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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 593 KB, 833x822, 6QHzMJm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6805782 No.6805782 [Reply] [Original]

So, here's an idea for a thread. Tell me how you learned to draw and post some of your work alongside it. We're always debating what the best way of learning to draw here is, but I want to hear from people who are already confident enough in their abilities. Did you grind boxes all day? Loomis? Copy anime? Tell me anons.

>> No.6805790

Has to include time period too, and be honest about how much time you spent drawing before you started "practicing for real"
Doesn't matter if you got good at drawing by copying only but it took you 10 years. You could probably teach a dog to draw in 5 years

>> No.6805812

Do you want me to start? or is this thread simply for discussing the logistics of the thread that you actually want to make?

>> No.6805823
File: 213 KB, 850x1112, sample_0333c55559c2c70403057f93a86ff8b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I just drew randomly as a child which got me somewhere but what REALLY kickstarted it was when I took requests on my favorite 4chan general at 13 and encouraged critique. With each critique I'd take it to heart and try my best to not repeat the same mistake. In just a year I went from shitty to good enough as to where I'd get compliments from anons.

>> No.6805826

>just drew

>> No.6805851

not op but PYW

>> No.6805865
File: 213 KB, 877x1240, bust9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a lot as a kid (about 20 years ago), but was always told that art would get me nowhere, so I dropped it entirely, not drawing anything in all that time, and pursued other interests. Just last year, I realized I wanted to get back into it, and started digital art for the first time. I wish I had never given it up.
How did I learn? I usually just copy styles I like to look at and I "just draw". I try to "just draw" a little every day, but I don't beat myself up if I miss a day or two. I find realism to be boring, so I've always stuck to a more cartoon-ish look, which makes drawing easier, I'm sure. But most of all, I draw what I like to draw. It's never a chore. I love the process. And I'm very glad I came back to this hobby I loved all those years ago.

tl;dr: just draw, I guess.

>> No.6805916

how old are you now? or is this your work from when you were 14?

>> No.6805987
File: 523 KB, 825x1425, Tarot_Card_-_The_Star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My method of improving my craft has always been sketchy:
Normally I just let things improve through practice and habit, I do my best to do things right on every piece. In cases I need to study, I simply pick a topic and start studying and grinding, I do this until I have a full grasp of the topic, then I let improvements come as I progress through pieces. I do this while looking at my own pieces, thinking of what I could do better next; however, my biggest flaw on this plan is that I dont do much research unless Im studying, so for the instances I dont study (80% of the time) my solutions for issues are not very well thought out. Im working on researching more often and having more study sessions.

As for timeline, I've been drawing since I was 5, picked up digital art at 13 and only started taking art seriously since 2018. The reason why Im still not out of beg zone despire having almost two decades drawing is because I never focused to improve until early college, I was just drawing for fun and I was too attached to my stylization (I still kind of hate myself for that). I only started improving because self awareness was creeping and I was feeling like my art was too bad, so I started looking for ways to improve and decided to take art seriously for once.

>> No.6806014
File: 234 KB, 850x1135, sample_eff7e9463079e22fb38bfccffa280faa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22. I stopped/ slowed down drawing for many years because of my horrible parents but I can still have a good sense of appeal.

>> No.6806015
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x1322, 110284538_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing for 2 years. Started by playing Gartic Phone with mouse with /v/ anons, got encouraged to buy drawing tablet. Loomis Fun With a Pencil and studying my fav artists. Started doing comms 3 months after starting to draw.

>> No.6806103
File: 2.67 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230821_211732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew at 5 years old, first stick men who killed each other, then at 8 years old clone wars drawings (clones and droids were always stick men) then I stopped until I was 17 where I took over the drawing, because I have an idea for a webcomic / manga that I would like to publish

personally I studied the fundamentals with some book but personally I train by drawing what I like

>> No.6806127

You know it's weird I actually don't hate your art
Despite it being exactly the type of thing I usually hate
It's oddly well put together
I think it could be enhanced by a little more intentional Rythm in the few dark contour lines
Like that curve for the front leg is very tasteful, and it's echoed nicely in the contour on the shoulder

For being a deviant art tier artist, you have decent compositional instincts. Just needs honing through some good books

>> No.6806142
File: 774 KB, 825x1425, Untitled8_20230822040122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your art is actually pretty good. It just needs to stand out a little more. I did some quick black lines just to see what they'd look like.

>> No.6806181
File: 93 KB, 1109x1221, kataguruma_mune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started ever since I had enough fine motor skills to draw, probably early elementary
Almost two decades since then, most of my improvement being in the latter 10 years
Read Loomis for a bit, but most of my gains were from sculpting and the books I read afterwards.

>> No.6806188
File: 452 KB, 1500x2500, IMG_20230617_001846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly just draw with an emphasis on trying to pick something I was bad at with each piece and work to improve it. I've been stagnant for awhile though because I haven't done much focused practice in a while.

>> No.6806189

Oh and I forgot the time period thing. About 5 years, probably coming up to 6 soon.

>> No.6806191
File: 985 KB, 3233x2877, 2023-08-20 - drawpile things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been drawing since I was a kid - never took it seriously until maybe about 3 years ago when I bought a screen tablet
I still don't take it seriously but I draw at least an hour a day now, either copying stuff I like, or drawing figure drawing studies from line of action

Here's some stuff I drew on drawpile last week

>> No.6806192
File: 911 KB, 1283x1265, IMG_20230525_055613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just draw what I find interesting to draw. I'm mainly an autodidact (school and a few months of a course in which I mainly listened to music and talked shit with the other participants barely count) and have more creative endeavors but I'm slowly learning to embrace studies to create better artworks. Been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil but it was always an on-and-off thing.

>> No.6806225
File: 1.14 MB, 3524x3000, slow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a complete begginer drawing stickmen when I decided to learn art:

>1 Drawing the head and hands by Loomis.
I started with this and copied everything until around page 57. Going from stickmen to drawing actual faces made me feel like I was good, but I started noticing that my drawings weren't getting + I was getting bored so I dropped the book. It's a really good book but I'm stupid.

>2 Gesture drawings
I did this A LOT. I even did 1000 30s gesture drawings in a week one time. This helped me a lot because I didn't have to think at all. Just wake up, turn on my pc, go to https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing and draw.
30s, 1m, 5m. Whatever. JUST DRAW.

>3.A Copying other artists lineart
This is really stupid, but I'm lazy, so I downloaded a lot of art I liked and tried copying their lineart in 5 minutes. Like with gesture drawing, I didn't want to think nor get obsessed with doing "good" drawings.
I'm pretty sure I did +2k of these studies, but THIS ISN'T TIME EFFICIENT. As I said before, I'm lazy. I procrastinate a lot. These kind of studies are pretty easy to do. Just pick a drawing and copy its lineart. This make it easier for me to JUST DRAW.
A not efficient way of studying is better than not doing anything at all.

>3.B Doing complete studies
I did this waaay less than the previous point. I tried doing an exact copy (lineart + colors + rendering) of art that I liked without a time limit.
Without a time limit, I had no excuses for the flaws in my drawing, so this was really frustrating hence why I didn't do it a lot, but this motivated to stop caring about drawing and move on to painting.

>4.A Study shapes
I'm still here. Learning how to simplify shapes, shape appeal, edges, etc. Pay attention to shapes in other artists pieces. Try to understand way they choose that shape, what would I do in their place, blah blah.

>4.B Variation
I'm still here. Learning how to add color variation, brush variation, etc to my shapes.

>> No.6806290

>You know it's weird I actually don't hate your art despite it being exactly the type of thing I usually hate
Damn, Im taking that as an achievement! Thanks, anon! I wonder why am I the exception, though.
>I think it could be enhanced by a little more intentional Rythm in the few dark contour lines
I think I get it, but could you elaborate? I dont exactly know what you mean by "intentional rhythm".
Nice work with picrel! It reminds me when I used to make binary-lineart renders, I forgot they also had their flavor. I also like the little highlights on the hair and the shade in the eyes, idk why I never thought of that.
>It just needs to stand out a little more
While you have a good point and the black lineart does make it stand out pretty nicely, I dont know... I dont want to disrupt the lineless aesthetic, isnt there a better way to create contrast and make it stand out better? Like using colors to create contrast, maybe? I could still try lineart rendering again, though.

>> No.6806305

The amount of samefagging you do is unreal

>> No.6806316
File: 193 KB, 720x1081, Screenshot_20230821-200952_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, anon...?

>> No.6806322

Is the top right your work?

>> No.6806326

Got any figure studies?

>> No.6806345
File: 744 KB, 1125x1500, bc_fuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40s. Drew some as a kid, wanted to be a comic artist. Drew some cartoony comics as a teen but then lost focus in my 20s. Worked as a graphic designer and took a few drawing classes while getting that degree. Mostly drew boxes and gesture drawings.
Didn't draw for much of my 30s. Covid hit around 40, used that time off to grind Loomis and Jack Hamm books. Caught the drawing bug and started drawing from everything—life, books, my favorite comic-manga artists, imagination, etc. To me this is the key—insatiable curiosity, don't stop drawing.
I've been seriously drawing (with focus) for about 4 years now, off-and-on before that. I'm now reaching the point where I draw efficiently enough to work on my comic ideas.

