your point in this little exercise?
holy shit he's losing it
>y-yeah you just made a fool of me, s-s-so what??

>> No.6807446
File: 102 KB, 1000x571, 1686336181729124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most common example is the avocado chair

it's literally like extreme perspective and distorted woman and car thing, literally just combine existing concepts into something new

after all if you can't recognize it then there's nothing to be recognized

>> No.6807447

I didn't look at it that closely. The request was show me some inventive AI art, not show me any art and have me guess whether it's AI or not. So I took the guy at face value, because I already know AI can copy well. I've been saying as much over and over again
Genuinely don't understand what the retard's point was in posting it. It's just more deflection

>> No.6807448

Good idea for a story and image, now try work that into the image like an artist.

>> No.6807449
File: 1.89 MB, 1024x1024, 1264824141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter what the artists intention was, any perceived meaning comes from the observer.

>> No.6807450

I'm not your enemy. I'm just a hobby chad so I know how good it feels to not worry a spec about AI. And especially if you're not a pro artist now you should really consider doing something else since now is a good time. Most people here only want to be artists anyway just because they are afraid of the world and not because of passion.

>> No.6807452

I read the first sentece and stopped there because fuck you and your monologue

I don't pretent this shit is human, it's demonstrably able to extract patterns and generalize them, this doesn't need some human mind

>> No.6807455

That image on the right also seems to really have the face of that smartass doctor from SCRUBS.

>> No.6807457

I am curious what his point was. I fail to see how confusing real art for ai helps his argument. The other way around would help.

>> No.6807459
File: 1.34 MB, 832x1216, 25_1902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg that's so sad.
This is a picture of one of the soldiers who was at the site and caught her mom's perfectly heart-shaped heart after she exploded. Imagine the trauma oh god.

>> No.6807460

One thing I've learned, or rather confirmed, from this thread is that AIniggers are basically half a step above NPCs, and don't know what art is despite claiming it's being replaced. You ask them to do a simple thing and they keep doing anything BUT the simple thing
Obviously I'm asking for really original art, you post avocado chair

>> No.6807462
File: 416 KB, 859x354, el abomination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not your enemy. I'm just a hobby chad so I know how good it feels to not worry a spec about AI. And especially if you're not a pro artist now you should really consider doing something else since now is a good time. Most people here only want to be artists anyway just because they are afraid of the world and not because of passion.
i have a feud with this retarded promptiod tranny here
I have been asking him to post one doodle literally a single one and he hasn't provided one in 2 weeks he's that pre beg well whatever i enjoy blowing him the fuck up and emasculating him like the talentless fraud he is.
>provides a refutation to your BS
>u u uhh your post is too long!!!!
keep seething prompt tranny.

>> No.6807463

Post your work.

>> No.6807464

you're just low IQ if you can't grasp how artwork is the amalgamation of concepts

explain to me how it can generate avocado chairs if it can't create new things

>> No.6807466

your first sentence was bullshit and I stopped reading because I don't think like your strawman

>> No.6807467

I guess if you think non ai art = inventive but ai art = not inventive, yet you can't tell the difference between non ai art and ai art then it's a moot point.

>> No.6807469

>I have been asking him to post one doodle literally a single one and he hasn't provided one in 2 weeks he's that pre beg well whatever i enjoy blowing him the fuck up and emasculating him like the talentless fraud he is.
who you talking about?

>> No.6807470
File: 258 KB, 854x480, image generators 101.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain to me how it can generate avocado chairs if it can't create new things
the refutation is right here
do you want a video explaining how your slop machine works as well?
AI troons will run circles around this fact and deny until they are green in the face but they know it's reality and that they will never be artist or (women)

>> No.6807471
File: 1.70 MB, 512x512, AI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pro AI anon wants to prove that AI art technology is capable of more than soft core pin-ups
>Doesn't post any animations
I'm not pro-AI as it is, but even I admit that these surreal animations are cool, probably the coolest AI imagery I've seen yet.

>> No.6807473

Lmao I always love when AIchads do the ol' switcheroo.
Works everytime.

