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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 26 KB, 1000x707, ONE MEAL A DAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6802863 No.6802863 [Reply] [Original]

One Meal A Day is the ultimate art pill.
You eat at about 10/10:30 pm until 11/11:30 pm
3000 calories and 2 grams of protein for each kg you weigh .
I eat this much cause I also train, BUT, I started doing this because eating right after I come back from work and also at about 9 pm, to each time digest and be full takes too much time and it even deprives you of energy, yes, deprives, it always ended up in me procrastinating and putting in about 1 scarce hour of drawing.
Now, 2 days in I am on fire, I come back home at about 5:30/6 pm and chill for about one good hour if I am tired, then as soon as 7 hits the fan I start drawing, 3 hours non stop, the hunger fuels my will.
I'm writing this as I am breaking the fast, now that I am already digesting I feel kind of heavy and more laid back, not really willing to put much time into drawing at all, gonna read a book and go to sleep.

also fasting is good as fuck for you, bros, this is the revolution.

>> No.6802871

>2 days in
when you've been doing it for 6 months straight come back and let's see if you are still doing it

>> No.6802884

ok, screencapped

>> No.6802904

been doing it for years, even before it became a thing on social media, since that's just what I naturally preferred doing.
It isn't a magic pill, it's nice to not go to sleep while still digesting food, but that heavily depends on what you eat and when you eat in the first place.
When you eat a heavy meal that's 2000kcal+, you're gonna feel it for a long time, and obviously if you over eat your still going to get fatter.
Other than that, still being depressed and all that jazz, since surprisingly, it's never that simple and it's almost never (just) the diet but a compound of factors causing your problems.
Do it still if helps you, personally not having to think about food for the rest of the day is enough of a benefit for me.

>> No.6802910

>Not doing GOMAD

>> No.6802943
File: 311 KB, 449x388, 154874813564646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want the secret to lose weight
>drop sugary carbs entirely
>don't eat wheat products
>only eat when you're hungry
>if you want something sweet eat dark chocolate
Lost 30kg in 4 months without doing shit, not even walking. Ate maybe 3-4 times a day.

Calories are a fucking lie introduce to sell the "zero calories" shit to retarded normies.
>2 days in
>thinks he found the ultimate secret
Fucking retard.

>> No.6803004


>> No.6803192

I'm doing it for months now
I don't work out but I'm in a decent shape.
It's like amiracle desu

>> No.6803206

I have ate this way for well over a decade. recently gone back to eating breakfast for work and im not gonna lie it's kinda difficult and fucking up my day. i get so tired in the afternoon now

>> No.6803645

>>if you want something sweet eat dark chocolate
It still got a fuckton of calories.

>No wheat
Does that include oatmeal?

>> No.6803996

who gives a fuck about losing weight, you didn't even read what I posted in the OP, I do it for time management, I always used to eat what the fuck I want and had a steady weight since I am not a sedentary lazy retard (unlike you)

>> No.6804003

what about only eating once you complete an illustration?

>> No.6804040

that's retarded

>> No.6804158

>who gives a fuck about losing weight

>learning art often includes live drawing/drawing from observation
>that often means going outside
>being a fat fuck lowers your self-esteem, making it much harder to go outside and draw things and people
>get lean and gain muscle
>now you're someone closer to actual Chad
>higher self-esteem + you can get away with doing mildly weird stuff like urban sketching
>go outside
>make it

>> No.6804243

are you a bot dude?
have you not read the part where I said:
>I always used to eat what the fuck I want and had a steady weight since I am not a sedentary lazy retard (unlike you)
>3000 calories and 2 grams of protein for each kg you weigh .
>I eat this much cause I also train


>> No.6804247

>are you a bot dude?
>have you not read the part
I only cared about the relevant part of the question that others might ask as well.

>> No.6804531

>even before it became a thing on social media
Don't worry, I've invented it independently too, just as many other things. Everything you start doing will already have a silly name online and maybe perhaps even some stupid trends going on.

>> No.6804578

>you didn't even read
Exactly, tripfag.
No one gives a shit about your personal blog.

>> No.6804616


>> No.6804671


>> No.6804721
File: 133 KB, 1024x1024, BFB6433D-26DB-4060-8302-CFF7375DBE68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try this and report back.

honestly i have done weightlifting and survived off “pancakes” made in a blender of cottage cheese (fat) oats (carbs) eggs (protein) + vanilla

then you just fry that shit and it makes pancakes! its pretty awesome and the one recipe im glad i learned from /fit/

i accept ur challenge OP will honestly report back the day after tomorrow

>> No.6805738

cool, I'm on day 4 now

>> No.6805804

>not shown: OP's work
You still dont draw, faggot.

>> No.6805806

*Ok, cap fr

>> No.6805849

hey op, I've got a meal plan for you, eat my ass

>> No.6805918

When do you go to bed? Whenever I tried eating more than 2200 calories in one sitting I get exhausted for several hours afterwards trying to digest it and waste that time anyways. If I could solve this then ya that would be convenient.

>> No.6805954


>> No.6805981

Eat four hours before you go to bed. Do whatever exercise you want. Walking a mile or so, or high intensity. Then go to bed.

>> No.6806175

I’ve been on OMAD for 3 years. With our sedentary lifestyles I’m surprised more people don’t do it

>> No.6806700

The real red pill is eating the exact same thing every day.