>> No.6806352
File: 317 KB, 760x970, Screenshot_20230822-080232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks :) And yes you can totally create better contrast through colors! I'm no expert but you can do this by making the subject more vibrant than the background, making the background more simple, using a more different shading style than the background, using blurring strategically.. I'm sure there's more you can do but that's what I've though of so far!!
Kill yourself.

>> No.6806353
File: 62 KB, 526x917, Screenshot_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First book I've read when I started drawing - Drawing comics the marvel way, it set things in my head right, then loomis and lots of anatomy and figure studies from photos and anatomy books

>> No.6806373
File: 130 KB, 640x480, 1690294136359599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good work anon, glad to see you're not falling for the
>its too late meme
keep on the grind

>> No.6806408


>> No.6806419
File: 162 KB, 1314x1766, FyKHLyPagAMgYIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always drawing as a kid but I didn't start taking it seriously until I was 24 around 2014. There's about a 5 years gap where my life completely fell apart for 5 years and I couldn't work like I used to but I referenced a lot of twitter and Pixiv artists I liked and I finished the Natural Way to Draw. I also copied a ton from Bridgman books and whent through a ton of sketchbooks.

>> No.6806428

just goes to show the amazing power of master copies and JUST DRAW

Thanks for the advice, anon

>> No.6806445

thanks anon

>> No.6806473

How many people do you estimate are even on this board at all.
It's kinda dead here
I feel like there's 30 people here, 40 max

>> No.6806474

OH Jesus christ I just checked the anime studies thread, I guess that's where all the IPs are.
No wonder it feels like a ghost town, I never open that thread

>> No.6806485

>I have a good sense of appeal!
>draws a bigger
Motherfucking kek

>> No.6806596

wtf are you talking about retard lmao

>> No.6806625

a bigger, you know, a lunchtime rowdy, an urban youth, someone who never changes their smoke alarm batteries, you know, someone who puts seasoning salt on everything

>> No.6806635

I don't like your art but it's kinda impressive that you've managed to have this level in 2 years only with Loomis. I wonder if you'll manage to get past your flaws with only your practice or if you'll get stuck at this level. Maybe you don't mind staying at this level for the rest of your life and that's perfectly fine.

>> No.6806636

Ah, Cat-Anon, you're here again. I like your cats.

>> No.6806653

Thanks, mate! Appreciated!

>> No.6806681
File: 3.77 MB, 2251x2413, image14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 31 y.o guy who picked up the pencil one and a half years.
Mostly just grind fundies, Hampton, Vilppu. Also study other people's works. At first I was trying to grind Loomis until anons told me to learn perspective first which helped a lot. Think I will proceed with it later.

>> No.6806695
File: 1.25 MB, 3179x2387, img044(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Early years
Been drawing as long as I can remember, alaways been praised with my art as a kid. I was drawing a lot but hardly learned anything.

Went to art uni and some art schools in France and Belgium. I've really started learning drawing and painting during those years (I was 21), with obsevational drawings, nudes, plasters, perspectives...
Graduated of fine arts without drawing that much, I was mostly doing glitch art and other fun stuff.

Going back and forth re-learning drawing again after being a wagie. It's like rehab after a stroke but I enjoy it.

>> No.6806697

charming piece anon

>> No.6806773
File: 246 KB, 1620x2048, merlin_152458800_fec046c0-0cd0-4ac8-ba30-8e981ed25ce1-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know... someone who probably has ancestry from niger... someone who triggers a snigger when witnessed consuming fried chicken and watermelon... one who sips gin and juice out of a jigger... one who niggles you for a dollar outside of run down convenience stores annoying you like chiggers as their demands grow bigger... you know...

>> No.6806925


>> No.6806940
File: 57 KB, 561x242, CAT!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, also. I'm 35 at the moment. My few months of drawing course were in 2007 or so. I've only started drawing more since 2017 but started with abstract drawings and paintings. The cattos started out in that phase but eventually I put them into 3D environments. I use them to practice the things I want to draw which is, currently, landscapes and buildings.

>> No.6806958

Landscapes and buildings are fun. Blue Period is fun too.

>> No.6807003

I'm not confident in my abilities, but might still be useful info
Me >>6804054
Started with Drawabox, but I skipped a lot and I'm not even sure if I began the second chapter. Did dexterity exercises daily. After that I went through Hampton and kinda drew a figure along with it.
Then I started doing form sketching a lot and some exercises to try to improve accuracy a bit. Copied about half of Bridgman, did gesture/figure drawing daily.
From that point on it's basically random information from all over the place along with using real life or other artists as reference when I don't know how to do something. I hate full studies.
Started drawing last April at 28yo. Not an artistic person so I never drew growing up. I was a bit on and off with 3D though, and I still plan on going back to it seriously and trying to get to a professional level

>> No.6807010

Form sketching and box rotations gave me more gains than probably everything else combined

>> No.6807314

>Form sketching
So you're just sketching figures or it's something more specific?

>> No.6807516
File: 2.59 MB, 2500x2500, Form_Sketching-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done this in quite awhile, but from a year ago. Draw some lines that flow together, draw simple shapes that follow that flow, and add cross contours.

I never drew these things in shared perspective though. I might actually revisit this exercise and try that

>> No.6807582
File: 250 KB, 508x655, IMG_20230812_132414_479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a pencil/,pen and started going at it
Spoiler it was a bad choice (should have watched a few tutorials/fundies)
This is my current drawing level
Sure these are doodles from memory that I made in my free time (I barely have any nowadays)
But yeah this is what happens without the fundies

>> No.6807800
File: 87 KB, 826x1301, 20230822_162233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing since I remember but just like a little kid would do, Danny phantom, club penguin characters and stuff like that and stopped for years up until 2017 I believe when I read the sticky for the first time, grabbed Andrew Loomis books and would practice on paper almost everyday, drawing faces and stuff

Then moved to digital and started doing stuff in DeviantArt but I still couldn't find a "style" then what gave me the biggest boost was just observing artists I liked

Taking a look at how they would draw arms, faces, nipples, how would they color and started using that on my own art, everytime I would do a commission and not know how to tackle it I would just observe art from favorites and borrow what I liked from them

Problem is consistency, right after my art made its biggest jump in improvement I realized I could spend months without touching my tablet, I think I might not finished 15 drawings in the last 3-4 years

Trying to so something about it now that I bought a new tablet, and other than some good game releases I've been drawing more

>> No.6807808
File: 971 KB, 859x810, flammable_Crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been slowly at it since I was 13 (23 now). All I did was try to imitate whatever artists I was into at the time (mainly newgrounds cartoonists), so the result was just a pale imitation of those. I never really knew where to look for information about any of this stuff without it getting super boring and technical so yeah, mostly brute forced my way thru for a while, with improvement in mind sure, but again it was kind of directionless.

It's only in the last like,3-4 years that I began to observe the shit around me and thinking about what I'm doing in terms of shapes and form, it really did wonders for me. So yeah, other than doing studies, to me the most important thing is to actually think about what makes the art that I like tick, taking the time to observe and mentally deconstruct it in my mind, even if I'm not in art mode. That and getting more artistic influences than just whatever's on twitter or the big geniuses of the past. Having a wider perspective to what's out there is KEY.
I got this mentality thru making music mostly, it really rewired something in my mind.

None of that Loomis shit. I'm sure it helps, but from what I've seen around here following those books like gospel tends to result into some really stiff and rigid crap (and I don't have the attention span for it lol).

I also picked up some graphic design skills from a MoGraph course I did, so I try to incorporate some of that as well. Knowing what differentiates a good typeface from a bad one, how big or small it should be, where it should go... it can elevate even the most shoddy sketches.
So if you do have another artistic itch, scratch it. It all feeds into each other.

I know that I probably could've gotten way better way faster if I no-lifed it with more thorough studies and drawing every day, but I'm seeing steady (albeit kinda slow) improvement in my shit across the board, there's no need to rush it while I'm still trying to find out what I'm trying achieve with all of this.

>> No.6807836

Just to add to this, just focusing on technical improvement will eventually push you into a dead-end. The whole thing about diving deeper into your influences isn't just to learn about the different ways you can render light or skin or whatever, it's all about learning the different ways you can communicate ideas.
You can make the prettiest anime girl with big booba you can possibly imagine, but if your work ammounts to what is essentially a prompt in stable diffusion, then you're not really utilizing the medium to its full potential.

>> No.6808168
File: 1.53 MB, 1848x3152, 20230726_100848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned to draw from YouTube videos, but the muscle memory came from painting minis. Now as a consequence, I'm shit at line work, but pretty good at shading.

>> No.6808169
File: 194 KB, 946x1029, 20230716_220120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example of mini

>> No.6808914

Cute butt

>> No.6808919

Thanks, based it on my mom's

>> No.6809853


>> No.6810994

Need more guidance

>> No.6811020
File: 1001 KB, 3024x1238, Best Of Scalefall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned to draw mostly from drawing shit that I liked with occasional (read:rarely) studying. I need to buckle down and study hard now that I'm in college for art. I have Morpho Books and PDFs of Drawing The Marvel Way and Vilpuu's Drawing Manual.