>> No.6807477

learn to format your shit better, all you did was just do a synopsis on stable diffusion which doesn't explain how an avocado chair isn't a new thing, you literally have no explanation because it in fact is a new thing, just like how a forced perspective of a woman on a car is a new thing, that is to say it's not truly new but combination of patterns

you can cram your bullshit distorted perspective shit in the latent space too and arrive at a car and distortion too

>> No.6807479

>thread up for 3 hours and 12 minutes
>past bump limit
why do artists like talking about AI so much compared to other topics?
AI threads always hit bump limit and this one in particular hit bump limit at record speed.

>> No.6807484

extremely defensive over it due to fear, emotion takes over rationality

>> No.6807486
File: 55 KB, 772x204, fatheless behavior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who you talking about?
i need to give him a proper name so he can be honoured alongside the regular shitposters like albeatnik and chris but here is the jizt prompter troon is a humongous faggot who spams every possible thread with his generative monstrosities and derails them with AI nonsense here is one example of it.

>> No.6807489

ah I see, you're schizophrenic who's chased by boogiemen

>> No.6807491

It's just fear. The board would be so much better if everyone just turned into a hobby chad instead of so many people coping with pro careers.

>> No.6807492

>non ai art = inventive
>ai art = not inventive
No one said this, buffoon
Plenty of non-AI art, most of it in fact, is pure slop too
AI art simply takes slop to a new unholy level
It's not categorically unoriginal, simply provably so as of yet, and you've done a poor job to convince anyone otherwise

>> No.6807493

the yous kept coming. And I kept coming. Maybe it's ic is so slow, the artists are a bit starved for conversation, aifags respond so damn quick. Thanks lads.

>> No.6807497

>why do artists like talking about AI so much compared to other topics?
Because it's an important topic that effects artist no? Of course they're going to want to talk about it.

>AI threads always hit bump limit
Nah, plenty don't, it just seems that this one has a couple of very rambunctious anons going at it.

That said, they're always getting caught by easy to spot bait such as >>6807484

>> No.6807498

Hey don't shoot the messenger, I'm just translating things for you in 5th grade vernacular.

>> No.6807499

>AI can't create anything new because the BLOBBY BLOCULOID isn't in the latent space, it doesn't matter it can do combinations of a billion different subject matters that the latent space does contain

>> No.6807501

>how an avocado chair isn't a new thing, you literally have no explanation because it in fact is a new thing, just like how a forced perspective of a woman on a car is a new thing, that is to say it's not truly new but combination of patterns
>he still doesn't understand
by god how can you be this fucking dense?
look closely at this keanu reeves armour pic do you see how it was made by essentially photo bashing togther two pieces is it really that difficult to understand? and no you fucking retard they can't invent anything new because they don't posses
>1 sentience thoughts
>2 ability to experience
>3 come up with new concepts
all they can do is copy what is in the dataset and mash them together .

>> No.6807505

That's not how it works though.

>> No.6807506

I can't tell who's a shitposter and who isn't anymore, shills are lying in full force today. It was another dishonest/specious argument, so I assumed it was your belief. My b

>> No.6807507

the network links concepts together so yes it can do new shit, even simple shit like attatching the likeness of a character into a scenario the character has never been in is an example of this, you're just too dumb to understand

explain how the avocado chair is not a new thing

>> No.6807508
File: 32 KB, 822x135, Screenshot 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI Art can get a copyright if people add their own creative ideas to it. This includes thinking up the idea, designing parts, choosing what's good, and changing things in the art.

>> No.6807509

Only artists can conceive of blobbychan. Ai loses once again.

>> No.6807510

Anon, I'm not pro-AI but I think that's a pretty weak argument.
Humans can't make something "new" either, we can only mix stuff that we already know.
Try coming up with something truly original that isn't just a mix of already existing concepts. You can't, right?
Don't use this argument next time, it makes us look like retards.

>> No.6807511
File: 814 KB, 1024x1024, 1743278714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is in fact my belief that AI can and does pretty much exclusively create new things, if that makes you feel better for going off.