>> No.6806784

How many bullshit excuses do you need to make before you allow yourself to simply admit you don't want to fucking draw at all.

>> No.6806791

You legit can't make one finished piece in 3-4 hours?
Nigga what are you doing with your time?

>> No.6806813

no art posted itt


>> No.6806830


The REAL redpill is extended fasting. Look up WW2 POWs and how they developed near photographic memory from lack of food.

Once your body goes into ketosis and switches from carbs to ketones (your own fat) as a more efficient energy source you'll feel a huge difference in mental performance.

>> No.6806926

I practice things I want to get better at, I don't do much finished pieces although they are pretty cool to do.

>> No.6806929

Yeah on day 2 I went to sleep in about 30 minutes of laying on the bed, on day 4 I stayed awake for 2 good hours after laying on it.
BUT keep in mind I have very big trouble going to sleep most of the time.
I switched the eating window from 10 to 11pm to 7 to 8 pm

>> No.6806931

no cap

>> No.6807107

>ketones (your own fat)
What if I don't have my own fat?(45kg total body mass in my 20s)

>> No.6807274

>The REAL redpill is extended fasting.
I've been poor enough that I've done this unintentionally for years and got no superpowers as a result.

>> No.6807311

>3000 calories in 1 meal
>I'm 2 days in

>> No.6807318

I accomplished similar weight loss in a similar time frame while ignoring everything you said, but limiting myself to 2000 calories a day.
a calorie is literally just a unit of energy. fucking retard

>> No.6808446

exercise, if all the benefits of exercise were stuffed into a pill it would be considered a miracle drug

its why so many highly intelligent and successful people have a very consistent exercise schedule, its why exercising out of depression is a real thing, and the list goes on

>> No.6809416
File: 48 KB, 500x500, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 days in

>> No.6809419

why would I care?

>> No.6809532
File: 101 KB, 828x1005, EuteK7RWQAM29LD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl, I gotten pretty confused seeing this on the ic board. But I will give my 2 cents. I personally fast & do omad.

In June I was shocked to see that I was at 317 lbs (@ 6'2).
>For reference, I went from 310-305 at my last job, in at that point.
It came as a shock, considering I didn't eat out after losing my job. And when I did eat, it was from meal prepping lentils, and tuna/fish meals. Seeing I gained 12lbs hit me. So I did fasting, with cardio. And with my short term job as an amazon deliver driver; it was also more cardio to go with the fasting/omad.

Went from 317-297lbs now; from June-August. Aiming to hit 250lbs. And if I'm not lean enough, 215 is the additional goal.
>Ofc, I plan to workout for strength via BW routines, and the two 30lb dumbells I still got.

Longest fast I have reached was 3 day, 72 hrs. Aiming to do 48hr fasts, with the new mail sorting job @ the post office coming up. Also doing a carnivore-(ish) diet.
>Animal products permited, and including fruits, honey, or the meal shake once in a while.
>Even if I didnt have the last 3, I have the key nutiriton electrolyes I take, so it still would not be a fully carnivore diet.

Some pointers to note:
>Calorie track, or keep it 500 calories below your bmr/tdee
>Always have some form of cardio to do. even if you decide to bulk
For fasting,
>Use electrolyes. Even if its epson salt, baking soda, & pink salt, do it.
>When breaking a fast, eat smaller. The gut going from no food, to a sudden high intake of food; will cause refeeding syndrome. And you get diaherra that way.

>> No.6809542

refeeding syndrome happens in longer fasts, 24h is not a problemo

>> No.6810184

This is based and truthpilled.

>> No.6810193

You're a complete fucking schizo, this is a scam that doesn't work for jack shit and you're binding your art progress to some esoteric 'tism ritual just because don't have the discipline to just sit your ass down and draw. Two weeks from now you'll still be eating like shit but will have reverted back to drawing 2 minutes a day.

>> No.6810280

Sorry anon, I'm bulking rn

>> No.6810284

Not really
Literally all that matters is calories in vs calories out.
You will lose weight with a caloric deficit, you will gain weight with a caloric surplus.

>> No.6811102

7 days in, can't hear you, my ketosis is too strong.

>> No.6811186

Ketosis shouldn't make you go deaf, you sure you are ok?

>> No.6811264

Straight up I do this on accident and it fucking sucks. I will not eat until like 8pm and wonder why all my art has shit lines and then I get remember to eat and suddenly my hand is not shaking like a Chinese earthquake.

Seems dumb to do this on purpose.

>> No.6811325

ketosis has nothing to do with omad

>> No.6811405

I've done this. Yeah, there was no drawing or doing any type of art past the 48 hour mark. I've even made 100+ hours and still unable to draw.

Maybe other people can, but I can't.

>> No.6811411

why the fuck are people here so retarded? neither extended fasting nor eating a single meal a day have anything at all do to with a ketogenic diet.

>> No.6811650

Ketosis happens during a fast, but you can enter ketosis without fasting. It is a part of fasting, but it isnt reliant on it.
You can extend ketosis on omad, by eating ketogenic meals such as meat and salads.
its because youre shifting gears from your regular sugar intake to ketons. Takes a while to overcome that hurdle and get used to it.

>> No.6812064

Bitch im 95 pounds. If I do that I will fucking die