>> No.6811096

>I learned to draw
Gonna stop you right there anon, based on pic related, you havent reached this phase yet

>> No.6811109
File: 305 KB, 1244x866, sphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but pretty good at shading.
Man, you still have a lot to learn, your values are not so solid and your "shading" is very unrefined, try to go over your drawing again, slowly, and properly fill in the gaps with a really sharp pencil.
Also, the sphere, your cast shadow is too light, the terminator line on the sphere is more or less okay but the transition into the light is too dark, thus spread out too much.
Observe pic related.

>> No.6811174
File: 848 KB, 1387x3124, 20230818_130925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a warm up.
I mean, you can nitpick anything. That was 20 minutes on the steering wheel of my truck during a break. I'm still beg and these assessments are relative.
How's this? I'm not claiming to be an instructor or some shit, just a hobbiest.

>> No.6811263
File: 1.66 MB, 2000x1500, random_art_collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really say how I taught myself to draw since I've just been picking up stuff and studying without any clear end goal in mind. I've probably started half a dozen courses without finishing a single one and the only art book I've read start to finish was Perspective made easy. But, if I had to sort the skills I've worked on from most to least time spent on them, it would be something like this:
Construction > Perspective > Figure drawing > Anatomy > Painting > Line art
This is probably not optimal, but I don't do art for a living so whatever, also, pic related is some of the stuff I've drawn in the last few months

>> No.6811271
File: 859 KB, 3686x4096, 4174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6811275

You probably should go take a class dude. It's 100x easier to have money to afford classes then teaching yourself.

>> No.6811294
File: 163 KB, 540x960, loomis practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not your art, retarded fundie drone
pic related is your actual art

>> No.6811299

Even if that was their practice, at least they’re 1) drawing and 2) practicing heads in different angles and not being a 1 trick, 3/4 quarter anime girl standing in the blank abyss doing nothing (you).

>> No.6811314

very nice!

>> No.6811388

Why is she getting a pita bread infusion?

>> No.6811394

Wtf im an old master

>> No.6811407

I can tell you draw like that from this post lol

>> No.6811413

All of these look really cute and charming anon.

>> No.6811421


>> No.6811444

>Took a pencil/,pen and started going at it
>Spoiler it was a bad choice
No, just stop. You are an innocent kid that is being brainwashed by the retards. Keep drawing and do a shitton of drawings, no tutorial is needed, just fill a whole page. Quantity is way more important than tutorials as a beg

>> No.6811476

Why is literally everyone in this thread legit amateur tier except for >>6806181 and >>6806188 though

>> No.6811478

Those are amateurs. The rest are actual beginners. The overall skill level of /ic/ is very low and has been steadily decreasing.

>> No.6811486

The 1st is still nice and 2nd is not amateur
My art is thousands of rt tier and I did not post in this thread because I actually do not want to create competition for myself if I tell people how to make stylized art
I qm ssuming other artists close to making it" are doing the same

>> No.6811491

>My art is thousands of rt tier
Big deal. So is mine and I'm /beg/
>I actually do not want to create competition for myself if I tell people how to make stylized art
Stop being delusional, dunning kruger.

>> No.6811494

I'm planning to not post the vast majority of my art at all on this shithole until I'm high /int/ tier at best, but that would require a couple or more years and I doubt I would still be here by that point.

>> No.6811495

>Big deal. So is mine and I'm /beg/
Well then pyw and help others
And also you should be making money then so it is not really *not* a big deal

Even big artists who make courses throw in screwball to fuck over their people who pay to learn to draw like them

>> No.6811507
File: 1.43 MB, 1086x1406, image_2023-08-24_202423327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20, have been drawing since I was in middle school/highschool- I mostly just draw whatever I want, I did a lot of life drawing back in high school and I still do it now occasionally, once or twice every week or so.
I'm in school for animation now, but I'm 90% self taught besides that- just a lot of copying other artists and drawing a lot.

>> No.6811521

>Well then pyw and help others
You first. I didn't post since I have nothing to say other than I just drew

>> No.6811534
File: 207 KB, 605x495, 1682129635864862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my art is worth thousands of rts
>but im not going to post my work
Local retard makes useless big claim while hiding his work, classic /ic/. If your stuff is so good as you say, you might as well pyw, but you wont because you know it's going to bite you in the ass.
>I wont because I will get competition for my stylized art
Of all excuse I've heard to not pyw, this is the most absurd so far kek.

>> No.6811658

And you have retards who actually think that big artists aren't gatekeeping assholes who try to keep other artists down and then question why their work isn't professional quality with no help and only a year or two of self teaching. Success in this field is just about who you know, like anything else

>> No.6811667
File: 31 KB, 596x448, 1682284117172282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, Maldraw.

>> No.6811701
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x3000, Exp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 years old. I started drawing at the beginning of 2021. My studies are basically shapes, observation studies and copying other artists (I'm currently studying the art of Yoh Yoshinari). I start the day studying this and then I draw something I like.

>> No.6811711

from the looks of it, they seem to be high begs hiding behind "style"

>> No.6811715
File: 535 KB, 836x866, cropp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing but Loomis

>> No.6811722

Appeal > skill
Every time.

>> No.6811725

Don't listen to retards like this >>6806127
Doing extreme stylization while having zero fundies is basically you wasting your time instead of working your way up there. It takes years to be able to pull that off the sooner you accept that the sooner you can actually improve

>> No.6811728
File: 17 KB, 600x315, ShagDab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna need a blog, buster

>> No.6811731

it's unappealing AND skillless

>> No.6811732

I call that the iteration method and i think it's the easiest way to improve. You finish your work and in the next piece you try to not commit the same mistakes again, naturally and passively building up your skills.

>> No.6811734

pyw immediately

>> No.6811739

>some generic studies of someone who just started to get into art

>> No.6811744

I like his art and want to see more.
Studies can be interesting too

>> No.6811751
File: 44 KB, 635x665, 1642802633645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, to be honest I didnt really get what he meant by "Intentional Rhythm" if that is what you're telling me to disregard. I have to ask, though, what do (You) suggest me to do instead?

>> No.6811752

>Studies can be interesting too
only if it's done by someone who knows what they are doing, Nobody cares about beginner studies since they all are the same, a badly drawn mess with zero worth

>> No.6811760

My insta: kaiusart
I post there from time to time

>> No.6811763

He has potential. Growth is fun

>> No.6811766

I know it has become a meme, but honestly start with perspective in particular start with boxes, but also keep doing the fun stuff you enjoy, that's your motivation to keep going. The good thing is everytime you get better at fundies the stuff you like to draw will also get a bit better, creating a positive feedback loop

>> No.6811777

that's the thing anon, every beginner has infinitive potential because there is (yet) nothing to judge them on. Their proportion is all over the place, their lineart is bad because they have no clue what they are doing, everything is wonky and unsure etc
hence why they all look the same

>> No.6811779

lmfao this fucking crab

>> No.6811783

trips of truth are spittin'

>> No.6811794

Agreed, but to really work it needs focused study with reference and that's where I tend to fail.

>> No.6811800

Please be nice to each other

>> No.6811808

You have a really warped idea of what studies are supposed to be.

>> No.6811819

You really need to let go of the idea that your studies at the start of your art journey are anything more than - well - studies. The only worth they have is in the fact that they later can help you see how far you have come.

>> No.6811852

The previous studies of that anon are probably less skilled than his current post, and have aided him into creating his illustrations, by that alone it means it's not worthless, and every artist has a different path into improvement, so no, they aren't all the same, for example, his line art is not bad at all, there's confidence in there, his construction shows lots of potential as well.

If you add to this the fact some artist lean towards certain ways of problem solving and have their own definition of aesthetic, it only solidifies and expands through studying, the other anon liked his piece, he does like the studies as well, and it makes sense, even if you were "better" or practiced differently than him at his level, there's some unique quality or charm to it. We both know that that's an element to art that can't be exactly quantified, that's why the term SOVL exists, even if some people use it ironically, you can see some artists have glimpses of quality despite their deficiencies.

Imagine how many artists are /int/ and make quality looking pieces and good looking studies, but both you and themselves know there's a lot of work to do, that doesn't take away from the fact their art looks appealing, and it is if someone else likes it, that's true for /beg/ artists too.

Look at this this way, there are artists that are miles better than you in fundamentals and draftsmanship, but they look at your studies and liked how you rendered a character's hair, or made an interesting design, maybe even you do it better than them in some way, does that take away from the fact that you liked their work? Even though you know his hair rendering isn't all that good?

I'm not going a dumb hugbox argument, I really don't care about it, there are artist who would go for the dick measuring contest and call everything that isn't better than their own level ugly or dogshit, but I'm pretty sure even themselves would fail not to appreciate something unique, even in a study.

>> No.6811937

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.6811951
File: 55 KB, 1263x252, Screenshot_20230825-031916_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salt salt salt salt salt
Seriously just shut the fuck up you are just an angry permabeg which is why you bitch so much while simultaneously not posting your work

>> No.6811988
File: 58 KB, 481x480, 20210422_001528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why else are the good artists here not posting in this thread
Put 2 and 2 together.
Yare yare bakas

>> No.6812001

> Dunning Kruger syndrome on full display
dios mio

>> No.6812002

>I have no argument so here's buzzword
Maybe /v/ is more on your speed

>> No.6812003

Very nice, anon. Blog?

>> No.6812006

It's describing very well the mental state of so many /begs/, we all go through it, your art is shit when you start out. There is nothing special about it, it looks ugly and unappealing. Just accept it and try to get better

>> No.6812012

Your original post is filled with assumptions and I already laid out why your argument is out of touch with reality. I don't know exactly how reducing this conversation to a low quality, shitpost tier level of retort is going to convince anyone otherwise.

>> No.6812013


>> No.6812015

>going full denial

>> No.6812018
File: 50 KB, 501x495, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought this thread would have cool stories about how other anons got their gains, jeez louise

>> No.6812041

I can't draw.

>> No.6812050

>muh dunning kruger
>still no argument against the original comment
>outs himself as a shitposter
>only if it's done by someone who knows what they are doing, Nobody cares about beginner studies since they all are the same, a badly drawn mess with zero worth
You're conflating your bias about the value of studies based only on skill with the actual value that can be found on the process of practicing and learning from studies, which clearly was found on the other poster you responded to, and even then, the actual artist can decide on his own if this claim is true or not, by his own definition, if he improved or learned something, which is the opposite of worthless, that's why people practice in the first place, I have no idea of how that flew over your head, unless you're conviniently being dense on purpose.

Anyone with sense knows that studies aren't things you'd put on a frame for everyone to see, that doesn't mean there's no appeal or value to it, or that has zero worth, even if all /beg/ studies look the same to you. The thread is about posting your work and explaining how you learned to draw, people that are eager to learn are very much interested on knowing how an artist approaches learning especially if they display some relative level of skill and appeal in their work, which the artist you're indirectly shitting on has, the most absurd thing is someone clicking in this thread and completely miss the entire point of it.

>> No.6812053

>more seeth
your shit art would get better if you seethed less and drew more...

>> No.6812061

OP here. That's what I wanted to happen, but I guess the majority socially inept anons took over. I am sick of crabs.

Please post your stories or fuck off.

>> No.6812099

I tried... fren...

>> No.6812107

>start with perspective in particular start with boxes
Kek, I swear perspective is going to be the end of me, one day I have to learn to pull it off, boxes sound like a good start, I'll see what I can do.
>The good thing is everytime you get better at fundies the stuff you like to draw will also get a bit better
Yeah, that's where I put focus on the study sessions. I do lean heavily on stylization, but I try to get at least a basic grasp of fundies otherwise the whole thing looks off.

>local retard holds onto his nitpicky crabbing while still not posting his work
>"Yare yare bakas"
Double faggot, dare I say triple. Holy shit dont ever do that again.

Arent you being a massive bitch over someone liking someone else's art? You can talk shit all you want, but anon likes this other anon's art and I can see why. Is it shit to you? who cares? Goodness you people are insufferable.

>> No.6812113

One autistic retard can easily retail a thread on a slow board.
The only question is why won't people ignore this shit.

>> No.6812114

because they are autistic retards

>> No.6812132
File: 427 KB, 1280x720, dead and Barryed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh Freddy Krueger

>> No.6812140

The "good artists" don't post here because they're afraid of the big bad scary FBI monster who already is aware of their whereabouts will track them down and pound them in the badussy. At least all 6 of them, anyway.

>> No.6812184
File: 333 KB, 1195x1797, 1685076058156242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to imitate some DBZ and Oh My Goddess! when i was very young.
read a ton of manga, watched anime

started learning with drawing on the right side of the brain. although i read every other book i could get my hands on as well. but my "training" officially began with that book.
>started keeping a sketchbook
>tried to inform myself, work on my fundamentals
>gesture, negative space, values, proportionality were all very interesting topics for me
>tons of anatomy study
>occasional studies from photos (never ended up doing that many life studies since it felt like a hassle)
>just tried to make my work "look better". would absorb whatever information i could find if i found that it made sense.
all learning topics aside, i think keeping a sketchbook is how you become an artist.

i do draw cubes occasionally to warm up because why not.

>> No.6812251
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x2676, vanilla front low res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always used references. Started in middle school, with copying anime and doodles. 2 years in highschool copying simple things like Pokémon or Megaman characters. Picked it back up "seriously" (not a career, just for fun) a year and a half ago, now copying anything. Referencing enough taught me to fill in the blanks, and then that taught me to create from scratch. I've read a bit, but I personally think artbooks are boring, subjective, and only useful during roadblocks. I found it a lot more fun just jumping into stuff i was interested in rather than read too deep into abstract concepts.

>> No.6812257

So are all the actual good artists actively avoiding this thread or do they not exist?
Like, I hate to shit on people who actually post work and contribute to the discussion, I don't want to make people uncomfortable sharing
But it's just so blatant and weird that only 2, maybe 3 people max in this entire thread can actually draw.
The rest is all deviant art tier oc coom trash, or obviously someone with autism, like, it's really fucking bad in here and they've all been drawing for "years"
I have to assume that quite simply, no one without a learning disability visits this board

>> No.6812260

Anyone who calls themselves “good artists” in third person are the biggest limpdicks around and not around, of course, since they’re not present in the room for which they talk so highly about themselves.

>> No.6812264

Anybody claiming they can't post their work because it would dox them is a garbage tier artist.

A decent artist can easily whip up a quick sketch to demonstrate their understanding of perspective, anatomy, gesture, light and form without having to add any elements of personal style that would give them away

If the only way you can draw anything is in your distinct "style" then you don't actually have an art style, you have a crutch you use to ignore that your art fundamentals are nonexistent

>> No.6812266

>Anyone who calls themselves “good artists” in third person

How is that relevant to anything I said? I didn't call myself a good artist

>> No.6812268
File: 166 KB, 398x397, 1682982153066037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still shitting on artists while not posting his work
Quadruple faggot.

>> No.6812272

Ask an actually good artist how they learned to draw. It's really not that interesting since they all say the same thing. There's no trick, just practice.

>> No.6812273

I just started learning, I'm not a good artist, I came here as an educational resource, only to find that there's barely any decent artists here.
You have any idea how good people in other fields get at something in 5 years
And people here have been drawing for 5 years and their shit looks like a toddler drew it
The drawing being technically bad is one thing, but the fact that the subject matter is almost always some deviant art oc coom furry shit, that immediately makes me think developmental disabilities
You and a 12 year old boy should not have the same taste, interest and ability in art. You have a problem if that's the case

>> No.6812274
File: 54 KB, 496x278, 1623878438553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just concretely lay out

People who call literally everything "high begs with style" just do not like anime art or stylized/cartoon anime art

They also do not post better work or what the fuck /int/ or pro looks like to them

Like they probably think Omocat and Gats are /beg/ too yet they are very successful artists people look up to

>> No.6812275
File: 25 KB, 400x300, dfc704b5-86e8-47bd-816a-a2c231a1ac6c-hed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6812282

>People who call literally everything "high begs with style" just do not like anime art or stylized/cartoon anime art

It only counts as a style if you actually can draw something decent in a realistic style. Otherwise you're obviously just covering for your weak fundamentals
If the ONLY thing you CAN draw is anime, then the truth is, you CAN'T DRAW

Good stylized art only comes from people who are capable of drawing other things but actively choose to refine a style
Just like the best anime is written by people who are inspired by real literature, film, history and society, as opposed to those authors who's only inspiration is just other anime.
That kind of intellectual inbreeding just degrades the quality of the medium overall

The people who's anime art inspires you were not themselves inspired by just anime, you'll never be as good as them if you just copy their already derivative work

>> No.6812283

>bitter beg complains about better artists trying to help others because they draw whatever they want better than he will ever draw anything

>> No.6812292

>better than he will ever draw
Man you’re delusional, but I already knew that.

>> No.6812296

Cope, no draw no post. Keep it up

>> No.6812297

>>6812273 (me)

Uh,btw, I wrote 273 but I did not write 283

>> No.6812300

>le fundamentals!!
Studies are not my art. Why would I "whip up" something for you? What do I stand to gain from it? For the most part /ic/ hopelessly fails to understand what art actually is and sincerely believes by wanking "fundamentals" they'll get good at making creative art. The two are one and the same.

>> No.6812302

I mean 292
Different anon

>> No.6812304
File: 48 KB, 960x798, 1617107326638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can draw something well but cannot draw an entirely different style well then you are a bad artist
Ah I see

>> No.6812305

Truth doesn't matter to crabs, they're experts at denial and mental gymnastics. In their head it's them vs one samefag and no proof will convince them otherwise. If they have nothing constructive to say, just shit on them

>> No.6812306
File: 92 KB, 700x671, the nest has fallen billions must fly(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in God's name happened to this thread?

>> No.6812308

lurkers didn't add positivity to the thread so crabs reign supreme

>> No.6812310


kneel evermore

>> No.6812315

>only to find that there's barely any decent artists here.
There were, but due to the board getting shitposted to death, overall unprovoked hostility increasing and most other artists only coming here to market themselves, you only see the same autistic people posting here.
Used to post work when was a beg but stopped due to the board just seeming full of bad actors.

>> No.6812317
File: 2.65 MB, 320x214, 1688225512939840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to be autistic to post/draw this
>Proceeds to be the most autistic person in the thread.
>A No draw
>Lets his biases be the basis of get his """criticism""".

>> No.6812320

>overall unprovoked hostility
I have lurked here for 5 years and have stopped posting my work because the amount of actual aspires here who have so much unprovoked anger about art that is not *exactly* the kind of art they like is insane
I see it happen all the time

>> No.6812322

>Comparing oranges to apples
An art field doesnt develop the same way an engineering field, faggot.
>Accounting time to learning skill
Everyone advances at their own pace, some faster than others, that is literally how art fields work, faggot.
>Still shitting and generalizing on people's art while not posting his work
It's easy to talk shit while hiding yourself, but the truth here is that you're nothing more than a worthless, whiny FAGGOT.

You know, while I dont disagee, if there's something I learned over the last few years is that you dont have to be an expert to be a great artist, you can strive for being good at your own way of doing things and there's nothing wrong with it (unless your goal is to master art as a whole). Sure someone that strives to master art will always be better in terms of skill than someone who solely dedicates to mastering their art style, and you're still in need to grind your fundies if you're intending to create something of actual artistic value with your art style, but at the end, as long as your goal takes you where YOU want it to take you, whether it's mastering arts or mastering your art style, then does it really matter who is right or wrong?

>> No.6812327

I saw that too a lot throughout the years lurking here.
In my opinion, the decline really started taking shape when the generals became a place to hang out and the same people sucking each other off for clout or just people shitting on anyone posting some light critique or not belonging in the "inner circles".
And also when the average user on this board became the stereotypical twitter tard bringing their shitty mentality and habit over here.

>> No.6812328

Good artists just don't want to post their work next to pregnant dick-nipples sonic, sfw board would increase quality drastically

>> No.6812332
File: 64 KB, 790x790, 08301700-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think sometimes the people who think the art here is /beg/really forget everyone IRL's art ability is literally this level until they buckle down and practice quite a lot.
The crabs are actually ruining this board and I am not sure what they get out of spreading so much shitty negativity to artists here

>> No.6812335

>sfw board would increase quality
We had these type of discussions already. It wouldn't really do that because by studying anatomy and practicing bodies, you can't have it be a blue board.
You're going to have the opposite effect of that, and instead of bettering the board, more tourists will come here and fuck shit up.

>> No.6812363

You cannot understand fundamentals without understanding the human body, which requires drawing nudes. That in and of itself kills any chance of a blue board.

>> No.6812367

Yeah. Anons would be shocked at what's impressive to normies

>> No.6812370

Sorry don't have one. I don't plan on ever doing commissions so I never felt the need to create one

>> No.6812375

too retarded to even engage with
> creative art
You draw anime girls , badly, shut the fuck up, you're disgusting

>> No.6812378

>Used to post work when was a beg
PYW. If you're claiming you are above beg, then spend 60 seconds sketching something to prove it.
If you cant, ur still beg

>> No.6812381

> actual aspires here who have so much unprovoked anger about art that is not *exactly* the kind of art they like is insane

Deviant art tier fetish artist with a learning disability

>> No.6812386

> you can strive for being good at your own way of doing things
> something of actual artistic value with your art style

Another deviant art retard who uses "style" to mask the fact that he draws like a 12 year old


>> No.6812387

We need to go back to FZD and Ruan Jia worship

>> No.6812392

>Good artists just don't want to post their work
What work ?
A good artist can whip up a figure sketch to show they know anatomy proportions and perspective in 5 minutes or less.
Or just post a 2 minute gesture drawing.
You anime fags do atleast do timed gesture drawings right ?
No ? Just copying art off boruus and adding accessories to your OCs ? Thats the only practice you do ?

>> No.6812393

Who cares about normies ?
Chess players dont judge how good they are at chess relative to people who DONT PLAY CHESS

>> No.6812406
File: 2.24 MB, 4000x3000, 20230825_171439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into drawing seriously only 3 months ago, started trying to learn anatomy 1.5 months ago. This is where i got fucking around with anatomy(pls crit and redline) from scratch. Send help

>> No.6812408

Nta but there is a clear distinction between figure nudes and porn but drawing that line would require actual curation and moderation which would never happen on 4chan but pornographic works frequently get turned down from irl galleries where it doesn’t meet the tone

>> No.6812418

>all this bitterness
You don't like art, you obviously can't make art, so why are you here? To frustrate yourself, to shitpost?
No one has the answer for you. It will never suddenly make sense. The issue is within.

>> No.6812431

>You don't like art
I dont like that garbage that you do and call art
I fucking love art
You are not making art tho
You're just exercising your autism

>> No.6812437

>I got into drawing seriously only 3 months ago, started trying to learn anatomy 1.5 months ago.

What did you draw for the first 1.5 months before learning *anime* anatomy ?
I assume you still just drew anime, but even worse ?

>> No.6812444

Why don't you post your own work, big talker? Set a good example

>> No.6812449

post your “work”
you won’t, now sit down

>> No.6812451
File: 3.10 MB, 4624x3468, 20230701_184646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh random animals and rocks.

>> No.6812453
File: 884 KB, 1845x3474, 20230615_151917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh a squid

>> No.6812456

Ok this guy passes
You have earned the right to continue drawing anime without feeling shame

>> No.6812459
File: 1.75 MB, 2663x3598, 20230619_113636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crunchy thing

>> No.6812462

But i wanted critique and a redline

>> No.6812464

>I'm totally not mentally ill btw

>> No.6812474

>earned the right
What authority do you have again?

>> No.6812478

I foresee a new schizo stalking this board.

>> No.6812483

>he only read what he wanted to read
>he literally cropped the part where I said stylization artists still need to grind fundies
Actual retardation. Not giving you the (You)

>> No.6812500

I forsee at least two.
There has been some weirdo bitching and whining at people for making stylized art and using namecalls that go along the lines of "OC", "Deviantart", "Anime", and the like. And that is without mentioning the one schizo calling everyone and their mothers beg or not good artists for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.6812506


>> No.6812508

I thought they were one and the same.

>> No.6812513

what makes you think? Im actually the one calling the whiny schizo out lol

>> No.6812514
File: 28 KB, 559x339, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he took the "draw this, before you can draw this" meme seriously
Is there a bigger NGMI filter in visual art?

>> No.6812527

>implying no one knows how these posts play out
>implying it matters
This is tiring
check any blue board like /v/ and /vg/ as an example and see how there is virtually no real difference between the content being posted there and here.
On blue boards it's even spammed more.
If you go on /co/ right now there are a few thinly veiled coom threads up, since shitposters on this board don't just spam this board alone.

>> No.6812542

You're confident you're not a beg but too afraid to post a sketch to prove it ?

>> No.6812548


I praised that guy for his sketches of a rock, squid, and shrimp. Hes been drawing for 3 months.
If you're implying that im going to shit on your work no matter what, ive already proven otherwise
Im not trying to tear people down but most of you are just fucking delusional if not actually developmentally challenged

>> No.6812552

Im not shitting on people for being BAD at art, being bad at art is the first step for being good
Im shitting on people who convince themselves that they are good when they're not
And who are using learning techniques that are completely stupid and inefficient when better advice exists and is easily available
And these people go around saying things like "construction is a beg trap"
Its the fucking disgusting level of intellectual incompetence that im upset about
"construction is a beg trap guy" gets to fucking vote

>> No.6812566

Here is how it's going to play it
>post a sketch or a doodle
>"it's bad and you're a beg"
>"you didn't actually draw it in 60 seconds"
>some other bullshit
>some other shitpost
>"subject matter bad"
This board has used up all the good faith it had, if it ever had some.
It's only going to get used to derail the thread even further.
>but i'm going to praise you
Kind of irrelevant and actually makes you obvious that you're fishing for something.

That you can be confident you can tell the actual skill of someone by a 60 second sketch made for the purpose of "proving" anything on an anonymous board, tell you're being retarded on purpose.
>still trying to imply
If i was one of your namefagging discord friend shitposter i wouldn't say these things in the first place since it would go against my interests.
Lurk more.

>> No.6812575


>If i was one of your namefagging discord friend shitposter i wouldn't say these things in the first place since it would go against my interests.

I have, absolutely, no fucking clue what the fuck this sentence means. Seriously, at all, i cannot derive meaning from this sentence, what are you trying to communicate ?

And i think discord is one of the worst things to ever happen to the internet because it ruins the searchability of information that forums had

>Here is how it's going to play it
>post a sketch or a doodle
>"it's bad and you're a beg"
>This board has used up all the good faith it had, if it ever had some.

Like i said i already proved otherwise, i praised the other guy for his sketches. So if thats your only reason for not posting a sketch, whats the issue ?

>> No.6812580

Again man, why the fuck are you so confidently stating you're not a beg. If its so anxiety inducing for you to post one of your throw away gesture drawings to show you know a little something
You do HAVE throw away gesture drawings right anon ?
Maybe some intersecting 3d forms in perspective, you've done such a thing before right ? Mr im not a beg ?

>> No.6812583

>incessantly asking for others to prove themselves
>proves himself by praising others
Are you going to post your work?
Draw me a crab with a baseball hat smoking a cigar.

>> No.6812595

Im not the one claiming to not be a beg.
I AM a beg.
You claim to be int, but really, that just means ur satisfied with ur shitty anime art style

>> No.6812606


>> No.6812615

/ic/ is largely a waste of time nowadays, isn't it?

>> No.6812624

Begs shouldn't be so opinionated about their advice. When you get good you will cringe about it. Also begs don't know any better and need to stay flexible and open to new ideas lest they get stuck in a dead end approach

>> No.6812626

No, but replying to you is.

>> No.6812632

then stay here and rot

>> No.6812634

If you have humility and post an accurate representation of your skill level (not a drawing you spent a forsaken amount of hours on) there is always solid advice being given. Ic also shares the best resources
At the same time most of us are mentally ill begs copying other mentally ill begs and failing
Artists come here and get good and leave all the time but they draw consistently
Begs are constantly fighting about the best way when any way could work if you just draw enough, as in 1000+ drawings

>> No.6812652


>> No.6812662
File: 3.51 MB, 4573x3310, 20230825_224317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every art journey is different, this whole debate makes no sense because it's individual and completely subjective aaccording to each individual.

I drew boxes but I never knew about drawabox or any of these internet fad tutorials.

The information is there, how well you can use it to learn deoends on your own ability to understandnit use it accordingly.

Also, in this context it doesn't make sense to post a still character doing a pose woth no background, it doesn't tell much about the artists understanding of different fields like movement, symbolism, composition, camera angles, emotions, consistency etc.
Post full scenes or something.

I first started drawing in prison when I was 18, now I'm 23.

I think that my artistic influences are mostly subconaciously developed.

I came up with my own approach to learning by mapping my goals and personal preferences.

I learnt through self experimenting and I found some old art books in a library, never used the internet.
I've always had trouble finding good resources online because the way it works here is that you get bombarded by what's popular and recommended but when you go to a library you have to find a book that you like and see for yourself.
The first book in your hand might be the least popular for all you know.

Also I think that social media fucka up the way the process visual information and easily seek validation from completely irrelevant things.

Drawing is a very personal thing, when you give yourself in to a collective you get inflienced and watered down to whatever you're bombarded with from other people.
Circlejerking kills art.

Other people can tell you what should be improved in your art but nobody can tell you how to do it, your brain is a filter for information and some brains are full of big holes.

Here's a comic page wip

>> No.6812663
File: 3.58 MB, 3307x2338, IMG_20211102_164127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one, I don't have any recent clean ones.

>> No.6812666
File: 3.76 MB, 2338x3306, IMG_20211001_114535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphic design, I made this advert poster for a rock concert.
It was the first time I ever tried colouring, I don't see the point in learn the technical side of colouring because I can just hire a colourist if I want to.

>> No.6812669
File: 2.08 MB, 4960x3507, SKM_C227_Ke23062120510_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough sketch.

I can't draw without specific technical tools, I have a drawing board that is meant for technical drawing.

Wothout a background my perspective gets wonky and shitty but I don't mind because that's not what I'm going for.

My skills are very inconsistent, I only decided to learn what I know I will use for what I want to draw.
I'm not versatile at all.

>> No.6812670

Didn't earn it, try harder

>> No.6812671
File: 3.32 MB, 4608x3456, 20230825_233440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I draw without a backround and boxes I just go full symbol drawing or distortions.

>> No.6812673

Good stuff, you claim not to be versatile but your workarounds prove that you're capable of getting what you want out of your work whatever means necessary.

>> No.6812674

I don't care, I'm perfectly satisfied and comfortable with the way I draw.
Your standards don't apply to me.

>> No.6812970
File: 133 KB, 960x963, Screenshot_20230819_091639_Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw NO REPLIES,just shitters barking(didnt even pyw).

>> No.6812974
File: 3 KB, 48x42, 910109602367016970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "decent"

>> No.6812976

I'm a beg so I cant give critique but even without it I still think you're doing good. Just focusing on quantity of drawings, even if they get uglier, is good because things will start making sense to you as you just draw them alot

>> No.6812995
File: 5 KB, 48x48, 909219512463802378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill yourself
Holy based

>> No.6813419

This... this is the power of "just draw"!
Btw,how much time did you spend to be able to draw the bottom one?

>> No.6814546


>> No.6814594

Lovely work anon, got a blog?

>> No.6814711

uh my eyes are attached horizontally, so its hard to tell whats goin on here

>> No.6814724
File: 1.11 MB, 1241x3541, cong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time period
Two and a half years and a bit.

>How'd you start
Bridgman. Speedread the first few pages of Loomis about a year later. Never did finish any art book. Don't plan to. Whenever I saw something I'd like, I'd try to draw like it. Whenever I got an image in my head, I'd try to put it on paper. I wasn't satisfied. I don't think I ever will be. But that's what keeps me improving

I draw every day. I draw one thing to completion, every day, even if that means rushing it. This means that I'm able to do a lot more when I finally sit down and decide to spend a few days on something.
I don't post most of the shit I draw. What I do is mostly fanart. I wouldn't be surprised if people thought I was only a fanartist, and only for their one very specific general.

>> No.6814732
File: 30 KB, 350x350, bb5723556c129c9c648a86d7c3a1c151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like looking at a star!
Please. What construction method do you use?
Allow me to bathe in your wisdom

>> No.6814734

Damn anon this looks really nice
You have a blog by any chance?
Also I'm trying to learn a lot from good artists such as yourself, so what construction method is your go to?

>> No.6814738
File: 34 KB, 170x130, kaguya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to 4chan I guess
can't have shit in here
and they complain about discord...

>> No.6814746

5 minutes, but it's a silly drawing. I usually take longer to draw stuff that I actually care about.
I only share warm up sketches or anything too ugly to be posted on my twitter, don't want my account to be associated to this site lol

>> No.6814750

But there is no art competition? Compare art to cooking, not to playing chess, art is not a sport.

>> No.6814756

Art is absolutely a competition lmao.
People have finite time and attention to give. If you suck then you will get no money, no attention, no nothing.

>> No.6814760

>If you suck then you will get no money, no attention, no nothing
Well yeah, but if you suck more than a pro artist, that does not mean that normies will not like your art. Art exists outside of competition, it doesn't matter if you're worse than X artist, what matters is that your work attracts normies, this is not the same as chess where if you're worse than X chess player, than yeah, you will get fucked, because chess is a sport ultimately.

>> No.6814761

Also, it is extremely hard to define "worse" in art.

>> No.6814765
File: 40 KB, 299x368, Bleach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of my learning process is pure trail and error because I despise looking things up and only do so if I hit an impassable roadblock or need reference material this is the reason it took me 5 to 6 months to learn how basic layers worked when I switched from trad to digital.
while this is an extremely slow learning process you do actually get to express your creativity and not just copy what the best 20% of artist do it's honestly quite fun and once you get the ropes on basic construction and anatomy you start to snowball in terms of skill.

>> No.6814778

Nonono, i meant how much time did you spend to be ABLE to draw like that? Like, i spent 1.5 months to draw low /beg/ anatomy.

>> No.6814788

>90% of my learning process is pure trail and error because I despise looking things up

The hallmark of a truly stupid person is this sort of Pride in avoiding education.
If you're only like that about art, you're still just as retarded because you think art is some spiritual thing that is tainted by learning from the thousands of years of progress made in the field
You don't even know what you're missing
This is a sad and honestly disgusting mindset for a human to have, much less be proud of

>> No.6814791


>> No.6814796
File: 251 KB, 1285x1036, 8AD8CF76-98B2-4907-883C-5591A795EFA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cliche but i learned my skills from anime
ive been drawing since childhood
also yes this is ice age fanart lol

>> No.6814798

>The hallmark of a truly stupid person is this sort of Pride in avoiding education.
it's a mixture of pride laziness and autism anon I know it's bad so I recently took steps to curb this behaviour somewhat as a result I finally learned how to work with layers on krita and I actually started to read my horde of art books lying on my shelf we all have flaws and you can only grow by recognizing them and correcting the mistakes.

>> No.6815016
File: 34 KB, 283x630, Untitled32_20220811013010~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing how to do something is only legitimate if someone teaches you

so how did anyone ever figure out how to do anything for the first time? brainlet

>> No.6815116

Yes, but I don't want money, and attention is a matter of luck.

>> No.6815265

There's a faggot itt crabbing everyone so take critique with a grain of salt. There's nothing wrong with a trial and error approach to learning, at some point your curiosity and awareness will expand and you won't be thinking so much about this, some artists only observe at real life (without drawing) and get a decent idea of what and how to draw it, with the more ideal case being still lifes, you can always try both. It's just good to know where to look to when in doubt, but having an organic approach helps with not getting burned out. Give this a watch, feeling guilty about forcing yourself into things just because that's the supposed way to do it isn't really that helpful, especially if you introduce guilt or some extra anxiety into it, it tends to make things harder for yourself.

>> No.6815306

thanks for the advice anon I think in hindsight the reason I used to find it so difficult to watch/read guides is because I was afraid to fail and couldn't stand seeing people mogging me in skill.
honestly going to /beg/ threads helped a lot with understanding that everybody's starts NGMI tier.

>> No.6816593
File: 2.75 MB, 3072x4824, peepeepoopoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started learning around art around october 2019 and started trying digital in 2020.
I'll repost an image I used in other thread

>> No.6816637
File: 562 KB, 1728x1464, stalkerslasttour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20, been drawing since i was a little babby, mostly drew inspiration from western comics and shows when i started out then branched out more into manga type stuff in high school. still learning to color. i watch some guides every now and then but mostly just trial and error through sketches

>> No.6816646
File: 582 KB, 2100x2700, LainIwakura3b (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really got into coloring when I was still doing trad though so I've been trying to make up for it by watching videos on color theory and stuff

>> No.6816659
File: 122 KB, 844x911, slowc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said in my comment, I did a lot of gesture drawings and got really familiar with the different forms in the body. I use whatever helps me see the form that I'm trying to draw in its simplest form in that specific pose. Sometimes I might use a square for the hips, other times I might use a circles or just draw the lines.

For the head, as I said, I learned using Loomis book. I don't use guidelines unless I'm having problem with the angle of the head.

For anime style, trying to use the same rules as Loomis makes everything look weird or, in the best case, like an adult, so I just draw anime girls/young characters thinking of the head as a low poly nendoroid (right example).

The best you can do is draw and fail a lot, that why you'll come up with your own rules and shortcuts

>> No.6816755

congratulations for your progress anon! do you have a blog? i'd really love to see more of your art.

>> No.6816900


Thank you!
I do, but I don't want my main accounts to be associated with this site. I just share my ugliest stuff that I won't share anywhere else

>> No.6816904

really like that

>> No.6818650

This looks so cool
Changing the color of the lineart would make it even better

>> No.6818934
File: 91 KB, 730x960, FB_IMG_1670182452150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started out on 4chan, deviant art, and concept art years ago. I was the brunt of everyone's jokes. I became a meme. I left the forums. Started to grind. Now I am back and better. Currently, I am the best on 4chan. I do real art...not anime.

>> No.6819242
File: 1001 KB, 1086x1809, Loomisfags hate this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me how you learned to draw

Just trace.
Disney did it
Zone archive does.
Why you not?

The drawing elites don’t want you to know this but you can get pic related with tracing and is free. You can trace in home and jerk off with your our drawings. I have 458 traced drawings.

>> No.6819249

First all that's not a question, and yes I remember you, no you are not the best on 4chan, yes you have improved

>> No.6819272

That is a very cool monster at the top. Bali inspired?

>> No.6819489

Awesome! I love how lively it looks. What was your time frame for those things, how long and in what frequency did you do it?

>> No.6819501

Oh god she looks undead,this is kind of horrifying anon

>> No.6819543
File: 173 KB, 848x1199, FogVz7HWIAAAzkP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was a ADHD kid who couldn't sit still. Only for art for some reason drew a shit tone got told to do art class so I did. 'I refused to practise literally zero attention span some how got high grades darwing what ever the fuck i wanted.

got told to go into consept art in college"uk" so did. 'Cuntuned to refuse to practise and darw what I felt like' somehow passed with mid-high grade.

got told to go to uni so I did. realised I would actually have to practise and darw what
people wanted.

Realised consept art is a dead job

Dropped out
Been working a job and working on a comic 'I won't ever finish it I haven't learned my lesson'

still refuse to practise like a retard

also started drawing furrys at some point in uni????

>> No.6819544
File: 137 KB, 831x1200, FogVz7FXwAECD0n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.6819581 [DELETED] 

bbpanzu ahh drawing

>> No.6819616

Well good to know what not to do

>> No.6819919
File: 723 KB, 1612x1326, 1st.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are frankly many useless posts in this thread that are just vague allusions to "practice" and "studying". I know most artists aren't very analytical, so allow me to do an actual analysis of my important breakthroughs and revelations as an artist.

1st breakthrough: Sketching lightly at age 6, after seeing my cousin draw some sneakers. I sporadically created maybe a dozen photo copies (eagles & Gundams) in the 3-4 years since.
I stopped drawing from then on until the last 2 years of middle school, where I'd filled around 3 sketchbooks worth of anime girls from imagination exclusively during class with no references to speak of. I rarely ever drew at home nor did I really reflect upon my shitty doodles, so needless to say I didn't improve much between those years.

2nd breakthrough: I picked up drawing again after an over-half-decade hiatus for reals in 2020, putting myself towards basic fundies like construction and perspective courtesy of /ic/. At this point, it took me a few days to create finished line work.

3rd breakthrough: 2020.6, I finally understood gesture, or FORCE, as I kinda sorta learned from Mattesi. I quite literally broke my figures free of the box, and made them much more fluid while incorporating foreshortening in a snap. Cue consistent practice from imagination until 2020.10. Here, a mannikin in 2 hours, a half-finished sketch in a day.

4th breakthrough: Picking up from the last hiatus in 2021.4, I made a few personal observations on flexibility/movement range of various joints, which also coincidentally segued into Bammes who deals heavily with the skeleton. He was immensely helpful in solidifying my proportions and construction, which I still relied on extensively at that time. Here, I made finished linework within a day.

5th breakthrough: Took a stab at KJG-like "direct-drawing" (no undersketch/construction, from imagination) in 2021.12. It worked out OK, and doing it well has become my obsession ever since.

>> No.6819925
File: 1.12 MB, 1860x920, 2nd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My approach to direct-drawing here was basically just naive drawing. I imagined something (often repeatedly, as these are difficult to hold) and placed down marks where I felt right, easing up as a more complete image formed. Time varied wildly and often correlated with quality, so I cannot say.

Nothing noteworthy in 2022, just slow progress. At my high point, I maintained one finished linework within a day, albeit with better quality and complexity than previously.

6th breakthrough:
2023.2, Keys to Drawing. Retracing, going back to your roots is going to be a common theme from hereon out. Doing observative contour studies of figures and adopting shapes as a philosophy lit a spark in me, allowing me to draw even more fluidly. Here, I can create fairly complete, constructed sketches within an hour.

7th breakthrough:
2023.7, I took up the aforementioned direct-drawing again, but with a different approach emphasizing shapes. Imagining things as usual, I would try to break down images into shapes and draw them in parts like so. Depending on quality and complexity again, I would take between 30 min to 2 hours for a sketch. However, a glaring flaw was that I absolutely could not draw a nude figure this way, only heavily clothed ones as they were easier to bullshit symbols with.

>> No.6819930
File: 907 KB, 2109x1301, 3rd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noting the inadequacies in the previous breakthrough, as well as continued difficulties with anatomy at certain angles (It's a lifelong pursuit, mom), I went back to very basic, Hampton-like construction, which at this point I could shit out for any pose & angle imaginable in 5 minutes. Wrapping the figure the figure with flesh and clothes afterwards was shockingly facile, and they weren't as stiff as I'd expected. I could create something close to finished linework within an hour.

8th breakthrough: PRESENT DAY (literally today). As helpful as that is production-wise, I still want to be KJG. I want it so fucking bad. It's all that drives me. So I tried something different again. Instead of imagining a finished piece that had no chance in hell of making it onto the canvas, I would instead imagine a Hampton mannikin and IMPOSE IT onto the screen, part by part. I dedicate most of my concentration onto the imaginary guide, and allow my subconscious to work through the actual drawing on top, rather than the other way around. And voila, I directly drew a convincing nude figure in 15 minutes. But it's only the first attempt, and I'd broken my taboo of using a thick brush, so we'll see if it was just a fluke or not.

Unlike the mix prior, everything in this collage is directly-drawn.


>> No.6820181

Im exactly the opposite of what an artist should do.

>> No.6820326

>then someone asks you to draw something for them irl

>> No.6820334

Nah I saw a lot of Chinese and Japanese dragon faces then made this

>> No.6820340

Youre not the real illastrat

>> No.6820353

holy dunning kruger

>> No.6820363
File: 61 KB, 550x750, 1682718567323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to me, trash. You're dumber than a rock.

>> No.6820381

This poster single-handdedly convinced me that loli artists are mentally ill

>> No.6820474
File: 323 KB, 1220x1394, IMG_5992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent stuff, I started at 24 and I just turned 26, mostly I copy @nikingply and try to do lines like his, I haven’t done much on books yet I did a little of FWAP. I’m trying to get better at coloring rn but it’s difficult

>> No.6820480
File: 898 KB, 1080x1325, 1659026445383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The embodiment of good taste - loves beauty and the truth. Aesthetics being more fundamental than any fundamental.
>mentally ill
Obsessed, driven, and wholly internalized. Constant self-dissatisfaction and powerful metacognition always propels him forward in innovative ways.

>> No.6820830

>>mentally ill
>Obsessed, driven, and wholly internalized. Constant self-dissatisfaction and powerful metacognition always propels him forward in innovative ways.
Okay I do agree with you on the mentally ill part
I am a mentally ill literal autist and that is what made me keep drawing until I got good
But if you let people see you are mentally ill (mostly crabbing in the form of over-talking about your own greatness) people hate that and will find reasons to ostracize you if they can
Be careful not to become hated for that reason
I think your work like >>6820474 is pretty great for instance, especially if you learn to color well

>> No.6820842

Can you share your knowledge on how to make your full body figures not look flat? you're so good at conveying form!

>> No.6820866
File: 131 KB, 1080x1490, FB_IMG_1650472474844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm not the real illastrat, who am I? And, how did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.6820870 [DELETED] 
File: 2.35 MB, 1668x2388, IMG_5996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I’m glad you at that cause I always feel like I lose volume when I go from sketch to lineart. Only method I use is I draw them inside a box and try to imagine how they’d look as a 3d figure inside it

>> No.6821324

>someone actually effortposts about their progress
>"m-mentally ill!"

>> No.6821328
File: 368 KB, 1242x696, ges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to bombard you with questions

But where did you learn to do your gesture?

I've been doing hampton and the results are...less than desirable XD

>> No.6821555
File: 99 KB, 328x511, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started when I was like 5-6 yrs old. I loved power rangers and I drew one, it was pretty shitty but damn it blew my mind that I could do that.
And since I'm not confident in my abilities I think this will end here.

>> No.6821631

that's what happens when you're the only one who pyw to a general, they get a really big head

>> No.6821655
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1686073146865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off of my dick, dumb fucking cunt. Do I even know you? In any case, the issue is definitely not my apparent boastfulness. If you smell shit, maybe check your own shoes.

>> No.6821670

chill dog, I'm just making an observation over looking over the /lsg/ general. I have no qualms with your work, it just speaks volumes of your peers in that general that don't actually draw, which seems to directly affect your perception of yourself even though you were crying about not getting the reception you desired in twatter.

>> No.6821682

i love your style, the coloring is very cool

>> No.6821700

If you don't mind me asking, who'd you study for figure drawing? I started taking art seriously at the same age and my stuff still looks like shit.

My art, essentially, started from ground zero (childhood style).

Plz, no.
It's not ass-awful, but I'm embarrassed. And my art is recognizable.

>> No.6821701
File: 91 KB, 965x1080, 1639875707457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a clouded perception. I'm harsher and more objective than anyone else, as that's extremely crucial for improvement. You'd also be angry too if you could see past social media clout to the crux of their work. There's nothing I hate more than undeserving hacks and their whole shitty game. But don't make it about me. Plenty of other artists deserve more traction than their talentless hack peers as well.

>> No.6821743
File: 177 KB, 606x860, ct2gwj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 minutes. Trying to become even a fraction of KJG is all that matters. Everything else is bullshit hackery. Clearly I was speaking in angelic tongue earlier, but I hope you will understand someday. The world needs to be cleansed of ugly under-sketches. They are all frauds.

>> No.6821811
File: 49 KB, 972x691, c314a702480d0aadf7c12e11702b7b88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I just try to imagine them as 3d figures while im drawing. It gets easier to make them less flat when I visualize the screen as a 3d space I'm drawing inside rather than a 2d plane, sometimes drawing a box around the character helps to visualize it like picrel

90% @nikingply. I try to copy the shapes he uses to make bodies for his characters. It's trial and error though I tried copying some other artists like @BacunNG and @scott_malin but it didn't work as well, it takes a bit to shop around for an artist who's style seems to click. I haven't tried figure drawing much but I want to, I'm hitting a point where I'm having trouble making stuff dynamic and I think that would help

>> No.6821814

hey if it works for you to drive you to improve, good for you. I still think you should take your meds though.

>> No.6821839 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 900x1280, 8526319c-3174-4247-8e74-052afdba7241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn... I went the figure drawing route right-off-the-bat because I want a style like picrel, so I feel like I'm struggling all the time since. Trying to break out of stiff poses by re-learning gesture and loads of real life figure studies.

I can definitely see the nikingply study paid off-- easy to see it in your artwork!

But thank you very much, fren! Appreciate the help!

>> No.6821844
File: 366 KB, 900x1280, 8526319c-3174-4247-8e74-052afdba7241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn... I went the figure drawing route right-off-the-bat, so I feel like I'm struggling all the time since I want a style like picrel. Trying to break out of stiff poses by re-learning gesture and loads of real life figure studies.

I can definitely see the nikingply study paid off-- easy to see it in your artwork! (Unironically your poses are far cleaner and more fluid-looking than what I'm able to produce).

But thank you very much, fren! Appreciate the help!

>> No.6821850
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, 1504570207942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't care less about that shit unless some retarded simp or tranny starts cruising for a bruising on a board about personal work. Still, I'm talking techniques for divine evocation and yet this is all you fucking idiots can blather about. Is this what the right tail-end of Dunning Kruger feels like? Someone better at baiting needs to bring back the 'constructoid' thread...

>> No.6821935
File: 9 KB, 130x185, 1617775949445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you are annoying
Holy shit

>> No.6821941
File: 134 KB, 1280x1432, 1487444499511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then don't fucking talk about worthless topics, shit for brains. I'm always getting the last word no matter what. Play stupid games, I'll give you stupid prizes.

>> No.6821955

NTAs but I really like your work. You're one of my favorite artists on /ic/. Did you mostly just copy from him and started making stuff on your own? What else did you do too if you don't mind me asking?

Also where'd you get that pic from @nikingply? >>6821811 does he post any of his practice poses anywhere?

>> No.6821959

I am not anyone you replied to previously though, I just am a passerby

>> No.6821980

Indeed the most efficient, I'm good at copying things 1:1, I remember how I improved quickly doing this.
pity I have no motivation these days

>> No.6822028
File: 1.44 MB, 1366x913, Screenshot 2023-08-31 193314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my progress, my most recent (and best in my opinion) completed artworks. I started drawing ever since I could hold a pencil, in primary and secondary school I was not drawing anything serious and I had no idea that you actually have to learn art so it was REALLY BAD and I hate looking at my drawings from that time period (but I know that feeling cringe towards old drawings means I've improved). Then when I was around 15 I gained (more) consciousness I realized I actually had to actually use references and do studies or I'd never learn properly, it continued, at around 16ish I started doing legitimate studies and copying the old masters.

>> No.6822030

Apologies for horribly typing this out, I should have proofread myself

>> No.6822034
File: 81 KB, 629x446, 1654511866873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drooling retard all the same. Nobody wants to discuss the metacognition of drawing or unravel their intuitions or anything beyond the most basic obvious shit because you're all too fucking dumb. So I'll just shitpost instead. To think the sole drawing forum remaining in the world only amounts to this...

>> No.6822302

Wtf thank you!! No the picture is just something I pulled off Google, I was just trying to show what I was talking about with the char in a box. Nikingply posts some pose practices like picrel to his twitter, he doesnt post the sketches though which makes them hard to practice off. Only thing I do is keep one of his drawings nearby while I draw my own thing, then every so often I'll compare my drawing to his to see what I need to do better. I just draw my own stuff but try to inch more towards his overtime. Only thing I do otherwise is doodle before drawing just to warm up. I don't study the construction or perspective but I keep them in mind and try to get better at them as concepts while I draw

>> No.6822303
File: 1.96 MB, 3193x1961, 20230831_193447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach @nikingply's pose practices

>> No.6822446

I really like your style and how clean your stuff is! you're definitely one of my favorite artists on here.
>Only thing I do is keep one of his drawings nearby while I draw my own thing, then every so often I'll compare my drawing to his to see what I need to do better. I just draw my own stuff but try to inch more towards his overtime.
This is really really helpful advice anon! Gonna screen cap it too.
Thank you so much on your detailed response!

>> No.6824452
File: 1.41 MB, 3836x3852, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't really "learned" gesture. The only think that you can learn is that gesture is more about the movement/force rather than form. It doesn't matter if your proportions look weird, what's important is that you express the pose and its movement.

Try exaggerating the pose. In your drawings it seems as if you were afraid of going "too" wild, but if you are afraid of exaggerating the pose, you won't know how far you can go without it looking bad.

Honestly, don't think too much when you are doing gestures. Once you finish your drawing session, check if you could have pushed more the pose or not. That's all.
For me, gesture drawing was more about getting mileage rather than getting better.
There is this stupid saying "We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us. The sooner we get them out the better." and I live by that. While searching for old drawings, I can see more than 10 files, each with +600 layers with a gesture drawing in them. So, yeah, just practice a lot.

The image has random gesture drawings going from 2020 to 2023. As you can see, I suck, but I got better at capturing the movemente with few lines.

Hope it helps!

>> No.6824454

I forgot to say this are all 30sec gestures.